epitomees · 3 months
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brittscafe · 8 months
Can I have an headcanon about the captains having a S/O who has a great skill of analysis and because of that they're easily bored of people or situations?
Sorry it's weird
of course!! This was sooo fun to write lol <3
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Jushiro: He's super sweet, patient, and understanding about it. He feels like you get bored of him quickly since he's sick most of the time and confined to his family estate. You spend the whole day with him when he's sick, but he can't help feeling like a burden.
You have to assure him that even if you get bored of sitting around, you'll never get bored of him or taking care of him. It brings a smile to Jushiro's face knowing you'll never get bored of him.
Shunsui: If you're stuck in meetings, Shunsui can tell when you start to get bored. He'll glance over and see that your eyes have wandered off. He'll reach his hand over and grab onto yours that hidden underneath your sleeve, squeezing your hand. He'll shoot you a glance that says, it'll be over soon.
He'll rub his thumb over your hand and squeeze it every once in awhile, trying to keep your attention on the meeting.
Shinji: He'll tease you about it and make fun of you for it. Once you've looked around the room and analyzed what is going on, you decide to zone out. Shinji's eyes on you, watching as your body slumps over and he'll start chuckling to himself.
"Getting bored there, y/n?" he'll tease you, pinching your upper arm and earning a hiss back from you. Shinji usually teases you and won't leave you alone, so you don't get super bored.
Mayuri: Mhmmm, this is one is interesting. You both can get super bored and annoyed at things if you're not interested in it. Best believe if you start getting bored when Mayuri shows you his experiments, he gets so mad.
He'll scoff and roll his eyes, saying you don't even care about him or his experiments. Sometimes he'll grab you and sit you onto his lap, making sure you're paying attention to what he's saying.
Byakuya: He's usually stuck in meetings that are pretty boring and sometimes you'll have to come along. He knows that you can hold yourself together and at least pay attention, but sometimes you're off in another world.
Byakuya's a noble, so he's very polite about it. He'll quietly clear his throat or nudge your shoulder. He doesn't get mad or annoyed about it since he's in the same boat, being just as bored as you are, expect he never shows it.
Kenpachi: I feel like y'all have a mutual thing of getting bored of other people/ situations really fast. The two of you find mind games to play with each other or you'll have a staring contest in the middle of a meeting.
The two of you find ways to entertain each other with silly little games.
Unohana: She's super patient and understanding, knowing that you just lose interest in things fast. Normally, she won't say anything and she'll just fold her arms over each other, minding her business. If it's something important, she'll usually pull you to the side before and let you know that you have to try and pay attention.
If it's a private matter, she'll cup your face and tilt it up, making you focus on her.
Toshiro: I could see him getting slightly annoyed at this, but he knows you can't control it. After all, Toshiro has quite a short temper, so he has to learn how to be patient with a lot of things.
He teaches you his ways on how to not be bored and gives you tips and tricks. If you're getting bored in meetings or doing work, he'll send Rangiku to entertain you.
Kensei: He's super chill about it and always keeps his cool when you start to get bored. If you're in place where he's allowed to be affectionate with you, he'll wrap an arm around your waist or shoulder, pulling you closer.
He'll lean in closer and whisper in your ear, sometimes dirty things to keep your mind from getting bored lol.
Soi-Fon: She definitely tries to help you out with it. I could see her getting kind of annoyed at it when it happens during something important to her. She communicates with you on how it makes her feel and try to be more sympathetic towards her feelings.
If you're both bored, Soi-Fon will suggest sneaking out of the meeting or whatever you're stuck in.
Sajin: He's patient and has a good grasp on how to make you less bored. Usually, he'll crack jokes and make you laugh. He loves making you laugh when you're stuck in boring situations. Sometimes, he'll even tickle you if he can.
Rojuro: He's soooo sweet and kind of shy about it. When he notices you fiddling with your hands and not paying attention, he steps closer to you. You immediately notice that he's stepped closer and that usually means you have to pay attention.
Whenever you're out doing stuff together, if you start to get bored, Rojuro will ask if you want to do anything else. He won't ever let you get bored for too long.
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In Sketched Lines
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Prompt: hurt/comfort
Rating: K/General with mild themes
Setting: just after the Full bringer arc.
Synopsis: Toshiro helps Momo move on, but discovers he needs to do the same.
AN: time for another fic for the @yearoftheotpevent's challenge. I don’t know if Momo would actually ask anyone to do this, because I feel like this is something she would want to do on her own as part of her recovery, but I wanted explore this scenario anyway. I also realise I have written a similar to fic to this already, but I wanted to expand on upon it a little more and see it from Toshiro's POV. I hope you all enjoy it!
“You really don’t have to do this.”
It’s the fourth time she’s said it.
“It’s fine,” he says again.
 “I can get Captain Hirako to do it when he comes back from his leave.”
“That’ll be a week from now.”
“It can wait…”
But she wants it done now, he can tell.
He looks down at the sketchbook she tightly clutches to herself with a mix of emotions, varying from uncertainty, eagerness, and guilt.
He holds out a hand. “It’s better we do it sooner rather than later.” He wants to offer a smile, but finds himself unable to. “You can get on with the rest of your day, and know this has been done.”
She presses his lips into a taut line, considering his words. She takes in a long breath, one that makes her shoulders rise. “But what about you? Will you be…okay with seeing him?”
It had been a tricky thing, he’d realised, for her to reveal this to him. She had been able to do this herself in the past, but these last few had made her reach out to others to help her. There’s no shame in that, she knows, but she still dipped her head in guilt when she told him; although he suspects for a different reason.
On one hand, she knows this will affect him too. He can’t predict what his reaction will be, but better him to do this than her. On the other, the contents of these sketchbooks had only been seen by close friends, and if she was going to ask for help with them, it would only be with a select few.
And then there’s the strange feeling in the back of his mind, one that makes him think for whatever reason, he needs to do this for more than just to ensure she doesn’t suffer anymore than she has.
 “You said it yourself, ‘he can’t hurt anyone anymore.’” It’s not entirely true. As Toshiro had become acutely aware, there were more ways to hurt a person that didn’t involve physical harm. Regardless, reminding her of her own words seems to calm her a little.
She lifts book away from her torso and gives it a glance over. With an unease sigh through her nose, she hands it to him. “Just remove the drawings that don’t have him in them.” The corner of her mouth tightens. “I think this one will have more of him than not, unfortunately. I-If it becomes too much, please stop, okay?”
He only nods.
She awkwardly points to the piles of books on the floor only a few feet away and attempts to smile. “I’ll just be sorting those out. When we’re done, why don’t we have some tea?”
He takes a seat at her small desk as she turns away. He doesn’t take his gaze off her for a while, watching as she kneels back down and resumes looking through her old books. Just off to her left, the door to her balcony is opened a fraction, allowing a spring wind to gently blow through the room. It causes the curtains next to him to flutter, almost revealing the three framed photos she has along the windowsill.
When he’s sure she’s relaxed enough – that tenseness doesn’t completely leave her shoulders, as if she expects him to have a reaction at any moment – he returns his attention to her sketchbook. It’s one of the bigger ones she has, with almost a hundred pages in it. The hard, red cover has a few small scratches and one corner is folded inwards. It’s not like her to have a book like this, she always kept in pristine condition. It must be one of her older ones.
He inhales a quiet, long breath before he lifts the front cover. Thankfully, he isn’t greeted by Aizen’s visage first. It’s a scene from the Academy, of a courtyard with various students scattered around; some are in groups holding textbooks under their or their wooden swords, others sit under the trees and chattering away. If the setting didn’t give away this was one of her earlier sketchbooks, her technique did. Some of the anatomy of the students is a little wonky and inaccurate, the textures of the leaves lacked detail, the lines of the buildings surrounding the courtyard fall a few degrees to one side, and the shading lacked depth. Still it was one of the many early sketches that showed her potential for drawing.
He takes the corner of the piece and carefully rip it out. Luckily, the binding of the book helps him make a clean tear, and the piece remain undamaged after he pulls it out. He sets it aside on the desk.
The next is of Renji and Izuru, posing for her to draw them. Toshiro almost sighs at how little they’ve changed, with Renji sporting a wide grin while holding an uncomfortable Izuru too tightly around the shoulders. Judging from the black shihakusho Renji has tucked over his other arm, this is from their graduation. Even in this piece alone though she shows improvement with her anatomy.
The next is an incomplete drawing of Tobiume propped up against a veranda post. While sword and the post had been completed, the rest was still in vague sketches. He tears it out and goes to put it over the Renji and Izuru one, but pauses when he sees the drawing beneath. He knew this was coming, but it still catches him off guard.
Aizen stares back at him through his glasses, smiling. It’s a colourless portrait, and his hair too thick and lips a little too wide, but it’s undoubtedly him. Toshiro shakes his head when he realises he’s been staring at the drawing for too long, and finishes tearing out the sketch of Tobiume. He quickly turns the page, only for the next to have another drawing of Aizen, this time of him writing calligraphy with students looking on.
As Toshiro flicks to the next drawing, and then the next, and the next, it dawns on why Momo couldn’t go through this one by herself. This is at the height of her admiration for him. It’s blatant from the way she’s drawn him. No, it’s not only in the way she draws him – in the detail she put into his visage compared to other portraits or still life moments – or in the number of sketches she’s drawn, but also in the moments she captures of him: him admiring a flower, him looking at the sky as she sits with a cup of tea in hand, another portrait but with him in a kimono, him instructing new recruits, him and Gin with their back turned discussing something, and it kept going. She felt the need to capture all of these moments, real or imagined, because he had warped her admiration of him to make her want to.
Seeing the number of pages he’s skipped enter into the twenties, Toshiro’s grip tightens around the book, and he has the urge to slam it shut and through it out the door. Instead he quickly flicks through, trying to find an image that wasn’t of Aizen. When he does, he almost slumps over, feeling as if he'd finally reached a life raft in a storm. It's a portrait of Rangiku, and he can finally go back to taking in how much Momo's technique had improved. Seeing his lieutenant with the shorter hair and her neck scarf brings back memories that he indulges in for a moment, a reprieve from the images of Aizen and the memories that threaten to rise to the surface.
Maybe this hadn’t been a good idea. If he kept going, how much worse would it get? Momo said he could leave this if it got too much.
He raises his head to her. She still has her back to him, but she turns slightly when she pick up a book. After she opens it, the beginnings of a smile play at the corner of her lips. Combined with the quiet rustling of leaves and the twittering of a bird, it’s a peaceful scene, one that belonged in her sketchbook. She belongs in it after everything that's happened.
I can keep going.
Toshiro tears out Rangiku’s portrait, and Aizen appears again. It’s a few pages later when he sees a series of different figures training in zanjutsu. There’s a few distinctive features that tell him who each one is – Hoshino’s slicked back hair, Genji’s rectangular glasses, and Higuchi’s bulky stature. It’s drawn more like a study, and he could picture her watching the training from the sidelines, sketching each fighter to understand anatomy and posing better.
He stares at his younger self on the next page. He’s not surprised it’s taken this long to find a sketch of himself, he rarely poses or is the subject of one of her drawings for her now and was even less back then. In the drawing he looks unimpressed, his frown deeper and his eyes looking off to the side. He sits on the edge of a veranda, with a stack of papers beneath one hand while the other held a document he’d been reading before she bothered him. He raises a brow at the crumbs in one corner of his mouth. The fact she even drew those…
He doesn’t remember the day, but it seemed like any other they’d had back then. Those were spontaneous moments, often happening when they just happened to see each other as they worked. It’s better now, more frequent and outside of work.
