#( but seriously hmu for any of these if you'e interested )
spitfcre-a · 6 years
supernatural creatures from the show and general lore that i would love to have threads based around:
from the show
any versions of a siren, succubus / incubus ect, creatures who seduce their victims in various ways playing on sexual energies and auras.
angels & archangels; or any variation of angel such as cupids or grigori ect. typically angels are warriors and/or messengers of god ranked in strength and influence by garrison.
nephilim; people born from the union of a human and an angel.
vampires; once human creatures who after transitioning into a vampire feed on humans for their blood.
werewolves; super-humans who can transform into wolves or wolf-like form according to the cycle of the moon, pureblood werewolves can transform whenever they like.
djinn or genies; supernatural cave dwelling hermits with tattooed skin that can produce powerful hallucinations in the minds of their human victims.
fae / faries including leprechauns and elves; creatures with magical abilities appearing usually in small human form.
witches / warlocks / magicians / sorcerers ect; humans born either with a natural ability for mastering magic or humans who teach themselves either one or multiple forms of magic.
shape-shifters & skinwalkers; creatures who can assume human and/or animal form sometimes shedding their skin to do so.
demons, including crossroad demons, knights of hell, ect; formerly humans who become damned, usually from selling their soul or from bad deeds in life, according to rank they’ll have either black, white, yellow or red eyes. they can possess humans and have super strength as well as other abilities.
ghosts; human spirits unable to pass on to either heaven or hell because of unfinished business, see also a woman in white; a female spirit who has been wronged in life, often by a man.
rugaru; humans who develop a taste for human flesh due to their genetic make-up.
shtriga; albanian witches who feed on the life forces of children.
nachzehrers, a combination of a vampire and a ghoul who tend to run in small packs.
crocotta; scavenger creatures who can mimic the voices of loved ones to lure in their victims to then feed on them.
from other / additional lore.
nix / vodayanoy / rusalki; variants of water spirits who use song or charm to lure in their victims with unmarried women and unbaptised children being the most susceptible to their influence. adult versions of these creatures will also take humans to be their mates or slaves (information found from john winchester’s journal).
baba yaga; a witch in slavic folklore that is depicted as either eating ‘innocent maidens’ or helping them.
bean nighe or washerwoman; old hag from scottish folklore that can predict death and answer any questions asked of it if the asker is able to answer three questions first completely truthfully.
fetch; a doppelganger from irish folklore that takes the form of someone about to die.
 baykok; skeletal creature from american folklore, they have sunken red eyes and ther screams freeze their victims in place before they devour them. baykoks are formerly human warriors who committed shameful acts in life (e.g: rape, incest, murder in cold blood) who’s remains must be given a proper burial to be defeated. 
pukwudgie; grey skinned goblins from wampanoag folklore known for mischievous and treacherous acts who can control the souls and bodies of humans they have killed.
el sombrerón; a handsome man dressed all in black with a black hat who seduces young women by playing a silver guitar rendering them helpless, when he has set his sights to a particular girl he takes them back to his home where he sings to keep them there while braiding their hair. 
culeabra; snake-like vampires who feed on their victims and can turn humans into a culebra from their venom.
dybbuk; an evil spirit or the wandering soul of a dead person believed in jewish folklore to enter and control a living body until exorcised by a religious rite.
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