#( you weren't even the one who connected the dots shoto )
arch-lightbaund · 2 years
@roguesenses said:
izuku be like is he gonna say kacchan is the love child of satan next
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“ I've connected the dots! ”
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bichlordstories · 3 years
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14: promises kept
You're gonna take Ibara's place in Tetsutetsu's team during the cavalry battle.
Sorry plant queen, I love you! Please forgive me!
For the cavalry battle, you forced your team to avoid Deku's team, which held the 10 million points. You focused on collecting points off of others despite your team's complaints.
Of course, you immediately shut those complaints down with a simple glare. Juzo and Awase didn't even fight you, Tetsutetsu did, that is, until you gave him the most frightening look ever.
You four got more than enough points to head into the finals, just at second place behind Todoroki's team. Midoriya's was below your rank, which dimmed the fire inside, but only for a moment.
Only for a moment.
"Shit! You were right about avoiding the 10 million points!" Awase said once seeing Todoroki and his abilities.
"We still coulda got it..." Tetsutetsu said.
"We're not here to worry about silly games, Tetsutetsu, we got into the finals, which means we have a chance to get into first place." You said while staring down the greenette.
"You've been glaring at that guy for a while."
You snapped out of it and turned to look at Tetsutetsu.
"I thought that Bakugou guy was your arch nemesis or something, but you've been completely focused on the green haired guy."
"It's none of your business, Tetsu." You muttered.
Tetsutetsu shrugged but still stood beside you, watching the greenette as well.
'I wonder what he's done to get all of (Y/n)'s attention...' he thought as the greenette was speaking with his friend group.
You turned to glare at whoever came up to you. Monoma appeared before you and gripped your shoulders with wild looking eyes.
"You better win this for me- for us." He said in an intense manner.
"Yeah yeah, Monoma, we got this!" Tetsutetsu said while flexing his muscular arm.
You looked on in disinterest and then turned your attention back to Deku. He was approaching you. He was walking right towards you with his eyes locked onto yours. You soon started approaching him and his determined eyes slowly showed hints of fear.
You kept approaching, even as he stopped in his place.
You kept approaching... until Todoroki approached him.
You stopped with a frown and watched as the two teens walked away to somewhere.
They weren't friends. You could tell. It seems like Deku has more than one enemy, and you weren't about to let the Todoroki get in your way.
You silently followed the two, ready to confront them, or Deku, yourself before Todoroki started talking.
While you weren't able to have a chat with the greenette, you did learn a few interesting things about Todoroki's father...
Being respectful though, you didn't eavesdrop beyond him mentioning quirk marriages.
You could connect the dots on your own...
You left them alone, but not before passing Bakugou. You didn't realize he was listening as well, but you didn't say anything but lock eyes.
"So you're the kid Kirishima keeps talking about." The lightening bolt teen said.
You didn't reply and instead got into a fighting position, ignoring the background noise that was the crowd cheering. The blonde raised an eyebrow and smirked at this.
"So quiet! Kirishima said you were super manly and intimidating." He said as a spark of electricity flashed from his shoulder.
"Let's see how manly you can be!" He yelled as he launched himself forward.
It wasn't really much of a fight. Nobody could even call it a fight.
You were swift in defeating the teen, Kaminari you believe.
The electric shock you received did hurt, but it left no burns or wounds behind.
In fact, the only thing that was left on you were crimson sparks. Even as his unconscious body was taken off the field, you were still sparking.
It was the same way when fighting the kid with engines on his calves.
He was more challenging then the blonde you Pimp smacked, but then again, that's a very low bar to pass in your opinion.
Entering the stands where your class was, you were immediately met with cheers.
"You were so freaking cool out there!" Tetsutetsu exclaimed.
"I'm glad I'm not going against them..." Juzo muttered, earning a couple nods of agreement from Togaru and Kuroiro.
"Hey, (L/n)-san! You're still sparking!" Kendo pointed out.
You looked at your shoulder to see sparks of crimson electricity. Blood was slowly sleeping through your uniform, which also caught the class's attention.
