#((im up to having multiple threads if you have more muse for one of the other pairs mentioned on the starter!!! but this was the first to-
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bonmotx · 2 years ago
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Idly, he’d hoped not to run into family.  Taking up a western garb helped, keeping his hood carefully down, and surely even his brothers wouldn’t have known that their brother had a different mother- a more... fox wedding sort of mother- if even Ranmaru himself hadn’t, so the odds weren’t too stacked against him, logically, yet...
No. The odds were stacked against him because karma was a bitch.
They would remember him as a sister. They would ask questions. They’d stir up complicated feelings. They might try to argue with his... everything. So, sue him. Ranmaru was a bitchy little coward and he’d admit it. He had wanted to avoid the kind of awkward conversations that would ensue. 
So hurrying down the hall and quite literally stumbling face first into Mori Nagayoshi wasn’t exactly what Ranmaru had hoped for even when he was forced with a confrontation. Stupid brothers, all being bulkier than him...! (Because it can’t be anything but an angry confrontation, can it? They must all hate him. There’s no other option. To be the last, most loyal page, and to have abandoned their lord after death...)
Careful planning especially stood helpless in the way of Nagayoshi.
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The little sprite at his shoulder huffs, as if to say I told you so, me.
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“Brother. It’s... been a while.” Really? That’s the best he can muster? Maybe he should just start taking advantage of a higher Agility stat and book it like a really laughable fool. It’s not too late to run, right? The dramatic tension of the situation really feels lost in the all-too-familiar sensation of being a younger sibling about to be trouble...!
@homeport​! - starter
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prpfz · 6 months ago
🎣 💤 smutfishing. twenty three looking for eighteen plus for some 🪦🕊️ + 🍪 porn w no plot ; including incest, age gaps & beast, somno, non con, breeding & no preg.
looking for someone who wants to do multiple, semi lit (less than 200 words) somewhat rapid fire, dark and smutty threads together. i can dish out a bunch of ideas / starters & we can go from there. wanting to be able to do different dynamics with one person, but no pressure to reply to any one thread, we just reply to the one that has our interest the most at the time. this requires a bit of communication. discord only, i prefer to create the server & no tupper. NO FACECLAIMS whatsoever for these. i want short descriptions only. open to trans and queer characters. willing to play any role in these plots but i would love to switch it up so im not always musing the lead role. ideas include ;
brother x sister x sister
father x daughter ��️
mother x daughter ⭐️
farmhand x hybrid cow girl (mxf)
boy / girl x dog / any animal (mxm, mxf)
boy / girl x tentacle (mxf)
human x fairy ⭐️⭐️ (mxf, mxm)
wolf x fairy ⭐️⭐️ (mxf, mxm)
wolf x bunny ⭐️⭐️ (mxf)
again, i’m looking for someone to do multiple threads with, so more than one or two of these ideas. this will be sort of long term, since we will have different threads to choose from to reply to. if any of this sounds interesting leave a like & i will reach out with more info!
give a like and anon will get back to you
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lgcminnie · 20 days ago
*whisper* jyp .... we're back!
hi everyone <3
i'm going to (safely) assume that twitter's fuckass algorithm made sure that this would mostly be a surprise unless i told you directly and tbh i only told 2 people KAJHDSKJHSAD
[ about ] * [ bio ] * [ timeline ]
anyways my name is ani. the last time i was in lgc was a good...two years ago? two and a half? with baby haeun. well!!!! this is minnie!! a girl with different ambitions than most (i think) so hopefully this adventure would be unique! let me break down some things about minnie / drop some thread or plot ideas. if you wanna get to planning something else, follow me on twitter @ / aniofrp !
goes by minnie or minyoung interchangeably
she's incredibly confident. unwavering confidence that even the scariest of legacy trainers can't break
hope you guys can help my dream of her being lgc's gretchen weiners a reality! tell her all your secrets <3 they're safe in her bobble head
her goal 100% is to be the face of the group. visual is nice, but the real money is if you're the face of a big group
dancing was a talent she didn't uncover until after she started training. in her previous company she thought she was decent at it but she's truly flourished under legacy
that being said she does not list herself amongst the strongest of dancers amongst the legacy trainees. she's delusional to an extent apparently
her primary skill is her vocals - she wouldn't mind being lead (or main) vocalist but would be fine as long as legacy doesn't suddenly tell her to start rapping
she's not sure what direction she wants to go entertainment industry-wise, but she's currently playing around with the idea of mcing!
she's an excellent cook. if she didn't find her love of performing she probably could have went on to become a well-known chef
she often cooks for friends in lieu of presents
in regards to her family, everyone would know about her siblings and dad. she just doesn't bring up her mother
might be a little more on the naive side romantically due to her lack of experience (someone break her heart!)
very into pokemon. like she is a walking pokedex
things labeled "thread" is a one-off thread. "plots" are situations with potential for multiple threads/interactions!
[backdated thread - roommate ] your muse was trying to scrounge up dinner. they're not the best cook but they make due. minyoung recently moved in and is finally settled in to save your muse from ruining dinner
[ plot ] minyoung definitely missed out on the finer things in life. your muse took it upon themself to teach minyoung everything she missed out on!
[ plot ] your muse struck a nerve, mentioning minyoung's mother. now your muse is digging deeper, unable to stop themself from trying to find out more
[ plot ] minyoung has a tendency to talk about minhee like her daughter. now your muse is under the impression that she's a single mom
[ plot ] minyoung's family would have to get really bad copies of movies to entertain themselves when they couldn't afford cable. your muse is the source of minyoung's newfound love of cinema - and her introduction to the world of streaming
i would love to plot more either in ims or on twitter!!
