#(( please excuse this grumpy muse ;w; ))
pinetasticapple · 5 years
A Miraculous Carol Chapter 2: The Previous Holder
The first spirit has come to visit Adrien and start the journey of learning. And no, he's not here to take his soul.
Also on AO3 and FF
Adrien blinked, rubbed his eyes and blinked again. He pinched an arm and looked at the figure that was still looking back at him with a serious expression. He wasn't dreaming. There was a real specter hovering in front of him.
"This is it," Adrien backed to the end of his bed "this is how I die."
To his surprise, neither the figure nor Plagg reacted to his words, the kwami instead floating around the blue shaped person with amusement and glee. If this was the reaper coming for him then Plagg was not worried at all.
"How are you doing man? How's the afterlife?"
"Calm, peaceful" the figure said, not taking their eyes away from Adrien.
"Wh-what? You know each other?"
"Way, way back" Plagg grinned.
"As I was saying," the figure said again, pushing Plagg away with a finger, much to Adrien's surprise "we need to talk."
"Are you coming to take my soul?"
"No, I- "
"Is this an Akuma?"
"No, it's- "
"Are you a spirit of my past?"
The figure, now that Adrien saw with more clarity that looked like a tall young man, groaned and pinched his nose. If anything it made the blond more nervous about the entire situation. Perhaps something he had eaten? No, that couldn't be, they didn't cause only hallucinations, did they?
"Is this your new chosen?" he turned to Plagg, who just shrugged nonchalantly.
"Kid watches a lot of cartoons,"
"Whatever," he turned back to Adrien "My name is Felix, I was a previous holder of the Black Cat miraculous before it landed with you."
Adrien noticed more details on his shape. Felix looked like a young tall person, dressed in slacks and a vest, with a wrinkle-free shirt that fit him quite perfectly. If Adrien wasn't about to pass out from the surprise, he would think the spirit was savvy in stylish outfits. But his choice of outfit reminded him of decades ago, and if he said he was a previous holder, then that had to be more than that.
"Am I…"
"You ask one more time if I'm reaping your soul and I might do it," Adrien closed his mouth "good, as I was saying, I am here to help you."
Adrien looked at Plagg. Help him? If this was a previous holder of the miraculous, was this a magic problem? He had to admit he didn't know much about the Miraculous, something that he wanted to learn more since he met the Guardian of the Miraculous.
"So you are…from the past?"
"Quite, yes" Felix walked to the window, looking at the skyline turning dark with night's arrival "I was asked to come aid you before it's too late."
Adrien gulped.
"You died because of…"
"My cause of death was not because of my duty, don't worry about that," Felix said before Adrien could continue, which left the blond looking embarrassed from even asking "so, tell me how bad is your situation with your Ladybug."
Wait, what?
"Wh- "
Felix looked around his room, to the computer that had all monitors covered in ladybug wallpapers, back to Adrien who was crawling out of his bed and then looked at the polka dot pajama pants.
"Ah," Felix's mouth twitched "so the infatuation stage."
"Excuse you?" Adrien huffed and nearly stomped towards where Felix was standing, floating, Adrien didn't bother to think semantics of that "I am not infatuated with her, I love her."
"Hm," Felix glanced at Plagg who was too busy eating another piece of cheese to care, but Adrien could see the kwami's eyes focused on the two of them "and does she feel the same?"
Adrien was about to answer, when the memory came flooding to him.
I'm sorry, I love someone else.
He looked to a side, his cheeks flushed with embarrassment and annoyance, ignoring the inquisitive stare Felix was throwing at him. Was this a trial? Or maybe Plagg was throwing him a weirdly well-done prank on him.
"Ah," Felix broke the awkward silence "I'll take that's a no."
"But we're meant to- "
Felix raised a hand to shut him up, looking at Plagg who gave a small barely noticeable nod before speaking again.
"I'm going to stop you there" Felix sighed "and I'll give you the benefit of the doubt because you are what, thirteen?"
"Hm," Felix shrugged "just because your miraculous are the yin and yang, the balance and whatnot, doesn't give you a free pass to say she is obligated to love you, has she told you that?"
"She…" Adrien swallowed back the hurt of the memory "she is in love with someone else."
"So if she loves someone else, and if you truly love her and are not infatuated, what do you think is the right thing to do?"
"I…" Adrien glanced at the wallpaper, the image of his lady about to jump, with her yo-yo ready on one hand. He looked at her eyes, at her smile, the fluttering feeling coming back to him full force. He loved her, he did. It was not a phase, an infatuation like Felix ghost said, he was in love with her partner.
And if you loved someone…
"You want them to be happy," Adrien muttered "even if it's not with you."
Plagg hovered over him and patted his cheek, catching Adrien by surprise, but he scratched the kwami's chin with a sad smile.
"Is this why you came here?"
"I said it already."
"To help me, yeah" Adrien sighed "help me in what? Let go of her?"
"Think of me being here as an awakening call," Felix said, "I was once in your spot and a previous Chat Noir came to my aid, just like you in a distant future might do it for a younger generation."
"But help me how?"
"The miraculous gave you a mask," Felix continued "when you put that mask you feel free, don't you?" Adrien nodded "and yet without it, you seem to act too different from your heroic self."
Adrien nodded again. It wasn't because he wanted to. As Adrien Agreste, he had to maintain an image, a posture, and finesse he had grown accustomed to. As Chat Noir, he was free, no longer bound by a famous name, no need to hide his sense of humor or his carefree attitude. It was liberating.
"It's not easy when- "
"When you have a reputation?" Felix shrugged "we seem to be more similar than I thought, but that's why I'm here, to help you find balance between them."
"W-and how is that related to Ladybug?"
Felix rolled his eyes and pointed at the screen again.
"We miraculous holders while different in many things share some similar attitudes" Felix looked back at Adrien "if your Ladybug is like mine, she has no problem being herself with and without the mask," he crossed his arms "but if I was sent here to help you, it means that balance has been tipped off, and the one that can help her is- "
"The black cat."
Felix nodded, a hint of a smile on his ghostly face. Whether it was condescending or not Adrien was not going to ask. So, his lady was herself, confident, smart, caring, a leader, in and out of the mask. But if what Felix said was true, then something had made her lose what Adrien didn't have yet.
"We protect our ladybugs, in and out of battle" Felix kept talking "don't take me wrong Chat Noir, Ladybug can defend herself just fine, but if there is one person she can trust to have her back at all times, it's us."
"And I'm doing a terrible job,"
"Please, spare me the guilt" Felix sighed "we are not perfect, we make mistakes, but you are still a teenager and the good thing about it is that you are still learning."
