#( valerie & shadow tag ; )
metagalacafe · 9 months
Happy holidays everyone!!! I'm surprised I finished on time but I did !nn
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aggravateddurian · 10 months
Last sentence [or four... or more than four] game
@theviridianbunny tagged me in this writing tag game- like Bunny, I have absolutely no idea what the rules are. So, I'm going to do what they did and post a chapter from my rewrite of Brother's Shadow, in fact, I'm just gonna post half the prologue, featuring Val, Vince and everyone's favourite bouncer, Rita!
This is part of the rewrite of Brother's Shadow I've been alluding to over the past week, but never got the chance to post because I've had the week from hell with no real time to rest or do anything thanks to work.
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Val rested her shoulder against the wall, crossing her arms. Rita rested the end of her bat on her shoulder and side-eyed the merc, “Admirin’ the view, dollface?” “Y’know me, Rita. I’m an art connoisseur,” replied Val. Rita smirked, “Flirt.” The bouncer’s agent began to buzz, “What’s up?” “Rita, Saka dickhead being handsy with one of the girls. Need a choom to ‘remind’ him of the expectations,” replied the Mox on the other end. Rita shook her head, before turning to Val, “Hey, make yourself useful and educate our corpo friend why you keep your hands to yourself?” Val shrugged, “Got nothin’ else on, may as well.” Rita turned back to her agent, “Help’s on her way.” Val cracked her titanium-reinforced knuckles as she headed into the bar. A perturbed Mox was waiting for her inside, “Where is he?” She pointed to the man in the Arasaka suit sitting in the corner, his back to both Val and the Mox. He drank alone, as nobody sat with him. She narrowed her eyes, “Eyes on. Might wanna hold the door open for ‘im. Don’t think he’ll be walkin out on his own.” She stormed over to the corpo and placed a hand forcefully on his shoulder, “Hey, asshole.” The man turned around, “Who you callin’ an a…” he paused mid-sentence as his eyes locked with the merc’s. “Valerie?” Val rolled her eyes, “Vincent. What a fuckin’ surprise. Heard you’ve been feelin’ up the girls servin’ you drinks. The fuck did Rita tell you on the way in!?” Vincent, clearly inebriated, began to chuckle, “You’re with the fuckin’ Mox? Told you your future was as a doll or gangoon, see you chose both!” Val nonchalantly compressed his shoulder. He grimaced as her hydraulic-actuated hand began to crush bone and muscle alike, “See you’re still a cunt, and drunk,” she retorted, “Gonna do you a favour. Not gonna beat your ass like you deserve. But if me or the girls see you in here again, touchin’ the girls or bein’ otherwise a pain in the ass, I’ll rip your own dick off and beat you with it. ¿Entiendes?”
I'm gonna tag [no expectatiion attached]: @medtech-mara, @cinnamon-mey, @genocidalfetus (just tagging some people I've interacted with during my trying time/hell week). Thanks everyone!
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themarcspector-arch · 2 years
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valerie abou chacra - ma fiyi (2020)
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anki-of-beleriand · 9 months
Bad Liar ch. 14
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Summary: Life is about lessons, and Wanda has been learning some harsh facts that had define her life and taken her to a place in which she was given a second chance. Then, all of a sudden, she meets you, and she realizes why it's easier to lie to yourself than to accpet what's right in front of her.
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff/ Female!reader - America/Kate - Mentions of past Vision/Wanda - past Natasha/Reader - Some Female!Reader/Carol Danvers - Mentions of Natasha/Maria being married
Warnings: Slow burn - Enemies to friends to lovers - Mentions of abusive relationships - Toxic relationships - angst - drama - mentions of abuse - more tags as the story progress.
Author's note: When everything seems to finally fit in their universe, the shadows of the past come chasing after them.
Guys, we are almost there!!! Please rmemeber English is not my mother tongue so forgive my grammar, spelling and funny mistakes, hope you like this one.
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 - Chapter 9 - Chapter 10 - Chapter 11 - Chapter 12 - Chapter 13 - Chapter 14 - Chapter 15 - Chapter 16 - Chapter 17 - Chapter 18
Chapter 14
The Day before New year
Christmas Eve from 2023 would become one of the most memorable holidays in your life.
Wanda had shared a piece of herself not even her children had met before. She filled the household with Sokovian traditions while letting her mother tongue to wrap around her words and the stories of her home. Her children had been quite shocked when they heard the strange, yet familiar, language of Sokovia slipping out of their mother’s mouth while you and America had asked for more with excited smiles.
Soon it was not only Sokovian that everyone was trying to learn, but you and America made it their duty to start teaching Spanish as well. It was a nice experience, and you noticed how Wanda’s mood improved whenever her children tried to pronounce one word or another while looking up at their mother for corrections. This only showed how much Wanda had freed herself from her previous marriage and how, little by little, she had been conquering her own identity while also sharing with you and her family the glimpses of who she really was.
The weekend ended faster than you would have liked it, and by the time you made it back to your office you were missing all of them dearly. 
You leaned back against the chair in your office, the morning light sneaking inside your office while your eyes drifted to the clouds gliding right above the buildings with your mind replaying the events of the weekend. Your lips broke into an easy smile, the sight of Billy and Tommy laughing and bouncing excitedly while they uncovered their gifts or the sight of Wanda gleaming with happiness whenever she was close to you was everything that fuelled your sanity.
You had gotten used to Wanda, the twins, Kate and America to be by your side in the last week that you forgot your own duties back at the office. You winced remembering the scold you received from Tony, Pepper and Maria and their demands for you to take up your laptop and join them to the meetings for the closing of the year. It had been a really long week, with meeting after meeting and report after report, you had gone home late at night while leaving early in the morning for three long days. 
The buzzing from the intercom broke your thoughts bringing you back into your reality, you furrowed your brows leaning in to click on the calendar on your computer but that time of the morning was completely clean. Actually, it was your lunch time, something you had almost missed completely while daydreaming about Wanda and your family. With a light frown, and a scrunched up nose you pressed the red bottom on the intercom, the buzzing sound easing out and allowing you to communicate with your secretary.
“Yes, Mrs. Valerie?”
“Mrs. Y/L/N, you have a visitor, Mrs. Van Dyme is requesting a moment of your time, and Mrs. Hill wants me to remind you of the appointment you have with Director Fury at 3.”
You rolled your eyes at the obvious reminder of such an important appointment, Maria had made it almost impossible for you to evade such an important meeting since it would be the last straw to get Jarvis under Federal custody.
“Very well, Mrs. Valerie, tell Hope to come in and tell Maria to stop bothering me.”
There was a moment of hesitation before the other woman answered, “as you wish, ma’am.”
The door opened to reveal a smiling Hope making her way towards you, you stood up meeting her halfway wrapping your arms around her.
“God! You’re so busy sometimes!” Hope reproached, leaning back shaking her head, “if you’re not here at the office you are out there with Wanda and the children…which is not bad, but certainly shows where your priorities lay.”
You dipped your head away trying to hide the blush in your cheeks, Hope smirked glancing at your watch before nodding to the door. 
“You still have some time before that meeting with Director Fury,” Hope teased you, grabbing your hand and dragging you out of your office, “you owe me a lunch and a good story since as of late you had been quite busy with Wanda Maximoff.”
“Humph, please I have a lot on my plate right now…” You tried to justify yourself but Hope merely snorted, leading you to the closest restaurant just around the corner of your building. 
“Not for your best friend, it has been quite some time and our phone calls or chats are not enough. Come one!” Hope replied making sure that you did not fight her over while taking you into the lift.
The restaurant was the same as it had been the last time you were in.
You were taken to a seclude area, the one right across to the table you had shared with Carol so long ago. The memory of the blonde-haired woman made your heart twisted in regret. Hope made the order for you turning her eyes to you, a teasing smile decorating her lips.
“Well, spill.” She placed her elbows on the table holding her face in her hands, you rolled your eyes leaning back on the chair.
“That Friday was perfect, we talked and we got to dance…” Hope tapped her cheek impatiently, you huffed, shaking your head, “and of course, we kissed.”
You couldn't help but laugh when Hope squealed like a teen, she grabbed your hand with excitement visible in her face.
“And, then what happened?” 
You took a deep breath licking your lips before narrating the events of that Friday night and what had happened in the following days. Hope was patient, absorbing your words with avid curiosity and the hints of sisterly affection you had always identified in her. She laughed and gasp in the right parts of the story, and her eyes never stopped the real emotions going through her when she caught glimpses of your deep affection for the other woman and her children.
Hope had always known of the fragility of your heart. It was so easy for you to love and to fall for someone, that she was really not surprised at all when she caught those words dripping with love and longing. What little she had gotten to see from Wanda, Hope could tell you had made a great impression on her though the path Wanda was taken at that moment in her life might lead to things being slow.
She was not surprised this was what you told her, how Wanda was ready to give you and herself a chance, with the fear and reluctance still at the back of her mind that history might repeat itself. Hope wished she could convince Wanda that you were a good person, that if she were to choose someone to start anew and give her heart a chance you were the right option. But that wouldn't be fair, Hope had been your best friend since kindergarten and her opinion was clouded by her relationship with you. 
Whatever was to happen between you and Wanda, whatever relationship the both of you ended up building should be under your own terms. And no one could intervene, so time and patience was necessary for this.
“I guess that's why she was seeing you,” you took a long sip from the glass of wine you had in front of you, “is she part of the underground railroad?”
Hope held her hand midair, her eyes drifting from her glass to you before she set it back down on the table. You snorted, offering a bitter smile.
“I know you can't answer, but you don't need to,” you shrugged looking right outside your window, “I guess as much, you know? And, either way she told me something about her ex-husband…”
“Are you okay with that?” Hope gauged your reaction, she could tell the whole thing bothered you to some extent but she was not sure if it would affect your perception of Wanda or the relationship you wanted with her.