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coluccism · 2 months ago
hello  !  i'm  yara  and  i'm  looking  for  long  -  term  writing  partners  ♡  all  writing  will  be  done  through  discord  ,  i  don't  like  using  tumblr  anymore  thanks  to  the  bad  updates  and  jcink  is  a  beast  i'm  too  afraid  to  go  near.
if you're interested in anything below , react to this post , send me a message in this post , or just reach out directly !
i'm  looking  for  writing  partners  who  : 
are  twenty1+  (  i'm  twenty7  going  on  twenty8  myself  !  )
lean  towards  para  /  novella  writing  styles  ,  quick  text  threads  are  okay  but  i  much  prefer  actual  threads.  i  also  prefer  to  write  in  third  pov  ,  as  for  past  or  present  tense  usage  i'm  fine  with  either  and  will  follow  my  partner's  lead.
enjoy  playing  multiple  muses  and  worldbuilding.  that  is  ,  instead  of  focusing  on  just  two  characters  ,  i  sometimes  like  to  build  an  entire  verse  with  a  cast  of  characters  we  can  pick  up  and  drop  like  barbies.  this  isn't  always  a  need  ,  not  every  plot  will  turn  into  a  verse  but  i'd  like  someone  who  is  open  to  the  idea  !
are  okay  not  writing  smut.  i  do  not  write  smut  ever  because  i  can't  get  my  fingers  to  do  it  ,  apologies.  fade  to  black  is  my  go  to  trick  but  i  am  totally  okay  with  discussing  nsfw  headcanons  !
want  to  make  friends  with  their  writing  partner  ,  aka  me.  i  enjoy  talking  out  of  character  and  goofing  around  ,  headcanoning  for  plots  ,  sending  memes  ,  etc.  with  my  writing  partners.  i'd  very  much  like  to  get  to  know  you  ,  having  no  ooc  contact  feels  weird  to  me.
are  willing  to  communicate  with  me  openly.  if  you  are  no  longer  feeling  a  plot  or  something  like  that  ,  please  let  me  know  !  i  don't  take  ghosting  personally  but  a  quick  message  saying  hey  i  don't  have  muse  anymore  would  be  great  and  i  promise  i  won't  take  it  to  heart.
as  for  the  writing  itself  ,  here  is  what  i'm  into  lately  !
genres  :  gothic  horror  /  horror  in  general  ,  dark  fantasy  /  fantasy  in  general  ,  historical  (  see  :  pirates  )  ,  dark  academia  ,  and  thriller.
fandoms  :  castlevania  nocturne  ,  house  of  the  dragon  ,  squid  game  ,  alice  in  borderland  ,  dune  ,  star  wars  ,  the  hunger  games  ,  formula  1.
i  am  very  picky  about  playing  canon  characters  because  i'm  always  afraid  of  playing  them  wrong  lol  so  all  of  the  above  fandoms  are  settings  i'd  like  to  place  our  original  characters  in  !  the  only  two  fandoms  i  would  ever  play  canon  characters  in  are  the  squid  game  series  and  star  wars  ,  so  if  you're  interested  in  either  please  reach  out.
fcs  i'd  like  to  use  :  gong  yoo  ,  lee  byung  hun  ,  assad  zaman  ,  keke  palmer  ,  tanaya  beatty  ,  lewis  pullman  ,  emma  d'arcy  ,  im  siwan  ,  diego  luna  ,  oscar  isaac  ,  carlos  sainz  ,  mj  rodriguez  ,  manny  jacinto  ,  laura  harrier  ,  ayo  edebiri  ,  aditi  rao  hydari  ,  mackenyu  ,  pedro  pascal  ,  charles  leclerc  ,  oliver  jackson  cohen  ,  kiowa  gordon  ,  way  more  people  i  can't  think  of  right  now.
plots  :  below  are  the  plots  i  really  want  to  write  with  a  partner.  this  is  not  a  conclusive  list  ,  it's  just  what's  at  the  top  of  the  dome  !
muse  a  was  once  muse  b's  mentor  in  one  of  the  hunger  games  and  got  them  out  alive.  now  ,  during  the  quarter  quell  that  reaps  from  the  pool  of  victors  ,  one  of  them  must  return.  this  is  not  a  romantic  plot  ,  this  is  more  like  a  parent  /  child  plot  that  i  want  to  write  because  parent  /  child  dynamics  are  incredibly  interesting  to  me  ♡
once  ,  long  ago  muse  a  called  for  a  companion  and  muse  b  heeded  that  call.  they  were  torn  apart  for  several  years  ,  however  ,  after  a  night  of  passion.  now  ,  muse  a  calls  for  their  companion  once  more  ,  having  lied  their  way  back  into  society's  good  standing  in  order  to  obtain  the  information  required  to  call  their  lover  to  them.  basically  nosferatu  but  more  tender  because  no  lie  ,  i  did  not  find  count  x  ellen  romantic  i'm  sorry  forgive  me  y'all.
muse  a  and  muse  b  were  never  meant  to  fall  in  love.  their  pairing  cannot  gain  them  as  much  politically  as  marrying  others  would  and  in  the  imperium  ,  gaining  political  power  is  everything.  still  ,  there  is  love  they  cannot  deny.  as  forces  fight  to  tear  them  apart  ,  they  stubbornly  hold  onto  one  another  and  plan  an  ascension  of  power  that  will  quiet  their  enemies.  takes  place  in  a  space  opera  setting  because  i  love  space  operas.  i  have  a  whole  verse  for  this  already  made  !
in  a  far  off  kingdom  ,  muse  a  and  muse  b  are  happily  married  and  set  to  take  over  after  muse  a's  parent  on  the  throne  passes  away.  but  things  become  complicated  when  a  plague  besieges  their  kingdom  –  taking  good  citizens  and  turning  them  into  vampyrs.  the  law  has  always  been  clear  that  any  vampyr  must  die  upon  being  discovered.  but  what  will  muse  a  do  when  their  beloved  ,  muse  b  ,  falls  ill  to  the  plague  and  transforms  into  a  vampyr  ? 
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spellbvnded · 11 months ago
hello hello!! im erika (25; all pronouns; est) & i'm looking for some new writing partners & friends!
what i'm looking for:
i write & lurk on discord
i work full time & oftentimes have other things going on during the week, but i also live on mobile & tend to be available for ooc chatting
typically leans towards writing lgbt muses & ships
replies may range from one liners & short paragraphs to semi-literate; multiple threads are highly encouraged!!
love love LOVE pinterest boards, headcanons, tiktoks, memes & the whole nine yards- the more the merrier
i love a good ship as much as the next person, but am also equally down for writing platonic dynamics
when it comes to smut i prefer to get to know my partners better before writing it- if it comes up
plots & vibes:
to me you can never go wrong with anything supernatural; gimme your vampires, werewolves & everything in between!
monsters & monster hunters
alt muses!! punks & goths & metalheads oh my!!
small towns & the scrappy characters that reside in them
criminals of all stripes
bands & road trips, as cliche as they are (affectionately)
interconnected groups of characters
and more!
anddd i think that covers everything! if any of this interests you dm me and i'll get back with you as soon as i can!!
