#(( enrichment for miri's enclosure-
royalreef · 1 year
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@warraigoe​ inquired: damien comes to her... opens her mouth. inserts his head in her mouth.
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      She’s—              She’s not doing anything. No, nope. Not one bit.
      Miranda’s still just sitting there, smiling as ever, Damien’s head in her mouth. Her teeth are pointy, poking up from below as well as above in their interlocking rows, but this isn’t as much of a problem as it should be otherwise. Partially because she’s not biting down, and partially because there is simply that much free space inside her face in the first place.
      Somewhere, her tail is thumping against the ground, one of Miranda’s happy sounds. The inside of her mouth is warm, betraying an internal warmth inherent to living things, regardless of her methods of thermoregulation, though Damien easily runs hotter than her. Those teeth are pearly, though this is hard to see in the darkness of her mouth. His entire head fits in with ease, more than enough to fit around him, or to crush his skull at a moment’s notice, thick jaw muscles sitting pretty around the back of her mouth like a crocodile’s.
      She’s not doing that, though. This is as normal to Miranda as anything else in her life, and she can only react appropriately.
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mngrlmgic · 1 year
STARTER FOR —> MIRANDA! ( @royalreef )
There's nothing more embarrassing than admitting you're lost, especially when you'd declared with such confidence that everything was under control after a cosmic entity decided to drop you and your dinosaur in the middle of unfamiliar lands. Still, when the tyrannosaur who's head she was sat atop gave a concerned and weary whine at the long stretch of silence she was left no choice but to concede.
"Sorry, D, but I think we're a little.. farther from home than I anticipated."
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Dropping onto the ground, Devil huffed as Lunella hopped off of his head and onto the ground. Giving the poor guy a kiss on the cheek, she patted him.
"I promise once we get back you can eat your weight in hotdogs for all this walking– 'kay?"
Turning, the girl called out to the nearest passerby.
"Hey! Sorry to bother you, I'm just looking for directions!"
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