#( but i didn't want you to wait any longer for our first interaction )
a-lightbaund · 2 years
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@guiltscorched asked:
"shoto. . ." dabi's voice is a rasp, low and mocking, dragging over the syllables of his brother's name. he never put much thought, before, into how he'd feel when he faced the person he never even really knew as family. it isn't all as easy as pure hatred, after all. "are you really prepared to do whatever it takes to stop me? you know i'm not going to give up, don't you?"
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Words alone wouldn't reach him, he knew that well, the all-consuming isolation to deafen one from anything kind. His actions had to be loud enough, to pierce through the veil of hatred Toya protected himself with. Because he knew the change one could bring within themself, if facing everything they had become. He wasn't the same as Midoriya, and he was feeling as he'd never catch up to him — to the gift he had of reaching one's deepest parts of their soul — but maybe he didn't need to be. There wasn't anyone who could see Toya as who he truly was, other than him. He was the one meant to fight him, because he used to be the same.
He shouldn't be beyond saving. Because he hadn't been. Because he was given a chance to change, maybe for this moment only. “ I know what's like to burn in rage. ” A hypocrite he must look like in his eyes. But Shoto was covered in scars too. Not scars the eye could find, other than the one their mother had given him, scars one could see with their heart, if still beating. He had been burning himself for so long, in a hopeless attempt to give his existence reason, even if it was for revenge, only to find, being born wasn't a curse. There was a path for him to follow, that led to this encounter. What was left of him, stood before Toya, carrying the wishes of his family, for both of them to return alive, and the support of his friends who believed in the hero he wanted to become. A hero to SAVE him.
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“ I'll stop you, right here. I won't let anyone else get caught in your flames! ”
3 notes · View notes
03jyh23 · 3 months
🌏⌇atlas┆song mingi
│part of goes to waste the series based on my favourite keshi songs
│listen here
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rapper!mingi x non-celebrity!reader
│synopsis: in the heart of bustling seoul, you and mingi shared a luxurious penthouse apartment. despite the grandeur, loneliness consumed you as mingi's skyrocketing fame distanced him from the loving boyfriend you once knew.
│genre: lovers to strangers, angst
│trigger warnings:  heartbreak (obviously), mature language, mention of past trauma and pain
│words: 8.9 k
│playlist: empty box an album by song mingi, tracklist: after hours, too late, killing me (english), wait, paranoid, drunk, lonely heart, empty box (english)
│reminder: what you’re about to read is purely fiction, so let’s keep it separate from reality.
!minors do not interact!
— hi there! finally, here's the next part of goes to waste series. i had to take some time off after publishing 2soon (check it if you haven't yet), which was a truly personal piece, but now i'm back! atlas is very loosely inspired by the song; it's more about the vibe the song gave me than the actual lyrics. i also changed the original synopsis quite a bit because i honestly didn't feel like sticking with the first version. same as with 2soon, i spent some time creating a playlist, and if you do decide to listen, i hope you enjoy the songs i've chosen. oh! and if you read through my small author notes, then you're lucky because i can finally reveal that both the reaper (jongho) and right here (yeosang) will be published as a mini-series (but only after finishing finding our way back)!
love, monika ♡
i’d be so grateful for a little love – a tagged reblog or comment would truly make my day!
│taglist: @skittyneos │@kyeos4ng │ @vcutparis │@hoeforalbedo
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You were sitting on a bed in the bedroom you shared with Mingi in your very own luxurious penthouse apartment in the bustling center of Seoul. It hasn't been long since you moved in here, but the vastness and elegance of the place made you feel even lonelier than ever. Mingi was out, performing at a sold-out arena show, and the glaring reality was that you weren't there to support him. It wasn't that you didn't want to attend; the painful truth was that he simply forgot to invite you—his girlfriend of the last 4 years, someone who had stood by his side through thick and thin. You looked at the floor, your eyes catching the sight of your suitcases and bags packed meticulously with your belongings, ready to move out of this once cherished home. The thing was, you couldn't quite leave without seeing Mingi one last time. Your heart ached at the thought of parting without a final goodbye, and it didn't let you go. You didn't know life without Mingi, and the prospect left you shit scared. The very thought of navigating through your days without his presence was enough to send shivers down your spine. However, you couldn't pretend any longer that Mingi hasn't changed. The boy you once fell in love with, who was caring, attentive, and always made you feel like the center of his universe, seemed to have vanished. In his place was someone distant, preoccupied, and seemingly indifferent to your feelings. You tried to rationalize his behavior, blaming it on the stress of his career and the constant pressure he was under, but deep down, you knew it was more than that. The connection you once shared felt like a distant memory, and the reality of who he had become was impossible to ignore. 
It all started not even a year ago. Mingi's song went viral on the internet, and he gained a massive following in a span of three days. From being an independent artist playing in clubs for maybe a couple of hundred fans, he went straight to signing a contract with a major company, making huge checks and selling out arenas in a span of minutes. The transformation was almost surreal. One day, you were cheering him on from small, dimly lit venues where you could see the sweat on his brow and the fire in his eyes as he performed. The next, he was being whisked away to luxurious studios and high-profile meetings with industry moguls. It felt like you were living in a dream—or a nightmare, depending on the moment. Suddenly, the simplicity of your shared life was replaced by a whirlwind of glitz and glamour. Mingi's phone never stopped buzzing with calls, texts, and notifications. Invitations to exclusive parties, collaborations with big names, and interviews with top media outlets flooded in. While his career skyrocketed, your relationship seemed to plummet into an abyss of neglect and misunderstanding. As he became more entrenched in his new world, you noticed changes in him. The boy who once couldn't wait to spend a quiet night in, watching movies with you was now constantly on the go, his calendar filled with events that didn't include you. The intimate conversations you used to have, were replaced by strained, hurried phone calls and text messages that felt more like obligations than genuine connections. Despite your best efforts to be supportive and understanding, the growing distance between you became an insurmountable chasm. Mingi's success had come at a steep price, and it felt like you were the one paying for it. The man you had known and loved for years was slowly slipping away, replaced by someone who seemed more like a stranger with each passing day. 
The night was getting later, and there was still no sign of Mingi. Maybe he wasn't planning to come back today; maybe he was too busy with his new rapper friends to even care to come back. You couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment and frustration. You glanced at your phone, hoping for a message or a missed call, but there was nothing. Well, it wouldn't be the first time he had left you waiting, feeling like an afterthought in his increasingly busy life. You tried to occupy yourself, turning on the TV and flipping through channels, but nothing could distract you. The boy who once couldn't stand to be away from you was now someone who seemed to have forgotten you existed.  
With every passing minute, the reality of your situation became clearer. Mingi might not come back tonight, tomorrow, or even the day after that. He was out there, living his life, while you were stuck in a place that no longer felt like home. You still vividly remember your first day in this apartment; it was a momentous occasion. Mingi had received his significant check from the tour ticket sales, as well as the royalties, just a week passed since, and you were moving into the luxurious space. The excitement and anticipation were palpable as you both looked forward to starting this new chapter in your lives together. You left your one-bedroom apartment with a tingle of sadness, each corner filled with cherished memories of the life you had built together. However, the excitement and anticipation of creating a new home in a spacious, luxurious penthouse overshadowed any melancholy you felt. You both dreamed of this moment, envisioning a future filled with endless possibilities and new adventures. The thought of decorating the new place, hosting friends, and building new memories brought a sense of joy and hope. It was a new chapter, a fresh start, and despite the nostalgia for your old apartment, the promise of what lay ahead made the transition feel like the beginning of something wonderful. So, you never thought you would be leaving this place like this. Heartbroken. The walls that once echoed with laughter and joy now felt cold and distant. Every corner of the penthouse, which had been a symbol of Mingi’s dreams and aspirations, now seemed to mock your pain. The spacious rooms that once brought a sense of freedom now felt like a labyrinth of sorrow. You recalled the countless evenings spent planning your future together, the whispered promises of forever, and the dreams you had woven into the very fabric of this home. Now, those dreams lay shattered, scattered like fragile pieces of glass. The weight of your decision to leave pressed heavily on your chest, making it difficult to breathe. You never imagined that the place which once brought you so much happiness would be the same place you'd have to walk away from. 
You promised yourself you wouldn't wait longer than 3 AM, and as the hour approached, you picked up all your belongings and took them to the hallway. Each step felt heavier than the last, the weight of your decision sinking in deeper with every passing second. You glanced once again across the apartment, taking in the memories etched into every corner of the space that once felt like a loving home. With a heavy heart, you left your keys on the kitchen counter. As you put your shoes on, you paused for a moment, feeling the finality of your actions. You were ready to turn off the lights and walk out of the door, the silence of the apartment echoing your own sense of abandonment. Just as you reached for the switch, the doors opened with a soft creak that seemed to reverberate through the entire space. 
There stood Mingi, his face pale and eyes wide with a mixture of shock and disbelief, as if he had seen a ghost. His presence, so unexpected and surreal in that moment, made your heart skip a beat. The silence between you was deafening, filled with the weight of unspoken words and unresolved emotions. For a split second, neither of you moved, as if frozen in time. 
"What is going on?" he asked, his eyes finding your gaze as he swallowed hard. 
You took a deep breath, feeling a lump form in your throat. "I can't do this anymore," you replied, your voice trembling. 
His expression shifted from confusion to concern. "What do you mean? What are you talking about?" 
"I mean us, Mingi. I'm not even a part of your life anymore," you said, tears welling up in your eyes. "I packed my bags. I'm leaving." 
Mingi's eyes widened in shock, and he took a step closer. "Leaving? No baby, you can't just leave." 
You shook your head, feeling the weight of the decision pressing down on you. "I deserve more than this. I'm done. We're done," you said, almost out of breath, your voice trembling with a mix of anger and sorrow. 
Mingi's face contorted with emotion, his eyes pleading as he reached out to you. "Please, let's talk about this," he said, desperation lacing his voice. 
You looked at him, your heart breaking all over again. "It's too late, Mingi," you responded, trying to keep your resolve strong even as tears streamed down your face. "I'm so sick of pretending everything's alright, that you haven't changed," you continued, your frustration bubbling to the surface. 
Mingi stepped closer, his hands reaching for yours, desperation evident in his voice. "What are you talking about? I'm still the same, I’m still your boyfriend who would do anything for you." 
You took a deep breath, your voice trembling as you confronted him. "Are you even aware my birthday was a week ago and you haven't showed up to the party?" 
Mingi's face fell, a look of guilt and realization washing over him. "I... I didn't know. I'm so sorry," he stammered, but the damage was already done. 
"So no, Mingi, you are not the same. My boyfriend would show up to my birthday party, hell he would organize it himself. And you know what you did that night? You were sitting in a fucking club with your fellow rappers doing God knows what," you spat, the pain in your words cutting through the air. "My boyfriend loved me, he wanted to spend time with me, he cherished me, he would never leave without kissing me and telling me he loves me," you said, your voice cracking. "You are not him." 
Mingi's shoulders slumped, the weight of his actions finally seeming to hit him. "I messed up. I know I did, and I'm so sorry," he whispered, his voice cracking. 
‘’Sorry is not enough,’ you took a deep breath, your eyes filling with tears. "I'm so sick and tired of justifying your shitty behavior in front of my parents, our friends, and most definitely myself. Every time they ask me where you are or why you're not around, I must come up with excuses. It's exhausting, and honestly, I'm tired of lying for you." 
Mingi's eyes filled with tears, his voice breaking as he whispered, "I never wanted to let you down. I know I've been distant, but I never stopped loving you." 
You shook your head, "You don’t love me, Mingi. Actions speak louder than words, and your actions have clearly shown me where I stand in your life. When was the last time you took me out, huh? When was the last time you asked me how I was doing? When was the last time you made love to me, not just fucked me after your show, huh?" you demanded, each question hitting him like a blow. 
Mingi's face crumpled as he absorbed your words. "I didn't realize... I thought you understood how busy I've been," he mumbled, his voice tinged with regret. 
"Busy? We all have busy lives. But love means making time, no matter what," you said, wiping away your tears. "I can't keep waiting for you to remember that." 
Mingi's tears began to flow freely, his voice barely a whisper. "Please, don't go. I promise I'll change, I'll make things right," he pleaded, but you could see the doubt in his eyes. 
"Since you went viral, you haven't even taken me to your shows, to the afterparties. I don't know your new friends. Do they know about me?" you asked, your voice rising with each word. Mingi's hesitation spoke volumes, and you felt another crack in your already shattered heart. "That's what I thought," you murmured, more to yourself than to him. "If they don't know about me, then maybe you don't want them to. Maybe that's why it's easier for you to forget I exist." 
Mingi's eyes widened, realization dawning on him. "No, it's not like that," he tried to argue, but the conviction in his voice was gone. The silence between you grew heavier, filled with all the things left unsaid over the past months. 
"Tell me honestly, now. You're rapping about fucking bitches and maybe that's really what you're doing in those clubs, huh?" you spat, the accusation hanging heavily in the air. 
Mingi's face paled, his eyes wide with shock and hurt. "How could you even accuse me of that?" he asked, his voice trembling with a mixture of anger and pain. "I would never do something like that to you. You mean everything to me." he stammered, his voice barely above a whisper. He took a step closer, desperation in his eyes. "I swear, it's not what you think. Those lyrics, they're just part of the persona. They don't mean anything." 
You let out a bitter laugh, the sound echoing through the silent apartment. "Is that supposed to make me feel better? That it's all just an act? Because it doesn't. It just makes me feel like I don't even know who you are anymore," you retorted, your voice trembling with emotion. "You spend all your time with these people, living this life that I'm not a part of. How am I supposed to believe you when you say it's not real?" 
Mingi's shoulders slumped, the weight of your words pressing down on him. "I know I've made mistakes. I know I've been distant, but I never wanted to hurt you. I thought you understood how much pressure I'm under," he said, his voice cracking. 
"Being under pressure doesn't give you the right to treat me like I don't matter," you shot back, wiping away the tears from your rosy cheeks. "You used to make me feel like I was the most important person in the world. Now, I feel like I'm just another obligation, something you can push aside when it suits you." 
Mingi's eyes lit up with a sudden realization. "Please give me a moment, I know what will make you stay," he said, his voice filled with a newfound sense of urgency. Before you could respond, he turned and rushed towards the bedroom. You stood there, your heart pounding in your chest as you listened to the sounds of Mingi frantically ruffling through drawers and opening cabinets. The noise grew louder, punctuated by the occasional clatter of objects being moved aside. After what felt like an eternity, Mingi emerged from the bedroom, his face flushed and his breath heavy. Clutched tightly in his hand was a small, elegant box. He walked towards you, his eyes never leaving yours, and with shaking hands, he opened the box to reveal a stunning, custom-made Tiffany engagement ring. 
"This... this is what I was waiting for," he said, his voice trembling with emotion. "I wanted everything to be perfect before I asked you. I know I've messed up, but please, give me one more chance. I love you, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you." Tears welled up in his eyes as he held the ring out to you, his entire being pleading for forgiveness and another chance. You stared at the ring, the weight of the moment pressing down on you as you tried to process everything. Mingi took a deep breath and then, in one fluid motion, he dropped to one knee, holding the ring up towards you. His eyes were filled with desperation and hope, the tears streaming down his face reflecting the sincerity of his words. "Y/N please, marry me," he whispered, his voice breaking. "I know I've been distant, and I know I've hurt you, but I want to make it right. I want to spend the rest of my life making it up to you, showing you how much you mean to me. Please, give me another chance." You stood there, your heart pounding in your chest as you looked down at Mingi, the man you had loved for so long, now kneeling before you with a ring in his hand. The future you have always dreamed of was right there in front of you, and you cried harder at the sight. The ring, a symbol of the life you had envisioned together, glittered in the dim light of the penthouse. It was everything you had ever wanted, yet the weight of the disappointments and heartbreaks made it difficult to embrace. The tears streamed down your face, mixing with the raw emotions that had been building up inside you. You couldn't help but think of all the broken promises, the lonely nights, and the feeling of being forgotten. The ring was beautiful, but it couldn't erase the pain that had accumulated over time. 
Mingi kneeled there in front of you, his eyes filled with a mixture of hope and desperation, waiting for your response."Now we have enough money to book the beach venue you dreamed of," Mingi started, trying to control his own tears. "I will order you a custom dress from the designer you told me about, inspired by the Disney princess you loved since you were little," he added, his voice trembling with desperation. "And we will go to Belize for our honeymoon," he continued, his words coming out in a rush. "We will rent a whole house by the beach, just like you always wanted. Every morning, we'll wake up to the sound of the waves, and every night, we'll fall asleep under the stars. There won't be a single day when I won't prove to you how much I love you," Mingi's voice cracked, his eyes pleading. "Please, give me another chance. Please marry me. I promise I'll be the man you fell in love with, the one who would move heaven and earth just to see you smile. We’ll make new memories, beautiful ones that will overshadow all the pain I’ve put you through. I swear, I'll spend every moment making it up to you, showing you that my love is real and unwavering. So please, please say yes." The image he painted was truly everything you ever wanted, the plans you made together on countless nights, dreaming of a future filled with love and happiness. The beach venue, the custom dress, the honeymoon in Belize—all of it was exactly what you had envisioned. It was as if he had taken every whispered wish, every secret hope, and turned them into a tangible reality. His words, filled with desperation and promise, tugged at your heartstrings, making you yearn for the life you had once believed was possible. The thought of waking up to the sound of waves, falling asleep under the stars, and creating new, beautiful memories was almost too tempting to resist. In that moment, you saw a glimpse of the life you had always wanted. You closed your eyes, taking a deep breath as you tried to steady your racing heart. The weight of the moment felt almost suffocating, but you knew you had to make a choice. When you opened your eyes again, you looked at Mingi, your voice barely above a whisper, 
"I can't," you choked out, your voice barely above a whisper. The words felt like shards of glass slicing through the air. You saw the hope in Mingi's eyes flicker and fade, replaced by a look of utter devastation. His shoulders slumped as he dropped completely to the floor, the ring slipping from his grasp and falling to the floor with a loud echo. You heard him cry out in agony, and it broke your heart all over again, shattering it completely. For a moment, the silence was deafening, filled only with the sound of your ragged breaths and Mingi's soft sobs. You stood there, frozen, the weight of your decision pressing down on you like a physical force. Every fiber of your being wanted to rush to him, to take back the words and make everything alright, but you knew deep down that it was too late. 
Mingi's tears flowed freely now, his face a portrait of anguish. "Please, don't go," he pleaded, his voice raw with desperation. "I need you. I don't know what I'll do without you." 
"I'm so sorry, Mingi," you said, your voice trembling as you took a step back. "I wish things could be different, but I can't keep living like this." 
Mingi looked up at you, his eyes red and swollen with tears. "Please, don't leave me," he pleaded, his voice cracking with desperation. "I can't lose you. I'll do anything to make it right, I swear." 
You shook your head, "It's not about what you can do, Mingi. It's about what you haven't done." With a heavy heart, you turned towards the door, picking up your bags. Each step felt like a thousand, the weight of your decision making it almost unbearable to move. As you reached the door, you paused, looking back at Mingi one last time. The sight of him, broken and pleading, was almost too much to bear. "Goodbye, Mingi," you whispered, your voice barely audible. "I hope you come across something more than better, something that brings you true happiness and fulfillment. And I’m so sorry it’s not me." With those final words, you turned the knob and stepped out into the hallway, closing the door softly behind you. The echo of the door click reverberated through the empty penthouse, a stark reminder of what you were leaving behind. 
