thebananwithaplan · 2 months
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((ITS BEEN 3000 YEARS...))
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paracosmicparadox · 1 year
Mario Kart
So, I know Mario Kart is probably an Absolutely Not at Fox Tower, but I can't stop thinking about how it would play out, so I have compiled a neat little list of my thoughts on the matter.
He's god-awful at it.
He's a faithful Luigi player (don't ask me why, I just feel it in my gut)
Gets ramped up over it like you wouldn't believe and has on more than one occasion locked himself in the bathroom to sulk over it (the same goes for when the Foxes play Monopoly---the man gets so competitive but he's so bad at it)
Manages to catch Every. Single. Red shell.
This boy's never played in his life prior to meeting the Foxes, but manages to land in first, second, or third place every time
Orange Yoshi for the win
Always choses a motorcycle over a kart, typically the Comet
Actually pays attention to the stats of certain combos (so does Kevin, but Neil's better at it when it comes to Mario Kart)
Plays solely Black Yoshi
Targets Kevin exclusively bc it's fun to watch him get mad
Has a specific kart-combo glaringly reminiscent of the Mas
Acts like he doesn't care, but gets perturbed when he doesn't land above 5th place, bc he'll be damned if he lets Aaron or Kevin outdo him
Bounces around between characters, but typically opts for Shy Guy
Almost worse at it than Kevin
Says the most scathing things when playing---the worst things that come out of this boy's mouth are said during Mario Kart
He and Kevin are Last Place Buddies ™ and they have occasionally gone out to drink cheap alcohol together after Mario Kart nights to soothe their bruised egos.
An absolute goddess at Baby Peach
Can hit someone across the track with power-ups; it doesn't matter; her aim only gets better the more frustrated she is
Her kart runs on Pure, Undiluted Spite
Knows the Electrodrome track inside and out and Cannot Be Beaten on it
Always opts for Pink Gold Peach
Best friends with the dude who fishes you up from oblivion to deposit you back onto the track (it happens frequently bc he Refuses to turn on smart steering)
Actually pretty decent at it bc he and Erik used to play a lot back in Germany
Swears like a sailor whenever someone passes him
Usually plays either Rosalina or Tanooki Mario
Literally the only non-hostile Fox when things get competitive, though she drives like a demon and can out-compete just about anyone when she wants to
The Ruler of Rainbow Road
Steals 1st place from Neil 50% of the time
Irrevocably attached to playing Daisy
The king of drifting through corners
Plays to have fun, but not immune to the shouting matches when Kevin or the twinyards are involved
Seems to be permanently stuck in 5th place, regardless of who he's up against
Absolutely vicious at Toad
Her kart is always orange; stats don't matter so long as the Fox Aesthetic is on point
She and Matt play so often that she's gotten godlike at most of the tracks, but it's still a fight to outcompete Neil and Renee
Will carry Mario Kart Rage™ for hours; she occasionally has to remove herself from the room so she doesn't say something caustic
Instigator of many of the shouting matches
Will play as Bowser until the day he dies
Motorcycle user until the bitter end
Never lands in first place and will die mad about it
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cosmcther · 2 months
Thanks for the assist in advance, star lady. Being practically stranded and left for dead called for desperate desperateness! And that lead to... the big hot thingy being dammed up to the point of lack of proper gravity.
Sorry about the lack of gravity on Earth due to the immense damming of the big hot thingy to, y'know, save their own fur, but hey, better than anyone perishing out here like bugs fizzling under a magnifying glass, right? But... that raised another problem. How would they even get back home.
Either way, Rosalina would be staring at a very deconstructed space ship, and two rodents grasping at the dam they constructed WITH that ship.
     The Comet Observatory regarded itself as multifaceted. Though it served as the expansive home of both Rosalina and her Lumas, so too did it accomplish its namesake as an observation station. It was a beacon, a satellite. A place for information to run through and reverberate throughout the cosmos. And currently? There was excessive talk of planets within the Solar System with misaligned rotations. Disastrous. As well as a sudden deep freeze upon those that relied heavily on the heat their galaxy's center emitted. Catastrophic.
