#'you're making people up' i have seen at least two people go 'APOLLO JUSTICE IS FIFTEEN?'
hychlorions · 3 months
aa4's final case is so messy that it's possible someone with little to no reading comprehension can come out of it thinking apollo justice is 15 years old because it's mentioned like once in the mason sequence where they reveal thalassa had another kid and apollo's first ever court record profile lists him as 15
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Catching up on Anon Answers before TB&TB returns tomorrow!
+ a NSFW ask under the cut!
1. [Patience] I AM SO HAPPY YOU'RE STILL HERE 😭 I've had half of that fic written for so long and I was so upset imagining that you were probably gone and would never get to read it.
Thank you so much for trusting me with your request. I really appreciated the chance to write it and I'm so so happy to hear you enjoyed it, too. I'm sorry you've been having a rough time, and I'm always happy to help whatever way I can. I hope you get some relief soon and you have a wonderful rest of your week 💕
2. You are too sweet! I love seeing which parts of my writing resonates with people. It always makes my day ❤️
3. Just send me a DM asking for an invite. That easy! 🥰
I don't like to talk MBTI a lot because of negative associations I have with it, but I get asked it often so let's see what I get (imaging Jeopardy music playing while I retake the test)
I just got ENFP. When they do fluctuate, it tends to be the last two (I am only a few points either direction). I have also gotten ISFJ before. Keep in mind I am a system, so I never really know who's answering.
I just got ENFP. When they do fluctuate, it tends to be the last two (I am only a few points either direction). I have also gotten ISFJ before. Keep in mind I am a system, so I never really know who's answering.
I just got ENFP. When they do fluctuate, it tends to be the last two (I am only a few points either direction). I have also gotten ISFJ before. Keep in mind I am a system, so I never really know who's answering.
I have no idea what the Godly Parent is, but I googled it and took the first thing that popped up and got Apollo 😅
If you send me a link to something else I can take it and tell you. I enjoy personality quizzes, even though I don't really believe it tells me much about who I am.
5. Mwah! 😚
6. Oooh. You know, something I love about law school is that you can use it for so much. Granted, without a lot of scholarships I don't think it's worth it to go into things like HR, but you can.
Criminal law is something I could never do (aside from Healthcare Fraud & Abuse, which I'm quite good at). I'm actually not a courtroom lawyer at all! Transactional lawyers, clerks, and the behind-the-scenes team all keep the wheels of justice turning.
I love to argue and debate, but I hated the aspect of doing it in front of a crowd. My current job is so perfectly suited to me, it's crazy that I ever considered not doing it.
If you ever want to talk specifics, please DM me. I really don't mind! If you are a minor, I'd be happy to move to my Discord or a group chat to give you general advice on academia, law school, and beyond.
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7. [NSFW] [Post-Coital Dysphoria] Awe, I'm so glad that you feel seen and comforted! I remember the first time I learned about it. I think I literally typed into google "Why do I feel awful when I have sex" lmao.
Approximately half of the population will experience it at least once, so you are not alone! It's a shame we don't talk about it more, because there are so many ways to manage it (words of affirmation, skin to skin contact). But I'm happy to lead that conversation!
By the way, I think you're pretty awesome, too 🤗
TW NSFW, choking/breathplay
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This made me laugh out loud. Be careful with breathplay and choking, though! It's very dangerous In Real Life and I don't recommend doing it at all. Even sex workers and BDSM professionals seriously injure people by doing it.
Glad you're enjoying yourself, though!
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sage-nebula · 8 years
provided you're still taking these [and no one's asked it yet] ace attorney for the five things you'd changed meme? [if that's been asked then fire emblem awakening?]
I’m so sorry! I totally didn’t mean to ignore you. I took a break after a huge batch of these when I first posted the meme because my hands ended up hurting from typing so much, and then I got caught up watching the Switch presentation, and then I sort of … forgot that I had these in my inbox/got distracted every time I remembered. I’m sorry! I’ll go ahead and answer this now, though, so I hope it’s not too late.
As a reminder, this is for the “five things I would change” meme. Others I’ve already answered are:
Pokémon XY&Z AnimeDreamworks DragonsPokémon Sun&Moon GamesHarry PotterGravity FallsBlue ExorcistYu-Gi-OhFire Emblem: Awakening
(Yeah, I copy-pasted the apology from another response, but hey: it applies in both cases.)
And as for Ace Attorney . . .
First and foremost, I would completely remove the Khura’in element from the sixth installment. The Kingdom of Khura’in needs to go, entirely and completely. And for that matter? Playing as Phoenix needs to go, entirely and completely. I can understand it in AA5 since they both wanted to give him his badge back (though it’s ridiculous he lost it in the first place, but whatever), and also because there are periods over the course of the plot in which Athena cannot defend because she has been arrested, and Apollo can’t because he suspects her. We need a lawyer at that point, and so it makes sense that Phoenix would step up. However, there’s no reason to do this in AA6, and no reason to keep billing him in the title of the games. His time to shine is over. His part of the plot is done, unless you want to bring back Kristoph Gavin and tell us what those black psyche-locks are hiding (but more on that in a bit). The fact that we wasted so much time on him in AA6 when we have two other lawyers that we need to know more about/have more time with is ridiculous. I’m so beyond tired of Phoenix Wright. I want more Apollo Justice and Athena Cykes, and that means reworking the sixth game completely.So that said? No more Khura’in. This does mean that I lose my darling daughter Rayfa, but in all honesty that’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make. No Khura’in, no Phoenix acting as a lawyer, no Maya coming back just to be a damsel in distress yet again with nothing significant gained from her appearance. Instead, AA5 needs to take place solely in Los Angeles (/Japan/Japanifornia) once again, and the lawyers need to alternate between Apollo and Athena, both of them serving as the other’s co-counsel at different points. And, more to that point, Athena needs to be treated with respect. She’s still new, but she’s a competent lawyer and she has proven this. Treat her like it.But yeah, the Khura’in cases were godawful and a damned chore to get through. None of that. Chuck that in the garbage bin where it belongs. Worst. 