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kit-just-kit · 1 year ago
an announcement!
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*After many weeks of consideration, I've decided that this blog will no longer be actively posting threads or my replies to them. I've come to this decision for many reasons - the pressures of my new job, the needs of my family members that take up my time when not working, the regular and nonsensical changes inflicted upon us, the 'glitches' we have to constantly work around and unfortunately, the often toxic atmosphere around some elements of rp'ing.
I'm not archiving or leaving this blog altogether - I'll still pop by every so often, probably a lot less often than I've been managing to do lately, I'll send some asks from time to time, post pics, maybe even a couple of memes that seem interesting and any asks that I get as a result but, as for threads, these won't be replied to any further.
That being said, if we have a thread or multiple ones and you have discord, I'm happy to move writing together to there. For me, discord provides the 'fuss free, spontaneous and no way obligatory' environment that was present on tumblr when I began rp'ing here. I appreciate that it doesn't for everyone, but that's just how it is for me.
So, if you'd like to discuss moving our thread to discord, please feel free to IM and we can get that sorted?
For those who don't use discord, please know that I will miss writing with you very much and this is no way any kind of commentary on either your talent, muse or approach to rp'ing.......this is just something I have to do for myself, at this stage of my life.
I'll also give myself the option of changing my mind in the future on this, hence why I'm not archiving or deleting the blog.
It's been a fun nearly-ten years here (between the old and this present blog) and who knows, giving myself this freedom might make me feel less obligated and therefore, more free to commit to be here more but, I have to be honest, that doesn't seem likely to me at this point.
Anyways, I wish you all well and hope that on the rare occassions here in the future, you'll still interact by posting whatever I might send you and send me stuff in return.
Ta-ta for now,
Sarah (and Kit) xxxxxxx
p.s. on logging in today I discovered that the number of blogs I follow had gone down quite a bit - don't know if this is yet another glitch or something I've done but, if I'm no longer following and you'd like to discuss transferring our currnet thread or starting a new one on discord, feel free to IM/send an ask to me?*
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fandom-rpfinder · 5 months ago
🌌 💫 twenty three looking for eighteen plus for a my hero academia or jujutsu kaisen roleplay!
canon x canon pairings only, including mxm, mxf and fxf. all characters will be aged up and written as +18.
au’s only. i don’t do well with canonverse / canon divergent plots. dead dove friendly 🪦🕊️ !!
anywhere from 100-600+ word range, about 1-2 discord messages. i usually try to match, in 3rd person pov.
discord only. i prefer to set up the server for us, to keep it organized. i do not use tupper, please don’t ask.
est timezone, replies anywhere from multiple times a week, sometimes bi weekly if i have a lot going on.
i always try to communicate ooc, especially when i will be busy. i do reminders weekly if i’m active.
doubles optional. read whole post for more info on doubling. i prefer to post both replies to both threads, simultaneously, so it’s fair for us both.
here are the characters and pairings i am most interested in writing at the moment, for my side of the roleplay. doubles optional.
my preferred character will be (in bold) i’m currently looking to write the more submissive / bottom role, but i am more than willing to double and write the dom / top role for you !!
trans(katsuki) + shoto, touya or toga.
(toga) + katsuki or izuku.
(izuku or toga) + katsuki.
(keigo) + touya. bonus for one of them being genderswapped to female. double bonus for switch portrayals.
(yuuji) + sukuna or toji.
(gojo) + sukuna, geto or toji. bonus for fem satosugu, or switch portrayals.
FOR DOUBLES, if you’re interested in writing the sub / bottom role, i will write the dom / top role for you !! these are the pairings im most interested or comfortable with but i am open to suggestions! again, my muse in (bold)
(katsuki) + izuku, shoto, toga, ochako or kirishima. if you’re looking to muse a sub katsuki against any of these please let me know! i can do that :)
(shoto) + izuku or katsuki.
(izuku) + toga or ochako.
(touya or enji) + keigo or shoto.
(sukuna) + yuuji or gojo.
(geto or toji) + gojo.
basically the top set of pairings is for my thread and the bottom set of pairings is for your thread, if you’re interested in doubling. again, discord only !! if you’re interested please leave a like!
📺 📚
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murdermade · 6 months ago
I would like to preface this by saying this blog can and will contain dark themes including Bhaalcest. Blog policing and purity culture will get you blocked. Do not try to police my content or the ships i write. Orin is an insane muse and while i respect boundaries and triggers, I will not hold her back.
I don’t believe fiction has any standing on a mun’s moral compass and if you think otherwise this is probably not the blog for you.
Do not involve me in callout culture. Period. I do not think it does any good. If I see callouts or DNIS, I will block. Do not try to make me choose between anyone either because I WILL choose the person who isn’t making me choose.
I also want no part of drama. I don’t care what it is, tag it.
I don’t care about callouts in any sense. I don’t care if they’re present or past. I judge people based on how they treat me and what I see myself.
I do not care if people have DNIS on me for my content and I don’t care for any type of callout. don’t bring them to me. I do not care.
I don’t care if you don’t like me, I don’t care if you know someone who doesn’t like me, don’t bring me into drama. I’m tired of it.. Please don’t bring me up in drama that doesn’t even include me either, don’t mention my name especially if I have nothing to do with the subject at hand, i’m tired y’all.I have never written a callout and never will. I have stood up for myself before and told my side of the story, though very rarely, but callouts are stupid and I’ll always stand by that.
OC communication is highly encouraged and highly valued. Please never be afraid to IM me or ask for my discord, I love making friends!
If you im me, please put everything in ONE message. My tendency to go into sensory overloads can not handle the constant IM ping.
