#( amongstmortals / Ara )
kxllerblond · 2 years
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@amongstmortals ASKED: “Are you kidding me?”
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His hands neatly folded at his front as he stood, blinked slowly and then cock his head just slightly to the side. ❝ Dear, do I LOOK like the type that makes habit of joking around? ❞ a single hand lifted, made a sweeping motion down his person. The styled hair, the crisp suit, the absolute no nonsense demeanor.. ❝ Besides, I don't joke around when it comes to matters of business. I'm a professional businessman, not a professional clown.❞
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babyitsmagic · 2 years
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"You can go anywhere within the palace. I do not care. I’ve asked the staff to offer you several rooms to choose from. If you hate them all, you’re welcome to take any unoccupied space. The gardens are expansive and relatively safe, but the plants do have opinions of their own. I would advise against offending the trees.” She turned her gaze to Ara, pausing in her tour of the home she’d inherited years ago. "I... have a somewhat decent understanding of how mortals work, so I am not going to tell you that you cannot leave the palace. You’ll do whatever you want. But I would advise against it. You are sa--” Her words were cut off as the magic deemed them a lie and she scowled. “You are relatively safe within this place and safe so long as I have no unexpected visitors, which is rare. I cannot say the same thing of the surrounding area. But if you wish to test your luck, I will not stop you. I find most people learn best from their mistakes.”
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somekndofpeople · 3 years
@amongstmortals Liked for a starter--->
Click Click
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Edgar holds up a blue animal training clicker that he often uses as a tool when he wants to grab another's attention, and he clicks it two more times. Usually, he saved it for busy environments but found himself using it quite frequently to get the young girls attention in everyday moments. He found the device more polite than knocking on items or snapping his fingers. But, ironic to use on someone he practically viewed as his own child as if she were trained.... It was borderline Pavlovs dog now, isn't it?
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“i know we don’t always agree and i know i can be unkind, but… you know you’re family, right?”
happy birthday @amongstmortals!!!! i love you with my entire heart and soul. hope you enjoy this little thing for our first ever interaction.
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gnarxta · 4 years
@amongstmortals​​ ||  ♫ lyric starter call ♪                                                  └   “Better Together” - Us The Duo
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 “  –It's not always easy,  and sometimes life can be deceiving...          But,  I'll tell you one thing...   it's always better when we're together. ”
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linesofmagic · 5 years
Ara and Sage
@amongstmortals | a kid meme answer that’s almost a month late ( ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )
send me a pair name and I’ll tell you what I think it would be like if they had a child.
Name: Julian Price
Gender: male
General Appearance: on the smaller side. tends to dress in darker colors, but in nice clothing. wears a lot of button-ups for a teenage boy.
Personality: definitely not the most trusting of kids and ended up a little more calculating than his moms necessarily wanted. he’s a pretty intelligent kid, but he definitely wound up with ara’s penchant for straight up stupid choices.
Special Talents: necromancy, but it’s… messy and it usually fucks him up to do it.
Who they like better: probably ara.
Who they take after more: …….sage maybe? he’s not. he doesn’t have ara’s softness.
Personal Headcanon: sage came home with him one day. he was four at the time and had a black eye and two cracked ribs. sage wouldn’t say what had happened to his parents, but she had blood on her.
Face Claim: dav.id ma.zouz
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paharedar · 5 years
                        @amongstmortals​  {  ~ Ara  }    \ ♥ \
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     “You know,” he sighs, slipping ‘round the corner to find Ara in his livingroom. “--even if I were human... I think I would have heard that.”
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bahzozo · 5 years
                                                @amongstmortals (Ara)                 
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“Uuummm....?                       oooOUUWWWww !! ”
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malevolentmagic · 6 years
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Asking for help wasn’t exactly a habit Eleanor had instilled in him. Generally, it wasn’t a problem. Generally, he got things the first time he tried them out. But for some reason, baking was the thing that was kicking his ass. And gods knew he was trying. But trying hadn’t done a damn thing, so now it was time for plan b. He waited until the class had cleared out before approaching the woman teaching. He offered her an awkward, almost nervous smile. “Uh. Hi. So, I... think I need some extra help.”
