#( just some thoughts on izar's abilities
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izarara · 1 year ago
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seers , are a rare type of faerie who are able to predict the future through visions. they are able to sense and experience things others cannot and therefore are very valuable to those in the presence of one. 
izar's seer abilities can be split into two aspects : SEEING and, as they like to call it, INTUITION. the latter is certainly far more honed and used regularly than the former, mostly on the basis that cannot exactly be turned off and it's simply been with them all along, which has not always been the case with the visions associated with seeing.
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INTUITION : this is what izar uses day-to-day and what has made them a good messenger and a good guard. most obviously, this manifests in heightened common senses. izar has better sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch when compared to their peers save for shadowslingers. this includes being able to see in low light ( though this should not be mistaken for being able to see in the dark ), as well as able to discern details at a greater distance compared to others. the sense of smell is not as heightened as vampires as well, closer to above average than truly supernatural.
however, for izar, this also extends to senses that are not so tangible. it has taken decades for them to parse out these intangible things. some were easier, like the weight of eyes on them, the presence of someone hidden or who does not want to be found. this extends to presences in their mind as well, allowing them to be more sensitive to daemati when they infringe on their mind, though that is still dependent on the daemati's skill and the situation ( and knowing is not the same as being able to stop it ). but other things related to danger and energy had to be learned and have to be interpreted. danger... it is like a gut feeling, only stronger : knowing something is going to go wrong but not knowing exactly what. izar learned to trust these instincts during their travels as a messenger, and now, they are quite hard pressed to ignore them.
similarly, they are able to sense energy associated with people such as malice in a vague and unspecific way. they are not daemati; they cannot know true intent. but like a gut feeling for danger, there are certain general conclusions they can draw. this does not work in absolutes. they are only feelings and feelings izar must interpret as they experience them. it is not so simple as it seems, but it is something they have worked on all their life. these intuitions are subject to the strength of the original feeling, as well as the number of people nearby. for example, an a crowded ballroom, it's likely izar only feels a general sense of happiness associated with the crowd, even if there were a troublemaker in the midst. but an attacker lurking in the bushes, it is likely they would be able to sense the malcontent. it is all more an art than a skill, and one izar is still learning.
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SEEING : izar is much less practiced in this, if only because they have had precious few visions to begin with. often, they have happened when they are alone and not long before the event they foresaw occurred. mostly, due to their extensive knowledge of the lands, they have been able to know where conflicts or negative things will occur and have subsequently avoided such things.
their visions are not under their control, though they have certainly tried to make them predictable and to trigger them on their own with certain thoughts and objects. nothing has seemed to worked quite like that. when awake and having a vision, their eyes turn gold.
the visions they have had were terribly pleasant experiences. they always leave them with the taste of copper in their mouth and a sense of nausea. their visions are never clear either : often the visions pass in a snapshot, short clips format, leaving the interpretation up to izar who feels inept to do so given their limited experience with them. but their visions are one of the reasons they have taken up sketching, so that they may sketch what they saw and revisit it later when time has made it more sense.
izar is never entirely sure if their dreams are their own or if they are visions. there is a certain absurdist air to them both that makes it hard to distinguish between the two. at least, izar thinks if they were visions, then there would be a taste of copper in their mouth when they awake.
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vhampirtea · 1 year ago
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Hello, Hello! (Just an FYI, I am not a writer, so I'll try my best to describe Izar to the best of my abilities)
This is, Izar Estrede in both human and demon form.
Additional Facts :
-Pronouns: They/Them, She/Her
- Occupation: Musician / Singer. (Band's name,"Flor Lunar")
- Date: 1987 - 1928
Personality: They're a bit of a "Sly trickster" of some sort. They're Charismatic, improperly forward and a bit of a flirt. (A bit eccentric)
- Due to this, they can often be interpreted to be aloof, but that is not really the case sometimes. Zar, can be pretty compassionate and thoughtful once their guard is down. Albeit not an affectionate person, Zar does have their own odd way of showing that they care.
- Izar enjoys teasing & flirting with others, but if a person they consider close flirts back they'll get offended.
- Has a pretty odd and morbid sense of humor.
Voice Headcanon: Deep and raspy.
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izar-tarazed · 2 months ago
✨ Just wondering whether Izar might ever have tried to read her own fate from the stars—once they were moving again—, hoping for guidance and answers. The thought must have crossed her mind,
Maybe astrologers of the Lands Between have (or rather, had) some kind of codex that forbade them to do so, and she would hesitate for a long time before trying?
And... maybe she literally can't do it for herself because there is so much she doesn't know about her own past. She has nothing to go by but her own name and it might not be enough to base her calculations on.
Maybe she has tried—after finally working up the courage—and her calculations and measurements ended up showing her just a dark patch in the sky, or the smallest cluster of stars, not even belonging to any constellation in particular; a handful of stars meaning silence.
The irony of her being an astrologer with all her heart, her identity so strongly defined by her profession and her ability to read basically anyone's fate from the stars... yet her being unable to provide herself the answers she so desperately seeks.
