#'wow those are feminine hands'
nugge-is-my-duckie · 5 months
Angel has feminine hands you guys
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widowshill · 3 months
Character bingo: Elizabeth Collins Stoddard, the woman the myth the legend
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#i have like. two very distinct strata of thought when it comes to liz. 1 is practically diegetic which is that i worship the ground she#walks on. i love this woman. no flaws. whatever liz says is the truth.#strata two is i think liz stoddard is a Very Compelling case study on the expectations of womanhood in a post-ww2 america#(but always with previous centuries leaning very heavily on her shoulders)#that liz is under certain expectations when it comes to her performance of femininity; of domesticity; of wealth (and of achieving tangible#economic success in the business); of heterosexual marriage and of motherhood#and on the one hand liz is Constantly performing and she does very well; she has made herself into a myth and is all but above reproach by#most if not everyone in the town; her word is Truth. she's more than queen; she's practically divinity.#on the other hand. all those facets of the perfect midcentury mother and wife and matriarch have fracture lines in them.#a husband who has been long missing (killed); the house is shuttered and rotting; as she is shuttered and rotting#anyway. she's fun. i don't necessarily think everyone is wrong about them per se but i do cherish my interpretation of#liz's story threats as reflective of comp het and violence enacted on sapphic women through the institution of marriage#in liz's era; marrying paul in the immediate post wwii period in the midst of the lavender scare;#when the new american heteronormative ideal was forming; and liz has to Perform; and through marriage runs into truly nightmarish violence.#all this to say. wow what a character. thank you joan and art.#➤ answered. ┊ Collinsport 4099.#➤ meme responses. ┊ boo !#dying-suffering-french-stalkers
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sooniebby · 1 year
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𝗪𝗲𝗲𝗸 𝟯: 𝘃𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗶𝗿𝗲/𝗲𝗱𝗴𝗶𝗻𝗴/𝗯𝗼𝗻𝗱𝗮𝗴𝗲
Bottom trans male reader. Reader’s lower part is called interchangeable: cunt, pussy, clit, folds, heat, hole. No mention of anything feminine. Reader has had top surgery.
“Is… the rope necessary?”
You were dressed in your Halloween costume, a very simple makeshift murder victim. A tired white shirt with fake blood splattered all over it. Jeans that you purposely tore and also splashed some blood on it.
The real “kill wound” in your costume was a fake slit throat that you had. It was starting to feel itchy on your neck after being at this party for over two hours now. The blood on your face had uncomfortably dried up a bit that you just wanted to wash it off.
The guy you were with, inside some random room. You didn’t really know who owned the house. You were just here for free drinks and candy.
He was dressed pretty bland compared to you.
Just a nice dress shirt and dress pants. You wondered why he’d wear something so nice to a college party like this.
His white shirt was unbuttoned now, letting you see his chest a bit better. Which was nice as you were currently being tied up. He wrapped the rope around your chest and shoulders, leaning it down to circle around your hands.
He was slow and methodical, making sure it was tight but not too tight. You were a bit too drunk to complain about him taking too long. Hey, if he needed bondage to get off, so be it!
“W..what are you anyway? Such a boring costume..”
He glanced up at you and smirked. You saw the faintest sight of fangs. Ah, vampire.
Eh, he could’ve done better.
You yawned, getting comfortable on the bed. Wow, this bed was so soft. All that alcohol was making you a bit sleepy. And this bed wasn’t helping you.
With a jolt, you glanced down at the man as you felt himself slap your thigh. He didn’t say anything, just finishing his touches on your bondage. You could still move your legs and if you tried hard enough—you could slip your hands free though it would hurt your wrists to do so.
“Are… you going to speak?” You whisper, watching him move down to your jeans. He glanced up at you and with a smile, turns his attention back to your pants.
You spread your legs open to give him space as he.. quite literally tears your jeans apart?!
You cry out in shock, sobering up a bit at the sound of tearing jeans.
“D..dude?! What the fuck..?”
He paid you no mind as he reached your boxers and also teared that open. Fuck, he was going to ruin your clothes to bits at this point. You squirmed a bit, wondering just what the fuck you were going to do after this with no pants or boxers.
You watched as he leaned close to your legs and began to kiss it. His kisses were wet as he trailed down to your wet heat that was beginning to ache to be kissed itself.
His fangs.. which.. felt real in a way, teased your skin. You grunted, wishing you could just reach down and tangle your hands in his curls but your hands were tied.
“Jeez… those fangs of yours feel.. real, man.”
He stopped for a moment and glanced up. His eyes just staring at you before looking down as he pressed a soft kiss on your inner thigh. You couldn’t help but giggle a bit at the softness.
Why weren’t most one night stands this nice?
You gasp as you felt his kisses on your pussy this time. He was soft—just pressing kisses on your folds while one of his hands teased your clit.
“E…mhm.. ever eat… cat before?” You drunkly joke.
He looked up at you unimpressed. You pout. Hmph, this guy just didn’t know what a good joke was.
His breath was really the only sound you ever heard from him. But you wanted him to talk. So badly but you didn’t know how to get him. You had come up to this room with him because of his teasing on your waist and you thought he’d start flirting with you.
But no, just started binding you.
“Name..?” You muttered, thinking maybe he’d be nice enough to tell you.
But he didn’t. He leaned in and began to lick your pussy, slow and methodically once more. You flinch, your legs accidentally closing on his head. He grunted in discomfort and moved his hands to grab your legs and force them apart.
You couldn’t help but feel a bit happy.
You got him to grunt!
That’s something..
He was sucking and licking your heat with a sense of ownership—eyes staring straight at you as he watched you try to move your hands against the bondage. Your lips were parting constantly as moans left your throat, filling the room.
You couldn’t really help yourself that you began to try and ride his face. He didn’t seem to mind as he allowed you to do so. You whimper and whine, his nose was a bit good to ride on.
Huh, maybe you should stick to sleeping with man with long noses.
The drunk thought leaves your mind when he pulls away. You whine and pout at him, wondering why he’d pull away. His lower face and nose was wet from your slick but he didn’t seem to care at the moment.
He reached down and pulled open his pants, his cock slipping out. You blinked in shock. Holy fuck, that cock was huge.
Maybe.. eight inches?! Jesus, what type of man needs eight inches???
You glance down and watch as he grips his cock and rests it against your cunt. He gently rubbed his cock between your folds, earning a sharp gasp from you.
You were biting your lip in excitement—even if the thought of such a large cock was scary.
But he didn’t slip inside of you.
His cock began to rub against your pussy, getting between your slick folds. He reached down with his free hand and placed it on your hips, gripping it tightly as a way to keep you still.
“W…c’mon… inside~” you whined.
He continued his thrusting against your folds, his cock constantly rubbing against your clit. His grunts began to fill the room, overpowering your moaning.
You felt as if you were being used.. but honestly it made you excited.
You just wished he said something to you.
Praise. Degradation. Something!
Much to your shock, his cock began to cum. He moved his cock between your folds and cummed right near your hole—teasing you with the thought of him pushing his cock inside and just filling you with cum.
He pulled away after a second and reached down, scooping up the cum that was dripping from your pussy and fingering it inside. You began to squirm and twitch, hips thrusting upwards as you cried out.
Finally… something inside!
But then he pulled away.. again!
“F…fuck you! I wanna cum, man!” You grunted, wishing you could just reach down and make yourself cum.
He simply smirked and patted your stomach before pulling away. You watched in shock as he buttoned up his shirt and pants and… left.
He fucking left.
You panicked a bit, wondering what the hell were you supposed to do now?! As you shuffled around the bed, trying to force your hand out of the bondage, the door opened again.
He was back.. with water and a bowl of grapes.
He sits down on the bed and makes you sit up but makes no effort to untie you. You part your lips and gladly accept the water, humming at the cool drink blessing your dried throat.
Huh, you didn’t notice that.
His lips pulled into a smile as you saw you begin to feel comfortable once more. Once the water was finished, he grabbed the bowl of grapes and began to feed them to you.
He was.. taking care of you? Oh, this was nice.
You hummed in delight, starting to feel sleepy again after being mildly taken care of.
“You.. do this with everyone you fuck?”
He didn’t answer. Stupid man. He placed the empty bowl on the night stand and made you lay back down again. Getting between your legs, he pulled down his cock.
You didn’t know if eating and then fucking so quick was smart but eh, you were still a bit too drunk to truly care about that.
He leaned over you, staring over you as a smirk pulled on his lips. Staring at his teeth you began to notice his fangs were a bit too real. It looked as if they came straight from his gums.
“You.. must’ve put most of your money into the fangs, huh?”
He raised an eyebrow, as if in a way telling you that you’re wrong. You gasped at the feeling of his cock pushing inside of your tight heat. His cock was stretching you but you couldn’t help but sigh in relief—happy to fully be fucked.
His thrusts were different from his other one. No longer slow and methodical. He was like a beast, his hips slamming into you as you squirmed and cried. Your cunt tightened around his cock with each thrust.
“S…so good! Fuck.”