Aizen appears behind his portrait, and he continues until he finds a sketch of some of her division members. He’s nearing the end, having torn out only completed and incomplete drawings of her friends, her division members, landscape shots, or studies of posing and anatomy. He finds another of himself with Rangiku, again posing for a portrait and with him looking even more unimpressed.
He’ll be thankful for this to be over, but he’s also glad he could help her with this. He hates the thought of her trying to do this alone, to see Aizen’s face over and over again so many times.
He gasps when he opens on one of the last pages. He wasn’t loud enough for Momo to hear, but still he checks to see if she’d noticed; or maybe he doesn’t want to look back at the drawing. Eventually, he has no choice.
It’s of him and Aizen, working together on paperwork. Aizen smiles serenely, ink brush in hand and sitting at his desk, as Toshiro points out something to him on the document they’re both going over. He’s studious, but otherwise relaxed around the captain.
When had she drawn this? Had he never noticed her observing them, or had he simply forgotten she’d drawn this moment between them?
Despite the impressive skills of her drawing, he can’t help the sickening churn of his stomach. He’d been so oblivious – they’d all had, he tries to remind himself. In this moment, Aizen was planning, was doing unspeakable things behind their backs. He never cared for the work they’d collaborated on unless it further his goals. It was a lie, all of it.
He wants to turn the page, but it occurs to him that he’s in this drawing. Would Momo want it? Up until now most of her drawings of Aizen had just been of him alone, and when there were others, she’d drawn them with their backs turned or they were indistinguishable silhouettes. He felt she wouldn’t want to keep them for that reason, even if he tore Aizen out of the picture.
Would that be the same here? If he tore out the drawing and then ripped Aizen away from it, would she still remember what the rest had looked like?
He mulls over it, trying to think over the flood of emotions going through him. This isn’t about him and how he feels, it’s about her. In the end, he quickly scans the remaining pages, and tears out a single drawing of forest landscape and closes the sketchbook.
With some hesitation, he rises from her desk and haltingly walks over to her. She turns only when he stops behind her. “Ah, you’re finished then?”
He can only grunt. When he doesn’t hold the book out to her, her eyes soften. “Are you all right?”
 “I’m fine. I got most of the drawings out.” He kneels at her side. “There’s one I wasn’t sure of.”
“It’s of me and him.”
“…What’s happening in it?”
“We’re working on reports.”
“I see.” She considers for a moment, frowning down at the sketchbook. He fears she’ll want to see it so she can decide. At some point, she returns her gaze to his. Despite his discomfort and wanting to look away, he lets her search his eyes for whatever she’s looking for. Somehow they soften even more, and it makes his heartache.
“I’ll let you decide.”
He can’t help but blink and furrow his brows deeper. “What?”
“You’re in that sketch. It’s up to you decide.”
“But it’s your drawing.”
“Even so, you should decide.”
“…It feels like the right thing to do.”
It’s a weak answer, showing her unwillingness to tell him the truth. Why is she doing this? Is it her old habit of putting others before herself? Had she found his discomfort and thought it was only right for him to choose what to do with the drawing?
Regardless, he knows it’s useless to argue with her, that stubbornness will keep her adamant about this. Does he tear out an image of himself to join the others, or does he let it burn with Aizens’?
There’s a few images of his younger self already in the pile, and she if she was okay with not having this one…
No, it’s not like that, he realises.
That lingering feeling in the back of Toshiro’s mind comes to the fore, and maybe that is what she had seen. He needed to do this for the same reasons she had with all the other sketchbooks and items she’d slowly disposed of.
They both knew seeing Aizen would affect him, but Toshiro didn't think it would make him reflect on the memories of those years. He’s never been under any illusions that Aizen was corrupted and changed, but it didn’t stop Toshiro from remembering him as the mask he presented to everyone. And until now, he’d avoided thinking on those memories. When he’d discovered Aizen’s treachery and fought against him, he’d only thought of how Momo and those close to him were affected, and the suffering he had caused the Soul Society as a whole. What good were the old memories?
But maybe, as he thought back on it, his rage during the prepartions for war had also stemmed from a different kind of betrayal. One of memories, ones that were of a false person. Of a person he’d entrusted to look out for Momo, of a captain who always seemed calm and fair and encouraging to all those he met. He’d remained guarded around him as he had around most people, but even then, Aizen’s act had gotten him to soften a little. He’d affected him then, and he still affected him now in memory.
There’s something freeing in the realisation. Today, he needed to see these images of Aizen, a final confrontation. He could break his younger self away from him, tear out himself from that sketch and let the other half burn, but it feels like a lie. He’d been there working with him, even if he can’t remember that specific moment. It is better to let it go, to let it be part of a myriad of vague memories amongst the more distinctive ones. To not puch them away to try and make them disappear, but to let them be there and come and go when they rise to the surface. He can’t forget that fabrication, but he can live with the memories of it.
The image of those times with him didn’t need to be in this world anymore.
He hands her to book. “Here.”
Momo searches him again for several heartbeats. Slowly, she nods and takes the sketchbook from him. Back in her hands, sighs at seeing the number of pages still in the book. “I knew there would be a lot of Captain Ai…Aizen Sosuke in it. I was truly blinded by him, wasn’t I?”
“We all were,” he reminds her gently.
She manages a small smile. “Still, at least the whole sketchbook wasn’t of him.” After a pause, she looks to him. “I was thinking before we have some tea, can you come with me to get rid of this?”
He nods without hesitation. Her smile widens a fraction before they both stand. She goes over to her desk and takes out a box of matches - one of the few useful things Shinji had brought back from the World of the Living. – before they leave her room.
They say very little as they journey to an area behind the barracks where there’s a firepit. It had recently been used judging by the ashes scattered over the ring of stones and the left-over blackened wood in the middle. Toshiro goes ahead of Momo to remove them, while she gathers a few logs to take their place.
The fire starts slowly, consuming the kindling, gradually the wood, and gliding along the edges of the book. Eventually, the cover blackens and peels back, then the pages catch alit quickly after, showing no sign of Aizen’s face. They watch all of this wordlessly.
With his hand hovering close by, Toshiro can sense the tremors that run through Momo’s hand. He gingerly grazes the back of her hand, and she takes his. The flames keeping burning, and they don’t put them out until the book almost completely gone.
"Thank you, Momo whispers, her voice slightly hoarse. "I know it was a lot, so really, thank you."
He only grunts and tightens his hold on her hand.
It's a long while before they head back. On the way , the air around them is lighter, the burden having been lifted. Momo even gives him a smile as she thanks him again for joining her.
When they return to her room and she goes to prepare tea the barracks’ kitchens, he finds himself wondering over to the photos on her window sill. He pushes one of the curtains aside. He’d seen all three of photos before: one of her and the Women’s Association outside a restaurant in the Rukongai, the other of her and Shinji holding up coffees outside a café in the World of the Living, and the final one of her, him, and Rangiku under a tree in the Fifth Division gardens. With the exception of the Women’s Association photo, the other two had been taken recently.
To a small extent, he prefers the photos. He’ll always like her drawings and he proud of how far she progressed in her skills, but unlike in her sketchbooks, she makes an appearance with everyone in photos. She’s happy in all three, beaming in the first, smiling shyly in the second, and looking content in the last.
Not for the first time, he wonders if he should’ve smiled in his photo, but she had printed it and kept it here in her room, that must mean something. Regardless, he decides he’ll smile for her next time, whether it be for a photo or a drawing. She can capture it as a memory.
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arvandus · 2 years
Omg, thank you so much for the event and CONGRATULATIONS ON 1K!!! There’s so many fandoms to choose from so I think i will request for one that I feel is often overlooked, if that's alright. And I wasn't sure if we were allowed to send in songs in other languages so I sent in 2, for you to pick from! I hope that's okay🥺
Character: Hitsugaya Toshiro
Songs: [Qing Fei De Yi by Harlem Yu] or [I Liked You So Much We Lost It by Ysabelle]
I just wanna be either super loved and adored by a devoted Toshiro or be absolutely heartbroken by a starcrossed lovers type of circumstance. There’s no inbetween.
You don't remember very much about being a Hollow. But you remembered his face. White, wild hair falling over ice blue eyes. A stern brow stitched together in permanent worry. A downward turned mouth of perfect lips. There was something familiar in it - something that touched an old memory that should have been long forgotten, and if you thought about it hard enough, you could recall the feel of them.
Or maybe it was just your imagination.
You don't remember his sword coming down on you, slicing you in two, causing your soul to fracture and vanish into dust. It had happened in an instant.
And now here you were, soul cleansed of its impurities and stitched back together as if you'd always belonged. Here, in the Soul Society.
You'd woken up robed in white, surrounded by white. White linens, white curtains, white floors. The only color you could find was in the blue sky outside your window and in the flesh-toned faces of the Healers that milled amongst the rows of beds. Full beds, not a single one empty. A sea of unfamiliar faces, and your brow furrowed in confusion.
"It will take time to recover." The woman with the long, black hair said, her calm voice cutting through your haze. "Your soul was lost for a long time."
Whatever that meant.
All that flashed in your memory in this moment was his face.
And a deep, dark pit of emptiness. Emptiness and pain. But as soon as the memory began to surface, it was swept away again in a warm light. You looked up to see the woman's hands glowing, her eyes closed with focus. After a minute, the sensation was completely gone.
You laid back into your lush pillows and stared out the window, taking in the great expanse of the city below you. None of it was familiar.
"I feel like... I was searching for someone." you replied.
The woman nodded. "Hollows are lost souls that lose their way, consumed by despair or anger. Perhaps there was someone you'd lost."
The emptiness trickled in again, bringing with it the tingle of discomfort. No, not discomfort. Pain.
The woman's hands glowed again as she waited patiently for you to process your thoughts.
"Y-yes..." you began. "I... I think I did... someone precious to me..."
"Perhaps you'll find them here." she replied. "All souls come here eventually. They may already be waiting for you."
You stared at the sea of unfamiliar faces in the room with you and then out at the vastness of the city.
"But how will I ever find them in all of this? There are billions of souls here..."
"You have eternity to find each other." she replied. "And often souls are pulled together by more than chance." "You're awake..." said a male voice.
You whipped your head around at the sound, the familiarity ensnaring you. Your eyes widened.
"It's... it's you." you whispered.
The man with the white hair gave a silent nod.
The woman with the black hair smiled. "This is Hitsugaya Toshiro. He's the one that freed you from your Hollow form. He visits all the souls that he frees... when he can find the time, of course."
Toshiro gave her a side glance, acknowledging her playful jab. No doubt it was nearly impossible for a Soul Reaper to meet every freed soul.... right? Why would he commit himself to such a thing?
He took a seat in the empty chair next to your bed. "So. You remember me?"
You stared at his eyes. They were so familiar, and yet...
You cocked your head to the side slightly. "A little...? I know your face... from when I was a Hollow... I think?"
He stared at you for a long moment. "Anything else?"
He seemed so calm, and yet...
Toshiro's eyes traced over every inch of your face, every detail. It felt as if he were searching for something...
Or someone...
The tense furrow of his brow was still there and you wondered if it ever went away. What could possibly trouble him so much that it remained permanently etched into his young face? Without thinking, you reached out your thumb and smoothed it over the crease.