“I guess that explains a lot about her shyness, her insecurities, the fear she sometimes shows in public.” You clenched your fist closed, the tension around your jawline was enough to tell Hope where your heart on the matter was. “I can't believe there is someone out there ready to hurt her or the twins, that someone would dare to put a hand on her instead of loving her.”
Hope broke into a sad smile, “not everyone can be good, Y/N, you know that.”
You nodded shrugging, “I wish she could tell me more about it, that I could help her in some way. I know she is filling out the divorce papers and the full custody of her children but…”
“You have the resources and the power to destroy him.”
You grunted looking away to avoid the knowing glance from Hope.
“Don't.” she stated with force behind her words. “That would only worsen things, and some process must be done without help or intervention. Let her come to you, let her ask for help…right now, what Wanda needs is someone she can count on. She needs someone that can love her and show her that love and family can be something amazing, something she deserves.”
“I want to give her the world, Hope. To her and to Billy and Tommy, I want to…” you trailed off opening your eyes at the sudden realisation of the deepness of your emotions for Wanda.
Hope softened up, she placed a hand on top of yours offering a kind smile.
“I know, Y/N, and that's why this is all worth the wait.”
Your heart beat fast, your abdomen dropping into a single revolution of tingles that made you yearn for Wanda. The smile forming on your face was all the confirmation Hope needed to understand you were already far too involved with Wanda to back out and do nothing else than what you had just stated: give the world to Wanda and her children. 
“Well, now that we got that out of the wait, tell me all about Kate and America, I hope you got pictures because I’m all in to tease my little sister.”
Hope laughed, putting her mobile out of her pocket, her face a mask of pure mischief.
“Oh, I caught the exact moment they kissed for the first time.” 
You laughed with Hope soon narrating how everything happened from her perspective. You and Hope were so distracted about the conversation you were having and about the recent events you never noticed the man sitting right behind your table paying close attention to every word you two exchanged; the man kept his glare away from you but his body was trembling with rage just as his hands clenched tightly around the papers he had been reading, once you had stopped talking about the newfound love with Wanda Maximoff, Edwin ‘Vision’ Jarvis stood up and left the restaurant. 
He couldn’t wait any longer, nor if Wanda had already filled out the sole custody of the twins. He had already received the notification of the divorce, but his children…oh, no, Wanda would never get his children for herself…No, either they faded away with their mom, or they submitted to his wishes.
Vision clenched his jaw, time to make them pay.
Wanda signed the last one of the files she was handed over by Natasha, Happy Hogan reviewed the file nodding in approval before stretching the young woman's hand.
“I think this is all, he already received the notification for the divorce and the authorities are aware of your situation and the custody battle.” Happy put the paperwork away furrowing her brows while glancing at Natasha and Wanda, “the judge signed the restriction order, and the State already failed in your favour now we are only waiting for the final approval and he won't be able to fight custody on American soil.”
For the first time since all her journey began, Wanda let go of the tension in her shoulders with a breathy sigh leaving her lips. This time around there were no tears, nor any feelings of inadequacy or fear, there was only peace. Relief.
Wanda stood in the background, the conversation between the lawyer and Natasha completely muffled by the sudden feeling of freedom she got from this last step. She turned around to see Billy and Tommy playing with Liloh, she wrapped her arms around herself allowing a tender smile to grace her lips.
“I think this is a good way to end the year,” Natasha came to her, sharing the same smile while turning her eyes to the boys and the cats.
“I don't know how to thank you for everything you have done for me, Natasha.”
Natasha shook her head, shooting her a mischievous glance while nodding to the kitchen.
“How about by telling me what has been going on with you and Y/N?”
The full blush that adorned the younger woman's face was everything Natasha needed to know that something was really happening. Not that it was any surprised for her or anybody for that matter, ever since you two crossed paths and the quarrel became a friendly banter, Natasha could tell there was something else hidden behind Wanda's submissive and accommodating behaviour that soon was replaced with the woman that was standing right now in her kitchen.
And while this was all Wanda's hard work for recovering herself, without a doubt you and her children had helped her out in some way or another.
“We have been…” Wanda started but soon she trailed off, for the very first time she was wondering what exactly were the two of you, she blinked a couple of times frowning, “I could say that we are dating, but actually we have been spending time with Billy, Tommy, Kate and America, these last couple of weeks had been so…amazing. She makes me feel things I never…”
Natasha cocked an eyebrow making her way to the coffee maker, she waited until Wanda explained what had happened since the Yule Ball, the weekend and the nights spent together, the Christmas day and night and the gifts you two exchanged. Her hand moved to the necklace you had gifted her, while she suddenly realised in all of this you two had just spent a couple of hours alone. Everything had been revolving around her and her children, and Wanda had to wonder why.
“Y/N is just like that,” Natasha served the coffee shrugging, “she tends to be selfless to the point she sometimes forgets she also deserves to be taken care of.”
“God, I must look like a selfless idiot.” Wanda placed a hand on her face, all of a sudden she remembered how you were always there making dinner, breakfast, helping around the house, taking her and the twins out while just standing by her side with nothing more than stolen moments in the middle of the night.
“Nah, I don't think Y/N sees it like that, but perhaps it could be a good opportunity to just have a date.” Natasha could really see the distress in Wanda, the young woman was overthinking once more and Natasha stopped that by clicking her tongue and tapping on the counter.
“It's just that, well…” Wanda didn't need to explain, she had already shared her fears with Natasha and the older woman could understand where they came from.
“Look, take your time, she already told you she is ready to wait.” Natasha offered a comforting smile, “you could also plan something simple, a dinner or an outing to a museum, she loves those things a lot…”
“She does,” Wanda nodded, biting her lower lip, “I just…god, this is sometimes so much, I'm afraid I'm not what she wants, that I can't give her what she wants or needs.”
“One step at a time, Wanda, don't rush it, but give yourself a chance to experiment.” 
Wanda turned those words inside her head, she nodded absentmindedly, lifting her face to the older woman. Natasha narrowed her eyes, an idea forming inside her head while she leaned forward.
“I know Strange and Christine invited you over to the New Year's party.”
“They did, yes.” 
Natasha chuckled, wiggling her brows, “Well, how about dressing up to spend midnight with her.”
The way Natasha changed her voice into a suggestive tone let Wanda know exactly what the other woman was thinking. Wanda was not a stranger to such thoughts or suggestions,everytime that you and her were alone and shared an intimate moment Wanda felt her heart rate increase and her body and lower abdomen tingling with want. It had been so long since she last felt desired, or needy. Sometimes Wanda found herself on the verge of asking for more but once she opened the mouth the words had tangled in her tongue and she just asked for time, for patience, for cuddles. 
“I actually was thinking more about a date,” Wanda dropped her stare hiding her blushing face, “I could ask America for help and just…seduce her first?”
Natasha laughed when Wanda lifted her face smiling shyly at her, the spark of curiosity and mischief gleaming in those green eyes. The older woman leaned back nodding decisively.
“Very well, do you want me to help?”
“Please.” Wanda dropped on the table, she sighed in relief and uncertainty shown in her face soon after, “I really want to make it special, and I want to…I mean, I'm not completely ready but I just want her and…I mean…”
Wanda's babbling was stopped by Natasha who merely rolled her eyes at her.
“I'll help you, now let's start the planning.”
The last week of the year was usually the hardest one.
You dropped your head on the desk, the amount of paperwork you had left to sign and the meetings you had to attend were ridiculous and it only showed the great effort you dad made to get back home to his family.
Maria tapped the table, her eyes piercing you with a familiar glare. Fury held back his expressionless face, his lone eye checking over the videos saved on the laptop Maria and Coulson had prepared for the agent in charge of the case. 
“You know? Tomorrow is New Year's Eve, can you like…catch him up before that?”
Fury ignored you completely, Maria huffed but said nothing under the sheepish smile you shared with her. The case of the industrial espionage had given the desired results; the man Vision had fallen into the trap without really knowing or actually realising what he was doing. What surprised you the most was that the man had good ideas, he was smart and quite inventive, but he lacked the motivation or the willingness to put some effort in the actual work. He was waiting for everyone to work for him and give him what others had won with hard work. 
It was not difficult for Tony and his team to place a tracker, and soon Vision was stealing information they had hidden as classified and highly volatile technology that in reality would end up in nothing.
“It is not a matter of time, Y/L/N,” Fury leaned back closing the laptop, “we are waiting for the final deal, he is to sign with one of the most prolific warlords in Eastern Europe, and as soon as we received the Intel of the deal we will take our guy into custody.”
You straightened up, squinting your eyes at the man sitting across the desk. For the last couple of weeks you had done nothing more than to comply with the Agency and help the government in the case, but the names that had been tossed around involved with Vision had left a bitter taste in your mouth.
You didn't want your company nor anyone inside the building to be at risk, and having a group of federal agents storming inside the place could end up in drama.
“Fury, I hope this won't be an issue, I really don't fancy the publicity that may come from this, or anyone getting hurt…”
Fury shifted on the spot, he turned to Maria who was suddenly quiet and stoic with her eyes completely centred on you. You frowned, pursing your lips while your eyes gleamed dangerously to the older woman.
“What is it?” Your voice dripped coldness, Maria sighed, putting a different file from under the pile she had with her.
“Kingpin is his main investor, he has been the one providing him with the money, the resources, and the people.” Maria winced when you grabbed the file forcefully, “they had been watching over you and America…”
“Fury…” you started but the man didn't flinch, he sat there waiting for you to speak. “What the actual fuck?”