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eight months later
It was a Saturday evening, and you were lying in your bed, scrolling through TV channels because apparently your best friend forgot to pay for your Netflix subscription. These past months, you were figuring your life out from the base. With your breakup, everything changed. You were now living in a small apartment, shared with two of your friends to make the rent cheaper. You hadn't saved up much while being with Mingi, mainly taking part-time jobs to be available whenever Mingi needed your help with his career—booking a venue, simply helping around with scanning tickets or delivering merch. You used to spend your days running errands and managing small tasks that kept his career afloat, and in return, he assured you that you didn't need to worry about your own income. Then, when the money came, he simply wouldn’t let you work, claiming what was his was yours, and he had more than enough. His generosity was comforting, but it also left you unprepared for the financial independence you now had to face. So apart from dealing with the heartbreak, you’ve also been struggling a bit with a reality without him. 
Now, as you lay in your small bedroom, you couldn't help but reflect on how drastically your life had shifted. The luxurious apartment you once shared with Mingi was now a distant memory, replaced by this compact space that you now called home. It was filled with laughter and companionship from your two friends, but it also served as a constant reminder of Mingi’s absence. 
The breakup had not only shattered your heart but also forced you to reevaluate your priorities and rebuild your life from scratch. Every day was a struggle to find your footing, to rediscover who you were without Mingi, and to carve out a path for yourself. Despite the challenges, you were slowly learning to embrace this new reality, one step at a time. 
After a long search, you finally stumbled upon a music award show where a band you liked was performing, and you found yourself intrigued. A few other performances passed; the MC announced they would reveal the winner for the Album of the Year in the rap category. Despite trying to ignore all updates about Mingi, you knew he had released a new album earlier this year, so seeing him being nominated didn’t surprise you. You couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions as his name was mentioned. You saw him through your TV screen, his hair now cut short and dyed a vibrant pink, a stark contrast to his previous look. His nose was pierced, and you must admit it made him look even hotter. He was wearing a sleek black blazer with nothing underneath, the simplicity of his outfit highlighting his confidence. He looked absolutely gorgeous, his features as handsome as ever, capturing your attention completely. You couldn’t help but smile, a wave of nostalgia and admiration washing over you. Your heart began to beat faster with the excitement and joy of seeing him again. 
And of course, Mingi won. You didn’t know exactly why, but you couldn’t help yourself—you clapped your hands enthusiastically. You were so incredibly proud of him and his achievement. With a wide smile on his face, he stood up from his seat, took a deep breath, and confidently hopped on stage. He walked over to the microphone, adjusted it to his height, and paused for a moment to gather his thoughts. "Thank you, everyone," Mingi began, his voice steady but filled with emotion. "This album means the world to me, and it wouldn't have been possible without the incredible team behind me and the fans who have supported me through everything." He paused, taking a deep breath before continuing. "I want to dedicate this award to someone very special to me, someone who was with me since my early days." Mingi's words hung in the air, and you felt a lump form in your throat. You knew he was talking about you. The memories of your time together, the sacrifices you made, and the dreams you shared all came rushing back. Despite the pain and heartbreak, a part of you was deeply touched by his acknowledgment. He continued, "I know I've made mistakes, and I've hurt the only person I have ever loved. But this album represents a journey of growth and redemption. It's about learning from those mistakes and becoming a better person." The audience applauded, but your mind was elsewhere, lost in the whirlwind of emotions Mingi's speech had stirred within you. You couldn't help but wonder if he truly had changed, if he had finally realized the impact of his actions. As the applause died down, Mingi took a step back, holding the award close to his chest. He looked directly into the camera, his eyes seemingly searching for yours through the screen. "You know," Mingi continues, "this special person told me that since I gained popularity, I’ve been only rapping about fucking bitches, and she hated that." Mingi smiled and looked at the award in his hands. "So, with this album, I came back to my roots, to lyrics that truly mattered and reflect who I am." As the applause echoed around him, Mingi took a deep breath, feeling the weight of his words and the emotions they carried. He remembered the countless nights he spent writing, the struggles he faced, and the moments of doubt. "I don’t know where she’s at now, what she’s doing," he paused, running a hand through his hair, his eyes filled with regret "I wanted to be a man and respect her decision to leave me, so I never reached out." His voice cracked, the weight of his words sinking in "Because the truth is she deserves way better than me." He swallowed hard, his eyes glistening with unshed tears "I don’t even know if this will reach her, but if it does, I just want her to know that I still, very much love her." A tear finally escaped, rolling down his cheek "And that life without her is shit." He took a deep breath, his voice barely a whisper. He glanced around, seeing familiar faces of fellow artists and friends who knew his story then he looked straight at the camera. "So, to my ex, to the one I prayed to end up with, thank you for breaking my heart. This one is for you." He raised his award and bowed. As he left the stage, you couldn't help but feel a surge of mixed emotions. The love you once shared was still there, buried beneath the pain and heartbreak, but his words made you wonder if there might still be a chance for redemption and healing. You sat there, stunned and overwhelmed, tears streaming down your face. The raw emotion in Mingi's speech had reopened old wounds, but it also made you question if there was a possibility for a new beginning. 
Too caught up in your thoughts, you didn't notice when the cameras started to broadcast live from backstage. An elegant reporter, dressed in a chic green dress, stood waiting with a microphone in hand. Her eyes sparkled with anticipation as she spotted Mingi approaching, clutching his award tightly. She greeted him with a warm smile and a nod, gesturing for him to join her on a plush, cream-colored couch set up for the interview. As Mingi took his seat next to her, the reporter's smile widened. "Congratulations, Mingi, on your incredible win tonight!" she began, her voice smooth and professional. "How does it feel to take home the Album of the Year award?" 
Mingi took a deep breath, trying to steady his emotions. "It feels surreal," he admitted, his voice slightly hoarse from the whirlwind of emotions he had experienced on stage. "This album was a labor of love and a journey of self-discovery. Winning this award means the world to me." 
The reporter nodded; her expression empathetic. "You've mentioned that this album, Empty Box, holds a lot of personal significance. Can you tell us more about the inspiration behind it?" 
"The title of the album, Empty Box, symbolizes a metaphorical space where I have placed all the love I couldn’t give, oh god I hate to call her that but, to my ex-girlfriend." Mingi's eyes welled up with tears, and he swallowed hard. "It encompasses not just the love, but also our unfulfilled dreams, the cherished memories we created together, and the mistakes we made along the way." He paused, taking a moment to gather his thoughts, his emotions visibly overwhelming him. This album reflects my journey, regrets, and lessons I've learned. Each song is a chapter of that story, a piece of my heart that I hope resonates with those who listen." He took a deep breath, his voice cracking as he continued, "I wanted to create something that speaks to the pain of losing someone you love, the guilt of not being able to give them what they deserve, and the hope that maybe, just maybe, we can all find a way to heal from our past mistakes." Mingi's eyes were filled with a mix of sorrow and determination as he spoke, his words carrying the weight of his emotions. He looked directly into the camera, his eyes searching for a connection with those who might be watching. "To anyone out there who feels like they've messed up, like they've lost their way, I want you to know that you're not alone. We all make mistakes, we all have regrets, but that doesn't mean we can't find a way to move forward. This album is my way of reaching out, of saying that it's okay to feel broken, it's okay to struggle, but it's also okay to hope for a better tomorrow." 
The reporter nodded, her eyes reflecting the depth of Mingi's words. "Thank you for sharing such a personal journey with us, Mingi. Your honesty and vulnerability are truly inspiring." She paused for a moment, letting his words resonate with the audience. "What's next for you? Are there any upcoming projects or plans you'd like to share?" 
Mingi took a deep breath, a small smile breaking through his tear-streaked face. "Right now, I just want to take some time to reflect and reconnect with myself. But I promise, there's more music to come, and I hope to continue growing both as an artist and as a person." 
The reporter's eyes sparkled with curiosity as she leaned in slightly. "Is this album some type of closure for you? Are you ready to go out there and find love again? I bet there's plenty of girls, or guys who would die to have a chance with you." 
Mingi took a moment to reflect, his eyes distant. "In many ways, this album has been therapeutic for me. It's allowed me to process my emotions and come to terms with my past. As for finding love again, I think it's important for me to focus on healing and personal growth first. Love is a beautiful thing, but it requires a strong foundation." 
The reporter nodded, her smile warm and understanding. "Thank you for your honesty, Mingi. Your journey is truly inspiring, and I'm sure your fans appreciate your openness." 
Mingi smiled back, a glimmer of hope in his eyes. "Thank you. I'm grateful for the support." With that, the interview concluded, and Mingi stood up, shaking the reporter's hand before walking away. As the camera panned out, you turned off the TV, your mind racing with thoughts and emotions. And you knew you needed to see him again. You've been staying strong since you left him, but now, the wall crashed down and you couldn't stop your racing heart, you couldn't prioritize your mind screaming at you not to do it. The memories of your time together flooded back with an overwhelming force, each one more vivid than the last. The late-night conversations, the shared dreams, the laughter, and even the fights—they all played in your mind like an old movie reel. Despite the pain and the heartbreak, you couldn't deny the love you still felt for him, a love that had been buried but never truly extinguished. Your emotions were a tangled mess, a mix of longing, fear, hope, and regret. You thought about the life you once envisioned with him, the future that seemed so bright and full of promise. Would it still be possible? Could you find a way to rebuild what was broken, to heal the wounds that had festered for so long? As you sat there, your heart pounding in your chest, you knew that you couldn't ignore these feelings. It was as if something was pushing you towards him, giving you a nudge to take a step towards reconciliation. The thought of seeing him again both terrified and excited you, but you knew that you had to follow your heart. With trembling hands, you picked up your phone and stared at the screen, your mind racing with a thousand thoughts. Should you call him? Text him? Show up at his door? You took a deep breath, trying to steady your nerves, and made your decision. You were going to see him. 
You run to your closet, your heart racing with anticipation and anxiety. You put on a hoodie as the autumn air was getting colder, layered a denim jacket on top for extra warmth, and decided to go. Living on the opposite side of the city now, getting to Mingi's place would take more than an hour, but you didn't mind the long journey. As you left your room, one of your roommates looked at you, her eyes filled with curiosity. 
"So, I guess you heard the speech?" she asked, a knowing smile playing on her lips. You could feel the pride welling up inside you, making you even more determined to reach Mingi and share your feelings with him. 
"Yeah, I did," you replied, your voice trembling with emotion. "I need to see him." 
"Honey, I know you want to, but don't forget why you left him in the first place," she said gently, her eyes filled with concern. "You were heartbroken and exhausted. It took so much strength for you to walk away and start rebuilding your life." She paused, her expression softening. "I understand that his speech stirred up a lot of emotions, but please, think carefully about this. Remember all the nights you cried yourself to sleep, all the broken promises. Just don't lose sight of why you made the decision to leave. You deserve to be happy and to find someone who truly values and respects you." 
You nodded, taking her words to heart. "I know, and I won't forget. But I need to know if things can be different now. It's just, I am so proud of him, and I just wish he knew that" you whispered to your roommate, your voice filled with a mix of hope and determination. Your roommate, who had been silently listening, came closer, her eyes reflecting concern and empathy. "I know we've been through so much, and the pain was unbearable at times. But seeing him up there, pouring his heart out, made me realize that a part of me still cares deeply for him. I can't ignore these feelings. I spent so many nights crying myself to sleep, feeling hurt and abandoned, but maybe he's changed. Maybe he's truly learned from his mistakes. I need to see for myself if there's a chance for us to rebuild what we once had, to heal together and find a way back to each other." 
Your friend reached out, gently squeezing your hand, her touch offering a silent reassurance. Her eyes softened as she spoke, "I understand why you feel this way. It's not easy to let go of someone you love, especially when there's still a part of you that believes in him. But you need to be sure that he's really changed, that he's willing to put in the effort to make things right this time." 
You nodded, feeling a lump form in your throat. "I just wish he understood that despite everything, I don't hold any grudges. I want him to know that I forgive him and that I'm willing to give him another chance if he's ready to make things right." Your voice trembled slightly, the weight of your emotions making it difficult to speak. 
Your roommate gave you a warm, encouraging smile. "You have a big heart, and it's clear that you still care about him deeply. Just make sure you protect yourself too. If he's really changed, he'll show you through his actions, not just words. Take it one step at a time and trust your instincts. You deserve to be happy, and if giving him another chance feels right to you, then follow your heart." Her words offered a sense of comfort and clarity, helping to ease the turmoil inside you. You took a deep breath, feeling a renewed sense of hope. 
"Thank you," you said, your voice filled with gratitude. "I need to do this for myself, to know if there's still a chance for us." With that, you hugged your best friend and stepped out into the autumn night. 
The journey to Mingi's place felt like an eternity, each passing moment filled with a mixture of anticipation and fear. As the bus drew closer to his building, you couldn't help but feel a surge of doubt. What if this was a mistake? What if you were setting yourself up for more heartache? But the memory of Mingi's heartfelt speech and the love you still felt for him pushed you forward. 
When you finally arrived, you stood outside his door, taking a deep breath to steady your nerves. With a trembling hand, you knocked, the sound echoing through the hallway. To your surprise, the door is opened by an elderly man, dressed in an elegant suit. His eyes widen in surprise as he sees you standing there. "Good evening, sir," you say hesitantly, trying to mask your confusion. "I’m sorry for the late visit but I'm here to see Mingi. Is he already back?" The man's expression shifts from surprise to bewilderment. 
"I'm sorry," he replies, his voice carrying a hint of confusion. "But I believe you have the wrong address. Nobody by the name of Mingi lives here." He looks at you sympathetically, as if trying to help you figure out your mistake. 
Your heart sank, and you felt a wave of confusion wash over you. "But this was his address," you murmured, feeling lost. 
The elderly man gave you a kind smile, "I moved in here few months ago, maybe he was a previous owner of this apartment?" 
Your heart sank even further as you realized that Mingi had moved. "Thank you," you said softly, turning away from the door, feeling a mix of disappointment and confusion. As you walked back to the bus stop, the doubt began to creep in again. Maybe meeting with him would be a mistake? The universe seemed to be throwing obstacles in your path, as if trying to tell you something. Perhaps it was a sign that some things are better left in the past, that moving forward meant leaving certain chapters closed. You couldn't help but think about all the reasons you left in the first place, the pain and the heartbreak that led you to this very moment. Was it worth reopening old wounds for a chance that things might be different? As you boarded the bus, you decided to give it one last shot, you took your phone out. You scrolled through your contacts and found Mingi's number, your finger hovering over the call button. Taking a deep breath, you pressed it and held the phone to your ear, your heart pounding as it began to ring. After a few moments, you heard a familiar message on the other end, "The number you have dialed no longer exists." 
The automated message echoed in your ear, a stark reminder of the distance that now separated you from Mingi. You pulled the phone away, staring at the screen in disbelief. How could it be? You had been so certain that reaching out to him was the right thing to do, but now, it felt like the universe was conspiring against you. You tried calling again, but the same message played, confirming that Mingi's number had indeed been disconnected. A sense of finality washed over you, making the reality of the situation sink in even deeper. It felt as if a door had been firmly closed, leaving you standing on the outside, unable to reach the person you once held so dear. As you sat back on the bus, the city lights blurring past the window, you couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions. Disappointment, sadness, and a lingering sense of what could have been. The memories of your time together replayed in your mind, each one a bittersweet reminder of the love you had lost. Deep down, you knew that this might be the universe's way of telling you to let go, to move forward with your life. With a heavy heart, you put your phone away and leaned back in your seat, taking a deep breath. As the bus continued its route, you gazed out at the city, the lights flickering like distant stars.  
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six months later
You just started your shift; the day was going to be long and tiring. With holidays fast approaching, people were buzzing to buy new goods. You were working as a manager in one of the luxury shopping centers, a position that demanded a great deal of patience and resilience. The opulence of the surroundings was a stark contrast to the stress that came with the job. The elegant displays and high-end brands attracted a clientele that was demanding and often indifferent to the staff's efforts. Managing a team in such an environment was no small feat. You had to ensure that everything ran smoothly, from inventory management to customer service. The rich customers, with their endless requests and high expectations, often tested the limits of your endurance. They seemed to suck the life out of you, leaving you drained by the end of the day. Yet, you couldn't afford to show any signs of fatigue. Your role required you to maintain a calm and composed demeanor, addressing complaints with a smile and ensuring that every shopper left satisfied. The holiday season only amplified the challenges. The influx of customers meant longer hours and heightened pressure. Each day felt like a marathon, with waves of shoppers flooding in, eager to make their purchases. The store was a hive of activity, with sales associates rushing to assist customers, restock shelves, and manage transactions. Amidst the chaos, you had to keep a watchful eye, ready to step in whenever issues arose. 
You were on your way to the staff area to take a break for lunch, feeling exhausted from the busy morning shift. The holiday rush had turned the shopping center into a whirlwind of activity, and you were grateful for a brief break. Just as you were about to reach the staff area, one of your co-workers called out your name. You rolled your eyes, already anticipating another request or issue that needed your immediate attention. With a deep breath, you turned to face her, trying to mask your frustration with a polite smile. 
"I'm really sorry to bother you, but we have a situation that requires your expertise. There's a particularly demanding customer, and the supervisor has tried everything but just can't seem to handle it. She asked me to find you because we really need your help with this. Would you mind stepping in to assist? I know you're on your way to lunch, but it would mean a lot to us." 
You sighed internally, knowing that this was part of the job. "Alright, lead the way," you replied, forcing a reassuring smile. Following your co-worker, you mentally prepared yourself for yet another challenging interaction, hoping that it wouldn't take too long so you could finally enjoy your much-needed break. 
She led you to one of the private dressing rooms. From a distance, you could hear a female voice demanding something from her, you supposed, boyfriend. "Oh baby, what do you think about this one?" you heard as you approached the door. Your heart skipped a beat when you recognized the voice that responded—it was Mingi. You stopped in your tracks, your mind racing. The reality of seeing him again, and with someone new, hit you like a ton of bricks. But you took a deep breath, steadied yourself, and pushed forward, opening the door to the dressing room. Inside, you saw Mingi standing next to a woman who was examining herself in the mirror, holding up an elegant dress. The room was filled with an awkward tension as Mingi's eyes met yours. For a moment, time seemed to stand still, the memories of your past flooding back with a vivid intensity. 
Mingi's expression shifted from surprise to a mix of emotions—confusion, regret, and perhaps a hint of longing. The woman, oblivious to the charged atmosphere, continued to admire herself in the mirror, adjusting the dress and waiting for Mingi's opinion. 
You felt like the air was taken out of your lungs. He was here, standing before you, after so much time had passed. Memories of your time together flooded back, each one more vivid and overwhelming than the last. You had to swallow hard and clench your fist to keep the act up, to maintain your composure in front of him and his new girlfriend. The mix of emotions inside you—shock, longing, regret—threatened to break through, but you knew you had to stay professional. This was your job, your life now, and you couldn't let the past disrupt it. "Excuse me madam, I’m a manager here," you said, your voice steady despite the turmoil inside. "Is there anything I can assist you with?" 
"Oh yes, we've been looking forward to buying the limited-edition shoes from the new collection," she said, her eyes lighting up with excitement. 
You took a deep breath at her words, trying to maintain your professionalism. "I'm really sorry to inform you about this, as my coworker already told you, madam, the shoes I believe you are referring to are only available for special order." 
