#(( bri's yelp review: tour guide - excellent; experience - not so good :| ...2 stars ))
prvtocol · 1 year
@badtrigger : ❝ I need you to trust me, and do exactly as I say. ❞ // santiago bri, any fc verse | resident evil: 4 remake starters ( accepting!! )
Undeniable is the natural beauty of these islands, but it’s offset by volatility. Whether it’s the fauna that prowl the dense foliage with their fangs and claws or the inhabitants that carry their guns and knives, there are too many ways to die on the islands of Rook and too many things to fear. But with Mister Moncada as her guide (and protector), Brianne is more inclined to accept an invitation to explore the ancient ruins tucked away in the jungle. It’s the experience even a rich girl like her can’t get anywhere else, the offset of boredom of an extended layover, and an opportunity to spend time with her quiet guide who is making her all shades of curious.
Halfway to their destination on a well-trodden path, gunshots ring from behind making turning around and back to where they parked the jeep is impossible. Run, he tells her, and run she does, staying ahead of the Pirate whose broad body might unintentionally shield her from the bullets as his pistols playback in defense. The onslaught necessitates a turn from the straight path, but racing through the jungle overgrowth slows her already dreadful pace — and good thing too for he catches her arm, yanking her body back just in time before footing slips her off the cliff face that finds them both stopped. 
Down is a straight drop of enumerable meters set aside a half-wall of high waterfalls that aurally blanket the area in the sound of a calming rush. With dual pistols holstered, his free hands make purchase on the tops of her shoulders. Her whole body shakes but under this grounding touch, she can remind herself to breathe. Stare, which sat wide in shock at the distant blue pool of water below, drags up to his for guidance. Those brown eyes are always stern, his steady voice set to match, but somehow it’s only comforting amid the chaos.
❝ I need you to trust me, and do exactly as I say. ❞
“I trust you.” At a pause in erratic breath, this certainty flows, not needing another thought. He has given her no reason not to trust him. Quick nods closely chase and somehow in the pit of a stomach knotting in despair, she knows he’s going to tell her to jump.
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