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babyitsmagic · 3 years
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“Holly thinks you ought to learn how to sword fight,” Desmond said, watching her closely for a reaction. “...I think she has a point. I think you might also use it against us at the first opportunity, but neither of us likes the idea of you being defenseless.”
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agameofsouls · 6 years
@amongstmortals // ara.
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it had been about a hundred years since he had experimented from his normal favorites when it came to drinks, yet here he was in a coffee shop, waiting for table service. after an hour of sitting, it should have been apparent to him that he needed to get in line to order, but he refused.
after another hour, a younger woman walked by, and he grabbed her wrist and pulled her to his table. with his other hand, he took out a single hundred dollar bill and held it up. “ hi, i’d like a venti white mocha, four shots of espresso, and two pumps of hazlenut, extra whip, and a chocolate drizzle. ”
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“Okay, so I don’t... actually know much of anything about astronomy, but like I really love learning about... everything, y’know? So anyway I was thinking we could go to the observatory and do some stargazing and maybe like have a picnic before or something and it would be fun and we don’t have to go if you don’t want to, but like do you?”
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gnarxta · 5 years
                                            @amongstmortals     \ ​         s.c.
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   “Say...” it comes out in a quiet hum, gently breaking through the comfortable silence between the two. “Have you ever considered trying your hand at photography..?”
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linesofmagic · 5 years
they definitely shouldn't have a kid but the ara/hector/alexi ot3?
@amongstmortals || send me a pair name and I’ll tell you what I think it would be like if they had a child.
Name: Castor Delaney
Gender: fluid; he/him | they/them
General Appearance: Goth^tm. definitely favors dark clothing, but also likes to be stylish.
Personality: ……………….YIKES. got uh. got more of their good traits? like. got ara’s talent for manipulating people, learned to fight from hector, calculating like alexi, prone to violence like all of them, but also waaaay better at keeping his emotions in check than any of them.
Special Talents: he’s a tiefling! alexi gave him some charmed objects to help him pretend to be human, but he’s still stronger than most and he definitely understands infernal languages, though he doesn’t speak any himself.
Who they like better: he’s a mama’s boy
Who they take after more: ….alexi maybe??? but he’s got his shit way too together really to be like any of them.
Personal Headcanon: alexi maybe sort of kind of definitely murdered his parents and when they realized there was a baby around, ara refused to leave him. alexi is p sure it was a bad idea for them to raise him, but ara wouldn’t budge on it. castor is p conflicted about it all bc he does love his parents but he’s like… 90% sure he knows what happened to his birth parents (2+2=4, after all) and part of him feels like he should probably murder alexi and avenge them but also he does love him and it’s just messy.
he loves boxing!!!! spending time with hector practicing is honestly one of his favorite things.
he’s got some affinity for magic, but it’s p limited.
he also loves baking bread with mom but it’s the only thing he likes baking.
Face Claim: gav.in leathe.rwood
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contrarymuses · 6 years
“You’re different too.” The words escaped from Chantal’s lips before she’d even had a chance to really think them over. She stood beside the girl, her hazel eyes roaming over her as she tried to decipher just how different she was. Not vampire different, but there was something....
Chantal opened her lips to speak but closed them tight as someone walked behind him, keeping her momentarily silent. Once all fear of the other person hearing what she was to say, she began again.
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“Aren’t you?” her question was redundant because even if the girl chose to deny, Chantal knew it to be true.
// @amongstmortals
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winchesterbxys · 6 years
❣️ (Ara is probably trying and failing to hold it over Luke's head tbh)
Send ❣️ to catch my muse under a Mistletoe!
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Luke almost laughed at her attempt to hold the mistletoe over them. Almost. He absolutely did smirk at her, though, as he took the plant out of her hands and raised it higher above their heads. He released it, letting it hover over them, suspended by an invisible force. Hands free, he took Ara’s face in his hands and leaned down to kiss her softly on the lips.
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