Her enthusiasm faltered slightly, replaced by a look of disappointment. "Special order? Is there any way we can place one now?" 
"Unfortunately, the special-order period for those shoes has already ended," you explained gently. "They were available for a limited time, and we are currently out of stock. However, we do have a selection of other exclusive items that might interest you." 
You caught Mingi's eyes boring into you, his face pale and expression frozen. He stood still, as if rooted to the spot, and he seemed to not even breathe. The intensity of his gaze sent a wave of emotions crashing over you, each one more overwhelming than the last. You felt your eyes watering, a rush of emotions threatening to spill over. You blinked quickly, trying to get rid of the tears and maintain your composure. This was neither the time nor the place to let your feelings show, but the sight of him, so close yet so distant, made it nearly impossible to hold back the tide of emotions. 
The girl in front of you sighed, clearly disheartened by the news. Mingi, sensing her disappointment, placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. "It's all right," he said softly. "Let's take a look at what else they have. I'm sure you can find something you'll love." 
She turned to you with a sharp expression, her tone shifting to one of impatience. "Do you even know who my boyfriend is?’’ 
You swallowed hard, forcing a polite smile despite the tension. "Yes, madam, I'm well aware. Please allow me to show you some other exclusive items that might catch your interest."  
"Baby, won't you do something about it?" She once again turned to Mingi, her voice carrying a hint of frustration, but his eyes never left yours, the unspoken words hanging heavily in the air between you. 
Mingi shifted uncomfortably, his eyes meeting his girlfriend for a brief moment before he turned to you again. "I'll see what I can do," he said softly, trying to soothe her. 
You took a deep breath, gathering your professionalism. "As I mentioned earlier, the special-order period has ended, and we are out of stock for the limited-edition shoes. However, if you'd like, I can take your contact information and notify you if any new limited editions become available in the future." 
The woman sighed, clearly not satisfied, but nodded reluctantly. "Fine, let's do that then." She handed you her information, and you quickly jotted it down, aware of Mingi's gaze still lingering on you. 
"Thank you for your understanding," you said, handing back her details. "Is there anything else I can assist you with today?" 
She shook her head, her disappointment evident. "No, that's all. Come on, baby, let's go." As they turned to leave, Mingi hesitated for a moment, his eyes locking with yours one last time. You could see the unspoken words and the regret in his gaze, you silently hoped he would say something, anything. You gave him a small, professional nod, and without a word, he turned away, following his girlfriend out of the dressing room. Once they were gone, you let out a breath you hadn't realized you were holding. 
You realized that the man you loved was no more. Instead, you met with someone who wore his face, who had his voice. Someone who was a stranger. The warmth that once radiated from his eyes was now replaced by an unfamiliar coldness. It was as if time had reshaped him into a different person, one that you could no longer recognize. The memories of your past seemed like a cruel illusion, a reminder of what once was and what could never be again. You realized with a heavy heart that the essence of the man you fell in love with had faded, leaving behind a mere shadow of who he used to be. 
Don't talk to strangers, they say, or you might fall in love. And when that love fades, those familiar faces turn into strangers once more. The irony of it all stung deeply. The very person who once knew you inside and out had become an enigma, a puzzle with pieces that no longer fit. As you watched him walk away, hand in hand with someone new, you couldn't help but feel a profound sense of loss. The man you once knew, the man you once loved, was gone. And in his place stood a stranger who bore his likeness but none of the familiarity. 
The journey of love had taken you full circle, bringing you back to a place of solitude and reflection. The lessons learned were etched deeply into your soul, a testament to the transient nature of relationships. You couldn't help but wonder if you would ever recognize that familiar face again, or if he would forever remain a stranger, a fleeting memory in the tapestry of your life. 
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jo-harrington · 8 months
Standard Operating Procedures 1.05 (Eddie Munson x Store Manager!Reader)
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Summary: It's a normal Sunday night. You're just going over to have dinner, smoke, and listen to music. It's not a date. What could possibly go wrong?
Previous Part: Standard Operating Procedures 1.04
Warnings/Themes: AU where the Upside Down doesn't terrorize Hawkins. Reader works at the Claire's at StarCourt. Eddie works at TapeWorld. Mutual pining, alcohol and drug use (wine, beer, and weed), R has a minor panic attack while high, fluff, lighthearted smut (petting/groping/dry humping), minor angst, misunderstandings and miscommunication, driving probably a little under the influence, slight anachronism (slapping the bag)
Note: Big note for this one if you've read the most recent installations of SMVerse that I've posted...this is NOT in chronological order. SM and Eddie are not together in this one, we are rewinding back before Closing Time. This chapter and the next one are both a little longer and have been lingering in my head for quite a long time. Almost a year. So without further ado, please enjoy SOP 1.05.
You can find my masterlist here for more featuring our resident Store Manager and all of my other writing.
Please do not interact if you are not 18+.
Sundays were your favorite days, hands down.
They sort of always had been, even before moving to Hawkins. Now, though, you had an extra special reason why they were your favorite.
Sundays meant that you could be yourself after you clocked out. They meant standing in the mirror and wiping away the layers of glitter eyeshadow and scented nail polish off. They meant shedding the overly sparkly jewelry from work and the trendy clothes from the JCPenney or Madigan's Juniors department that were definitely cut for a teenage body.
No matter how young you still were, you just weren't sixteen anymore.
You could finally breathe a little easier.
No more Dress to Impress, no more preppy popular girl, no more customer service voice.
Sundays meant freedom.
Lately, part of that freedom meant walking out of the store, taking the most freeing breath you could, and walking right up to your crush best friend so you could spend those last few dying hours of the weekend together.
Shooting the breeze, laughing, and getting to know one another. Getting to really see one another.
Tonight, though, there was just this cloud hanging over you as you stood in the store's bathroom after hours and shucked off the plaid vest and fashionably unmatched skirt you'd chosen for the day in favor of a t-shirt and comfy stirrup pants.
Summer was over, school was back in session, and you hadn't gotten to see Eddie as much as you normally did.
Which, in the grander scheme of things, a lot of things changed with the new school year starting: a bunch of your associate's schedules changed, a few of them even left town for college, and business started to slow a little during the week for the first time since the store opened.
Still, you missed him.
It felt weird from practically seeing him every day to only seeing him in passing or on the weekends.
What if he didn't want to be friends anymore?
Well, that was just silly. Some remnant of fear about the fickleness of your friends memories in childhood. Besides, the first shift after school started back up, he immediately came running to your store and talked your ear off about the new kids that he forced to join Hellfire.
"God, they're such losers," he reminisced with a sparkle in his eye and a smile on his lips. "They have so much potential. I can't wait for you to meet them."
Tonight though...
Tonight was like any normal night; you were getting together after the mall closed and picking up pizza.
However, instead of any of your usual haunts or shenanigans in and around Hawkins, Eddie insisted you come over to his place. Totally normal.
"And we can smoke," he added as an afterthought.
"You know I don't smoke Eddie," you reminded him. "My grandpa and his crackly lungs? I've taken him to enough doctor's appointments."
"Doesn't stop you from sucking up the air around me when I'm having a cigarette on break. No. I mean smoke. Reefer. Weed. Jesus, don't act ignorant Miss Goody Two Shoes."
"Excuse me," you choked. "How am I Miss Goody Two Shoes?"
"Because," he began with dramatic emphasis. "For all of your stories about garage beers and parties that your work friends dragged you to, you've never mentioned partaking in any sort of illicit substances. You're being obtuse on purpose or you're afraid."
You were caught like a deer in the headlights.
"I...I'm not."
And you weren't; it wasn't fear. It was just...inexperience.
Back home you were always careful, even when you hung around friends from school or work; with your overprotective father and uptight mother and two brothers who wouldn't hesitate to rat you out if they found out you broke some kind of rule? It would be over.
So you never got too wild at parties. Disheveled clothes could be straightened, and you could pretend that swollen lips were just a side effect of getting a little sick. You never drank more beer than whatever made you feel a little floaty if you weren't sleeping over at a friends. And you never smoked weed.
Ok so it was fear, in a way; residual fear. Just not the way Eddie thought.
"Hey, don't worry," Eddie said in the most understanding way he could. "You just tell me and I'll drop it, if you're afraid."
You wanted to tell him, wanted to explain it, but in a moment of reflection and wanting to assuage his worries, defiance got the better of you and you told him that you weren't afraid and it would all be fine.
You were going to be with him; you never needed to be afraid when you were with him.
Now though, staring at yourself in the mirror as you got ready to go and meet Eddie you realized you might have made a mistake.
Hanging out with your crush friend alone at his place? Fine. Sitting close on the couch as you ate pizza and listened to music? Cool. Drinking and smoking together, knowing that you got a little bit chatty when you loosened up a little bit under the influence? Uhm.
What could possibly go wrong?
The spread that you and Eddie had created was impressive.
Pizza and a six pack and red vines and...and...and...
Eddie was usually very thorough when it came to providing snacks or planning outings where you could get a nice little treat together. Tonight it was partially your fault.
You'd originally planned just to drive to his place after work and the pizza would be delivered, but he said that when he'd called to place the order at Lou's--large pepperoni and a box of cannoli--they told him that the delivery driver was out. Takeout only.
But then he also forgot to stop at Bradley's for soda.
So you offered to go to Bradley's while he picked up the pizza, and you might have gone overboard.
Soda and a box of wine and peanut m&m's and...and...and...
"And you say that I'm bad," Eddie scoffed as you walked in, arms laden with shopping bags.
"Excuse me, this is the once in a blue moon you let me pay for anything, I'm gonna take advantage of it."
Wayne was still home getting ready for his shift when you got there and he simply shook his head at your bickering with a fond smile, then pilfered a little of everything for his own dinner before leaving you both to it.
Once he was gone, the festivities began.
You were both overzealous, talking a mile a minute over each other about your days as you set up for the night. Eddie divvied out food--creating a plate that reminded you of the Peanuts' Thanksgiving feast, overflowing with multicolored candies and popcorn and pizza slices--as you took care of the drinks.
You were a little smug that you got to teach Eddie something during these little Sunday night not-dates for once.
"Where did you learn this?" he asked skeptically as you ripped into the cardboard box. "What even is Franzia? Sounds fancy."
"It is the least fancy thing you can get," you grinned maniacally and freed the floppy plastic bag full of pink liquid from its confines. "Honestly I should have thrown it in the fridge but it's fine. You can put it with some coke; it'd probably taste better anyway."
He made a face.
"I'll just have a beer."
"Oh my--Eddie! Live a little." You settled the bag on the coffee table and gestured to it. "You don't have to drink it...chug a beer, I don't care...but you need to slap it."
He huffed and shuffled across the carpet on his knees to settle beside you.
"Is this a Claire's thing?" he asked, he looked up at you through his bangs.
"No it's not a--well...no. It doesn't matter! My old store manager, Jen, made us do it whenever we went to parties and hung out at her place. It's fun."
"Why does this feel like a lie?"
You reached out and smacked your hand against the plastic, listened to the liquid slosh inside. He let out a long suffering sigh but gestured for you to go ahead and he settled on the floor as you squealed with glee.
Eddie popped the little tab on the spout and the cheap wine poured freely into his mouth; he maintained eye contact with you the whole time, even as he choked on the unfamiliar taste of the pink zinfandel.
When you'd hung out with Jen and your coworkers and friends, it was just...a silly thing. Now, though, it was just you and Eddie; you stood over him with the bag gently held in your hands over his mouth and his hand rested on your calf as he drank. It was tense and intimate and as you started feeling a little hot under the collar, you wondered if this was a mistake.
Regardless, when he'd had his fill, he shut the spout and raised his hand and slapped the bag so hard it soared out of your grasp and across the living room.
You both burst out laughing as it swished and sloshed with a pronounced glorp on impact with the floor, and Eddie collapsed against your legs as the giddiness got the better of him.
"Ok, that's better than a keg stand." He looked up at you and wiped a hand over his mouth. "Blagh...probably gonna need that coke if I have any more though. Your turn, sweetheart."
Then the tables were turned, but unlike Eddie, you stood toe to toe with him as he held the bag for you.
To avoid the tense eye contact, you kept yours closed as you pulled mouthful after mouthful from the bag. You almost felt a little smug; you'd always been good at this, despite how awful the wine burps were gonna get after. You knew Eddie's competitive nature--always seeing who could finish a blizzard from DQ first and giving himself a brain freeze in the process--so you were hoping to last a little longer, hit the bag a little harder, and get him to concede.
You counted down in your head and finally when you couldn't take the heartburn the wine caused any longer, you shut the spout and released it, ready for victory.
Of course, opening your eyes provided nothing of the sort.
Eddie stood there, inches away from you; his pupils were blown and he was breathing a little heavily and for a split second you thought to ask if he was ok.
Until he leaned a little closer.
Close enough where you could smell the laundry detergent and the general amalgamation of mall scents coming off of him.
Then you noticed that his eyes were locked onto…your lips?
Was he gonna kiss you?
You already thought…well…and in the van the other week? When he licked frosting off your hand? You'd thought...
Except that was the thing, you always thought, you never acted. Too stuck in your head weighing and judging the options and if you could just do something about it. If you could just lean forward a little, you could stop worrying and have your answer right?
And if it wasn't meant to be and things were weird? If he didn't actually mean to try and kiss you? You worked retail; you could bullshit with the best of them if worse came to worse.
Then you'd just pretend that your heart didn't ache from rejection for the duration of your friendship. You were already familiar with disappointment; this would be no different.
Alright, that's it, you weren't gonna chance it anymore. All the worrying you did back at the store was enough. You were just gonna kiss him. Just lean forward; just go. Just go. One, two...two and a half...
Eddie's eyelids fluttered a little bit, and your heart clenched in hope, until he leaned away and cleared his throat.
The wine bag was tossed onto the coffee table and Eddie gestured to the plates he'd prepared.
"So, pizza?"
Music was the next event of the night.
And the weed.
Funny how all of your anxiety over smoking flew out the window when you were anxious about something else.
Because you just couldn't get your feelings out of your head after Eddie walked away from a kiss like that.
Was it even going to be a kiss? Or was it just the awkwardness of your positions in that situation? Were you overthinking the overthinking?
On and on those thoughts spiraled.
Until Eddie said he was going to get his stereo to start your comprehensive education of metal.
"We really don't have all night Eddie," you said and threw a balled up napkin at him as he fiddled with his tapes.
"Ok, maybe not fully comprehensive," he held his hands up in surrender. "Nothing sounds better than vinyl and I have all of that at Rick's. And my mom's records. You wanna talk about classics? We've gotta spend a whole weekend there."
He put a tape into the slot and hit play and the room was immediately filled with guitar riffs and singing and shouting; he turned the volume down immediately.
"I've gotta give you the whole history sweetheart," he explained. "So you've gotta hear me too. This song's not so important...I'll turn it up when we get to the good part."
Of course, Eddie's music history lesson...started with him.
"Picture this," he said, arms waving as he walked over to his school things that had been haphazardly thrown in a corner of the room: a wilted canvas backpack, a black binder, and a dented metal lunchbox. "11-year old me, fresh after my mom's funeral and everyone she knew was coming up to us but I refused to talk. Wayne kept making excuse after excuse. But Rick, bless him, said 'gotta make him cry.'"
And on he went as he spilled the contents of the dented lunchbox on the coffee table and began the fine work of rolling a joint.
"Took me to the record store, let me pick out whatever I wanted. Of course I chose Sad Wings of Destiny because the art was cool. Little did I know that would change the course of my life forever."
You didn’t know what to focus on and that made you spiral a little bit further. The words, the music, his lips and his fingers as he followed steps that he seemed to know but didn't feel the need to elaborate on were all very appealing targets; the music and his story was what was important here though and you made the attempt.
He told his story in a way that only Eddie Munson knew how to—arms flailing, minute details, expressions and voices and everything you loved admired about him. He took a moment to swap cassettes and crank up the volume before he fell onto the couch beside you in a mess of cushions and limbs and hair.
"I would say ladies first," he began as he presented the joint to you. He then stuck it between his lips and continued talking around it. "But I'm nothing if not a gentleman and I need to teach you how to do this. It's a little different than cigarettes."
It was a comprehensive lesson and you'd gotten the hang of it quickly, but the proximity did nothing to help calm your nerves; Eddie's knee touching yours, his face and hands so close to yours as he held the joint to your lips, then one hand your shoulder as he soothed the cough that escaped you after your first hit, and finally the way he inhaled along with you as you took another.
Want burned in your lungs along with the smoke, but it didn't leave you when you finally exhaled.
You were very much looking forward to the light and mellow feeling that Eddie promised once the weed hit your system.
"Until then," he grinned and took another hit himself before dropping the smoldering stick into a nearby ashtray. "We just dive into the mind of the great Ronnie James Dio."
You rested back against the cushions and turned your head to really watch him; it was strange just...observing him. You had never done it like this before, close and quiet at this distance. Your time together was always spent with conversation and laughter, your observations and mental notes about him done in little snapshots as he moved through life like a blur.
Now you got to experience the simplicity of his presence in private and the addictive frequency that he emitted.
It was nice.
You watched the way his lashes brushed against his skin as he melted into the sofa beside you and closed his eyes. The way his plush lips pursed and then stretched as he hummed along to the music. You closed your own eyes for a second as he matched the sharpness of the lyrics with his voice, hushed and then shrill, and then hushed again.
And when you opened them back up to watch him some more, he was watching you and practically vibrating.
Your heart skipped a beat...
"Sweetheart," he reached out and touched your wrist. "You ok?"
Wait...he wasn't vibrating.
You were.
Then you noticed that your heart skipped many beats, then the beats suddenly tripled, and then it all slowed again, pounding harder and faster in your chest than you believed to be possible.
Did your chest hurt? Or were you imagining it?
It felt like the few times you ran the mile back in high school, but you hadn't run.
Had you?
Your legs felt like jelly. Your arms too.
So you must have run...but when?
No wait, you were forgetting something. Your chest, your heart, your lungs. You had to focus on them first, you needed them to live.
You tried to fix it all by taking a great gulp of air in--if you felt like you'd just run the mile, surely catching your breath would fix it--but you found that it didn't fix anything. In fact, you seemed to lose even more control of your body. You floundered, breathing heavily over and over, quicker and quicker to try and get a hold of yourself.
And the panic set in, unlike anything you'd ever experienced before in your life.
Your consciousness became untethered from your body and you sank deep within yourself. Like Alice falling down the rabbit hole. Only instead of a rabbit hole, the you that existed in your mind fell away from your eyes and deeper into your skull then out the back of it and into the so-soft cushions of the couch.
But this wasn't sinking, this wasn't melting. This was being buried alive.
You remembered Eddie’s taunting before, about being afraid of smoking. Why hadn’t you told him that you didn’t want to do this? Why hadn’t you told him you were afraid? You were a stubborn idiot and now you’d die here, buried amongst pilling fabric and lost change and lint and a few cheerios that were stuck between the cushions.
You would die here on Eddie's couch...
"Eddie!" you practically sobbed and reached out for him, remembering suddenly that he was there with you. Why wasn't he doing anything to keep you from sinking? "Help!"
"It's ok hey!" He grabbed your hands now and pulled you back from the void, hooked the tether back onto you and saved you from the depths. "It's ok, breathe. No, not like that. Slowly, deep breaths with me. In and hold it and out. Whoooooo."
