#'you can just learn' YEAH I know but I don't have timeeee
autistic-britta-perry · 8 months
hit by the I wish I knew how to video edit yearnings
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h0nkch0c0late · 3 years
okokok miguel and reader r talking when they thimk everyone else has gone home and they are talking ab how the reader knows demetri likes her but she doesnt feel the same and demetri is there and he hesrs it and is super heartbroken
YES YES YES ANGST TIMEEEE also I wrote like half of it while I was in a class lol.
Warning: angst, swearing
Demetri Alexopoulos
Summary: Miguel and Y/n are talking when they think everyone else has gone home after a day of training. They're talking about how she knows demetri likes her but she doesn't feel the same,not knowing that Demetri hadn't left yet. The poor boy's heart gets broken.
"What's going on with you and Demetri?" Miguel asked as they stared at the different objects in the backyard.
Y/n sighed, "I just...ever since I found out he has feelings for me, it's been so...awkward."
Miguel looked over at her, "awkward as in you don't know how to confess to him? Or awkward as in you don't feel the same and aren't telling him because you don't want to be put in that situation because you don't want to break his heart?"
"Awkward as in I really don't want to break his heart and I don't think I'd even be able to get the whole sentence out because I'd be hurting one of my best friends as well as myself in the process." She groaned as she slumped down onto the grass.
Miguel sat down beside her, "but at least you wouldn't be leading him on."
"Yeah, but...he's just so nice, and sweet...I don't deserve him."
Demetri stood inside of the dojo, trying not to be seen as he eavesdropped on their conversation. Which of course was the worst decision of his life and arguably the hardest and most hurtful one. He wanted to leave, to prevent himself from hearing more, but his feet stayed planted to the floor.
"Well, you'll have to tell him at some point. You can't keep his heart safe forever." Miguel told her.
"Is it so bad that I want to?"
"Yes. Wholeheartedly, yes."
"You're really not helping me."
"It's not something I should help you with. This is between you and Demetri, not me. You're a tough girl I'm sure you can handle breaking someone's heart." He lightly punched her in the shoulder.
"It's not my heart I'm worried about, Mig. You know this. I just...what if he doesn't even want to be friends anymore? I couldn't handle looking at him directly in the face..." She frowned.
Demetri had tears welling up, and his feet automatically started to trudge towards them, though the back of his mind was screaming for him to run away. "You dont have to." His voice cracked.
Miguel and Y/n's heads snapped towards the boy, Y/n's eyes going wide in shock. "Demetri I-"
"No, no its fine. I get it, I'm not good enough for your high standards." He sniffed.
"Demetri that's not what I meant-" She started to stand up.
Demetri shook his head, "that's exactly what you meant. And you know what? Thanks for the heartbreak, I'll make sure to avoid you for the rest of my life." He started to back away.
"Please, demetri don't-"
The boy had run off before she could finish her sentence, tears trailing down his cheeks.
"Shit!" She groaned, planting her face in her hands.
"Okay well that could have gone better-"
"Shut up, Miguel. Now is not the time." She was about to run after Demetri, but a hand grabbed her arm.
"It's not worth it right now. He just needs some time to cool off, I'm sure he'll be better later." Miguel tried to reassure.
Y/n scoffed, "I know Demetri, and with this type of thing, I for sure ruined everything. He's not gonna get over it any time soon and it's my fault. It's always my fault because I'm a dumbass who can't learn from my mistakes."
"I'm gonna do it again and again and again until someone really gets hurt and I wouldn't even do it on purpose. Demetri is anything but weak-no matter how many times he says he is-but his heart? That's the most fragile thing he has and I just tore it apart like it was nothing."
"You didn't know he was here."
"Yeah, but I could have told him in person! And only to him! I stabbed him in the fucking back, Miguel!" She cried out angrily.
Miguel didn't say anything. He didn't know what he COULD say. Right now, he has to deal with two broken friends who might not be able to be fixed. And it tore him up inside to see his best friend sitting on the grass sobbing into her knees because she broke a boy's heart.
Demetri and Y/n both cried that day. Sobbed and wiped their own tears away until the tears stopped on their own. Both torn to pieces because of a conversation between two friends
A relationship that could-have-been, was now one that could never be fixed.
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@bigtimesexhaving AHHHHHH
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