You cummed in no time, arching your back as you screamed out. But he didn’t stop, his thrusts were even faster now—forcing you to squirm as your body was being forced to cum again so quickly.
You could’ve sworn you were squirting at this point.
But he hasn’t cummed.
And he wouldn’t cum for a few minutes as your body got tired from the constant and back to back squirting. Your body was limp by now, your pussy lightly clenching at this point. The only sound leaving you was soft little whimpers.
You couldn’t even speak properly now.
He leaned down, pressing kisses on your throat. You hoped he was close soon, your body couldn’t handle another orgasm. His teeth grazed your throat as he moved down right where your shoulder and neck connected.
And he bit.
You screamed out, spasming against his body that held you down to the bed. This wasn’t just a simple bite, his teeth—no fangs, pierced your skin.
Any sort of pain you felt was soon pleasurable. You began to softly moan, trying to move your hand but still not able to. He continued to drink.. just like a vampire before pulling away after a few seconds.
His lips were stained with your blood, turning them red in color. A few drops slipped down his chin and his eyes were blood red. He reached down and gently rubbed the spot his bit, giving a bit of comfort for it.
You felt something warm inside of you now… oh, he came. His cock slipped out of you as white cum slowly dripped out of your aching hole. Your breathing was light and soft…
You somehow felt content.
He grinned down at you. His black curly hair was no longer neatly laid like before. You tried to truly look at him now but all you could do was whine about the ropes still bonding you.
He pulled the bondage off and began to rub your wrists, pressing a kiss on the mark it left on your skin. His eyes trailed your body. The only thing you had left was your shirt.
He smirked.
He hummed and walked over to the closet in the room. He pulled out a long coat from it and wrapped it around your body. Much to your surprise, he picked you up easily.
You whimper but glance up at him, wondering what he was thinking.
“Y…you..? Wh.. a… college..?”
He looked at you thoughtfully as if he was actually thinking why he, a vampire, came to a college Halloween party. But he simply shrugged. He looked close to your age, but perhaps now getting a better look, three to four years older.
Physically at least.. who knew how old he was mentally.
“Wh…ere..?” You mutter, starting to feel so tired. But you weren’t sure why.
Your eyes open in shock as you stared up at him. His voice was nice and velvet. So smooth and deep. You wanted him to keep talking. Please, keep talking.
“Sleep. You were good… so I decided…”
He leaned down a bit to your ears, gently nipping it as you hummed, snuggling a bit in his arms.
“To keep you forever.”
Realistically, that was such a fucking scary thing to say. An immortal being taking you forever.
But.. you were drunk and happily satisfied by sex you knew no one else could possibly give you.
How long was forever anyway…?
Eh, you only meet a sexy vampire once.
You get it? He edged you with his cock and his voice… a true edger… does that make sense? Lol, anyway, hope this was sexy enough cuz he doesn’t talk basically at all! Why he doesn’t talk..? Don’t ask, I just thought it’d be sexy
Tag list: @the-ultimate-librarian @nakedtoasterr @smellwell @tehyunnie @ofclyde @chill-guy-but-cooler @iwishtobeacrow @remdayz @mello-life69 @kiiyoooo @kaedezu @tomoeroi
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kalki-tarot · 6 months
Your First Date with your Fs! 💌
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Pick only one picture. Kalki tarot is not responsible for any decisions you make in your life from this reading(s). Use your brain and be mindful.
Please Allow me to tap into your energy.
Tap on Masterlist for more.
Pile 01
For some of you this date may be through arranged marriage or some female member from your family will first introduce you to them.
For others I'm getting that you may have 2 options to choose from, and you choose them after a lot of thinking and introspecting. Because i see you really wanting someone long term.
I'm seeing that your fs could be someone very shy and introverted on the first date, they may not really seem that talkative you know? Those people who only talk when nessecary.
This will take place when you are in some really busy or hardworking phase in your life. Maybe you just started a new job or you are a very busy person in general. The first date can be near water, like beach, seas, lakes etc. This can also take place in an amusement park.
Before the date you will be very anxious about what will happen and what not. Very scattered energy and overthinking is coming from your side. But anyhow, you really look forward to it and future of you guys together. If you last long or not? All these thoughts will cover up your mind.
For some of you, I'm also seeing that you may not be able to sleep a day before the date due to excitement, racing hearts and thoughts lol. You really are very anxious about it.
On the other hand, you future spouse too seems to be a little worried. They are someone who were heartbroken in the past, they were too giving in relationships but never received enough. So these thoughts may resurface and they may start to overthink too. They will be curious to know if you are someone genuine and trustworthy or like their old partners.
Okay, let's see how the actual date will be! I'm seeing that your fs may insist to pay even if they have less amount of money, such a gentleman/woman. The feminine (not gender specific) in the connection may take a lead throughout the date as they may have planned it all together.
I'm also seeing you guys talking about your future visions and goals. All the things you desire to do and achieve in your life. You both may have similar goals or interests which will be very interesting. You may also talk about some intellectual topics like politics or Philosophy.
Your chemistry together would be fabulous. Like two puzzle pieces perfectly joining together and making sense. The date will be very nice, so don't worry about it. Just be yourself and show your true self. I'm also seeing you guys will want to have another date too. You both will look forward to meeting each other again. Lovely!
Pile 02
Wow! This date will be a surprise for you. Your fs won't tell u where they are taking you, as it will be a surprise for you. I'm also getting a scenario where you are literally blindfolded and when they show you the place you get very surprised.
Your fs can be a foreigner for some of you. This date will be in a different location or country than you live in currently. The date will be fun and entertaining. Your fs may buy or gift you a small piece of jewellery to keep as a memory.
The masculine will literally dress up their best on the first date ! I'm seeing someone putting on white shirt and perfume. This date can happen at a formal place like a fancy restaurant or bar. They would want to smell and look their best.
I'm also seeing that you guys may drink wine together as I'm seeing them pouring you a glass. They will talk about what you expect from them and whatever they can provide for you in the relationship. They are someone very selfless and giving.
For the feminines, I'm seeing that she was forced to show up on this date by their friend or family member. She is very busy and had to take out time from her schedule. The feminine will really show up in a silky satin dark purple and shiny dress. She will look very sexy and appealing. The masculine will get swayed by her appearance lmao.
About the actual date, I'm seeing love at first sight. You guys will fall for each other and you will be surprised by how great you two match together. You will be amazed by how different your ideologies are but still you guys do great together. You will take this as a sign as they are the one for you.
One thing specifically I'm getting is that please specify and clear your past in front of your fs on the first date itself. Some people may try to ruin things for you. please be careful and don't lie to your fs about anything. They are very understanding and will understand you.
You should also consider to have another date, as I'm seeing confusion for you. Take things slow and steady.
Pile 03
This date will happen after you've got stable in your career and now you wanna explore love in your life. For some I'm also seeing that you will be in your 30s when this date takes place, take whatever resonates. It's never too late for love.
You may consult your friends or even a tarot reader before the date for necessary precautions because Your mind will feel somehow conflicted and underconfident. But your angels will be supporting you.
Wow, for your fs i can see that they really are in love with you and want to propose you for marriage as soon as possible. It's because they love you so much and don't wanna lose this great opportunity.
They will be daydreaming about you and trying to brush up their flirting skills. They really wanna woo you fr.
You guys can meet in a hospital or a court, some strict and structured place is what i can see. Or their/your profession can be lawyer, doctor, teacher, professor etc.
Your first date can be in a zoo, animal shelter, park, or you can try pottery,painting or some hand craft thing on your first date.
This occasion will heal your inner child a lot. You will finally be at peace and feel like home with your person. You'll feel better and lighthearted. You won't even realize how fast the time passes. You will get this feeling on the first date itself that they are your counterpart, the one you're meant to be with. It will feel serendipitous.
I can also see that your fs has both fire and water signs in their chart prominently.
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thesirencult · 10 months
Pick A Card : Your Inner Goddess
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"How would you behave if you knew you were a God or Goddess? How would you treat yourself, how would you treat others? What kind of consciousness would you hold about your smallest actions if you knew their effects influenced the rest of creation? If your awakenings could bring joy to the multitudes? What kind of mindfulness would that inspire?"
- Anodea Judith, Eastern Body, Western Mind: Psychology and the Chakra System as a Path to the Self
Within each woman there lies a Goddess. Within you there lies a force to be reckoned with.
She awaits the moment you find her and she awakes.
Take the messages with a grain of salt. First and foremost trust your intuition and your inner Goddess...
Within each pile you will find what your inner goddess craves, how you can service her and what's holding her back.
Pile 1
The Hierophant, The Sun, The Empress
Your inner Goddess is craving warmth and care. A daring little lady she is. She reminds me of P!nk in the music video of U+Ur Hand.
She is sitting pretty with her book and she is not easily impressed. Maybe because she can do EVERYTHING she puts her heart and soul into. Very wise and commanding, yet feminine and seductive.