You focused on the whooshing sound of the air that escaped his lips and you tried to make the same sound yourself. Over and over, slowly as he guided you.
"That's it," he smiled. "Good girl."
You slowly grounded yourself through Eddie, escaping whatever horrible clutches had just grasped at you. You began to feel better, lighter; more centered within yourself but…nicer?
Had that awful feeling been the high? Or was this?
Maybe everyone got caught by a demon when they smoked and then if they escaped they felt a nice light flutter and instead of a heavy beating heart that threatened to burst out of their chests, they felt...silly. Happy. Bubbly.
Like you did whenever you were around Eddie.
Only now it was better, and it was all getting better as he spoke to you and smiled and wiped at the few tears that had escaped your eyes.
Breathe in, breathe out. Good girl.
You kept breathing and staring at his lips.
Breathe in.
Breathe out.
Eddie's lips.
Good girl.
You thought about earlier...minutes or hours you couldn't tell for sure...about the way Eddie leaned close to you and almost kissed you. All the worry you'd had about not being able to make a move because you were thinking so much you couldn't act. Here you were now, thinking again. When his lips were right there and you could do something about it.
With one last shaky breath, bubbly infatuation flooded your body; you smiled and said one final farewell to your nervous thoughts, and you surged forward. Your hands shook his away and grabbed at his face, as your lips slid clumsily against his.
Your noses bumped and teeth clacked painfully but it didn't quite matter because the sparks that emanated from your joined lips shot through your limbs and made you both feel tingly and pleasant. At least, you assumed they did for Eddie because he let out a sound that was somewhere in between a giggle and a moan.
But he didn't push you away; in fact, his hands clapped over yours and smushed them further into his cheeks.
He wanted you to kiss him. He wanted to kiss you. He...liked you.
It was a euphoric moment of joy and realization, but your need to put your lips on him outweighed that. So you tried again. Gentler this time.
Eddie followed your lead for a little while as you pulled him towards you; one of his hands found your waist as the other arm rounded your shoulders, and he became your anchor to prevent you from being buried by the sofa again. As thanks for his chivalry, you gifted him with soft caresses, quick pecks, and sharp little nips.
Your fingers developed a mind of their own, and seemed to love his cheekbones and getting tangled in his hair, although they couldn't quite decide which they loved more so back and forth they went.
The rest of you, though--mind and body--just basked in the kissing.
You were good at kissing; you liked kissing. And you liked kissing Eddie, more than you ever thought you would. Kissing under the light, buzzy influence of a beer or two was nice, and it might have been the weed or it could have just been Eddie himself, but this was nicer. Floaty and tingly and transcendent.
The music itself had stopped, but Eddie himself continued to provide the soundtrack to the night. Instead of guitars and vocals and pounding drums, it was a symphony of soft hums and sweet sighs.
Eddie, who often pilfered bites and nibbles off your plate and cited that he was a "growing boy," seemed to prove that his hunger was greater than yours the way he bit and nibbled at you too, appetite growing the longer you kissed. The pace you set no longer fed him the way he wanted and he started to feast a little more; that was a side-effect of being high, right? Hunger. Insatiable hunger?
His mouth pulled away from yours and started to explore your jaw, the column of your neck, the junction between your neck and shoulder. You let yourself get lost in the feeling of his attention, of his lips and hands as he gave and took, of the floaty feeling that settled comfortably in your limbs now, all the nerves of the day forgotten.
Before you knew it, your own hunger grew as well. You wanted him closer, needed more of him now that you had him.
You let yourself drift back along the pillows until you were laying comfortably and pulled Eddie along with you; one hand still lingered in his hair as the other fisted the collar of his shirt and got him right where you needed him to be.
Of course, you couldn't just take without giving as well, and as he settled onto you, your hips bucked up into him. You both moaned--savoring the proximity and delicious friction that his jeans and your leggings provided--and then giggled together as he collapsed on top of you, unprepared for the sudden surge of delight.
His breath fanned across your neck and jaw as he laughed breathlessly, and your hands caressed his head and shoulders fondly as you mirrored him.
He strained his neck a little to look you in the eye; his grin accentuated all the lines in his face, and for a second he struggled to form words. His mouth opened and closed silently and then he licked his lips to compose himself. The next thing you knew, his hand was coming up and squeezing one of your breasts with an exaggerated "honk" as he fell back against the other one and pressed his mouth to the swell over your shirt.
Back into the throes of unadulterated giggles you both went as he continued to honk and kiss and suck at exposed skin.
One of the highlights of the whole night was when he blew a raspberry against your neck; the feeling of goosebumps that erupted along your body and the spittle that sprayed across your skin would be a sensation you would remember and cherish forever.
"No fair," you whined and shifted against him again, both to protest the fact that you currently couldn't return the favor of all the attention he was giving you. Nevertheless, you treated him to the attention that you could, and you bucked your hips up again, only to be met with the feeling of him grinding down onto you.
Giggles began to mingle with desperate pants as he began to shift against you and settled into the cradle of your thighs; he grew harder and ground and rutted against the covered softness of you, faster and sharper, and your body eagerly responded, wanting to be as close to him as you could. As close as either of you could honestly fathom at this point, feeling too good like this to consider that there was more pleasure to be had if time went on and clothes came off.
Sunday nights together were truly gleeful and hedonistic, and tonight was no different. However, instead of snacks and arguments accentuated by the sounds of light-hearted talk and laughter, it was your writhing bodies and mingled breaths that took center stage; the two of you never stopped, only paused for your lips to smack wetly against one another, for your nails to rake through his hair and scratch against his scalp, and for him to grasp at your hips to pull you closer and closer as he drove you higher and higher.
"Eddie, I'm--" you broke away from him and keened, and he responded with a husky "uh-huh" and pressed his forehead against yours. Both of your eyes closed as you felt the pleasure building between the two of you, as he moaned and your toes curled...
As keys jingled in the lock of the front door of the trailer.
...and suddenly it was like a bucket of cold water had been dumped over the both of you and you froze, all thought of completion forgotten.
Your eyes shot open and you stared into Eddie's panic-filled, pleasure-blown pupils. He shifted sharply and then paused, almost like a glitch, and then he was off you, across to the other side of the couch in the blink of an eye. You watched, dumbstruck, as he panted heavily to control his breathing, and he held his head in shaking hands.
"No, no," he muttered. "Shit. Shit."
You reacted quickly as the door started to squeak open--throwing your legs over the edge of the sofa to sit upright as your hands clumsily fixed your disheveled clothes--and Wayne walked in. You took the extra second as he grumbled at the threshold and fiddled with his keys to look at Eddie, hoping for some kind of...secret conspiratorial smile or...or heated gaze...just something but he refused to look at you.
Suddenly, all of the good feelings that had flooded you since the moment that Eddie had chased your panic away...they vanished. The sweet giggles and shared pleasure were gone; even the love bites you were sure Eddie had left behind stung instead of blissfully buzzed.
And in their place, an acute clarity of what the two of you had just done.
"You wouldn't believe the mess I walked into tonight," Wayne chuckled with disbelief as he finally shut the door.
No kidding Wayne, you thought bitterly.
"Some of the machines were down when I got there and it took a few hours to figure out the problem. Some rusted old part..." On and on he chattered as you spiraled, stuck in your thoughts once again.
You and Eddie, Eddie and you. You and your secret crush...had just...on his couch. You and your best friend, your only friend in town...got high and kissed and canoodled and now he refused to even look at you.
You didn't know if it was the weed again or if it was just you, but you could see stars in the corners of your eyes and you felt lightheaded as the panic settled back in. And it only got worse the longer you sat there and tried to get some kind of sign from Eddie, only to be left with nothing. Such a stark contrast from just moments ago where you were giving and taking and responding to one another so freely.
Giving and taking...was that really what it was? Or did you just...do this to him? Do this to the both of you? Effectively tank your friendship the way you'd worried about since the first time you'd hung out and Eddie had specifically said it wasn't a date?
You abruptly got to your feet and Wayne stopped his chatter and looked at you questioningly.
"I..." you felt your throat closing up with emotion. "I just forgot I have a really important call first thing tomorrow. I...need to go!"
Eddie finally looked at you with wide, shocked eyes.
Were those tears? Oh god...
"I...it was nice to see you Wayne, sorry..." you scrambled to grab your bag from where you'd tossed it by the door and then looked back at both Munsons. Back and forth at Wayne's curious expression...and Eddie's devastated one. "I'm...sorry."
And you bolted out the door, into your car, and back across town to the lonely confines of your apartment, where you would wish for a second chance at Sunday all over again.
Because until tonight, Sundays had always been your favorite days.
Next Part: Leave of Absence
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Hiiiiii how are you? I wanted to ask if you could do a super spicey one shot where a male yautja ends up stalking a group of girls and having his way with them in various ways, one by one but then when he finally gets to the reader he ends favoring the reader more than the other girls and ends up breeding reader until the next morning and after that he decided she was gonna be his mate 😏
A night to remember
Summary: girls night out went absolutely wrong.
Fem reader x male yautja
Warnings: NSFW, omfg where do I start, uhhh, rape/noncon, breeding, alien in a rut, drugging, violence, death, implied forced pregnancy,,,
For everyone else, read at own risk.
Not proof read, English isn't my first language and this was written at 1 am.
Authors note: my first reaction when I read that request was literally 🤨🫢🫣😈 I never thought I could be capable of writing this, but it helped me through my writers block, thx <3
Preparations were always hard. But the worse was long done. Now it was only make up that was left. Tonight's Friday night. The Friday night. Where me, Michelle and Tina finally got ready for our girls night out. We planned that date for so long - Prepared for so long. The parties theme at our local club was "warrior". So the girls and me obviously had to go all overboard. It didn't matter if we went overdressed or too hard. This was and is going to be some quality time. We had so much fun putting together our costumes. Even tho it was still obvious they were part dresses still.
Tina's get up was leaning more for a samurai. Shoulderpats, chest plate - yet still revealing, and a kimono type dress - also still revealing.
Michelle was more inspired by knights. Her dress was complement nicely by a chain top and some more sliver plates on her arms and legs. As well as a cute half helmet with a gracious yellow feather. Overall not too revealing, but the dress was still short enough to almost pop her butt out.
I on the other hand? I went for something more primal. Like a hunter. A hunter you'd see in a deep forest in the stone ages. I knew all the fur would bite me in the ass at the club, but it was worth it, of course it wasnt all fur. Just a big patch of fur over my shoulder. The rest? A sweet brown dress, showing off my thighs and what was still visible of my collarbone. I even went so far and got myself a necklace with sharp teeth and some Ambers. Not sure if either were real. It was second hand. I put on some last details for my make up. Painting some face markings.
We were now ready to go.
"Wait! Hold up", Tina basically shouted out, as Michelle grabbed her heels. We all looked at Tina. She held up her arms and looked at us with a devious smile.
"We have to get a shot in, just to celebrate"
Michelle shook her head. "Come on, Tina. It's not that pricey at the club."
I looked between the two. Sighing with a smile: "But we've got to celebrate. Now that Tina's moving away."
Tina jumped up, like a kid, begging over and over. "Pleaaaaase - for me? This once, Michelle?"
Michelle was never fond of drinking before hand. Drinking in general even, only on special occasions.
Michelle places her heels back down. Giving up, for Tina's sake. Tina giggled and turned back to the kitchen. Smacking three shot glasses on the table like she's a bartender. A samurai bartender. Michelle and I smirked with Tina. When she pulled put her vodka, our eyes widen. This really was a special occasion. It was her 10 Liter vodka bottle, that she never opened. That shit cost her a fortune.
We watched as Tina opened the bottle, it emitted a cracking sound. Yes. Freshly open. It was untouched. Until now. She carefully shifted the bottle, trying to hit the shot glasses. It already made her look like she was drunk, spilling the vodka left and right. We all giggled. Tina let out a more nervous one. I couldn't watch her struggle any longer. So I held the two glasses up to the bottles head. Making it easier to pour. Michelle took the last glass and also then held it under the head. Now all three were full and each placed in a hand. We looked at each other.
"To Tina", Michelle said, holding up the small glass up and to our middle.
"To Tina." We all said out like a record. Drinking it in one go. Nothing at first. But then a weird taste emerged. I wasn't really used to pure vodka. Michelle, not at all. She coughed. But quickly swallowed her cough as quick as it came. We all chuckled together again.
"I could go for another one... now that it's open...", the bottle owner said, swaying her hip from side to side.
"No." It came out like a choir from us.
"We gotta get there before 8, otherwise, who knows how full it'll be tonight", I said, already going for the small hallway to grab my heels. Tina soon following with Michelle.
The streets were quiet. Some passerbys still on their way to wherever. We had to pass through a small patch of forest. It was lit. Michelle would have driven. If she wouldn't have drunk something. Michelle struggled in her highheels. Almost tripping every meter due to the uneven ground. So me and Tina went to each of her side. Supporting her. We finally reached the club. A big snake already formed upfront.
Tina scoffed. "Great. Are we too late already? It's not even 8 yet."
As we approached I looked at the snake of people. They didn't move at all. As we stood there at the end now too, I noticed that they didn't even open up yet. A quick glance at my phone showed me, that it was just 7:55. "We're not late, we're even too early-"
I was cut off by Michelle pointing out the variety of costumes. Tina joining in. I looked up. Yes. We were definitely not overdressed. We fit right in.
"This one's definitely a cosplayer", Michelle said.
"A good one at that", Tina chuckled. I turned my head. Looking at who they were talking about. A woman, must be around our age. She didn't dress revealing at all. It was a full set of armor. Maybe that was foam. Who knows.
I chuckled out: "Are we underdressed?"
We all laughed at that.
Finally it was time. And exactly on the clock, the security guy finally let the people in. Another one arrived, helping out, due to the long snake. He must have been waiting anyways.
After a good 15 minutes, we were up. Showing our ID, the insides of our small bags, pockets. I was good to go. Michelle too. "That's gonna be a great night", said one of the security guards as he checked Tina's matching bag. Giving it her back, she smiled at him. She was also good to go.
We turned to her. Confused. She caught on to our mimics. "Oh. Just a couple of bucks."
Inside the party hasn't fully started. No one was yet on the dance floor. More like trying to get settled and drunk enough to try and dance. We grabbed a table. Looking over the room. After some talk about Tina's plans for her new apartment she got silent. We were silent. We already told her so many times that we'll miss her. She knows that. I hope she knows that.
"I'll be right back"
She said. Turning away.
"Where are you going?", I asked her. Having to talk louder due to the booming music and her now being a bit further away.
She mouthed something that neither me or Michelle heard. Michelle shrugged. I looked around again.
"Well. Guess I should leave this shithole too, like Tina."
Michelle furrowed her eyebrows at my comment. "No you won't. Who am I gonna ball my eyes out with at the McDonalds in the drive in, after I had another shitty relationship?"
I look at Michelle surprised with a smirk. "So you admit your ex was a douche?" She rolls her eyes. Not saying another word about that topic: "just don't leave. It's already enough that Steelheaded-Tina is moving away."
Speaking of her, she finally returns. With three neon green, toxic, probably so unhealthy cocktails in her hands. She places them down in the middle of the table. A smirk so wide it's almost unsettling. It's so obvious that she really wants this night to be great. We start sipping on them. Talking about God knows what. Eventually we decided to make our way to the dance floor. Tina wasn't quite done with her drink yet. Still half way. Michelle and I already ready to go.
"Guys wait-", Michelle said, "I'll make a break for the bathroom, Tina, you better zip that unholy brewery up so we can dance after."
I look at Michelle, worried. "Want me to tag along?" Michelle shook her head. "Nah, I'm good."
With that she left. A man and a woman approached us, not long after. They started talking to me and Tina. The man seemed especially interested in Tina.
The woman turned to me. Leaning in closer to my ear after I couldn't understand her first try to talk to me.
"Do you have a tampon?" "Oh yeah"
I said. I always had one. Especially at a party. You never know. I open my bag, searching for it, in the corner of my eye, I spotted how Tina and the guy faced the dance floor. The guys hand on the table. I looked back at the now found tampon and gave it to her. She thanked me. Turning away to reach the bathroom. I looked back at Tina and the guy. They now faced each other again. He was obviously flirting, judging by his face and Tina's reactions. I couldn't hear them at all. It was too loud.
Michelle came back. Rolling her eyes at Tina and her new found partner for tonight. She was as amused as me. But deep down we were both still worried. The guy invited Tina to dance. She said yes, as they both went to the dance floor, we quickly stepped on it too, keeping a close eye on Tina.
Everything went fine up until a bit later. We noticed Tina being more tipsy. More unfocused. I gave Michelle a frown, she also caught up to my sightings. As we looked back where Tina and the guy just were, we were surprised in to see it now vacated by another person.
Our dance came out a abrupt end. Quickly glancing around the room. We spotted them. He tried to pull Tina out of the club, to the exit. Through the mass we pushed ourself through. I was first who made it out, pulling Tina to me. She almost crashed down, if it weren't for Michelle coming up in the right moment to support her as well.
The guy looked at us. Obviously distraught by us intervening. "I just wanted to get her some air."
Michelle and I looked at him. "Yeah right, fuck off." I scoffed out loud. Security already noticing the situation.
"Everything okay?"
We turned our heads to the security guard. Explaing what happened. The guard pulled the guy aside. Telling us to still get Tina outside and let her sit with us until he investigated the guy.
Indeed we sat. On a bench. Waiting. Another security guard was nice enough to give us a bottle of water. Which we made Tina drink, even tho she said she doesn't need it. After a while the other guard came back out. With a sigh he tried to tell us in a most neutral way, that he found some knock out drops a hidden pouch of the guys costume. I tried to remember. Yes. When the guy was at our table, Tina wasn't don't with her drink yet. Only before she hit the dance floor she drank. Shit.
The guy tells us to get Tina home. Maybe call a cab. If her state worsens then maybe even a ambulance. He also told us he'll make sure the police knows about that guy, and he won't ever get in again. No matter the outcome of what the police says. He asked for our numbers, in case the police has any further questions in the coming days.
With that, we were let go.
We phoned the cabs. All of them said they couldn't make it in less than an hour. So we decided to walk ourselves. We'd be home faster. We were three people. But only one completely out of it. This was a quiet town, we told ourselves. The woods were lit, so it was okay, we told ourselves. We walked.
As we reached the woods, Michelle couldn't really walk and support Tina at the same time. So after a few meters she decided to take her heels off. We were slower. But steady. Tina was being held steady.
Now that we were slower, I took in the sounds of the night. The sounds of the dark forest. The chirping of the crickets. The owl hooing. And the slight fresh breeze pushing against us. At least my fur covered shoulder wasn't getting cold.
I looked at Michelle and Tina. Tina almost asleep, yet still walking. Michelle was exhausted. Her face a bit pained from the heel-less walking. I faced back at the path. I tried to focus on what was ahead of us. Our surroundings. But... was I getting deaf? I can still clearly hear Michelle and Tina walking. But I didn't hear any cricket. No owl. The wind was still there. I felt as if the air got heavier. The owl started hooing again. Maybe I was just tired, too unfocused.
We kept walking. Half way there. The lights in the woods path, were still lit. I glanced at my watch again, as Michelle also stopped walking, taking a break. 11pm. As I waited for Michelle to gather her strength again, Tina woke up slowly from her half asleep state. Being all giggly and seeming like a high person. I took a deep breath in. Focusing on my surroundings. We have to get her to safety. The crickets and owl were still at it. Then, a crack. Silence. I assumed the animals would start again, but, the owl took flight. Flying over and away from us. I felt the aid get heavy again. I felt nervous.