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     Say no more, the Protector of the Stars was on her way to set the scene back to standard. She could speculate the causes on the voyage there, what mattered most was making sure Earth and its delicate ecosystem weren't set off course.
     ...And that a second ice age didn't eradicate the population en masse as the entire planet faces the harshest winters it's ever experienced, those portions of the planet currently facing away from the Sun becoming instantaneously inhabitable.
        ...And that it wasn't slingshotted from its systematic course and left the Sun's influence entirely, entering some other portion of the Milky Way Galaxy in an extinction-level event.
           ...And assuring that one of the several other planets, moons, asteroids, and comets in the system didn't enter any collision courses with one another due to this major upset.
     Yeah... today was going to be a long day. It's a miracle Earth even exists with how fickle its relationship to its star system is, why does this neighborhood in particular always have to be most troublesome?
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     Alas, questions without answers for later. Without further delay, the Comet Observatory would once again live up to its namesake— a celestial-sized baby blue comet would be born from metal and magic, a tearaway take-off towards its new destination. Lightspeed travel is achieved in the fractions between milliseconds. Through galaxies and asteroid belts, past planets and several civilizations that could now say they've borne witness to the largest streaking comet they've ever seen in their lives.
     ...If only the scene of the affair was even an ounce as magical as the trip there. What Rosalina had to bear witness to as the dazzling comet hit the brakes, thus transforming into an interstellar space station for all to see, was a slapdash shamble of a raw metal shield blocking the sun from the Earth's view. Quite the sizable one, too. Oh, and about... let's say fifteen percent of what could have only been a spaceship?
     You know, she's always had quite the mind for putting two and two together, but this? —Haven above, you've just about got her stumped. How did it get here? What is its purpose? How swiftly can she destroy it before irreversible damage is done to the surrounding planets? But thank the stars for closer looks and context clues, she was seconds away from unleashing a volley of arcane destruction upon the wall two far-off beavers were currently clutched to.
     —Wait, run that one back. Did you say beavers...? Beavers? Yes, quite. Beavers in space suits... in front of a wall— ah, no. A dam. Surely it's a dam. Because, you know... Beavers. Some cosmic beavers built a metal dam... in front of the Sun. Mother Void give her strength.
     From here, a telescope now lowered, arms merely folded themselves behind her back as she waltzed into open space. No space suit required. No jet pack to move. No cable connected to her back for when it was time to return. It's a raw force of will that motivates her to move. And it's with a calm demeanor that she strides forward. Almost in the same way a health inspector walks into a rat-infested, mold-plagued, illness-festering restaurant with a smile, thinking 'now this oughta be good' during their approach towards the owner.
     After a few moments of the figure's imminent approach, The Beavers would be staring at a tall blonde woman with, hmm, let's say clenched features. Yes, clenched is probably the kindest way to put it.
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     "Hi." She began, politely. There is an entire book's worth of subtext to read behind that greeting of hers. "My name is Rosalina Lavonne. Might I ask you fine gentlemen what it is you're doing? Because, while this isn't exactly private property, I'd be remiss if I failed to mention the severe ramifications of building anything within and all throughout this particular area."
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kraztaco · 6 years
Smash Ultimate Costume/Echo Fighter Ideas
Just gonna spitball some ideas for potential costumes or echo fighters for the new Smash. Mostly costumes, though a few could be either or.
I’m all for more echo fighters, since they don’t seem to take much development time, like Dark Pit and Lucina, so we get more beloved characters to enjoy beating the tar out of. I’d even be fine with them slapping a few on as DLC (as long as they’re not the only DLC).
These are just what I could think of while looking over the fighter list, there could be plenty of potential I’m missing, so feel free to add some you’d like. (just be semi-reasonable)
I did something similar for DBFZ, but I’m gonna do a cut here do it doesn’t take up your entire page.
We’re going in order of what they have listed on the site.
I only put the official renders of characters I have ideas for, so you can scroll down to them if you’re only interested in a specific character.