Communication is very important to me. I am autistic so sometimes i word things badly or say things and come across as a way i never meant to. I also don’t read cues well, please be upfront and honest with me. I will never take it as a personal attack unless you are accusing me of something I did not do or you are being clearly unfair. In which case, I will defend myself but still try to talk it out.
Just communicate with me! I’m always open to it!!
I’m very excitable, as well, so if that ever gets overbearing please tell me. I will back off.
I welcome OOC friendships as well. I find I write better with people I can be at ease with and talk to.
I love having multiple threads with someone. I don’t care if we have 1 or 100, always give me more threads with any of my muses, or multiple! The more the merrier.
I prefer mult-para and novella threads. The latter more than the former. Novella keeps my muse longer. If you’re looking for short one para or one liners, this is not the blog for you.
Spamming me with memes is highly encouraged, I will try to answer every single one of them
I am mutuals only. If you follow me, I’ll check out your blog, and if we’re compatible with rp styles and views, I will follow you back. I will unfollow if I see drama or just don’t think we vibe well. Please do not ask me why I have unfollowed.
I use the block button liberally. I will block anyone who tries to police me and my content or try to start drama. I also block if you rush me on replies and be passive aggressive. I also block if we don’t vibe well or if a situation comes up that clearly can’t be solved. Basically, don’t be a dick and we’ll be fine. I WILL NOT be made to feel bad about blocking anyone no matter the situation. I have my reasons.
Please don’t ask me to follow you/ask to rp with you if I chose not to follow. That tells me you have not read nor respected my rules.
If I follow you and you don’t like me or the content here, please just block me. I try very hard to keep people from being uncomfortable and not follow those uncomfy with me or my content, but I am only human, and have a bad memory. There is absolutely no need to start anything over a follow. if you write a canon character and completely turn them into someone they canonically aren't (verses are fine!! I may interact with those!!) then I'm not interested in following. I don't really vibe with the whole reimagined canons as OCs thing. You do you and no hard feelings but I don't vibe with it. That's NOT saying that I'm not here for headcanons and expanding them as a character. I mean turning villains into good guys and good guys into villains or morally grey characters into strictly good or bad. there is a reason they are who they are.
Smut will be present here. I am over 25 so smut is welcome Please keep in mind if you write smut with me, I will not write my muses as dominant/or tops. For personal reasons, I can only write submissive roles/bottoms. If you do not like this, you don’t have to smut with me. I won’t make myself uncomfortable for smut. I am very kink friendly so i’m open to writing most things, as long as I do not have to write the dominant/top muse. I am, however, not open to breeding kink that involves any pregnancy related stuff. It squicks me out.
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spawnmade · 6 months ago
I would like to preface this by saying this blog can and will contain dark themes. Blog policing and purity culture will get you blocked. Do not try to police my content or the ships i write. I will NEVER force these topics on anyone and never really bring it up first, either. If you’re interested in doing anything darker and heavier, just send me an IM.
This blog will contain content exploring Cazador & Astarion. I recognize this is a terrible abuser/abusee relationship and I am not diminishing that at all. Astarion will never 'love' Cazador so please don't start with me.
I don’t believe fiction has any standing on a mun’s moral compass and if you think otherwise this is probably not the blog for you.
Do not involve me in callout culture. Period. I do not think it does any good. If I see callouts or DNIS, I will block. Do not try to make me choose between anyone either because I WILL choose the person who isn’t making me choose.
I also want no part of drama. I don’t care what it is, tag it.
I don’t care about callouts in any sense. I don’t care if they’re present or past. I judge people based on how they treat me and what I see myself.
I do not care if people have DNIS on me for my content and I don’t care for any type of callout. don’t bring them to me. I do not care.
I don’t care if you don’t like me, I don’t care if you know someone who doesn’t like me, don’t bring me into drama. I’m tired of it.. Please don’t bring me up in drama that doesn’t even include me either, don’t mention my name especially if I have nothing to do with the subject at hand, i’m tired y’all.I have never written a callout and never will. I have stood up for myself before and told my side of the story, though very rarely, but callouts are stupid and I’ll always stand by that.
OC communication is highly encouraged and highly valued. Please never be afraid to IM me or ask for my discord, I love making friends!
If you im me, please put everything in ONE message. My tendency to go into sensory overloads can not handle the constant IM ping.
Communication is very important to me. I am autistic so sometimes i word things badly or say things and come across as a way i never meant to. I also don’t read cues well, please be upfront and honest with me. I will never take it as a personal attack unless you are accusing me of something I did not do or you are being clearly unfair. In which case, I will defend myself but still try to talk it out.
Just communicate with me! I’m always open to it!!
I’m very excitable, as well, so if that ever gets overbearing please tell me. I will back off.
I welcome OOC friendships as well. I find I write better with people I can be at ease with and talk to.
I love having multiple threads with someone. I don’t care if we have 1 or 100, always give me more threads with any of my muses, or multiple! The more the merrier.
I prefer mult-para and novella threads. The latter more than the former. Novella keeps my muse longer. If you’re looking for short one para or one liners, this is not the blog for you.
Spamming me with memes is highly encouraged, I will try to answer every single one of them
I am mutuals only. If you follow me, I’ll check out your blog, and if we’re compatible with rp styles and views, I will follow you back. I will unfollow if I see drama or just don’t think we vibe well. Please do not ask me why I have unfollowed.
I use the block button liberally. I will block anyone who tries to police me and my content or try to start drama. I also block if you rush me on replies and be passive aggressive. I also block if we don’t vibe well or if a situation comes up that clearly can’t be solved. Basically, don’t be a dick and we’ll be fine. I WILL NOT be made to feel bad about blocking anyone no matter the situation. I have my reasons.
Please don’t ask me to follow you/ask to rp with you if I chose not to follow. That tells me you have not read nor respected my rules.
If I follow you and you don’t like me or the content here, please just block me. I try very hard to keep people from being uncomfortable and not follow those uncomfy with me or my content, but I am only human, and have a bad memory. There is absolutely no need to start anything over a follow. if you write a canon character and completely turn them into someone they canonically aren't (verses are fine!! I may interact with those!!) then I'm not interested in following. I don't really vibe with the whole reimagined canons as OCs thing. You do you and no hard feelings but I don't vibe with it. That's NOT saying that I'm not here for headcanons and expanding them as a character. I mean turning villains into good guys and good guys into villains or morally grey characters into strictly good or bad. there is a reason they are who they are.