“It was bound to happen, you can pretend to be surprised when you and I both knew this was a huge possibility.” Fury shrugged, “you and America were not left unsupervised, of course, but we know he won't dare to make any rash movements if he can prevent them, Vision on the other hand…”
“It's a cage animal.”
You huffed turning around and pacing around the room, you didn't like this conversation nor the deal you had been made to uphold for old time sake. You sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose before turning rashly towards Fury and Maria.
“How long? How long before I can stop housing a thief? How long before I used my money and power to stop this?”
This time around Fury winced, he could tell you were mad but not unreasonable. He faced you lifting a single finger. 
“One week.”
“One week, Fury, one week and then I want my family and my company out of this deal.”
Fury took in the seriousness behind your words before nodding curtly, so far you had done more than what was expected and he knew the danger you had been put through was far greater taken into consideration the man you had been kept under the company's roof was the very same man that had hurt your recent love interest.
“I know this is not ideal, and that you were reluctant to follow up on this, but I want to thank you for the cooperation.” Fury stood up presenting his right hand to you, you nodded curtly taking his hand. “I won't forget this, and I can promise you that nothing bad will happen to you or your family.”
“Pretty well, I guess one week is nothing at the end of the day.” You rubbed the back of your neck turning to Maria, “let’s keep a low profile and have normal meetings with him, if I'm not wrong I'm supposed to supervise one of his experiments tomorrow.”
“Yes, he is trying out a new program that needs your approval,” Maria then changed her face, softening slightly, “you want me to come with you?”
You offered a half smile shaking your head, “nah, I can take Bruce with me or Hank it won't take long and either way you have the meeting with the board. I hate those meetings at the end of the year.”
“Very well, then Fury, is there anything else we can do for you?” 
Fury smirked, understanding the clear dismissal from Maria, he shook his head grabbing the USB from the laptop.
“No, for now I will be on top of the DA to make sure the paperwork is ready, I don't want any surprises and what we have so far should be enough to extend the warrant for Vision's arrest.”
You saw as Fury and Maria left your office, leaving you all alone to your work and your thoughts. The year had been strange, to say the least, but what was playing in your mind was the woman and the children waiting you back home.You smiled knowing that as soon as you get home she would be waiting for you in her living room, if only to catch up before sharing a sweet kiss and going back home. It was a hard commitment sometimes, to work long hours and knowing as of late all you could offer were mere minutes of your time.
With a sigh you proceeded to finish your work, at least for today you aspired to leave the office early and go home to share with America, Wanda and the twins. Tomorrow would be New Year's and you couldn't afford to be late.
Edwin Jarvis had become a man of simplicity.
He loved money, and the good life. He had come to love being in charge while also giving himself to the pleasures that women, gambling and alcohol could offer. His father had taught him well, women were meant to serve and men like him should always have a woman by his side that showed how respectable and responsible he was. Wanda had been an easy pick, herbfather had money and position and when he died Wanda was left with enough money Jarvis had used and spent in his lifestyle. Of course, handling someone like Wanda had been difficult, and he thought that he had her controlled, she and the brats, but alas some people were just plain ungrateful.
Monday Morning came with a single, and regretful encounter with a courier from the court. Jarvis had been furious enough to almost hit the man, but he contained himself when the spring voice of the man he was making business with stopped him.
“Take it up like a man, and don't hurt messengers.” The voice was filled with power and a warning, and Jarvis had taken the court that actually held the paperwork of his divorce and the paperwork for full custody of his children.
He had been beyond embarrassed and while he was well aware of Wanda's intention when she ran away from him, Vision was not about to give her the satisfaction of a win. His first instinct had been to ask for legal advice, and it was there and then that he found the full case being built against him.
“I think I made the deal with the wrong Jarvis,” Kingpin had mocked, grabbing the paperworks and the files brought by the court official working under his payroll, “your wife just built one of the most solid cases against you, tsk.”
Vision had been furious, that day he had broken the they used to share and had burned the little belongings she had left. But then, he calmed himself, money was not a complete issue for him, he had already thought of taking his children and Wanda away, perhaps teach her a lesson while putting a chain on her neck and hiding her from the world.
A place with no extradition.
Either way, who would miss Wanda?
She didn't have family or friends, Vision had taken care of that. But now…
Everything she had done, she was not that smart, she was a dumb bitch only good for sex and not even that! She had help! 
And thanks to Agatha, Vision knew who had helped her.
His plan had been simple, Kingpin would sell him out if that served his purposes, so Vision would gather whatever he needed, have everything ready and take what was his.
Simple, right?
He grabbed the picture in which Billy and Tommy stood by his side, he had each boy on each hand while Wanda stood a step behind him. His lips curled into a nasty grin, Wanda could have had everything with him if only she behaved and was the good wife he knew she could be.
But alas, he no longer had the patience to teach her, and in reality he could get a new pet to educate properly.
With a last glance to his house, he grabbed the black box on the counter and went to his car. Everything had been set up, and now it was time to end the year with a blast.
The day before the end of the year broke with a single light of a cold sun, Wanda tried to wake up early to make sure she could say goodbye to you.
But as it had happened the last couple of days, you left far too early after having arrived far too late the day before. Wanda hated the longing in her heart, the way she craved to be near you and to enjoy the same attention you had given to her days prior. She continued with her routine while getting Billy and Tommy ready for the day while also making sure that America was well-fed.
That day, however, was to be different.
That day, Wanda planned for it to be special.
She really owed it to you to have a moment for just the two of you, for perhaps getting that second date to get to know her and to dive into the relationship she was starting with you. Wanda shivered at the thought of your kisses, how good you felt against her, how safe and loved she felt 
Wanda shook her head focusing on her reflection, she fixed her hair back, applying light make-up while giving herself a very critical glance. It had taken her almost all week to get this prepared, and now that the day was here the old glimpses of doubt shadowed her mind. It was the inadequacy built up after trying to please the man she thought she loved. 
With a heavy sight, shaking away those darkening thoughts, Wanda smiled at her reflection once more and exited the bathroom. America, Billy and Tommy had been waiting for her right outside, her children lit up running to her while hugging her tightly while America tried to hide away the flush on her cheeks and the awestruck while trying to keep her eyes right above the neckline.
“So, what do you guys think?” Wanda lowered her gaze to her children who smiled back at her.
“You look beautiful, mommy!” Tommy was the first one to answer, Billy nodded glancing at her tilting his head while examining her face.
“You look like a Princess.”
Wanda chuckled this time around, turning her attention to America, “so, what do you say?”
“I can only tell you, Professor, that my sister won’t know what hit her,” America softened her stare, “you really look amazing, Professor.”
Wanda smiled sheepishly, placing her hand on her children’s head. 
“You know you can call me Wanda, right? We’re not in school anymore.” Wanda could see as America relaxed nodding, she then straightened up glancing at the watch on her wrist. “I guess I better go, you guys are going to be fine?”
“Yes, mom!” The twins answered at the same time grinning widely.
“I left some food and early dinner for you guys on the stove, please don’t cause too much trouble and go to bed early. Tomorrow we have a long day and I need you to be well-rested.”
Wanda then turned to America, her gaze on the young woman.
“Is Kate coming over?” She asked, and soon she could tell the answer to that question to be positive since America blushed, Wanda rolled her eyes playfully. “Please, behave and you know where to reach me or Y/N if anything happens.”
“Yes, ma’am, don’t worry, I’ll take care of everything, now…go, I bet my sister would be more than happy to see you like this.”
Wanda dipped her head hiding away the flush on her cheeks before strolling down the hall and going down the stairs. She grabbed her purse and with a last deep breath left the house. Her heart was hammering hard against her chest, the pool of tension and tingles growing as she thought of what the night might bring. Of what a night out with you could really mean.
In all honesty she had never been to this part of the city, the town she had been living in was a small suburb area enjoyed by the people who did not like or actually enjoy the overbearing atmosphere of the city. The building you and your family had built stood tall in the middle of the city, right beside the Stark Tower and where everyone could admire not only the name of one of the most important businesses in the country but also the power that came with it.
A lot had been said about you and your family and Wanda had learnt most of it from you and from the news, America and you had been protected by your parents from the spotlight, and you had always enjoyed of the simplicity of life without having to go through the harsh realities others might face. At least, no monetary struggles.
When Wanda first came across your face into one magazine and the news on social media her breath caught in her throat. No longer was the woman dressed in denim or loose pants, or the woman who would dress casually while also staying at home reading or watching movies with her teen sister.
The woman she found was someone with money and power.
Yet, it was not the woman she had come to know and to actually have feelings for. Wanda took a deep breath, she glanced at her reflection through the glassed windows her heart hammering against her chest as she noticed the woman standing in front of her. With a single smile, she took a deep breath and went inside.
Jarvis checked his watch while holding onto the cup of coffee he bought on the street; he had little time to finish what he needed to before leaving the building that day. His mind had been planning out the next steps of his plan, when a voice he had not heard for quit sometime reached his ears.
“Eh, hi, sorry…I’m looking for…Maria Hill?” Wanda tapped the counter offering a nervous smile to the receptionist, the woman lifted her eyebrows taping something on her computer.
“Do you have an appointment?”
“No, not really I was supposed to…”
“Wanda!!” Maria came running from the hall leading to the private lifts on the left, Wanda sighed in relief pointing at the woman approaching them.
“Here she is.���
The receptionist smiled pointing to the security turnstiles allowing Wanda access to the building. Maria came to her, her eyes flashing around the main entrance before grabbing Wanda and dragging her down the hall into a more seclude area.
Jarvis stood in the shadows, his resolution crumbling at the sight of his wife looking so…so…slutty. He almost broke the coffee cup he was holding, trembling as the other woman disappeared in a restricted area, protected by the high security surrounding Alchemax. For what seemed like an eternity, Vision stood in the shadows with dark thoughts crossing his mind while the plans he had set up changed in a second.