Apollo and Trucy need to know that they are siblings yesterday. Ideally this would have come out a long time ago, but at the very least it should have come out in AA6, particularly since it was teased with the second case focusing so heavily on the Gramaryes. And to the end, how much more powerful would it have been if Reus had been the final villain of the game, screaming “GRAMARYEEEEE” after it has already been revealed that Apollo himself is a Gramarye? Because as it stands, Reus and everyone else thought he was simply cursing Trucy and his family, even though Apollo was the one who brought him down. If it was revealed that Apollo was a Gramarye as well, that would have been so much more powerful for all of the characters present. As it stands, it was a waste. A waste and a shame.But yeah, Apollo and Trucy need to know. That plot thread needs to be tied up. The fact that we’re going on ten years---an actual decade---of having this dangling is absolute nonsense. There’s no reason for it, particularly since Capcom felt they had time to retcon chunks of Apollo’s history and introduce a ridiculous new country just so they could push a courtroom gimmick, make an excuse for Maya to appear as a damsel yet again, and act like Phoenix still has any relevance to the ongoing narrative. And speaking of dangling plot threads . . .
KRISTOPH. GAVIN’S. BLACK PSYCHE-LOCKS. This is the only remaining business that Phoenix has left unfinished---the only relevance he has beyond being a father and mentor to the current main cast. We need to know what those black psyche-locks are, we need to finish that up. I am concerned at this point that nothing Capcom reveals will be good enough, that any dark secret that Kristoph has buried is going to be underwhelming given that we’ve had a decade to think of possibilities---but I don’t care. I still want to know. They introduced the black psyche-locks in AA4 and refused to let us break them. They created that dangling plot thread. They then explained what black psyche-locks are in AA5. That is the perfect opportunity, then, to let us go back and break them---and yet it was an opportunity wasted. It could have been explored in AA6, particularly if we went back to the true heritage plot thread that was left dangling from AA4 as well, but again, that didn’t happen. So that said, I would make it happen. I don’t know what it is that Kristoph is repressing (I’d have to replay that part of AA4, because to be honest I don’t even remember what triggered the black psyche-locks), but damn, I really want to know.
I do want to see original trilogy characters again, but I want to see them incorporated in ways that are new and show that they’ve actually grown as people over the past ten (now!) years. This was done well with Ema, in that we see her as a homicide detective and then as a forensics investigator like she always dreamed. We see that she grew up, that she’s doing different things with her life, that she has changed as a person. This was done less well with characters like Pearl and Maya, who act almost the exact same as they did in the original trilogy with very minor design differences, almost as if Capcom was afraid to change them too much. In my opinion, this was done to their detriment. The most glaring example of this was in the DLC case for AA5, in which Pearl---who is a seventeen-year-old junior/senior in high school---saying “for-en-sick-ing” as if she’s still an eight/nine-year-old who doesn’t understand the word. That’s horrible. Pearl was shown to have grown up in some ways, but in others she acted as if she still had the intelligence and mentality of a small child, which is rather insulting to her character (especially since she was always supposed to be quite bright). Maya was a little better, but not by much. Often times she still acted so immature that moments in which she was supposed to be ~mature and wise~ (such as that moment with Rayfa that they flashbacked to 9882348309232 times as if to hammer home, “LOOK SHE’S ALL MATURE AND STUFF NOW!!!!!11!”) felt out of place and out of character. She simply didn’t grow enough to sell it. And if that’s how they’re going to treat OT characters, then I’d rather not see them in the present day games.So that said? While I do want to see them, I want to see growth and change. The next time I see Gumshoe, I want to see that he is actually Chief of Police, happily married to Maggey Byrde with some kids of his own. The next time I see Lana, I want to see that she did her time in prison and is either head detective down at the precinct, or---if her record prevents her from serving on the force again---is acting as a consultant for the police force. The next time I see Kay, I want to see her as a prosecutor, and so on and so forth. I want to see these characters having grown as people, having changed while still being recognizably themselves. This shouldn’t be beyond Capcom. They did it with Ema and Edgeworth, so I don’t see why they can’t do it with the other characters as well.
Lastly, I would make Phoenix and Edgeworth in a committed relationship at the least by the time AA5 rolls around, and probably engaged by the time AA6 does. Not only would it be amazing confirmation that Phoenix is bisexual (and having more bi visibility is always a good thing), and not only would it be a concrete reminder that Edgeworth is canonically not interested in women (and no, it’s not that he’s just ~married to his job~, but that’s a rant for another day), but it would also be a fantastic culmination of all the relationship development we’ve seen between them over the years. It would also be fantastic representation of a relationship that is, and has always been, on equal terms both in terms of dynamic in the workplace and in how they treat one another. I would love for it to actually be canon, particularly since it’s not as if a whole lot would have to change. Trucy calling Edgeworth “Papa” (in contrast to how Phoenix is her daddy), and a couple lines of banter about an upcoming wedding between them is all it would take. (Which is also fantastic representation, because it shows that, hey, they’re people in a relationship just like anyone else! LGBTQA people are just people, how shocking.) So yeah, I would definitely make that a thing, and it would be great. 
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