He froze, sucking in a short breath. You immediately withdrew your hand.
"I'm sorry, I... I don't know why I did that..."
The crease was gone now, his eyes wide as he stared at you. Then he regained his composure and cleared his throat.
"It... It's fine. " His fingers absently rubbed at where you'd touched him a moment earlier. "Are you sure you don't remember anything else?"
You thought for a moment, then shook your head. The dark haired woman continued her healing light and it made it difficult to think, to remember.
"That's enough, Toshiro." she said softly. "There will be plenty of time for questions later. There is still much healing to be done."
Toshiro dipped his head. "Of course." He looked back at you. "I'll return tomorrow."
"I'd like that." you smiled.
He gave a nod, and walked way. Something about his stride, about the silhouette of his back tickled an old, forgotten memory. Cherry blossoms. A bridge. Him turning around to look back at you, a smile on his face. He was younger, then... but he was still the same. Toshiro.
An ache of longing welled in you before simmering away into warmth again.
"I... I think I knew him." you whispered. "Before I was a Hollow."
The dark haired woman remained silent. But the shape of her mouth held the smallest ghost of a smile.
* * * * * *
Toshiro hesitated as he stepped out on the steps of the building, the sunlight warm on his face. He closed his eyes and turned his face towards it as he felt a heavy weight lift from his shoulders.
He did it. He finally found you. He'd searched for so long...
Now all he had to do was help you remember.
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milkberryroll · 1 year
pride, prejudice
"How about that upperclassman from the PT department? He liked you, right? He's a sports coach, now!" 
Yuzu close to shoved her phone screen to her twin's face, showing her black haired counterpart a photo of an acquaintance from university. Who apparently harbored feelings for Karin years ago. 
"No thanks. I turned him down before." Karin took a sip of her almost gone pear lemon soda.
also in ao3.
"Besides, I told you, didn't I? Not looking for a boyfriend. Not today, not tomorrow, not anytime soon. I'm way too busy for commitments. " She added, completely shutting her sister down. 
Yuzu pouted in disappointment — Karin really lacked romance in her bones. Maybe a good Pride and Prejudice movie night with Ruki-nee would help convert her, she thinks. 
"Oh, you're no fun, Karin-chan!" 
"I'm not interested." 
"But I'm telling you, once you see That Guy for you, you'll be eating your words!" 
"Yeah, yeah. Forget that, Ruki-nee's waiting for us at the department store, help me choose shoes for Ryouka, she says. And, Ichi-nii will be coming to get us, apparently."
Dismissing her twin with a text from their sister in law, she begins to stand up from their table. Yuzu proceeded to sip up the last of her iced chocolate, and stood up to follow her sister, ready to leave the cafe. 
"Speaking of, Ryouka-chan's going to school this coming semester, huh? Time flies so fast!" Yuzu wondered aloud, thinking about how her niece now is at that age for elementary school. 
"Yeah, it was like yesterday Ruki-nee was curs—" She bumped into a wall of toned muscle, losing her balance, expecting to meet carpet, only to be pulled to the same body she ran into by a firm arm around her waist. 
"Are you okay?" 
Karin looked up — and it was then rocks met ocean waters. Her eyes met with the owner of the voice, and saw turquoise looking back at her. 
An invitable encounter. 
"Ah, yeah. My bad, I wasn't looking where I was going." Karin tried her best to speak straight and not stumble on her words. 
"No, it's fine, I also wasn't paying attention." 
With a slight push, she pried herself off of the man she was now in an almost embrace with and bowed slightly in thanks, before stalking off to finally exit the cafe before any more eyes stare. She wasn't here to make a scene anyway, just to help her sister in law shop. 
Her sister was staring at her from outside the cafe with stars in her eyes, now with their brother, looking ready to tear a stranger's limbs apart.  
"Don't start." 
Meeting her siblings, she warned her twin, although she knows Yuzu will, regardless. Karin sighed in preparation for another tirade about romance and fate and destiny. 
She wanted to think it's not. 
With a sigh, Toshiro slid to his seat, seeing his sister smile at him, readying himself for whatever she's about to spew out. 
"She's pretty!" Momo nonchalantly uttered. 
"Unfortunately for you, I'm not looking for a girlfriend. Besides, I'm here to bring you to your OB appointment, since Izuru had an emergency at work." Toshiro replied without missing a beat. 
"Oh, would it kill you to actually be fun, for once? This is why you have no love life, you're way too serious. You were cuter when we were younger." 
"Shut up." Toshiro called a waiter over to take their orders, after taking a backward glance at his chanced encounter. 
Oh, there's someone with her. The orange haired guy. 
The little peep did not go unnoticed by Momo's observant eyes. 
"Too bad, seems like a guy is with them. A boyfriend, perhaps?" 
He decided to ignore the little twinge of disappointment in his chest.
"My bad Karin! I swear I'll make it up to you next time!" Rukia's voice rang from her phone's loudspeaker. 
"I told you it's fine! It's my off today. Anything else I need to pick her up?" Karin picked up her wallet, preparing to fetch her niece up from her first day of school. 
"Nope, just your ID! Call me if anything comes up! And grab some food for the two of you on the way! I'll send you the money!" 
"No, it's fine, Ruki-nee. Alright, I'm going to get her now. Bye!" With that, Karin ended the call, turned her car ignition off, and alighted the car. 
Going into the school premises, she searched for staff she can talk to. 
"Oh! Hi, good afternoon! What's your business here?" 
A voice rang from behind her, and it was a teacher coming out of the faculty room.  Oddly, the voice sounded pleasantly surprised. 
Bowing to return the greeting, she introduced herself. 
"Hello. I'm here to pick up Kurosaki Ryouka, first grader." She handed her ID to the teacher. 
"Kurosaki Karin... What a pretty name. And sorry for not introducing myself, my name is Momo. I'm the first graders' art teacher, so I actually know Ryouka-chan." Momo grabbed Karin's ID, and proceeded to lead the way. 
"Oh, that's great! I'm not too late picking her up, am I?" 
"No, you're not! She's still with a few of the other kids playing, so she's doing well. I take it she's your daughter?" Momo inquired with Karin, as they walked the halls to finally arrive at the classroom. 
Karin burst out laughing, tears in her eyes, stopping as she tried to catch her breath. Momo, now some steps ahead of her, stopped to look back at her guest. 
"Oh, I'm sorry. No, she's not my daughter, she's my niece! I don't even have a boyfriend!" Karin said in between chuckles. 
"Oh! Apologies!" 
"No, no worries. It was just funny." Wiping tears from her eyes, she continued on walking to catch up with Momo, when she crashed into someone. 
"This makes it the second time, huh." 
A familiar voice. 
It was the guy she bumped into at the cafe. With his arms around her. He's saved her again. 
And for the second time, their eyes met. 
"We meet again. And sorry, for the second time. And, thank you."  She apologized to the white haired guy. 
"Oh! I'll introduce you two! Shiro-chan, that's Miss Karin, here to pick her niece up. And, Miss Karin, that's Toshiro, my brother!" Momo pipes up, sounding elated, and her voice breaks the two out of whatever dangerous territory they have entered to. 
He reluctantly let go, and suddenly she longed for his warmth on her.  
He offered his hand for her to shake, and she took it without question. 
He found her hand, soft and small, fitting with his own well. 
"Nice to meet you. But, I guess, it's more of nice meeting you again?" Toshiro greeted. 
"Yeah, it is. Small world, huh? You're my niece's teacher's brother. And to think, what occurred at the cafe happened the second time around." Karin snickered. 
"Here's to hoping the next time we meet, if ever, we're not smacking and crashing into each other." Toshiro answered in return, with a smile in his voice. 
"Yeah, I hope so too." 
Yuzu would probably laugh at her face and tell her "Told you so! Fate and destiny does exist!" if she knew about this, Karin mused. 
Karin and Ryouka waved goodbye to Momo and Toshiro, with the sibling pair waiting and waving back until they were out of sight. 
"Wasn't that nice? Maybe you guys are really meant for each other." Momo teased her brother after a brief moment of silence. 
"Shut it." 
"Pease, you seemed happy seeing her again." Momo stalked off to proceed to the faculty room, and pick up her things to finally go home, with her brother trailing after her. 
"That's not it." 
Momo stopped just in front of the faculty door. 
"Oh, by the way. The orange haired man? That was her brother. And, she's single." She quipped. 
"You have a chance after all, Shiro-chan!" She hummed as she entered the room and closed the door behind her. 
He's not so against it now, if fate and destiny was always that pretty and amazing. 
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wellthebardsdead · 2 years
Another Mononoke Au to chase down the last one?? ~Bambi
*On the dropship after a bitten hand and mild but well aimed sedative dart*
76: *winces a little as Angela wraps up his hand* your dads got a good set of chompers on him, lucky he didn’t take my fingers off.
Genji: *standing beside angela holding her equipment* sorry Jack he-he just got scared, I-
76: It’s okay. I should’ve known he’d react given his current state. He probably thought I was going to take him away from you pair… *glances at Sojiro*
Sojiro: *laying on a stretcher dressed in whatever clothes they had on the ship, now barely conscious and purring very loudly after getting shot in the ass by Ana, but still aware enough to keep a firm hold on Hanzos hand, gently rubbing it with his thumb like he did when he was still a boy* yoshi, yoshi… yoshi, yoshi… (Translation: “there, there… there there.” Meant in a comforting fashion)
Hanzo: *finally stopped crying, just sitting beside his father holding his hand reassuringly* what… happened to him?… to turn him into an Oni?… I can’t sense his dragon anymore…
Kiriko: once he’s rested and calmed down a bit more I’m sure he’ll tell us but… From what the Kitsune told me it’s not good. The short of it is the elders weren’t happy with how much he protected you and Genji from them. Apparently he was planning on doing something they didn’t approve of and they faked his death but kept him alive to use him until you were… moulded enough to their liking…
Hanzo: I see… that explains some of it but… why would his dragon abandon him to this fate?…
Kiriko: …he didn’t… he… your father… he died down there… his dragon sacrificed itself to save him but… *looks at the fox in her lap as it stares back at her as if conveying silent information* he was so filled with anger it turned him into an Oni instead…
Hanzo: …can we heal him from this?…
Kiriko: I don’t know. I mean- I was strong enough to snap him out of a rampage so maybe but… I’m not sure…
Toshiro: *gently pats her shoulder* You saved not only me, but my friend, and all of kanezaka. You reunited him with his sons, and you reunited our family too kiriko. I know you’re capable of anything you set your mind to. *smiles proudly* your grandma would be so proud of you.
Kiriko: *smiles and hugs him* thanks dad…
Hanzo: *smiles and pulls a blanket over Sojiro a little to keep him warm* it’s funny how the Hashimoto modelled themselves after Oni. But ran like cowards when faced with a real one…
Genji: *walks over and sits beside them making Sojiro smile and purr louder* And even then they proved themselves to be the real monsters…
Hanzo: indeed… *sighs* he was down there this whole time… this whole time and I never once thought of going down there, if I had- he-
Cole: *sidles over to Hanzo to comfort him and give him a kiss on the cheek* don’t worry darlin we’ll do everything we can to help h-
Sojiro: *skin suddenly turning blood red and horns growing larger as he sits up and snarls at the cowboy, now perceiving anyone who isn’t his sons as a threat coming to separate them* COME BACK FOR ROUND TWO HUH?!