Your inner Goddess wants you to realize that you deserve abundance and happiness. You need to work on your Solar Plexus. I get that I should also talk to you about your adrenals. You have been hustling for a long time and the Goddess wants you to sit your pretty booty down and take a moment to breathe and realize that you are right on time. Go get it panther!
Pile 2
The Fool, The Star
Wow. This is a very airy energy. Your inner Goddess is here to see and experience everything. She loves being vulnerable and wants to push you out of your comfort zone.
She dares to dream about a better future and she wants to tell you that if you don't dream it and belive it you mights as well not even try.
Just do it, she says, and dives straight out the cliff. She always manages to survive and those negative voices feel jealous that the "naive" Goddess makes the best decisions right on the spot. Trust your intuition and inner Wisdom.
Pile 3
3 Of Cups, The Star, 10 Of Swords, Queen Of Wands
I don't know why, but your inner Goddess gives me "black cat energy" or Scorpio energy. She is that seductive voice that whispers "do it now, analyze it later".
She is affectionate and loves a good foot rub. Your inner Goddess has been through it. She has been accompanying you for SEVERAL lifetimes and she could have been the black cat to your Cleopatra back in ancient Egypt.
I feel like we should not play around with this one cause she might whip us up. Lol. Your inner Goddess comes out during "playtime" if you know what I mean. Look at your Lilith cause she is a lot like that placement in your chart. Alien yet homely. She can be either a storm or a beautiful river. Beware, she scratches anyone that dares hurt you. Payback's a bitch, so is Mrs. Catwoman here.
P.S. Get that sexy leather bra and that rose tattoo. Tie up your man/woman and have fun ! xoxo.
Pile 4
4 Of Cups, The Chariot
Hello brat! No worries, we can all be brats sometimes *wink,wink*.
Little lady, your inner Goddess is FED UP. She is a go getter and she is done watching you be a pessimist. She wants you to get some fuel into this fire.
Your Venus sign can be indicative of what your inner Goddess is like. She is pretty private and this can indicate issues with how you express her energy. All in all, she comes up when you think of what makes you grateful ! Feed her!
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talktonytome · 2 months
mio caro
for day 2 (nicknames and terms of endearment) of @bucktommypositivityweek
“Wow, they kind of have the perfect marriage, huh?” Evan tells him. “I mean, they’re kooky, like it says in the song, but there’s so much love and devotion. I have to be honest, I kinda didn’t expect that about these movies.”
They’re watching The Addams Family as part of their Halloween month movie nights. Tommy smiles. He’s always had a soft spot for Gomez and Morticia and the romantic side of him was enchanted by their dynamic. At first, he couldn’t imagine ever loving someone that much, but leave it to Evan to prove him wrong.
“Yeah, they really do,” Tommy agrees. “You know how my family is Italian?”
Evan turns from the screen to look at him and nods. “Yeah, on your mom’s side, right?”
“Mhm. So, I’m not fluent, but I grew up hearing all the terms of the endearment from my nonna, sometimes from my mom- but mostly nonna— and that’s what stuck the most. Watching these movies, I always imagined what it would be to call someone I love the sort of things Gomez and Morticia call each other.”
Evan gives him a soft smile and twists his whole body to face him. He leans forward, ready to give this his full attention. It makes something in Tommy’s heart twinge. The movie’s momentarily forgotten. “Oh yeah? Like what?”
“Well I think the one that strikes me the most is cara mia. Technically, it’s not wrong but, for a romantic connotation, it’d be mia cara. It’s the possessive form,” Tommy explains. His gaze is fixed on Evan, on the way he absorbs the information, the way he makes a mental note.
Evan nods slowly. “So what does it mean, exactly?”
“My dear,” Tommy says, smiling. “It’s not just me being biased, but I swear it’s somehow softer- more affectionate and romantic in Italian.”
“Say it again.”
“Mio caro.” Tommy tilts his head, impossibly fond.
Evan furrows his brow. God, he’s adorable. “I thought it was mia cara?”
“That’s the feminine version.”
“So why did you say mio car- oh!” His cheeks flush so pretty and pink to match his birthmark. “Me? I’m your-“
“My dearest? Of course, Evan. I never thought I’d get to have this sort of love, it seemed like this unattainable thing,” he admits. “I was content watching it happen to others in movies. I never even really considered using the term for anyone before, but then you happened and you threw everything I thought I knew out the window,” he lets out a small chuckle.
“Tommy,” Evan breathes awestruck. “I never thought I’d get to have this either and then a certain hot pilot kissed me into realization and that’s all she wrote, so, we’re even.”
“Well, when you put it like that…” Tommy leans in closer, and reaches out to cup the side of his neck to bring him in, until their faces are almost touching. “Mio caro,” he whispers, then presses a kiss to his jaw. He feels Evan’s pulse jump under his hand.
“Again.” Evan demands softly.
“Mio caro.” This time, Tommy trails a set of gentle kisses from his birthmark to the corner of his mouth.
“Again.” Evan’s voice has gone breathless, his lashes flutter in anticipation. Tommy’s hopeless to deny him anything.
“Mio caro.” Finally, finally, he finds those sweet lips and they both sigh. He’d swear he was dreaming, but he knows he’s not. Evan’s so warm and soft and solid— and so very real underneath him. He wishes he could live suspended in this moment forever.
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fairykazu · 7 months
youre dating me! not him! ft. lyney࿐࿔ ✦cws: est. relationship, otome game (i.e. love and deepspace), rafayel my beloved, jealousy, feminine terms are used but reader is gender neutral, crackpost, lyney is trying to be batman to save chaos from gotham (his brain) and ooc ✦masterlist
lyney noticed something off with his girlfriend, giggling on their phone and of course, he thinks that youre either chatting away with your own friends or youve picked up a new hobby.
you have plenty of hobbies but you so happen to be invested in fandom culture.
hes well aware of how you read fanfiction on those websites, totally not because he snooped on your phone and accidentally found them. he will admit though that they are pretty well written, and he did steal some of the tropes and some of the pick up lines just to flirt and fluster you.
but you're not intensely reading fanfiction because you don't have the face, the "oh my god???" or "OH MY GODDD..... ?!?!?!?" so clearly, you're playing something else here. but you were being sneaky!
every time he tries to peek over, you hid your screen, turn off your phone. hell, you even invested into a privacy phone screen. although, these signs do sound like cheating. it most definitely is not because well… to put it lightly, you’re kind of a loser (affectionate) but its his favorite trait of yours!!!
that sounded more backhanded than he intended.
but he has to solve this mystery before the world falls to chaos…
he’s just going to “borrow” your phone. he had a plan and everything. he knew exactly what he was going to do. wait until you sleep, unlock your phone and find out your biggest secret at the moment.
but instead, midway of his plan, you had light mode on??? why are you the devil? knowing he was going to sneak onto your phone, you put your themes to light mode. its a sneak attack on his very character!
a bright light burned his eyes as he lowered the brightness because he will power through!! but he was being too loud when he was putting in your phone password.
lyney noticed you were waking up, quickly hiding your phone under a pillow case. as you yawned, you turned on the lamp, peeling open your eyes, “…mhmm, hey, lyney why are you up?”
“well, i couldnt sleep.” he replied back, snaking his arms around you. you laugh,
“is anything keeping you up?” funny you ASK, the joker of his heart !! you shifted in your side of the bed, facing his way. “ow, what the hell?” you reached under your pillowcase, “huh, why is my phone here?”
lyney, sweating, “um, maybe you forgot?”
“its even unlocked!”
“woww… wonder how it got there.”
silence filled the air as the both of you just stare at each other. well, he looked at your eyes with unwavering confidence and a midge of fear and you were straining your half asleep eyes at your boyfriend.
“um… dont know! okay, fine i did it.”
“if you wanted to know, you can.” you handed him your phone, clearly even more suspicious. not really. he really wanted to get into this dark knight hero guy character.
he swiped through and nothing hut a new game. “oh! dont click that…”
“why?” he clicked on it anyway. he was met with kind of realistic men, painting, winking and other actions. its not as bad as he thought. or even, kind of typical girlfriend behavior.
hearing the theme song, you sighed, rubbing your temples. your tone was embarassed, “i.. its an otome game. i thought it would be weird—”
you met eye contact with lyney as you nervously laughed. “because its a dating simulator.”
you could tell he was processing it in his mind. “wait, youre dating me,”
“and youre playing otome games, which is, dating sims.”
“but youre dating me! not him! ive been feeling neglect lately and you were gone in your prtend world of these…” he looks at the home screen. “very attractive suitors while i waste away to our homelife, trying to be better.”
“good narrative, babe.”
“thank you, i made it on the spot. wait, no, dont distract me!!” he made himself sound serious. “all jokes aside though, im glad it was a game. i thought it was more something serious.”
“such as?”
“like cheating! and i know how that sounds and i know you wouldn’t but the way you acted made it seem bad.”
he saw you load in the information he just gave you and you began to apologize. “dont worry, you just have to pay attention to me and i guess, whoever is on ‘amor and deepabyss’.”
“sounds like a plan!”