Smut will be present here. I am over 25 so smut is welcome. All my muses involved in smut are of age or in a verse where they are of age. Please keep in mind if you write smut with me, I will not write my muses as dominant/or tops. For personal reasons, I can only write submissive roles/bottoms. If you do not like this, you don’t have to smut with me. I won’t make myself uncomfortable for smut. I am very kink friendly so i’m open to writing most things, as long as I do not have to write the dominant/top muse. I am, however, not open to breeding kink that involves any pregnancy related stuff. It squicks me out.
Astarion is not easy to ship with but he is open to ships. He is open to sexual relationships, he's just slow to trust. I write Astarion as bisexual.
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triinitas · 7 months ago
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Respond to the following prompts out of character, then tag others you'd like to get to know a little bit better!
ROLEPLAYER NAME: bun or bunnie. always has been - started because i had an overbite that was uncannily like a rabbit's, my zodiac sign is the rabbit, and my auntie always called me "little rabbit" when i got to visit her at pow wow.
ROLEPLAYER PRONOUNS: she/her is preferred but i don't mind they/them either.
MUSE NAME: zorah, demenia, and freiora.
PREFERRED COMMUNICATION: i dont really mind ! discord is usually my fave but the it really doesn't matter to me. im just happy to chat with people wherever theyre most comfy :)
EXPERIENCE: i started rping a very long time ago, i think i was around 10 or 12? my step-aunt (?) introduced me to the world of writing and then rping and ive been at it since. that's just wrtten rp, too; i started playing d&d and other ttrpgs before that, introduced by my brothers.
PREFERRED ROLEPLAY TYPE: oh gosh i'm not sure what this is supposed to mean?? i guess para-style lit rp. the experience of essentially writing a story with someone is what i crave. its soooo rewarding.
PET PEEVES & DEALBREAKERS: no rules, no age mentioned in them, witch-hunting/callouts for petty stuff.. anything that tends to disrupt the sense of peace i try to maintain in my little corner of this site. ive been around long enough to see some absolutely insane stuff happen - i was literally stalked as a minor due to someone acting crazy on this site - and i want to avoid that kind of thing at all costs.
PLOTS OR MEMES: yes yes yes. i love both. memes are always fun; the spontaneity is a blast. but im also a sucker for plotting - tbc, i don't mean like... we have to literally storyboard the whole dang thing or whatever, i just like knowing what the general premise/goal of the thread is going to be. it helps me keep up motivation.
LONG REPLIES OR SHORT REPLIES: it depends? i usually fall in the multi-para realm, but that doesnt mean novella length replies. sometimes, especially in casual threads or conversation based threads, i'll manage one decent paragraph and call it good. i rarely (unless doing crack or something silly) will only eek out a few sentences.
BEST TIME TO WRITE: whenever i have the motivation ! or less so motivation and moreso time. im an extremely busy person && real life always comes first for me. i'm in medical school, juggling that with a part time job, and trying to deepen my relationship (i think i may be getting proposed to soon?????) so that definitely takes precedence. my partner is a firefighter/paramedic and works 48+ hours a week so anytime i have with them is precious and when they're home i will always prioritize time spent with them.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSES: in small ways. i think it's normal to have characteristics shared. having multiple muses means i'm not really like any one of them, but certain traits i have are dispersed among them. i have the nerdiness and sweetness that demenia has (i try to at least!!!!), the ambition and "constantly working" that zorah shows, and frei was more inspired by my partner && is sort of an outlet for me to empathize with their chosen profession.
tagged by: @shdwtouch tagging: @accultant @grief-worn @ceruleanscarred @tamestray @likemosaic @dcviated && whoever wants to!!!
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sansloii · 1 year ago
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Name: Hollis! ( though, i go by Marshy as well and have for about 6 years )
Pronouns: she/they
Preferred comms: discord because tumblr ims are questionable at best. i also uninstalled the app because of how often it would just randomly crash for little to no reason so.... if you want to reach me, disco is the safest bet
Name of muse(s): I have eight wonderful creatures of varying temperament. Batch 1 was Mikah. Batch 2 was Penelope, Wynn, Evan, Dakota, and Joseph. Batch 3 was Roderick and Andris. I also am working on fleshing out Vega properly but he's not quite done yet.
Experience in RP: in about 2012-ish, i was into f.andomstuck and i had an oc for that until like.... 2014-ish? it was baby's first blog and i didn't really know what I was doing. I had fun, while it lasted, but i also knew some of the people in this community ( like they went to the same high school as me ) so any issue we had on tumblr would translate into lunchroom confrontations. I didn't enjoy that part so much and my interest for it fizzled out by the time i graduated. then, i jumped over to the fire emblem fandom and made an oc for fire emblem awakening! i think i stayed in that rpc until 2016/2017 and i had two ocs, a mother and her son from the future, that i still very much adore. there were ups and downs and i feel like i was taught.... multiple frustrating lessons during my tenure there. it did help me develop my writing a lot and i have to say that i'm honestly better off having taken the chance to do it.
lastly, i ended up here in 2017 and i'm not leaving. i also have another massive oc blog i'm slowly reworking but i'm trying not to stress myself out lol.