Without wasting more time, he grabbed his phone and wrote a quick message to the only person that was ready to fully support him, then with the same nasty smirk he wore back at home while saying goodbye, he went to his lab.
Time for payback.
“This building is amazing.” Wanda stepped closer to the glassed walls of the lift, Maria offered a half smile nodding while checking the status of Vision.
When Natasha told Maria of the date they had planned out with Wanda to surprise Y/N she had been excited. Work has been almost impossible as of late, and Maria had seen the stress building up in Y/N every day, it was not only the amount of work but the lack of family time she had had with America and Wanda and the kids. It was funny, though. Almost a couple of months ago, she had become workaholic and then, all of a sudden this woman comes in, and everything changed.
Maria let out the air she didn’t know was holding, Vision had been out when Wanda entered the building and was now in his laboratory. Not a chance of them crossing paths at all.
“It had been renovated countless of times; you know? The last time it was done, was by Y/N father who wanted it to be self-sustainable.” Maria approached the young woman glancing down into the city before turning to her. “You look amazing, by the way, and your idea is something Y/N would love.”
“You think so?” Wanda asked in a thin voice, “I guess I’m still nervous about this, about the date and that something may end up…”
“No, don’t let dark thoughts take away from you these moments of happiness, Wanda.” Maria lifted a hand stopping whatever else Wanda wanted to say. “You look amazing, and today it’s going to be equally amazing.”
Wanda nodded taking a deep breath, “thank you.”
“Don’t mentioned it.” The lift made a bumpy stop, the doors opened showing a great lobby with a single desk.
Wanda stepped forward, her hand playing with the hem of the purse. Her eyes wandered around the place taking into the paintings on the wall, the soft music sounding in the ample space and the couple of chairs and sofas spread out the place. Maria walked towards the desk, leaning forward to whisper something to the woman sitting at the front.
Both women turned to Wanda who stood still, standing awkwardly in the distance without knowing what to do. Maria motioned with her hand, Wanda took a couple of steps forward and Maria couldn’t help but smile at the nervousness in Wanda’s demeanour.
“Okay, you can go in, she is not busy so…”
Wanda straightened up, her body hurting with all the pressure she had put it up to while waiting this moment. She let her eyes go from the desk to the office door, then back to a reassuring Maria and a exasperate Valerie.
“Thank you, for everything.”
“Don’t mention it, Wanda, go and enjoy the evening.”
Maria watched as Wanda disappeared behind the door of your office, she turned around grabbing her tablet until something caught her eyes. She could see the screen of the security camera that had been placed in the laboratory offered to Vision, the man was sitting still talking over the phone. That in itself didn’t bother Maria too much, what caught her attention and made the bells of alarm inside her head started playing was the fact he was alone. There was no one inside the office, or the floor for that matter. In all the time the man had been offered the floor of investigation, it had never been left alone, there was always someone there being it someone from his own bucket or someone from Alchemax.
It was empty but by the man sitting by his desk.
Then, Maria noticed the picture, it was a picture of him, Wanda and the twins.
Never before, not until now he had said or even hinted to having a family, and while Maria knew this for obvious reasons, the fact he all of a sudden appeared with this detail of his personal life was suspicious. The woman hesitated, right beside the picture was a laptop, a green one she had never seen before. Pursing her lips, she decided this was best to be consulted with Fury and the head of security in the building.
Maria hesitated; she turned around to see your door closed. For a moment she played with the idea of telling you about this, of warning Wanda but something stopped her. It wasn’t as if Vision knew about Wanda, as if he knew about what would happen to him in a weeks’ time.
 “Mrs. Hill, is everything alright?” The secretary asked furrowing her brows in confusion, Maria turned to her chuckling.
“Yeah, just begging this year is over already.” Maria locked the tablet turning around, “good night, Mrs. Valerie, you can go home now if you want to, Mrs. Y/L/N will leave soon and you could use the rest.”
You were finishing the last of the files Maria had put on your desk so kindly early that morning. Your eyesight was already blurry and your eyes felt tired.
You yawned resting the piece of paper on the desk, leaning back on the chair you turned around to see the light of the day fading away slowly. If you put your mind into that last report, you could make it home on time and actually see Wanda without having to rush the conversation. America had already told you she was going to be at her place, and you knew you could convince her to take care of the twins while you took Wanda out to drink something. You smiled thinking about that, perhaps surprising them…
“For all your talk about being busy and having to work so hard, you look awfully unoccupied and quite lazy over there.”
You almost fall off of the chair when the voice of Wanda reached you out, you turned around to see the woman standing right there in the middle of your office wearing the most stunning black dress you had ever seen on her. She had her hair put up into a beautiful ponytail leaving her neck and collarbone exposed to your eyes, Wanda had not moved from the spot she was in and you could barely stand up while taking into her beautiful form. She had chosen a black dress, with a V line going all the way to the chest area, and thin straps pressing softly on her shoulders. The dress wen all the way down, but there was a side-slit that gave her the chance to show her creamy legs.
Wanda had been reluctant to wear the dress at first, she had argued with Natasha and Hope the wisdom behind wearing such an article of clothing but both women had felt that it would not only fit her figure, but it was also a chance for her to feel past her insecurities. Now that she was standing in front of you, she understood what they meant.
“Wanda…” You stuttered shaking your head while striding towards her pulling her to you and kissing her hard.
The kiss took her breath away, and her hands let go of the purse while they went around the back of your neck. You kissed her with the pent-up emotions you held for her, with the longing you had felt that week for not being able to see her the same way you did the week before. And finally because she looked stunning.
“I take it you like the dress?” Wanda was breathing hard, holding onto you with a shy smile.
“I…” You held back before you said something that you might not be ready to say, you hesitated and then kissed her again, this time around slowly.
“You look amazing, love.” You whispered leaning back, you looked at her again before grabbing her hand and leading her to the closest sofa. “This is the best surprised ever, and not that I’m not grateful or anything but, what are you doing here?”
“Well, I just thought you had been having such a rough week, and actually you are the one that always is there preparing something or inviting us…” Wanda shrugged, lowering her face to try to hide her blush, “I just thought I cold surprise you this time around.”
“You did.” You sat beside her, tilting your head to the window then back to Wanda, “aren’t you cold?”
“Oh, I left the coat back in the car, I just want you to see me in the dress.” Wanda gave off a mischievous stare that made you laughed.
“So, you came all the way to my office to pick me up or do you have more, mischievous intentions, Mrs. Maximoff?” You asked teasingly, Wanda shrugged playfully chewing on her lower lip while locking her eyes with you.
“I actually came here to ask you out.”
Your eyebrows went up, just as your pupils dilated thinking about the meaning behind Wanda’s words. The young woman sat there waiting for you to say something, but when nothing came she straightened up sitting at the edge of the sofa while looking at you, hare hand falling on your knee and her green eyes filled with uncertainty and expectations.
“I want to have a night with you, just you and me,” she started tumbling over her words, trying to keep eye contact with you while revealing her emotions, “I know you had been working hard, and I…I have never missed anyone the way I missed you. I just thought, in all this time, we are always with someone by our side, I think we deserved a night out, just the two of us, if you want to.”
There was a long silence after Wanda stopped talking, she wanted to keep holding your stare but all of a sudden it was hard to do so. She looked away giving off a reluctant smile, her heart hammering hard against her ribcage and the old insecurities attacked her mind when your answer took more than what she expected.
“I mean, you don’t have to…”
Wanda held her breath when your hand rested on her naked leg and you leaned closer to you. There was nothing on your face to reveal what you were really feeling, or experimenting at the moment, but when Wanda locked her eyes with yours her breath was taken away, and she just leaning in until your lips were bushing against hers.
“Of course, I would go out with you, Wands.” You whispered tenderly, your fingertips teasing the skin around her knee while your lips sent tingles down her back, “Wanda I…”
You closed the distance between the both of you, the kiss this time around took your breath away with how soft and tentative it was. It held no lust or need, only…
You let your lips do the talking, you tried to tell Wanda everything you felt for her in a single kiss. Your hands leaving behind a trail of burning desired that made Wanda whimper into your mouth, tilting her head to deepen a kiss you directed in slow and tentative paths. By the time the both of you parted, you knew without a single glimpse of a doubt that you were in love with Wanda Maximoff.
“I am dying to see what you prepare for us love, but…” you could see the fear flashing in her green eyes, you soothed her with a tender smile, “I need to finish a report, it’s one page and my signature and we are good to go, would you mind waiting? Can we afford that delay?”
Wanda nodded holding your hand on her knee.
“Yes, I…I came here early so,” she turned to her purse that was still on the floor, “do you think I can call back home? Find out how they are doing, and we can meet back at my car.”
You scrunched up your nose, standing up while offering your hand to Wanda. She stood up well-aware of your eyes on her body, a bubble of satisfaction filled her chest and there was some pride into knowing you could not take your eyes off of her.
“Yeah, sure…but, you didn’t park here?” You walked to the purse bending to pick it up before bowing in front of Wanda, a teasing smile showing on your face, “my lady, someone a beautiful and as regal as yourself should not worry as long as I am here…you have me at your mercy.”
Wanda blushed giggling at your antics while grabbing her purse.
“I don’t park here, dummy.” She sneaked her arm around your hips pulling you closer to her, she enjoyed the gasp that escape your lips and the way your eyes went wide open at the sudden hold she had on you, “I was supposed to surprised you, so I parked in the visitors lot.”
You shivered under her embrace, and Wanda was suddenly enjoying the fact she was not the only one that got affected by these gestures. Your mind went fuzzy for a moment until an alarm coming from your phone woke you up.