"Tell me about it" Plagg said "this one was a total disaster when I got him, a grumpy boy that thought he had to kiss Ladybug to break a curse, talk about setting boundaries."
Felix squinted at Plagg who ignored the stare and went back to floating around them, amused by the whole situation. Adrien remained silent, looking from Felix to the wallpaper and back to Felix. So, he had the chance to help, to save his Lady from whatever harm had happened to undo said balance.
"I want to help her" he looked at him "how can I help her? How can I protect her?"
"I just told you."
Adrien couldn't see why Plagg chose this guy for a holder of the ring, but held his comment to himself.
"Find a balance?"
"Great, but how did you do it?" Adrien crossed his arms "you said we have some similarities; how did you find a balance?"
"That's for you to figure out" Felix looked at the window "my time is almost up but hear me out Chat Noir,"
Felix raised an eyebrow.
"I mean," Adrien rubbed the back of his neck "if this is the only time we get to talk, first name sounds better, besides" he eyed the door "I hope no one barges in and hears about me being a superhero."
"Very well, Adrien," Felix shrugged "you will be visited by three more spirits this night, expect the first one at the stroke of midnight."
Now that sounded very familiar to Adrien.
"Wait, you mean ghosts?"
"Yes and no" Felix shrugged "they are not like me, but they will manifest in a way to not startle you, since their real shapes might be too much for your mind."
Like angels, Adrien mused.
"They will guide you in finding the solution to your dilemma," Felix walked towards the window, a hand going through it "good luck Adrien."
"W-wait!" Adrien almost ran towards him "how will I know if I'm doing the right thing?"
But Felix didn't say anything more, phasing through the window and disappearing in the dark of the night. Adrien remained in his place, looking at the window for a good while until Plagg poked him on the cheek.
"Was any of that real?"
"As real as my camembert," Plagg said "but don't take it bad kid, this is not a divine punishment."
"It sure feels a little like that," Adrien glanced at the clock that read a little past ten. He still had time before the so-called first spirit showed up.
"Don't worry Adrien," Plagg hovered back to the pillow and settled on it "I am sure you will solve this out."
Adrien sat back on the bed and looked at the wallpaper one more time. Many of what Felix said still resonated in his head. He was not infatuated, was he? Sure, the moment he saw Ladybug, the first Akuma they fought, it all led to him saying he would love whoever was the girl behind the mask.
With time, the secrecy was becoming more and more infuriating. He knew why they couldn't reveal themselves, but it didn't make it hurt any less. Yet, Ladybug was one of his closest friends, one he cherished way too much.
Maybe, Adrien sighed as he lied back down, maybe he had been pushing a bit too far?
"Hey, Plagg?" Adrien looked at the kwami "am I a bad Chat Noir?"
"No," Plagg yawned "like Felix said, you are still a kid," Adrien frowned "if you were really a bad Chat Noir, I would have taken the ring myself back to the Guardian."
Adrien winced at the thought of that.
"Yet here we are," Plagg kept talking "and look! You haven't been visited by the spirits and you are already figuring things out, if anything, that tells me you are going to succeed."
"Have you done this before?"
"Sometimes," Plagg hummed "Felix was one case, and some others way before you."
Adrien looked back at the ceiling and hummed, processing those words. To help his Lady, he had to find balance. It seems that a lot of things with the Miraculous required balance. And he wanted to help her. He had noticed, the way Ladybug didn't act as usual. It wasn't obvious but Chat knew her, he could tell something out of the mask was bothering her enough to change her behavior when they were patrolling or fighting an Akuma.
Without realizing, Adrien had closed his eyes and drifted to sleep, only to be awoken hours later by a loud gong.
"W-what" he sat up, the covers tangling in his hands as he did, but almost yelled when he spotted someone sitting on the chair of his desk.
"Ah, good, you are awake," they said and stood up to walk towards Adrien.
Adrien almost fell off his bed when he saw the figure that had taken a spot on the corner of his bed. It was very, very familiar. But at the same time it wasn't. Her hair wasn't in a ponytail but loose, her usual outfit gone and now wearing a yellow and white sundress, with white sandals and sunglasses over her head.
Chloé Bourgeois was sitting on his bed, looking at a translucent but well-manicured hand.
"Hello Chat Noir, I'm the Spirit of Time Past," she said, her voice softer than the one Adrien was used to hear from his childhood friend "are you ready?"
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ladyramora · 6 years
If you're still taking requests can I have a lil fic for estinien like the one you wrote about haurchefant/wol getting drunk together? If you have time, if not, no worries :)
(*Kermit voice* Hi-ho! - Sorry I’m so late, as usual. I have no excuse, really, except lack of writing motivation with how my job has been recently. Ah… I hope this is to your liking. I meant to draw it out more, but I think WoL needs some sleep. (So do I, lol.) Drunken Estinien is smoother than Sober Estinien. XD This version, anyhow. I was writing him like… Hmmm, I hope he seems IC. Estinien is kinda cocky, though, isn’t he? Anyway, please enjoy?)
This is a Prequel to this OT3 (Aymeric x WoL x Estinien)
The heavy sound of glass scraping across the polished wood of your table has you blinking open your eyes that you hadn’t realized you had closed.
A bottle of familiar booze sits in the middle of your table. You stare at it, eyes drooping blearily, gaze unfocused.
You hadn’t ordered it.
Your eyes focus only as someone sits across from you. That familiar voice addressing you, sarcastic and dry as the Sagolii desert, “Do you ever tire of fighting wars not your own?”
Your lips curve up, eyes dragging over him lazily. “Estinien,” You say on a sleepy sigh. He is a sight for sore eyes. Sore, overtired eyes. You cannot remember when last you had lain down to truly rest.
Estinien is frowning heavily, the light behind him casting an ethereal glow on the fall of his pale, unbound hair. His pale skin a bit more tanned than when you saw him last. Though shadows still lingered under the bright blue of his eyes, he looked far healthier than he had - lying pale and drawn in the infirmary after your battle with Nidhogg. His eyes are sharp, a too bright blue that drag over you with much too knowing a look.
He is…
“Gorgeous,” You say, dazedly and with a heavy tongue.
Estinien’s eyes widen infinitesimally, his head dipping down—his hair, so bright and shiny, slipping over his shoulder and drawing your eyes to the open lacing of his shirt baring his clavicle—and slides an empty glass across the table.
Even with how tired you are, your reflexes do not fail you as your hand snaps out to catch the glass before it can slip over the edge to shatter on the floor.
“Drink with me,” Estinien doesn’t ask in a voice that is rough with what you think to be embarrassment.