Best experiences: it's very difficult to put specific experiences into words because most of it, for me, is vibes. my best experiences have been interactions and plots with people that I not only get along with but like... you know--we understand each other. like if i decide that i'm not going to rp on tumbles for a month and maybe just stick to headcanons, i can do so without fear that you think i'm wasting your time. or that we can pick up where we left off and it's okay if you respond to the months old thread you had with me. or! we can just stay up until the wee hours of the morning talking about ideas or blorbos or getting really into a discord rps. like it's the vibes that i can come to you like a fart in the night with a gifset or image like "hey this is our muses" and, likewise, you can do the same with me.
to those of you who i vibrate at the speed of light towards at any given moment, you know who you are. thank you for being patient with me and giving me the space to vibe with you :)
Pet peeves / dealbreakers: i feel like every time i open my mouth about pet peeves i have, i sound like a crotchety old person that always has something negative to say deep down ... but w/e. it's my soap box.
i've noticed that since i've come back, it feels like i have to be the one that's chasing some people for interactions or plots more often. or like. right out the gate, they wanna jump from A to Z and be best buds and whatever so we can speedrun everything. or... i'm expected to or have to do most of the work because they're quite literally doing none of it after expressing interest. and like some of that isn't inherently bad! i'll be the first to admit that if we're friendly enough and progress something enough to where it's like... an established thing? we can have something going faster than the speed of sound after that. we can have multiple ships, a dedicated au, a whole slew of worldbuilding shit together and i won't care because i know said person on some level. and that took time + a whole slew of back and forths.
however, it doesn't feel great to express that "hey i want to plot something but it'll take time and like... if we're shipping on top of that, it'll take double that amount" and watch, in real time, as that person just... eventually leaves you on read. and/or just doesn't interact with your content anymore. and i can tell the difference between being preoccupied/ having not great week/taking a break from tumblr entirely/being slow and being put on a shelf/ barely acknowledged very clearly. i shouldn't have to feel like i'm competing for a slot or something, which is the vibes i got sometimes and ( as you would expect ) didn't like.
this isn't directed at anyone i'm currently following, ofc. i know i am not perfect but i also know that i am an extremely patient person, which is how I want to be treated. It's very frustrating to try and try and try again only to get the bare minimum from people i genuinely wanted to interact with. but c'est la vie--such is life--and i move on. i, like many others, have limited time to be on here and if something doesn't bring me joy after a month, two months, three months, I'm more than willing to part with it. there has to be effort on both ends in some way and if you want me to pat your ass, pat my ass too.
Muse preference ( fluff, angst, smut ): you cannot make me choose. now, does that mean that I write them all in equal amounts? certainly not. but it really depends on my mood. sometimes, all i wanna do is talk about soft moments. other times, i want to put my muses in a blender and watch them process what's happening to them. occasionally, i'll let them roam free and be as horny as they like. the key is to always cycle through the three so you don't get burnt out on any one of them.
Plot or memes: uuuuuhhhh it depends? plots are my fucking jam and i like having a general storyline to follow when writing and then figuring out the little details when we get to them. it's a long process but i enjoy the wait and the buildup more than i enjoy air so djsfdvdfvd--
buuuuuut i also think memes are a valueable, valueable springboard into interactions. and plotting straight outta the gate can be intimidating for some. plus, if you want to plot but your head is empty atm, finding and sending memes with the same vibe as the plot point you wanted to discuss is helpful! i'll admit that i'm not great at sending in memes but it's not for lack of wanting to. it's more not knowing what to send and picking a muse to send along with it that trips me up. Plus, not being here most of the day tends to mean i miss a lot of meme reblogs orz
Long or short replies: long replies but i do trim them shorter or rewrite portions of them. sometimes, i will write what i deem to be "too much" for a reply ( e.g: my partner has like 350 words and i'm sitting at like 625 words ) and i'll go back and edit it down to 450-500 if i find stuff that doesn't really move anything along or is just needless padding.
Best time to write: it used to be late night but i pass out too often for that to be effective anymore ( because of my sleep schedule for work ), so i tend to favor late mornings and early afternoon. if i'm writing late at night, it's because i didn't have time during the day to do so.
Are you like your muse(s): n...not really in most cases. like we share some traits here and there but for the most part, my personality, sense of style, and morality deviates from most of them.
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tagged by: @rexpyre tagging: @arcxnumvitae @gunrising @royaletiquette @nezumivc103221 @bonesofchaos and anyone else that wants to.
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varietales · 10 months ago
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NAME: Momo PRONOUNS : she/her PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION : IMs on here are fine but can be tricky as i switch blogs sometimes! i'm happy to add mutuals on dis.cord NAME OF MUSE(s) : i mean, you know who they are but ok. Kagura Mikazuchi, Jenny Realight, Millianna, Evie Hawthorne, Ichiya Vandalay-Kotobuki, Simon Mikazuchi and Bisca Connell. I'm not gonna list all my other blogs/muses or we'll be here forever. i should have done this on a single-muse blog BEST EXPERIENCE : On this particular blog, I'd say...the love and acceptance Ichiya has gotten! i love that other people have been tricked into getting attached to him too imeanwut. In general, the best experience has been forming friendships with great people and writing/plotting/chatting about fun dynamics. RP PET PEEVES / DEALBREAKERS : the usual godmod/forcing relationships thing, more specifically - a partner making changes/writing major events in our ship verse that would impact the ship/dynamic Without actually plotting it with me first - i.e having their muse suddenly break up with mine, or getting a serious injury or adopting a kid or pet (this has happened surprisingly often to me and i hate it). Also as someone who Loves reading muse info and always tries to keep partners hcs/details in mind, my biggest pet peeve is there being no About page anywhere (i won't follow anyone that doesnt have them) and/or the phrases "canon divergent"/"headcanon driven" being plastered everywhere but no actual clarity is given on what those divergences/hcs are. (the last part isn't a total dealbreaker, as i know it can take time to get these things written and posted) MUSE PREFERENCES: I like a variety of muses (hence the multi-muse and multiple blogs), but I do have a soft spot for characters like Lisanna, who are cute and bubbly and a bit of a menace to those they love, but who also have a lot of depth and things they struggle with (Milli, Lisia, and Jenny also fit into this). I'm also a sucker for the complex and flirty gentleman type (Leo & Freed), and the serious/reserved but actual sweetie ones (Rogue, Kagura, Simon, Amarys). Honourable mention to the golden retriever energy babies - Jason & Frankie. In terms of muses I like writing with? i don't think I have a preference for a specific muse type, I enjoy any muse that is written well. PLOTS OR MEMES : They both have their place honestly. Memes can be a great starting point. One of my longest threads (50 notes!) on a different blog started from a meme! Sometimes a little plotting can help with writing a meme response too, a little context just to make things make sense, and things can flow on from there. I do usually like to have a general sense of the dynamic between muses to begin with, and a rough few plot points for threads. We dont have to plot out every single thing (because that might away from the fun of actually writing it), but some basic points are helpful. LONG OR SHORT REPLIES : a mix of both is important. if you only ever do long threads, i feel like that might get tiring! but same with short ones. Length is needed for depth and getting more insight I think, so i do love them for that. i think a middle ground is probably ideal, but never easy to stick to. i tend to just go off whatever amount my partner has written BEST TIME TO WRITE : weekends and sometimes after work during the week if i'm not too tired ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S) : i do share Milli's absolute Love for cats but that's probably it.
yoinked from: @raiiryuu
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ancient-pokehistorian · 1 year ago
Hey guys, Wings (she/her or they/them) here!
