#( Don't make blogs kiddies ) ooc
360-ghosts · 1 year
Alright. Uh. Hello there! My name is Amber. I'm just a very simple trainer with no previous problems with the police, multiple charges of murder and espionage!
I'm the daughter of a (dead) pokémon breeder who used to breed ghost types. Following on her legacy, I have.. MANY Mimikyu. But most of them are caught, since I don't really make my Mimikyu hit it off if they don't seem ready or anything. (Besides, too many mama Mimikyu is a problem.)
I'm 15 years old and currently living in a large cave, inside a valley in Alola, somewhere in, like, Ula'ula, I think. Nearby the old mart that has trials hosted in it now.
Usually I send three out of all my Mimikyu to scour for berries, three to check up on my little garden so I don't have to send them out on storms 'n stuff, three to go to the Pokémart to buy medicines, treats and sewing supplies in the case we have one of the many Mimikyu be harmed in a spar and also have their disguise damaged. If you see one of them, they'll usually be wearing a little blue ribbon and be around levels 20-30 with a small kiddie bag. There are notes inside the bag of what they'll need, so if you'd like to help them, please do! If you want to visit, just ask and if they tug on your clothes and point to some direction, that's a "Yes, you can come" - if they nod no, well, you already know. And if you try following, you'll get a beating from them! Sorry. Don't make the rules.
That doesn't mean I don't have a team of my own! I have a shiny Mimikyu, which was my first, named Buster, a Gabite which grabbed an everstone last month and crushed it to pieces in it's mouth when I tried to take it away and now it won't evolve, named Stryke, a vaporeon missing it's tail, named Nixie, and a fluffy kantonian Meowth which was my mom's, named Cloudy.
Buster INSISTED I open this blog and even took a little picture for me to show off while i was eating in my room.
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please dont ask me about my arm.
It'll be amazing to meet all of you!
(ooc below)
Hi! This is the ooc section. This is a bit of a side blog like @tiredmomofthree, so I'll just do some slice of life stuff here with the equivalent to my Pokéfarm account, since the other is going through much extensive writing (/j) to finish off the Darkrai arc I'm doing.
Thank you for reading this far. I hope to do great roleplaying with all of you :)
(ps: as stated in description, I am a minor. for the love of Arceus don't send anything explicit.)
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Hey guys what's up I'm the leader of Team Skull: Johto branch, and we're accepting members. Have you ever wanted the economic security and sense of belonging of being in a gang, but didnt want to join the mob? Are you absolutely sick of blasting off again and ready to settle in some place where the vibes are less take over the world and more pillow fort? Have you ever wanted to live somewhere with a bunk sofa? Team Skull is right for you! Join today! We meet in the park where I totally don't live.
My name is Sol and I'm a poison type specialist. I used to be a trainer; I have all my certifications, blah blah blah. I work for a non-profit cleaning up routes and distributing those free items your twelve year old picks up while catching Zigzagoons. It's a very wholesome job. I also do poison "pest" control on the side to make ends meet; moving Beedrill nests away from kiddie parks and relocating Trubbish to the local dump and wrangling Ekans, all that shit.
My only Pokemon currently is Queef (he goes by Fart because my brother refuses to call him Queef but his name is Queef damnit he makes the exact sound), a classic Grimer I rescued from a clean up job. Mostly I just rehabilitate or foster, but Queef is here full-time.
If you're also a poison type lover, definitely hit me up, I love the little buggers.
UPDATE: Currently living in a park 👍 I now also have a feral Nidoran M who will be released once he stops injuring himself, and an Absol who I don't think I technically own but lives here also. Their names are Lil Bitch and Soteria respectively.
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HEY EVERYONE, I'm irl Sol, actual Sol behind the fictional Pokemon Sol. I follow back from @solitarelee which most of you probably figured out immediately given my name LMAO. So my activity page looks like this!
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Which I'm super pumped about actually. I didn't foresee any of this happening when I started the blog but I'm having a blast.
If anyone wants to OOC plot stuff to happen in "real pokeverse life" with me, my ask box and DMs are open (at least I think my DMs are open. if they're not right this second they're about to be). If you want something to be OOC discussion via ask box just let me know and be sure to send it off anon so I can answer privately. If we wind up doing a bunch of stuff together we could also trade Discords if necessary!
I'm gonna try to create like a list of all the members so I can keep them straight, but it might take me a second because I'm pretty busy irl. I'll also be trying to create a tagging system so people can tumblr savior or block certain RP threads if they feel like they're getting spammed to hell.
I created this blog as like a fun night time distraction on nights when I have to stay up, so it probably will never be super active during the day, at least not for while this semester is still going. If I don't reply right away it's definitely because I physically haven't seen it yet!
Thanks for all of your interest and for having fun playing in this sandbox with me!! I am living out my childhood pokemon rp dreams right now.
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[ooc: how did you get into being Voldy? Was it for fun? I’m quite interested in knowing a rp’s irl and you can not answer if it makes you uncomfortable :)]
[ooc: Oooh, such a good question! I am totally cool with questions about my irl!
Also I apologize in advance bc this is going to get long, haha. Long story short - I kind of...fell into Lord Voldemort.
I was about 9 when I read CoS for the first time, and it was the first time that I can remember being introduced to a villain with a backstory. All my previous kiddie fantasy just had "the bad guy," or maybe a misguided dragon with a redemption arc, or a Draco level childhood nemesis. But this Tom Riddle guy - not only would there clearly be no redemption arc, but he had been a student, with a name and a childhood, and then he got super evil for some reason? Why? I'm also lowkey impressed - Riddle came from an orphanage, had shit going for him - but then he gets to go to Hogwarts. He was charismatic, popular, head boy.