You stare down at the glass that you clasped in a loose grip, eyes half lidded.
Estinien pops the cork on the heavy bottle he’d brought, pouring his own glass and then yours. Yours, you notice, he fills just shy of the brim.
“Fury damn them,” Estinien grouses, “You need this more than I do. Look at you,” Estinien slams the bottle down hard enough for liquid to slosh up over the neck, snatching up his own glass to gesture with to your own too full glass. “Been possessed lately? You look about one foot in the grave.”
You grimace, ignoring your glass to touch your face. Fingers tracing under your heavy eyes as you ask, “Do I look so terrible?”
Estinien slams his emptied glass down, leaning in to snarl and pin you in place with furious blue eyes, “No! You look..” He freezes mid sentence, jaw flexing with his grinding teeth. “You look… good.”
Your hand drops to rest near your glass. Good, he said. “Good,” You echo, not questioning him, merely stating that you are glad.
Estinien takes it the other way, you surmise, as his face flushes in the soft lighting. His lips, wet with traces of his hard booze, parting as he tries to elaborate, “Better, I mean. You were so…” Estinien falls quiet. Swallows.
Sad. Angry. Bitter.
You had been many things after the Dragonsong war. You had lost two people who had become dear to you. Your eyes follow Estinien’s fingers as he drags his bare fingers through the water pooling around his chilled glass.
Almost three. Almost. But you had been able to save him. Had been allowed that where you hadn’t been before. Not him, you had thought back then. Had begged - pleaded, even - to the Twelve. To those Gods who had a hand in writing your Fate. Not Estinien too.
Then you had decided you were done asking. No, you decided. You can’t have him. You won’t. I won’t let you take him.
And then you hadn’t.
You smile instead of voicing such things. “I am always better having seen you.”
Estinien clears his throat and pours himself another. “Drink with me.”
You dip your head and lift your glass. Estinien’s favored drink sliding heavy over your tongue. Burning like dragon fire as you swallow it down. Still you tip it back. It would be most impolite to refuse. Besides, you had never been one to turn down Estinien’s offers of companionship.
You finish your glass, warmth settling in your belly. You should have eaten something, you muse, as Estinien pours you another too full glass.
“Good Ser,” You say teasingly. “I dare say, are you intending to get me drunk?”
Estinien snorts into his glass, booze spraying in his humor. He wipes his face and grins at you. “I intend only for you to catch up.”
You blink. Catch up? “Estinien,” You lean in, whispering lowly. “Are you drunk?”
Estinien leans in, breath mingling with yours, “Mayhap a little.”
So more than a little.
You glance at your glass, eye the mostly full contents of the bottle, and make a decision. You grab the bottle and your glass.
Swallowing back your entire glass of booze in one long drink, and then pouring yourself another overly large.
You’re not letting Estinien overdo it on your watch.
“Whoa there!” Estinien gives a huff of a laugh as you tip back your third glass. “Slow down, will you?” He grasps your hand, warm, calloused fingers stroking over your knuckles.
You swallow hard, looking up into his face. The amusement in his eyes. In the curl of his lips.
“Easy does it,” He continues, soothingly. That low, growly quality to his voice somehow even raspier in his partial intoxication.
His eyes are so blue. So vivid. You feel swallowed by them.
Estinien says your name and you blink, shaking your head to dispell the heavy feeling over you. Like being charmed, you think dazedly as you watch Estinien lick a stray drop of booze from his glass.
Seduction. This is a…
“This is a seduction.”
Estinien chokes, looking at you with wide eyes. “What?!” He barks. Trying to play it off, but his eyes look awfully shifty to be playing for innocence.
Ahh. Yes. It all made sense now. His hair seemed shinier than usual. His lips, too. Not to mention how much skin he was showing with the lazy lacings of his dark blue shirt - baring more than the usual of his toned chest. That, then touching you with his hands. And he kept sticking his tongue out and licking things. His lips, his glass. His wrist where he had spilled on his hand and it had dripped over his skin, eyes catching yours as he licked up his inner arm.
“Estinien,” You say, squinting in suspicion. “Are you trying to seduce me right now?” Was this happening or had you finally succumbed to exhaustion?
Estinien struggles to deny it, but the way his cheeks flush and his eyes shift give him away. “What? No! Why would I…? That would be…”
You stare at him and wait.
Estinien’s face falls, and he stops trying to deny it. “If I said yes - that this was a… an attempt to… Ah. …What would your reaction be?”
You tilt your head, turning your glass in your hands. You take a deep breath, pretending to mull it over. You shrug, as though careless. Like everything in you isn’t crying out in relief. You had thought your feelings for Estinien would forever remain unrequited and ever unspoken.
You smile and grasp your glass to clink against his. “All right then, Azure Dragoon. Show me your moves.”
Estinien sits back, looking all sorts of adorably puzzled. Jaw working as he has the nerve to squint at you in suspicion, “…All right.”
As if you would joke about something like this! You nod back at him, quirking a brow in challenge. “All right?”
Estinien knocks back his glass, clears his throat roughly, and says, “Then.. Yes, this is a..” He flushes. “This… is that.”
You slide your glass forward, clinking against his even though it is empty.
Estinien grabs the bottle and pours.
You smile, tracing the rim of your glass.
You are not prepared for Estinien to climb over the table.
“What are you doing?”
Estinien huffs as he settles next to you on your suddenly too small side of the booth. “Seducing you, obviously. Am I meant to do it all the way over there?” Estinien says, sounding rather grumpy for someone trying to seduce you.
He shifts close and you find your back hitting the wall behind you as Estinien cages you in with a hand by your head.
You feel very much drunk suddenly. Your head swimming with the scent of Estinien. That familiar smell with just a hint of something new. Was that cologne? Whatever it was - it smelled particularly pleasing. You cannot help but deepen your breaths to take him in.
Estinien is looking altogether much too smug. “Look at you,” He positively croons. “I haven’t even started yet and you’re…” Estinien leans in, his breath fanning over your lips, “All. Flushed.”
Estinien grunts in surprise as your hand smacks him in the nose, his hands raising up in surrender as you push his face away from yours.
“Not so fast, Ser!” You say breathlessly. Your cheeks feel on fire, but you’ll not be so easily conquered. “I expect a bit more of a proper seduction before you start stealing kisses!”
Estinien barks a startled, if not delighted laugh. His hand cupping over yours to grasp and turn in his hold. His head lowering as he kisses your hand like a proper chivalrous knight.
