#((also shield magic. the protective ward over ishgard was known as daniffen's collar.))
morganaux · 1 year
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After the loss of his beloved at the hands of the Basilisk, Ser Daniffen did what no dragoon had done before, charging blindly (quite literally) into battle against the beast who could turn men to stone with merely a glance. With only sound and his raging heart to guide him, he emerged victorious over his nemesis, and for putting an end to the wicked creature, he would be immortalized as a saint of valor in the Halonic faith.
Though most known for his bravery, it was said that Saint Daniffen was a sensitive, deeply caring man, having chosen to leave the Order of the Knights Dragoon behind to travel the realm helping those in need. According to legend, his emotions ran so deep that the very land itself wept with him when he mourned the loss of his lover, forever touched by his sorrow.
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