#(&. i'm sorry i'm not what you wanted : gayoon
hyendo-oct · 6 years
                                            tender  / @gayoon-oct
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                                                 uma chuva de verão - existe alguém que não gosta? infelizmente, era tarde da noite. felizmente, o parquinho que era para crianças não tinha criança alguma. quer dizer, isso talvez fosse um tanto relativo: há quem olhe hyendo como uma criança por simplesmente ser um dos mais novo do grupo e, ainda sim, o líder. mas não ali; não com gayoon. podia se sentir tudo, inclusive um grande babaca ou estúpido, menos criança quando com gayoon. ela por sua vez, tinha toda aquela aparência e certa pureza de coração que adultos não mais têm. não é como se tivessem escolhido aquele lugar para se proteger da chuva fina, de qualquer maneira - o teto do castelo simplesmente acontecera de estar lá. e agora hyendo tinha a mais velha ao seu lado. “ — eu não estava esperando a chuva.” diz baixinho. “ — isso... me faz lembrar de quando eu era moleque, em busan. você tomava leite de morango também?”
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dimplesjae · 7 years
gfriend, svt, bts, nct, shinee, big bang, blackpink, exid, 4minute (i'm assuming u stan them bc u stan everyone lol much love)
rin r u trying 2 kill me in one ask this is going 2 take 50 years to answer sdfghjkl so imma put a read more after gfriend bc damn
My first bias: eunha
Your current bias and why: eunha bc have u seen her
Favourite song: gone with the wind
Favourite MV: navillera
OTP: sowon x eunha they’re so cute asdfghjkl;
Member you think has the best smile: yerin her smile makes me so happy
Favourite choreography: rough !!!!!
Favourite era: probably rough
Do you own any merchandise: nooooo 
Have you seen them live: no :((
Favourite voice/singer: yuju, girl got them pipes
Favourite dancer: sinb (how she do it)
My first bias: vernon
Your current bias and why: mingyu, he my dumb germ giant
Favourite song: frontinggggg
Favourite MV: mansae will always have a place in my heart
OTP: meanie (i’m basic i know)
Member you think has the best smile: seokmin, the sun shines out of his ass he is actual sunshine
Favourite choreography: highlight
Favourite era: very nice (suspenders hello)
Do you own any merchandise: surprisingly no
Have you seen them live: noooo (i missed out bc i had no ride im still salty)
Favourite voice/singer: seokmin, he got that slight r&b vibe
Favourite dancer: i know its soonyoung but chan is pushing me
My first bias: jungkook
Your current bias and why: jungkook bc he’s like a magnet and i can’t get away from his dumb ass i love him so much i can’t do it anymore
Favourite song: house of cards mmmmmm
Favourite MV: danger
OTP: vmin, i luv me some 95 line
Member you think has the best smile: literally tied between taehyung and hoseok, i love tae’s box smile and hobi is just happiness
Favourite choreography: tomorrow
Favourite era: war of hormone
Do you own any merchandise: yeeee boi i got me 2 albums and a jk shirt
Have you seen them live: nooo (once again i keep missing out by a slight chance)
Favourite voice/singer: hobi (im sorry jungkook)
Favourite dancer: jimin (im sorry hoseok)
My first bias: ten
Your current bias and why: jaehyun, everything he does makes my heart swell up i want to cry have u seen those dimples or seen him eat
Favourite song: baby don’t like it
Favourite MV: the 7th sense
OTP: markhyuck
Member you think has the best smile: yuta, healing smile
Favourite choreography: the 7th sense hands down
Favourite era: the 7th sense… (see a pattern)
Do you own any merchandise: no suprisingly
Have you seen them live: nopeee
Favourite voice/singer: taeil oh my god
Favourite dancer: tennnnn
My first bias: minho
Your current bias and why: onew, he is hilarious and has a heart of gold plus every time he falls over another year gets added to my life expectancy
Favourite song: romance
Favourite MV: everybody
OTP: 2min
Member you think has the best smile: onewwwww
Favourite choreography: lucifer
Favourite era: view
Do you own any merchandise: nooo :((
Have you seen them live: nooo
Favourite voice/singer: jonghyun
Favourite dancer: taemin
big bang:
My first bias: seungri
Your current bias and why: taeyang, boi got moves and his voice is smooth like buttah (plus hes a dork)
Favourite song: haru haru
Favourite MV: bang bang bang (i know sue me)
OTP: gd x taeyang, bros 4 lyfe
Member you think has the best smile: daesung, such happiness in a human being
Favourite choreography: bang bang bang
Favourite era: fantastic baby
Do you own any merchandise: yess one album
Have you seen them live: yessss
Favourite voice/singer: daesung
Favourite dancer: taeyang
My first bias: lisa
Your current bias and why: jisoo, she’s hilarious and so adorable i just wanna hold her forever
Favourite song: whistle
Favourite MV: boombayah
OTP: rose x jennie
Member you think has the best smile: lisa, she’s such a happy camper
Favourite choreography: boombayah
Favourite era: boombayah/whistle
Do you own any merchandise: nope
Have you seen them live: nope, hopefully one day!
