#( thank you so MUUUUCHHH i love writing these!!! they're fun!!! )
vanbredevoort · 1 year
12, 19 for the character building questions!
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character build time! / accepting!
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12 · What’s something that makes them laugh every single time? Be specific!
It depends a lot on the verse--- on main, she's not one to laugh very often. Lydia is a 'duty above all else' gal. She's too busy researching, assisting, helping, painting. She smiles often (when she has a FACE to do so, and if not then with her eyes) but it's all politeness. You see, she's always carrying a mask. The illusion is just ironically another layer of that. She's always playing pretend-- Pretending to play her part for the Northern Realms, pretending to be nice and polite, pretending to not love her master.
A commoners silly tale would make her laugh. A farmer explaining with a tankard of beer how he chased his precious sheep singing filthy songs he knows the sheep loves would make her laugh. Love stories, IF her defenses are low, will make her giggle as someone much younger than she is.
(If she's drunk basically everything makes her laugh. Back in Aretuza she had a drunk laughing fit while staring at a fence. Just a fence with nothing out of the ordinary. She thought it was hilarious.)
19 · What would they do if stuck in a room with the person they’ve been avoiding?
Being repetitive is my jam, so I'm going to say it again: she a 'duty above all else' kind of person. If she can't stand someone but HAS to, because it is needed for Vilgefortz's sake and his cause, she will endure an eternity of it.
The list of people she wants to avoid exists, tho, and I will explain. First of all, and most importantly, she doesn't want to be in the same room as Vilgefortz's lovers. She will find a perfect excuse and leave as long as the person is staying with him. She has been exercising self control enough to keep herself from expressing her discomfort, break things or plainly cry out of jealousy, but she does not like to drag that out and put it to the test for days. Any display of affection would make her react, and if she doesn't, well, she has very expressive eyes. And Vil knows how to read them. In that case, funny, it's Vil himself she wants to avoid (it's not her intention and never would be to get in the way of Vil and his partners, if they make him happy-- she'd never meddle). Not for long tho, she can't stand being apart for too long. She'd rather take the pain and choked jealousy than leave for more than a few weeks.
Philippa is another person she likes avoiding in basically every scenario, every verse. On main, because she gives her the creeps: too powerful, too manipulative, too good at hiding her intentions, too many layers of deception. On the resurrected verse, well, Phil kinda owns Lydia's soul. It's a constant reminder that her happiness can be crushed in a second by a simple whim.
Alejandro, a sorcerer from Cidaris, is a BIG nono for Lydia. Remember everything I said about 'duty above all'? Well throw that off the window and set it on fire because if Alejandro is there, she's gon be running in the opposite direction. The other end of the continent if possible. Alejandro is very straight-forward about his attraction towards Lydia, and stubborn about it. Lydia is kind of oblivious when it comes to someone deisiring her, but Alejandro is beyond honest with his intentions and Lydia WILL escape him every chance she gets.
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