"Can we keep walking?" I said, almost stuttering. Almost begging Michelle. Tina jumped off and away from our arms. "Let's camp!"
Michelle rolled her eyes. "No Tina, we can camp at your place. Where we should be right now."
Tina wanted to say something, but we were cut off by a net being launched at me and Michelle. We were trapped. Tina chuckled as she looked at us. "Spidermaaaaaaan"
Michelle was the first one to try and rip open the net, followed by me. "Looksy! I see you, handsome!", Tina cooed, she was turned away from us, pointing into the tree line, where the net came from. Our eyes already somewhat used to the dark, spotted a shape. A man? Michelle now engaged in trying to rip apart the net even more. I looked at the figure, trying to see them better. But it moved all of the sudden, launching himself with a uncanny jump towards the free standing Tina. Snatching her right up. She was pulled into the bushes. We heard it all rustle. "Oooh- manly man-", Tina cooed again, the silhouette of them indicating, she's tracing his stomach.
I helped Michelle. The net seemed unbreakable. Our initial shock calming down slowly, making us finally able to talk. "Oh my fucking god- TINA RUN!"
Michelle yelled. She was in my vision, I couldn't see what she saw. What happened with Tina or who that was.
"That is not a man!" She kept yelling.
"But he's so-" a loud scream emitted from Tina. I pushed Michelle aside as we both yelled out for her. Who or whatever it was, I pushed Tina against a tree. It's form seeming to ram its hips into her. Her screams were parallel with its thrusts. I panicked. Digging under the net with my bare hands. Michelle joined in, but she mined away the dirt with her heel.
"Wait we have a phone-" I went to grab where my bag was. But the bag was outside the net. I leaned against it, trying to reach it, pulling the hard working Michelle with me. She was caught off guard by my sudden move, making her drop. "Hey!"
No matter how much I tried, I couldn't get to my bag. Even when I pushed so hard against the net, it left markings on me. Michelle caught on to me, reaching for her bag that she wore. Pulling out her phone. "THIS MOTHERFUCKER!" She starred at her screen. Empty. Trying to shut it on again, but it shut right back down before 911 could even be dialed. In a fit or more rage and desperation she smashed her phone on a rock. It shattered on the third try. She used the now smashed phone to cut the net. I took a shard as well and also tried to cut it. The yelling and screaming from Tina has stopped. Whatever it was, it wasn't human and it growled in relief.
I made it, I cut through. I quickly squeezed myself through the still somewhat smal gap I made. I ran, a trident was launched at me. Thankfully not piercing me as a tree was there, making me pinned up by the neck against it. My head was too big to try and squeeze my way out, and the trident was launched to deeply into the tree. Michelle had squeezed out too, running for me, trying to undo the trident holding me hostage. My eyes widen, the creature walked up to us. In the dim light, I myself saw, that that was no human. No animal. But a creature. Otherworldly. It wore what seemed to helmet and armor. I screamed out. Altering Michelle.
She tuned her head. I pushed her. "MICHELLE RUN-"
Michelle looked back at me, unsure. But I pushed her again. So she ran. The creature running after her now. Knowing I was pinned. I pushed against the trident again, my sweaty palms making it difficult to hold on. Or it was just launched to deep. Or both. I looked back at where Michelle had ran to. Only to see that the creature had caught up to her. Having her pinned down. She was gasping, crying. It had her pinned by the hip. I panicked again, as it kept smashing against her hips in a unholy force, making her cry and beg, I turned around, facing the tree and pushing my neck against the trident. Thank god it wasn't sharp. I pushed and pushed. It hurt so much, but I did it, I fell back, the top of the trident scraping against my exposed shoulder and arm. The furred shoulder was fine. I didn't mind the blood. I picked up the trident, looked into the direction Tina was, I couldn't belive my eyes.
She was dead. Her thigh, and neck bruised and bloodied. Only then realising, that her body and head didn't add up. It twisted her head and broke her neck.
I took my eyes off her, facing to Michelle and that... creature. I quickly ran towards them, at first it didn't seem to notice me. But as he did, shortly before I could react in time, he got up, I quickly jolted the trident to the side, falling a bit on Michelle. In the short second I laid on her, my head next to hers, it seemed she was still breathing, but barely.
The creature tried to get ahold of the trident. Grabbing it, and pulling it away from me. But I held it firmly. It started to slip from my hands as it used more force. So I quickly pulled my legs up and kicked against the tridents pole, stabbing it at it with my full force. It didn't hit him directly, but a spot that wasn't covered by its armor. It bled. Green. Neon green. As it tried to recover from its injury, I ran. Following the lights, I noticed heavy stomps behind me. They were quick. Close. I didn't dare look behind me. I knew it was... that.
I decided in a frenzy, that maybe jumping between trees might slow it down. So I went off rail, going zick zack between the trees. It seemed to help. For a while. I was still close to the paths lights, just enough so I could see. Just my luck that I spotted a axe in front of me. I abruptly stopped, grabbed it, and swung out. It jolted back, I almost hit it. Almost.
It roared out, angry, I flinched, but still held the axe steady. I once again tried to launch it at him, several times in a span of seconds. It nicked him twice. It growled and roared again, getting more and more agitated, out of no where it kicked me off my legs, making me fall down, before I could react, it grabbed my axe, as well as me, I hit a tree while I stood, a loud thuck boomed next to my ear. The axe was at my neck. I felt out a shaky gasp. I tried to look behind me, but my head was quickly pushed into the tree by its hand. The other toying with my underwear before ripping it off fully, with a single yank.
It got all close. Shoving my hips upwards and off the ground. It didn't matter to it, that it hurt me in that position. My spine felt over stretched. As well did my stomach and soon something else.
I felt its hips shuffle around, the armor plate in front of its crotch scooting over to so he could insert its otherworldly cock. No warning, no lube, no spit. That thing tore me apart with one shove. I screamed out, so high pitched you'd think I was in a Opera trying to destroy a glass. But my high pitch was soon replaced by deep screams, gasped screams. I was trying to get air. My one arm, I pressed against the tree, trying to not get myself killed whenever he pushed back in and could break my neck by this position he had me. The other was at his thigh, rather my fingertips, trying to prevent him from going to rough or too deep. Which was a lost cause. He, whatever he was, was too strong.
He kept pushing and pushing, his speed and force altered from time to time. Already making me see starts. I was already exhausted. Its grip on my head was now a tiny bit more gentle. Letting me look down. There I saw a green-white hued liquid. Which must be what I was thinking. It slowed. As it did so, my hip jolted from all that he's put me through. But to him, it must have been like invitation to keep going. He yanked me around. Facing him, still off the ground. He disposed of the axe by throwing it on the ground.
Before I could try to kick him, punch him, or anything, he held me up, in the air. No tree I could support myself on now. My hips hovered over his. And he let them crash down on his. I whimpered out again, it didn't hurt as much anymore. My fists were on his chest, I was still trying to push him away. As his hips kept rolling against mine, his clawed hand reached up to the brim of my dress, ripping it off. My boobs jiggling intensly with every deeper and faster thrust. I still pushed against him, he grabbed me by the waist and hip, his large hand being able to hold a, to him smaller creature, up like that. I saw the lit path upside down. He kept up his pace, even going rougher. Weirdly enough it felt so good, so good I let out a long restrained moan. No. I can't enjoy this.
But this feeling. Being stretched, filled out fully... the way he hits every spot. Another moan escaped my lips. My fists, now unclenched, grabbing at his stomach armor. His pace picked up. Thinking I'm trying to tell him to speed up. With that my body shivered throughout, I quickly sat myself up again on his hip, one of my hands grabbing at his shoulder. His monstrous pace not decreasing.
I leaned my head against the crook of his neck. The corners of my eyes turned black. And I screamed as I came undone on him. As I painted the green-white hued liquid on the ground with my own as well.
He still kept up the pace, not letting me recover. I insides clenched around his cock, I needed to recover but I couldn't. He wouldn't let me. He now placed his arms on my shoulder. Pinning me to him as he needed to get his rut out. I moaned and whimpered against his neck, everything went more dark by each push. I didn't recognise anything anymore. Just how he felt in me. How he pushed his seed deeper and further up. I didn't know how many times he came. How long he's been going at it.
I woke up again. I was dropped down somewhat gently on the ground. Sat up on the damn tree. I looked down at myself. As he stood before me. Whenever I moved a muscle, as I tried to get up, a big drop of his green-white cum emitted from my pussy. It even appeared that my stomach was more bloated. My thighs being covered in all that liquid. I looked up at him, behind his head, were the trees heads, exposing the now dawning morning sun. Its been that long!?
I watched as he picked up the axe, then me. Me? I was swung over his shoulder. My stomach pressed against it, making more cum blurt out. He walked deeper into the woods. I was too weak to do anything. Too exhausted. He stopped, I looked over his shoulders. My eyes widen at the sight. A otherworldly craft. A vehicle. A ufo? A ufo. And he carried me inside. Setting me down on a chair in the cockpit, putting on what seemed to be seat belts. "Mate", it said in a scratchy growling voice. He turned away from me and started his ship.
My heart stopped. That sure was a night I won't ever forget.
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livingspecterr · 3 months
A fatal smile.˚ ༘♡ ⋆。❀
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Gregory Violet x G!N reader short drabble, fluff Disclaimer: I've never written or posted something this ""long"" before and english is not my first language, so pls mind that 🙏, I thank @hantaslittlearsonist for proofreading it! ღ
I sneakily walked up behind boyfriend, Violet, who was sitting with his knees drawn up on the couch— drawing as he always did. I brought with me an intricately decorated bouquet of violets and dahlias, cautiously hidden behind my back, since I wanted it to be a surprise. As expected, Violet’s sharp hearing immediately caught my light steps and he didn't even look up from the sketchbook, but simply stopped moving his pencil.
"…What are you doing?"
His voice, that sounded like a whisper, showed a mixture of confusion and curiosity— I’m certain that if I could see his face, it would be as inexpressive as regularly, besides, maybe an additional furrow on his thin eyebrow. And so, I resigned myself, this antic won't last any longer, it's better to just reveal my intentions and pray that the gift will be to his liking
"Uh..I brought this for you, here”
Finally, his interest was peaked and he directed that indecipherable gaze to me, which made me even more nervous. I haven’t gotten used to his intense eyes yet— it's like I could stumble and drown in that immensity each and every time I looked back. Realizing that I got lost in my thoughts and left Violet waiting and staring at me with those owlish eyes, I mustered all the courage that I could gather and revealed the delicately arranged bouquet that was once hidden behind my back— I had to hold my breath to contain my nervousness, afraid of his impeding reaction
At first, he did not react and simply stroked around the petals with the tip of his long fingers. I felt like I’ve become one of his underclassmen who stood still before him, waiting for severe criticism — even if the nature of our newfound relationship is much different
Once more, his ghostly tone snatched me away from the present, and the thought of the present displeasing him made my stomach turn. But, just when I was about to try and make an excuse..he set the sketchbook aside on the sofa and took the bouquet in his pale hands, with what seemed to be a receptive look
In a way, it’s as if Violet was carrying an unidentified object or something he had never seen in his life before. Had he ever been gifted by someone who expected nothing in return?
Violet brought the bouquet closer and buried his nose in it, smelling its fragrance experimentally. I couldn’t decipher what was on his mind, maybe all artists were like that, using all of their senses when interacting with something new— probably to mark it in their memory for future studies. Unexpectedly, after he was satisfied with the analysis - his gaze rose to me and a timid smile formed on his black painted lips
"They’re lovely…I appreciate it"
And in that moment, I realized that his rare smile was way deadlier than those abyssal eyes.
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kurosstuff · 6 months
Feel free to ignore this if it's too confusing, I myself got a lil confused while writing this.
A'ight so.
✨siren!vaggie x human!fisherman!reader x siren!charlie✨
One of the two gets overly curious and gets caught in one of readers nets, maybe charlie (sounds like smth she would do) and reader finds her and vaggie trying to get her out. Reader pulls out her fish knife to cut the net but vaggie gets the wrong idea and tries to stubornly fight her on land with her bare hands while the reader is franticaly trying to explain that she just wants to help. Just some silly first meeting shenanigans.
Also Idk anything fishing. I went fishing once when I was a little kid also short fic♡♡
LIKE UH- Charlie being a siren which? Are cruel creatures the counterpart to mermaids who are innocent(in a human aspect) kind? Like she actually is? He'll y3ah.
Siren! Charlie x fisherman!reader x Siren!Vaggie: unexpected meeting
Being a fisherman is fun- you don't have to worry about other humans stealing from you. Not usually- nor interacting with them. Just can sit back on a your deck waiting for something to catch in your net.
But there's a huge downside. You'll have encounters with other monsters. Land or sea doesn't matter. But- the one you've always hoped to never encounter. The one you like all over fisherman were warned about.
As beautiful as they are- just like mermaids yet oh so different. Known for luring any human to crash or to get into the water. To eat. Hell apparently- they don't always need to eat. They hunt for sport.
They hunt humans for fun
Shivering at the thought, you hummed, having to be more cautious as you set a net out into the ocean humming softly. Apparently, more monsters have been spotted - blinking, you turned hearing your name be called seeing the grumpy old man go up to you huffing. "You be careful, ok, kid?" The man grumbled the as usual Beer in his hand, making you frown - raising an eyebrow, he grunted "you don't know do you?"
"Know what-"
"The fucking siren sightings" he cut you off growling glaring in the water "twos been spotted near the town. You gotta be careful. You know the rules with handling them, right?" Seeing you nod, he hummed, patting your shoulder "after you're done. Come to my bar. I'll get you a drink. On the house. Owe you one anyways-" without waiting, he walked off.
Sighing, you nodded, slowly moving to set out your net. Never was a fan of using the pole. Making sure it was ready, you cast it into the water moving to sit on the chair you brought along sighing.
Now. You wait.
It was uneventful. Hours you waited. Nothing- it usually didn't take this long to get a pull from any fish. It was always active. Now? It wasn't. Like the fishes weren't around.
It was weird.
You almost gave up abour to pull the net in calling it a day- wasn't unrare of getting nor good pulls. Just rare to get none.
Before a pull from the net making you grin, "YES!" You cheerer pulling the net in- needing to use more force "fuck big catch today huh-" taking so much longer to pull in then usual.
You wondered what fish you caught' or like your luck. What trash did you bring in
But the second you pulled the net our. You stared at the being in the net. "What the fuck" you choked out confused at what you were even looking at.
A siren.
A fucking siren is in your net.
"H-hi, my names Charlie-" the siren spoke speaking, but you didn't really hear her as you stared. Confused. "So uh.. can you.. let me go?"
"But.. your.. a siren. You'll know?" Gesturing to her claws making her look down yelping looking up at you like a kicked puppy. As if you just told her a horrifying thing
"I'd never hurt a human!" She stuttered out, shaking her hands,"not intentionally - accidentally yeah sure their like super fragile, but.. no- no- sorry i -" she rambled. Blinking, the more you watched, the more you sighed. She - wasn't actually that dangerous. Well. She is. All sirens are
But she was like- a puppy? A sea puppy,
She froze, looking up at you, confused, her rambling cut short "ok I'll get you free-... need to get my knife to cut you free. That's the only way ok?" Seeing her nod, you hummed, pulling out your large knife walking to her
A bubbling noise was heard as you cut the net freeing her- not seeing her panicked face. As she watched the water. "Hey, you ok -" you were cut off by a blur jumping out of the water snarling loudly with a deep hiss charging right at you
"VAGGIE! NO-" the one siren from the net screamed out as another jumped onto you cutting your arm making you kick her off scared- terrified.
Is this how you die? From helping a siren? To be killed by another?
How unlucky can you be?
Holding your cut arm from the grumpy snarling siren- apparently named Vaggie as Charlie? You think - rushed forward, smiling, acting as if she was a mermaid. But - she's a siren, right? "Oh! Yes! I am a siren! But uh.. don't worry, me and Vaggie won't hurt you well... not again!" Charlie laughed awkwardly, rubbing her neck making you flush in embarrassment.
You said that aloud.
Sighing, glancing at vaggie, kicking the knife you used to free the taller siren for from you praying. That wasn't a mistake the snarling slowed, calming down "no no- i- sorry I was just trying to get some food- I uh- didnt mean to trap you.. didn't know sirens like- came here?"
Charlie grinned, nodding excited "oh! Me and my girlfriend Vaggie-" gesturing to the grumpy siren who glared you down "were cutting through were to meet with some mermaids-!" Smiling happy ad you hummed
"Mermaids? Seriously. Ok- Charlie, right?" Seeing her nod in agreement, making you hum softly "the mermaids aren't here. Well not now. Their off doing some hunting and what not. But careful you two. People know your here and not everyone will be nice like I am to you two"
That caused Vaggie to be on edge more so then she was already while Charlie? Didn't look worried at all.
Which concerned you.
"Wait' Charlie- don't tell me are you still gonna continu-" you were cut off by Charlie jumping into the lake. Swimming off as Vaggie stared at you. Unreadable
"I'm sorry" she spoke for the first time Grunting it out as if she never- or hardly spoke or apologied "Charlie does this. Jumps into things without much thought" making you nod slowly trying to understand- before you could reply to her.
She was gone. Following Charlie.
Staring off watching them both disappear you sighed. "..that's it I quit" you grumbled turning to pack up
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sangyeonsmuse · 1 month
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PAIRING lead singer Juyeon x fake security guard reader
WARNING 18+ MINORS DO NOT INTERACT ‼️ vaginal fingering, tongue kissing, vulgar language, penetration, dom Juyeon, degradation, word slut is used,
SUMMARY Having no other way to get into the venue you decided to act as one of the new guards for hire. Unfortunate or perhaps fortunate enough for you Juyeons quite hard to handle when under the influence.
MORE | Day three of the Groupie Love Series
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You’ve had many crazy ideas come to mind over the years but above all of them this just may have been your craziest. Any normal person would simply take their loss and await next year's tour if they’ve found the tickets to their favorite band were sold out, but you obviously were not normal. At first as you slipped a black windbreaker along with a few security stickers into your amazon cart you struggled upon the initial thought of having gone through with the plan, but now as you stood outside of the concert venue it was quite obvious which side of the argument you had been having with yourself had won. So now here you stood nervously outside of the venue amongst the other security guards, holding back the crowd like your life depended on it as your eyes followed Thee Lee Juyeon and his band into the venue.
In your eyes he looked even better in person, he was almost too perfect and you found it hard to pry your gaze away until you felt the crowd grow even rowdier and start to shove against your backside. Luckily enough you didn't have to hold them off much longer as you were finally given orders to release them which you wasted no time doing, not wanting to be trampled by the rowdy crowd. As everyone flooded in and you trailed in behind them you let out a sigh of relief as you seemed to get through with ease.
“Hey you, new girl. We didn’t catch your name.” Your moment of relief seemed to be short lived as one of the backstage security approached you with a clipboard in hand.
“Um its…Jessie.” You lied, and it was so obvious that you lied but once the panic set in it was hard to control what could possibly come out of your mouth.
