#((Haru's penchant for teasing people comes with dangerous consequences in this AU. My girl... please... control your language))
queenharumiura · 3 months
[ puzzle ] sender helps receiver solve/put together a puzzle ( bel, but he's smug about it ofc :) )
[Original] ||Accepting|| @dyingresolve
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Grumble grumble grumble.
"It's like you're asking to get punched or something. Is your face itchy? Want me to help you?" Someone was being annoying with that smug grin of his.
He was definitely mocking her for struggling to play with this intricate puzzle game thing. She would have figured it out herself-- eventually!
"Yeah yeah, Ouji-sama is sooooooooo smart, he's the smartest. We should all bow at his feet. No one can beat Ouji-sama... oh, except for that one time during the arcobaleno representative war, right?"
Fran wasn't the only one who tested their luck, apparently.
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