“Okay, okay…” You stepped back shaking your head, Wanda pressed her lips together trying to hide her smile. “You can call them and, give me 10 minutes? I will be down and we can go.”
“Okay, sounds perfect.”
“By the way, where are you taking me?” You finally asked, Wanda shook her head walking backwards, her lips curled into a mischievous smile.
“Nu-uh, it’s a surprised, love. I’ll wait for you downstairs.”
“Wanda, you really look beautiful tonight, I just…” You hesitated not finding the right words, Wanda seemed to understand, she could read it in the way your struggled to say something without being inappropriate.
“I know, me too.” She confessed shyly, “I just…”
“Hey, it’s okay, I know.” You approached her kissing her lips one more, “I’m not in a hurry, I just want you to know how stunning you are, how amazing and intelligent and…”
Wanda laughed pecking your lips shaking her head, “yes, yes, I know go back to your work, I give you ten minutes or there will be a punishment.”
“Ugh, do you promise?” You asked back winking at her, Wanda opened her eyes her jaw dropping at the suggestive tone you used.
Wanda opened and closed her mouth; she huffed turning around and leaving your office. You stood there for a couple of seconds thinking about Wanda when your phone rang. You jumped startled making your way to the desk.
“Ah, Y/N I’m glad I could catch you up before you left,” You blinked a couple of times trying to catch the name and face behind the voice, in less than a minute you remembered who was at the other end of the line.
“Oh, Jarvis, yes, I’m finishing some reports, tell me how I can help you?” You winced knowing your deals with this man should be short but yet professional enough as to not raise any suspicions.
“There is something urgent I need to discuss with you, you see, my family…my wife, she…she has not been feeling well, and we may need to leave but… would you mind coming here? I would like to speak with you but I can’t leave the current experiment I’m working on.”
You were actually surprised by this request, the man sounded genuinely worried and there was something else in his tone of voice you couldn’t quite name. You hesitated for a moment, the file you had been reading could wait, but what really worried you was the fact that Wanda was waiting for you.
“I’ll be right there,” you hung up turning around to pick up your things ready to leave the office.
The walk to the lift was a quiet one, you wrote Wanda a message before hesitating. You could tell Fury what Jarvis had just told you, the man was ready to leave apparently and while you were pretty sure Fury knew about it, you decided it would be best to send the other man a message.
I just talk to Jarvis, he wants to see me because he has an issue with his wife. He just told me they are leaving, so you better hurry up, Fury, seems he will leave town soon.
With a sight you put the phone inside your pocket and marked the fifth floor.
The place was completely empty.
This in itself was strange, but not really unheard of.
You stepped into the corridor going through your last conversation with Wanda until you reached the office at the end of the hall. Without bothering to know you enter the place, the office was empty, with the light coming from the screen reflecting on the dark shades covering the windows. You frowned looking around to see if perhaps you had missed Jarvis at some point but there was nothing. Turning around, you were about to call the man when one of the lab doors opened and there was the man wearing the same creepy smile you had seen on that first encounter.
“Y/N, thank you for coming.” He smiled pointing to the lab with his thumb, “I was working on something…”
“Oh, right, you mention it,” you made a face, “sorry I forgot, so let’s go inside then and tell me what happen.”
You entered the lab noticing the changes the man had done to the place, several computers had been connected to a single source of information. In normal days, the offices were always full of people trying to make a software or a military program to work, but that day the silence was daunting. There was something strange in all of this, and it wasn’t until you heard the door closed behind you that the alarms inside your head rose with a single blasting red that filled you with an unpleasant shiver.
“So, Jarvis, what is it you wanted to tell me? I’m sorry, it’s just someone it’s waiting for me.” You tried to ease out the conversation, letting him know you were not alone.
The man smirked, he could no longer held back his expressions, and the smirk on his lips made you tensed completely. The man started walking, his footsteps feeling out the silence in the room, you clenched your fists but he walked past you.
“I noticed the young woman that came for you, I must say she is quite beautiful.” He commented offhandedly, you frowned not really knowing what to say, but before anything could be said or done he lifted a picture frame he had on the desk.
“Here, I think I never got a chance to show you my family, did I?” The way he made an emphasis on the word mine shook your very core.
You narrowed your eyes, the man had not lost his smile, and his hand held the object with a glint of anger by the way they trembled and clenched around the glass. You hesitated before stepping closer and grabbing the frame.
Your blood ran cold when your eyes fell upon the single figure of Wanda Maximoff standing behind Vision. It couldn’t be! It couldn’t be! Why didn’t Maria or Fury tell you? Your head was spinning out of control, nausea raising up inside your throat when the full meaning of this meeting, of this man, of the whole situation came blasting right in front of your eyes.
It happened in a second.
Your eyes blasted fireworks, while a piercing pain went through your head and back. Your lips parted letting out a bloodcurdling scream filled with pain. You staggered forward dropping the frame to the floor, the sound of crystal breaking filled the room and give you enough time to hold onto the table and rolled to the side before Jarvis could hit you again.
You were still trying to get a hold of the pain and your surroundings; the man was speaking while he came onto you hitting you on your left arm.
“Did you think I wouldn’t find out? That I would never notice you were with my wife?” The man was screaming, the flashlight he had used to hit you with laid on the floor but then he found his fists could do the job just fine.
“Did you really thought I was going to leave that fucking bitch? That I will leave her for you?”
“You…” You staggered backwards, moving aside until Jarvis hit the window, the man let out a scream, and the moment of distraction was all that you needed to hold your head and then ran forward.
Your fists hit him straight on the cheek, you winced before lifting your other fist and hitting him on the stomach.
“I am not someone you want to mess with!” You exclaimed hitting him with a precision born out of those months of training you had spent in high school and college; you were out of shape but you remembered enough to try and stop the violent attack against your persona.
Jarvis snarled lifting his leg, his mouth breaking into a satisfactory laugh when you crashed against the glassed window, blood coming out of the wounds on your head. He strode towards you grabbing you by your clothes and putting you up.
“That fucking bitch thought she was going to run away with my children? That she will escape me? That bitch is mine, and after I have kill you I’m going to enjoy breaking her.”
You gathered strength from deep within your core, your hand scratching his face and poking his eye until you felt something exploded in there. He screamed out crashing your head and back against the wall, you let out an exclamation of pain kicking and struggling until the man hit you on your face and let you on the ground kicking you a couple of times before staggering backwards.
“If…if she…” He breathed out pointing a finger at you, blood poring from his nose, lip and eye, “if she is not with me…she is for no one.”
You tried to stand up but your knees failed you, Jarvis came onto you and with another punch he made you fall backwards. Consciousness slipping away from your, whimpers of pain leaving your lips until he lifted you up only to crash you against the floor several times. The last thing you thought of was Wanda, and you wished the message you sent to Fury would be enough to make them curios.
“Wanda…” you breathed out, Jarvis snarled at you grabbing your phone while going over the message you shared with Wanda.
“I’m in the parking lot waiting, love, America said the twins are fine ready to watch a movie.”
The man threw the phone towards the closest wall hearing with pleasure the crashing of metal and glass. He kicked you once more, your eyes closed and your breathing difficult while your body spasmed.
“Next time, you will only see her rooting corpse.” Jarvis said, he was not in better shape, he staggered towards the door trying to hold onto the burning pain on his eye and body. He opened the door and closed it, locking it behind himself.
His hand went directly to the gun he had kept on his pockets, he had been tempted to put a bullet in between your eyes but Jarvis had only three bullets, and there was a name on them already. He smirked, the best vengeance for you would b that you were useless and, at the end of the day, you could not save Wanda, Billy, Tommy and your sister. __________ Wanda stood by her car wrapping her arms around herself, the flush she had been wearing since leaving your office was still present accompanied by the soft smile she wore with thoughts about you. Her heart was still beating fast, and her body was tingling with want. 
She lowered her gaze to the city, the traffic filling out the streets and the light of the day fading away. Wanda shivered feeling the cold of the afternoon, she hesitated playing with the idea of taking her coat out of the car, but she decided against it waiting for you to help her warm up.
Her mobile vibrated on her purse, furrowing her brows she was about to pick it up when the sound of footsteps reached her ears. She smiled turning around only to have her heart dropped down and her blood running cold inside her veins, her smiled dropped and her feet stepped back but it was not fast enough. She let out a groan when he his fist crashed against her face.
“Wanda, dear, I'm so glad I finally found you.” Jarvis narrowed his eyes, his fist closed and ready to strike again, “my love, is that any way to greet your husband? You master? Your owner?”
Wanda put a hand on her cheek, eyes going wide opened as she took in the man in front of her. Her green eyes went to the disheveled clothes he was wearing, filled with glass and blood, his face swelled around his broken lip and nose, and his left eye bleeding. There was a thin layer of sweat on her skin, and he was breathing hard. 
Jarvis leaned forward grabbing Wanda by her hair, he crashed his lips on her forcing a kiss that came with teeth and bruises. Wanda retchet trying to get away only for Jarvis to pull her hair harder, hitting her again.
“Now, my love, you know better than to fight me, aren't you glad to see me? You didn't really think you could escape me, did you?”
Wanda was completely frozen, her mind going over a hundred and a thousand question while she also looked for a way to escape. She thought about you, soon you would come…
“Y/N…” she whispered your name without meaning to, it had been more than ten minutes since you wrote to Wanda informing her you were going down. 
And Jarvis…
The man smirked pulling Wanda by her hair before throwing her to the ground. His hand reached for the gun that was now pointing at her.
“Ah, yes, your lesbian lover…she is…indisposed at the moment,” Jarvis was trembling, he lifted his leg ready to strike Wanda but decided against it, “I thought she may join us in our family reunion, but I think we will need a babysitter while I claim your body and clean you up for ever thinking you could let anyone but me touch you.”
