#(  W H E W   i'm not exactly happy with how i wrote everything BUT IT'S FINALLY WRITTEN DOWN MY  G O D
holdmytesseract · 2 years
Congrats on 1k!
My favourite line would be from For Evigt by Volbeat: happiness, I'm sorry you've been on hold . I would love Tom Hiddleston himself, please and thank you, you gem 💕
a/n: Thank you so much for requesting and especially your kind words! 🥰 I hope you like what I wrote! 🧡 I chose a very young Tom for this, but we talked about this. 😉
Warnings: mutual pining? fluff
Word Count: 1058
Tagging: @lokisgoodgirl @fictive-sl0th @lovingchoices14 @evelyn-kingsley @jennyggggrrr @acefeather2002 @lulubelle814 @vbecker10 @lady-rose-moon @muddyorbs @kimanne723 @simping-for-marvel @coldnique
Lyric-Drabble-Mania Masterlist
Based on this song:
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The Long Way 'Round
"You are kidding me, right?" Emma literally snorted out, as she sat across from you at the small table in the cosy coffee shop in London. It was a very rainy day today. Big grey clouds were hanging in the sky of London - typically British weather. That was one reason why you agreed to meet up with your friend Emma - sister of your schoolgirl crush, and now, uh, adulthood and actor crush, Tom. The other reason was, that you hadn't seen her in ages and today, the both of you had finally time to meet up.
You shook your head, scratching the back of your neck nervously. "No, I'm not." The blonde, young woman shook her head; clearly in disbelief. "Y/N... I just can't believe it... For how many years are you drooling over my brother now, huh? Since when do you have a crush on him?" "Uh... Since, uh, since college..." "Exactly!" Emma exclaimed, throwing her hands helplessly in the air. "You went to college together. You went to university together; spent so much time together - and not just in school...  You did 'Unrelated' together - and are now about to do 'Wallander' together! Hence, Y/N, you two are obviously head over heels into each other! Everybody can see this - except you and Tom..." You felt your cheeks redden at her words. Emma wasn't wrong. You were head over heels into Tom - for years now. But you never gotten any signals from Tom, that you were more for him than just his best friend... Shrugging helplessly your shoulders, you replied: "H-He never gave me any signs... How should I know?" Emma looked at you, dumbfounded, blinking. "He didn't give you any signs? Sweetie, he gave you so many signs, I lost counting!" "W-What? What are you talking about?" Emma blinked again. "Seriously?! Did you never notice how he looks at you? Or how he always tries to be close to you? Gods, he's so nervous around you from time to time as well and he already introduced you to our whole family! His hand is always close to you and he smiles and laughs so much more! Y/N, if that isn't love, I don't know what it is..." You just stared at Emma for a moment, letting her words sink in. Nobody else had told you that before, but now that she had said it out loud, everything was suddenly making sense. Several scenes and pictures played out in your mind; your brain showing you the 'evidences' like a movie in a cinema. She was right... Emma was so right... Suddenly you saw everything clear now. How could you be so blind? "E-Emma, I..." You stammered; your brain overwhelmed by the sudden realisation. "Y-You are right, I... Gods, I was so blind..." The blonde woman nodded, giggling victoriously. "You were, yep... But don't worry, Tom is blind, too." Just as you wanted to answer her, you heard the significant ringtone, coming from your mobile - which told you Tom was trying to call you.
Emma seemed to notice, that you blushed even further, causing her to count one and one together. "Answer him!" She urged you, nudging your side. You did, accepted the call. "Tommy?" "Hi, darling." The Brit's charming, happy voice sounded through the speaker. "I just wanted to ask, if our date with the cinema still stands?" Your eyes widened. Shit, you forgot about it. "Um, yes, of course, sure!" "Great. I'll pick you up in an hour, alright?" "That's perfect, thank you." "Great! I'm looking forward to it. Bye!" "Me too, bye!" You hung up again, facing Emma again. "The cinema date?" "Uh.Huh. He picks me up in an hour, so, uh, I guess I should leave now. Is it okay for you if I-" Your friend didn't even let you finish your sentence. "Of course, go! And don't forget to finally tell him you love him!"