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We already have Wedding Mario and Builder Mario confirmed, but any of the awesome Odyssey outfits would be good.
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-Funky Kong -any similarly shaped Kong. Except Rabbit Kong. No to them.
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-Ocarina of Time Link -Twilight Princess Link. I know we’ve had these designs for the past two and a half games, but they’re good designs. The other LoZ characters will have them listed too. -Hyrule Warriors Link
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-Dark Samus -Any of the other suit designs
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-Birdo. I’m not 100% sure how this would work, but I think it could.
(got nothing for Kirby)
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Other Star Fox game designs. I never played Star Fox, but they do have different looks each game.
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-Shiny Pikachu
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-Dr. Luigi. He doesn’t incorporate his hat into any moves, so I think it could work -Masked L (from Super Paper Mario)
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-Blood Falcon -Black Shadow
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-Shiny Jigglypuff
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-Wedding Peach with Captian Toad as her guard during her special. -Motorcycle Peach (from Mario Kart) -Any of the other Odyssey outfits
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-Motorcycle Daisy
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-Dry Bowser -Wedding Bowser
(nothing for Ice Climbers)
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-Ocarina of Time Sheik -Hyrule Warriors Sheik
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-Ocarina of Time Zelda -Twilight Princess Zelda -Hyrule Warriors Zelda -Midna (True Form) -Lana (Hyrule Warriors)
(got nothing for Dr. Mario)
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-Shiny Pichu -Spiky Eared Pichu
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-Other Star Fox game designs
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-Other Fire Emblem protagonists? I dunno, I’ve really only played Awakening, so I don’t have any solid examples here. Chrom could work, but we already have Lucina (they have the same fighting style since he trained her), but he’s been compared to Ike before.
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-Masked Lucina ("Marth") on that note, I really liked Lucina’s crossdressing disguise look.
(got nothing for Young Link. all the good ones went to Toon Link, sry)
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-Phantom Ganon (from Wind Waker, or any other game he showed up in) -Twilight Princess Ganondorf -Wind Waker Ganondorf -Hyrule Warriors Ganondorf
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-Gigyas (Earthbound) Credit where it’s due, this wasn’t my idea. https://twitter.com/edmendozaart/status/1008035130630443008 On this note, I really like the idea of echo fighters not being from the same franchise as their base counterpart. I just can’t think of any good ideas. -Armored Mewtwo (from Mewtwo Strikes Back) -Shiny Mewtwo
(got nothing for Roy. Could go the same idea as Marth but, again, I’m not well versed in FE enough to have any suggestions)
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-Paper Mario somehow? I’ve seen mods of it, it might work
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-Galaxia Knight -Morpho Knight
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-Three Sacred Treasures Pit, since his Final Smash was changed. He gets a new one every game.
(got nothing for Dark Pit)
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-Pink Suit Green Hair "Justin Bailey"
(got nothing for Wario or Snake)
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-Chrom. Same logic as Roy here.
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-Shiny Pokemon in Master Balls
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-Dixie Kong
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-Masked Man (i think that's what he was called)
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-Shadow the Hedgehog -Metal Sonic
(got nothing for King Dedede)
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-just keep Alf
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-Shiny Lucario -Lucario wearing Sir Aaron's hat from the movie
(got nothing for R.O.B. I liked the mods PM gave him where he was a Virtual Boy or a Wii, but I doubt that’s happening)
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-Minish Cap -Spirit Tracks Conductor Suit -Outset Island Toon Link
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-You guessed it, other Star Fox game designs
(got nothing for Villager)
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-Proto Man and Bass (just swap them for Mega Man during Final Smash)
(got nothing for Wii Fit Trainer)
(got nothing for Rosalina and Luma. She has the motorcycle suit, which I like, but it would definitely look weird with the way her model moves in game. Same thing for any of her other costumes, really.)