“No, no, no…” Wanda stood up fighting against the hold Jarvis had on her until the gun pressed against her cheek.
“Nu-uh, dear, you keep fighting I will put a bullet in your head and take the children with me.”
That was all Wanda needed to know to stop struggling, her eyes opened in horror and Jarvis smiled caressing her face.
“Why must you be so difficult? We could have been forever, Wanda, and now I have to punish you.” Jarvis straightened up pointing to the car. “Now, let's go, I missed my children and I think it is time for the family reunion.”
Next Chapter: Reader is badly injured but even like that she makes a foolish sacrifice that leaves everyone devasted, the twins, America and Kate are fine, but Wanda may need more time to recover. Jarvis gets what he deserves and Agatha is just a memory. In the end, New Year doesn't seem to come with a happy ending-
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 2 months
hold hands in the shadows
by apileofashandember In which Duke gets sorta kidnapped and is forced to marry this 'Ghost King' dude. Overall, it could be worse. Words: 1783, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, Danny Phantom Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: Gen, M/M Characters: Duke Thomas, Danny Fenton, Bruce Wayne, Jazz Fenton, Tucker Foley, Sam Manson, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Damian Wayne, Cassandra Cain, Stephanie Brown, Barbara Gordon, Alfred Pennyworth, Valerie Gray, Clockwork (Danny Phantom), Cujo (Danny Phantom) Relationships: Danny Fenton/Duke Thomas, Batfamily Members & Duke Thomas, Duke Thomas & Bruce Wayne Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Forced Marriage, Rituals, Secret Identity, Developing Relationship, Identity Reveal, Identity Porn, Ghost King Danny Fenton, Good Parent Bruce Wayne, Protective Batfamily (DCU), Good Sibling Jazz Fenton, Danielle "Dani" Phantom is Called Ellie, De-Aged Danielle "Dani" Phantom, Good Parent Danny Fenton, Parental Vlad Masters, Tired Danny Fenton, Not Beta Read, Insecure Danny Fenton, Duke Thomas is a Ray of Sunshine, Misunderstandings, Eldritch Danny Fenton via https://ift.tt/xzNYyCG
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hold hands in the shadows
Fandom: Danny Phantom, Batman - All Media Types
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Danny Fenton/Duke Thomas, Batfamily Members & Duke Thomas, Duke Thomas & Bruce Wayne
Characters: Duke Thomas, Danny Fenton, Bruce Wayne, Jazz Fenton, Tucker Foley, Sam Manson, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Damian Wayne, Cassandra Cain, Stephanie Brown, Barbara Gordon, Alfred Pennyworth, Valerie Gray, Clockwork (Danny Phantom), Cujo (Danny Phantom)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Forced Marriage, Rituals, Secret Identity, Developing Relationship, Identity Reveal, Identity Porn, Ghost King Danny Fenton, Good Parent Bruce Wayne, Protective Batfamily (DCU), Good Sibling Jazz Fenton, Danielle "Dani" Phantom is Called Ellie, De-Aged Danielle "Dani" Phantom, Good Parent Danny Fenton, Parental Vlad Masters, Tired Danny Fenton, Not Beta Read, Insecure Danny Fenton, Duke Thomas is a Ray of Sunshine, Misunderstandings, Eldritch Danny Fenton, minor worldbuilding, because I cannot resist putting my own twists on things
Chapters: 5/10
Word Count: 8,422
In which Duke gets sorta kidnapped and is forced to marry this 'Ghost King' dude. Overall, it could be worse.
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inaducursehq · 2 months
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plotdrop01: the missing;; part one: behind the black horizon genre: horror, mystery, psychological, supernatural, suspenseful
ominous black clouds covered the sky as black cloaked figures moved freely. the once vibrant streets, now appear despondent. the thick air carries whispers of dread as the feeble sun rays struggle to pierce through the dark shroud. shadows elongate and writhe, as if the very ground were alive with apprehension. black-cloaked figures advance with intention, their presence a harbinger of despair. as they weave through the labyrinthine alleys, their eyes gleam with malevolent hunger, seeking out the hapless souls of new orleans. the city, bathed in sepulchral twilight, stands on the precipice of an unfathomable abyss, where light and hope seem but distant memories. as loved ones are snatched away, lost without a trace.
(this new plot drop will give us an opportunity to play out a large rescue plot. we are going to have a bunch of set ups mashed together, and a few mini activities and task to help you try to find out whether those who were taken are lost . we just won’t give away how all of this has happen just yet– that will be a surprise! )
this plot drop is in effect for the city starting today, aug 4th @ 8:00pm estd.
starter & plot call rules : it is recommended that you start a new thread for the plotdrop. you are free to continue your previous thread that is linked to the event and you are encouraged to intertwine the new plotdrop into any existing starter if it is fairly new.
tag inaduplotdrop and follow inaduplotdrop01 closely for new updates and parts to come.
the taken: alaric satlzman, sarah nelson, enzo st.john, kol mikaelson, april young, abby bennett, maria louise, valerie tuelle , marcel gerard, camille connoll, keelin mikaelson, josh rosza, jeremy gilbert, katherine pierce, josie saltzman.
update 8/8/2024
to uncover the answers to the questions that haunt everyone, ask: "where are the missing?" this is a question that needs to be addressed. to assist in locating the missing, make sure you are following our npc blog @inaducursenpc. this is considered your first task in the mission to find those who have disappeared. consult the seer who can assist you in uncovering the truth.
please like once read !
inaduacurse soundtrack: episode 2 note(s) : click on the link to hear the whole song; to get the vibe of the plot ᥫ᭡
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azems-familiar · 2 months
this is a pinned post i guess
Welcome to my blog!
My name is Liadan or Lee, but I'll respond to various shortenings of the urls I've had over the years, so don't feel fussed to change how you think of me in your head if that's the case. I'm in my mid-20s and have been on this hellsite since 2016. I use either they/them or xe/xem pronouns and am a trans, bigender, ace butch, happily engaged to my qpp @ipreferfiction. I am proship, anti-censorship, and not afraid to use the block button if you start causing me problems.
I don't have sideblogs so all content I find interesting or relevant will be here on this blog. Ask to tag if there's something you'd like to filter out - I can't guarantee I'll remember it, but I do my best. All politics go under #politics. Big current events will usually go under #current events if I remember. I try to tag fandoms but that doesn't always particularly work. My personal textpost tag is #ramblings. For things I create, look under #my edits (screenshots/virtual photography), #my writing (snippets and whatnot), and #my fic (full-length fic posts or links). My ask tag is #asked and answered; my tag game tag is #things i'm tagged in; any ask games I reblog will be tagged with #ask me thiiings. Ultimately, this is my own personal space; I will do my best to adjust for other people's comfort but I won't completely put myself into a box for it.
If we're mutuals, I will politely ask you to tag posts with bug pictures/etc in them with #bug - I have a bug phobia and while I do my best to curate on my own, sometimes i still get images on my dash and that's definitely not the most enjoyable thing.
My current main fandom is ffxiv, but there will be occasional posting about star wars (especially swtor and kotor), dragon age (especially with the new game coming out), mass effect, and other various things I find interesting. I have ocs in most of the above fandoms, and tag them all as #oc: [name here]! Just in case you'd like to go looking for them.
There will be Lalafell/Non-Lalafell shipping on this blog. If that bothers you, unfollow me/block me/hit the back arrow now. I will not tolerate harassment for it. This is your only warning.
FFXIV OC Directory
Links will be added here as I write actual posts for these guys! First name is their current incarnation as of the Seventh Astral Era, second is their original, Unsundered, ancient self. Any in-between reincarnations will be in bulleted lists beneath the main headings.
Lelesu Lesu // Seleukos (MAIN)
G'lyhhia Heleh (Third Astral Era)
Rhaya Wolndara // Kyriaki
Savvel // Athanasios
Seika Valeriant // Psyche
Fic Directory
I use various pseuds on AO3 to separate by fandom. That said...
FFXIV fics:
your boldness stands alone among the wreck (series): Catch-all series for everything related to Lelesu's and Corrain's shared universe. Childhood friends Helios and Seleukos rise to prominence in their society, building a home for themselves, only to watch it all come crashing down during worldwide calamity. Lelesu and Corrain, both chosen by Hydaelyn, struggle to navigate the life of a hero among personal griefs, world-ending threats, far too many politics, thirteen-thousand-year-old pasts returning to haunt them...and the trials and tribulations of crushes.
in the shadow of the sun (series): Broken by grief inflicted during the Final Days and tempered to Zodiark besides, Azem - an Unsundered Ascian - discovers the fragmented soul of their lost best friend in Corrain, the Warrior of Light. Unable to stay away from him, Azem slowly learns how to live again among the loss, and how to look to the future instead of stay mired in a nostalgia- and pain-tinted view of the past that never truly existed.
Both the above series are cowritten with @sunderedazem, and Corrain and Helios belong to him.
All Star Wars fics can be found here
MDZS/The Untamed
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eridanidreams · 8 months
Sunday Snippet
Tagging: @bearlytolerant, @silurisanguine, @aro-pancake, @fangbangerghoul, @atonalginger, @aislingdmdt, @fshenkoescape, @ninjaofnaps, @lisa-and-shadow, @a-cosmic-elf, @thatsgoodsquishy0, @hockeydemon42, @fomagranfalloon, @violenceandviolets, @staticpallour and @artemis-crimson
As usual, share if you want or haven't already, but otherwise just enjoy!
from stars through my fingers like grains of sand
The 'final sweep' was mostly just an excuse for Cait to hang back and let Sam escort Cora back to the ship in peace. She stepped through the hatch to the sitting room just in time to hear, "—thank god, Cora. Are you okay? Are you hurt?"