About one and a half hours later, you and Tom sat in the cinema, watching 'Journey to the Centre of the Earth'. It wasn't a super scary movie, but a few scenes caused you to flinch and reaching instinctively for Tom's hand. You pulled your hand away again, of course, but at some point, you just forgot to pull away. It felt so right, was so soothing and comfortable, that your hand stayed in his until the credits of the movie rolled. Only then did you notice your 'faux-pas'...
"O-Oh, Tom, I'm sorry!" You stammered, trying to retreat your hand from his hand. But Tom didn't let you, just gripped on tighter. He loved the feeling of your hand in his. "I-I just forgot about it a-and needed something to hold on and-" You tried to quickly and hastily explain - but got shut up by Tom's lips suddenly crashing into yours. It was something you definitely didn't see coming. It was quite a bit out of the blue. Before your brain was able to catch up and your mouth ready to kiss back, Tom pulled back again; now clearly embarrassed and sad that you seemingly didn't have the same feelings for him. "I-I, uh, I'm so sorry, darling! I didn't want to make you feel uncomfortable, because, I-I just took a chance, thinking that you probably are-" This time, you decided to just cut him off and lean over to kiss him, taking now Tom by surprise. The curly haired man's eyebrows shot up, shock, but also relief painted all over his face. He didn't hesitate, kissed you back and pulled you closer while cupping your cheeks in his hands.
Panting and out of breath from the long overdue kiss you shared, you smiled at Tom - and Tom was giving you a toothy grin in return. "Why did we do that only now, Y/N? Gods, we wasted so many years..." You huffed, knowing that he was right. "Yeah... Sadly this is true. We pretty much took the long way 'round, eh?" You said, taking both his hands into yours, not bothering the leaving people around you and him. Tom was beaming by now, his baby blue eyes shining. "Happiness, I'm sorry you've been on hold - but not anymore." You had to giggle at Tom's almost poetic words, before you nodded, "Not anymore..." and leaned in to kiss him again.
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winterbranded · 4 years
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[ ✮ ]  ——   i am so ready to delve into this st.ar war.s  based verse into detail.  i’m going to be going deep ,  i’m talking like starting from his early life and onwards, so this might be a little long in the end WHOOPS.  but enjoy !!    james barnes  ( mostly known as ‘bucky’ throughout the vicinity of rebel friends and family ) is  strong, courageous, and charming.  his father served time with the rebellion before he was unfortunately discharged after an accident had occurred at one of the bases, leaving him unfit for duty.  his childhood was average, being raised a short while on a rebel base before they moved to coruscant, living on the upper levels.  he took some odd jobs, mainly within shipments and some engineering but whispers of the rebellion always managed to make it to him.  he never spoke about his father’s involvement with the rebellion out in public, not even to friends.  one of the strict rules he abided by his mother and father.    the barnes family lived a peaceful life upon coruscant throughout a majority of buck.y’s childhood and teens until buc.ky decided to join rebellion forces at the age of  twenty-two, wanting to make his father proud but also fight for the right thing when the galaxy felt clouded in darkness.  he climbs the ladder rather quickly and ends up as a very successful commander after a few years.  he mainly leads ground missions and acts as a leader on the battlefield.  he has successfully lead multiple group assignments with minimal casualties.      but one mission didn’t go as planned.  one that would change his life forever.  his entire team had been captured on an out planet mission.  a majority being killed or taken prisoner.  buc.ky suffered a fatal wound to his left arm that day and was taken as a prisoner.  the rest of his team that were also taken do not survive interrogation.  he is the last survivor.   barnes was almost sent to be terminated until someone suggested an opportunity that laid here.  upon empire records, he was marked as terminated.   but they very much kept him   alive.
