#((I'm sorry opal u_u))
ducknotinarow · 2 years
[BaileyRichard] 👩 [or send mother if no emjoi] 
| Send 👩 to talk to my muses mother
Melody clicked her tongue against her teeth, annoyed was far from the word of how she was feeling right now. as she had the end of her nail resting between her teeth doing all she could to not bite into and ruin them from doing as such. Eyeing the moving truck outside her home. As if it were mocking her and to her, it may as well have been she could feel the feathers on the back of her neck and start to lift and raise ready to flare out. She took a moment to breathe and smooth those feathers down as she looked at brown taped boxes all label different to tell what was in each one that was sent into the trailer of the truck. As she pounded her heels against payment making her way over, of course, she knew Richard had spoken about it. But She never once thought he would go through with this? Moving out like this. If she hadn't come home early he would have fully disappeared without a word. "I can't believe you, leaving like this without a word" That was true Richard had given a few words about this. She went on to plea, a hand to her face as she went to look as in distress as she could muster "Zane hasn't even been gone that long and now you are just up and leaving, yet here you are going to just up and leave your family?" Zane's death was still fresh in the Evans home and now? Now Richard was just leaving as well? Melody was furious over this how could he just up and leave like this did he not hold any loyalty to thier family? They raised him, such an ungrateful child for all the years they gave him the best. The best schooling and whatever else. Richard didn't seem to care about the guilt trip she was trying to book her simply walking past rolling his eyes as he did it. Figures second they get that taste of freedom. "Zane would never do this to your mother." she still tried to add. Richard just huffed and muttered something under his breath. Another click of her tongue as she turned to see Bailey now.
Eyes narrowed as she zoned in on the rooster, "You." She said it with a hiss as she turned to face him. She started off to get thier attention, Thomas would have told her not to and to keep her calm however he wasn't here and frankly she didn't care anymore far as she was concerned it was this damn child's fault. "I'm sure you put this idea into my son's head, just like everything else, I can only imagine what your poor mother is thinking" she went on to spew out soon only to scoff afterward. "all of this is your fault!" she said setting the blame for everything on to thier shoulders, as her brow scrunched up. The usual worry about it creating wrinkles on her face was thrown out the window as she stared at Bailey.
"I knew that if anything went wrong it would be because of you! Richard was such a perfect child until he started mingling with you more and more! now he's going to throw everything out to the fucking bin and it's all because of you! you and your sick mother!" she had spoken on impulse at that moment but as soon as the words left her it made sense to her. Of course that made sense! Sure Thomas had the connection with Benedict, once having to blame him for this mess. Richard for being so disobedient, Bailey for nothing in truth just to cast it on to them. But no it was clearly Opal's to blame for it all, she got sick, and since she married Benedict who had the ties in with Thomas.
Yes! that made sense. Yes, she was blaming a sick woman for this, well a sick woman and her child. " If it wasn't for that mother of yours I wouldn't have had to put up with you! you're just like her! head up in the clouds acting as if you're better than everyone else sticking her beak into matters that she had no business in like how to hand discipline, my own child! and here you are doing the same! getting involved where you have no fucking bussniess!" She ranted on about "Acting as if she was so perfect, that women was as fake as they come, as bitter as what she really drank all the damn time" "That's enough!"
Melody stopped her ranting when hearing Richard's voice just now, her son walking over and purposely standing between her and Bailey. No as she looked he was protectively standing in front of the rooster. Gritting her teeth as she looked her son in the face.
"You don't get to talk to him like that! and you absolutely do not get to attack Opal like that!"
Melody just grew annoyed, the feathers on the back of her neck flared out to form the crest around her head as she went raise her voice once more "oh so you'll stand up for them but-"
"Yes." it was a firm answer to cut his mother off with. "His name is Bailey for one, her Opal addresses them properly" Melody's eyes widen having an old lecture thrown into her face. " You will not talk to Bailey or about Opal like that. Like it or not I am going to marry him and that makes them my family and I'm not letting you talk like that about my family." She just gruffed and turned her head, soothing the feather down on the back of her head once again before glancing back to the rooster. Her eyes are near slits as she glared at Bailey. Then shifting her attention to glance back to Richard "Fine I guess I'm the bad guy here now," she went on to say as she started to walk away muttering under her breath. "I hope you are happy, how you tore a family apart." She knew her words were heard she wanted them to be turned her back towards the two of them. She couldn't believe all of this, "Go leave your poor grieving mother all by herself, since you allow him to go and sink his claws into you like this and run off away from all your problems once again. I did my best for you Richard but you have made your choice don't even think you can come crawling back when it all blows up in your face like it will. When your little so-called love" she laughed "falls apart on you. Well unlike you I'll be kind and let you back" looking over her shoulder back to Bailey who sees still had a few choice words. " Just know if it weren’t for the fact you came from money I NEVER would have allowed you near my son, so keep that in mind as you think you have this wonderful love story between. It came down to you just coming from a family I allowed to interact with mine. Clearly poor judgment on my side in the end.” ____ ((just so I link but Meldoy is a crested egale and they do this when mad XD))
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