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ohpollenpowder · 2 years ago
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So first on the block is Tarsicia! So here is what she looked like as of Personal Story! Didn't have her Olmakhan horns at the time, so these are the horns she had then. I tried to use skins that we had at the time, didn't bother doing that with colors though. On to the information!!!
She's a run-away cub from a Flame Legion outpost, doesn't hide her origin either, so she had a slightly more difficult time in the fahrar—the Blood Legion took her in at Blood Keep. Sargeim Ghostweld took care of her wounds—countless times—and eventually, she started giving back as good as she got. She got an addition to her reputation as being a Flame Legion cub, she was a bit of a pyromaniac herself. All unintentional, mind, when she got highly emotional, her Guardian flames would burst forth and take little heed in sparing her target.
Ended up at the Black Citadel to further her lessons as a Guardian, to try and get some control over her emotional state as well. At this time, her point of view of the world was very black-and-white; not so much in the good-vs-evil sense—though that is in there somewhere—but in the traditional Charr vs Humans and the Three Legions vs Flame. Think…kind of like a Paladin?
Got Rytlock's attention in the same way as story—the fight with Duke Barradin's ghost; the Ghost warband lost fewer members than the majority that was lost in story, however. Vuddat Ghosthammer, Ovidus Ghostreave, Zilol Ghostblade and Dolabella Ghostsoul were the ones she had the most interactions with. Out of the four, she got along best with the old and grumpy Ovidus, a Warrior and their Legionnaire.
The fight with the Duke left Ovidus gravely injured, so much so that he was "forced" to retire—he wouldn't spread it around, but he was ready to retire anyway. He chose Tarsicia as his replacement; Vuddat almost instantly challenged her for the role, to the death as his honor dictated. He was five years her senior, more experienced, and Ovidus' second-in-command at the time, so he had thought he was a shoo-in. Rytlock oversaw the fight, Tarsicia fought him to the point where Vuddat surrendered, and because of her morals (and not wanting to lose more bandmates), she turned her back on him to head to the side of the ring. He—of course—attacked her back and her Guardian flames completely engulfed him.
If we're being honest, the first time Tarsicia met the others in Lion's Arch, she was very skeptical—more so at old bridges being mended. But she also didn't care for any of them at first glance, very "judging the book by the cover" of her. Izar and Oiba were both very aloof, keeping to themselves. Nilo and Emrys were already talking up a storm with one another. And Nicoletta seemed to be a mixture of both.
She met Nicoletta again when they met up with their mentor—a group mentorship under Forgal. They found out after his death that Forgal had requested the both of them despite the fact it would double his workload. Nicoletta, she found, was actually shy and a bookworm but chose the Vigil to help her assertiveness and confidence. Tarsicia took her under her wing for that bit.
The dungeons were how she slowly got to know the others, though she did end up getting to know Nilo more quickly; twins, she found, were often attached at the hip. Nilo was the more confident/loud twin, but he had the problem of being overly confident as well. (Hint to his missing hand.) Izar, as it was, just held himself back out of fear of further abandonment. Raven eventually convinced him to try. Emrys and she bonded over professions, believe it or not, seeing as he was endlessly curious about her Guardian abilities. Oiba was the last she got to know—another shy sort—seeing as she mostly socialized with her pets when her nose wasn't buried in her research. But one of the things she was researching—and Tarsicia agreed to help with—is Guardian flames and how do they choose what they burn.
Claw Island was…hard. At least leaving it was. Izar and Emrys both had to hold her back as their mentors pulled the doors shut behind them. She wanted to go back and fight with them, not leave them. Still, she recognized their courage and sacrifice. Nicoletta often used the excuse that she was sad and needed comfort to curl up in Tarsicia's paws, but they both knew that it was Tarsicia that needed the comfort.
Trahearne… She had some misgivings of. He was a Necromancer, why couldn't he have done more in Orr. But when she saw the chaos of a fully-stocked, "natural" Risen environment, she quickly understood the magnitude of their sheer numbers. Still, it took until the cleansing for her to have true respect for him.
Zhaitan felt like a sigh of relief once the Elder Dragon fell, like they had been given more time. (lol) This was the first push of magic that hit them, and it affected them all like a terrible cold after the fight. Tarsicia was left with an awareness of her friends'—they're friends at this point, not yet a guild—locations and general state of mind. Helpful, but she didn't reveal this until Heart of Thorns when they got separated. As time went on—and more magic was absorbed—she's been able to add connections.
But that's jumping in time! So we'll stop with the ending of Personal Story for now. More details will be added in here and there, of course, once we have everyone to the end we'll start again and go on with Living World Season One stuff!
