#( .answered )
rainyjeno · 9 months
mark is so loser college boyfriend vibes that has a monster cock.
Hear me out though, Mark is fully in college because his parents have money, on the other hand, you had to work to get where you are, so when Mark's hands slid up your skirt distracting you from the paper you were writing resulted in a groan from your lips "Mark, we can't, I have to write this paper" Mark pouted at you, his lips pressing into your collarbone, trailing up your shoulder hitting the spot on your neck, his fingers pulling your panties down slowly, a moan leaving your lips softly. "Mark..." you murmured softly as he slipped to his knees.
"You keep writing your paper baby, I just wanna taste you" He spoke before dipping his head under your skirt and pulling your hips towards his lips
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nerd4music · 6 months
I think overall there’s one of two „big“ problems happening for people who have a problem with TOWL (racists and the likes aside… 🙄).
1- The misunderstanding that this was truly much more a Rick and Michonne story than a TWD one. This was not TWD S12. It was about telling the story of these 2 characters and being able to put a dot at the end (or a dot dot dot). And you’ve laid all of that out perfectly. Like yes, in TWD, Beale (& the CRM) would have been draaaaagged out. But this was much more of a Terminus approach than a Saviors one if we will…
2- TWD was never the most ..subtle show. They tended to hit the audience over the head with stuff. And I’m not sure I would go as far as calling TOWL subtle outright either (idk, didn’t think about this until right this moment lol -obviously elements of it are, sure -just as elements on TWD could be on the subtler side) but compared to TWD, it certainly is lol. And there has been a very big „media literacy“ and „basic comprehension skills“ problem happening for a minute now. And I really don’t say this to be mean or make fun of people or anything but these are just facts. Some people really struggle with getting the information when they are not being hit over the head with it, over and over and over again. After the finale I saw several posts on my tl of people wondering why this, that or the other was not addressed or how/why this, that or the other did happen… and I was utterly confused because those things they claimed were missing were very much shown? I was like, there was literally a scene dealing with all of this? And it didn’t require any reading between the lines to be honest, no subtext, it was very much the text of the scene?! So it seems like some people just didn’t get a lot of things that were happening 🫤
(BTW I don’t mean that even if someone didn’t have these specific problems with the show, they MUST love it then. Likes and dislikes etc etc. As much as I really loved the show as a whole, if I decided to put down the Richonne-colored glasses I wanted to and did watch to the show with.. I’d definitely have a few complaints lol, though still very much enjoyed the show even then)
That's definitely what happened. And to some extent, I get why, considering Rick and Michonne are 2/3 of the main show's Big Three. But when the press and promos started, and people were still talking about some Marvel-style meet-up, I was like...oh they're definitely not listening to what's being said, because it's six damn episodes, and also The Richonne story, not the Team Family jamboree. And then acting as if it's somehow 'insulting' to the rest of the characters if Rick and Michonne didn't talk about them. The man had PTSD so bad, he couldn't remember his own son's face. Why would you think it would be good time for him to pause in the middle of his wife telling him about a traumatic moment during her pregnancy to ask about anyone else? Please be fr.
I feel you on the comprehension thing, which is nothing new for this fandom. The fact that so many people legit thought Rick didn't know how to drive stick and questioned the 'realism' of it but never stopped to think that it was because he only has one damn hand. Y'all were fine with every silly ass moment that happened in the main show, that was either sheer dumb luck or handwaved away, but now we need a complete breakdown from experts on how Rick managed to fight off walkers one-handed. Now y'all want the realism, when you've been so giddy for weeks because you need one of them to die for the show to be 'interesting'.
I'm really not listening to people who need the narrative to hold their hand through everything, or need to see every piece of the plot onscreen for it to be considered 'legitimate'. (I'm officially banning the phrase 'plot armor' for the foreseeable future).