The rules are basically going to be the same as my previous blogs, but if you’ve never met me here’s the rundown:
Important general rules:
I can be a very s l o w replier, and often have a tendency to drop threads. Because of some medical issues I get tired and worn-down easily. I also am a part-time student. First off, I’m very, very sorry. Please talk to me if I forget or drop something you really want to do.
Relating to the above, there are some nights where I only have the muse for certain threads, or even just memes or drabbles. Please respect that and don’t take offense that I’m not replying.
I’m painfully shy. While I refuse to use this as an excuse to avoid interacting with other people, just know that if I don’t talk to you or interact with you. This is something I'm working on improving on, but I'll admit it does help if I get hints of interest from you (even if it's just liking some of my other posts)
OOC will be tagged as ‘Out of History’’ 
IC =/= OOC; If one of my muses doesn’t like your muse please don’t assume that I don’t like you. Val can be a dick sometimes. Chances are I do, very much like you.
IMs/DMs can cause me a lot of anxiety. This doesn’t mean that you can’t send them, but please understand there are some days I just may not reply. It’s not anything you did, it just spares me some stress because otherwise I’ll hyperfocus on them and not get anything done, resulting in a sense of guilt. So please just respect that. Also please don’t IM me just because I’m online; chatting is one of the hardest things.
You may have noticed this is now a sideblog. I don't feel like I can handle blog-hopping right now, or know for certain if I'm going to be able to keep things up. If that dissuades you from interacting with me, that's perfectly understandable.
I do not follow back without at least a rules page, and preferably a rules and an about page. If you're new to rp and new help on where to start, I'd be happy to help.
I have the usual roleplay rules-no godmodding, ect. Usually I give a warning, but if I do please don’t take it lightly. If you aren’t sure, or you’re new to rp and keep seeing the word ‘godmod’ floating around without understanding, just come talk to me and we’ll figure things out.
I don’t have much experience with Pokémon Special, so this will primarily be a game-verse blog. That being said, I’m more than happy to do crossovers of any sort, including between fandoms. Just understand that I may not be well-versed in the world from which your character comes, so you may have to give me some details.
OCs, multi-muse blogs, gijinkas, and Pokémon are welcome. I’m not very picky about who I thread with, so long as you understand the italicized rule above.
I also rp with multiples of the same muse. I do not have a main verse.
Likewise, I will do one-liners, para, and multi-para threads, though I lean towards multi-para. Sometimes my replies will be short, so please forgive me. I’ll try to match your length. Don’t feel compelled to match mine if you can’t think of anything, but I’d appreciate a thoughtful reply that I can work with.
This is a multi-ship blog. Unless relationship conflict is discussed between all involved roleplayers and agreed upon, no muse is cheating on anyone. 
I am all for having pre-established relationships. Come talk to me if you want to do that. We can also retcon a relationship if we’ve already started something.
I do not do greeters.
Most of the time I wing interactions, but I’d be happy to plot as well. Just remember that sometimes I take awhile to reply to asks.
Open to M!As, but I maintain the right to refuse any M!A or change the duration (including ending it early if need be)
While I don’t consider myself super strict on reblog karma, if I only ever see you reblogging memes from my blogs and never sending things, I will be disheartened and less inclined to interact with you. I’m working on gently reaching out to people if I see them doing this, and the majority of the time I reblog memes from a meme source if you can’t think of anything to send me personally.
However, if I've only ever seen you reblog memes from me (usually over a decent period of time because I'm slow to notice stuff), without interacting with me. you will be soft blocked.
The mun does not claim ownership of any art unless it’s tagged ‘Wings arts’.
Mun is of age, as are most of the muses, but it’s worth double-checking. Sexy fun times may occur on 18+ muses but are unlikely, and will be put under a read more. Other NSFW topics, like gore, may appear as well.
Similarly, triggers will be tagged, including gore. I tag ending with TW (ex: violence tw). Because I’m human I occasionally miss things, so don’t be afraid to message me if I have to go back and tag things. Please tell me if there’s anything you need me to tag for you, and I’m more than happy to do so.
I’d love to rp some Pokémon battles. However, instead of just jumping into a battle, I’d rather we either discuss the battle and outcome beforehand, or use a RNG to decide what attacks hit and such (I have a system I’ve used in the past that worked wonderfully, and would be happy to share it). 
If at any point you want to ship, just let me know. I can’t promise that my muse will feel the same, but I’m willing to at least give it a try as long as there’s chemistry and you respect my other rules.
Please feel free to come talk to me OOC, even if we don’t thread. I’m a shy birdy, but I do enjoy meeting new people and making friends. Usually my ask box is the best way to reach me, but IMs/DMs are open, too.
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sharp-teeth-and-archived · 2 years ago
Get to know the author!
name : Bambi or Eden, mostly known by Bambi.
pronouns :  She/her.
preference of communication : My ims are messed up a bit sometimes, especially on my main blog because I hardly ever get a notification there, but I don't have a preference. Discord or ims work, discord is probably the quickest to reach me.
most active muse :  It changes daily and changes based on my mood, but usually Astrid, Sean, Cassie or Lydia, & Hewlett. Varric is the more active da muse, but my muse is really slow with that fandom for some reason.
experience / how many years :  In the tumblr rpc since 2018, I've been roleplaying since I was 10.
best experience : There are too many for me, honestly, but I think one of my best experiences are with Hewlett's threads, my ship dynamics over the years (like how Lilith/Jacob have been together for around 4 years, it makes me feel old lmao). But basically, I have too many to claim one as my overall best experience.
rp pet peeves : Force shipping, not giving me much to work with in a reply, not communicating. I don't have too many rp pet peeves, honestly.
plots or memes :  Memes? I do like plots, but usually for a first interaction memes are easier. But I don't mind either way. I like both my plotted and meme-centered threads and interactions. Plotting tends to give me a better idea of where a thread is heading.
long or short replies :  Lately, short replies since I'm slowly easing into writing again and long threads weirdly overwhelm me when I'm easing back into writing. But I don't mind either one. Usually, I end up writing a lot in a reply anyways lmao.
are you like your muses : I have multiple muses, but I think I have a piece of myself in each one. I think it's hard to not have that occur when you are writing a character, especially ocs. But my muse type is kind of complicated: I usually go for muses that are not like myself or are just interesting to me in general with their perspective.