     the empire puts him in the hands of their scientists and medical teams.  marking his as an asset experiment to enhance future battalions of storm troopers.  the months are hazy and painful.  he attempts to state his ensign number and name just to remember but the more he tries, the more shocks are given.  his left arm is replaced with droid parts.  scraps that are melded and put together.  they don’t bother to put on a layer of artificial skin.  the empire brand is put upon his left shoulder before they chip him  ( much like the clone troopers within the clone wars )  acting as a reset button in case he were to attempt to defect.  marking him and trapping him.      he is drenched in sweat.  strands of hair sticking to his forehead as he just tries to  breathe.  trying to focus upon anything was too much.  body aching in waves from the multitude of operations and serums.  being strapped to the operating table with metal cuffs, the surface then starts to tilt from horizontal to vertical.  now being face to face with a tall figure clad in black.  his face is concealed with a mask, breaths wheezing through the apparatus that seemed to make everyone in the room grow pale.         the scientists progress is questioned with a rumbling voice.  and they attempt to answer with data and numbers.  but they wanted  physical  results.  not just recorded information.  a series of low ranking troopers are gathered first for an unknown reason.  one of the training rooms is cleared out and marked as restricted.  barnes can feel supervisors and the black cladded figure watch from afar within a higher level above.  they allow the troopers to advance all at once, a voice over the intercom within his ear stating to execute all targets in the room.  and all of them die all at once by barnes’ hand.   it was an immediate and violent reaction.  easily disarming and using anything the troopers had on hand to his advantage.  and they did not die peacefully either.  everything had moved so quickly, he didn’t even realize what he had done until the bodies of the troopers are dragged away.         sessions upon sessions are recorded of barnes’ physical stature and how easily he overpowers even some of their top trained troopers.  his official title is then marked within imperial records as :  THE ASSET.   and he is only called and treated as such.  he is required to wear a mask with a uniform geared for destruction.  his weaponry includes:   two small blasters,  an A280 rifle blaster for long distance,  two short vibro blades, a grenade launcher when requested, smoke bombs, trackers,  and back up ammo if needed.  he wears armor similar to troopers but only upon his shoulders and torso.  he has armor upon his knees and shins.  and the empire brand logo is prominent against dark metal.  and of course,  he has a mask and removable red tinted goggles.  the mask distorts his voice and he has an intercom within his ears for communication purposes.          barnes is put in charge of a battalion of troopers.  for some assignments, but mainly, he goes alone.  he acts as a dangerous leader within the battlefield but also as a personal bounty hunter and tracker for the empire.  no one escapes from him alive.  word travels quick of a mysterious figure the empire seems to have acquired.  but it is never confirmed that the man in question actually exists.  some say they saw glimpses of him in battle.  others say they saw him kill someone right before their eyes and lived to tell the tale.  but some just believe it’s propaganda to scare people.          during his long time with the empire,  he is placed in and out of carbonite.  a dangerous method, but one they used to keep him in tact and in their control.  but as the fall of the empire begins,  he is placed within carbonite for a final time.  being shipped off upon a shuttle ship on a charter course to another ship.  later,  that large battleship ship unfortunately gets shot down.  it descends and crashes upon a nearby planet, becoming empire wreckage within the long ending war.  while the pilots, troopers, and imperial officers had died on board,  barnes still lays within the carbonite.  untouched by time as he’s lost within empire wreckage.  waiting  to be found.         ** note:  this next part is completely  optional  as it goes into  sequel trilogy territory.  ( honestly ?? any part of the story as a whole can be changed and discussed in future plots ).           it is quiet for a long, long, time.  the thick slab of carbonite gathering dust and sand.  however,  a ray of sun then is shone upon the frozen features of the long forgotten asset,  another evil gets a hold of him.             as the carbonite is heated, he collapses to the ground, gasping for air.  familiar but oh, so, different troopers drag barnes to his feet.  vision blurred, and his body shaking uncontrollably from hibernation sickness.  