People didn't get things, because they don't take a minute to sit with the damn material anymore. From live reactions videos to live tweeting/blogging, people are just watching TV to make content and have an online moment, not for what's actually being shown. And yeah, TOWL isn't perfect, but the minor criticisms I have for it doesn't take away from the fact that it is very enjoyable and easily the best material from the TWD landscape in a long time.
(sidenote: I will say one of my favorite things from these past six weeks is everyone struggling to figure out the overall TWD timeline, lmao.)
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herorkgk · 2 years
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ask and ye shall receive
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lunaetis · 2 days
@rvinfall asked :
[x] It was unusual, very much so, to find such a lovely woman on her own during a festival meant for reunion. The moonlight seemed far too cold for Changli, yet Xiyang found himself by her side, his fan folded and resting in the crook of his elbow. His good eye fixated on her. "Do the games and showmanship hold no pleasure for you?" His fan moved, tilting beneath her chin to lift her gaze. "Selfless little thing that you are. If you're going to destroy yourself for them, at least take some pleasure from their festivities." With a graceful twist of his wrist, the fan snapped open in a burst of color. He sniffed, haughtily. "Follow me, then. Surely, you eat?"
mid-autumn festival ( inbox call. ) || always accepting
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─「长离」─  CHANGLI was someone who was used to the life within the shadows. she was used to being the one behind the scene, weaving her plans and tactics for those she wanted to protect. even those who worked for her sometimes were unable to locate the counselor herself if she did not wish to be found. that fact, however, appeared to have a few exceptions, the selected few of people she allowed close enough to do so.
                he was one such people, both in the subject of her letting close and the one who was skilled enough to find her despite her effort to stay hidden. much like now.
                though the vermilion bird didn't comment out loud, there was a sense of WARMTH rising from within the organ in her left chest knowing that there was someone who, regardless of her attempt to keep herself concealed, was still able find her. that he was that observant to realize where she would be when others do not. the thought made her gaze mellow when his fan shifted underneath her chin, lifting her gaze to look at him to which she did willingly so.
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                " perhaps i'm more used as an observer than a participant. " with her limited time, she knew there were things she should not, and could not get attached to. her mind worked in a way that she existed to pave way for the FUTURE she wouldn't be able to witness. that was alright. selfless, he said ... she wondered.
                how did you find me ... ? why did you find me ... ?
                the questions went unsaid. she simply wore a soft smile no others had ever witnessed from her. that was his privilege as someone who managed to warm his way into her burned up heart. golden hues watched him most carefully, almost fascinated. he was such a mystery to her, sometimes. or maybe all the time ?
                " follow me, then. surely, you eat ? "
                the words earned a tender chuckle from her lips, eyes closed momentarily to smile to herself. haughty. as expected of him.
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                " you're more demanding than i thought, xiyang. " the tone she carried was of FONDNESS. it was warm and soothing, tinged with gentle note. it was a jest on her part, of course, as she finally moved to follow him. the moonlight above them provided quite a comforting light to the two, and the shadows from their forms merging to one behind them. for the first time in a long time, changli didn't mind being seen, being understood, being found.
                ah, he might make her regret the shorter time she had left on her lifespan if he kept this up. that could be troublesome. however, that was a problem for another day.
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approvalvoting · 7 months
you think simon and garfunkel fucked...?
when did i say that… maybe i think at one point they were in a committed and loving relationship.
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hornyhornyhimbos · 1 year
uhm hi? could you please expand on the steve harrington wearing compression pants thing? i just read ur steve nsfw alphabet and i truly have no idea what that means/is for
not to worry, anon, i gotchu!!
so this is just what i've gathered! i learned this from @writer-in-theory so if you have any further questions or if i've explained wrong, they can probably correct me!
basically the compression pants were a way to make joe keery's, uh, little joe less noticeable.
so, you can see here in these pictures from S1/S2 that... well, actually i think the pictures speak for themselves 😵‍💫
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whereas in the later seasons (take these next pics from S4 for example), it's a lot less noticeable. that is because they made the decision (albeit not a good decision for us h0rny gals 😩) to give joe compression pants to wear underneath his other clothes.