His eyes gleam playful blue through the soot of his eyelashes, shiny lips curling in a flirtatious grin. “Like this?” He asks in his signature throaty growl as he kisses your hand, over your wrist and up your arm.
You swallow hard. “That’s… rather nice, yes.”
Estinien’s eyes crinkle with his pleased grin, nuzzling his nose and one of those sharp cheekbones against your arm like an affectionate cat.
His thumb drags over the veins on your wrist. “Your heart is pounding,” Estinien sighs. He drags your hand by the wrist to press against his chest between the gaping fabric of his shirt. To feel the racing of his own heart. “Mine too.”
You gulp. Cannot help yourself from spreading your fingers wide and basking in the feel of his skin.
Estinien grins rakishly. “Seduced yet?”
You squeak. “A little?”
Estinien chuckles. “Shall I try harder then?” He leans in, shaking his head just so that his hair falls forward around his face in a waterfall of pale moonlit strands.
The fragrant oil in his hair wafts over you and inspires in you that strange mix of pleasure and hunger at smelling something pleasing. You want a lot of things. To touch his hair. Feel the sure softness of it. To bury your face in it and breathe him in. To rake your hands through his hair and drag his lips to yours.
You only make a strangled whining sound and lean into him, helpless to his magnetic pull.
You let out a startled yelp as Estinien drags you into his lap.
Your hands are frozen against the bared skin of his chest. Eyes wide as you tip your head back to stare into his own.
Estinien expression shifts from purposeful seduction to worried. “Too much?” he asks.
You shake your head mutely.
You are in Estinien’s lap.
You silently thank every god, goddess and deity you know, and all the ones you do not. You have been blessed with glorious fortune this night that you had thought would amount to naught but boredom and eventually succumbing to your exhaustion.
Instead you sat in the Azure Dragoon’s lap as he attempted, and so far quite thoroughly succeeded, to seduce you.
Not just seduce, you muse drunkenly, as Estinien smiles in relief and cups his hands over your cheeks to stroke your skin with calloused thumbs.
“I think I’m drunk,” You say slowly, leaning into him drowsily. Your overtaxed body catching up with you now.
Estinien snorts. “Caught up, have you? Don’t fall asleep on me now.”
You smile goofily, sinking into his delicious body heat with a satisfied hum. “But you’re so warm! Seduce me later.”
Estinien sighs, smiling ruefully. “I suppose it was selfish of me to drink beforehand. To attempt such as you are now. An onze of liquid courage turned to much more than I meant. Feeling your exhaustion now, I suppose? Shall I carry you to bed?”
You let loose a giggly drunken laugh. “Whaaat? We can’t go to bed together! You haven’t even kissed me yet!”
Estinien flushes like he hadn’t just been trying to seduce you. “Together? Ah.. Do you… Would you like me to kiss you?”
You would like him to very much. Yet now your head was dropping. Eyelids fighting to droop closed and remain so. Your cheek falls to rest against his bare skin, nose brushing his shirt. “Kiss me.. Kiss me,” You sigh, nuzzling into his chest.
Estinien does not comment on your sudden change of mind, bless him.
Estinien laughs softly, and you blink up dazedly at him as he curls his fingers under your chin to tilt your head back.
You part your lips, ever so slightly puckered to receive his kiss.
Estinien smiles, lowers his face towards yours, and kisses your forehead instead of your lips.
You make a mild sound of protest. “Tha… doesn’… count!” Your words slur from drink and your mounting exhaustion.
Estinien kisses your forehead again. Then the tip of your nose, laughing as you wrinkle your nose in response.
“I’ll kiss you,” Estinien says gently. Seriously. “When we are both a little more sober. Aye, a little more than rested on your part as well.”
You hear him, but are hardly awake to reply with aught but, “Promise?”
Estinien strokes his hands over your hair and down your back, his voice a throaty hum. “Of course. I promise.”
You close your eyes, feeling safe in his arms, and give in to your exhaustion under the soothing motions of his hands and the soft sound of his breath.
Estinien stares down at the sleeping Warrior in his lap with aching fondness, smiling and shaking his head at his own foolishness.
“I question mine own thought processes, truly. What had I intended when you were clearly so exhausted you sat half awake at this table in this questionable bar?”
Estinien sighs. “I have not been known for mine decision making. ‘Tis not mine strong suit.”
Estinien strokes a finger under the shadows lining the Warrior’s eyes. His eyes dropping to their parted lips, slightly curled as if they were smiling in their sleep.
“You continue to be my best decision yet.”
Estinien smiles. “Try again later, shall I?”
The Warrior sighs in their sleep and Estinien nods in affirmation. “Aye. Off to bed with you.”
With some clever maneuvering on his part, he stands from their shadowed booth with the Warrior cradled safely in his arms.
“Right,” he sighs. “Now to find out where you’ve been sleeping. If you have at all.”
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sserpente · 7 years
A brazen challenge
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Synopsis: Imagine admitting to Loki that you never manage to orgasm when are with men, making him smirk mischievously in response.
“Is that a challenge, my dear?”
So for the next couple of hours, he magically locks the two of you in your room and makes it a challenge as to how many times he can make you cum in a row. He pleasures you with his soft hands, his skilled and long fingers and his silver tongue before he fucks you roughly.
Pairing: Loki x Reader Rating: M Chapter: 1/1 (Oneshot) Words: 4040 Warnings: smut. a lot of smut.
It was a lazy and boring afternoon, really. Having nothing to do at all, you wandered about the Avengers Tower, searching for distraction or anything else to occupy yourself with. For the latest mission, your infamous superhero friends had decided that it would be best for you to stay put while they sorted things out, leaving you behind grumpy and frustrated.
Even Vision was gone, so the only company you had was, quite literally, the pile of clothes in your room you had wanted to wash for days but there certainly was no motivation for that right now. Instead, you headed straight to Tony’s library. Reading had always helped you shutting down the real world for a couple of hours and since there was nothing else you could do—except for, maybe, wondering why Tony even had a library in the first place, given he never used it—you might as well dive into some made up worlds.
“Jesus Christ!” You flinched when you suddenly spotted Loki sitting on the expensive leather couch in the middle of the big room, his nose buried in one of the books the billionaire owned. He looked up with his brows furrowed, giving you a cheeky smile when his stunningly blue eyes caught your appearance.
“You scared me…”
“I can see that,” he replied with another smirk, watching you intently as you nervously picked a book and sat down on an armchair opposite him. What the hell was he even doing here? Shouldn’t he be… well, off to try and take over the planet again? Thor had brought him here to help, much to his dismay, this much you could tell, but hidden here in Tony’s library with no other purpose than to scare the shit out of you, he wouldn’t exactly be useful.