Cait couldn't miss the exasperation coming off Cora, but she didn't think Lillian heard it in the girl's voice. "I'm fine, Mom. I was so worried about you!"
"I'm fine," Lillian said, clearly trying to be reassuring. "You're fine. Everyone's fine." Lillian turned to look aft, where Sam was at the navigation table. Her voice hardened. "And now, it's time for me to kill your dad."
Cait set her jaw and started making her way toward the cockpit, but Cora spoke up first. "No! He wanted to keep me away, but I couldn't—I just couldn't—!"
Lillian made an annoyed-sounding sigh at that. "I swear, you two are both stubborn as mules." She would have said something more, but Cora caught sight of Cait and flung herself headlong to throw her arms around Cait.
"Mom's safe!" she crowed. "Thank you, thank you, thank you! I was so worried, but you did it!"
Cait returned the hug, uncomfortably aware of Lillian’s eyes on them. “I had plenty of help. And you did real good out there. Obeyed your dad perfectly, and saved my butt a couple times with what you saw.”
Cora muttered, “Mom always says to listen to your gut.”
“And she’s right,” Cait agreed. “And then you were extra smart to bring it to us so we could evaluate it based on experience. Gut’s gotta work with the head, you know?” She straightened up and tousled Cora’s hair. “Tell you what. Your mom and I have some Ranger business to discuss in private. Why don’t you go give your dad a hug? He’s pretty shaken from having two people he cares about in danger.” Cora and Lillian, she meant.
“Ca-ait.” Cora was radiating exasperation at her, now. “Learn to count.” Cait tried to give Cora her own version of the I’m-not-kidding face, but Cora seemed utterly unimpressed. “All right, I’m going.”
Lillian didn't even give Cait a chance to take a breath. "This is your ship, right? I hate to ask, but I'm going to need more assistance with my mission."
"What kind of assistance?" Cait asked warily. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Sam pat Cora on the shoulder, sending her in the direction of the ladder.
"There's a shipment of armaments coming in on a heavy freighter—the Dumas. I know its itinerary. If we can track back to the arms cache, we can lure out a Seokguh underboss—Valerie Mosquera." Lillian explained. Her brown eyes were bright, hard, a raptor that had its prey in sight. "Valerie's the worst kind of criminal—she's smart. Too smart. And she's convinced some of the Syndicate to think outside the box."
Cait folded her arms across her chest and raised an eyebrow. "Okay, so why do we have to go after it? Can't we call in some other Ranger support?"
Lillian sighed. "I think the Seokguh have found a way to intercept some of our secure transmissions. We can't trust traditional communications, and I have a limited window where the intel is actionable."
Cait scowled. "You mean like the secure channel Sam used to contact you when we came in?" She let out a long breath. "I knew something was off about the way the Syndicate was coming at us."
"Ridiculous," scoffed Lillian.
"You just said Mosquera's smart and thinking outside the box," Cait retorted.
"What are you thinking?" Sam ducked through the hatch, glancing between the two women.
"That they didn't have time to send reinforcements before we'd dust off," Cait said, thinking hard. "But they know what kind of information a mole's likely to be there to look for. So they pull back, let us think we got out clean; meanwhile, Mosquera is setting up an ambush based on the leaked intel. She figures you're going to find some way to pull in at least some reinforcements; why settle for taking down one Ranger when she can take down several? The Syndicate gets to make a statement—that not even the Rangers can stop them—and clear the way for further operations."
"If that's the case," Lillian argued, "then that makes it even more important that we stop her before she gets to that point."
"Are you for real?" Cait braced herself against Sam's frustration. "Weren't you just chewing me out about putting Cora in danger?"
"Think, Sam," Lillian demanded. "What if you were spotted—either here, or I assume Neon?"
"We weren't," Cait said flatly—she had a finely-honed sense of when someone meant her ill, and no one following them would have been able to mask that. She raised her eyes to Sam's. "Believe me," she said, more to him than to Lillian, "I would have known." His eyebrows went up, and he gave her a faint nod of acknowledgment.
"You can't be sure of that," Lillian snapped. "And as you just pointed out, they might have overheard Sam's call." She stared daggers at Sam. "The only way to be safe is to see it through."
Cait exhaled heavily; though she didn't like to admit it, Lillian had a point regarding the communications. "Fine," she growled. "For this, I think Cora should have a sleepover on the Eye—"
"We don't have time," Lillian protested.
"Do you realize how much of a hypocrite you're being?" Cait fired back, losing the thread of the others' emotions under the flood of her own frustration slipping free.
Lillian flushed. "If time weren't of the essence, I would never put Cora in any danger. As if either of you care about Cora’s safety, dragging her all over hell and gone.”
“The amount of wrong in that statement,” Cait retorted, “is like calling the Rock a pebble. Fact is, Cora’s safety comes first, last, and middle—and not just for Sam. He’s just not under the misapprehension that he can keep her safe by leaving her behind somewhere. He keeps her safe by being there for her.” Lillian winced, but Cait wasn’t done. “He keeps her safe by teaching her how to be safe. And he keeps her safe by having people around him that can back him up.” Cait shook her head in disgust. "Listen to you. You went haring off on your own, you didn't arrange for backup, and got yourself in deep enough shit that you damn near got killed. There was one person who insisted you were in trouble, and that's the brilliant girl who you're suddenly willing to put at risk because it's convenient for you. Everyone else figured that Ms. Super-Ranger Fire-Eatin’ Hart could handle whatever came her way.” Sam stared at her, wide-eyed with astonishment at her sudden burst of anger.
“Oh.” Lillian looked taken aback. “Well, I didn’t know that.”
“You didn’t ask.” Cait's response was quiet but laced with acid. “The minute you heard Cora on the com earlier you were ripping into Sam for bringing her along—and now you’re all ‘let’s get the Syndicate, no time to make sure Cora’s safe’? And barely a word for Cora herself besides telling her you were going to kill her dad?" Cait shook her head angrily. "And now, you expect me to put my ship, my crew, my friends, at risk to dig you out of the hole you dug yourself?"
Lillian took a deep breath, and it was obvious from the look on her face that she was trying to control her own temper. "Look," she said, her voice conciliatory, "whatever else you might think, Valerie Mosquera has plans larger than Neon, and she will not hesitate to go after anyone in her way. And at this moment, you're on that list. Now, you may be right about it being an ambush, but if we move fast enough, we have the opportunity to get ahead of it."
Sam added reluctantly, like he really didn't want to agree with Lillian, "Nothing blows an ambush faster than the ambushees being in on the surprise." A deep breath. "And the goal is good—always is with you, Lillian.
Cait hated the feeling of being stampeded into something she thought was a bad idea—but the problem was, she didn't have any better ones. "Fine," she said curtly. "Send me the coords."
"Gladly," Lillian said, her voice as clipped as Cait's. "We get the location of the cache from the Dumas, then we make our move."
Cait stared at Lillian for a long moment, then shook her head. "Do your worst," she quoted softly, "for I will do mine." And if Lillian didn't recognize the quote, well, she damned well should have.
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anyablackwood · 2 months
OC Deep Dive Tag
Thanks for the tag, @mysticstarlightduck! Considering I just finished the moodboard tag, I'll be recycling the moodboard for Adrasteia (Crown of Blood) lol. I've technically already introduced/Summarized her before? But she's also the only one with a ready-made playlist, soooo
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Playlist (some of these are instrumental!):
Insomnia by Lucas King
The Shadow's Bride by Peter Gundry
Start a War by Klergy ft. Valerie Broussard
A Little Wicked by Valerie Broussard
APHRODITE by Ethan Gander
Hellfire by Barns Courtney
Pandora's box but it's full of mental illnesses and instead of getting hope she got magic (and hotness)
Lives up to all five (5) of her names
Poster child for paranoia
"How many blood sacrifices does it take to get some good fucking wine?"
Fully aware of the genre she's in and taking full advantage of it
Entirely unwilling to be here and has decided to make it everyone else's problem
Why does Adrasteia, the strongest sibling, not simply eat the other six?
Has planned the deaths of all of the other prominent characters of the story
[(Youngest child x only daughter) + favorite child + magic] x mentally unstable =
Loves animals. Misses her dog.
The bane of all of her brothers' existences
Tete-a-tete 4D chess rivalry with her oldest brother, Atlas
Literally just wants to go home
(Gently) Tagging: @paintedbutton, @amaiguri, @aalinaaaaaa, and anyone else who wants in!
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aggravateddurian · 3 months
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WIP Whenever
Tagged by @ghostoffuturespast, and I just realised @gloryride. Thank you!
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I made new headers for my WIP Whenever posts! As you can already see, they're inspired by the display of the Pip-Boy and computer terminals from Fallout 3 and 4.
Full post below the cut
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Mostly VP related for Cyberpunk. Working on a 'fan novella' related to the changes going on with the crew, esp. with regards to the impending departure of Trey on his new journey, and the addition of Jakey to the crew. A lot of costuming updates and fixes for new and old characters alike as I work through and modernise NPV files and such with new knowledge.
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I've given Val her glowing yellow iris rings back, as I believe that they're an essential part of her character design. I've also settled on her accent, it's somewhere between that LA Chicano accent and a general Filipina-American English accent. Val has a tendency to code switch mid-sentence, and subconsciously shift into Cebuano in high-stress situations.
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I've also finally updated some of Dorian's appearances. It's been just over a year since I first made Dorian as an NPV and he's due for an update. I believe his 'Corpo Tactical' and 'Fixer' outfits are a lot better suited now. I can actually imagine Dorian as a background fixer NPC at the Afterlife, and not think he's out of place.
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"mfw Meredith hits me with that 'enny store employment termination."
