#(( Fenton vc: cool theory but here's Mine- ))
ducktales-wco-oo · 2 years
“Inter- Fenton.” He really needs to stop letting himself be like this around the intern, the younger man has already seen far too much of his past than Gyro should be comfortable with. But he needs to do something. “You need to understand something. Akita, Magica, they’re players in everything that I’ve become. But at the end of the day, the only monster at the end of my story is me.”
-  ✩   「 @tunnagan 」   ✩  
「 ☆ 」   Hearing his name slip from Gyro’s beak— albeit with a bit of difficulty —surprises Fenton immensely. Perhaps more than it SHOULD, but it’s difficult to comprehend being ‘ Fenton ’ to the other man rather than merely Intern. Especially since Fenton still doesn’t fully feel as though he’s earned that much. Turning to face Gyro, brows are scrunched curiously, Fenton unable— and unwilling to —veil his concern. Everything from Gyro’s choice in words, to his tone, to his demeanor, screams of an issue that needs to be dealt with.
Then again, that could just be Fenton’s innate worrywart nature... But he likes to think that he’s able to read Gyro well enough by now. Hopefully.
Suspicions are proven correct when Gyro makes his... dismal statement. One that he clearly believes in wholeheartedly. From an outside perspective, Fenton can see his reasoning. Truly, he can... BUT he can also see the other opinion. The one that sees Gyro not for what he paints himself as, but for what he truly is. Or at the very least, what he seems to be trying to be. What Fenton has full faith he is. So, with an intake of breath to ease his nerves— he doubts this will be an easy conversation, if the past is any indicator —he begins,  ❝  I do understand, Dr. Gearloose. I assure you, I do...  ❞  
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❝  But—  ❞  
❝  I must respectfully disagree, nonetheless.  ❞  Unlike the unwavering deference the former Intern may have shown in the past, Fenton stands his ground. Politely but unquestioningly, words firm in their uncharacteristic succinctness  ❝  Because I don’t see ANY monsters here.  ❞  
Merely someone who is being- misunderstood.   「 ☆ 」 
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