“Well Jessie, I don’t know where you think you’re going but you’re one of the newer recruits so you shouldn’t be out on the floor. All recruits should be posted outside or backstage and since one of our newer recruits just quit you’ll be in charge of guarding dressing rooms.” Your eyes widened upon hearing those words. You? You of all people were going to guard Lee Juyeon, a job you weren’t even qualified for, hell you didn’t even apply for it. You found yourself getting all giddy and excited as you followed behind the guard that led you all the way back into the restricted area. You had been so lost in thought that you hadn’t even realized he stopped so you even ran into his back.
“Hey snap out of it and pay attention to your surroundings, this kid has made nearly every other guard quit or walk out, so right now getting him to stay here without causing trouble falls on you.”
“Wait, what do you mean they quit? He can’t be that bad?”
“I agree with the girl Hyunjae I can’t be that bad right?” Your eyes shot behind the security guard whose name you now knew to be hyunjae. Behind him stood Juyeon with an amuse smile on his face and a glass in hand as he leaned against the doorframe.
“Oh great he’s started early.” Hyunjae massages his temples as he takes the glass from Juyeons hands then turns to you.
“His show starts in two hours don’t let him drink anything else and do not let him leave this room under any circumstances.”
“Oh-Kayy” your eyes then shift between him and Juyeon as the two exchange a look, hyunjaes more so on the side of “please behave” while juyeons was more on the side of “i won’t but okay”
“So you’re who they got to look after me hm, You don’t seem like you’re fit to be security but at least you’re a stunner?” As his eyes drank you in from head to toe, you had to stop yourself from rolling your eyes. You knew that he was a flirt but what you didn’t know that he was absolutely fucking obnoxious, i guess when people say fantasize and your idols and don’t meet them they really mean it.
“If I wasn’t qualified to do my job I wouldn’t have been hired now would I?” Who were you kidding? You weren’t even hired for this.
“Ooh you’re feisty I like it. Got a name?”
“Do you really need to know my name for me to do my job?”
“You work for me dollface so, legally I'm required to know.” He says, lifting your head up with his fingertip. It was as if his entire demeanor had changed. He looked at you as if he knew something, something you hadn’t
“Jessie.” He stared you dead into your eyes as you stared back at him, your look not faltering for a second.
“You’re not a good liar ‘jessie’” he says in a mock tone as he steps away from you and goes to pour himself a drink.
“I think you’ve had just about enough.” As you go to reach for the glass in his hand he grabs your wrist.
“I don’t think you’re in any place to be telling me what I should or shouldn’t be doing right now dollface. You aren’t a real guard after all right?”
“What..i think you’ve had one too many drinks.” Internally you began to panic, how the fuck did he know? Had he seen right through you?
“No no, I remember the faces of my fans quite well, and you certainly are not a real guard. January 16th of last year at the limelight tour, you were there.” And he wasn’t wrong, you certainly were there standing front row and center.
“I think you’re confusing me with the wrong person.” You eagerly try to convince him otherwise though, wracking your brain for any sort of excuse
“Am I? Should I call Hyunjae back and find out or will you be truthful with me?” You stood silent, what the hell could you possibly do, either way you were completely fucked.
“Can’t speak all of a sudden? You were surely letting me have it a few moments ago and now you’re dead silent which only proves my point.” Sitting his glass down at the vanity he inches closer and closer to you until your back hits a wall.
“So tell me doll, who do you think you are to come here and boss me around when you don’t even work here hm?”
“I- I can explain?”
“And now she speaks. Well then go ahead and explain it to me princess.” His fingers played with the tips of your hair as his arm cornered you against the wall. The smell of whiskey mixed with his cologne had been completely intoxicating, slowly but surely his hand dropped from your hair and fell upon your waist.
“Go ahead doll, explain yourself.”
“Tickets were sold out and I- I really wanted to see you so…”
“So you decided to dress up just to see me?” He chuckles and his hand gently rubs your hips and up the sides of your waist.
“Played dress up and came all this way just to see me, you were that desperate babydoll how cute. You even tried to boss me around as if you actually work here.” He chuckles and traces over her neck with his fingertip before making you look up into his eyes.
“I’ll show you that i’m the one in charge here sweetheart, whether you work here or not I’ll make sure to put you in your place since you came all this way.” His lips smash against yours and he presses your body against the wall behind you.
He roughly throws you over his shoulder carrying you over to the loveseat across from the vanity. Slipping his rings further back on his fingers while he lies to you down. As he began to rip off your pants you watched in complete awe at his strength, your couldnt seem to grasp that this was actually happening right now, of all things you anticipated to happen tonight this was not one of them. His eyes met yours as he slipped your panties to the side before shoving in two fingers making you cry out immediately.while you squirmed beneath him he took the time to stretch your walls and feel you out before he began to thrust them in and out slowly.
The way you whine for him to move them faster only causes him to slow them down, he wouldn’t stop teasing until you begged for it. His fingers thrust further into your cunt with every loud cry that left your mouth. His eyes glistened with pure lust and attraction as he watched you squirm and cry for more beneath him.
“Go on pretty, tell me what you want, my pretty little guard.” The moment his eyes locked with yours something in you grew desperate and before you knew it you were practically begging him to fuck you.
“Juyeon please.'' you choked out, your words barely audible but it was good enough for him because no matter how you said it the sound of his name from your lips was something he knew he would love to hear more of. Slipping in yet another finger he watched how your expressions changed as he moved his fingers faster.
“Look at you, listening to me so well, after trying to tell me off moments ago'' a chuckle spills from his lips, he loved the way you squirmed and your body convulsed as he continued to stretch you out and pump his fingers inside of you, and as he stopped to remove his fingers to bring them to his lips he couldn't deny that your begging and pleas for him to continue had been so much sweeter.
“Tell me again what you want baby hm?” He immediately pulled his fingers out as he realized how silent you were warning a whine from him.
“Juyeon p-please fuck me please.” Hearing you beg for him to be buried deep inside of you brought a smile to his face. As he unbuckles his belt and shoves down what was underneath you find yourself gawking over his size. As he gazes up at you and slides his tip through your folds you couldn’t stop the loud whine that spilled from your mouth. He slowly pushed himself inside of you stretching you out nicely until he completely bottoms out. As your head fell back at the immense pleasure his eyes stayed trained on you.
''look at you taking my cock like its yours after begging for it like a desperate slut, crying my name so desperately.'' He slides his tongue over your neck before sucking on your sensitive skin. The sensation of your nails digging into his back set him ablaze. Every thrust into you was merciless, the only sounds filling the room was the contact of your body followed by your every whimper and moan. As he fucks into you his fingers circled your clit, giving you an overwhelming sense of pleasure between him attacking your cunt and sucking at the sensitive skin on your neck.
Your fingers tugged at his dark locks as his tongue played with your sensitive core. It was a feeling you weren't exactly used to but god was it something you now wanted to experience more of. He watched as your face contorted at the pleasure and felt as you clenched around his cock and it was all he needed to make him fall apart and fill you up right then and there, yet he hasn't let up. He continued to thrust and rub at your clit until you were a complete mess beneath him. Your eyes rolled back immediately as you clawed and bit at his shoulders. A sudden fire overwhelming your lower half bringing tears to your eyes.
“Fuck Juyeon.” His name spilled from your lips so effortlessly that he would have sworn it was something you had done time and time again.
“Such a pretty little thing gonna cum all over my cock.” He pushes down on your stomach, this action causing a burning sensation to build in the pit of your stomach. This action was all it took to push you over the edge, the moment he pushed down upon your stomach your legs trembled and to his surprise your release was followed by the heavenly sight of you squirting upon his cock. The both of you were now completely out of breath, the moment he pulls out your gaze immediately shifts down to his cum spilling out between your thighs.
“Juyeon you asshole! Why didn’t you pull out!?”
“You didn’t seem to have a problem with me filling you up when you were moaning my name, you’ll be a fine princess, luckily for you I make a lot of money.” He responds by rubbing at your inner thighs as your head fell back on the couch, you were too tired to argue with him.
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nikitaxlee · 1 year
All Yours?/ Possessive/Obsessive Felix X Fem! Reader
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Warnings: Obsessive/Jealous/Possessive Felix, Smut, kinky sex, Mentions of murder. Light breeding.
Please feel free to request anything for I am new and need ideas.
You were plagued on felix's mind 24/7. He constantly thought about you, and was inextricably obsessed with you. "Fuck, baby, just like that. Right there- Holy shit, Fuck I'm cumming all over those pretty tits."
Felix had his phone in his right hand as he jerked himself off to a picture on your Instagram. You had a nice top with a lower neckline but not to much. You had tagged Felix due to the fact he had taken the photo. How could he not jump at the chance to have a photo of you. Especially in moments like this when he craved sweet release.
"Shit, Mommy, I can't, I fucking can't hold out any longer, I-I Need it I need you, baby." Finally he released his load all over his hand and phone.
As he came down from his high, Post-nut clarity hit him hard. He realized he had a date with you this afternoon and needed to shower and get ready. He put on an nice white, linen button up, unbuttoning the first few buttons enough to show his defined collarbone. He grabbed his phone, which he had cleaned off, and wallet and walked out the door to his car.
As he drove to the cafe he played one of your playlists while imagining blowing your back out to one of them. As he arrived to the cafe he noticed your undeniable beauty sitting at a table with a guy.
Wait... With a guy? That couldn't be right. Felix was the only guy who could speak to you. Make you smile. And even just look at your sexy features. Felix rushed to the scene. 'I'm about to kill this fucking asshole, who the fuck does he think he is? He should know a pretty girl like my Y/N is taken.'
"Y/N? Ready to go?"
"Oh! Hey babe! Meet Salomon, he's from Australia as well! Brisbane actually!" You said as you shot Salomon a smile.
"Oh, cool. That's really cool. But we should go now. We have a date planned." Felix said as he gave Salomon a fake sincere smile.
'I don't know how much I can fucking take before I snap.'
"Bye Salomon! I'll talk to you later." You said as you waved goodbye.
Later. What the fuck does she mean by later. There is no later.
And you too continued walking
4 Hours later
Felix walked into the scene of you sitting on the couch tapping away on your fun happily. He enjoyed seeing you smile in his presence. He wanted you to be happy with him all the time.
"Whatcha doing babe, Playing a game?" Asked Felix.
"Yeah, Something like that."
Felix went to cook dinner for the 2 of you to finish up such a wonderful day. He heard you giggle in the next room over. Then he heard it again, then again, and once more, again. He finally decided to check on you to see what was so funny. He silently crept up from behind in hopes he could see what you were doing
He noticed you were texting someone and at first he thought it was one of your friends. Until he noticed the contact name.
'Salomon <3'
He snatched your phone out of your hands as rage overcame him. "What the fuck Y/N, What makes you think you can just go about texting another man when you have a boyfriend right here that would love to talk to you." He sounded genuinely hurt and offended that you would even think about another man around him. So you felt bad.
"I'm sorry babe, I didn't know you would be so offended, I was just bonding with-"
"NO, this is our time together." With that he grabbed by the neck and pulled you in to kiss him. The kiss hushed some of his terrible thoughts about killing Salomon but he could still feel the jealousy.
Felix laid you down onto the couch as he took off the tanktop he was wearing. He let out a deep whimper as you caressed his abs.
"Mhm- Fuckkk please touch me Y/N, Show me your mine, Show me I can put a baby in you. Show me I can fuck you better than he would ever. Show me I'm all yours."
You slipped your hand into his pants as you felt him up. You moaned as you felt his cock pulsing waiting to be used.
"Baby, please, I can't wait. Let me just put it in, Let me fuck a baby into you so everybody knows I'm yours as you are mine. So Salomon knows he will NEVER get you as long as I'm around."
You nodded as he pulled down his sweats and boxers and started jerking off his cock. He honestly felt bad he didn't eat you out or at least finger you, but this was you punishment for even thinking of another guy.
As he pushed in, inch by inch, you let out a high pitched moan. He started fucking deep and slow.
"Yes babe, yes take it. Take it all. Suck up all my cum with that tight, needy hole. I want you to be pregnant by the end of this month."
He picked up the pace and kept waves of pleasure moving through you. He know every nook and cranny, every spot, every detail, and he knew that he would make you cum harder than any other bastard that even dared to try. But he knew they wouldn't, because they'd be dead. As you moaned his name you felt him pulse inside of you cueing he was cumming. Suddenly he slammed his hand onto the end of the couch and pounded you.
"Cum, Cum for me, cum so fuckin- ahhh, yes, yes, yes"
He moaned as he released inside of you causing you to orgasm. As you both came down from your high. Felix gave you a deep, passionate kiss before saying, "Mine."
He carried you up to the shower before running it for you and hopping in.
"Y/N, You know I love you so much and I'm serious about putting a baby in you."
"Slow your roll pretty boy, You need to marry me first."
"I guess I will then."
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profound-bouquetbird · 5 months
hi!!! could I please request Reader x snotlout relationship headcanons? Possibly them being opposites on the surface but actually being similar in a way? Like they both feel things very strongly
This took me a little while longer to write, since I didn't really pay that much attention to snotlout throughout the three main movies that I watched 😔
But! I didn't want to leave your request unanswered and wrote it :)
Sorry if it isn't completely accurate. If you have any tips leave them in my inbox or send them through private messages :)
Some key words:
-D/n = Dragon's name
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Alright, let's start off with the basics. You probably met through a mutual friend
*cough* *cough* Astrid *cough*
And he at first didn't get your whole get up. I mean, you were vikings!
Whilst he acted (somewhat) reckless and seemed to shift to this supposed 'playboy' persona of some sort (although that persona really wasn't accurate..)
While you were on the calmer side, closed off and anly speaking to people when needed
He found it a tad bit annoying
I mean- you're vikings! You're supposed to be reckless! Yet you were- not?
Well, at least in his eyes you weren't
After a little while, you started to open up a bit more. Still not having that reckless and uncaring persona vikings had, but being the usual self just more... Outgoing? If you could call it that
But, Snotlout paid no mind. He was too busy looking our for his own image to care
I think the first time he noticed something about you that intrigued him was when you first made friends with the dragons
Snotlout trudged through the grass, an over exaggerated groan echoing through the island as he carried food for his dragon, Hookfang
While he walked, he couldn't help but overhear a seemingly onesided conversation, in which a familiar voice was involved
"We're gonna be the best, D/n!" A voice, which could only belong to Y/n, encouraged. Snotlout smirked as he walked towards the sound, peaking from the corner to spot the dragon rider scratching their dragons head
"We're gonna win this race! Promise." Y/n chuckled, patting their dragons head twice before mounting onto them
"That's quite a big promise there, Y/n. Are you sure you'll live up to it?" Snotlout butted in, mockingly smirking at them as he waited for their response
Y/n looked him up and down, smirking lightly themselves as they sighed
"Seeing how you and your dragon act together, I'd say I've got better chances." They sighed, pulling their dragons head upward lightly to send them into flight
Snotlout only glared as they flew away, but he couldn't help but feel something forming in his chest. Admiration? No, that can't be it...
Maybe respect?
From that point on, each time the two of you interacted, Snotlout gained more and more respect for you, which eventually turned into a crush
He was so obvious about it
Like he did with Ruffnut, he constantly flirted and did small favour's for you. Either getting the sheep for you to win the race or tightening up a know that you definitely didn't need his help with
And to your oblivious eyes, you just though it was playful teasing and friendly interactions. Oh... Poor you
You'd sometimes play into his flirting. Giving him a few fake compliments and teasing remarks back, which only worsened his crush
The more he hung out with you, the more he realized how many characteristics you two shared!
Yes, on the outside you acted completely opposite, like I had mentioned in the begging
But, you both had this urging courage that propelled you forward, you both needed praise and attention from the ones you loved. But, while snotlout was more outward in showing these emotions, constantly complaining that is; you'd more often than not just keep to yourself, giving the person small hints but never outwardly saying it
Okay, let's start with the actual relationship headcanons:
I think he'd be the type to show you off. Like: "hell yeah they're my partner! You wanna say something about it?????"
Love language is definitely 'words of affirmation'
My guy is in constant need of praise 😭
Doesn't mean he doesn't praise you tho. You're constantly receiving words of encouragement and praise; but he'll stop praising you as soon as you stop praising him (like that's ever going to happen)
Is really into pda but also not that into pda if that makes sense? Yes, he'll wrap an arm around your shoulders, kiss the top of your head, even peck your lips every once in a while. But there is no way in hell he'll actually make out with you in public! Nu-uh, that's for you and him only
I can't really think of anything else... So I'm gonna leave it here for now :)
Sorry for the huge delay on the posting! If you have any other requests please leave them in!
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angstywaifu · 8 months
The Lost Sister - Part 4
Synopsis: Xaden is known as an only child due to his sister who 'died' during the Rebellion. Little do they know she didn't die and has been so close this entire time. Garrick Tavis x OC A/N: We all know I couldn't not throw some Imogen tension in there. I do apologise if the fighting stuff isn’t good, I found it hard to convey what I wanted but I think I got there in the end. I also went on a binge write yesterday and have a few parts written up. Let me know if you want to be on the tag list at all. The Lost Sister Masterlist | Masterlist
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I squint into the early morning sun with the rest of the quadrant, listening to the names of the seventy one people who did not make it across the parapet yesterday. Violet and Rhiannon who are next to me as they read out the name ‘Dylan’. He must have been someone they had met before crossing the parapet.
Today we are all dressed in riders black, with a single silver star and fourth wing patch signalling my year and wing. As I look around, us first years did not waste any time in altering our uniforms to suit us. I don’t think I see a single stock uniform in the crowd.
As the sun shifts in the sky I am able to see properly. I feel a familiar feeling and look up to see Garrick staring at me from his place atop the stairs of the rotunda next to Xaden. Despite what they said last night, I had not seen either of them again that night. Clearly whatever they spoke about took longer than they thought. When our eyes meet he smiles at me but it quickly disappears as I feel a different feeling wash over me. I turn my head to see Imogen glaring at me. A second year in my squad. I had met her a few times during the rebellion, but I never knew her well.
“Why does it look like she wants to kill you already?” Violet whispers to me as she looks between Imogen and I.
Imgoen glances over at Violet before turning her head back to the front of the Rotunda as they finish reading out the death roll for the day.
”I wish I knew.” I whisper back as Dain starts telling us to head to our class and something about remembering our schedule.
She nods her head before leading the way to our first class of the day which is somewhere on the fourth floor of the academic wing. I really should have taken better note of my schedule.
By the time we get to the gym after lunch, I feel like my brain is about to explode with the amount of information I’ve taken in today. But I am thankful for the training Melgren had given me over the years. Most of it was in the books I had already read. I just had to apply it in a different scenario. His training really had prepared me for the riders quadrant. Almost as if he was setting me up for success. As we walk into the gym, most of the second and third years are already here and waiting for us. I immediately meet Garrick and Xadens eyes across the room, as if they were waiting for me to walk in. I follow my squad and stand around one of the mats as Professor Emetterio walks onto the mat. As he turns to face the crowd his eyes meet me and widen, almost as if he was shocked to see me here despite having been a part of some of my training with Melgren. Obviously Melgren had not mentioned his intentions with my training or who I really was. His eyes wander to the mark on my neck and now exposed arm with a questioning look. This doesnt go unnoticed by Garrick or Xaden either who look concerned at the brief interaction between us.