“What are you doing here?” He asked.
“I could ask you the same question. I was excluded from today’s mission and in no mood to do my laundry. Simply put, I’m bored. What’s your excuse?”
Loki stared at you rather boldly as if he were fascinated by you.
“I was excluded from today’s mission and have no other business on this planet than to kill time by reading,” he mocked. “Why don’t you go out then? Isn’t that what people your age do here on Midgard? Going out, seducing men and mating with them?”
Your lips parted as you stared at him unbelievingly, holding back a hysteric laughter.
“So first of all, we don’t say ‘to mate’, that’s quite old-fashioned. And second of all, no, not everyone goes out to seduce men. What do you think Earth women are like, for God’s sake? My sex life is about as exciting as a goldfish swimming in a glass.”
You had no idea why you even told him that. Maybe it was because you secretly thought that Loki was quite handsome. No, scratch that, he was hot. He might have tried to rule the human race but he was incredibly attractive. Instantly, you wondered how many women he had bedded already. Something told you they wouldn’t leave his chambers unsatisfied the day after…
“And why is that?” He ripped you out of your thoughts, putting his book away. Great, now you had his full attention, though you couldn’t exactly make out whether this was a good or a bad thing. Probably both.
“I… Jesus, that’s pretty private territory, are you aware of that?”
“That makes it all the more interesting, my dear,” Loki’s voice was dark, a little throaty and… almost seductive as he leaned forward to look you directly in the eye. Actually, he didn’t scare you. You knew about the things he had done in New York back in the days and that he was quite powerful, witty and skilled. It hadn’t intimidated you when you first met him, now on the other hand… you weren’t so sure. He looked like he was going to eat you alive.
Swallowing thickly, you bit your lower lip. “Well… I’ve had relationships before but whenever I started getting intimate with them… the spark never really jumped across, you know.” God, that sounded ridiculous.
“I don’t, actually. Enlighten me,” With an inviting movement of his hand, he leaned back again, tilting his chin. You had the feeling he knew exactly what you meant but wanted to hear it from your mouth. Was he really that sadistic? God of Mischief, alright.
“I find it hard to let go, okay? I don’t usually… cum when I’m with men,” you admitted coyly, your eyes fixating the expensive carpet on the floor. After a moment of silence, when you finally brought up the courage to look up to him again, you noticed that Loki was smirking mischievously, with shrewdness and cunning glistening in his blue eyes.
“Is that a challenge, my dear?”
You were pretty sure that your heart skipped a beat, your eyes widening as you felt the muscles in your lower regions clench.
“We are alone, after all.” He scared you once more by suddenly vanishing with a green glimmer surrounding him, only to reappear right behind you, possessively grabbing your waist. His mouth was on your neck before you could properly comprehend what was happening. Teasingly, his lips ghosted over your sensitive skin, his nose buried in the thick curtain of your hair as he inhaled deeply.
“N-no, L-Loki, please stop…”
He pulled away immediately, with you being surprised that you had managed to speak up at all. Those light kisses… so gentle… it felt wonderful.
“Forgive me then. I shall not touch you again,” he stated, recoiling to continue reading when you frowned.
What now, did he think he was going to be in trouble for assaulting you like that? You’d hardly tell Thor his brother had tried to hook up with you, besides, it’s not like you didn’t want it yourself. Loki didn’t exactly seem like somebody who would obey like a trained puppy, knowing just what he wanted and how to get it. And again, something told you he was retreating for that exact purpose. That was his scam, his strategy. You were going to beg him and damn it, it irked you less than it should.
“Yes, p-please do! I just… n-not here! I mean… can we go to my room?”
Loki’s cocky smile returned as if you had flipped a switch.
“Very well then,”
You were quivering when he followed you back to your room, chewing your lower lip like a dog its bone. It was like you were making your way to your personal execution. A sexual execution, that was. You could practically feel Loki’s presence behind you, his gaze boring into your back. When you finally arrived, he shut the door close behind you and flicked his hand so that the same green shimmer that had surrounded himself only moments ago now flickered around the doorknob. Had he just… locked the door?
“A-are we really going to do this?” Shit, surely you were not going to chicken out, right? The thought of sleeping with the God of Mischief somewhat intimidated you. Just because you weren’t a virgin, it didn’t mean you had a lot of experience. Apart from the standard missionary style, sloppy attempts of your former boyfriends to make you orgasm by awkwardly eating you out and half-hearted blowjobs on your behalf, you had no experience at all whereas Loki… Loki was a bloody God. He would be disappointed with you, the more so because you were a mortal. What could you possibly offer him that he wouldn’t be able to get from all those beautiful Asgardian women you had seen in ancient paintings of the nine realms?
“You can always tell me to stop… though I am not entirely sure I will oblige to your request once I have started.” You swallowed again, backing off when he took a step closer to you. “You said you are unable to achieve your end when mating with men…”
“Hook up. Not mate.” You choked out. Your voice was breaking, betraying you. Both your nervousness and excitement were on full display for him—a circumstance he seemed to greet with mockery but he simply ignored your weak interruption.
“Now I am wondering how many times I can make you cum for me… in fact, I am dying to find out, my pet.”
Pet? Shit, why did that turn you on? It really shouldn’t now… right?
There was no room to escape from him anymore when your knee pits suddenly collided with the edge of your bed, having Loki tower over you and push you down on the mattress.
Greedily, his hands roamed over your body, and he licked his lips as if he were about to claim his prize. He probably was.
“Undress,” he instructed you sharply, his voice firm and demanding and allowing no contradiction. It wasn’t like you were not going to obey him anyway. Shit, you were going to do this. Responding nothing, you hastily pulled your shirt over your head and slipped out of your trousers, quickly followed by your black panties and your bra.
Now you normally weren’t uncomfortable being naked in front of men if you were about to have sex but something about Loki’s lustful gaze made you cringe and feel self-conscious about your body. Surely, you were no match to the women he had had before. The God of Mischief said nothing, whatsoever. Instead, he ravenously pushed your legs apart, his blue eyes locking with your sex, making you blush at once. His voice and the words he had spoken had been enough for you to become wet, you had noticed already when you had taken your panties off. The silky fabric had been bloody soaked.
“Hmm, you’re dripping for me, pet. Undoubtedly, it will be easy to make you scream my name.” He mused with a dark chuckle before he ran two of his long fingers along your slick pussy lips. You shivered at his touch, bucking your hips to hint you wanted more, unable to speak.
“Relax,” Loki grinned sneakily when he noticed, causing you to dig your fingernails into your soft bed sheets.