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dilemmaontwolegs · 1 year
Oof that Daniel and his best friend's wife hit the spot for me. I know it has a happy ending but if by any chance you'll come up with ideas for pt. 2, I'll be there reading it
NOT A REQUEST (you already have enough of those)
His Best Man || DR3 {2}
Summary: Two months later you uncover another lie James told you. (Just a little thought I had and decided to share) Warnings: 18+ only, nsfw, pregnancy, smut WC: 2.1k F1 Masterlist || One || Two || Daniel’s Reaction
Song: Bless the Broken Road by Rascal Flatts
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“Did you lie to me?” Your broken voice was hoarse as you sat crumpled on the cold stone tiles in Daniel's bathroom. A thousand thoughts raced through your head so fast you couldn’t cling to one long enough to make sense of what was happening.
“You woke me up for this shit?” James growled and you heard a soft feminine voice asking him who was on the phone, but it no longer hurt.
Your hands trembled as you reached for the impossible that was somehow staring you in the face. “The appointment I missed…did you lie?”
The silence dragged on for too long to be honest and you shook your head roughly, displacing the tears that clung to your bottom lashes. 
“I didn’t know how to tell you,” he admitted in a quiet murmur. “It was easier to believe it was your fault.”
“You’re a rotten bastard.”
“How did you find out?” You could picture the confusion as he sat up in bed and heard the lamp click on. “Unless…”
You hung up the phone before he could voice the connection he had made and dropped it at your side to pull your knees to your chest. That was how Daniel found you when he crashed into the room with his phone barely hanging from his fingertips, a look of dismay on his unusually somber face. He hadn’t even changed out of his fireproofs after finishing free practice on the famous Monaco street track.
“You said you couldn’t have kids.” The accusation and hurt was clear in his tone as he sank down the wall opposite you, his eyes unable to look away from the tests scattered at your feet.
You too stared at what you thought was a miracle only to find out that it too was a lie. “I got caught in traffic on the way to the appointment at the doctors. James said that his tests came back fine but mine were the problem. That’s when our relationship changed, when he started to pull away. I thought it was because of me!”
Daniel dragged his eyes away from the pink plus signs and narrowed them at you. “Why didn’t you double check?”
The back of your head thumped against the vanity but you didn’t feel anything as you screwed your eyes shut against the sight of his distrust. “He was my husband, I thought I could trust him. I don’t need you reminding me what a fucking mistake that was!”
“Okay, okay, I’m sorry, I’m just a little shocked, okay. Fuck. A baby?”
You peeked out of your lashes to see him reaching for one of the tests, holding it up to the light despite the lines being clear as day. “Apparently so.”
He picked up the other two and blinked a few times as he waited for the punchline to come, but it never did. “Should we get hitched?” 
“Wow, Danny, just wow,” you muttered as you pulled yourself up from the floor and massaged your leg that had gone numb from sitting for so long. 
He leapt to his feet and caught you by the hips before you could leave the bathroom, but after a split second he moved his hands higher to your waist. “I didn’t mean it like that.”
“I’m not going to marry you because I’m pregnant, this isn’t the 1920’s, and my divorce isn’t even finalised.” You unlatched his arms from your body and stepped into the bedroom that overlooked Monte Carlo, grabbing your suitcase from under the bed to begin packing your clothes.
“What are you doing? You don’t have to go.” There was a hint of desperation in his voice as he fought the urge to drag your suitcase away from your hands. “Stay, please.”
“You didn’t ask for this and I had long given up on the idea, so I think we could both do with some time to think. You should be focusing on your race this weekend.”
Unable to resist any longer, he stepped between you and the suitcase and placed his hands on your shoulders as he bent his knees so he could look you in the eyes. “I may not have asked for it but I’m not some fucking bogan, I’m not going to let you go through this alone. I’ll be right by your side.”
“Don’t,” you whispered as you looked away from the sincerity in his eyes. “Don’t make promises on a whim. You might mean it now but…”
Daniel didn’t let you break eye contact for long as he followed your gaze, a small smile playing at his lips. “When have you known me to change my mind, love?” 
His smile grew at the pause as you mentally ran through all the years of knowing him unable to find an example. You couldn’t count the number of times James had changed his mind, but Daniel? He had none. 
Your answer was reserved and nearly silent but somehow he heard and his hands slipped down your body before cupping your ass and picking you up. His laugh warmed your neck as he buried his face in the crook while you wrapped your legs around his waist. 
“I never thought about having kids,” he admitted as he kissed your racing pulse. “It’s kind of exciting.”
You looked around the high end apartment and lingered on the balcony that opened out off the bedroom that was 15 floors off the ground. “It’s kind of terrifying. There is some serious baby-proofing needed to raise one here.”
Daniel chuckled and shook his head as he laid you gently down on the bed and continued his soft kisses across your body. “Then pick a house, baby, any house. Whatever you want, we’ll make it ours.”
“Just slow down a minute,” you panted as he brush the strap of your dress aside and sealed his lips over the swell of your breast.
“But I want you,” he groaned as he propped himself up on his knees between your legs.
You reached for his race suit hanging at his hips and tugged the zip down further so you could find the hem of the fireproof shirt. “No, not that. I meant the plans and grand gestures. You can definitely continue what you were doing.”
“I like grand gestures,” he said as he helped you to pull the shirt over his head and you saw a sheen of sweat coating his skin from the sprint he had made to get home. “From surprise tattoos to buying a house fit for a family, don’t stop me now.”
“How can I when you talk like that?” You pouted as you remembered your promise to him. “I won’t be able to get your tattoo for a long time.”
Daniel’s short beard rubbed across your shoulder, tickling your skin as he shook his head. “We have more important things to think of now but I’ll get it on you one day, baby.”
Your thoughts turned to everything those important things could be from finding a doctor and midwife to just how insane the whole situation was. Daniel could see you were drifting away as you got lost in your mind and knew one sure way to bring you back to the present.
“Eyes on me, love,” he ordered as he pushed your dress up and hooked his fingers into your panties to slide them down your legs. “Forget about everything except this right here.”
His fingers teased you as he slowly dragged them through your folds, feeling your body respond so quickly to his touch. You squirmed beneath him when he smirked and teased you again, almost but never quite going where you wanted him most.
“Please,” you whined when he missed your clit for a third time.
“Just checking you were still focused on me,” he chuckled. His eyes held yours as he curled two thick digits into your cunt and pressed his thumb to your clit, making your back arch off the bed at the sudden sensations of his ministrations.
“I’m always focused on you,” you moaned, reaching for his race suit to push it down his hips. “Now please fuck me…”
Daniel’s smirk grew as he shoved his boxers down his thighs and nudged yours apart wider. “You’ve been so needy lately, is this the hormones? ‘Cause I could get used to this.” He teased you once more as he fisted his thick cock and stroked the long length before tapping the head on your sensitive clit. “Are you sure you want me to fuck you?” he asked as he pressed himself to your entrance, your body slowly stretching to welcome him before he stopped an inch in.
“Yes! Please, Danny,” you whined, before taking matters into your own hands. You wrapped your legs around his hips and dug your heels into his ass, pushing him forward, and you both moaned as he filled you completely.
“That was naughty,” he chuckled in your ear. “If you want to be in control so badly, here you go.”
He caged you in his arms and rolled onto his back so you were on top. Tucking his arms behind his head, he winked and made himself comfortable. “Go on, baby, take what you need.”
Planting your hands on his chest, you accepted the invitation with the roll of your hips as your eyes fluttered shut.
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“He really is a cunt,” Daniel sighed as he lay beside you, his phone on silent after all notifications he had received overnight. The sun was beginning to leak through the gaps in the curtain and your eyes were weary from the lack of sleep. It worried you to know Danny was going to be driving in a few short hours when he hadn’t rested for long enough.
After James called Daniel to taunt him over the news that you were pregnant, and that as the father he wasn’t even the first to know, the asshole had then told every news outlet globally it seemed. He hadn’t stopped there though, he had spread the news on every social media platform he had, ensuring there would be no privacy for either of you.
“That was your friend,” you pointed out, only to earn an unamused side glance.
“That was your husband.”
“That was uncalled for.”
“Very.” Daniel rubbed his eyes and groaned as he stretched his arms out before pulling you into his embrace. “But it was also the truth. We can’t change our pasts, baby.”
He grabbed his phone from the night stand and avoided the apps with growing numbers of notifications in the corners. He barely had to look to find Spotify as his thumb hit the icon purely on muscle memory. 
“No, please, it’s too early for country,” you groaned as you saw him selecting a playlist and song. 
“Nobody can tell a story like a good ol’ country song, Roo. It’s like they can somehow bottle up everything I’m feeling and say it for me. Just listen,” he said softly as he hit play. The apartment came to life with the speakers that were built into the ceiling, the sound wholly encompassing as you curled into his arms and listened to what he wanted to say.
I set out on a narrow way many years ago. Hoping I would find true love along the broken road. But I got lost a time or two, wiped my brow and kept pushing through. I couldn't see how every sign pointed straight to you.