As each match ends, Emetterio calls up the next pair. Randomly selecting people from different years and wings. The only ones we are truly safe from are our own squad mates. Squad mates are not allowed to kill each other. A sickening crack rings around the room as Jack Barlowe snaps the next of a first year whose name I have not yet learnt. The only reason I know Jack’s is due to Violet and Battle Brief earlier today. A class where I had felt Garrick’s eyes constantly on me, but had refused to meet. Emetterio points a finger at Imogen, and my heart drops thinking I will be picked next. Her eyes had also been on me all day, and not in a good way. This girl had it out for me. Lucky for me but unlucky for Violet, I am not picked. But Violet is no match for her. Not even a minute later Imogen has broken her arm. Dain is at her side and taking her to the Healers Quadrant before I can even move.
I look up to see Emetterio pointing to me and his other finger at Xaden. “Lets see what you Riorson siblings can do.”
The gym goes quiet at his words. For the second time since I’ve arrived here Garrick goes to start forward and is stopped by Xaden’s arm. He immediately whips his head towards Xaden with a glare. A glare Xaden returns without skipping a beat. I can tell the words he gives to Garrick are stern. Garrick just nods his head and steps back. Xaden and I take our spots on opposite sides of the mat, the whole gym going quiet in anticipation.
I don’t need to look around to know all eyes are on us. The Riorson siblings. The commanding wing leader, and the one thought to be dead. Behind Xaden, Garrick’s eyes are on me but I don’t raise my gaze from Xaden’s. I do notice Imogen make her way around the edge to stand next to him.
Xaden and I start to circle each other. I know Xaden’s fighting style. I watched him train with our father, as well as Garrick and Bodhi. But he has no idea how I fight. To his knowledge I had no combat training other than run and hide. All he knows is I’m quick with some daggers after last night. Xaden makes the first move, rushing forward to make a grab for me, but I duck and roll to side while landing a kick to the back of his knee causing him to stumble before he turns back to me. This time I’m the first to move. He goes to block my attack but I duck to side again and land a punch to his ribs. I use the small window I have to place another stronger kick to his knee knocking him to the ground in a kneeling stance. As he goes to the ground I bring up my other foot and place a kick to the side of his head. I should probably go easier on my brother, but he’s underestimated me and I want, no need to prove what I have learnt. I can’t let him, Bodhi and Garrick treat me like the little girl they once knew.
Xaden is now kneeling with his hands on the mat trying to right himself. I raise my leg again to push him down by his back but he swings an arm out knocking my legs out from me. Sending me down down to the mat, my back hitting it with a loud smack. He goes to make a move I’ve seen him do many times in the past. As he leans down to put me into a hold I hook my legs around his neck and flip him so he’s face down on the mat. I twist and put pressure on his neck. He might be stronger than me, but the way I have twisted makes it hard for him to breathe if he moves too much. But he still his best to get out of the hold. I shift my stance as best I can to make an arch in his back, making him look towards to roof. 30 seconds later he taps the mat. He yields.
As soon as I release him from the hold the gym comes back to life with chatter and fights starting up. It appears the whole gym stopped to watch our match. As Xaden stands he holds his hand out to help me up which I happily take.
”You’re definitely not the little sister I use to know.” He says with a smile as he looks down at me. “I might even need to thank Melgren for the training he gave you.”
”That guy does not need his ego inflated more than it is. Please don’t.” Causing Xaden to laugh.
Foot steps to my left pull me from the moment with Xaden and we both look to see Emetterio looking at us.
”Definitely not how I expected that to go. I expect good things out of you Ophelia.” He says before walking off to observe the other matches.
As the next pairing for our mat makes their way over Xaden and I make our way off the mat towards Garrick and Imogen, and Bodhi who must have made his way over during our match. Bodhi and Garrick are beaming at me. Obviously happy I had just kicked Xaden’s butt on the mat. Imgoen on the other hand looks even more pissed than she has all day at me. As we get to them she huffs and storms off back to our squad.
”What’s her problem?” I ask the boys as I watch her pink hair disappear into the crowd.
The boys all share a knowing look which has me raising an eyebrow at them. Clearly all in on something I’m not.
”Probably just feels threatened by you. You’ve clearly shown you’re a fighter to contend with. She’s always boasted about being one of the better female fighters here.” Bodhi states.
”Right.” I am not even remotely convinced by his words. The glares she’s been sending me all day suggest other wise.
I turn to face the mats and watch the other matches, Garrick moving to stand next to me. Almost as if pulled to my by gravity. He’s presence is comforting and I look up and see him smiling down at me.
”Not gonna lie, was kinda hot watching you take you’re brother down like that.” He says to me as he winks at me making my heart skip a beat as he stares intently into my eyes.
”You did not just call my sister hot!” Xaden nearly shouts from the other side of me at Garrick, causing Garrick and Bodhi to burst into fits of laughter as I turn bright red.
I feel the all too familiar set of eyes on me and look over to see Imogen glaring at me. As Garrick places his hand on my shoulder as he responds to Xaden, it almost looks as if she starts shaking with anger. Something tells me in the next few weeks her and I are going to end up on that mat together. And it won’t be pretty.
Part 5 @riorgail @going-through-shit
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doumadono · 11 months
HIII before this I just wanted to say that I really love your blog!! Your writing style is so organized and satisfying 🫶🏻
I was wondering if you could do Izuku as a parent to a rebellious girl. His daughter wasn't even rebellious in the first place, she used to be so sweet and so thankful for the gifts Izuku would give her. You could say that she was a daddy's girl because of how much she clung to him in her youth, but after her mother (Y/N) passed from a villain attack that could have been AVOIDED and the heroes were too late; she lost faith in the heroes especially Izuku. She also had some realization that Izuku was barely home and without her mother, the house felt so empty. Izuku's gifts were an apology and she started to receive more of them after her mother's passing. In time, her resentment for Izuku grew and she stopped interacting with him altogether even if Izuku made more effort for his daughter (whether it would be being home more often, cooking her delicious food like her mother did, buying more gifts, etc.) it meant nothing to her. She started getting in fights, turning her back against the hero society, going home late despite Izuku's protests and ignoring him completely as if she never knew him.
How would Izuku deal and react to this behavior? More importantly, how would he deal with the grief alone?
This is based of a true story because my older sister used to be like this back then, except our parent didn't make an effort to reach out. I wanted to see what would my favorite character do if his own daughter would be like this and he actually tried to make an effort. 😅
Rebuilding bonds - dad!Izuku & Y/N's daughter
Warnings: aged-up Izuku (+25yo)
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Izuku Midoriya had always been a devoted father. He cherished every moment with his daughter, watching her grow into a sweet and thankful child. She used to be a daddy's girl, clinging to him with a warmth that filled their home. But that all changed after the tragic day when her mother, Y/N, fell victim to a villain attack that could have been avoided. The heroes arrived too late, and in that moment, something within their daughter snapped.
The once adoring child began to resent not just the heroes but also her own father. Izuku felt the weight of her growing anger and disappointment, and it tore at his heart. He tried to compensate for her mother's absence by showering her with gifts, seeing them as apologies for his perceived failures. The house felt emptier without Y/N, and the gifts served as a poor substitute for her love and warmth.
Despite Izuku's attempts to bridge the growing gap between them, his daughter's resentment festered. He spent more time at home, cooked her the same delicious food her mother used to make, and continued to buy gifts. Yet, nothing he did seemed to reach her.
One evening, as he prepared dinner, he couldn't help but feel a knot in his chest. The sweet aroma of Y/N's signature dish filled the air. He glanced at the clock; his daughter was late again. Frustration and worry clawed at him, but he waited patiently.
When she finally walked through the door, it was clear that she had been in yet another fight. Her face was marked with fresh bruises, and she refused to meet her father's eyes. Izuku sighed and set the table, laying out the meal he had painstakingly prepared.
"Sit down, sweetheart," he said, his voice gentle but tinged with sadness.
She obeyed but remained silent, pushing her food around the plate. It was as though she were a stranger in her own home. Izuku couldn't bear it any longer. He put down his own fork and looked at her with a mixture of sorrow and determination.
"I miss your mother too," he began, his voice shaky. "But pushing me away won't bring her back. I love you, and I'll always be here for you, no matter how angry or distant you become. I want to help you, but I can't do that if you shut me out."
His daughter's eyes glistened with unshed tears, and for the first time in a long while, she met his gaze. "I just don't understand, Dad," she whispered. "Why didn't the heroes save Mom? Why weren't they there in time?"
Izuku sighed deeply, his heart heavy with the truth he had been wrestling with. "I ask myself that question every day," he admitted. "I wish I had the answers, but I don't. All I can do is honor her memory by being the best father I can be and doing my part to make the world safer."
And then, without warning, it happened. She suddenly pushed her untouched plate of food away and shot up from her chair, her eyes brimming with tears and anger. The dam that held back her pent-up emotions finally broke, and the floodgates opened.
"I hate this! I hate you, and I hate everything you represent! You say you love me, but you're never here when I need you the most! You couldn't even save Mom!"
Izuku watched in stunned silence as his daughter's anguish poured out. Her anger and grief were like a storm, and he was the one in its path. He had expected this moment, had known that she needed to let it all out, but he had never been prepared for the intensity of her emotions.
She continued to scream and cry, her words a torrent of pain and frustration. She accused him of being a failure as a hero, of not living up to the ideals he had always held dear. She blamed him for her mother's death and for the emptiness that had consumed their home.
Izuku didn't interrupt or try to defend himself. He let her words wash over him, absorbing every bit of her pain. He knew that she needed this release, that it was the only way for her to begin healing. His heart ached as he watched her crumble before him, but he knew that this was a necessary part of their journey.
The room was heavy with the echoes of her screams, and as her sobs began to subside, Izuku approached her cautiously. Gently, he pulled her into a tight embrace, holding her close as she cried in his arms.
"Dad, I…" she choked on her words, her voice quivering.
Izuku held her even tighter, his own eyes glistening with tears. "It's okay, sweetheart. I'm here. You can say anything you need to. I want to understand."
Her tears soaked into his shoulder as she found her voice again. "I just don't know what to do. Everything feels so wrong. Mom is gone, and you're…you're never around… You pay more attention to being a hero than you pay to me…"
He sighed, running a hand through her hair. "I miss her too, more than words can say. And I'm so sorry, I wish I could have been there when you needed me."
"Why couldn't you save her, Dad?" she asked yet again, her voice filled with desperation.
"If only I knew, sweetie," Izuku whispered, his voice filled with regret and longing.
She sniffled and buried her face in his chest. "I don't want to hate you, but I don't know how not to."
He held her close, his voice soft and comforting. "I love you more than anything in the world, and I'm willing to do whatever it takes to make things right between us."
They stood in silence for a while, the weight of their emotions heavy in the air. Izuku knew that this was just the beginning, but it was a crucial step in their journey towards healing.
His daughter finally looked up at him, her eyes red and puffy. "I don't know if I can forgive you, but I'm willing to try."
Izuku nodded, tears still glistening in his eyes. "That's all I can ask for, sweetheart. We'll take it one step at a time, together."
The storm had passed, and the air in the room felt lighter. It was the beginning of a long process of healing and rebuilding their relationship, but they had taken the first step together. Izuku knew that it wouldn't be easy, but he was determined to be the father she needed and to help her find her way back to the light, even in the darkest of times.
The truth was, the grief settled heavily on Izuku's shoulders right after his wife's death. He found himself grappling with the loss of the love of his life, the mother of his child. The pain was relentless, and he often felt overwhelmed by sorrow. He had lost not only his wife but also his closest confidante, the person who had always been there to support him.
In the days following her death, Izuku withdrew into himself. He was a hero, but he was also a grieving husband and father. He would sit in the darkened living room, lost in memories of Y/N. Their laughter, their shared dreams, and the simple moments they had enjoyed together haunted him. He would often reach for the family photo album, flipping through the pages with tears streaming down his face.
However, he knew he couldn't allow his grief to consume him entirely. He had a daughter who needed him, a daughter who was struggling just as much, if not more, with the loss of her mother.
Over time, their conversations became more open, and the walls between them began to crumble. Izuku continued to work as a hero, but he also became a hero in his daughter's life. He attended her fights, not to scold but to offer guidance and support. He listened to her grievances about hero society and tried to help her understand the complexities of their world.
He also tried to create new routines and traditions that would help them both heal. They visited Y/N's favorite places together, shared stories about her, and kept her memory alive in their hearts. Izuku worked hard to make her feel less alone in her grief.
Their journey was far from easy, and the grief of losing Y/N still loomed over them both. But they faced it together, healing slowly, one step at a time. Izuku remained a devoted father, determined to rebuild the bond with his daughter and show her that heroes, even with their flaws, could still make a difference in the world.
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sincerely-sofie · 5 months
Chapter 8 of Sofie Plays "Slay the Princess": The Hero and the Princess (Round 3) + The Damsel
This is a love story, but it's a love story that I wrote at thirteen during my Warrior Cats phase.
[ Beginning ] - [ Previous Part ] - [ Next Part ]
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... Hopefully she doesn't mind the flesh rotting off of my avian visage?
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This run is going exactly like the one where I was forced to kill her by the Narrator--- I'm hoping I can change it by not alluding to her gnawing off her own limbs and just checking upstairs for a key.
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Interestingly, the option to slay the Princess is no longer available here. The run is a bit different, despite being very similar.
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I can't select any of the options. Am I stuck like this?
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Can I please chuck the blade away so that she can defend herself with it. Please. Pretty please. Narrator pleeeeeeeease---
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Huzzah! Okay new game title: Slay the Borb.
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... I didn't think that was actually going to be the route we took, but alright. Fair. Knowing the way the writing in this game has gone, she's going to miss anything vital and just make it hurt.
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This is probably the single game I hate having so many predictions about prove to be correct.
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Oh, shoot, it's a new chapter? I couldn't see through my tears.
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New party member: Now introducing the Voice of the Simp! ... Smitten. Voice of the Smitten. Yes. That's what I said.
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Mirror check! The Smitten is a dork. Moving on.
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Once again, I didn't take the knife. I really gotta see what happens when I enter the basement with it in hand.
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The Smitten ranting about how much he loves the Princess to the Narrator and Hero's utter dismay like:
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I don't have any comments to make on this exchange other than how hilarious it is and how relatable it feels for someone who's had hallucinations try to talk to real people in the past.
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The Hero was pulling out a squirt bottle for the Smitten two minutes ago, but the second the Princess calls him a hero he's competing for the Smitten's title. Peak character right there.
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The idea of the Princess having a sort of Narrator instructing her on how to behave and what actions to take / things to say is INSANE and a question I had the second the Narrator told me to go down into that first basement. The immediate deconfirmation is a little saddening, but the Smitten's comment makes me wonder if the one who has reality warping powers here isn't the Princess, but us.
Hear me out. The way we interact with the Princess in the first chapter of every loop seems to dictate what the next Princess will be. It's like our opinion of her shapes what she becomes. She savaged our player character in that very first interaction, and then in the next, she was a wild animal that swallowed us whole. In the chapter preceding the Stranger, we never entered the cabin in the first place. We never met. And when we finally did, she was a fractal of possibilities--- almost as if because we hadn't formed an opinion of her yet.
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GIRL HUH. Yeah no she's not real. This is a cardboard cut out with a speaker behind it.
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Hey wait her eyes look different. Am I crazy?
Yeah no a lot more than her eyes are different! The gal is having a crisis of identity that is represented by the art style and that is VERY COOL and also VERY DISTRESSING
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Chickened out and didn't press the issue of her having her own wants beyond leaving the cabin beyond a second question. I said that if she wants to leave, then we'll leave, and she was abruptly back to normal. Sweetie you need therapy.
The Smitten just said "We have each other. We don't need the world for our happy ending." and that COULD just be his mushy romanticism showing... but what if it's not?
Turns out the Narrator is the one who's been locking us in the basement 90% of the time, not the cabin itself, or the Princess. When we were locked in, I asked the Princess if she thought she could open the door, and said I believed in her when she asked if I thought she could.
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Ultra Princess I'm genuinely so thrilled to hear your terrifying ambience again this princess scares me infinitely more than the ones who gnaw off their arms or eat me please take her away ;w;
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Continuing this in the next post. Can't wait to take my next mirror selfie! I'm not scared whatsoever :,D
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itsclydebitches · 1 year
Building off your argument that Ted isn't going to go back to Kansas, he was constantly correcting his mother this episode with regards to British terms. Where before he was the outsider who didn't understand Britishisms, now he is the native who uses the terms instinctively to the point where he gets annoyed when they're used wrong. Sounds like he's acclimatized to England.
Yes!!! I was thinking that a couple weeks back too when Ted first uses "football" instinctively and then comments on how natural it's become. He's reached a point where he's both using that terminology as a matter of course ("Some of us have a football team to coach!") as well as teaching others (here's how the dials on the oven work). (Sidenote: I'm not sure what to do with Dottie's tea comment yet. Not even sure atm whether I read it as sincere or sarcastic, but regardless, I think it's a potentially useful detail next to Ted willingly drinking tea in "Sunflowers." That was another version of acclimation on his part.) Now, combine this verbal/dietary acclimation with our opening where every previously negative interaction Ted had with the community has been flipped to show that they now adore him -- seen most strikingly through the "wanker" guy and, throughout this season, the pub trio supporting him at training -- and if they do send Ted back to Kansas it's really going to read as that Mary Poppins situation of, "He arrives to brighten everyone else's lives and then leaves. Why do you care what he needs? He's just a narrative tool."
To further add to this I can't help but think about the long-term structure of Ted's life now that we know Beard's backstory. We're told that, like his time here in Richmond, Ted helped Beard, forgave him, gave him another chance, and ultimately gave him a life. If we look at Beard's situation as a microcosm of the whole show, it seems significant that Ted does not leave Beard behind. That was not a situation -- a situation we're worried about getting now -- where Ted played the part of emotional coach and then sent Beard on his way, far from him as he's no longer needed. Instead, we get the opposite. Beard becomes his best friend, a staple of his life, and continues to help Ted in turn. By waiting until the penultimate episode to reveal the roots of Beard's loyalty, the show has ensured that the focus is on their equal standing and how Beard has likewise benefited Ted over the years: helping him see that wanting to win isn't a bad thing, trying to provide support through his anxiety, recognizing Ted's tells and informing their new community of what to look for (Nate, during the divorce arc: "Is he okay?" Beard: "No!") Beard could have been a minor, flatter character who popped out of the woodwork just to say, "Ted Lasso changed my life for the better, extraordinarily so, and he is The Best Man anyone could ever meet" (which, frankly, would have made Ted a flatter character too) and then gone on his way, having succeeded in the narrative function of reminding the viewer that this is Ted's sole role in the story: coaching others to be their best selves while pushing his own needs aside.
Instead, Beard becomes the cornerstone of Ted's support system. Ted doesn't leave him behind, he permanently integrates him into his life.
What's a microcosm of this microcosm? Ted Lasso does the same thing with Trent. Does he go off into the writing world once Ted helps him realize what he truly wants in life, his story concluded, never to be seen again? To quote Beard, "No!" Trent comes back and, significantly, Ted doesn't pull any metaphorical Mary Poppins arguments along the lines of, "I'm done all I can for you. It's time for you to move on." He eagerly invites Trent into their Richmond circle when no one else will (I'm currently working on a meta of Trent's first scene of Season 3 because OH BOY IS THERE A LOT) and Trent stays, not simply writing his book but becoming a member of the family. Surely there's a pattern here: The people Ted helps don't leave him, but rather become core additions to his life that enrich his own outlook and understanding of himself.