His eyes never left your face to watch you as his thumb found your clit and teased it relentlessly, circling it slowly, then faster, then slowly again until you whined from the pleasure. A familiar pressure you were only used to when masturbating built inside you and you arched your back in an attempt to cause more friction but Loki was unrelenting. He was the one in control, he had made that very clear.
His fingers massaged you so intensely you feared to faint as he coated his fingers with your wet arousal and spread it all over your sex. You felt so shamelessly exposed to him but it only fuelled your agitation more.
“Does that feel good, pet?”
A moan was all you could muster in response but it seemed to suffice.
“Oh, you like that, don’t you? When I call you pet?”
Fuck yes, you did. What you didn’t like was the fact you had had no idea you were such a submissive. If you had known earlier, maybe your orgasm problem would have solved itself by now.
Loki chuckled once more before slipping two fingers inside you, your walls clenching in joyful anticipation at the foreign intrusion. He started pumping them in and out of you, his thumb never stopping to massage your clit, and then curled them inside you to graze that hidden spot, having you moan loudly once more. Good thing you were in fact alone today.
Loki’s skilful fingers worked their magic on you, pleasuring you with such vehemence you had to hold back to not start thrashing around wildly. If you did so, he might tie you up… but then again, that sounded rather exciting than scary.
“Go ahead… cum for me, pet.” His sinful words did the rest. Head first, you were thrown into the most mind-blowing orgasm you had ever experienced, your muscles spasming and clenching around Loki’s fingers which were helping you ride out your near enough violent climax as you kept screaming his name like a prayer, your hot and wet sheath coating his fingers with a fresh wave of your arousal.
You were panting heavily when you finally calmed again, observing with widened eyes how Loki licked his fingers with relish and then locked eyes with you.
“That was one,” he declared tauntingly. “Oh, you taste delicious, pet. So sweet…” he purred. Sliding his hands over your thighs, he climbed on the bed and knelt down right between your legs.
Fucking shit, how had he made you cum so fast? It was like he hadn’t even tried, just played your cunt with those wonderfully long digits like he would an instrument…  You gasped for air when you suddenly felt Loki’s tongue on your slit, licking over your pussy with delight. His lips found your clit and sucked it between them gently, followed by his tongue delving into your aching core to lap up as much of your juices as possible. He repeated his torture several times before tenderly biting your hot flesh and then using his silver tongue to rub your sensitive bundle of nerves until you were trembling again. You were sensitive already but it only added to your arousal, throwing you over the edge for a second time when he started sucking on your clit so furiously you whimpered.
“That was two…”
Curses paired with Loki’s name escaped your lips, your muscles contracting around nothing as you wished for him to fill you with his cock. God damn.
“So sweet…” he repeated quietly, making you feel his hot breath right between your legs.
He didn’t even think about stopping and giving you a short break before continuing his sweet torture. Collecting your slick arousal on his tongue, he pushed it deep inside you, tasting you ravishingly until you panted from the intense pleasure he was giving you. He fucked you roughly with his tongue as he started stroking the sides of your clit, careful not to directly stimulate it. Hell, he did know what he was doing. Other men you were with never understood what it meant to be over-sensitive. Just that they hadn’t even managed to make you cum even once before they sought their own pleasure, taking what they wanted and then falling asleep exhausted as if they had done such a great job.
You would have rolled your eyes at the thought if they hadn't rolled the back of your head instead. Loki grabbed your thighs roughly, making sure to leave bruises for you to look at the next day and preventing you from recoiling. Two orgasms in and you were already breathless. If he kept going, you probably would faint.
“Loki…” Whether you pleaded for him to stop or to continue, you didn’t know. All you could focus on was how your third climax built, your muscles tensing and your whole body shaking until you were but a writhing mess, defenceless against his skilled mouth and fingers. You came again when he chuckled against your entrance, sulking in the amusement your desperation gave him and then finally pulled away, enjoying the aftershocks that kept rippling through your body.
“That was three…” He mused with a smirk. His hands stroked over your body gently, leaving a wet trail of your own juices all over your stomach before he shifted so he could lie down next to you and prop himself up on one elbow.
“Tell me, pet, what was the highest number of orgasms you had when pleasuring yourself?” He asked boldly while attending to your breasts nonchalantly. Your attempt to pull away and cover yourself was quickly foiled when he pegged your arms away with a simple movement of his hand and a warning look.
“I…” You started hesitatingly, unable to talk properly. “I never came more than once…”
Loki’s expression became somewhat proud upon hearing this. Never taking his eyes off you, he ran his fingers over your breasts, teasing your nipples and pinching and rolling them between his skilful fingers. His hands were pure magic, and you closed your eyes to enjoy the new sensation. You failed to notice he leaned down only a moment after to suck your other nipple into his mouth, circling your areola and gently biting the hardening nub until you arched your back.
“So sensitive…” he murmured scornfully. “I wonder if I could make you cum like that.”
Moaning, you threw your head back. It did feel wonderful. Could you cum like that? Whenever you masturbated, you never really paid attention to your breasts at all, instead just focused on furiously rubbing your clit until you came undone. That’s what vibrators were for too, after all. You had heard of women orgasming just by having their nipples caressed but didn’t think it was possible for anyone but porn stars. With Loki, on the other hand… probably everything was possible, especially when you suddenly felt him using his magic on you to increase your sensitivity even more.
Your desire to return the favour rose with every single stroke of his. Surely, this was arousing him as well. Licking over your lips, you brought your hand right to his crotch, feeling a considerable bulge forming in his tight leather pants. You knew it. Just when you were about to massage his growing erection though, he grabbed your wrist with his free hand and pinned it down over your head.
“Ah, ah, pet. This is about you.” Was this man even real?
Your orgasm, although short-lived, took you completely by surprise when he started sucking on your nipple again only the fraction of a second after and squeezed the other hard, rubbing over it so fiercely it almost hurt. It felt different than when your clit was stimulated, your climax sharp and fervid. You could feel your pussy pulsating, the bed sheets already sweaty but it seemed like Loki wasn’t even nearly done with you.
“That was four,” he stated when he pulled away.
Growling, you forced your head to the side to look at him. “You cheated!” And he certainly did live up to his reputation.
He answered by laughing out loud—a real laugh. You were pretty sure you had never heard Loki laugh before. For some odd reason, it warmed your heart and made you wanting to pounce on him.
Speaking of which… “Please…”
Lust and desire flashed in his eyes. “Please what, pet?”
“P-please, I… I want you.” You choked out, your voice barely audible. He heard you though. Oh, of course he did.