I have social anxiety. By 9, I was having panic attacks already. I was being bullied. And I had this anger about it, this rage. (Seriously - I have an old diary from fifth grade where I write how everyone could go fuck the hell off). Tom Riddle - he managed to command some respect despite his background. He became something of a role model.
And then a few years later the CoS movie came out. And Tom Riddle was HOT. And I say as much to my friends, who naturally decided I was married to him. It becomes a big running gag. (I mean, if my other friend was married to Anakin Skywalker, I could totally be married to Tom Riddle.)
And in the meantime, I'm finding myself drawn to villains in a lot of the media I'm consuming. By the time I am 13, it's my thing. I'm the one in my friend group that has a thing for the villain. My very first fanfic I ever wrote was in middle school for the His Dark Materials Trilogy. It was about Lord Asriel and Ms. Coulter.
So anyway, I discovered fic at 13. I read a Tom Riddle /Ginny Weasley fic that changed my life. I printed it out. It was only rated PG but it was so...hot is the wrong word, bc it's all in their heads, he's not even in possession of a body for most of it. But shit. I start shipping Tom/Ginny. Then I start shipping Bellamort (though it's a love/hate relationship with the ship at that point). I create a blatant self-insert OC and write fics with her in it. But I also am writing a lot of shit from his POV. By the time I'm 15, I'm writing so much Lord Voldemort fic, I'm the "Voldemort girl" in my friend group.
I'm sure the entire High school thought of me as Voldemort girl by that point. And all this time I'm writing. And also at this time, everytime I walk into a store or am having a bad anxiety day, I ask myself what Tom Riddle would do and I push through. I have a major depressive episode at 17 and I'm living out of pure spite with LV as my role model. At 17 I'm still married to Voldemort, btw. My best friend made us an "anniversary" card every Halloween from ages 13-17.
I start college. I start writing a lot of original fiction - and still LV stuff, just for me. Somehow I became Voldemort Girl at college too, but it's not a bad thing. One of my college friends tells me I should rp on tumblr. I already have a fandom blog, how have I not run into rp? So I make one - but for a marvel OC I had, and then my Harry Potter OC. It took me another year to start writing as LV. And now I'm here.
I'm...still not entirely sure about what vibe I must give off - I said "I actually run a Lord Voldemort fan blog" to some people at work a while ago (we were talking about our nerdiest hobbies, it was justified, haha) and all three of them were not surprised in the slightest. One of them said "of course you do." Like...I thought I was pretty "normal" at work. How do the vibes happen? HOW???
But anyway, that is how I got into Lord Voldemort. I don't understand it anymore than you do. But I'm having a lot of fun!]]
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tenebrisx · 7 years
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Right, i have said this for a while, and my tags are completely messed up here. So, with most things everything finished here ( reply wise ), i’m going to be moving to a new blog that can be found HERE. 
If you follow me there that’s fine! If you don’t, that’s fine too! ill be taking over a MAJORITY of the threads ---- possibly all, but im not sure yet.
So, after 6/12/17 i will no longer log on this blog to see if i have threads that need to be replied to / moved over. You can tag the NEW BLOG if you wish, but after that date, i will not be logging on here at all.
So, the new blogs url is http://vireous.tumblr.com/  ( my old lucifer url if you knew me from that long ago ) and most things will be moved over!
This post will be reblogged as well as my promo a few times per-day until the 12th~
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vireous-old · 6 years
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Noir is like a cat. Leaves dead bodies for people to find. Tries to cuddle up with you. Watches you when you sleep. Is very protective and will watch you like a hawk.  Will fall asleep on your lap and just not move.
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vireous-old · 6 years
things i need to do; drafts things  i’m not doing; drafts.
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vireous-old · 6 years
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guess what finally came in??
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vireous-old · 6 years
if you want to know what i’m saying in discord... i need to be stopped; dark me; peter was with otto when he released the devils breath also dark me: the final fight never happened and norman died. dark dark me; peter was only able to provide the cure  for people if he swore allegiance to the six / villains. ultra dark me; peter never recover and becomes what he was sworn  to fight.
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vireous-old · 6 years
i’m always sorry for whomever lets me write general hydra or red skull with them... it’s always a  mess.
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vireous-old · 6 years
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i thought i wrote david’s bio, but then i remember.... this comes up whenever someone google searches his name.
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vireous-old · 6 years
things i should be doing; drafts things i am doing; what if i just gave myst his own blog??
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vireous-old · 6 years
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If Mysterio ever opted to create a new sinister six... he’d end up inviting Ky’lar. Not due to the fact he want’s to, but because Ky would show up anyways, and why turn down free help??
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vireous-old · 6 years
.... my queue is 99% dr. doom  images right now what is my life.
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vireous-old · 6 years
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i’ve watched every episode of 10′s run.... now it’s time for his death... oh my god.
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vireous-old · 6 years
starslaycr replied to your post “me; don’t post a starter call for the 10th doctor, nope. just send...”
i love that you constantly say don't make blog and you still do it... oh boy... luv ya :P
LOOK, this was meant to be my ‘blog stopper’ and it didn’t go far so i failed that @starslaycr
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vireous-old · 6 years
me; don’t post a starter call for the 10th doctor, nope. just send random people meme’s as him. also me; also post a meme because you still have drafts here from who know’s when.
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