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compression pants or not, that polo and jeans combination still does unholy things to me 😵‍💫
so yeah, that's basically the gist of what i know about the compression pants. not sure if it's a rumor or if it's actually true but based on the comparison of the pictures, i'm gonna assume it's true lol. thank you for your question! hope this helps!!!
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phencyclidinc · 30 days
@bloodiedclaws asked for a [ spar ] quit going easy on me.
Angel felt all the air rushing out of her lungs as he dropped her on the mat. For a second, all the fight left her. Not because she was injured or because she wasn't taking it seriously. Truth be told, she was distracted.
It'd been a long time since she'd last seen Logan. His suggestion to spar and let off some steam as only two people with highly enhanced strenght, stamina and reflexes could was very much welcome as it always would be. But, apparently, she hadn't quite finished relishing the simple fact that they were within arms reach again.
How sentimental. The old her would have scowled and scoffed at the thought. But she didn't mind it all that much anymore.
"I would never." Angel retorted with a smile that she tried to keep from tipping her lips but was still evident in her voice. Their labored breathing punctuated the air between them. She couldn't help but admire the muscular arms caging her, the sculpted chest straining against his tank top and the dogtags dangling between them. Why would she ever try to get out?
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"I guess I just like being here." Hooking her fingers on the chain, she tugged him further down until she could steal a kiss.
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sevensugars · 6 months
HOW ABOUT some sort of meet cute au?? Like I spilled my coffee all over you but you bumped me first? Or something to that vein 👀
stede bonnet gets the guy 3.3k / teen and up / meet cute
Stede Bonnet is a hopeless romantic who is, coincidentally, hopeless when it comes to getting a date. Until one faithful morning when he spills his hazelnut latte (extra sugar and cream) all over the grumpiest, hottest, and big-eyed softie with a black beard.
send me a prompt ♥
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sharkcontrolled · 4 days
❛  do you believe in ghosts?  ❜ // from @suneatensoulz bc djoser's curious abt random things :0
forty random questions || @suneatensoulz
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a question forced a small chuckle out of Koujiro.
ghosts would be one of the smaller worries, considering the world is filled with supernatural things & unexplained phenomena. he's friends with Ikkaku, who can control the electricity, technically he has the elemental powers himself ( oh, but it's just because of the tail, so he wouldn't really count that )
& most importantly....
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❝ believe in? ❞ a small, initially misleading shake of his head ❝ no, i know ghosts exists. a friend of mine is working with them, she even lets some posses her & you can see it. these ones are pretty chill. ❞ the first meeting at the dinner made quite the impact after all, ❝ but even without her around i'd say i believe in their existence. how about you? ❞
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missseraphina · 15 days
☎ Dilan
RINGTONE: Me & my girls by Selena Gomez
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LAST TEXT SENT: Brooklyn's gone home for the night if you wanna come and see Jason
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nerd4music · 5 months
people really believe michonne's character revolves around a man and it's ???? have you been paying attention? because nothing in the story really even justifies thinking that.
Oh yeah, that's definitely bullshit. Nothing of Michonne's development in the early seasons came from a romantic attachment. Her friendship with Andrea and her connection with Carl laid the foundation for her to grow from an emotionally distant loner to a fully integrated member and eventual leading voice. The narrative hammers that home constantly.
There's a clear distinction in her not being considered 'a first lady' (which Lori was explicitly called in s2) or simply being side-support, with Rick and many other characters looking to her because she knows what tf she's doing. "Radiating shit-knowing". She has her own opinions, and she challenges and communicates with others when she disagrees.
In that aspect, Michonne and Maggie parallel each other, with their growth from level-headed advice givers into leaders (and it's so funny, because the 'story revolving around a man' criticism almost never lands on Maggie as much as people love to attach that to Michonne, despite Maggie's story being continuously, unfortunately connected to the man who murdered her husband).
