#( why does it matter ??? )
ghostchems · 14 days
yall who take tumblr so seriously make me wanna crawl into my little discord hole for ghost updates and stop writing fanfic completely. or at least stop posting them here.
crushes how this site is supposed to fun and how sharing art is supposed to be funnnn.
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ocean-armin · 25 days
You are not Armin's wife. You will never be Armin's wife.
you are not fun at parties. you will never be fun at parties 🤓
okay anon whatever you say!
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theresthesnitch · 5 months
Every time a "Remus is a sad and wimpy man" post comes across my dash, he gets a little buffer. Be careful, he's going to want to enter strong man competitions pretty soon.
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akookminsupporter · 11 days
Hello! Do you know if ARMY ever figured out what JK moved off his couch in his 230228 Live at 02:20-02:21?
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itsjaywalkers · 8 months
today?? i offer u making ghosts jeggy. tomorrow?? who knows.. (shout out to that making ghosts anon !! if you're seeing this.. this is for u <333)
“You do wanna fuck me,” Regulus insists in a grumble, the beginning of a pout pulling at his lips.  “But that isn’t the goal here, or what’s motivating my actions,” James retorts. “And you want to sleep with me too, so stop throwing it in my face like I’m the only one.” Regulus smiles, but it’s unamused. Icy. “I do,” he replies easily, letting his gaze fall down James’ body lazily before it comes back up. “I’m kinda curious if all that cockiness has something backing it up.” “Why don’t you come here and find out for yourself?” James taunts him with a cheeky grin.  The other man tries to hide it, he really does, but he’s too pale, and the soft pink dusting his cheeks is impossible to ignore.  “Propositioning to me, Potter?” Regulus sneers, leaning slightly over the table. “I wonder what Lily has to say about that.” What?
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areyoudoingthis · 7 months
why is the only conversation fandom has about sex always about who tops and who bottoms. i don't care what side you land on why is everyone so obsessed with this
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the-chelseahotel · 6 months
The thing with the New York Times article and with everyone questioning Taylor’s sexuality is 1. it’s none of your business 2. It’s none of your business and 3. It’s none of your business! If she is or isn’t what difference does it make!?
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fandoms-of-erlik · 5 months
I fucking hate banks I fucking hate them I will bite someone if they continue to ignore me.
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I just- why? Why does being called she / her / girl / ma'am / etc feel so weird to me. I just don't like it. How the flip am I supposed to get over this?? I can't ask the people closest to me to call me something different, but I don't want to go on feeling weird every time someone addresses me.
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verdanturfwind · 9 months
Saying that using disability language to describe your experiences is "dehumanizing yourself" and "making you look angry" is so fucking telling of your character.
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geraniumplant · 7 months
Why does vash always have to be trans?
Because it's my interpretation of Vash & because I said so. Everyone writes the Stampede differently in their own unique way. So, I wouldn't say he's always (something) about anything.
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I keep getting drunk and high and I've had a headache for 3 days and I cannot stop fucking writing poetry.
First loves leave an ache that never fully disappears
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screaming--agony · 2 years
Dear Diary,
If I ask a question, I want to understand, not be dismissed. If I stop asking questions, you’re dismissed.
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void-thegod · 7 months
Lmao so.
It is pretty clear to me that people are threatened by my existence.
Both in a phobic way and in a hater way
And these people want me to feel bad for being ME.
but really i just feel bad that THEY exist.
Like.. humanity should be long long passed this point.
Are yall even human? And if so...
Aren't I way more evolved?
Idc what anyone says btw. I've already decided what's what.
It's just. Frustrating. The world could be better if these people didn't exist.
I know they feel the same way about me.
But only I'm right.
Over it.
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zelzahdarkcloak · 1 year
I contain multitudes, but at what cost?
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aparticularbandit · 2 years
So - in regards to Agnes and Agatha and visual differences between the two (and how yes they are both portrayed by Kathryn Hahn but I don't mentally view them as her):
Agnes, for instance, is always bigger than Agatha is. She's fuller. She holds more weight. But it's more than that. Agnes is more exuberant, more loud. She's uncomfortable with silences, and she's sometimes needed to be loud to be heard. Agnes comes with a presence that's different than Agatha (like Pinkie Pie vs. Pinkamina Diane Pie, if you get the reference). She's boisterous. She's BIG.
Agatha, on the other hand, is small. She's sneaky, she's conniving, she's manipulative. She's mousy, and she's WILD. Where Agnes's hair is always carefully - perfectly - crafted without a hair out of place (oh, be ye wary if Agnes is starting to look less than), Agatha's is always - not frizzy, but staticky, almost. Not all of it, but strands of it, maybe, never quite in place, always just slightly off. Agatha's shoulders hunch a little sometimes, but Agnes is always perfect posture. Agatha's hands are dirty, her hands are shorn, she has a tendency to roam bare foot, dirt gets stuck under her fingernails - Agnes is clean and put together and wears heels (so she often appears taller than Agatha, even without the perfect posture) and her fingernails are ALWAYS done. Where Agnes is full, Agatha is thinner. Not spindly, not bone thin, just a little more angular, sharper than Agnes is, hollow in a way that Agnes never appears to be (which is such a contrast to Agnes, who always seems so full but has a hollowness from loneliness, who always puts up a facade of perception because she knows that she isn't, where Agatha just does not care about any of that anymore).
They're the same, they're the same, but they're NOT the same.
And I know it makes me sound like I picture Agatha as wild and untamed and dirty, and that's not it - it's more like she's not AFRAID to be dirty, she's not afraid to get her hands in the dirt and mud and let its everything get all over her. She already knows that she is ruined, so what is dirt?
Agnes is still striving for perfection within a cultural standard, and Agatha has learned not only that she will never reach it but also that the world does not and has never wanted her, and so she makes herself smaller and invisible and shoves her hands in her pockets and hunches and hides. Like - their whole mannerisms are different! Idk how to words it.
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