Dorian has crossed the Rubicon and gone full fixer. I've resurrected a plot point from the original Brother's Shadow storyline where Dorian is fired from Militech due to Meredith's machinations, and he and his colleague Kaylee Anderson end up going out on the edge, working for Nightowl, the always illusive and unseen man behind Val's crew.
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Jakey's finally bought some new clothes! I thought one day he needed some Aviators, and from there I thought that he also needed a jacket. Hence, two new casual appearances. Then there's his 'business attire.' Jake found this surplus NCPD vest and duty belt, and now it's his standard 'work' attire. The Militech eyepiece was a gift from Nightowl for 'good work performance.'
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Since I came up with the Buckeye Wasteland idea, I've since put that to the side as my thoughts about my Fallout OCs evolve. Firstly, let's talk about Laura West.
"The Volunteer"
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The protagonist of my Fallout fanfic, Laura West is probably the last person you'd expect to become a wasteland adventurer. She's not particularly strong, she's not a crack shot with a weapon, and she's not particularly lucky. She has passable charisma and endurance, but where she really shines is her Intelligence.
Before being sent on an important mission to save Vault 53, Laura worked as a computer technician in the vault, a job she was fairly well-suited for. However, she was the last pick to be sent to find a reactor regulator for Vault 53's damaged fusion reactor.
Ezra, the Overseer's son, was better qualified, but the Overseer couldn't bear to send him out into the wasteland, so Laura volunteered to go in his place, to Ezra's horror, because Ezra has a thing for Laura (a feeling not reciprocated by our heroine).
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This is Ezra. Ezra's father is the Overseer of Vault 53, and as a consequence, he gets away with way more than most vault residents could ever hope to. He's not very intelligent, strong or charismatic, but he's a crack shot, has excellent endurance and the luck of the Irish. He could accidentally kill a deathclaw and be none the wiser.
Ezra works in the maintenance division in Vault 53, a vital position, given that everything in Vault 53 was designed by Vault-Tec to fail constantly, as part of the experiment to test how residents would respond to the constant stress of having to constantly work to keep the vault from failing. He is also a massive bookworm, and has memorised just about every volume of the Vault Dweller Survival Guide.
Ezra also has a thing for Laura, a feeling that Laura doesn't reciprocate.
Moving swiftly on...
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I've been working on a short story set in the Freerunners universe, elaborating on our favourite definitely not Judy Alvarez-inspired space ranger starship pilot, Zoe Alvarado, and her past as a Confederation of Free Settlements Ranger. I really need to get all the Freerunners characters drawn, because I feel that just telling people about how they look isn't working. I will probably end up using Cyberpunk 2077 to visualise their faces for y'all, at least.
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Cyberpunk RED: 2077 Edition - The Old Blood
Remember my Cyberpunk vampire shit from a couple months back? I know some of you remember that, before I took my hiatus and recovered from yet another work-related stress issue. Well, what I haven't shared is that it's been running as a Cyberpunk RED campaign!
My players have learned the dark secret of the Consortium Sanguinis, and one of them has been kidnapped! It's a race against the clock to save him (and his AI brain ghost) from the machinations of literal vampires who walk amongst us!
That's about it. Thanks to all who actually read my yapping.
I'd like to tag three people, as I always do:
Feel free to join in if you want.
Thanks everyone.
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themarcspector-arch · 2 years
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valerie abou chacra - ma fiyi (2020)
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papuchette-atma · 3 hours
10 characters, 10 fandoms
Thank you @ratchsellsfornax and @aliyasdream for the tag ! 💙
List your ten favorites characters from 10 separate fandoms, then tag some people !
My List
Sleepy Hollow : Ichabod Crane
Van Helsing : Anna Valerious
The Hobbit : Tauriel
Dungeons and Dragons, honor among thieves : Doric
Fantastic Beasts trilogy : Newton Scamander
Shadow and Bone : Kaz Brekker
Baldur's Gate 3 : Astarion Ancunin
Resident Evil 4 : Leon S. Kennedy (and Ada Wong, both are my fav)
Dragon Age Inquisition : Cullen Rutherford
The Elder Scrolls Online : Sir Cadwell
Now, I am tagging
and anyone who wants to participate !
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theworldofotps · 3 months
Let It Sleep
The Demon Dad series, following Bálor as he navigates parenthood. Description: Bálor doesn’t want to risk waking the baby.
Tag list:
@omg-im-such-a-masochist​ @melissahausen @new-zealand-chic @writtingrose @hotgirlgraps @madhatterbri @sjwrites22 @sassymox @mrsacklesevansmgk @xladyxfatex @adamcolesbaybay @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch @demonqueen29 @itsicantbelievethis666 @lilred91 @rebellious-desires @claymorexpunisher @letsgivethisonemoreshot @ava-valerie @shortyiceheart @serpantscorpio8497 @thatpanpal @thatnerdwriter @wrestlersownmyheart @vebner37 @seeingstarks @whenimakeitshine1234 @legit9thlunaticwarrior @blaquekitty @ironshamelessyouth @unoficialy-married-to-ace-austin @ripleyswhore @moonrosekk @xbreezymeadowsx @alyyaana @elevennbloom @melblacc @alliwant456 @mcreignsera @auburnwrites​ @aews-four-pillars
If you wanna be added to the list lemme know.
The whole house was silent for once apart from the rain pelting against the roof. Y/n quietly made her way down the hall peeking into the dimly lit nursery. Shadows from the small plastic tea candles flickered on the walls as the gentle hum of the baby monitor filled the room. Y/N stood at the doorway, watching in awe as their baby slept peacefully on Bálor’s chest. The sight of the small infant in contrast to the demon king was interesting.
Bálor, who was in his demon form, sitting rigidly in the rocking chair, his red eyes glowing softly in the low light. Despite his fearsome appearance, his movements were very careful and precise, ensuring the baby's comfort. The baby’s tiny fingers clutched the fabric of Finn’s shirt, and a content sigh escaped her lips as shenestled closer to the warmth.
Y/N whispered, taking a slow step forward trying not to make too much noise.
“I can take the baby back now, I know that you need to return soon and it’s getting late. Finn has some meetings tomorrow so he’s going to need his rest as well."
Bálor’s head snapped up, his gaze locking onto hers with a mixture of irritation and concern. He raised a clawed hand, motioning for her to stay back.
He hissed quietly, his voice a low growl as he tried to stay still.
 "You'll wake it."
“She can sleep through pretty much anything.”
 Y/N insisted, keeping her voice soft as she watched them. 
“The underworld won't wait for you my love and we both know that. At times they can be very demanding."
Bálor's eyes softened slightly as he glanced down at the sleeping baby. The harsh lines of his face seemed to ease, normally he wouldn’t share this with anyone. But y/n, he knew it was okay and for a brief moment showed some vulnerability to his beloved. 
"I can't stand the crying.”
He admitted in a hushed tone the colors on his skin swirling a bit as he spoke.
"It... it pierces through everything, I don’t know how you and Finn deal with it all the time day in and day out.”
Y/N nodded in understanding, she and Finn knew all too well that their daughter’s cries were more than just a sound to Bálor. They were a reminder of the one thing he couldn't control. She stepped back, giving him the space he needed. 
"Alright my king.”
She gave in watching them together, a gentle smile playing on her lips.
“Just until she wakes up."
The minutes stretched on, each one feeling like an eternity to him but Bálor remained still. His gaze fixed on the baby. He could feel the pull of the underworld, the call to return to his kingdom, but he remained. The tiny heartbeat against his chest was grounding, a large difference to the chaos he usually embraced.
Finally, the baby stirred, a small yawn escaping her mouth. She blinked up at Bálor, eyes wide with curiosity. For a moment, the Demon King and the baby stared at each other, his concern it would start crying quickly grew. Thankfully Y/N stepped forward again, this time more confidently. 
“Now then.”
 She said softly while holding her arms out.
“Let me take the baby."
Bálor carefully lifted the child, his movements slow and deliberate. He handed the baby to Y/N, who cradled her gently in her arms. The baby cooed, content and happy, another yawn falling from her mouth.
“I’ll be back when I can, tell Finn I said to take care of you both.” 
“Of course.” 
Y/n smiled watching as he closed his eyes allowing her husband to come back. Finn blinked his eyes a few times, allowing his vision to adjust, soon those familiar blue eyes met Y/n’s and he smiled.
“That went rather well I think.” 
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 2 months
hold hands in the shadows
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/xzNYyCG by apileofashandember In which Duke gets sorta kidnapped and is forced to marry this 'Ghost King' dude. Overall, it could be worse. Words: 1783, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, Danny Phantom Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: Gen, M/M Characters: Duke Thomas, Danny Fenton, Bruce Wayne, Jazz Fenton, Tucker Foley, Sam Manson, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Damian Wayne, Cassandra Cain, Stephanie Brown, Barbara Gordon, Alfred Pennyworth, Valerie Gray, Clockwork (Danny Phantom), Cujo (Danny Phantom) Relationships: Danny Fenton/Duke Thomas, Batfamily Members & Duke Thomas, Duke Thomas & Bruce Wayne Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Forced Marriage, Rituals, Secret Identity, Developing Relationship, Identity Reveal, Identity Porn, Ghost King Danny Fenton, Good Parent Bruce Wayne, Protective Batfamily (DCU), Good Sibling Jazz Fenton, Danielle "Dani" Phantom is Called Ellie, De-Aged Danielle "Dani" Phantom, Good Parent Danny Fenton, Parental Vlad Masters, Tired Danny Fenton, Not Beta Read, Insecure Danny Fenton, Duke Thomas is a Ray of Sunshine, Misunderstandings, Eldritch Danny Fenton read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/xzNYyCG
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