For what muse I'm most like, it has to be Cassie. She isn't a self-insert oc at all, but I think my current predicament in life really resonates with Cassie's character arc. I'm trying to find myself in my early years, I come from parents that sheltered me a lot growing up. (Cassie has a very extreme situation with her parental dynamic, way different from mine other than very small aspects of her sheltering situation). I feel my emotions deeply, similar to Cassie, and I love just as deeply (if not deeper). I'm still figuring out my past, trying to find myself, like Cassie and I'm going in the direction I think is right. I'm also looking for companionship as she strives for. But unlike Cassie, I cannot bottle up my emotions (especially anger and sadness). I'm not as gullible as Cassie is. Cassie is more rigid, polite, and formal than I am. I'm more laid back, especially with speaking. She's also more talkative and extroverted than I am. But Cassie does reflect a few traits I want to emphasize in myself. She's probably the oc and muse I'm most similar to.
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lemonadecabaret · 2 years ago
🍋    about the mun
first of all, welcome to the blog! feel free to call me marcy (short for marcella), i’m over the age of twenty-one and use she/her pronouns. currently, i am living in the eastern standard timezone and have a pretty busy life outside of tumblr, meaning that my activity may not be that constant. i’ve been roleplaying for a really long time and have a pretty decent amount of experience under my belt. i tend not to give out personal information so please do not ask for it. 
🍋    guidelines
first.  this blog is nsfw and not safe for minors. i will not be following or interacting with anyone under the age of 21 on this blog and i do not want anyone under the age of 21 to be following me. i will tag most triggers but i am human, so if i mess up on that front please remind me nicely through inbox or ims. i will not be posting any written nsfw under a ‘read more’ and various taboo themes will likely be present on this blog, please do not follow if these things make you uncomfortable. your space is yours to control.
second. this is a drama, hate, and kinkshaming free space. if there’s something that you don’t like on this blog it takes about three to five seconds to unfollow/block. i don’t judge others and i don’t like to be judged, respect is a two-way street. if you come to me to plot and lay out things that you like and things that you don’t, i will happily keep them in mind when interacting with you.
third. mun does not equal muse. i cannot stress this enough. just because i write a thing or a character that i write is into a thing, this does not necessarily mean that i, as a person, condone the thing. the writing on this blog is all fictional and not a representation of real life.
fourth. i really don’t care about formatting. i’m going to be making my font small and using gif icons for the most part. you do you.
fifth. it’s possible that i may drop a thread or two. don’t take this personally. rp is a hobby for me and tbh i have the attention span of a goldfish at times. i’m absolutely into multiple threads with the same people, always accepting of memes and starters, etc. don’t be afraid or nervous to interact!
more to be added as i think of things.
🍋    banned fcs
youtubers. tiktokers. viners. any sort of social media celebrity tbh. most disney channel stars. (notable exclusions: zendaya, dove cameron)
🍋    misc.
i can be persuaded to take on additional characters or use certain fcs. i’m not saying that i’ll immediately agree but if you’ve got a good plot or something interesting to throw at me, i can and will entertain the notion.
1000% here for aus and whatnot. i love aus. just because i’ve given my muses a basic verse to start them off in, it doesn’t mean that they’re only limited to that universe.
currently getting back into the swing of rp after a hiatus. give me some time and patience when it comes to getting used to all these new changes. because this is a new/revamped account i'm using beta editor.
🍋    interest checker .
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dustkeeperguy · 3 months ago
terms & conditions.
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you must be 21+ to interact with me, with muses that are 19+. please have your age clearly displayed somewhere on your blog. smut will not be present here, and any threads moving towards that direction will fade to black. 
this is a mutuals only blog, but that doesn’t mean i’m not open to finding new writing partners. i tend to gravitate towards writing partners interested in plotting / exploring dynamics and scenarios between our muses, rather than the one-off surface level interactions. if i follow you, i’d like to write with you!
if you ship it, i probably do too. i love writing romantic dynamics — it’s my favourite thing to write ( along with angst, i love angst ). if you see shipping potential (even if we haven't interacted before), hop into my ims as i'm happy to discuss it. for obvious reasons, i will not be shipping terence with characters that are minors.
i'm more comfortable writing m/f ships, but with the right muse chemistry, i could be persuaded to write m/m!
this blog is multiverse, multiship and crossover / oc friendly. 
i’m always accepting memes regardless if it’s been reblogged ages ago. i love them! please send them in! note: memes are open to mutuals and non-mutuals as i believe it's the easiest way to start writing. i will be selective based on how strong my muse is, but don't let that stop you from sending something in.
i can be a slow writer ( and i do have other rp blogs ), so please be patient with me. i'm usually lurking and up to headcanon and develop our muses' dynamics in that way during the lulls where you're waiting for my reply.
please tag any heavy gore ( blood ) & usfw images. i will unfollow if your usfw images aren’t tagged. i’m also unlikely to follow back / write with you if you overly stylize your responses with triple spacings and multiple fonts + sizes / 2+ colours. it just hurts my head to try and decipher, i’m sorry. personally, i use small text + 268px gifs ( i love gifs ), static icons, or none at all. if you have a preference between me using animated icons vs. his faceclaim, please let me know! i'm happy to oblige.
banned fcs include problematic, underaged, deceased & those who don’t wish to be used. the list also includes: gavin casalegno, camila cabello, dominic sherwood, austin mahone, bob morley, eliza taylor, stranger things cast ( excluding sadie sink and natalia dyer ).
updated : 12/06/24
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