(got nothing for Little Mac)
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-Shiny Greninja -Ash Greninja
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-Medusa -Original Palutena Design (the one on the statue in Skyworld, and in Pit’s Brawl Final Smash)
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-Ms. Pac Man
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-Grima Robin (you know, the one from Heroes everyone seems to love)
(got nothing for Shulk, Bowser Jr. or Duck Hunt)
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-Ken -Akuma -any shoto-clone, really -not Goku
(got nothing for Cloud or Corrin)
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-Nothing besides Meta Ridley for Ridley
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aion-rsa · 4 years
Super Mario 3D World: How to Unlock Everything
Along with being one of the best Super Mario platformers ever made, Super Mario 3D World + Bowser’s Fury is an expertly crafted Nintendo adventure filled with surprises and unlockables.
While all currently available evidence suggests that Daisy is not one of those unlockable surprises (sorry fans), earning everything in Super Mario 3D World and Bowser’s Fury will take quite a bit of time. In some cases, it also requires you to look beyond the boundaries of the title and take on unique challenges.
So if you’re using Super Mario 3D World to help you survive the wait for a new Super Mario game (or maybe even a reimagining of one of the many lost Super Mario games), then you’ll want to chase some of the game’s most elusive unlockables.
How to Unlock Rosalina
As the fifth playable character in Super Mario 3D World, Rosalina is one of the game’s more valuable unlockables. Fortunately, she’s also one of the easiest unlockable “secrets” in the game.
All you need to do to unlock Rosalina is beat World Star-2. From there, you’ll be able to play as Rosalina and utilize her unique spin attack in any level in the game.
Of course, to beat World Star-2, you’ll need to actually unlock it. Fortunately, we’re here to help you with that as well…
How to Unlock World Star
Some of Super Mario 3D World‘s hidden worlds require quite a bit of time and effort to unlock, but World Star is actually relatively easy to access.
All you need to do to unlock World Star and its nine courses is beat World Bowser (the final level in the main game) and take the rocket that appears in World 1. You’ll only need the amount of Green Stars it takes to get to the final level in World Bowser, so you shouldn’t have to go too far out of your way for this one.
How to Unlock World Mushroom
If you want to run through World Mushroom collection of tricky courses, you’ll just need to beat Cosmic Cannon Cluster: the final level in World Star.
This entire world consists of remixes of other courses. They’re generally much more difficult than their predecessors, so be sure to be at your best before you try to take this world on.
How to Unlock World Flower
Are you looking for Super Mario 3D World‘s greatest challenges? You’ll find them in World Flower: a bonus area that consists of incredibly difficult reimaginings of previous courses.
While you “only” need to beat the final course in World Mushroom (Broken Blue Bully Belt) to unlock World Flower, the general difficulty of World Mushroom means that it might take quite a few tries to get to that point.
How to Unlock World Crown
Super Mario 3D World‘s final bonus level is also the game’s most elusive unlockable. In order to access World Crown, you’ll need to unlock every Green Star, earn every Stamp, and reach the top of the flag pole on every level. You’ll be able to access the game’s final world from there.
World Crown is strange. It only consists of one course, a Captain Toad level, a Mystery House, and a Sprixie House, but the difficulty of the final course alone (a grueling marathon called Champions Road) may keep you in this area for quite some time.
How to Earn Infinite Lives in Super Mario 3D World
You might not need many extra lives in Super Mario 3D‘s early stages, but if you’re trying to unlock and beat everything, then you’ll likely find that you need a lot of help.
Well, in the grand tradition of previous Super Mario platformers, there is an infinite life “glitch” in Super Mario 3D World. Actually, there are a few ways to earn (nearly) infinite lives, and they all involve a shell found in World 1-2. While the more popular method involves a Goomba, you can actually save a few steps by eternally bouncing a shell between the arches of a doorway found on that level. This video does an excellent job of showcasing that method:
If that method isn’t working for you, then you can always try one of the alternate strategies found in this area. For instance, this video features a slightly slower (but safer) way of reaching 1000+ lives:
You may need to keep one eye on the time if you’re considered about such things, but honestly, you’ll have so many lives after completing this method that it shouldn’t be a worry.
Read more
Super Mario 3D World: How Many Worlds Are in the Nintendo Switch Port?
