#((he's stationed over on Spoocyshrub!))
Wait what did your ex husband try to do with abe
((Sorry Anon but this one cannot exactly be answered by Queen Sam in it's full detail. So i'll answer this one out of character. Sam was not a witness to everything Gabriel did to @themudokonmessiah's Abe. The Abe that tends to be the one featured in the events featured with me on Oddtumblr.
here's a little timeline for you to refer to. as some of these take place between various blogs of mine and with @themudokonmessiah. I can only assume you might be new here to oddtumblr and never kept track of any of the threads, so allow me to present the...details to you to read up on and a brief description:
1. The festival roleplay: Gabriel was masquerading as being elderly and tried to gain the favor of Abe, his brothers from rupture farms, Big Face, Elli, and the natives of the monsaic lines. At this point, no one knew this chief was really Gabriel. He was the one that got Abe started on the quest to go rescue his mother from within Nolybab.
2. The Nolybab Raid plot: ((you fan find the whole story if you search the "Plot tag" tag on spoocyshrub! It was a very long one though!)) Abe discovers in the files Doctor Cornelius removed from the archives and eventually burned that his biological father was one "Gabriel Lure." When Sam was rescued, Gabriel turned on Roxx and Daisy and was going to kill all of them so there were no witnesses to him taking over the council of shaman elders with Sam. Gabriel was thwarted and Roxx and Daisy captured him with the intent of making Gabriel take the fall for Abe and face justice for his crimes with the cartel.
Gabriel managed to escape Roxx and Daisy's compound and saught Abe out to try to torment him again. Thwarted by Sam's older brother, Uncle Remmy. who knew the entire story of what Gabriel did to his sister and he refused to let him abuse his nephew.
Eventually Abe found out that his father was being used by a demi-god as his puppet. how his time abusing and tormenting Abe was not truly his doing.
Even though it was Lebone forcing him to not only torment Queen Sam but Abe and his family the whole time, Gabriel still considers himself the reason this started in the first place. He suffers from low self worth and still believes that Abe doesn't forgive him and hates his guts. He knows Queen Sam is terrified of him. he's just as afraid to try to talk to her after what happened. He is still actively bullied by a few random members of Allervale but he hasn't spoken to anyone over it. He refuses to unless his life becomes threatened.))
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spoocyshrub · 2 years
"What's with the sudden boost in juice Spoocy? You've been writing and gushing about Dokk and Elli quite a bit today. Is something on your mind...?"
Well let me tell you a story before I spill the deets to something I'm doing:
I've been fighting a writer's block with fan-fiction stuff for over 10 years. One of the reasons I joined Oddtumblr was to get my stories out there to the public while I tried to get out of my shell from growing out of the cringey deviantart fan-fiction stages. When I began to develop my stories I was in a shell where years of being in fandoms that were considered toxic, I was afraid to post my stories and ideas even as I spent years re-working the ones I had to more unique stuff.
I officially joined the Oddworld Fandom this deep upon the release of Soulstorm. So... that would be around April of last year I think. I had just returned home from a hospital stay to greet the release of Soulstorm that filled me with extreme nostalgia from my youth of playing both Oddysee and Exoddus. While hyper-fixation hit I began thinking of a sort of side story that would take place after the fall of soulstorm brewery; and like a few of us here in the Oddworld fandom, I wanted to introduce a female mudokon to the story.
When it came to trying to get my thoughts out on paper in an actual fan-fiction. I would just...freeze. I could not write. So I decided to linger over on what used to be my primary tumblr account and followed a bunch of Oddworld related blogs. I was originally a private roleplayer and was considering joining for public ones.
I made the Big Face roleplay blog to introduce my take on the Shaman we know and love from Oddysee and New n Tasty. He was going to be the version I wanted to write with in my fan-fiction stories. The teacher and mentor that would bond with others. That friend who gave off the sheer dad vibes.
I made a lot of friends and later introduced both the Spoocyshrub blog as my anxiety began to shed. Where Dokk and Elli were going to be stationed. These two are the primary fan character faces from the stories I wanted to write. They were two like-minded mudokons who wouldn't hesitate to come to Abe's aid. A pair of friends that would not give Abe any hard times or extreme amounts of bullying.
"Get to the point Spoocy. What are you planning?"
I have applied to the invitation queue for Archive of our own and I have begun the process of writing the official backstories for Dokk and Elli and how they eventually met. It's planned to build into how these two met Abe, Alf, and Toby, and the eventual quest of taking on Nolybab to rescue Abe's mother. Possibly including other muses you have seen on this blog.
I'm writing my own direction on Abe's adventures after the end of Soulstorm. Including side arcs with the introductions and just general bonding because I enjoy those little interactions.
I am writing up drafts in my microsoft word, nitpicking the hell out of them, rearranging chapters to fit, to hopefully post this passion project to the Oddworld fandom.
-Stay tuned my lovely Oddies-
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themudokonmessiah · 3 years
*Anna had been keeping silent vigil over Abe during his time spent at the village of Yilliyn. Always alert and ready had abe needed to summon her for anything.
She had been silently watching the events that lead to Abe almost being sent to Nolybab, and she perked up a little when she realized Abe was returning home
He was heading home with his partner at his side.
She took off on her own. She was heading for the Monsaic Lines. She was going to meet with Abe and possibly Rayia.
She knew he was finally prepared to learn the truth about what had been transpiring in his absence. She waited for him in the Monsaic Temple’s sanctum, in the room Big Face lived in. He was nowhere to be found.
Only Anna was stationed in the temple. in her bird guise. Waiting patiently for the two to arrive*
((Gunna be a bit on the short side this interaction.))
After hours of traveling, the two finally had gotten to the Monsaic Lines. It was nightfall, everything was quiet. Abe and Rayia hopped off their elums, guiding them inside the cave. Abe notices how dark and quiet it was, growing worried. It was never this quiet or dark. Did something happen while he was away?
The two began to look around, wondering if any of Abe's siblings were around. Rayia had her bow ready if anybody tried to attack Abe, but there was literally nobody. However, that was until they got to the sanctum.
A lone bird was there. The lights were on, so they could see it was a bird. However, it was familiar to Abe, he was sure he had seen that bird before somewhere. It didn't take long for him to figure it out and then he smiles in relief.
"Anna!" he cries, hurrying over to her, kneeling down. Rayia followed behind him. "You're here! Oh, thank Odd, maybe you know where everyone is? Where is everyone, Anna?"
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"It's not supposed to be like this. There's always something going on. I don't see anyone. I-is everyone alright?"
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jackie-starburst · 3 years
{Elli to Jackie} "Hey there! Name's Elli. I'm goin' around to visit various friends of mine and i wanted to stop by and say Hi! Heard you liked cakes with lots of cream in it. I like to give gifts to people i meet for the first time too. as a sign of friendship.
Hope ya like this Jackie!"
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((Elli’s actually stationed over on @spoocyshrub but I can’t send image posts on anon so I have Elli visiting from her Dad’s blog where you can see her sometimes in some asks or threads. I hope Jackie likes the treat Elli made for him!))
Jackie unbolted the lock of his wagon before swinging it open; slightly harshly due to being woken from a nap. His squinted expression soon widened to surprise once he saw a mudokon he had never met before. Oh! Did they follow him from the village? He hoped not...it was dangerous around here for a native...His surprise was only fueled when the stranger offered him something. Oohhh, cake!
“Oh!” Stars springing in his eyes, the clown took the sweet treat with both hands. He poked the side of cream foaming from the side of sponge with his thumb to gather a taste. Creamy perfection!
“Hey thanks, lady!! That’s real kind of ya!” He highly appreciated the gesture.
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