"Hey, you're still bleeding..." Reiko said.
"Yeah. I am." You said while grabbing a bottle of water from a vending machine.
"Wait, how are you still bleeding? You shouldn't be unless your quirk is still activated." Sen said.
You didn't respond, opting to chug on the water you have.
"(L/n)... your quirk is still activated!?" Kendo said in surprise.
Still nothing from you.
"You realize how dangerous that is!? What if you lose control!?"
You emptied the rest of the bottle into your mouth and crushed it then turned to Kendo and the rest.
"I trained with Sekijiro-sensei long enough. I can take better control now." You finally answered.
"Okay, but why do you need to keep your quirk activated?" Jurota asked in a skeptical tone while crossing his arms.
"If I deactivate it now, I'll be too tired to continue." You said.
Before anyone could respond, the speaker shouted something that made your blood run cold.
"Midoriya is out of bounds! Todoroki wins this round!!!!"
You shot up from your seat and leaned against the railing.
There he was, laying on the ground. Like a little bitch.
'This is his predecessor...? This is who I'm supposed to prove myself against???' Your grip on the railing was crushing.
'I didn't even get to pummel him to the ground... that scarred bastard did it.'
You didn't turn to your classmates, still stuck in your thoughts.
'If I can't fight Deku...'
'...Then I'll just settle for Todoroki.' You grinned maliciously.
It was no secret that your quirk was starting to take a toll on you...
"And here we have TODOROKI SHOTO vs. (L/N) (Y/N)!!!"
The fight began with a shot of ice aiming for you.
It was too quick to dodge, but you were able to break it into pieces.
Todoroki kept using his right side, his ice, but never his fire. You were quick to notice this.
What? Were you not good enough to use his full power on? He used it on Deku. Why not you???
"No way!!! Despite being covered in blood, (L/n) is somehow overwhelming Todoroki!"
Oh hell no.
He's not going to treat you as less. You are BETTER than him. BETTER THAN DEKU.
Does he think he can just use half of his power!?
You stood tall, skin and hair covered in red. Todoroki halted momentarily upon seeing you stand still.
"I ain't your fucking father, Todoroki..."
Todoroki grunted in surprise with wide eyes.
How did you...
"...You aren't fighting Endeavour." You pounded your chest with a bloody fist before yelling at the bicolored boy again.
"My name is (L/n) MOTHERFUCKING (Y/N)! And I will beat the shit out of you for thinking you could be a hero by half-assing shit."
The crowd around you seemed to quiet down a bit, including Present Mic, who was usually yelling something random.
You crouched down and readied yourself to pounce at Todoroki.
"So if you want to at least impress somebody, GIVE ME YOUR ALL!!!!" You exclaimed and ran at Todoroki with the speed of a raging bull.
And he did just that.
Despite being unable to feel most of the pain due to the adrenaline high you were having, you could feel the heat and smell the vapor of blood and flesh from the bright orange and yellow fire that grazed your right arm. You still rushed at the teen and reared your fist back to punch him.
The boy was stunned by the force of the punch as well as the blood that was left behind. Either his or your blood, he didn't know.
Your right fist, covered in charred flesh, still pumped blood out to replace the old vaporized blood, creating a rather grotesque sight.
Despite this, you used both fists to pummel the student from class 1A. He didn't get time to recover and soon his face was bruised and swollen.
He fell to his knees, holding out his right hand and freezing your left side.
"Oh god..." All Might said breathlessly while the heroes next to him stood up. People began to freak out over the sight before you and him. Paramedics were rushing to the scene and heroes were just about ready to leap down there. Endeavour was also watching in shock at his prodigy getting beaten to the ground and his fire slowly dimmed.
Up in the microphone room, Present Mic was staring down in horror at the two students on the bloody field along side with Eraserhead.
Todoroki wasn't looking too well... but you were worse.
Despite feeling like you could run across the world, you were bleeding heavily, burnt, and frozen to the point of getting frostbite.
"Oh my god! Somebody stop them!"