Hanzo & Genji: FATHER NO!!!!!
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darkroguescribe · 1 year
Hitsuhina Week 2023 - Day 2: Sunset/ Homecoming
Rating: K
Summary: Hitsugaya and Hinamori return to Junrinan on their day off.
He was late. Toshiro cursed as he finished off the report and placed it on his lieutenant’s desk, hoping she would at the very least be able to deliver them to the First Division by the end of the day though, he had his doubts she would even turn up today. The moment he’d put in his notice that he was taking the day off, Matsumoto had secretly begun planning a party that was to start this afternoon. He probably wouldn’t have even known about the party if he hadn’t overheard about it from a group of new recruits who were still adjusting to the division. Pinching the bridge of his nose, he sighed as he debated between delivering the paperwork himself, or hoping that his third seat might stop by and make sure things are in order before the party started. A glance at the clock made the choice easy as he cursed and shunpoed as fast as he could towards the Western Gate.
Momo was already there waiting, dressed in a casual floral kimono, her hair tied back with an elegant chignon with a few wispy strands escaping. The sight of her nearly made him trip over his feet as he came to a stop a few feet away from her. It had been awhile since the two of them had a whole day to spend together and even longer since he’d seen her wearing anything other than the standard uniform. She smiled at him as he walked to meet her.
“What took you so long?” She asked, reaching out and straitening the collar of the navy kimono he wore. “Don’t tell me you were working.”
Toshiro sighed, “It couldn’t be helped,” He said. “There was an incident last night between some men from my division and the Sixth.”
“And I take it Rangiku wasn’t available to do the write-up this morning?”
He snorted in response, and she rolled her eyes, always finding amusement in how a workaholic like him is able to work so well with a champion slacker.
“Well, you’re here now,” She said, leaning up to kiss him lightly before looping her arm through his. “And I’m not letting you set foot in that office again for the rest of the day.”Smiling, they began to walk to the only other place they had ever called home.
The dusty roads of Junrinan had changed much over the years. The war with the Quincy a few decades ago had caused immense damage that had taken years for the Rukongai Districts to fully recover from. But in these years of peace, the streets had finally returned to the way He and Momo remembered from their childhood. Familiar faces passed by them in the market as they searched for the largest watermelons they could find. The residents kept their distance for the most part, well aware of what they were despite their casual dress. Toshiro felt Momo’s excitement as they spotted her old friends Tatukichi and Ayumi, their arms laden with their purchases.
Momo pulled away from him as she reunited with their old neighbors while he hung back, watching from a comfortable distance as they exchanged pleasantries and news. Every few moments he noticed them glancing his way but he ignored their nervous looks and averted his eyes as he waited for Momo. Her friends were still wary of him, looking at him as though he would lash out at any moment. Ridiculous.
After the three of them finished their goodbyes, Momo returned to his side and they continued on their way.
“I’m sorry about them,” She said after the others had left.
“Don’t be,” He said, his pace quickening slightly when he spied a watermelon vendor at the corner of the intersection. “They’ve never really liked me to begin with, so I don’t really mind.”
Momo sighed, “I know, But I wish they could see even just a little bit of what I can see, you know?” She said as he brought them to a stop in front of the melon cart.
He felt his stomach rumble as he hovered over the stand, trying to decide which watermelon looked the largest first. He settled on a long one, turning it over in his hands, searching for the yellow-green spot that would be his first indicator of ripeness. He didn’t find it, so put the melon down and picked another one up. “I’m glad they can’t,” He said, never taking his eyes off the fruit as he held it up to his ear, lightly knocking on it, and smiling when he heard the desired deep hollow sound.
“The way I am with you is… different than the way I am with anyone else. It’s…” Toshiro paused, lips pursed as he looked up in thought. It was difficult to put into words how he is with her. No word seemed to be able to convey the depth of the feelings they shared and the inexplainable bond that had been forged and welded them together. Perhaps there isn’t a good word. “It’s personal,” He eventually settled on saying, passing her the watermelon he selected to hold while he searched for another of equal size and ripeness.
After paying for the watermelons, they each carried one as they made their way through the district towards the small house that had been their first real home. Situated at the top of the hill, Toshiro smiled as beloved childhood memories returned to him in great detail. The fence along the walkway was where he had found a nest of rabbits that he and Momo had watched every day for an entire summer. The field to the north was where the two of them would spend lazy afternoons making up shapes in the clouds, or run around playing whatever silly game she came up with. The tall tree right next to the house was the same one that the two of them would climb to see who could get the highest. For a long time, Momo had always won; being taller than him had given her the advantage that had often peeved him. He remembered once trying to jump for a handhold well outside his reach and then falling, landing hard enough to fracture his left leg. Looking up at the tree now, he smirked. He could reach the top with a single jump if he used shunpo.
The house had fortunately been one of the lucky residences that had remained untouched during the Quincy War. Once it was confirmed that Yhawach had been defeated and that the invading army had been neutralized, Toshiro had taken the first chance he had to check in on Junrinan and his Granny. The chaos of war had sent the residence of the Rukongai in a panic that had given courage to otherwise craven criminals who now used the lack of security as permission to do as they pleased. Junrinan hadn’t been hit by the crime as much as other districts, but they had still suffered from the shockwaves of it all. Granny had not only handled it well for herself, but had taken a small leadership role in the community. She’d offered her home for children of refugees fleeing from the greater effected districts, and had donated her time and food to help care for the people she could. It made him proud to be able to call her his Granny.
Climbing the hill, the two of them spotted the old woman kneeling in her garden, tending to beloved flowers; daffodils and lillies of the valley. She had planted them the week after they had graduated and joined their respective divisions, taking pride in their achievements and boasting to anyone who would listen. Momo quickened her pace, jogging the rest of the way eagerly. “Granny!” She called, putting the watermelon on the ground and leaping the fence to get to her quickly.
The old woman was slow to stand, and Momo extended her hands to help, holding her tightly as she got her feet under her before embracing her in a tight hug. Granny cupped Momo’s cheeks in her hands, looking her over, and fussing over the strand of hair that escaped the loose chignon she had tied her black hair in. “It’s not long enough yet, Granny,” Momo laughed, tugging on the hair to show her.
She frowned, tucking it behind her ear, “Suppose it can’t be helped then, dear,” Granny leaned up and kissed Momo on the forehead as Toshiro joined them. He’d left his own melon outside with Momo’s and rather than jumping the fence like her, used the gate. “Now, let me get a look at my grandson.”
His eyes rolled as he leaned down to let her hold his face, grunting as she tried to pat down his hair, tsk-ing as the unruly hair refused to obey. He heard Momo giggle beside him, and he shot her a look, “Shut up.”
Granny slapped his arm, “That’s no way to talk to her, Toshiro, apologize. Now,” She scolded. Standing back to his full height, he rolled his eyes, huffing out air that gently lifted his bangs. “I know I taught you manners.”
Momo continued to giggle and he grunted, grumbling under his breath, “She started it.”
Granny smacked him again, “Apologize.”
Momo decided then to step in, “It’s okay, Granny,” She said, moving closer to him and patting his chest lightly. “You know how he is. I don’t mind.” She leaned up and kissed his cheek. He felt his body relax instantly, the corner of his lips curling, immensely pleased by the small show of affection.
“Very well, dear,” Granny said, “Why don’t you two go inside,” She suggested. “I’m just finishing up here—“
“—I can do that for you,” Momo interjected. “You just want some flowers for inside, right?” The old woman nodded. “Just put a vase out then. I’ll pick the best ones for you.”
Granny thought about it for a moment, but with encouragement from both of them, she complied, letting Toshiro help her inside before he went back out to bring the watermelons in. Placing them on the counter, he stood and looked out through the kitchen window. From where he stood, he could see Momo kneeling in the garden carefully cutting the stems of the flowers and placing them in Granny’s basket, gently arranging them as she had been taught in the ikebana club.
A hand on his shoulder pulled him from his thoughts as he turned to see Granny smiling beside him. She held out the small white box he had left for her to watch several weeks ago. Swallowing thickly, he took the box and opened it. The ring inside was simple in design with a diamond that glistened like melting ice; white with hints of pale blue that were more apparent under a certain light.
He’d dabbled with the idea of proposing a long time ago when the idea of being with Momo was simply a pleasant dream that he doubted would ever happen. Content to put his feelings for her aside in favor of of her own happiness; he never dreamed that the day would come that he’d get the courage to kiss her, let along that she’d kiss him back. But even once they were together, he never thought about marriage until that rainy day in the world of the living.
Rangiku had been sent on a simple mission that should have only taken a day to complete but, as he should have expected, had gotten distracted and thus fallen behind. Angry, and with her no longer answering the phone; he’d gone down there to lecture her and make sure she didn’t half-ass the rest of the job. But with no idea where she was, and the rain coming down in sheets, it had made the search for his lieutenant a frustrating ordeal. He ended up wandering down High Street in the city centre where he found himself standing in front of a jewelry store looking at the ring displays brightly illuminated in the window. That was when those long dormant dreams came back to him in full force. He could see it. He could see her. He saw her standing next to him, his ring on her finger, and hers on his. It thrilled him about as much as it terrified him, yet he still found himself walking through the doors, looking at the rings, and then leaving with one secured in the white box he now held in his hands.
Granny placed her hand over his holding the box, pulling him back to the present. She squeezed his hand gently and smiled up at him. Her other hand cupped his cheek affectionately, and he bent low so she could kiss his forehead. “I’m so proud of you, Toshiro,” She said, pulling back enough so that he could see her face. “I just know she’s going to love it.” He couldn’t say anything, and simply nodded before closing the box and tucking it safely away inside his robe just as Momo came inside, the basket of flowers hanging from her arm and a bright smile on her face that warmed him to his very core.
The simplicity of the day was exactly what the two of them had needed after weeks of being bogged down by work. Whenever they returned to Junrinan, Granny had one simple rule that they were to follow; no talking about work. For a few brief hours, they existed in a simpler world where hollows and paperwork were far from their thoughts and worries. Instead, they indulged in sharing bits of gossip that was swimming around, and recounting stories that were joyful and sometimes humorous over a simple lunch of yakitori and onigiri. Momo had brought with her the most recent edition of the Sereitei Bulletin, sharing with Granny the photos from the Kuchiki garden party that had taken place two weeks ago. Kuchiki had spared no expense on the lavish party had been the highlight of the month. The sakura trees were in bloom, and ponds freshly stocked with koi and the tea and food were the very best money could buy. Toshiro had even been asked to contribute a few sculptures to the event to commemorate not just the start of spring, but also the end of winter.
“You should have seen it, Granny,” Momo gushed, pointing at the picture of Captain Kuchiki giving a toast. He stood between four trees; two of ice and two of his own blooming sakura trees. The contrast of the bright pink petals and the glimmer of pale blue ice, made it look like something out of a fairytale. “The sculptures were even more beautiful in person. I swear, they looked even better than the real ones.”
Toshiro rolled his eyes, but remained quiet. In truth, they were far from his best work. He was a bit out of practice sculpting having only recently gotten back into the hobby. And with Kuchiki being rather particular about what he wanted, it hadn’t really left him much room to make it how he wanted. Evidently, none of that really mattered. Everyone seemed to like them, but their opinions were inconsequential to him.
