#( ✧ –—– ❛ I'M A 21ST CENTURY DIGITAL BOY. ❜ CMP: V001 ! )
valiantbeingsmoved · 7 years
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                        it was a quiet morning at home, just the way he liked things. he sat at the island in the kitchen, elbows lain LAZILY over the granite top while he watched his girlfriend make them a pot of coffee. there was a faint buzzing in his pocket, signalling he was getting a phone call, to which he answered. he was  f a r  from prepared for what he’d hear, however. punk’s adoptive sister chaz was frantic, telling him he needed to come to the hospital because chaleen was in an accident but THANKFULLY she was stable. he softly answered that he would be there soon, but it was the calm before the storm.
                        punk stood from his chair while april’s back was still turned to him, phone sat on the top of the island. he bit his bottom lip, a boiling  a n g e r  bubbling within him. his entire life since chaz’s family took him in, he’d done nothing but protect those three girls and he felt like he FAILED them. his hand raised, smacking the vase off the island in front of him. it shattered on the floor, the fake halloween decor flowers crumbling to the floor as well. april was incredibly startled as well, but all he could do was hang his head to hide how  u p s e t  he was, put his hands on his hips, and pace. 
                       april was shouting at him and he new he deserved it but he couldn’t deal with her right now. his heart beat rapidly while inside his head the demons he kept hid OH-SO WELL began creeping out, telling him to break everything in sight, but april kept on him. ‘ chaleen was in a fuckin’ accident and i don’t know what to do, okay!? i was supposed to keep these girls safe and i  f a i l e d ! ’ he shouted at her, running his hands through the small amount of hair he had.
*:・゚✧ — @devilsfavoritediva  //  continued — ✧ !!
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valiantbeingsmoved · 7 years
‘ღ’ / punk & maryse. yaaaas.
*:・゚✧ — @italianexoticbeauty  //  attraction levels — still accepting !!
romantic attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extremesexual attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extremeaesthetic attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extreme sensual attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extreme
romantic attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extremesexual attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extremeaesthetic attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extreme sensual attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extreme
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valiantbeingsmoved · 7 years
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                         he’d watched too many of his fellow in-ring performers land badly before to NOT know this one could have potentially been pretty bad. being one of the trainers in the performance center and a huge advocate for women’s wrestling,  n a t u r a l l y  punk was at ringside for the mae young classic women’s training sessions. once seeing candice land like that, he hurried over to the side of the ring, asking if she was okay. brushing it off like it was NOTHING seemed a little premature to him. ‘ you sure about that? ’ he brought a hand to his mouth, watching how she was able to stand so quickly, making sure she didn’t get  w o b b l y  on her feet. ‘ maybe you should sit this one out and REST a bit. ’
*:・゚✧ — @glorygcre  //  continued — ✧ !!
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valiantbeingsmoved · 7 years
# -- sara/punk
*:・゚✧ — @slahtiz  //  cell phone hcs — still accepting !!
name: mendozaphoto: ( x )ringtone: ‘ sweater weather ’ — the neighbourhoodlast text:             ( sms ⟶ mendoza !! ⟶ delivered ) — ‘ i just got dumped by a chick i was really into. kinda feels like getting punched in the dick. ’            ( sms ⟶ mendoza !! ⟶ delivered ) — ‘ so do you wanna go get something to eat so i can gossip like one of your girlfriends? ’
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valiantbeingsmoved · 7 years
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                        he sat inside one of the trainers’ lounges in the performance center, head only held up by his hand while he relaxed back in a chair. he couldn’t HELP but catch a few z’s after being kept up all night with a sick dog. there was even a trip to the vet after  m i d n i g h t  just because larry started to eat one of his old kick pads. unfortunately a loud banging noise woke him, sending him into a resting GRUMP face as he headed out into the hall to see what the hell had happened. ‘ what in the fu—– ’ realizing an innocent young woman had just knocked over a couple of things, he calmed down his frustrations a bit. ‘ hey kid. be more  c a r e f u l , yeah? ’
*:・゚✧ — @slahtiz  //  ✧ for sara !!
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valiantbeingsmoved · 7 years
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                        ‘ no, no, C’MON! ’ he shouted at the nxt talent, rolling right out of her anaconda vice. ‘ your finishers are submissions and you can’t even get me locked in an anaconda vice? you’re  b e t t e r  than that. where’s your head at, kid? ’ punk had grown a soft spot for the young woman after seeing her work in the performance center and then seeing her debut in nxt. the LAST thing he’d want to do would be discourage her, but he had to make her see that she was off her game right now.
*:・゚✧ — @thecompetitor​  // ✧ for imogen !!
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valiantbeingsmoved · 7 years
'Beep' // from Ella to whoever :)
*:・゚✧ — @fightingcchance  //  random texts — still accepting !!
#15: a text asking for  a d v i c e  !! — for ella + punk
( sms ⟶ nurse feelgood !! ⟶ delivered ) — ‘ hey, i was wondering if i could get your advice on something? ’( sms ⟶ nurse feelgood !! ⟶ delivered ) — ‘ my knee has been fucking with me lately. the one i had surgery on. being that i train people down in the pc, i just need to know if i should get it checked out. ’
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valiantbeingsmoved · 7 years
“BEEP” / uuhhhhhhhh man idk uhhhhh random??? omi and random !
*:・゚✧ — @ringsoldiers  //  random texts — no longer accepting !!
#8: a  f r u s t r a t e d  text !! — naomi + punk
( sms ⟶ omi !! ⟶ delivered ) — ‘ talk me down from punching vince right between his beady little eyes. ’( sms ⟶ omi !! ⟶ delivered ) — ‘ hunter comes down to the pc and says all the trainers are doing great. he thanks me for the hard work i’m putting in and we talk about some of my ideas. then his idiot of a fucking father-in-law waltzes in. ’( sms ⟶ omi !! ⟶ delivered ) — ‘ tells me to up my game or i can hit the road. are you fucking kidding me? tell me this is a bad idea to hit an old man. ’
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valiantbeingsmoved · 7 years
BEEP // Ruby & Punk
*:・゚✧ — @of-goodandevil​​  //  random texts — still accepting !!
#13: a  w r o n g  n u m b e r  text !!
( sms ⟶ ??? !! ⟶ delivered ) — ‘ no, i’m not fucking watching another swayze movie, smartass. ’( sms ⟶ ??? !! ⟶ delivered ) — ‘ i’m watching the swayze movie—–dirty dancing. now leave me be. ’
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valiantbeingsmoved · 7 years
❣ @ Punk
*:・゚✧ — @iconicfury  //  levels of attraction — still accepting !!
✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦ | Sexual Attraction✦✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧✧ | Romantic Attraction✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧ | Crushing✦✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧ | Squishing✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧✧✧ | Sensual Attraction✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦ | Aesthetic Attraction
low ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦ high
hover over the names for explanations.
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