By Matthew Byrd
Game & Watch Super Mario Bros Review
By Aaron Potter
How to Unlock The Five Final Character Stamps
If you’re trying to unlock every Stamp in Super Mario 3D World, you may be surprised when you find that you’re five Stamps short despite your best efforts. Well, it turns out that unlocking the final five requires an even greater effort.
The final five Stamps in Super Mario 3D World are unlocked by beating every level in the game with every playable character (including Rosalina). That goal includes all Blockades and Mystery Houses (although you can skip Captain Toad levels if you want to). If you’re trying to unlock this faster with the help of multiplayer friends, you’ll need to make sure each character touches the flag pole to complete a level.
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How to Unlock Flag Pole Fireworks
Remember the fireworks from the original Super Mario Bros.? It turns out they’re also in Super Mario 3D World and that you unlock them pretty much the same way.
If you need a refresher, you just need to end a level with a 1, 3, or 6 on the timer. As long as you touch the flag pole with one of those numbers in the last spot on the timer, you’ll see a number of fireworks equal to the number itself.
How to Change Level Flags
There are actually a few ways you can alter the flags that appear on the World map after you’ve beaten a level. To unlock them, you’ll just need to complete the following steps:
Gold Flag – Reach the top of a flag pole at the end of a level
Green Star Flag Pole – Collect every Green Star in a level
Gold Star Pendant – Beat a level with all five characters (and collect every Green Star on the level)
Super Mario 3D World Save Profile Stars
You can unlock additional Stars on your Super Mario 3D World profile (and even make them glitter) if you complete the following steps:
Save Profile Star 1 – Beat the final course in World 8
Save Profile Star 2 – Collect all Green Stars in Worlds 1-8
Save Profile Star 3 – Collect all Stamps in Worlds 1-9
Save Profile Star 4 – Get all Golden Flags in Worlds 1-11
Save Profile Star 5 – Beat Worlds 1-11 with every character
Glittering Profile Stars – Clear all levels without using an Invincibility Leaf.
Bowser’s Fury Save Profile Stars
Much like the main game, Bowser’s Fury features additional save profile stars. Here’s how you unlock them:
Bowser’s Fury Save Profile Star 1 – Defeat Fury Bowser with the Lakeside Giga Bell
Bowser’s Fury Save Profile Star 2 – Defeat Fury Bowser twice with the Ruins Giga Bell
Bowser’s Fury Save Profile Star 3 – Defeat Fury Bowser three times with the Wasteland Giga Bell
Bowser’s Fury Save Profile Star 4 – Collect every Cat Shine (100)
Bowser’s Fury Save Profile Star 5 – Defeat Fury Bowser after collecting all 100 Cat Shines
Bowser’s Fury Secret Ending
Dedicated Bowser’s Fury players can unlock the DLC’s secret ending by collecting 100 Cat Shines and defeating Bowser in the Wasteland Giga Bell region. It’s easier said than done.
This method unlocks an altered battle with Bowser that sees you flee on Plessie’s back while getting some shots in on the big guy himself. After beating Bowser, you’ll get to watch the secret ending.
Have you found any other unlockables in Super Mario 3D World or Bowser’s Fury that we missed? Let us know about them in the comments below
The post Super Mario 3D World: How to Unlock Everything appeared first on Den of Geek.
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cosmcther · 5 years
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     Welcome back to another episode of Aaron stayed up all night and now his brain is making a wishlist post off of nothing but fumes. Today’s special is about how I want Rosalina to use her motorcycle. This woman has a motorcycle and I want some fuckin sick ass tearing down streets, ducking and diving through cars and sliding down on its side as she keeps it up with magic for a real low power slide, boosting through attacks, swapping out Mario Kart Double Dash style to have the person she’s no doubt riding with to take the handles as she’s standing on the back, laying into their chaser that’s in hot pursuit. There’s definitely someone riding with her since there’s no reason for her to use her bike, other than looking cool, so the constantly going back and forth between driving, basically dancing across the vehicle, or jamming on the breaks to send the riders flying. It’d be so fuckin cool.
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