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azurexalacrity · 6 years ago
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( So… it’s come to my attention that I have possibly developed yet another space-related AU from the crevices of my creative mind. I’m not sure how exactly this one came to be, but I blame it on the idea of how I was thinking about Space Grump (AKA: The Sonic in my Space #2 AU) and what would happen if I were to reverse his whole alignment. Like to say if I were to make this spunky, lone-wolf, space pirate kind of guy and make it out to be someone who’s on the opposite side of the spectrum: A space cop.
However, the job this boy fills isn’t as perfect as he thought it would be… and this is where I start my whole outline for this alternate story.
The Milky-Way Galaxy is now in its advance space-age that us people in our current timeline would dream about: Giant starships to take us anywhere, traversing through planets that are now habitable to us, and now there are planets that have been terraformed and have civilizations built on top of them. It’s basically one would think of a space-like utopia. Yet, like what I said about things not being perfect, this lovely utopia is now taken over by a governmental force (now known as “The Hivemind.”).
This governmental force was supposed to keep things in line for the galaxy. To keep track of space pirates, people/aliens doing illegal actions, and make sure the galaxy is kept safe and sound. Unfortunately, a man known as Robotnik had shoes to fill in as the commander and has changed the utopia of this galaxy into a much more dangerous place.
Obviously, Ivo is one to seek power, and he sought power in taking control of this galaxy, making this government of his a full dictatorship. He made it so that this entire galaxy is thrown off the course of star maps and made sure that no one from another galaxy should trespass his galaxy or otherwise they would be… “hunted down.”
Annnd that is when our precious blue son of a gun comes into the picture:
His backstory is relatively the same as the one to Space AU #2, where he has the same parents (Nashira and Izar). Nashira is still the voice of reason in comparison to Izar, who’s still the kind of surrogate father to smuggle jewels and artifacts that don’t belong to him. And, of course, their poor son is stuck in the middle of this tug-of-war of it. Not for long, though.
The family was planning to head to another galaxy in order to explore, but they had, unfortunately, trespass into the Milky-Way. Robotnik didn’t take it so kindly, whether the fact of Izar smuggled some stuff of his or not. And thus, he planned to execute them for that reasoning. But, the thing is…
This one kid has an ability that he has never seen before. This one kid blasted his robot to smithereens just by smashing into it with a burst of wind. This one kid who seemed powerful at such a young age… and he wants to take advantage of that.
So, he separated the family to make sure they couldn’t contact nor see each other ever again. It didn’t matter to him where the kid’s parents would end up. All that mattered to him was that this kid wouldn’t be influenced to escape from his clutches.
And now that he has this kid in his clutches, he decides to do the next best thing: To place him right into his police force. Throughout the years, he has become much more powerful and now a powerful asset to Robotnik’s force. Whether he liked it or not, he’s now Robotnik’s weapon.
Now that Sonic (or dubbed as “Nic” in this AU by Robotnik) is much older and now is in prime with his training and speed, he’s now more aware of the situation he’s in and vows to escape Robotnik’s clutches and to create a resistance army of his own. So that he cannot only have freedom but for everyone else to have freedom too.
Oh! And also, he’s not alone in this AU compared to the Space Grump one. He has his good buddy; Tails! Tails is in charge of the weaponry of the police force and is the kind of guy to build gadgets for the group. The bad thing is that like said before, the police force is corrupt and Tails is forced to work for Robotnik.
The good thing, though? Is that Nic (or Sonic lol) is the one person to ever treat the poor kid right and make sure that he gets freedom as well. He would never let anyone hurt this kid, even if he gets hurt himself.
Sooo yeah, here’s another AU to add to the bunch! XD )
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monochrome-dust · 8 years ago
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My tinnitus is really bad right now and I can’t fall sleep, so a doodle where Bel is sitting on an invisible something-or-other and some thoughts about him (and a bit of the rest of his family) in the Deity AU:
Bel essentially guards the passageway connecting the living and the dead and is referred to by mortals simply as “The Gatekeeper” (whether an actual gate is involved I am undecided). 
With some exceptions, he is the only one that can allow entry or exit from either side and is tasked with keeping the souls of the dead from breaking out (or, in rarer cases, keeping the living from forcing their way to the dead). Thus, he is gifted with exceptional abilities (as all Gatekeepers before him), and particularly with powerful magic. However, it can sometimes be overwhelming for just one, hence his torn wing.
The realm of the dead has this atmosphere to it that is corrosive to mortals and even to higher deities that have not been accustomed to it. Because of this, deities presiding over death are oftentimes from one or related lines because they are born immune to this atmosphere (EX: all of the Erroi line would fall in this category)---not even Izar (who is probably a moon/star/other night-related deity) can stay for long periods of time.
Unfortunately, this also means that Bel can’t be in the realm of the living for long because he can’t tolerate the different atmosphere. It’s even worse for Erri (who I’m probably going to make the predominant death god), who can barely take a step outside before coughing up blood. Horrible for Bel because he sees glimpses of the living every time he opens the passageway, but shouldn’t be leaving his post unless it’s for work. Horrible for Erri because he’s just too curious and starved for contact for his own good.
Both of their jobs can be really stressful.
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