“Say it, pet, I want to hear it from your pretty mouth,” he mused with a smirk, his lips attacking your neck again. You groaned when he touched your hot and moist skin. “Beg me.”
God, you would have strangled him if you had had the energy for it. Instead, all you could do was laying on your bed limply, utterly at his mercy.
“Please… fuck me…”
“What was that? I’m afraid I did not hear you,”
Arsehole. “Fuck me, god damn it, Loki, please, just fuck me!”
Again, the God of Mischief laughed and then, everything happened so fast you didn’t even manage to blink. Loki was on top of you in an instant, his clothes removed with his seidr and his hard cock pressing against your wet entrance.
His hands roughly grabbed your wrists to keep them above your head as he teased you by sliding his tip, leaking with precum already, up and down your cunt, taking his time in penetrating you.
Inconspicuously, you risked a look down, your lips parting with desire. Was everything about this incredibly arrogant and handsome God beautiful? Briefly you wondered whether he would even fit inside you but given he had just made you come undone four times in a row, you were more than just ready for him.
Loki plunged right into you without another warning, hissing loudly as your warm sheath embraced him, your walls clenching around his manhood. For a short moment, he froze, ravishing the feeling of being buried so deep inside you and then, finally, started rocking in and out of you ferociously. Animalistic growls escaped him as he fucked you, drowning your own moans. Your hips rose up to meet his rhythmically, your back arching to offer him your abused breasts. He took the hint—or maybe he just decided to—and assaulted them with his mouth again, sucking your nipples and licking over your breasts greedily as he quickened his pace even more. With every thrust, he made sure to hit all the special spots hidden inside you, aiming to make you cum for him again. You didn’t have much of a choice, really. It was like he was controlling your body, controlling your pleasure and controlling your mind.
“Cum, pet,” he gnarled commandingly. “I want to feel you cum around my cock. Cum!”
And you did, having no other option than to obey. Screaming his name, you spasmed around his hard length and milked his cock, unable to evade from all the overwhelming bliss. Loki didn’t give you time to recover though, instead fucked you even harder. Flesh smacked against flesh, the hot sounds of sex echoing through your room when he finally let go of your wrists and let you dig your fingers into his back, leaving angry marks on his skin. God, had sex ever felt this good? No, it definitely never had.
“You have no idea how tight you feel, pet. So good… cum again. Do it. Do it now, cum!” What? No, you just… you couldn’t… not possibly… moaning, you let out a breath you didn’t realise you were holding.
“N-no, no, I can’t, I can’t, I…”
“Oh yes, pet, you can. You will cum for me again, you will cum until I decide that you have had enough.”
There was something about his words that sent jolts of electricity between your legs. An all too familiar pressure built, all of your muscles tensing as you held on to him for dear life and let another orgasm wash over you like a tidal wave, taking Loki’s composure from him. What was he doing to you? With one last loud growl, he spilled himself, his cock twitching inside you while you were still contracting around him, feeling his hot seed spurting deep into your pussy.
When you had both finally cooled down and you felt his member softening again, Loki rested his sweaty forehead against yours, closing his eyes for just a moment.
Then… he suddenly kissed you, worshipping your mouth with his soft lips. Although you had just had… how many was it, five, six orgasms and mind-blowing sex with an actual God, this felt much more intimate. Loki kissed you tenderly but passionately, his tongue claiming yours in a playful battle.
Shit, this was everything you had ever wanted and more. Both of you only withdrew when you ran out of air, catching your breath completely spent. He pulled out of you, tugging you close with his strong arms so you rested on his chest. If you listened closely, you could hear his fast heartbeat. Oh, if only this moment never ended… groggily, you cuddled up closer to the God of Mischief, wrapping your arms around his naked form.
It was all the affection you could offer him for now. He seemed content about the gesture, holding you close and fondly stroking your hair.
“Sleep now, pet. You will need your energy for the night.” So there was more to come? Quite literally? Was he being serious? Damn.
“Thank you.” Maybe you thanked him for making you let go and forget life for a bit, maybe you did because you bloody came six times in a row or maybe you did because of him pampering you and praising your body like no man ever had. There was something about Loki and his behaviour towards you that drew you to him, fascinated you and made you crave more. More intimacy and more sex for sure and perhaps… perhaps even love.
“You are welcome, (Y/N).”
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clairelutra · 8 years
safe and sound (1/1)
posting this here because @a-miiraculer requested it
BUT BASICALLY the story is that while i was flailing for an idea for @bullysquadess‘s exchange gift, i came across this lovely little ficlet, and started wondering what the scene after hawkmoth’s defeat might look like
so i asked and got permission from @a-miiraculer to write a sequel /o/
(this may be one of the fluffiest things i’ve ever written, be warned :D)
bless both @mirthaculous and @bullysquadess for betaing (LMAO BULLY STILL PsYCHE orz;;; ), especially mirth who did a ton of flow/pacing things and especially bully, who beta’d her own gift like a champ :’D
this fic is a direct continuation to this oneshot
Gabriel Agreste, world-renowned fashion icon, was Hawkmoth.
It was every newspaper headline, the feature of every half-hour newscast, the subject of countless social media debates: Hawkmoth had been uncovered, and imprisoned, and he was Gabriel Agreste.
It was always accompanied by the same clip, too: Gabriel, stiff and silent, bowing his head out of necessity alone as the authorities guided him into a cop car, hands bound and suit impeccable, reporters crushing in from every side. Ladybug stood by watching the tableau, with Chat Noir nowhere to be seen.
Ladybug hated it.
She hated it with every fiber of her being, and it wasn't even her family that was being taken away.
(That was the other half of the news: poor young Adrien Agreste, left all alone in the world without a soul, what with mommy dead and daddy in jail, and oh no, whatever will he do now?
Ladybug supposed he'd hand the company off to the next most qualified person, collect his trust fund, and use it to get that masters in physics he always wanted. Not everything about this situation was doom and gloom.)
Adrien, lying beside her on his bed in the late afternoon sunlight, listening to the distant buzz of the reporters locked outside the gates and just breathing after the last hellish twenty-four hours, appeared to be thinking along the same lines.
"...Does this mean I can quit modeling and go to uni?"
Ladybug's fingers twitched where they were knitted with his on the mattress between them. Smothering her amusement, she turned her head to look at him. "I think you can do anything you want, now."
He squeezed her hand, a grateful little smile tilting his lips as he stared vacantly at his high-vaulted ceiling.
"I'd have to get accepted somewhere first," he mused, running his thumb over her knuckles. "Think I could get into ENS Paris?"