Toshiro felt his lips curl at the memory of their arrival at the party. His sculptures were scattered around the Kuchiki Manor grounds, all the pieces varied in size but all had something to do with nature. Of all the sculptures he’d made, there were a total of fifteen sakura trees scattered among the living trees, small crystalline birds that adorned the pillars supporting the sheer awnings, and two giant koi sculptures near the pond and fountain. Momo had gripped his arm tightly, taken aback as she beheld the results of his work. So long as she was pleased with them, it didn’t matter if the sculptures were too blocky in places, or the scale was off.
As the afternoon grew late, but not late enough for dinner yet, Granny suggested it was time to make use of the watermelons they had brought. Neither of them could refuse the lure of their favorite treat and Toshiro offered to cut them up while they made themselves comfortable outside on the porch. He could hear the two of them laughing and making small jokes at his expense, which he ignored for once, preferring to focus on making sure that he cut the wedges into (mostly) equal sections for him and Momo and a smaller piece for Granny since she didn’t eat nearly as much as the two of them.
It was quiet between the three of them as they ate, and recounted stories from decades ago. Fond memories shared in this little house that had them all smiling or laughing. After a while, Granny decided it was time to start on dinner. Momo had offered their help in the kitchen, but was declined with a weak excuse about exercise and this being their day off.
The sky burned orange above the distant hilltops as Momo rested her head on his shoulder, her hand resting on his knee while his arm was wrapped securely around her back. Toshiro glanced down at her and felt his pulse quicken as he took in how the light seemed to halo her head. The beat of his heart was deafening as he realized the perfection of this moment. His mind battled with his heart as fight or flight seemed to kick in. It was now or never; yet despite having played the moment in his head over and over again, meticulously picked the words he would say, when he would say them, and what he would do; he was drawing a blank. His body was stiff, and he felt beads of perspiration on his brow, and his hands go clammy.
Now or never.
Toshiro took her hand in his, squeezing lightly as he brought her knuckles to his lips, kissing each one lightly. She turned her head and smiled up at him, and he felt himself relax a little, sighing as he kissed her palm and let her hand go. His fingers trembled as he reached into his robe and shifted his body towards her, waiting for her to do the same before he pulled out the small white box and gently placed it in her palm.
Her eyes were wide as she looked at the box and watched as he flipped the top open with his thumb. His jaw opened and closed with no words leaving his lips; the carefully planned words were truly lost forever in the fog his mind had entered. Still, he had to say something. Anything.
“You were probably the most annoying person when we first met,” He said, the words being the first that came to mind. “But… your persistence eventually made you one of the most important people in my life. Everything I am, everything I hope to be is because of you.” Words started to come easier to him as his breathing seemed to settle, though his heart still raced. “And all I want is to spend every day for the rest of my life by your side.” Toshiro took a breath, reaching out to tuck a lock of her dark hair behind her ear, his lips curling into a small smile that was for her alone. “Momo Hinamori, will you marry me?” He bit the inside of his cheek, worrying as he noticed the tears welling in her eyes and felt her hand tremble in his.
“Yes,” Her voice was a small whisper, “Yes, of course.” Smiling, grabbed him by the front of his robe and pulled him in for a deep kiss.
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prerodinu · 11 months
⸻@kinglyisms Toshiro & Artem.
"Things with the Pack are a bit complicated, as I'm sure you've noticed." Toshiro stated, moving around the desk in his office toward the filing cabinet in the back. He opened it open and dug around a moment before fetching out the map of the forest. He carried it over to his desk and moved things out of the way before unrolling it and spreading it out. He weighed the corners down with the various things on his desk and then rested his hands against the edge of it. "My--father died. He got very sick, it was incurable, and he passed away two years ago." Toshiro had not taken his death well, but he got there with Elliot's help. "He was a great leader for the Pack. Brave, strong, tall and wellbuilt. When you think Werewolf my father would fit that image." A soft smile spreads across his face before it falls off. "Apparently, those genes skipped me. I take more after my mother." A woman he didn't meet. "My father didn't get to teach me a lot of what he needed to, and as a result I don't--know a lot." He picks his head up and motions toward one of the big, very full bookshelves in the room. "I try to read what I can on Werewolves and Packs to make up for that." Toshiro is doing his best, he wants to be a good leader. It just wasn't easy when you didn't have anyone to learn from. "Anyway, the Pack doesn't really--respect me I guess. At least not all of them. A good majority does, but there are those who don't." He shrugs a bit, pretending it wasn't bothering him. It does. "So, here's the map of the forest." He grabbed a coin and placed it down. "This is where our Pack Houses sit, take a look and see where you want to place yours."
There are times Artem often forgets how new and exciting it could be to be an Alpha. He hasn’t really wanted a pack, though he had gotten it by simply being himself. Leaning into nature his mother should have taught his sister but taught him instead.
How to cook.
How to clean.
How to care for people.
All while his father raged upon his sister and made her a nightmare.
She hadn’t wanted this position anyway either. Some how though, they did it together. Fixed the missed pieces each other needed to create a strong pack. Even if some were disjointed and bad.
Artem loved every bond he had, every person who came through his door.
This is why sitting in Toshiro's office he found himself wanting to give the other whatever he needed. Money. Advice. Love. A home-cooked meal. Whatever he needed Artem would provide it.
“When I think of a werewolf I think of cunning. I think of grace, a quick mind and I think of family. I don’t think of a big strong man or woman. Those things are, pointless if you are backed against a wall on your own Toshiro. An animal or person hurt and backed against a wall will eat its own self to protect itself or get away cleanly. Even if it hurts them.” He glanced at the books feeling at home with them. “Someone with family, a quick mind, they don’t need brute strength. They need the support.”
Artem was giving out advice someone once told him. Someone special to him. Lachlan wasn’t a father but he was the only person Artem and Katia had to point them in the direction of being good and fair leaders. Though he wasn’t going to tell Toshiro stories he didn’t care about.
“I am sorry about your father. Losing someone you love leaves a hole you can’t fix.” He looks at Toshiro, really looks at the other, he was wearing his glasses today, the heart-shaped ones sitting upon his mat of blonde hair he had tied back to keep from overheating himself. He was dressed down more than normal, gray sweatpants and a short-sleeved forest green shirt were all he needed, even if that was a little warmer for him.
Though he didn't want to be shirtless in Toshiro's office. The last thing he was going to do was show off his scars.
“You can learn a lot from books and others. Use your resources.” He offers looking away as the coin comes into view. He detangled his glasses from his hair, wearing them as he looked close.
RESPECT. Red-brown eyes snapped back to Toshiro's face upon hearing the mumble of people not respecting him. Artem could fix that, but he didn’t want to fight the other's battles but a couple well-placed words and maybe he could give those pack members a piece of his mind. The other didn’t have to know.
Taking his glasses off and placing them back on top of his head he stood up leaning close enough to Toshiro to brush his fingers over the others before tracing the map. Moving around the coin thinking about where he would want the house set up.
“Is there a place you would suggest?” Artem values the other's opinion. He obviously wouldn’t do anything without Consulting his sister or the pack but a couple good ideas would be nice.
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divineslcyer · 1 year
@virtuous-absolute ---- Lycan!Toshiro + Witch!Rangiku
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Mishil practically kicked down the door after returning to the base she resided in--it was unusual certainly, but she currently lived with a lycan and a witch. Given her occupation, it looked even more unusual at first glance, but they all had unique circumstances that brought them together. Rangiku greeted her, in her hands a tome and her smile welcoming. ❝ Ami-chan, welcome back! How was the job?❞ Mishil eased off her coat with a grimace, ❝ I had to hunt down some strigoi, got bit in the arm--.❞ With her jacket off, her strapless-leather tunic revealed, a bandage wrapped around her arm was exposed. She set her crossbow on the hook of the wall, and her bag dropped beside Rangiku's cauldron.
The blonde glanced at the bag curiously and Mishil waved her hand, ❝ Got you some more parts for your brewing, figured you could find some use for them.❞ Rangiku opened the bag after hefting it to the nearby table, and cooed in delight. ❝ Ohh, saves me a shopping trip--Oh don't get too cozy there's another job for you!❞ Mishil glanced back, brows furrowing. ❝ Can I get a shower at least? Jeez, I just got back.❞
Rangiku offered a sympathetic smile, ❝ Sorry Ami-chan, it sounded pretty urgent. Clean up, but Hitsugaya is back too, so maybe you two can team up? There's a missing person involved.❞ Mishil rested her hand on her hip, ❝ Fine, a shower and a feed. Then you can explain the job.❞ Moving up the stairs, Mishil began to unfasten her blade belt, seeing Rangiku wave her off. She knocked on the door, peering him, ❝ Hitsugaya? I'm back. Ran says there's another job we can do? If she's briefed you let me know, I'll be in my room.❞
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In her room, there was a private shower stall---slipping in, she lets her clothes fall after shutting the door and turning the facet on. A hiss slips from her as she steps in and worked to rinse and scrub off the blood, dirt and grim from the week of hunting. A soft sigh leaving her as the weeks exhausted flowed down the drain. As she felt herself relax, she caught a familiar metallic scent and another, one of sandalwood, pine and faint tea... She heard the knock to her bedroom door with her sharp hearing. ❝ Hitsugaya, that you?❞ After a beat, she shut off the facet, ❝ If that's my blood pack, you can leave it on the coffee table, I'll be down soon for the briefing.❞ She eyed her injury, closed but sore--some blood would do the trick. Sweeping her damp hair back, she added, ❝ Thanks. I'll be down after I change.❞
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chiefatticcreator · 11 months
Tatsuki and Orihime are taking a nice shower after a sweaty workout, only to get cornered by Toshiro in the coed locker room and showers.
Orihime wasn't as big into sports, martial arts and all that stuff as Tatsuki was, but she still went with her to the gym sometimes to work out with her friend. Even if she did minor exercises compared to Tatsuki, she still wanted to stay in shape and it gave her the occasion to speak and have fun with her friend, so that was always a bonus.
At the end of their session, the two were always covered in sweat and panting, so the showers were an obligatory stop before they changed back to their normal clothes.
"You did really great today, Orihime." Tatsuki smiled at her, the hot water running down her body. "Working on your endurance like that, you'll run a marathon someday."
"Absolutely not." Orihime laughed at her firend's teasing remakr. "You know i just want to stay in shape, Tatsuki. But you were really impressive!"
The water ran down Orihime's long hair and huge breasts, clinging to her and making her entire body wet and steamy. Tatsuki briefly glanced at her friend's curves and, for a short instant, somewhat lamented not being as sexy as her before she shook her head. She liked her body as it was.
The two girls' eyes darted away as the sound of the showers' door opened, unsure what they would see since they were usually alone at this hour. They didn't have to wait too long for the answer, as Toshiro entered the showers proper a few moments later. He did not look as tired or sweaty as the two beautiful girls, but they both gulped as they saw him naked.
Toshiro was, in every definition of the word possible, an absolute stud. Incredibly fit without being grotesque, extremely handsome, there was an aura about the white-haired man that made women swoon in his path, and Tatsuki and Orihime were no different. the two girls immediately felt their cunt tingle with arousal, nearly spraying their wetness on the floor just from seeing him, from feelign his masculien aura envelop them, from being in his mere presence.
And his cock! Something big enough to rival cars in length, tree trunks in girth, that looked like it was made to utterly break and dominate women, to shatter their minds to dust from brain-destroying orgasms and pleasure.
They were so enraptrued with him that neither of them noticed that Toshiro had locked the showers' door, leaving him alone with the two beauties as his smile grew from cocky to utterly confident and dominating.