"They're gonna kill him-"
"What... what is this...!?"
You started walking over to Todoroki's collapsed form, your body sparking with red electricity, and gripped his uniform with your burnt, crispy looking arm and pulled him towards the edge, where the paramedics and heroes stopped at once seeing you move.
"(L-L-L-L/n) is still moving!!!" Mic's voice echoed throughout the stadium, causing chaos throughout the crowd.
In the stands, class 1A was half silent, half loud. The grape kid, Kirishima was freaking out along with a few other students. Mineta threw up in a trash can, Shoji couldn't look away but was stuck staring at the scene, Iida was also frozen in his seat, unable to look away.
"There's no way..." Midoriya wheezed out.
Even Bakugou seemed disturbed by the bloodshed that occurred in front of him.
Class 1A could hear 1B freaking out nearby. Kendo was practically shrieking for you to let Todoroki go, not just for his wellbeing, but for yours as well. Monoma would have cheered you on if it weren't for the fact that you looked like you could die any second with the wounds you attained.
You stopped at the edge of the concrete and chucked Todoroki over the side, having him land on the dirt with a sickening 'thud'.
"T-Todoroki Shoto is OUT!!!!" Present Mic shrieked into the microphone.
People cheered as well as shrieked, but that wasn't your concern. You didn't care about the paramedics rushing towards you and Todoroki.
You were focused on the green eyes of that Midoriya brat. You pointed over to him, letting him know you were looking right at him before a sadistic smile came over your face and you swiped your finger over your neck in a slit-throat motion, blood dripping from your blackened skin.
And then you collapsed.
"Everyone, please stand by-" a female voice said over the shrieking.
Your vision and your sight faded in and out before finally settling in the darkness and silence.
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energy with which a body moves
word count: 480
bakugou katsuki
kaminari denki
todoroki shoto
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He was rushed, pressing forward like this moment were his last chance. Suffice to say, that wasn't an unusual thing for him to do.
Though, once his lips pressed to the corner of your mouth, you knew this deadline was a bit... different.
It didn't take long for your fingers to tangle in his curly hair, or your giggles to fly from your lips—which you brushed fervidly along his cheeks, playing connect the dots with each and every kiss. It turned to some kind of game and you decided you were winning, once the blush spread under your work.
It was high time he finally kissed you—or, you kissed him. Did you kiss him first?
Who could tell?
One minute you knew you wanted to kiss him, and the next, you were both on each other.
It was a tiny detail that you were sure you would deliberate at a later date, but the fact that Izuku was so hypnotic as to make you blank to such a degree—it made you glimmer, honestly.
You gently bit down on a lip—you could not tell whose it was, they might as well belong to one person at this point—trying to contain a grin to focus on him. Izuku didn't seem to mind though, as he warmly smiled back against your kiss.
Despite how comfortable and happy he felt, his hands still shook. Whether it was from his own timidity, or a slight fear of accidentally throwing you apart with an overzealous activation of his Quirk, even he couldn't tell.
Between very hazy and full-mouthed 'Is this okay?'s and 'Let me know if I'm hurting you's, he grappled with finding the right words in a language you were teaching one another to speak. No amount of expert note-taking could ever prepare Izuku for this.
There was something rather special about dropping into the heat of the moment with nothing but himself and a natural curiosity.
He ran his fingers along each and every curve and edge, with some sort of ferocious delicacy it made you dizzy. The idea that he wanted you more than what he was capable of verbally conveying sent you over a delicious precipice you hadn't realized you reached.
You needed more.
He needed more.
Despite that, you two slowed down.
It was warm and sweltering and then warm and comfortable; the needy grips turned to soft rubs and gentle nudges, and he pulled himself up from damn near crushing you to look directly into your eyes.
The sudden contact of another kind dragged your breathing to a stuttering halt.
You would've looked away if you weren't someone to bite into a challenge.
You would've looked away if you hadn't been lost so quickly.
An eternity shook and the unstoppable force facing an immovable object fell in love.
And when they fell, they fell hard.
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