Daniel hummed along to the tune, his eyes closed as he rested his head against the cushions and you watched it rock gently side to side. He was always at peace when he listened to the genre and even with the chaos he had woken to he was able to let it saturate his soul and calm him. So you nestled in closer to rest your head on his chest and let his heartbeat join the chorus.
Every long lost dream led me to where you are. Others who broke my heart, they were like Northern stars, pointing me on my way into your loving arms. This much I know is true, that God blessed the broken road that led me straight to you.
Daniel’s lips pressed to your forehead softly and you felt them whispering along as tears stung your eyes, “God blessed the broken road that led me straight to you.” 
I think about the years I spent just passin' through. I'd like to have the time I lost and give it back to you. But you just smile and take my hand, you've been there, you understand. It's all part of a grander plan that is coming true.
“You’re breaking my heart, cowboy,” you whispered as you idly traced the line of hair down his navel.
He smiled as he wiped away the dampness on your cheeks before his large hands cradled your face. “Then let me fix it.”
Request: Daniel’s reaction
Tagging: @moonvr @copper-boom @yunnie-f1 @ophcelia @lightsoutletsgo @alwaysclassyeagle @neiich @omgsuperstarg @starwarssavy23 @fdl305 @faeb1tch42069 @sweetestrose569 @pleasantducktimetravel @zendayabelova @dr3lover @writerscurse @christianpulisic10 @alexisquinnlee-bc @purplephantomwolf @belennasif @ryiamarie @mickslover @tyna-19 @destourtereaux @sunf1ower16 @octaviareina @laneyspaulding19 @booknerd2004-blog @mimimarvelingmarvel @chonkybonky @jpg3 @bangtanxberm @ohthemisssery @eviethetheatrefreak @kimi240302 @formula1mount @storyteller-le @dakotali @daddyslittlevillain @elijahslover @formulas-bitch @faithm120601 @ynbutbetter @allabouthappiness @simpingcorner @chasing-liberosis @jspitwall @sociallyinepludi @ru-kru
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natriae · 10 months
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cw// gojo x reader, traditional-ish feminine views, fem! reader, angst, extremely self indulgent
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"wow, y/n you're so much taller then Nobara!" Yuji excitedly states after meeting you. You can't help but compare him to young child not a teenager, especially not a teenager with a literal demon in him. You smile at his statement knowing he meant it to be nice. "you're taller then me!" He gleefully continues after standing next to you.
Your boyfriend, Gojo, moves to rest his elbow on the teen's shoulder. "Yeah, she's handsome right ." Gojo says smirking. You'd think with all his mighty power he'd realize how much that statement bothers you. Stinging more when Yuji giggles and agrees.
Later that day the two of you head out to dinner with Megumi. The three of you move to sit at a small bench while waiting for your table. In your peripherals you can see Gojo whispering to Megumi and giggling, however, Megumi is not at all delighted at his comment. Looking up you notice a few people's eyes drawing down to your legs. Your pants have ridden up to the point they obviously aren't supposed to be capris. You take a deep breath and attempt to pull the pant legs down as much as you can while attempting to hide the uncomfortable amount of your shin showing. While Gojo sinkers at your awkwardness Megumi hands you his jacket to cover your legs with. Looking around the city you see plently of women who actually look like women. At least to society's standards. They're short and cute. Everyone loves them. Your sure Satoru does too.
Opening the door to the bathroom you notice a average height, beautiful girl reapplying her lipstick. Everything you've ever wanted to be. The kind of girl a boy likes. Looking into the mirror you feel to masculine to be a girl. You don't have those soft feminine features no matter how hard you try. No matter how much makeup you apply it's all just lipstick on a pig. Taking a deep breath and fixing your hair you rejoin Satoru and Megumi outside.
One the walk home your attention gets drawn to couple across the street. The man holding his girlfriend bridal style while she snuggles into his chest. Turning your attention back to your boyfriend you ask, "why don't you ever carry me like that?" immediately regretting it after.
"come on you don't want that~" He responds drawing out the end of his sentence. " it would look weird. Your body is so long." He smiles, turning back to look in front of him. You gaze falls to your feet as your hand loosens from his hold.
"yeah you're right" you respond quietly. Another hand grasps yours and holds on tight. You don't need to look up to know it's Megumi. Reminding you he's there to protect you.
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nari note: this is just something I've been dealing with recently especially with the amount of short reader fics that have appeared on my timeline.
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beatrixstonehill2 · 5 months
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Kimberley's dad approached his daughter filming on his phone, zooming on the girl's plump ass. "Hello, sweetheart, say hi for the camera!"
"Oh, hello, daddy!" Kimberley said, turning. Her cock measured almost a foot long, quite hard, excessively swollen and red from so much masturbation. She waved to her dad, smiling.
"Look at how gorgeous you are. Excited to live at home with mom and me again?"
"I've been looking forward to it all semester! Um, sorry if my clothes are too skimpy..... My college wardrobe is a bit, well, tailored for college life."
"I bet you distracted the whole class with that big cock of yours hanging out."
"Oh yes! Girls would come up to me all day and service me, guys would just fuck me from behind and jerk me off. Oh! Sorry again.... was that too raunchy?"
"Nah, the family will just be happy to have you back in town for a while. I'm happy you've grown into such a sexually active girl. Last time you were living here you were so shy, but you were barely starting to transition by then. Once you went to college, though, your mother and I were delighted by how fast you went from a shy feminine boy to a total vixen. We watched all the videos you'd post. We couldn't believe how your social media was all about art and music one second, then you're in a tiny dress looking and sounding just like any other girl, getting fucked in the ass by two guys at once!"
Kimberley giggled. "That was a fun day, I think I had sex with over twenty boys! And of course.... I'm not quite like any other girl, daddy." Kimberley lifted and jerked her monster cock.
"Look at that thing. You really pumped it full supplements, huh? And those balls are so big I can hardly believe it...."
"Uh-huh! The guys at all the frat houses injected my cock with stuff to make it grow. And my balls are almost the size of my fists! I can cum a whole liter in one orgasm! Wanna see?"
"Why not? And I'm glad those boys did this to you, you look gorgeous with such a big cock, sweetie."
"Thank you, daddy." Kimberley rolled back her eyes, jerking with one hand as she grabbed one of her breasts and squeezed it until milk squirted out, she stared directly into her dad's eyes, jerking faster, eventually bringing her other hand from her breast to her fat ass, inserting her fingers, using her milk as lube, fisting her ass as she smiled and panted, increasing her rhythm for a while until she rapidly sped up both her cock pumping and her fisting until she squealed in a slightly boyish voice. She shot rope after rope of cum, almost twenty, creating a huge mess on the outer edges of their inground pool. By the end of her orgasm, Kimberley was lightheaded, drooling, eyes rolled back, her brain looking friend. "How..... did I do...... daddy?" she asked, licking the hand she used to fist herself.
"Perfect, sweetie. It's going to be so fun having you live with us....."
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"How long has it been since you moved in with us, sweetie?" Kimberley's dad asked his hugely obese pig of a daughter.
"Mmmm, omffff," she stuffed her face, smiling, talking with her mouth open, "A bit over one year."
"Wow, and just how did you get so fat so fast, darling?"
"You guys don't stop feeding me all day...."
"No, we don't. What else have we done to get you so gorgeously fat?"
"You force funnel feed me weight-gain drinks a few times a day......"
"How many calories does our perfect, horny college slut consume a day?"
"At least thirty thousand calories. You and mom put me on a thirty-pound a month diet as soon as I settled in. I've put on 370lbs in one year," she explained, all with her mouth open, shoving fries in and chewing loudly.
"So how much does our oversexed angel weigh now?"
"Almost 500lbs...."
"Wow, from a petite, albeit fat-assed, slim and fit girl who's up for countless hours of sex and masturbation a day to such a pile of lard. What's your favorite part of being so hugely fat, darling?"
Kimberley smiled, blushing, unwrapping a double cheeseburger. "Everything...... I love struggling to walk. I love how hard it is to get up, to do anything. I was so into looking good and being sexy, now I hardly bathe. My heart feels like it's going to pop from putting on so much weight so fast! I'll never look slim and sexy again and that turns me on so much. Plus it makes my cock so hard when you two get so excited about fattening me up and seeing my weight go up and up. Even if I am totally gross now...." Kimberley said, all between belches, shoving the burger in her mouth, farting loudly, her stomach gurgling in so much distress the mic picked it up from a distance.
"That's our lovely daughter. Ever since you started transitioning, and posted those raunchy videos of you getting fucked in every hole, puking on guys' cock as you were cheered on, pregnant sorority sluts forcing your cock into their holes as they pinned you down or against a wall. You looked so divine. Your mom and I would discuss how fat we'd love to see you get ever since. Every night we'd fantasize about seeing you get so fat you can't walk, so fat your poor heart can't keep up with all the lard we pile on you. And most of all we fantasized about you loving every second of it, even as you have a heart attack, caked in grease, sitting in your own excrement, a total slob weighing over a thousand pounds, cumming as she feels her heart finally give up."
