#( i love Rosalie and how she's a troll sometimes )
wcrldcfvtlvs · 2 months
You have (1) new email.
Dear friend,
I am Roberta. I know we haven’t spoken in over ten years and you probably don’t remember me but your email wound up in my list so I am sending you this aid request as well because I’m very desperate and sad and miserable and will cry. tHIS is because during my flight to norway the plane stopped at new zealand for transit and I lost all of my belongings while boarding because they took my luggage to a different plane. My passport was not in my bag and i need the sum of twoo hundred dollars to make a new one and confirm my identity to the local authoritries so theycab ket me go. My paypal is on the same email, i promise to pay you everything back adbif you need proof here is  apicture of the airport. Please, old friend, help me for old time’s sake I love you so much. 
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With desperation, 
Roberta from high school
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Checking emails was something Rosalie did often since it was part of her job to do so. Making sure VIP clients were taken care of, security patches were put through and so much more. However, she had to double-check the email she just received. Squinting at the screen Rosalie couldn't help but laugh. " Hey Gabe, come look at this. " Rosalie called over her shoulder, within seconds the voltaic knight summoned beside her, a rare occurrence for him to do so but with all the power Rosalie had acquired over the years, Gabriel was able to manifest a physical form.
Leaning over practically at a ninety-degree angle, Gabriel looked towards Rosalie. " You never told me you had a friend named Roberta, shouldn't you help them? " " Oh no Gabe, this is a scam, you tell by the typos, claiming to know me for ten-plus years. You know how my high school experience was, Lockhart hardly allowed me to have friends outside of Natalie and Sloane. My circle was small. Consider this cyber security 101. Typically you don't reply but I'm choosing chaos today. " Rosalie smirked as she placed her hand on the screen. Using her technopath abilities she did her best to trace back the source, hopefully she was able to make direct contact to the sender. If she was able to, they'd see the message:
Make sure the next time you try send a dumbass spam message, make sure you're not fucking around with a CYBER SECURITY MAJOR AND CEO OF A SECURITY COMPANY. GET MILLIE ROCKED IDIOT.😘 - R.A.A
Removing her hand from the screen she crackled her knuckles and turned her chair to finally face Gabriel. If the knight could, he'd raise a brow but she could already tell by the look on his face he was confused. " Don't worry Gabe, I was nice. " " I have a feeling you weren't. " " Yeah you're totally right, I was a bitch and I don't regret it. Maybe next time they won't screw with someone who is basically the queen of cyber security and a technopath. " The knight placed his claw like hands on Rosalie's head and gently ruffled her hair. " As long as you can't be tracked, it won't be a fair fight you choose to summon me, I might scare them, as you say humans says, shitless ."
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