#(<- it is at least in part willfull ignorance bc otherwise they would go insane (and also it would be less fun))
ok, so far the brands of "i fucked around and found out" my hawkes are is:
Liam: ".....ok this one is on me". Accepts that he Did A Stupid and that it was, in fact, stupid. Will however get defensive when his friends inevitable tease him about it forever (all in good fun lol). Please, as i any of you mfers are any better
Lilian: Will gaslight everyone by vehemently but very nonchalantly pretending that it never happened -- with varying success lol, but at the very least her not getting visibly upset makes it less fun for the others to bring it up and tease, so in that way, mission accomplished?
Robin: Omg OMG WHAT nobody told me that grease is flammable Bethany come quick can you quench it???? Read: will panic and run to their friends for help lol. Alternatively, if it is less dramatic, will simply :( at the mess like wow. this is so rude why does this happen to me :((
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