"Oh fuck! Mmmmm!" Kimberley came, lifting her belly a bit too fate, getting wad after wad of cum splattered against it, flatulating and groaning in discomfort as she pulled up her heavy belly, her fourteen-inch bloated cock shooting load after load across the living room floor. After finishing she clenched her chest, panting. "Oh fuck, daddy.... Mmmmm...... I can hardly breathe I'm so fat, my heart is pounding so much it hurts! Oh!"
Her dad smiled, taking her other hand, encouraging her to put her belly back down, piling all that heavy fat on top of her cock. "Good girl. You're everything we ever wanted out of a daughter. Now eat up, mom is about to prepare your next weight gain shake, so make sure you finish your second lunch by then, OK?"
"OK, daddy." She slowly returned to her bag and opened another double cheeseburger, still panting, sweating, letting out a few belches and farts as she resumed stuffing her face. Her dad felt so proud of how eagerly fat she became in so short a time, and couldn't wait to see how huge she'd get in another year, if her heart was up for the task.
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astrologylunadream · 11 months
What They're Keeping from You🕸🕷👤 (Pick a card/Tarot love reading)
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Hey it's Lunadream🤗 We're going to find out exactly what your person is keeping from you right now..🤫🤨🗣🚫 hope you find your message♡♡♡
Notice: Only take what resonates because the most important thing is your own judgement!♡ If anything doesn't resonate, don't worry! It's not your message right now <3 (Entertainment purpose only. All rights reserved)
Now, shall we begin~? ^w^ Think of the your person, and pick whichever pile that fits the energy you're feeling~🗝👤🖤
Pile 1🔗
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Pile 2🦟 (🔞!!)
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Pile 3📷
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Pile 4🎸
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Take your time and choose carefully with the heart~♡
On to the readings —> 🕸🕷🖤
Pile 1🔗
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Sign energy: Height, Winter, Relax, High standards, Letter, Venus, Leo, Cancer, Water, Jupiter, 😁☁️📣🍬
👤Your person's energy: Lol right away my keyboard typed in B accidentally after typing in Letter so it's likely their initials could be B or have it somewhere in their name. Your person is definitely very tall like I'm seeing expanded height with this one omg and this someone could have a long name or just longer than yours. Might be physically bigger than you in appearance. 💫Leo vibes💫 Libra/Taurus and Cancer, also Sagittarius/Pisces. Any of those could be their Venus sign especially Leo. They are very caring and feminine but mostly in personality, they are very sweet to others. They have a laid back personality and just take it easy. It's hard to make them angry or annoyed because they're just vibing.😌 They may love winter or cold weather could be their favorite season. Turtlenecks could be their jam. They could like the snow or maybe it's the birth season of someone special to them??😗🖤 (For any of our winter babies in this pile, this is your sign <3). So your person has a very guarded and proud aura, like a lion who knows their worth. They never flinch, and they are hardly phased by what others throw at them. They have a proud/relaxing vibe and it's soooo cool😊 Very sweet and soft too.. like a big fluffy lion.🦁 Always smiling and having a good time, lightens up the mood for everyone. They make others feel safe and comfortable.
🗝What they're keeping from you: Teddy bear, Suspicion, Amusement park, Want, Matching, Virgo, 2nd house, 12th house, Sagittarius, Leo, 🧠💆‍♀️🎶📵 Ohhh your person is so silly😝 It's really simple actually, the things they are hiding from you are kinda obvious imo.😏 They are really suspicious about you and trying to figure you out... they secretly really want you in their imagination but this is really really hidden you guys!! They actually think you're really cute and they dream about you guys wearing watching outfits and doing all sorts of little fun things together. They might not realize how deep their feelings are for you, but you are secretly so amusing to them, you entertain them just by the way you act and your voice😳 My pile 1 your voice makes them wanna touch you so bad, they just want to grab your thigh and pull you close to them😍❤🖤 They haven't been answering their phone much lately and this is the reason!! They can hide it all day long but they keep wanting you and all they're thinking about is if you like them or not!! They keep wondering about you, they're so sus about the little things you do and how you act around themmm♡ Your in their head 24/7 RN just know that my pile 1's!! Omg and this makes so much sense with the hands being handcuffed because mercury rules hands but it also rules the mind so their thoughts are just locked on you wow it fits perfectly for this pile.🤯
💬Messages from your person: What are you thinking? We can do it together, I love you to death, I can feel your love, You can do it (They're secretly so supportive of you with them🤗🤭) Extra cards: Fantasy, Myth, Sidetracked, Denial, Cold, Saturn, 12th house, Pluto, Sagittarius, Water (They're keeping in their fantasies about youuu my pile 1 they are trying to keep in their subconscious thoughts of you♡)
Thank you my pile 1's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!🖤
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 1 with the chain emoji~🔗 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading🖤🖤🖤
Pile 2🦟 (🔞!!)
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Sign energy: Invitation, Innovation, Stay, Favor, Text, Earth, 4th house, North node, 5th house, 10th house, 😱🟨🎸📞
👤Your person's energy: Alright I'm getting some indirect Aquarius energy and I feel like this person spends a lot of time online, they text a lot and often check their social media. They may post their hobbies online or fun/creative stuff, omg pile 2's person may use dating apps and/or send flirty pics to people haha😂😂 I feel like posting hot selfies on patreon is their calling omfg💀 They might have a secret fans only account if you know what I meannn🤣🤣😩 You might be shocked about what this person does online, hence why you're wondering what they're hiding. Your person may talk with you through the phone mostly, they have earth placements and may like the color yellow. They might have bleach blonde hair, or a strange shade of blonde like yellowish blonde. Cancer, Leo, and Capricorn placements. This may be a very flirty person, I feel like they do little things for attention like wearing more revealing clothing or biting their lips/seductive habits just like a little attention seeking at times. They are an opportunist, and if there's a chance for success they won't hesitate to take that chance. With the guitar emoji it's giving similar vibes to pile 4 so if you feel called to check that one aswell that could be of significance.☆
🗝What they're keeping from you: Attraction, Style, Meaning, Special, Memories, Lilith, Scorpio, Gemini, Air, 10th house, 🥱🤒👚📿 Ohhhhhh pile 2 this person has some skeletons in their closet🙀 I WAS RIGHT ABOUT THE SECRET ACCOUNT THING wow There's some crazy stuff going on with your person, they got a lot they are hiding for sure. First of all they are doing some shady stuff for fame/recognition like I mean some freaky stuff...👿😬 They crave validation and just wanna feel useful/worthy🥺🥺 They have some naughty hidden preferences when it comes to dressing up🥵😰💀 I'm talking chains and all.. they want to be unique and pleasing. They might dress up on social media/gain followers for 18+ content...🙊 Might show themselves tied up, acting out scenarios and such😭😭🙊💀 They could be doing some mindblowing stuff for the eyes of the internet. I was not expecting this for my pile 2's wtf... They have a dark and wild side that they don't want you to know about... they could be hiding their hobby from you from fear of rejection. There's guilt weighing on their conscious rn, they are into some crazy dark hobbies. They're doing some dirty things for attention wow this pile... They have tried so hard to hide these things from you, like they don't want you to find out how bad they can get😭 Your person has a complete different side to them, it's like another person. The things they do might be helping them cope with any particular issues they might have, this could be their dark little secret that no one knows about. Yes, they are a freak😫😳 They secretly have a really dirty mind omg the truth has been revealed my pile 2's!
💬Messages from your person: If only, As expected, You had it coming, I want to spend my life with you, Can you handle it? (OHH they know you know pile 2 PILE 2!!!) Extra cards: Online, Hot, Unseen, Break, Holding back, 5th house, Sagittarius, Moon, Pisces, Neptune (This makes so much sense now they are talking about the content they post online, I'm seeing that they are willing to stop doing those things if it bothers you or makes you upset🥺🥺😢 Wow this is a crazy situation pile 2 I wish you and your person the best!!)