a familiar figure clad in black approaches him.  the presence of the other similar to the previous tall dark figure, but is distinctly different.  how long had it been.  barnes is observed and questioned, but he provides no answers.  however, old empire archives give the fir.st or.der their answers.   a lost imperial asset that could be proven useful.  the fir.st or.der keep tabs on him until the destruction of starkiller base happens.            believing him to be lost in the end,  he goes under the radar.  keeping hidden as he moves through the galaxy like a shadow.  the imperial logo more than scratched off from upon his left shoulder.  starting to have a clear space of mind.  wondering which memories were real and which he wished were real.  his place in time still hazy.  he wanders until he picks up some whispers about the resistance.  he follows the whispers and rumors until he finds a resistance soldier.  something distant yet comforting is within the name resistance alone.  reminding him of another time that is long gone.           he is brought to a resistance base but upon realizing who exactly he was, caution is taken.  being examined by medical,  he undergoes surgery immediately to try and remove the old imperial chip and needed upgrades are given to his left arm.  they hope that  the fir.st ord.er  didn’t have time or brains to tamper with it.  once the chip is removed, recovery begins.  his mind more clear as he picks up the pieces of himself and eventually goes back to fighting on the right side of battle.  
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musicallisto · 7 years
Hi❤️ Can I have a ship w/TMR & HP(male), pls? I’m 5'7,have a long black hair,dark eyes,fair skin. I'm ENFJ,the eldest of 4,making me reliable & a good leader. Very caring,affectionate,kind,strong both physically & mentally,competitive & fearless. I'm a good listener so as a good adviser. I adore animals,children & LOVE cuddling,skinship,coffee,theme park & advanturous things.I hate heat & worst w/directions. I'm always there for my sis. Smile's always on my face & I hope everyone can smile,too.
(Thank you so much and take your time with my ship if you’re too busy, I understand! Hwaiting ♥ I’m supporting you~ 🌹🌷🌺💐🌼🌻 I hope you have a lovely day filled with happiness, smiles and love.❤️❤️❤️)
I Ship You With…
• If Thomas had to describe in one word everything he felt when he looked at you, it would be admiration. He was completely mesmerized by the way you moved, the way you talked, how good of a leader you were, how everyone seemed to rely on you, how you were so tender and yet so brave, how you were so altruistic and generous, how you were determined to save everyone no matter the price. It was what drew him to you. Your personalities were so alike in many ways. Although you weren’t one of the official leaders in Group B, you quickly became the head of the operations because the girls soon realized how good you were at taking the lead, scheming and making plans, and leading people to victory. You were a rebel, a fighter, and Thomas loved that about you. You didn’t try to talk him down, to tell him what he was doing was worthless. You believed in him and he believed in you, and it was enough for the both of you, despite all the death and the chaos surrounding you. You showed your utmost potential in the Scorch: you were an absolute badass, saving Thomas and the others Gladers several times. Your fearless and commander nature was Thomas’s favorite thing about you.
• Besides being one of the strongest and most physically capable ones in the Group, you also valued intelligence a lot, so it was very important for you to keep doing mental puzzles and things like that after all the situation died down. You taught Thomas how to play chess and even if he didn’t understand a lot at the beginning, he was more than happy to play with you. It often ended up in Thomas being frustrated because you won extremely easily, in only a few minutes, and he didn’t understand how you did it. You laughed and told him that he was just really bad at that game, and you wondered why WICKED had even bothered studying his brain. He smiled light-heartedly; your little jokes never failed to bring a smile to his lips, no matter how pained he was by all those he had lost. Evenings in Paradise were spent playing chess on a makeshift board as the sun was dying down behind the horizon on your right, and it was peaceful and quiet: everything you wanted and deserved after the trials.