But, if they were honest, he didn't even need to lock them with him to make them his. a simple smoldering look from the stud was enough to make the two girls more lustful and thirsty for cock than they had ever been in their lives. Their eyes were glued to him as he walked up to them and, like it was nothing special, start groping Orihime's fat tits with one hand and smack tatsuki's ass with the other.
"You two are my sluts, now." he declared.
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Because I have no control over myself, here’s a small snippet that I’m really proud of so far.
This does take place some time after Chapter 13, so some information here hasn’t been fully explained. But I’ll be working on that later. I just felt that this scene would be perfect for spooky month.
The entire scene will be posted on Halloween!
Taking a breath to calm herself, Kasumi lifted her head to look around. At the far end of the vault, she could see the jewel regalia that they had been after. A single light shone down upon it, making the spotless emerald green surface shimmer. Kasumi could almost feel a calming, benevolent aura coming from the magical artifact. She gazed at it in awe, almost in a trance for a brief moment.
Then something dark and shadowy flew over her head. She stifled a cry of alarm and ducked, more focused on getting out of the way than seeing whatever it was.
And that was when she sensed another presence. She wasn’t alone.
Kasumi quickly lifted her head, just in time to see a familiar figure standing before the jewel. Quickly, she drew Winter’s Tempest from its sheath and pointed it. “You!”
He paused, as if surprised, and soon turned around. Once his blood-red eyes spotted her, a delighted, sinister grin spread across his face. 
“Kasumi! What a surprise.” The delight was evident in Toshiro’s tone. “I was getting so worried that this mission would be boring, but here you are! How nice of you to show up.”
Kasumi didn’t return the same smile. She simply tightened her grip on her sword’s hilt. “Step away from the Magatama.”
“And disappoint my mistress yet again?” His brows furrowed, yet the smile remained on his face. “Kasumi-chan, you know I can’t do that.”
Chan? Hearing that made Kasumi shiver uncomfortably. He was talking to her like she was a young, naïve child. She hoped Toshiro didn’t notice the effect his words had on her. She didn’t want to appear afraid in front of him. “We won’t let Prima take it for herself.”
“We?” Toshiro raised an eyebrow at her, and soon glanced around the vault. “As far as I can tell, none of your allies decided to follow you in here. Not even your dear sister. Poor Kasumi-chan, all alone.”
“Stop calling me that!” The outburst left her before she could stop herself.
“Would you prefer that I continue calling you half-breed?” He paused, before letting out a snicker. “Oh, but you don’t even know what you are, do you?”
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brittscafe · 2 years
Could we see a "reaction to finding you asleep" for the rest of the 13 court guard captains? 👀
-@dragon-anon 🐉
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Jushiro: He honestly melts inside when he walks into your shared bedroom and you're curled up with his pillow, fast asleep. Jushiro will make sure that the covers are over you and he places a soft kiss on your lips.
If he has time, he'll usually cuddle you in his arms.
Shunsui: A smirk tugs on his face as you're laying on top of him and he notices that you've gone quiet and fallen asleep on him. He'll run his fingers through your hair and stays perfectly still.
He wouldn't dare to move an inch or let anybody disturb you in this state.
Shinji: At first, he definitely thinks about waking you up with a cruel joke, but he decides not to. His eyes rake over you asleep in his white captain's cape and his heart just melts.
He lets out a tiny scoff and walks over to you. Your fingers are wrapped around the cape tightly and your lips are slightly parted open.
"I knew I forget something. You can keep it for now, Y/N," Shinji whispers, placing a kiss on your forehead before heading back to his squad.
Rojuro: His eyes glance down at you, your head resting in his lap with your eyes closed. He places his hand on your cheek and hums quietly.
The sound of his voice makes sure that your sleep is not disturbed and he stands guard, carefully watching the door.
Toshiro: Stops in his tracks when his eyes lock onto you, asleep on the ground on top of a pile of books.
"Oh, captain!" Rangiku's voice rings through Toshiro's ears and his eyes fill with annoyance. Rangiku leaps into the room and Toshiro quickly spins around.
"Shut up," he retorts harshly and Rangiku pouts heavily. Her eyes glance over Toshiro's shoulder and catch a glimpse of you.
"Oh, I see," she nods her head, exiting the room and running down the hall to bother another. Toshiro marches over to you and easily scoops you up in his arms.
"You ought to find more comfortable places to fall asleep," Toshiro whispers, shaking his head with amusement.
Kenpachi: Puts his arm over the wall and just hangs there as he admires you.
"Look, Kenny! Y/N is fast asleep. Do you think she'll wake up?" Yachiru asks, peeking over Kenny's shoulder.
"How the hell am I suppose to know, kid?" Kenpachi scoffs quietly and Yachiru hops down from his tall shoulder. Her feet hit the ground and she walks up to you.
She pokes your nose and Kenpachi's eyes widen.
"Hey, scram kid," Kenpachi demands and Yachiru lets out a tiny giggle, hopping out of the room. Kenpachi walks over to you and sits down next to you.
The bed sinks down underneath his weight and he runs his fingers through your hair. He lets out a tiny sigh and admires you one last time before getting back to training.
Gin: The playfully smirk that always seems to be on his face drops and his eyes widen. His feet freeze to the ground and he gulps.
This is the first time Gin's found you dead asleep. Of course, he's seen you when you're vulnerable, but this was different. You were so soft and at peace in your shared bed.
He enjoyed moments like this with you, so he crawls into the bed with you. His wraps his arms around your torso and rest his head on your stomach, basking in your warmth.
Aizen: A smile dances along his face as he steps into his room and finds you hunched over a desk, face down. He tries to best not to chuckle at the sight of you, but a fit of chuckles leaves his lips.
He marches over towards you and pats the top of your head. Aizen grabs a pillow and props it underneath your head. He also wraps a blanket around your shoulders and places a kiss on your shoulder.
Sure, your back was going to be killing you tomorrow, but that gave you another reason to engage in a playful fight with your boyfriend.
Mayuri: He had come home late from working in the lab and found you asleep, waiting for him. You were sprawled out on the bed, limbs covering every inch of the bed and Mayuri lets out a tiny chuckle.
Mayuri decides to take off his face paint and takes a quick shower. He steps out of the bathroom to find you still asleep. He crawls into bed and wraps his arms around your waist.
He easily pulls you into his arms and rests his chin on your shoulder.
Sajin: It was one of the times, he didn't turn himself into his human form for you. He was explaining how bad he felt when you had to see him like this.
You shoot him a warm smile and wrap yourself around his arm, snuggling into his side.
"I like you. Just the way you are," you reassure him, before shutting your heavy eyelids. Sajin's breath hitches in his throat and he opens his mouth, but he can't seem to find the words.
Honestly, it brought tears to his eyes, knowing you felt comfortable with him, no matter what form he was in.
Isshin: After getting Karin and Yuzu to bed, you were supposed to finish the movie together. Your body had another plans as you were lulled into a deep sleep.
Isshin walks into the living room to find you slumped over on the arm of the couch, passed out. At first, a frown tugs on his face, but then a warm smile replaces the frown.
So, he sits down next to you, draping a blanket over you and resting his hand on your thigh, finishing the movie by himself.
Let's just say when you woke up, Isshin regrets his choice to finish the movie by himself...
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rays-of-fire-and-ice · 9 months
Final preview of the year
Seeing as doing these have motivated me in the past, here's the final preview of the year for a fic I'm hoping to get out before the end of December. It's shaping up to be an introspective piece for Momo (with Hitsuhina sprinkled in of course); a warning though that this section contains violence and descriptions of injuries:
The boy’s sobs make Momo's chest clench, and glancing at his face makes her bite the inside of her lip. Her blood pumps harshly in her veins, heating the backs of her eyes and the tips of her fingers. She thinks to look over at Toshiro, standing almost a yard away in her periphery along with a group of Shinigami, but chooses the boy instead.
“I-It’ll be okay,” she tries to reassure. “We’ve called for some people to come help you.”
The boy only whimpers and tilts his head down at the bite mark in his leg in horror. She can’t be glad he can’t see the full gruesome detail while he’s lying down, because it’s likely what he can see is bad enough. He’s getting too pale, much like his bedraggled mother, who clasps his hand in a death grip between her own. Momo can’t ignore her any longer, and says to her as she prepares for a healing kido, “I-In the meantime, I’ll see what I can do.”
“Save him!” she begs. “He’s losing so much blood!”
“I-I don’t –”
“You’re supposed to save him!”
It’s like a bucket of cold water thrown over her rising panic. She holds her hands over the bite wound and stammers out the kido chant. As the green glow engulfs his limb, the boy yelps and his leg jolts.
“I-I’m sorry, I know it hurts,” she says to him, “but you’ll have to keep your leg still. This won’t take long.”
His bottom lip quivers, but he does as asked. It likely won’t be enough as the spell works deeper into the injury. Momo nods to his mother. “I-Im afraid I’m going to have to ask you to…” For some inexplicable reason, she can’t get the words out. Wasn’t she trained to handle situations like?
The boy’s mother whimpers when she realises what Momo wants her to do. She releases one hand from his and shakily brings it to his calf, pinning it down.
Another wounded Soul hisses in pain, but Momo doesn’t look away from the task at hand. Around her, Shinigami are trying to do the same she is with Souls who are injured to varying degrees. This boy is one of the more severe; aside from his injured leg, he has lacerations all over his body and internal wounds she suspects are in various places across his chest.
Considering the destruction caused by the Hollows in this area – from the snapped trees to the destroyed homes – it’s a miracle he wasn’t killed in the chaos.
His small face is scrunched up, his teary eyes focused on the sky.
She needs to distract him. “What’s your name?”
Before the boy can wince out an answer, his mother flatly replies, “Arai Tomohito.”
“Ah, that’s a really nice name,” Momo compliments.
Tomohito’s mother doesn’t respond, keeping her gaze on her son. The boy, however, shifts his attention to her. A tear falls down his cheek and lands in the dirt, but Momo can only take in how wide his eyes are. He wants assurance from her.
She finds some strength to smile. “I know it hurts a lot right now, but you’ll be all right. After I’m done, there will be other Shinigami that’ll heal you completely. You’ll be able to walk and run again before you know it.”
Tomohito blinks, looking both uncertain and hopefully.
“After I’m done, is there anything I can get you? Water? Or maybe something from your home?”
The boy’s eyes light up. “Kei-chan.”
“M-My --”
“His toy,” his mother murmurs.
“Oh, I see.” She nods to her. “Maybe after I’m done, we can go get Kei-chan and –”
“Our house is gone.” The woman’s voice cracked, the flatness edging closer to something raw.
Momo can’t look away as Tomohito’s mother finally raises her head to her. Stands of dirt caked hair fall from what’s left of her bun, landing on her torn yukata. Her lips are parted, as if to say more, put they only quiver with a repressed sob. Momo’s gut churns; she knows this image will be burned into her memory for years.
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my own Christmas prompts
I didn’t actually have a prompt for this one I just realized that 12/20 is the birthday of Toshiro Hitsugaya My Beloved and I wanted to write something for him lmao
I wrote the Ichigo one before Brave Souls started the Christmas events, I didn’t intend for the setups to be so similar oops
ᵗᶦᵖ ʲᵃʳ
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Although the party hasn’t quite started winding down, you can feel your own social battery is on the verge of giving out. You stifle a yawn, but clearly not well enough; Orihime glances up from where she’s rearranging the desserts she’d worked so hard on, giving you a sympathetic look.
