#( ❤️ brotp: you know me better than i know myself. )
kishimotomasashi · 2 years
I would ask for someone from Taka but I know you're currently on an absolute Madara kick so let's go with him :3
Send me a character and I'll answer these!!
Okay I may be on a Madara kick but you can ABSOLUTELY still ask me for Taka characters! I will be very happy to answer 🫡 but ofc, yes, let's talk about my babygirl first
1: sexuality headcanon
Most homosexual man to ever homosexual. I am genuinely incapable of perceiving him as anything else
2: otp
HashiMada. But you all knew that.
3: brotp
ALSO with Hashirama (they are versatile enough that I don't mind their relationship being either platonic or romantic, I am just happy with the fact that they clearly, deeply love each other), Izuna... and that's it I think. I could work with him being friends with Tobirama and Mito in a better world, maybe.
4: notp
Every time I have to see Mada//Obi, Mada//Saku or Mada//Izu, I age 50 years. Leave me ALONE.
5: first headcanon that pops into my head
So you know when Butsuma mentioned that Madara had already killed capable adults within the Senju clan? I like to imagine those kills were done in retaliation to those same people killing off one his younger siblings. Also that the reason he hadn't properly awakened his sharingan at that point was because he repressed it, as he was an abnormally powerful kid already, and the power rushing up to his head along with the anger and grief of it was overwhelming and destabilizing for him at that point in time.
6: favorite line from this character
Tumblr media Tumblr media
^ and it's not even about the line on its own, it's about the deranged, harlot behaviour here exhibited associated with it. He is so. Je l'aime trop, vraiment, mais vraiment.
7: one way in which I relate to this character
I too have been known to make things worse for myself by not talking about my problems and repressing them instead of making the effort to talk about them with someone I trust. And I too, once, believed I actually had no one to trust with that shit.
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character
I guess when people like... buy into his hype a little too much? Like I think Studio Pierrot fed us well with the Allied Shinobi Forces fight and he was very sexy for that but I also just get embarrased when people act like he is just cool and not also... kind of stupid.
That + when people take his quotes about like "ooohhhh the world is so hypocritical you have to sacrifice things in order to protect things" and whatnot seriously, like those are not deep or interesting observations on his part, they are signs that something is wrong with him ❤️
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
Madara did NOTHING WRONG except for the atrocities. Other than that he's innocent. But like, yeah, very problematic obviously, except he's literally done nothing wrong in his life.
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