The grin he shot her told her he was half-joking, but Ladybug wasn't joking at all when she squeezed his hand back and said, "I think you could get into Harvard if you wanted to."
He startled, staring at her with wide green eyes, and then looked back up at the ceiling, cheeks pinkening from the praise.
Impulsively, Ladybug dragged his hand to her mouth and whispered, "You're the smartest person I know, Chat. Why don't you ever give yourself enough credit?"
He turned his face away, but it did nothing to hide the fiery blush spreading over the back of his neck or the darkening tips of his ears, and Ladybug bit her lip, kissing the back of his hand in a rush of warm affection.
"W-well," he said, faux-grumpy and shivering a little despite the heat of the room, "sounds like you have enough faith in me for the both of us."
"Hm..." Ladybug said, tracking his blush and wondering, heat tingling low in her belly, what it would be like to track it with her mouth. "I don't know..."
She trailed off, struck by the sudden thought that she probably could track that blush with her mouth. Chat had never voiced any complaint about her touching him before, and now that the danger had passed --- now that Hawkmoth was gone and the heroes unneeded --- she... didn't actually have any good excuse not to.
She processed this for a few seconds, and then pounced.
Ladybug, nose buried against the spot on his nape where she'd been trying to land a kiss, had to pause for a moment.
That... was priceless.
Her attempt to muffle her giggle resulted in her blowing a ridiculous-sounding raspberry against his skin instead, prompting noises of protest from her partner that sounded more and more token by the second.
"Ladybug, what the he-eheh--- what the heck?"
"My line!" she spluttered at him, pulling her face out of his neck so she could brace herself over him, face hot and giggles slipping out of her like bubbles from a freshly-opened soda bottle. "What the heck was that?"
Adrien huffed at her, eyes as bright as his blush and a grin fighting for freedom at the corners of his mouth. "That was a perfectly natural response to being attacked. What were you trying to do-o--- ohh..."
The moan, soft and arching, was in direct response to Ladybug doing exactly what she'd been trying to do: kiss that lovely blush that she finally, finally had a proper view of, trailing her lips down the curve of his adam's apple as he threw his head back and opened up to her, humming deep in his throat.
She reached the first button of his shirt and glanced up at him as she debated whether to go after the fastens with her teeth or her hands.
He blinked right back down at her, hair more mussed than she'd ever seen it and a shade of... innocence to his stunned little smile that made her pause.
The innocence didn't have anything to do with sex (not if he was as happy to see her as the boner digging into her hip suggested), but it had everything to do with how open and unabashed he was, threads of joy and disbelief woven in his expression.
Heart too full, Ladybug abandoned the buttons to kiss his chin.
The gesture earned her another laugh, one that shivered pleasantly down her spine as she crawled higher, dropping kisses onto his nose and cheeks.
Adrien squirmed, both into her and away, laughter sliding seamlessly into a breathless gasp when she reached his ears. His hips bucked and thrust against the mattress as she took one lobe into her mouth and gave it a little suck.
"Holy shit, Ladybug," he panted, pushing at her and turning away with weak, reluctant gestures. Ladybug went, just as reluctant.
Rising up, she supported herself with one arm on each side of his head, biting her lip as she took in the results of her ministrations.
Every inch of skin she could see was flushed, with the color most concentrated in his cheeks and ears and neck; his hair, against all logic, had gotten even more mussed, dragged against the pillow now that he was curled on his side; his pupils were unfocused and dilated, and he fixed them on her, smiling dazedly and saying, "So, I can do anything I want now, huh?"
Ladybug, all caught up in how happy he looked to be pinned underneath her as he thrummed with peace and sweet desire, just hummed.
He stuck a knuckle in his hot, hot mouth and shot her a coquettish grin over the curve of his shoulder.
"Does that mean I can do you?"
Ladybug choked.
She'd been expecting that. She'd been expecting that, so why was she blushing?
"Oh, uh, well, I, um," she stammered, feeling an answering grin twitch at her lips despite herself at his muffled, delighted laughter. "---Oh you hush."
(Did that mean he could do her?
Yes, please, said all the pertinent parts of her, rather eagerly.)
She plucked at her suit between her breasts --- the only place it wasn't plastered to her skin --- and contemplated. "I'm... not exactly dressed for it."
Adrien hummed and drew a finger down the arm she was still using to support herself, sending electric waves of goosebumps snaking over the skin beneath. "I guess so."
She snickered softly at the theatrical concession, and went back to contemplating her suit.
She had said that they'd reveal themselves once it was all over...
(And her body was really on board with this new 'doing' plan.)
Biting her lip, Ladybug gathered her courage, glanced up at Adrien, and said, "Tikki? Spots off."
Adrien's eyes went wide for a split second, then shut tight against the onslaught of pink light.
Marinette breathed, feeling the little shift in her system that made everything a little heavier, a little tougher, and Tikki floated up, released for the first time since Marinette had suited up for patrol last night.
She didn't have any teasing or scolding remarks about the situation. Just a soft, kind smile and a heartfelt, "You did well."
Marinette found herself almost blinking back tears. "Couldn't have done it without you."
"Hmm," was all Tikki said to that, a knowing little smile on her face. And then, as she floated away: "Have fun. You've earned it."
Marinette, unmasked and de-armored, took a steadying breath and glanced down.
Time to face the music.
She exhaled a nervous chuckle. "Surprised, chaton?"
He stared at her, his green eyes huge, for a good five seconds.
Then, just like that, the shock melted away.
"A little bit..." he admitted, lifting a hand to cautiously trace her cheek with a soft smile. "We went to school together."
"Mm..." Marinette agreed, leaning into his hand.
She remembered how many insecurities she'd had about this moment and suddenly wanted to laugh.
It felt so after-the-fact now, so inconsequential after all they'd gone through. Chat was the boy she'd spent years pining after, it was true, but he was also a boy who'd just lost his second parent, the brave hero who'd brought down a supervillain with her, the partner who'd loved her and loved her and loved her until there was nothing for her to do but love him back.
He rolled onto his back again, haloed in the light cast by the sunset, and dimpled her lip with his thumb. Swallowing hard, he asked, "Can I kiss you?"
He'd loved her until she had no choice but to love him back, and this was exactly how he'd done it.
Someday in the very near future, when they'd both had time to decompress from what had happened today, she was going to take him home to meet her parents --- properly, this time. She'd take him out to see a movie, give him ridiculous bouquets of her own creation, and kiss him in the back of the theater. Then she'd bring him back to her apartment and take him up on all those ridiculous promises he'd made to her over the years.
But that was in the future.
For now, Marinette closed her eyes, and kissed her partner with all the love she had in her heart.
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