• Since you loved children a lot, you tried to convince Thomas to have some of your own, years after the dreadful events of the Maze and the Scorch. He was skeptical at the beginning, not wanting his children to live and to be raised in a world so dark, a world so cold, but you told him how amazing of a father he would be and how incredible the kid would feel having a dad like him, and eventually, after a few months of asking and persuading, he accepted. Your first born child, a boy, was named Newt. It felt like a proper tribute to your best friend, and although you wished he could be there to see his small alter ego, you were filled with happiness with your little family. Thomas turned out to be a really good father, treating his child with respect, love, and being firm when he needed to. Sometimes, you could hear Thomas’s voice crack when he called your son by his name, but you shared a comforting look and he smiled lightly. Everything was going to be alright.
• Minho must be your best friend, there is no discussion here and it seems OBVIOUS to me that you two fit each other perfectly. Like honestly I don’t see a romantic relationship between the two of you but sign me up for the bff stuff. You both get so competitive and teasing when you are around each other, especially because you were both the best runners in your respective Mazes, and Minho can’t have his ego beaten by *cough* “a girl” (he regrets those words as soon as he realizes that you’re indeed going to beat him God knows how and that you’re actually one helluva girl). You’re always throwing snarky comments at each other and being what others would think is nasty, but you both know it’s just for the laughs and it’s your way of being affectionate.
• HOWEVER, as soon as the other is in danger, shit gets wild. When Minho is threatened by WICKED because of his immune condition, you’re the first one to react and try your best to protect him, and Minho would be the quicket to jump in front of danger to protect you (I mean, Thomas would too, because they’re both such hotheads). Sometimes, and especially in the Scorch, when everything seems desperate and after Minho gets hit by the thunderbolt, his playful banter slowly turns to more philosophical and deeper conversations that he shares with you at night around a bonfire. At first, you’re taken aback, because it’s a side of Minho that you don’t know, or are not used to seeing. You find some stupid joke to make because seeing your lively best friend so down in the dumps is very frustrating, and he uncontrollably laughs because you know him so well. He’s uncapable of keeping a frown when you’re around.
• After the Scorch and all the Flare shit, when life goes back to normal, you suddenly realize that animals must have suffered as much as humans, if not more, and you instantly find a new goal: adopt and care for any stray animal that you find near Paradise or on the roads. And every g o d d a m n time you see a wounded racoon or a pathetic-looking dog, you must take it in, to the great displeasure of Minho who doesn’t understand that fascination at all. From his point of view, it’s already hard enough to keep humans alive, let alone furballs. However, when you pick a little blind in one eye kitten, pleading eyeing Minho with his only blue orb, and literally shove him under his nose, he can’t help sighing and agreeing with you. From that day, he helps you put up an animal shelter in Paradise and surprisingly becomes the most whipped and gaga in front of the baby animals.
J A M E S   S I R I U S   P O T T E R
(faceclaim: Blake Steven)• So you didn’t specify which era you wanted so I thought you were okay with any, and I never wrote anything about Next Gen (actually, yes, I did. I wrote a Lorcan x Rose fanfic years ago and it was actually quite decent. It was called Kiss From A Rose bc, yanno, the song and the wordplay, rose, haha, lol, so funny 10/10) so I thought why not? So you two would be King and Queen of mischief™ just like the two amazing bastards he was named after. You may not be the most malicious, and that’s exactly why you make an excellent duo: teachers never suspect you because they know how intelligent, mature and responsible you are, and therefore would never do anything as childish and frivolous as putting pranks on people, right? but they fail to remember that you are dating James Sirius Potter, grandson of James Potter and nephew of Fred and George Weasley. (actually, McGonagall knows very well what’s going on, but she doesn’t interfere a lot because she misses the lively and funny atmosphere in the castle from the Marauders time, or the twins time).
