#( anyway greenie's out. star/starlight/etc is my vash's new nickname! )
...y little stargazers... ... emini constellation! The twins! Just like... ... starlight, I promise, I won't... starlight starlight starlight Welcome back, starlight.
The words yank him from an otherwise peaceful sleep, still echoing in his mind as he gulps down breaths to calm himself down-- his heart hammering against the walls of his chest. It feels... unmanageable, to the point where Vash has to get up and move; get outside and force fresh air into his system just to even try to relax.
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What had that been? That couldn't just have been a dream or something, that was... that had to be...
He lifts his left arm and rests the palm of his hand against his right collarbone, where he can still feel the scrape of blades against it, brows furrowing in the center of his forehead as he shuts his eyes.
So much for sleep.
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