#( & convo ; melinda halliwell. )
prophccy · 3 months
open starter @hiddenstarters
melinda had been here - wherever here was - for a couple of months at this point and she still had not managed to understand why she was here or how she even got here. everything was the same but also different and the only thing she knew for sure was that there had to be some sort of magic behind whatever was going on. magic. magic she knew. if only she could figure out where or who it was coming from then maybe she could get home and see her family once again. the girl had been so caught up in her thoughts that she hadn't realized she was approaching her destination -- the small coffee shop she had found that was willing to hire her. well, she hadn't realized until she had to swerve out of the way of almost walking into another person, forcing her to look up and take in her surroundings. "that was all on me. if i made you drop your coffee, i think i can buy you a replacement..." she began as she lifted up her bag to search for any loose coin.
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alidravana · 2 years
A lot of those WIPS sound interesting and there's a lot I'd like to hear about, but I'm going to limit myself to two (which I hope is not cheating and if so, either one), but I'd like to hear about the Chimney and Buck convo, but also I'm pretty intrigued by the Charmed Smallville crossover
Maybe it's cheating, but I will definitely let it slide!
The the Chimney/Buck convo is mainly in outlining stages, but essentially I wanted to show a series of conversations (starting with voicemails that Buck leaves Chim) to eventually resolve their conflict when Chim started chased after Maddie. This would all be from Chim's POV/thoughts and mainly consist of phone calls.
For the Charmed/Smallville crossover, I actually started it and posted it a while back, but it lacked plot development, so it will be partially a rewrite plus some better plot lines. The main pairing is Chris Halliwell/Clark Kent and here's a snippet that I probably will actually keep in the rewrite:
"Chris, what is going on?" Wyatt asked, startling Chris from his thoughts. Wyatt had watched Chris stare at the same page in the Book of Shadows for the last five minutes. The two of them were trying to find the demon that Melinda had encountered earlier in the day in the book.
"Wh-what?" Chris replied, forgetting what he was supposed to be doing.
Wyatt walked over and nudged Chris aside from the book. "You're supposed to be looking up the demon with horns that Melinda saw but instead you're off in your own head. Is it a girl?"
Chris shook his head. It was definitely not a girl. Thinking of Clark's strong arms and muscular torso…
"You're doing it again." Wyatt said, poking Chris in the chest. "Come on, out with it."
Chris sighed and stepped away from the book, sitting down on the nearby love seat. Placing his head in his hands, he mumbled "It's not a girl. It's a guy."
Thanks for your questions!
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prophccy · 3 months
closed starter for parker @lcngliive
she had just walked out of the coffee shop where she worked when she bumped into another person. she lifted her cup up and away from the other so that the hot liquid did not spill on them. "i'm sorry. you know the amount of times i do this very thing, i should lear-" she stopped as she looked up and saw the other person's face. "parker?"
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prophccy · 3 months
closed starter for pj halliwell @mcrcki
she had to take a double take when she saw her but as soon as she did, she ran across the street and threw her arms around the other. "PJ! Oh my god, you don't know how happy I am to see someone I know!"
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prophccy · 3 months
closed starter for paige @wvsteria
when she saw her, melinda knew that it was her aunt paige. but she was also not her? well, she was but she was her when she was younger. even being around magic all the time, the girl was confused. how was she the same age she was when she got sent to this place and yet her aunt was...pretty much the same age. maybe it wasn't her. but, she couldn't just not check. so, she walked over once her shift ended and sat at the table where she sat. "i am so sorry if I'm interrupting anything but, I swear that I know you from somewhere."
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prophccy · 3 months
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