• Soooo many dares, tournaments and stupid challenges between the two of you. At first, they were light-hearted and simple, nothing too extravagant, like “I bet you can’t eat two turkeys in one dinner!”, but as days went on and neither backed down, it escalated until it reached the point of “One hundred Galleons if you dye Professor Longbottom’s hair green in his sleep”. You always come up with the w o r s t dare ideas, or at least the most maleficent, and the thing is James Sirius always executes them. He never backs down from a challenge or dare, partly because it amuses him a lot and partly because he doesn’t want to be seen as cowardly. When you fear it’s going too far (because you have the most common sense, so even if you find it funny, you know when it’s time to stop and be serious), you tell him that it’s okay if he doesn’t do it, and it will absolutely not degrade his reputation or the way you view him, but once he has an idea in mind, he doesn’t let it go. Which leads him to detention quite a handful of times per semester, and as a consequence he receives a lot of Howlers while you’re laughing on the other side of the table.
• Because you both adore animals, and because that kind of stuff seems to run in your blood, you decide during your fifth year to become Animaguses, or at least attempt to do it. It takes a lot of months of preparation, and at first, you are very intimidated by the processus, but James Sirius convinces you to try to do it with him because it will be so much fun and imagine the endless possibilities if you can transform into an animal at will! Finally, after months and months of bizarre spells and disgusting concoctions, after several times escaping from detention because you were brewing potions after hours in the bathrooms, you finally manage to make it. It’s very confusing at first to change shape and become an animal, and not knowing what animal you would change into when you first transformed was very stressful, but after a lot of practice and training, it became easier and easier to get used to changing into an animal, and you could use that new, secret ability to meet with him without anyone knowing.
T E D D Y   L U P I N
(faceclaim: Chace Crawford)• So despite being much older than you both and therefore leaving Hogwarts years before you, Teddy is your best friend because of his mischievous, happy-go-lucky nature that really mirrors James Sirius’s personality. You get to hang out with him a lot, because he is a very good friend of the Potters, and also because you get on well with Victoire too. He is your favorite partner in crime and when he gets a prank idea to pull on someone in the castle and James Sirius is there to follow him, he basically is unstoppable. Your trio is very well known in Hogwarts when Teddy is still attending because of your creative jokes and pranks, and, to tell the truth, a little feared.
• Even after Teddy leaves Hogwarts, you still are in touch with him and talk a lot via letters. You tell him everything that’s going in Hogwarts, the classes, your friends, your family, gossip about the professors and the students, every little thing that he never would have thought he would miss when he was a student himself. He’s the only person you tell about your Animagus journey, and he’s very impressed because he knows it’s a very advanced form of magic and few wizards are ever capable of doing so. He doesn’t need it, obviously, but he loves hearing stories about your adventures and animal escapades nonetheless. Your letters are always the highlight of his days because he loves hearing from you and James Sirius and you are the closest thing he’s ever had to a brother and a sister. He loves hearing from you, your friends and your handwriting always reminds him of the times when you would spend days scheming jinxes and hexes to traumatize the poor other students.
• During the holidays, instead of staying at Hogwarts that becomes completely empty and dull, you would go back to the city and spend one week with your family and the other with the Potters, who basically adopted you as their second daughter. You love spending days with them because most of the time, the Weasleys and Teddy are there too, and it’s one giant family gathering where everyone knows each other and everyone gets along. You usually take long walks in the countryside with your best friend, trying to catch up the time you’ve spent without talking to each other, laughing and running in the corn fields, laying in the grass and laughing at the clouds that ominously look like McGonagall, or that Malfoy kid, reaching a pond and pushing a fully-clothed Teddy in there, then fleeing from the crime scene under his infuriated shouts… You’re so grateful for your friends and the amazing family that took you under its wing.
bigger version
Muse - Knights of Cydonia
Martin Garrix - Virus (How About Now)
Eminem - Not Afraid
The Cab - Angel With A Shotgun
(the playlist & moodboard are mostly TMR related, but I was much more inspired, hope you don’t mind!)
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