“You can definitely go rest, if you need to,” she says. “It has been a long evening.” She pauses in her busywork to examine the room around you— another yearly Christmas party at Kisuke’s shop, just as lively as every year before. Rangiku and Ikkaku in another drunken argument; Renji’s over-the-top reactions to even the slightest bit of teasing; Rukia, in the corner, bossing the men around and speaking over their complaints. The chaos is familiar and comforting, and even as tired as you are, you can’t help but laugh.
Orihime’s smile is gentle. “Y’know, I think a certain someone went outside earlier—”
She doesn’t spell out the implications, but you catch them anyways. Heat slowly rises to your face; you mutter some kind of excuse and move to duck outside, and from the corner of your eye you can see Orihime’s excited little bounce in place.
When you step outside, the cold slams into your chest, icing its way through your lungs and waking you up instantly. There’s something different about the winter dark. You exhale as the door shuts behind you, watching as your breath drifts off beyond the boundaries of the shop lights and disappears.
Orihime had been right— Toshiro, in that new gorgeous coat of his, is perched on the edge of the porch, staring out into the emptiness beyond. He shifts as you approach, making room for you to sit on the edge as well, but doesn’t say anything.
You drop yourself down next to him, almost close enough that your shoulders touch. “You're not really into parties either?”
He shakes his head. “I don’t know why I keep agreeing when Rangiku asks for things,” he sighs, leaning back and resting his weight on his palms. “Hyōrinmaru isn’t a toy, and yet—”
You chuckle lightly as he huffs in frustration. Then you match his pose, resting back on your own palms and tossing your head back to stare at the sky. “We all appreciate it, though— I can’t remember the last time I saw a white Christmas.”
From the corner of your eye, you can see Toshiro scanning your face carefully. Then he turns back to watching the night’s clouds. “Well,” he starts, in his haughty voice, “if you appreciate it, I don’t mind quite as much.”
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milkberryroll · 2 years
now on AO3
It is not so common Matsumoto Rangiku, 10th division's lieutenant, invites Kurosaki Isshin, formerly Shiba Isshin and captain, to a drink. He obliges her.
"Just for old times' sake, Capt—, I mean, Kurosaki-san", she said, a wryly smile decorating her face.
The first few glasses soon became bottles, continuing to increase in number. With a clank, Isshin put his glass down after downing a particularly bittersweet glass of brewed beer.
"Seems like my daughter is following in her mother's footsteps. Who would've thought?"  Isshin chuckled quietly, and said after a moment of silence.
"You tell me! Is it some kind of bloodline thing passed down to your family? First you, then it was Ichigo, now Karin-chan!"
He knew the truth. He wasn't blind to how his former third seat may have been just a little too similar to him. He also noticed how his daughter is a little too similar to her mother.
He couldn't deny the little touches of their hands, the conversations that seemed way too relaxed between just two friends, and the eye contacts that lasted for a second too long.
He knew about the late night conversations they had on his house's roof, the way he brought her to bed when she fell asleep, and the way she would elusively ask about him after she wakes up. He knew everything.
A 10th division shinigami captain and a human? Now, where has he heard that before?
Isshin could only laugh at her words and his own thoughts.
Calling for another bottle, Rangiku proceeded to ponder silently, and slightly cursed the Kurosaki women for having the ability to pull her captains out of duty. If only the women in the mens' lives weren't so easy to hold dear, it would have been easier to hate them and drag her captains back to their offices, call it a day, and drink it all away. But she knew she couldn't hate on people who was like the sun.
Kurosaki Masaki, while she has never seen the woman herself, was the center of Isshin's life. One look at their home with the poster, and the three children she had bore, told her more than words could. She was a great woman, and Isshin would not have traded the short number of years he had spent with her for anything in the world.
Kurosaki Karin was someone who was Hitsugaya Toshiro's opposite. She thought it was funny. Her captain's whole white, pristine, icy look and the human girl who was undeniably Shiba through and through with her coloring? He was, quite literally, icy, stern, and her, a ball of fire. The winter lion and the summer pear? The whole thing felt like Isshin was playing a joke on her and intentionally named his youngest as such.
But, in reality, the two couldn't be more similar. She was someone her captain held dear. It wasn't obvious through his words, but the way he acted around her, subtly glanced and gently touched her, like she was the most fragile thing in the world, while he thought no one was watching gave him away.  It hadn't helped that his feelings were not unrequited, and the way the youngest Kurosaki brightened up in his presence was only proving the point.
If they weren't the women they loved, she wouldn't have been worrying about the work she'd be left with. Not thinking about her current captain, whom she thought of as a brother? As a son? She herself really didn't know, but she knows it would be bittersweet to see him feel love outside of family.
She wonders if this is how Captain Kuchiki felt, seeing Rukia and Ichigo.
"I'm really starting to wonder if your wife and daughter hates me or something. Making me deal with a mountain of paperwork. By myself!" She complained, while pouring Isshin a glass, then herself.
"Hey, now. Cal— ! " Isshin looked at her in slight panic as she downed her glass of alcohol, stood up, then proceeded to chug the liquor straight from the bottle.
"What do they even see in my captains anyway? They're either a pervert or a kid with a stick up his ass! You think handling a squad is easy?! I'd have to deal with a captain less squad again!" She half screamed and half slurred, before she plopped the bottle on the table, about to pass out, swaying as she sat back down.
She tells Isshin to pour her one more glass, and promises it's her last for the night.
He should be stopping her, but he doesn't.
He's part of what she's pissed off about, anyway.
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crimsonxblaze · 3 years
snooze in
hitsuhina week 2021: @hitsuhina-week (belated) gift exchange 
rating: k for: @canariie author’s note: hello! i’m so sorry this is so late, but i hope you enjoy this domestic fluff piece! i haven’t written hitsuhina in years but i still adore them as much as ever, so i hope this is as in character as possible. 
The rays of the bright morning sun kiss his sleeping figure, urging him to return to consciousness. A soft groan escapes his lips as he forces his eyes to open, slightly disoriented by the sudden waking. He blinks a few times, his vision soon clearing as he stares up at the ceiling. It doesn’t take long for him to finally comprehend his surroundings. 
He can hear the soft snores of her next to him, alongside the incredible warmth snuggled against his side. His arm feels a little sore after supporting most of her weight, but he doesn’t dare move. Instead, he twists his head only slightly to look down at her, coming face to face with a mop of dark brown tresses. 
It appears she’s only shifted closer to him during the night, remaining glued to his side as he feels one of her legs stretched on top of him. He doesn’t really mind though; having Momo wrapped up in his arms is his favourite place to be.
But as he glances at the clock hanging on the wall facing their bed, he knows he cannot stay here much longer. There is far too much paperwork he still has to complete thanks to Matsumoto’s regular indolence, and Ise has sent each division notices about overdue documents needing to be completed. 
Toshiro lets out a soft grumble in irritation at the thought. 
He really doesn’t want to leave Momo here alone in bed when it’s supposed to be their day off. He knows she’ll understand his reasons for departing so soon, she always does. But for once, he’d like to neglect his duties if it meant he could have a few more minutes with her. 
A quick glance at the clock again tells him that his time is up, and there’s no room for further delay. Perhaps if he finished this fast enough, he could return to Momo’s warm arms. 
With that thought in mind, Toshiro gathers up the resolve to leave the cocoon of warmth he’d been engulfed in. He glances around for a way to move without waking her, only to find that she’s snuggled even closer into his side. 
Toshiro smiles to himself a bit. 
Five years ago, he wouldn’t have imagined she’d be such a clingy sleeper. They may have slept in the same room as children while living with their grandma, but that was different. Obaa-san had always opted to sleep in the middle as she let them cuddle against her. 
Since then, they’d never shared the same sleeping quarters until Momo had asked to move in with him. That first night had been admittedly quite awkward. Toshiro hadn’t wanted to overstep boundaries by accidentally taking over her side of the bed (he’d been told by obaa-san before that he was a bit of a blanket hog), so he had placed a pillow in between them while Momo was getting ready.
He could remember her reaction to it very clearly, her expression shifting from shock to disappointment, to slight hurt, and he hadn’t known how to remedy it. 
“Toshiro-kun?” she’d asked, unmoving from the door as she stared at the set up of their bed.
“Yeah? What’s wrong, Momo?” he asked, a bit hesitant. 
She turned to look at him, biting her lip. 
“Are we sleeping with that pillow in the middle tonight?”
He scratched the back of his neck, taken aback by her disappointed reaction. He’d thought that she was aware of his blanket problem, or maybe a bit uncomfortable with sharing the bed so soon since they hadn’t for a long while now. But apparently not.
“I thought it would be more convenient for you, but I can remove it.”
She frowned, “Convenient? Why?”
“Are you not uncomfortable with sharing the bed already?”
“I was the one who asked to move in with you, Toshiro-kun. I wouldn’t have asked if I were uncomfortable with sleeping with you,” she explained, the hurt dissipating into understanding. 
“Both ways,” she muttered under her breath, so softly that anyone else with untrained hearing wouldn’t have heard. But he had, and the tips of his ears turned red at the thought. They hadn’t reached that stage yet, but he could foresee it happening in the near future. 
“I’m sorry for misunderstanding, Momo,” he apologised sincerely, “I should have asked you first.”
She smiled at him, shaking her head as she moved over to the bed. Momo lifted the pillow dividing the bed and placed it above hers, climbing into the bed. 
“It’s alright, Toshiro-kun. But now that’s out of the way, I can do this.”
He didn’t know what he’d been expecting but certainly not Momo boldly wrapping her arms around him to cuddle as she tangled their legs together. Toshiro had noticed that since the beginning of their relationship, maybe a little while before that, she’d grown somewhat bolder. It was a refreshing development, seeing the usually so polite and shy Momo grow more confident in herself again. 
This confidence included taking a lot of initiative in their relationship, much to his surprise. He was usually the more direct one of the two, but Momo had switched their positions and swept him off his feet. He wasn’t complaining though. 
Toshiro would never admit it out loud, but Matsumoto had been right. If Momo hadn’t made the first move, he wouldn’t have made one to begin with. He hadn’t wanted to burden her with his feelings, not since she was still recovering from Aizen’s betrayal. All he’d wanted was to ensure she was safe and happy, even if it wasn’t with him. 
Yet as luck would have it, she’d found both with him.
And he would spend his long years of living ensuring that she always would.
When he woke up the next morning, he’d found Momo still snuggled in his arms, as though she hadn’t moved the entire night. It was then that he began to realise that he’d been an idiot for thinking she would be uncomfortable. All this time, she’d wanted the same thing as he: to fall asleep and wake up in each other’s arms. 
It’s unfortunate that this morning however, Momo would be subjected to an empty bed as he’s forced to attend to work duties early on. That is, if he’s even able to wriggle out of her hold. 
One of her arms spread across his chest has tightened around him, leaving him unable to slide out without prying her hands off him. Instead, he decides to work on freeing his legs first. Perhaps that will cause her to roll over just a little. 
With much effort, Toshiro begins his escape. Fortunately for him, Momo isn’t applying as much pressure with her leg as she had been, allowing him to slide one of his legs away. He awkwardly tries to slide his other leg away, his right foot already brushing the edges of the wooden floor. 