Thank you my pile 2's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!🖤
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 2 with the mosquito emoji~🦟 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading🖤🖤🖤
Pile 3📷
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Sign energy: Short, Side effects, Together, Fan, Synchrony, Uranus, Aquarius, 11th house, Moon, Mercury, ☔✉🧱🧲
👤Your person's energy: Okay for my pile 3's I was already getting lgbtq+ vibes for no reason!! But then when all the Aquarius just started spilling out I was like okay this is definitely that.🌈 You guys this person is could be your best friend, you two talk a lot online and have a lot of fun together. I'm seeing long convos on the phone, giggling and laughing together.🤗 You are like two peas in a pod, they might be your same gender. For some of you your person is short or shorter than you, this could be a twin flame type of connection you guys have. You like to obsess over things together like shows/movies/books/music all that stuff, You might have a favorite music band that you guys bond over mutual obsession for!! I can see them being really into the kind of things you're really into, you guys just have so much in common I-🥺💖 You guys have so much fun even on dreary days, I feel like you take lots of photos of eachother and you might have many selfies with this person. They are so unique and you feel like there is no one like this person!! You have such a special bond and you guys are inseparable. You feel so attracted to them even as a friend just they make you smile so much, they show you what real love is. Your bond is rock solid and nothing can tear you apart, you come up with fun ideas and share everything with one another. You just get eachother especially on an emotional level, so supportive and sweet.🖤
🗝What they're keeping from you: Submissive, Memories, Mean, Out, Forgiveness, 12th house, Sun, 3rd house, Pluto, Lilith, ♒🦢💛🎶 You guys may have had an argument with this person... I'm hearing "Out for forgiveness" and "Dark subconscious memories" Someone in this connection has said really hurtful things to the other, they might not have even meant to but this effected them especially on a subconscious level. They could be the one that hurt you and they secretly are begging for forgiveness, this is so sad because you guys are so sweet idk what happened😫😭😭 They are in a dark place rn and trying to pull themselves out of the hole of despair they have created for themselves. I'm seeing self destructive behavior in your person my pile 3's. They are really down in the dumps but they don't wanna tell you this.💔 You might have said things that caused "the straw to break the camel's back", making them feel more guilty about how they have treated you in the past. They can't help but remember the dark feelings and hurt from those moments, They are on their knees for forgiveness but they don't have the strength to ask!!😖🌧 They secretly feel so small and powerless I'm hearing. They don't want you to hold a grudge against them, or leave them behind. They are so worried that you will cut ties with them, they really love you pile 3 and they don't want to loose that special bond between you two.🥺
💬Messages from your person: I can't help you, I'm looking for an answer, Just give it a try, If only I could kiss you, You're so desperate (I'm getting mirrored energy with you two, I feel like my pile 3's would say the same things) Extra cards: Clothes, Green, Teddy bear, Dance, Lose, Chiron, Pisces, Mercury, 6th house, 8th house (I saw "give me cuddles" accidentally with the messages and with teddy bear I just🥺🥺🥺 They need your hugs so bad rn, they want to hold you tight)
Thank you my pile 3's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!🖤
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 3 with the camera emoji~📷 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading🖤🖤🖤
Pile 4🎸
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Sign energy: Eternity, Height, Angel, Release, Poker face, Earth, Jupiter, Sun, Libra, Taurus, 📸🧩✉☣
👤Your person's energy: Ohh we've got another tall one💀 My pile 4's your person is so tall and very statuesque, they're giving greek god/ess vibes in appearance🥴♡ They don't smile much but when they do omg my pile 4's heart starts beating FAST. They are currently releasing themselves from toxic relationships that are wasting their time, this *might* (might might) be someone you're in a toxic relationship with, only for some😭 I'm hearing "extensive toxicity" but this could be something they are releasing or getting rid of. You see them as an angel, a guardian angel of sorts. You may feel like they were sent to you as a devine message, a missing piece in your life. You feel like they "complete" you, and they do I mean they compliment you so well omg. The camera emoji came out for you guys so if you felt called to pile 3 you can check that out. They have a very physically attractive face, nice neck and very still facial expressions. Ughhh I feel like everyone has a crush on your person pile 4 like they're so attractive.😂😂 They may look really good in photos, even though they don't show much emotion. You can't exactly tell what they're feeling, which is why you aren't sure if they are the kind to keep secrets. Very good-looking and heavy earth energy, Taurus is likely. Sagittarius, Leo, or Libra could be in their chart.
🗝What they're keeping from you: Captive, Guardian, Youth, Fate, Waist, Pisces, Venus, Mars, Pluto, Air, ♈☯🧣🕊 I swear I just heard a crow but there are none around here I don't think??😳 So that could be a sign for you my pile 4's. Now for your person I'm seeing some interesting stuff, they have some inner feelings they don't want to neccesarily tell you just yet. Your person secretly wants to protect you🥺🖤 Awww is it really that?? We have guardian and with Venus I'm seeing there is definitely a devine feminine (no matter the gender) they want to keep safe and look out for. For some of you have been hurt or had bad experiences with male/authorities when you were younger😭😭 Your person wishes they could change your fate, they wish you weren't so powerless back then. I'm hearing "those people are a waste of air" lmao they are so ticked off by those who hurt you in the past. They feel as if you've been trapped in a cycle that you didn't deserve at all🤧 They want to get back at those people, they wanna fight anyone who hurts you. But of course they aren't telling you this is how they really feel, they hope that this message will be sent by devine timing (heyy I guess that makes me the messenger dove lol). They want to be your warrior, your knight in shining armor. And they wanna wrap you up in a thick little scarf and cuddle you under a pile of blankets <3 Your person can somehow sense your feeling of captivity, entrapment and vulnerability. They want to guard your pure soul, and protect you against anything that ever tries to hurt you.😞🖤
💬Messages from your person: Oh yeah, I will love you until I die, This is confusing, I can feel your aura, Do you still want this? (Well??? What do you say pile 4 are they the oneee?🤭😇♡) Extra cards: Masculine, Change, Side, Relationship, Breathe, South node, 2nd house, Capricorn, Jupiter, Eros (Ohh your person is done with past relationships they can feel that you're the only one they want.)
Thank you my pile 4's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!🖤
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 4 with the guitar emoji~🎸 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading🖤🖤🖤
Wanna see more readings like this? Check out my tumblr for accurate readings for you!💗🌊🌸
Thanks for reading! \(*^w^)/💌 -Lunadream <3
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zarnzarn · 5 days
It is only after that Athena realizes what was wrong.
"Apollo," She says, quiet. The other god looks terrified at her sudden reappearance, confirming the answer before she even has to ask. Still, she stomps over to the bed, brushes aside the curtain that holds-
No one. The bed is empty.
"-DIDN'T YOU TELL ME?" She realises she's shouting, throat hurting from however long it's been. "Damn you, Apollo, why didn't you-"
Artemis is holding her back, even though they all know now that Athena would never be her father, no longer would raise a hand any of them.
"Why-" Tears catch in her throat. "Why would you not let me say goodbye to her?"
"She told me not to," Apollo says quietly. His cheeks are also wet, and he's cowering back but his stance is strong. "And you- you were happy, Athena. With all your warriors, with your Ithaka. I could not spoil that too, not when it would not last as long as your grief would."
"Damn you," She chokes out again, voice defeated, then turns to the bed. "Let me see her."
"That's not a good-"
"Artemis, please!" Athena snaps. "Let me see her, Apollo. One last time."
Apollo inhales shakily and raises a hand, turning back the time of his realm. Athena keeps her eyes trained on the bed, until-
"Pallas," She breathes, kneeling by the bed. Pallas lies unmoving, still bleeding all these decades later. She coughs suddenly, making Athena's heart ache. She knows that pain now- of the Aegis striking you down- but she still cannot bring forth regret for the latent hope that one day she might be saved.
"Pallas!" Apollo from the past exclaims, putting his pots down to stand by her side. "Oh- you're awake!"
"Not for long," She croaks out, and Athena sobs at the sound of that beloved voice. At what is coming. "Don't tell her. She won't reach me in time."
"But," Apollo wavers. "You're awake! Surely-"
"I'm only awake because someone is speaking my story," Pallas smiles faintly. "My essence will not survive the ending." Then she frowns. Realizes something and gives a small, wondrous smile. "But maybe-"
Athena reaches out to her, even though she knows it won't touch.
Pallas looks straight at her.
She gasps, and the other shoots her a familiar grin, before abruptly dissolving into mist with a horrid ripping sound, two colored lights floating in the air for a moment, then disappearing entirely.
"Let me see that again," Athena snaps hoarsely, pale.
Once more, she watches the soul of her first friend tear into half. Then again and again, until-
"Wait," Artemis holds out a hand to stop the movement, catching the split moment where it coalesces into her last storyteller and the last listener- a familiar shoddy prince and a familiar princess dripping with water, knobbly-kneed and grinning at each other- "Is- is that..."
Athena doesn't reply, still staring. Of course, it makes sense, she was the one who whispered the story to Odysseus under the stars after a training session gone wrong, but why would Pallas-
Why would she-
Athena! Oh, wow, your hair is beautiful, she remembers both Odysseus and Pallas saying.
Athena! Come in, the water is lovely, she remembers both Penelope and Pallas saying.
"I have to go," She says hoarsely.
"GO!" Apollo and Artemis shout in unison, wild hope entering their eyes, and push her into-
Ithaka's palace bedroom. It is night. The olive tree in the middle of the room swishes.
Odysseus is sitting upright, Penelope in his lap as he strokes her hair. Jarringly full grown and speckled with grey, from the vision from a few seconds ago. But not old enough, not old as they should be, because-
When he turns to her, his grin is both his and hers, and when Penelope slits open one nymph-blue eye, the mischief is both hers and hers.
"We were wondering-" Odysseus laughs, a feminine lilt to the sound that isn't his, predator-playful expression the same as it was from all those centuries ago.
"-when you'd finally notice," Penelope finishes, the rough curl of the nymph language the queen does not know shaping her letters, quiet glee at a successful scheme the same as it was from all those centuries ago.
"It is you," Athena breathes, dropping her spear. Her helmet, her armour, walking closer like a soldier finally home from war. "It has been- you've been here the whole time."
