#((bless lj's aura communication))
egotisticle · 3 years
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@lcvelj​: “ Leaving a note in the void, an aura, a familiar presence. A reminder for him to come home soon. ”
     WITH  no reliable frame of reference, time was inconsequential. Minutes slipped through his fingertips, hours vanished in a blink of an eye, and weeks  blended  together like a freshly painted mural dampened by the rain. Some versions of Mark were easier to  exploit  than others and while it was ill-fated to thrust expectations upon any given reality, petulance threatened to manifest whenever his human counterpart  propounded  the idea of futility. Trust had to be nurtured with  fastidious  care, its progression surveyed by a  pedantic  eye and nourished to the point of devout faith. Too many times had he been on the brink of  triumphant  conquest and every time had infuriatingly amounted to failure. The outcome itself was never in question but the  longevity  of each pursuit was always too variable to bear. Indefatigably did he chase the taste of victory like an  overwrought  addict, eager to witness Mark's surrender and render his existence null. Pertinacious perseverance would win in the end, as it always did, but no qualms would have been expressed with a  shorter  path to success.    
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     A  turbulent  argument had eventually driven him away and forced him to abandon his venture for the evening, bottling his wrath until darkness sheathed his form and he returned to the Void's  barren  realm; only then could the full extent of his displeasure be exhibited without gambling his existing relationship with Mark. Ire  calcified  within him, vexation eventually expelling in a polychromatic  eruption  within the great abyss. In a variegated spectrum of colour did the entity make his wrath known and with it came a  bellow  that struck deep in the heart of the subspace.
     Static flooded the entirety of the space like a mechanical swarm, burrowing inside the ear until it finished with a fortissimo coda that would have surely deafened any mortal visitor. The  harrowing  shout lasted long after his lungs exhausted their supply of air, another  phantom  echo added to the vast plane of oblivion as the entity willed himself to tame the furious tempest within him. Only when the  cacophony  of his indignation dulled did he finally feel a familiar sensation within the space, one that acted as a loyal companion and had remained with him the entire time -------------  ( A GOLDEN THREAD THAT CONNECTED THE VOID WITH ANOTHER,  A SINGLE STAR AMIDST A PITCH BLACK SKY ! ).
     Eyes slipped closed to better focus on the aura, to attune him to its provenance and its  otherworldly  sentiment. In spite of the environment's inherent  antagonism  towards trespassers, his own influence and command contained its hostility to preserve the other presence. It was  warmth  on a cold winter's day,  oxygen  to a drowning man, and a  raft  amidst a sea of boisterous waves. It was  benevolent  and had no place in the Void;  she  had no place in the Void and yet, the reminder served its purpose and stabilized the few traces of volatility that existed within him. 
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     A return visit was admittedly long overdue and as a  fragment  of his aura was left behind to linger in the abyss, the entity's decision had already been finalized for immediate action. A respite from the  cyclical  routine was sorely needed, and there was no other he would have elected to spend its duration with.  They had been away from each  other for far too long.
                                                 ( SOON. VERY SOON. )
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