He’s only managed to free both his legs from under her when the hand across his chest grips onto his shirt, giving him pause. Toshiro looks down to see her tugging him back, the leg sprawled over him moving beneath the sheets to find his freed legs. Her eyes are still closed but she seems intent on keeping him in bed. 
“Where are you going, Shiro-chan?” he hears her sleepily ask, her voice croaky from hours of misuse. She grips tighter on his shirt, trying to pull him closer to her. 
“I have to finish off some paperwork, Momo,” he tells her gently, although without resisting her effort to pull him back. After all, how can he resist her?
Momo still doesn’t open her eyes, instead shaking her head. She shifts closer to him, burying her face in the crook of his neck. The scent of peaches wafts strongly against his nose, a scent he’s strongly acquainted with home. 
The more she acts like this, the more his resolve to step out of bed dwindles. 
“Rangiku-san can do it,” she mumbles, her warm breath fanning against his neck.
He hums softly, bending his head down to press a soft kiss against the top of her head. 
“It’s because of her that I have to do it myself.”
Momo buries her face against him even more, shaking her head. She swiftly locks her legs around him, catching him off guard with her iron grip. It’s not often that he experiences her being so possessive, but he quite enjoys the experience. 
“Stay with me, Shiro-chan,” she says, squeezing his side. 
“Momo, I-”
He can just imagine the pout she’s sporting without even seeing her face, and immediately his resolve disappears. It’s not as though he’d been putting up much of a fight anyway. Ise and the paperwork can wait, there are more important matters for him to attend to.
With that in mind, he surrenders completely to Momo’s warmth. 
Toshiro pushes himself back into the bed, shifting to get comfortable again. He turns a little on his side, allowing himself to scoop her into his arms as he holds her tight against him. Now that he’s much taller, Momo feels so petite in his arms. 
Momo squeezes him as he rests his chin on top of her, sighing. He closes his eyes. 
Matsumoto can take care of the work just as she should’ve. This is where he’s supposed to be.
His whole body relaxes. Toshiro’s breath simultaneously evens out with Momo’s and the pair soon surrender to the welcome embrace of a morning slumber. 
As though it’s déjà vu, the sun's rays shine brightly against her eyelids. It pulls her from the depths of her peaceful sleep, forcing her back into reality. With great effort, she flicks an eye open, wincing at the bright light before she opens the other. She blinks furiously, trying to readjust to her surroundings.
Her body feels awfully heavy, both from hours of oversleeping and the strong arm wrapped tightly around her waist. Momo looks down to see Toshiro’s arm clutching her waist, and she smiles to herself. 
Normally neither are too touchy in public, but once they’re alone and away from prying eyes, she can become particularly clingy. But she’s not the only one. Over the years they’ve spent together as lovers, she’s come to learn that her Toshiro really enjoys placing her arm around her waist. 
He’s also especially fond of spooning her in bed, with him as the big spoon as he keeps her enveloped in his arms. They hadn’t exactly spooned last night, but she can just tell that neither had separated from each other’s side despite the sheer size of their bed. 
Momo’s gaze shifts from his arm to look right at his face, her smile growing fonder. His peaceful look is something she’s only privy to, especially when he’s known to always glare or look somewhat grumpy to his subordinates. But during sleep is when he finds true peace, allowing himself to be fully vulnerable under her watchful eye. 
She knows that she could probably stare at his face all day if she could, but he’s particularly sensitive to her gazes. Sometimes she’ll just be staring at him from afar, and suddenly his eyes will snap to hers with a brow raised. 
Though interestingly enough, he hasn’t seemed to notice her staring yet. Surely he should be awake by now?
“Are you enjoying yourself, Momo?”
His husky voice, ridden with hours of sleep, startles her that she almost jumps in surprise. He hasn’t opened his eyes yet, but she can see the faintest curl of the sides of his lips. 
She pouts, lightly pushing his shoulder. “How long have you been awake?”
He opens a turquoise eye to look at her. 
“Long enough.”
Momo reaches forward to gently caress the side of his face, watching as he nuzzles his cheek against her palm. 
“I did though.”
“I enjoyed looking at your sleeping face, Shiro-chan,” she admits, her gaze never leaving him. 
He raises a brow, cheeks beginning to flush a little pink. 
“You did?”
Momo nods, smiling at him. “You’re very relaxed and peaceful when you sleep.” She lightly traces the dip between his eyebrows. “There are also no wrinkles,” she teases.
“I don’t have wrinkles.”
She raises a brow, her eyes twinkling in mischief. “Are you sure you don’t? You do tend to frown a lot.”
“You can blame Matsumoto for that.”
At the mention of Rangiku’s name, Momo’s eyes widen. She can vaguely recall having woken up earlier this morning actually, but she remembers Rangiku’s name being spoken clearly.
She tears her gaze away to look at their wall clock, a soft gasp escaping her lips.
Toshiro moves slightly to sit up, looking at her. “What’s wrong, Momo?”
She looks at him, her eyes still wide. Oh no. It’s already two o’clock, far later than either of them have ever slept before. Not to mention that she’d seen the notice Ise had given his division on Friday about the overdue paperwork that needed to be completed and submitted by three o’clock on Sunday. 
It was highly unlikely that Rangiku had done it herself, leaving Toshiro in charge of the matter. But he had been here with her this whole time, sleeping.
Momo bites her lower lip in guilt. 
“It’s already two…”
He raises a brow, nodding slowly. “It is.”
“Toshiro-kun, don’t you remember? You had those stacks of paperwork you needed to submit by three today. I’m not too sure Nanao-san will be too happy about the delay.”
Toshiro doesn’t reply immediately, opting to gaze at her silently for a few moments. It slightly bothers her, the way his expression doesn’t change as he stares, and how he hasn’t said anything yet. Is she the only one who sees the issue here?
Then suddenly, he shakes his head as he lets out a soft chuckle. 
Momo blinks, confused.
“Did you really think I didn’t remember?”
She frowns. “I know you wouldn’t, but I don’t understand why you’re still here then if that’s the case.”
He reaches out to lightly ruffle her already messy morning hair, catching her off guard. Why is he acting so nonchalant about this?
“That’s because of you.”
He nods. “Yes, you.”
Momo scrunches her nose, pointing to herself. “I don’t understand how I could be the reason when I’ve been asleep this whole time.”
“No, you woke up earlier when I did.”
“I did?”
Toshiro nods, “I tried to get up to do that paperwork but then someone refused to let me go.”
She blinks at the revelation, frowning.
“I don’t remember that.”
“I don’t expect you to.” 
He shrugs, sitting up more to rest his back against the headrest.
“But you did pull me back to bed and told me to stay with you. You also said that Matsumoto would do the paperwork.”
Ah, that must be why she remembers Rangiku’s name. She’d uttered it out loud earlier this morning, as a protest against Toshiro leaving her side according to him. 
The truth makes her blush in slight embarrassment. She knows she can be clingy, but never to this extent. Momo only hopes that he hadn’t minded it. It’s her fault now that Toshiro couldn’t do his work. 
But before she can look down and allow herself to take all the blame, Toshiro’s hand comes to gently tilt her chin up to look at him. She blinks, staring into his eyes in confusion, but his eyes are warm.
He rubs her cheek with his thumb. “Don’t blame yourself, Momo.”
“But I-”
He shakes his head before she can fully protest.
“I wasn’t putting up much of a fight either. I didn’t exactly want to spend my Sunday morning doing paperwork Matsumoto should’ve done when I could be staying in bed with you, so I’m glad you asked me to stay.”
Toshiro leans forward to press a soft kiss against her forehead, Momo closing her eyes at the contact. His lips are warm to the touch, far less chapped than anyone would initially expect. They’re soft and supple and feel especially good against her own. 
“I don’t think Rangiku-san’s finished it. She probably forgot.”
He cracks a smile as he pulls away, nodding in agreement. “I don’t expect her to have remembered it either. But it doesn’t matter. The paperwork is Matsumoto’s responsibility first and foremost, not mine.”
She scrunches her nose when she realises his train of thought, lightly swatting his shoulder. 
“Shiro-chan, that’s rude.”
“But it’s true, isn’t it? It’s been decades but she still hasn’t changed.”
Momo can’t find room to argue when it’s true. As a lieutenant, completion of a majority of the division’s paperwork fell under their job description, not the captain’s. While lots of captains and lieutenants tried to divide the work between them, oftentimes the captain became too distracted with other responsibilities that the burden fell on their vice’s shoulders instead. 
Luckily for her, Shinji was pretty good at multitasking. He often tried to lessen the load on Momo by doing as much as he could, which she was grateful for. On the other hand, Rangiku had never been known to enjoy paperwork or administrational duties like she had. Rather, she had a particular tendency to drink large amounts of sake when she could, leaving her unable to complete her duties. 
As a result, Toshiro had often been burdened by doing everything himself. Momo tried to pop by and help him a couple of times, but he was stubbornly against her help. He’d argued that she did enough paperwork on her own already, he wasn’t about to let her do some more. 
Even still, she could see how much it drained him sometimes. Rangiku had been getting better at doing it over the years, but she still had her habits. 
“Mm, I suppose so,” she admits quietly, sitting up next to him to rest her head on his shoulder. 
“So a day for sleeping in with you shouldn’t be a problem. Kyoraku won’t mind.”
She nods in agreement. Kyoraku was a lot less strict than Yamamoto had been, while Nanao had become his stricter right hand. 
“I think we should do this again.”
“Do what again?”
Momo smiles at him, “Sleep in again. We’ve never woken up this late before.”
Toshiro muses to himself quietly, before letting out a soft hum. They are both quite early birds, though Momo liked to sleep in a little more whenever she had her days off. 
“Alright then.”
She grins, wrapping her arms around one of his. “How about we also stay in bed the whole day today?”
“The whole day?”
“You don’t have anything planned today do you?” She raises a brow at him, only to be met by a shake of the head. 
“Not that I recall, no.”
“Good,” Momo smiles. “Then yes, we can stay in bed the whole day today. It’s called a Lazy Sunday, Shiro-chan.”
“What about food? Don’t we need to eat?”
“I can ask someone to get us food. Are you hungry right now?”
Toshiro shakes his head, “Not at the moment. But I think you are.”
At that, her stomach begins to let out a low growl, yearning for food to quench its hunger. Momo’s hands immediately fly to cover her stomach in embarrassment, her cheeks burning up.
He only looks at her with a slight smirk, to which she pouts as she swats him away. 
“I may be a little hungry.”
“That doesn’t sound like a little.”
She huffs, “Okay maybe not. But I’ll go ask someone to get us food first.”
Before Momo can call out however, he places a hand over hers. She looks at him with a brow raised. 
“How about we go get something to eat together, and go back to bed when we’re done?”
Truthfully she doesn’t want to leave the bed at all, but the longer she sits here, the louder her stomach cries. It continues to prod her for food and she doesn’t want to reach the point where her stomach starts to ache from hunger.
Momo sighs in reluctance. “I guess we’ll have to.”
Toshiro eyes her in amusement. “We’ll come straight back here after, Momo. Don’t worry.”
He begins to open the covers, slipping out of the bed in one fluid movement. Toshiro extends a hand out to help her get up, grasping her hand tightly to keep her steady. 
“And then we can have our Lazy Sunday?”
He nods, kissing her temple. “And then we can have our Lazy Sunday.”
Momo grins to herself, squeezing his hand tight. Today is looking to be a really good day. 
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