#( ▌▌✌ JADEN TALKS . )
iced-coffeebean · 3 years
My anikishipping headcanons
(Fellow anikishippers are welcome to comment their hcs!)
Syrus: Bisexual biromantic
Jaden: Demisexual demiromantic
They both use he/they pronouns (Jaden mostly because of Yubel's influence and Syrus cause he just doesn't mind it)
I like to think they both can cook but it's nothing to go batshit about. Like it's the bare minimum they need in order to survive help-
Jaden is more talkative in public but at home Syrus talks like the world is going to end.
I like to think as adults they end up getting taller. Syrus to 5'4/5'5 and Jaden like 5'8
Jaden is the small spoon ✌
Syrus radiates the ""We arent getting the pet." *ends up being best friends with said pet*" energy and Jaden is just jealous that he steals away his cat from him.
They definitely cuddle and give each other a lot of smooches. Syrus is more clingy and Jaden gives lots of smooches
I think Syrus would be the main breadwinner. Jaden supports him and tries to do other things like cook, help around the house and do little side hustles here and there to help in how he can so Syrus can rest.
Did I mention they are VERY cuddly? They could cuddle forever if they could.
They are the *eats very little* and *has a black hole for a stomach* couple. A perfect match. Syrus just passes the rest of his food to Jaden fjdjsjsjs
That's all I can think of rn but YEAH!
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codenamejudas · 3 years
✌ : Fondest role-play memory, between muses?
It was over on Silas and it's definitely Ralph punching him square in the jaw. I think about that often. Here on Judas, the air fryer rp with Dennis/Jaden because the Drama came well out of left field.
✿ : Fondest role-play memory, between muns?
Honestly, just getting to meet so many of the people behind the characters here and talking about them, even when it's not rp-relevant. Everyone's heads are so full of love for our dumb babies.
☯ : Greatest challenge to writing your character?
With Silas it's always that he's incredibly tech savvy; I'm over here still trying to figure out how my laptop works lol. I don't have a lot of difficulty with Judas in terms of personality and interests, but he's got a lot of things in his past that are Problematic that I always worry might make others uncomfortable. Not that I'd hold back on it, but I'll try to keep that in mind as those notes come up in the future.
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