Favourite voice/singer: rose
Favourite dancer: lisa
My first bias: junghwa
Your current bias and why: hani, how can u not fall in love with her
Favourite song: velvet
Favourite MV: lie
OTP: hani x everyone
Member you think has the best smile: hyelin she’s so cute
Favourite choreography: up and down, a classic
Favourite era: hot pink
Do you own any merchandise: nopeee
Have you seen them live: nooo
Favourite voice/singer: solji
Favourite dancer: junghwa
4minute (MY HEART):
My first bias: hyuna 
Your current bias and why: jiyoon, i luv her rapping and she’s such a dork
Favourite song: hot issue
Favourite MV: hate
OTP: never really had one for 4minute
Member you think has the best smile: sohyun, the cutest maknae even tho she’s not really a baby anymore
Favourite choreography: either crazy or what’s your name
Favourite era: crazy
Do you own any merchandise: nooo
Have you seen them live: noo
Favourite voice/singer: gayoon
Favourite dancer: hyuna
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hyendo-oct · 7 years
caramel macchiato.
                                              o suor não é da dança, não é da academia. hyendo terminava a quinta volta ao redor do parque aberto próximo ao prédio da empresa. a camisa gruda nas costas e aqui e lá no peito e mesmo que arregace as mangas já curtas, a quentura continua. é preciso maneirar na água que trouxe, ainda que a vontade seja de virar a garrafinha e matar, de vez, a sede. melhor que isso, no entanto, seria um energético e por isso ele segue para o gs25 mais próximo. a caminhada muda o rumo abruptamente quando avista uma pessoa conhecida, em um cantinho mais discreto; quando reconhece facilmente gayoon, quem parece tirar alguma selfie. não pensa muito, simplesmente faz: é rápido para chegar por detrás encaixando o rosto acima do ombro alheio e beijando a bochecha alheia, deixando as mãos atrás do próprio corpo, só para conseguir sair na foto. ela deve tê-lo visto pela câmera, mas ainda sim hyendo procura logo virar o rosto e para mostra-la na tela do celular. “ —- hey, noona!” 
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hyendo-oct · 7 years
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                             ▍▍☺☻ ━  i’m sorry, i’m not what you wanted. i’m sorry that i let you down. 
it was never my intention. but tell me... 
....it HURTS, doesn’t it?  yeah, i know it does. i’ve felt it before. 
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hyendo-oct · 7 years
Tell me
If you snuck into my room I would:
[ x ] Go back to sleep             [  ] Kick you out[ x ]  Cuddle with you maybe          [ x ] Be like “How in the world?”[  ] Let you sleep on the floor    [  ] Become angry
If you kissed me (or hugged) I would:
[ x ] Kiss or hug you back                      [  ] Smile and laugh[  ] Stiffen, and feel uncomfortable        [  ] Push you away[  ] Be shocked                                       [  ] Strike you
If you asked me to go out with you for a day I would say:
[  ] No         [ x ] Yes       [  ] Most certainly not.          [  ] Without hesitation.
You are:
[ x ] Cute          [ x ] Adorable         [ x ] Attractive          [ x ] Beautiful[  ] Okay         [  ] Ugly                 [  ] Am not going to grace this with an answer
You are to me a:
[  ] Stranger         [  ] Acquaintance          [ x ] Ally [  ] Friend             [  ] Love                        [  ] Rival [  ] Enemy
I find you to be:
[  ] Pathetic          [  ] Off no consequence         [  ] Intriguing [  ] Frightening     [  ] Unsettling                         [  ] Annoying [  ] Infuriating       [ x ] Pleasant company            [ x ] Comforting [  ]  Unable to be lived without                           [  ] Trustworthy
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