Her love for and romantic connection to Rick is integral to Michonne's story but it has never been her sole arc, and anyone thinking that is just mad that Michonne has always been a layered, complex character in her own right and that Rick values her, as her own person and the love of his life. Because no other character can do what she can, and that includes being so necessary and essential to Rick, and the overall TWD universe, and that's the real issue a lot of these weird fans have with her.
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herorkgk · 1 year
day 1 of asking for wawa
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guess what you never have to ask ever again ( + mobert)
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lunaetis · 1 day
Mumu to Eden: My one and only star.
( The star that watches over the forest. uwu )
GIVE  MY  MUSE  A  NICKNAME  /  PET  NAME. || accepting
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─「エデン」─  such tender nickname falling from his lips instantly mellowed her whole expression. it was still baffling for her to be called something so precious, so bright and hopeful like a star. how lucky was she for someone like him, someone so gentle, someone so loving, someone so compassionate and caring, someone so warm to be looking at her and equating her to A STAR. eden didn't feel like she was deserving of it, not when he was the one who gave her hope, who became her light.
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                " you could have any star in the sky if you wanted, dear muyang. " she certainly believed so, that he deserved every lights upon the sky within those hands of his. and she would've brought down any and all he wished to have. yet ... " despite that, you want this star. " a cracked, flickering one, a star that might consumed itself from the inside out. " so she'd be yours, and yours alone. all of her. every fragments of past and future, all the light that's left in her. it's yours. always. "
.[ @memovia || this star will belong to you and only you. until its very last light. ]
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approvalvoting · 9 months
dear freddie,
help! i keep seeing this man but he has a very possessive individual who doesn't want our encounters to continue! i met this great guy who has opened my mind to so many things—e.g., soap, as well as a very different view of sexual relationships. i'm visiting him currently, and we hooked up again 😳. the only problem is, there's another man who wants him for himself. what am i supposed to do?! i have never been in this situation before. i let my wife cheat on me (though her taste in partners was abysmal) but this is different. it's not that i am possessive too, i just don't want this other man coming after me. should i find him and fight him?
— rattled roman
just dig your metaphorical claws into him and don’t let him go back to his possessive guy. or you could fight the other guy, but i don’t know either of your physical abilities so it may be an unfair fight… you could convince the man you’re seeing that you are the best person he could be, what, sleeping with, i suppose… so much so that he just drops contact with the third party entirely, as well. many options here, but if you don’t want to lose the one guy that you’re seeing, you should probably convince him that you have more to offer than the other guy does, before you try to fight him at least
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patchedzero · 1 month
what are you insinuating ?
morbid curiosity // @shishitoren-vc
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a stop to their walk, Suo now more turned towards Togame. it was just one of the mandatory patrols, nothing to overthink, but it was quite curious to assign them together. surely there were more suitable people.
yet to be fair this whole situation was quite amusing. how easily he was thrown away despite clearly having a longer history with the leader. but it would be rude to admit it. which is why he started with " you can stop now " to see the reaction & respond accordingly.
small wave of his hand with chuckle, before it returned behind his back.
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❝ no, nothing like that, just looking out for you. ❞ well, close enough to it. ❝ it seems like something is still bothering you, so if you want we can take a break from patrolling for a bit. ❞
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phencyclidinc · 25 days
@ahawkeyesview asked for a [ catws prompt ] ❝ If it was down to me to save your life, would you trust me to do it? ❞
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"Yeah." The answer casually tumbled from her lips with zero hesitation before she could even wonder why he was asking her something like that.
Angel didn't value her own life that much. She wouldn't want anyone, let alone him, to put themselves in harm's way to try and save her. After everything she'd done, dying in the line of duty was pretty much the best case scenario.
So learning that she would trust him to do it came as a surprise to her too. Not an unpleasant one, either. "I would."
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