I'm not saying I'm going to toss Ted Lasso in the bin if we get the Kansas ending, but I AM saying you all will have to suffer through a dissertation length meta on my blog about why that was a bad choice lol
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juicake · 1 month
Gone Girl
synopsis: It was your anniversary dinner, but a receipt fell out of your lovers coat pocket. The receipt is from a jewelry store but the engraving is not your name. 
pairing: Mingi x f!reader  
!heartbreak, cheating 
wc: 765
a/n: hi this is my first writing/oneshot please let me know what you think about it!
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I arrived at the restaurant a few minutes early. Once I arrived at the table I saw it was decorated with roses and candles. Pretty romantic if you ask me. I wore my best dress for tonight. While waiting I noticed his coat draped on the back of the chair. As I moved his chair aside something fell out of his coat pocket, a receipt. 
I then curiously pick it up, and then unfold the receipt to see it’s from a jewelry store. It was dated 2 days ago. The receipt was a necklace that had an added engraving but the name wasn’t mine. My heart then drops, and nausea hits me hard. The night I was so excited for feels like a bomb, ticking away. 
Mingi then arrives and I try to act normal. Forcing your smile as he greets you with a kiss. 
“I'm so glad I set this up for us today.” Mingi said to me, giving me a smile. I then smile and nod at his words. Our conversation flows nicely but my mind is not focused on tonight right now. I’m recalling our past interactions that we’ve had together. Was there something I missed? My thoughts were going around in circles, but I managed to hold myself together and try to get through the main course for tonight.   
As we finish our main course the waiter comes to take our plates. I couldn't take it any longer needing an answer. I then slid the receipt near him with a trembling voice and asked him, “Who's this for Mingi?”    
Mingi’s face then blanks out as he sees the receipt from his coat pocket. I can tell he is trying to find an excuse or maybe the truth. “I’m sorry..” He says to me looking down at the table. “w-what are you sorry for…?” I ask him with wide eyes. Watching his head now lift up. 
My eyes then start to fill with tears. “I've been meaning to tell you for a while now.” He continued speaking. “Mingi, have you been cheating on me?” I ask him with my voice trembling. “Look i wanted to tell you-” He says to me putting his hands up in defense. “Y-you wanted to tell me at our anniversary dinner?” I ask him a single tear falling down my face. He didn't answer me, I then stood up and grabbed my purse and walked out of the restaurant. 
Multiple tears falling down my face ruining my makeup. I then walk down the street bawling my eyes out, and people staring as I walk by but I don’t care. All the time and energy I've put into our relationship just for him to go and cheat. three years down the drain. I hear my phone ringing, I pull it out of my bag to see that it's Mingi. I don’t answer him, blocking his number.   
I then stumbled into a bar, I went in and started to drink my worries away. Or at least I tried to. Crying like there is no tomorrow, the perfect day has gone to its worst. My mind started to spiral even more, and I started to question myself. Was I not good enough? Am I boring? Was I not pretty enough for him? I asked myself all these things, having unanswered questions for myself. 
I stayed in the bar all night. Not going home, too dejected to even go back. My mind was clouded. I wasn't thinking straight, not in the right mindset. believing that I was just going to be unloved forever. As I’m walking back to the apartment complex I see him in the lobby. 
My heart starts to thump rapidly. “Y/n! I’ve been waiting for you to come back, I wanted to explain everything.” Mingi says to me while holding my shoulders. I then start to get tense. “Go away,” I said to him, not wanting to look at him. “Can I please just explain myself?” I shake my head at his words not wanting to hear his voice. “Please Mingi, just go away.”  I say to him shaking his hands off of me, walking past him going towards the elevator.  
Once I reach my floor, I walk to my apartment. Once I open the door I immediately break. Crying and screaming my eyes out. “Why can't I be loved?” I cried out. Holding myself while I cry on the floor. I then start to compare myself to an image that I never saw before. Is she prettier than me? Funnier than me? More lovable than me…? 
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archiveikemen · 1 year
Harrison Gray 1st Birthday Campaign: Story (2023)
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I do not own any of the Ikemen Series content being uploaded on this blog, everything belongs to CYBIRD. Please support them by playing their games and buying stories. Not 100% accurate, expect mistakes.
read this before interacting with my posts
On a sweltering summer day when I was 17, my curse showed itself for the first time.
Ever since then, I became a member of Crown and grew older with them for many years.
Victor and my partner in crime, Liam, would plan birthday surprises for me every year. Due to my special ability to tell whether someone was lying by looking into their eyes, their plans always failed miserably.
— However, that’s a good thing.
(I’m no longer someone who deserves to be happily celebrating my birthday.)
And so my birthday, which is on the 30th of May, is approaching again this year—.
By the time Liam and I had completed our mission and were on our way back in a carriage, the sun was already setting and it was almost night time.
(Mission is complete, and Liam is next to me. This is like any other day.)
(— The only thing that’s different is that I didn't see Kate even once today.)
My lover, Kate, would come running to my room every morning like she couldn't wait to see me.
But she didn't come to see me this morning.
In fact, when I was about to go look for her, Liam pulled me away…
Harrison: Hey, Liam.
Liam: Yeah?
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Harrison: You lied to me about “something” today, didn't you?
Liam: Uh…
(... Yeah, I knew it.)
His reaction, Kate’s unusual behaviour, and the sudden change in members assigned today’s mission. Moreover, today’s date is the 29th of May — the night before my birthday.
If I pieced all that information together, there could only be one conclusion.
Harrison: … I see, I get it. So that's what’s going on.
The moment I got the idea, the carriage came to a stop at perfect timing, and I swiftly got off.
Liam: Harry, wait!
I thought I heard Liam call out to me from behind, but — seeing Kate was my top priority.
While I searched for Kate, I caught a glimpse of her small figure walking down the hallway.
Harrison: I’m home.
Kate gasped when I grabbed her arm from behind and drove her to a wall.
Kate: H-Harry…! Good morning.
Harrison: It’s already night.
Kate: Oh—... you’re right. Time sure passes by quickly.
Kate kept avoiding my eyes, clearly hiding her lies from me.
(Goodness. Since it’s come to this…)
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Harrison: It hurts. … I got a wound during today’s mission.
Kate: You’re hurt!? Where!?
Harrison: I lied. You’re finally looking at me.
Kate: Ah! Harry, you’re a liar!
Harrison: Too late. — Anyway.
To prevent her from looking away, I cupped her face in my hands and looked straight into her eyes.
Harrison: You’ve been avoiding me all day because you’re planning a surprise birthday party for me, am I right?
Kate: …!
Kate’s eyes widened, and then she frowned in resignation.
Kate: … Ahh, I got caught.
Kate: But how did you find out?
Harrison: Firstly, your position as the fairytale writer makes it easy for you to know my date of birth.
Harrison: Secondly, Victor and Liam celebrate my birthday every year, so it wouldn't make sense for this year to be an exception.
Harrison: And the one thing that really gave it away — you’re in love with me, and yet you didn't show me your face even once today.
Kate: …
Harrison: There are more reasons, do you want to hear them all?
Kate: Now I’m feeling down because of my lack of ability to pay attention to details, and I’m dying of embarrassment… so let’s just leave it at that.
(Pretending not to notice is what a good lover would do.)
(But I had a feeling she wouldn't want me to.)
She often fell for small lies, but she had never failed to notice when someone was pretending to be happy.
She was oddly thickheaded, yet sensitive to the movements of people’s hearts — but that was the Kate I fell in love with.
Harrison: That’s too bad. You were planning something with those guys, and now that it’s ruined—
Kate: You don’t know about “the rest”, right?
Harrison: … The rest?
Kate giggled like a child who just made a successful prank, and pulled her hand away.
Kate: Come with me, Harry. This way, this way!
Harrison: H-Hey…
We headed to the dining room where all the members of Crown were gathered.
Liam, who was with me until a while ago, was there too.
Kate: Everyone, Harry already noticed, so why don’t we spoil another surprise for him?
Victor: Oops! You’re very observant, Harry. Alright, Kate, bring “that” out.
Kate: Okay!
(... There’s another surprise?)
As I tilted my head in wonder on the inside, Kate walked up to me while pushing a wagon.
On the wagon was a huge five-tiered cake.
(This is…)
Victor: Oh, you’re surprised? We did it! The two tier strategy surprise was a success! Yay.
Harrison: Two tier strategy?
Victor: You can see through lies and you’re very perceptive, hence the birthday surprise fails every year, correct?
Victor: So this year, I discussed it with Kate and came up with a new strategy.
Victor: There’s no way to prevent you from finding out that I will be throwing a surprise party for you as usual.
Victor: However! I got everyone to hide the fact that I’m baking this cake.
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Liam: I was so nervous. I started wondering what I should do if you were to pursue the matter in the carriage.
Elbert: … You did a good job.
Kate: The original plan was to surprise you the moment it became the 30th of May, but…
Kate: You found out, so the plan got moved forward.
Kate shrugged and pointed at the cake.
Kate: Look, Harry. Everyone made this cake together. The base was made by Victor.
Alfons: In the meantime, El and I went shopping for fruits.
Roger: Elis and I made tons of whipped cream. My biceps are bulging now.
Kate: William was the one who put the whipped cream on the cake beautifully.
Elbert: … That was Will? … It looks as if it was done by a professional.
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William: Fufu, you flatter me.
Elis: … Jude isn’t here, but he did a taste test just in case.
Liam: Does that count as helping?
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Alfons: My, my, the biscuit cat at the top of the cake looks adorable!
Roger: … That’s a fox. I made it.
It felt rather strange to see the guys who were usually soaked in blood from their missions, talking about cake.
But Kate was at the centre of it all, and she effortlessly erased any feelings of discomfort.
Kate: Harry.
Harrison: Hm?
Kate: I’m sorry for lying to you, and for not seeing you all day.
Kate: Also for avoiding eye contact with you.
(... There’s no need for you to worry about all that.)
Harrison: … That’s alright, I’ll forgive you because of this cake. I feel like having something sweet.
Kate: Fufu, okay.
Seeing Kate’s smile of relief felt so endearing, I put my lips to her ear and whispered…
Harrison: Let me eat you after I eat this cake.
After having lots of cake, the two of us rushed straight to bed.
(... I can smell the sweetness in her hair and neck.)
I wanted to give in to my desires and hold her, but there was one thing I had to ask.
Harrison: Say, how did you get all the members of Crown to help you?
Kate: Erm.
Harrison: You must’ve called for all of them to participate, otherwise they wouldn't be here.
After a little hesitation, Kate spoke while looking me directly in the eyes.
Kate: When I got the idea of celebrating your birthday, I tried to imagine how you’ve been spending it in the past.
Kate: Until now, you’ve been having to lie to everyone.
Kate: Therefore… I thought that you wouldn't have been able to enjoy your birthdays wholeheartedly.
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Harrison: …
Kate: But that’s not the case this year, right?
Harrison: What do you mean?
Kate: You will continue telling lies for the sake of your missions. However, the people here understand now.
Kate: You’re a kind person. You don’t lie for no reason.
Kate: You don’t have to keep a distance from us anymore, Harry. I can assure you of that.
(... What?)
Kate made this day not just for me, but also for my past birthdays.
And Crown was in on it too.
(Back then, I wasn’t able to express my happiness well, but… was I actually happy?)
Love, kindness, happiness, and other precious things were always realised late.
I embraced Kate, as if to lock in the feelings I just felt.
That was very unlike me, but my heart was shaken.
Kate: Harry?
Harrison: I’ll remember everything you just said. … Thank you.
Kate: … Yeah.
And then we kissed once, twice… and countless more times.
Kate spoke in short bursts between ragged breaths.
Kate: Ah, it’s a new day.
Kate: Happy birthday once again, Harry. And… I love you.
Harrison: Thanks. … Me too.
Kate: That’s… the truth, right? Fufu, that makes me even happier!
I stole Kate’s lips again and didn't hesitate to slip my hands under her clothes.
The softness of Kate’s skin, her warmth, her movements, and her words — all of it filled my heart to the brim.
(... I’m the one who’s happy.)
— 30th of May, the actual day of my birthday.
Victor burst into my room early in the morning and cheerfully announced that everyone who was available would be going for a celebratory lunch.
(... You just want to make a big deal about people’s birthdays.)
(Oh well, I’ll go along with it for today.)
While I waited for Kate to get ready, I thought back to the day I stepped foot into this world of darkness.
– Flashback Start –
Harrison: I’m not interested in the prosperity of England and other people's freedom. But—
Harrison: I’m interested in what you guys are doing, therefore you should let me become one of your members.
Harrison: I have the curse of a fox and can see through lies. I think I’ll be useful… what do you think?
– Flashback End –
(... I’ve told Crown countless lies since that day.)
Those lies were necessary in order to protect, and I couldn't show anyone my true feelings.
For that reason, I lived my life keeping everything that was precious to me as far away as possible.
I accepted my fate as a lying fox, and thought that was how I was meant to live.
— That was how things were.
(Kate returned something precious to my hands.)
(Smiling as hard as she could.)
Whenever I was about to give it up again, Kate would say “you don't want that, do you, Harry?”.
Incorrigibly, she would put it back in my hands.
(And then, I—)
There was a knock on my door, and Kate peeped her face in.
Kate: I’m ready. Sorry to have kept you waiting.
Perhaps because it was my birthday, Kate was more dolled up than usual.
Harrison: This outfit suits you well.
Kate: Thank you.
Despite her shy smile, she seemed very pleased.
Harrison: What are you grinning about?
Kate: … I was thinking about something while on my way here.
Kate: Harry. For your next birthday, and all your future birthdays, I’ll do my best to surprise you.
Kate: I’ll continue making sure that you have the best birthday ever.
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Harrison: …
Kate: Someone’s here. Is it Victor—
Harrison: You don’t have to respond to that yet.
Kate: Oh—
I put an arm around Kate waist—
And hid us behind the curtains.
Kate: … Harry?
Harrison: I know you’re trying your best.
Harrison: But having you by my side is already enough to make it the best birthday ever.
Kate looked up at me with her eyes widened.
Kate: Do you mean it…?
(... Isn't that obvious?)
(I’m so grateful towards you that I can change my way of life for you.)
And have my birthdays celebrated here, with Crown.
I could no longer live my life avoiding keeping what’s precious to me close by.
(Kate, because of you, I can't be alone anymore.)
I gave her an aloof smile, embarrassed by the feelings bubbling in my heart.
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Harrison: It’s up to you to find out whether that's the truth or a lie.
Harrison: … You’ll be with me next year and every year after that, won’t you?
Kate: Yes, I’d love to!
I kissed Kate, who smiled while saying that.
The birthday kiss tasted sweeter than the cake Kate made — it tasted like pure bliss.
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ckret2 · 10 months
What would be Bill's hobbies in the nightmare realm? Like ok he's been there for a million years, what would he do? Aside from partying, ruling and planning world domination?
Hate to nitpick—but one trillion years. To me the difference isn't a trivial "okay they're both impossibly big numbers" if we're considering what Bill's life must have been like; because one million years ago, humans had already evolved. One TRILLION years is 72 times longer than our entire universe has existed. We're talking about a life where for most of his existence, the universe he would ultimately try to conquer—much less the species that would help him do it—didn't even exist yet.
But to the actual question:
Genuinely I think partying took up most of his free time lmao. Maybe not at the start; but over time, getting absolutely smashed and "having fun" would have become an essential strategy to hold on to what was left of his fraying mental health, so it probably became more and more of his schedule while he waited for an in to a universe. And it combines several of his top hobbies: socializing, meeting people, dancing, substance abuse... But even something that takes "most of his free time" could leave billions of years unaccounted for, SO:
I mentioned yesterday that meditation is one of his unexpected hobbies. It's useful for refining his dream demon skills & various other psychic tricks; but mostly it's just, if you can drop into a trance for a thousand, a million, a billion years, then that's a lot of waiting & boredom you can just skip.
He's got a lot of eyes in other dimensions. It's like television to him.
He's unable to visit other dimensions before his portal is built, but he is able to visit other dimensions' mindscapes. He can't interact with things, but he can look around like an invisible tourist, and he can invade people's dreams.
We see what looks like weirdness bubbles scattered all around the Nightmare Realm in Don't Dimension It. I headcanon that Bill didn't just invent them on the spot in Weirdmageddon, he made them ahead of time in the Nightmare Realm; and thus that they probably take some time and skill to create. He doesn't control the end result but he can influence it based on what materials he puts in and how he creates it, kind of like an acrylic dirty pour painting. It's like art to him. He's proud of it.
He's never had higher education but he's book-read and self-taught on a wide variety of subjects. At bare minimum, every time he sees a new universe and goes "maybe I can conquer this," he has to teach himself that universe's rules of physics (often before a species in that universe has evolved enough to study it themselves), and one of the intelligent species's available engineering capabilities and native languages, all so that he can translate his portal blueprints into a form someone in that universe can build. That adds up to learning a LOT of languages, engineering, and physics. Ours is far from the first dimension he tried to conquer. Plus throw in all the other stuff he's probably learning on the side while trying to get something going with a new species: local politics, religion, chemistry, biology, pop culture...
He DID pick up piano at some point. Probably not the only instrument he's learned. I headcanon piano is conceptually similar to an instrument in his home dimension.
He likes playing games. Sometimes games of skill, because dice rolls and card draws would be easy to manipulate & cheat in a dreamscape; but sometimes games of chance, because he wants to cheat lol. He's not athletically inclined, so his preference is board games, card games, word games, pen-and-paper games, video games, etc.
Any time something falls into the Nightmare Realm, he can sense it; sometimes he goes and checks out the new arrival. It can be anything from objects (new stuff to scavenge through) to people (new friends and/or torture toys and/or networking opportunities) to whole worlds (there's a LOT of fun you can have with a planet—especially a populated one).
He spends a lot of time cultivating mini-cults and pockets of worship toward him amongst alien species. He claims this is all in service to his ultimate conquest plans, but honestly, he just really likes being worshiped.
There were a few survivors of Bill's home dimension. Not many, with a starting population of billions (and that's not even counting alien life); but a few thousand. Most of them ultimately moved to other dimensions and tried to start new societies. Early on, Bill tried to keep in contact with them, and that took up a fair amount of his time; but as they rejected him or he rejected them, he cut them off. Now the only people from or descended from his universe that he still talks to are the shapes in the Henchmaniacs.
Imagine if all the oceans on Earth were ruled over by a single pirate king, and also he knows any time something—from a cargo ship to a surfer—enters his domain, and he COULD just teleport to where they are and wreck their day if he wants to; so any nation that wants to safely ship goods or maintain a navy has to bargain with the pirate king; but also the pirate king is an immature clown who's easily flattered and distracted by shiny toys. That's the relationship Bill has to other dimensions. For cultures that have discovered interdimensional travel, transit through the Nightmare Realm COULD be very useful... if it weren't for this one guy who's somehow borderline omnipotent within the NR but can't leave it. So Bill spends a lot of time politicking and bartering with neighboring dimensions that don't trust him, know he'll violate treaties on a whim, but nevertheless need access to his realm.
There's also some uneasy politicking and socializing with the few powerful entities that Bill thinks might be able to wreck his day but isn't quite foolhardy enough to test, like the Axolotl.
Sometimes he just makes stuff that sounds cool. He made the Quadrangle of Qonfusion. (Amorphous Shape helped, they're better at the architecture side of things.) He also sometimes just goes and gets stuff that strikes his fancy, like his throne made of optical illusions. The Nightmare Realm is riddled with unfinished projects and impulse purchases.
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