Odysseus and Penelope cackle and Athena breaks out into a run and Pallas, grinning, raises their arms to welcome Athena back home.
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callsign-rogueone · 4 months
reunification day - d.a.
Dain Aetos x reader part two of Dain and Love's story words: 2.6k 🏷: no book spoilers really, set pre-Fourth Wing, feminine reader but no pronouns used, this one is pretty tame and fluffy if you don't think too hard about the implications of literally every word, Col. Aetos makes an appearance and is a total jerk, as usual, delving into Dain's ~issues~ a bit, and hopefully showing a little more of Love's personality. I really like this one. a lot. I hope you do too. no other girlfriends mentioned this time, but can anyone guess who a certain someone was looking for before the speeches started?
It’s been over a year since you’ve spent this much time getting ready for anything. You’ve missed this feeling, sitting in front of your mirror humming a soft tune as you go through your routine, doing up your hair -- that part is made much easier with your signet, the strands curling and smoothing and pinning themselves to your liking while you darken your eyelashes and brush through your eyebrows, glossing your lips and making everything soft and shiny.
It’s a nice change of pace from your usual rushed mornings at the school, but it doesn’t feel the same, not how it used to, when you’d do all of this with a smile, genuinely excited for the occasion, for the opportunity to take a break from the training and the preparing-for-war to spend time with your family at their formal gatherings, with singing and dancing and food and all the trappings of Tyrrish culture -- because the occasion you’re preparing for right now is a holiday celebrating the anniversary of Navarre making those things illegal.
Either way, you look damn good, and you’re going to let everybody in attendance see it. 
“Your friends are outside,” Cosa reports — you’d told them not to wait for you, and they know better than that, anyway, especially when you have a reason to take your time getting ready like this.
With one last adjustment to the skirt of your dress, and one more lingering glance at yourself in the mirror, you drape the long silk wrap over your shoulders and slip out your door, heading down the hall out to the courtyard, where the party — if one could call it that — is just getting started, cadets trickling in slowly and settling into their formations.
You spot Dain in his usual place in the block. Of course he’d be one of the first to get here.
“You clean up nicely,” you greet, brushing a piece of fluff from the collar of his uniform. You let your fingertips skim over the broad expanse of his shoulder, lingering perhaps a second too long before you pull your hand back.
He represses a shiver, his cheeks reddening. “You too,” he manages. “You’re… wow.”
You smile at how flustered he is, at the blush spreading across his cheeks and his difficulty forming complete sentences. “Thank you. I may have a shitty relationship with this holiday, but I’ll take the excuse to be pretty for an evening.”
“You’re always pretty,” he says quietly, still looking at you.
It’s a compliment you’ve gotten from dozens of men before, one you usually brush off, but your heart skips hearing it from the one man who hasn’t been falling at your feet all year. 
“He thinks I’m pretty,” you whisper to Cosa, unable to keep the smile off your face.
She sounds amused. “Of course he does. Now, are you going to do something about it?”
That is the question; but she should know by now that you don’t chase after anything or anyone, especially not men.
“Thank you,” you reply warmly.
It’s obvious that he doesn’t know where to go from here, what to say next. 
You’re standing at eye level with him, or close to it, for the first time ever, and he can’t look away; mesmerized by the color of your irises and the flutter of your eyelashes as you blink, the barely-there shimmer coating your eyelids.
“Are you wearing heels?” he asks, finally putting it together. 
You nod, shifting the long skirt of your dress to show him the simple black stilettos underneath, thick silk ribbons wrapped around your ankles to keep them in place, tied with perfect bows.
He’s in over his head. Thankfully the next sentence that comes out of his mouth isn’t about how much he’d like to kneel down and tug at the ribbons until the bows came undone, to slide the shoes off and… 
“Did you really cross the parapet with those in your bag?” he asks, still looking at them.
“I did,” you answer, smiling. “They’re my favorites — they were a gift from my favorite brother. And they’re black, so they’re codex-approved.”
Fair enough.
It stands to reason that you’d have a favorite pair of shoes, and a collection of them back home — in the year that he’s known you, he’s learned that you place a high value on your physical appearance, and you aren’t afraid to modify your uniform within the bounds of regulation, finding subtle ways of making it your own.
You settle into your usual spot between him and Sawyer, who looks to be searching for someone in the crowd, his shoulders sinking when he realizes they aren’t there. You offer him a soft smile that he returns silently, your attention returning to the dais just as the clock strikes seven.
“I should have asked Bodhi what his bet was on the length of the speeches,” you tell Cosa, preparing yourself for a very boring next thirty minutes. She doesn’t respond. 
It's a bit unfair that her and her friends get the evening off while you’re forced to listen to these self-labeled war heroes prattle on about patriotism and the importance of this terrible holiday as if you and your compatriots aren’t even here.
“Twenty-eight minutes,” she relays after a few seconds.
You try not to laugh. “Tell him I say thirty-two, and the winner gets ten Krown.”
Another short pause. “He finds these terms acceptable.”
You subtly shift your weight back and forth between your feet throughout the speeches — which add up to thirty-one minutes, if you count the awkward transitions between them — having grown unused to the heeled shoes in the last year of wearing flat black boots every day.
You’re finally dismissed, the formations breaking as riders move around to find their friends for the rest of the evening. You turn toward third wing, looking for Imogen, who will be the easiest to spot with her unconventional hair color — you’re sure she absolutely despises this whole thing, but especially the required dress.
“Cadet Aetos,” someone calls, and he freezes at the voice for a split second before turning toward it.
The colonel insignia on the man’s collar and the shape of his jaw is enough for you to connect the dots — that’s Dain’s father, and he’s approaching with both General Sorrengail and King Tauri in tow.
You’ve just spotted Imogen and Bodhi, but you can’t leave now, not when three of the aforementioned war heroes are looking directly at you. You plaster a smile onto your face, adjusting your shawl. “Your Majesty, General, Colonel,” you greet in order of rank, extending a perfect curtsy to the king with a polite smile and a nod of the head to the others.
The monarch smiles back, but the officers don’t.
“I don’t believe we’ve been introduced,” the Colonel says, turning his gaze to you. Ice spreads through your veins, and for a moment you wonder if he possesses some physiological signet that he’s using on you, or if he’s just that cold and calculating because he knows exactly who you are. 
But neither of those options explain why the quadrant’s poster boy is looking at this uniformed officer — his own father — like a wolf that’s about to bite.
You give him a slight dip of your chin in deference. “Cadet Callwell, sir. Second squad, flame section, fourth wing — the same as your son. I can see the family resemblance,” you add with a disarming smile.
Dain winces beside you.
Your graceful response doesn’t seem to have thawed things between you and Aetos Senior any further, but luckily, someone changes the subject of conversation; King Tauri himself. “Tell me, cadets, how are you finding your studies?”
“Very well, your Majesty,” you answer with a polite smile. “We are fortunate to have such experienced and knowledgeable professors.” 
You nudge Dain’s foot with yours, silently prodding him to say something.
“Yes,” he agrees after a few seconds, “Fortunate indeed. The last year has been a challenge, but one that I know will prepare us to serve our country well.”
That is exactly what the King wants to hear. “And how fortunate am I, to have such valiant students with such bright futures ahead of them.”
“You flatter us, Your Majesty,” Dain responds, finally having found his voice.
General Sorregail still hasn’t said a word, watching the pair of you silently.
The Colonel gives you both a curt nod. “Thank you, Cadets. That will be all.”
Dain bows, and you drop another curtsy to the king, earning yourselves another fond smile before you turn away, but as you cross the courtyard, your blood is boiling on Dain’s behalf. Colonel Aetos hadn’t even spared him a smile. No loving touch, no real goodbye for his only son whom he may very well never see again, no use of his name, just Cadet?
Dain speaks first once you’re out of their earshot, sounding stunned. “I don’t think Tauri even realized you were marked. How did you…”
“It’s a party trick of mine,” you answer, stopping to sit on a small stone bench by one of the courtyard’s open archways. “One I learned very quickly after I got this.”
You let the silk drape drop from your shoulders, exposing the smoky relic trailing up your arm. Dain’s eyes catch on it immediately, like they do every time you’re not wearing long sleeves, studying the intricate swirls that don’t seem to follow any particular pattern, winding up and down your arm near-randomly.
“It’s the first thing anyone sees about me, or any of my friends. But I figured out that if I was perfect in every other regard, if I was charming enough and followed all the rules and did everything correctly, they wouldn’t notice it,” you say, gazing up at the stars. 
It’s a remarkably clear night, several of the summer constellations visible, but he remains focused entirely on you as you continue.
“The thing people don’t realize is that we’re all from “good families”, or we were, before they killed our parents. The Laurents were one of the most successful families in Tyrrendor before their assets were seized. So were the Durrans. Xaden is technically a Duke, now that he’s of age, but his duchy was burnt to a crisp.
My point is, we all know how to stand on ceremony and lay a proper table and dance a waltz and speak to authority figures, but people see the relics, or the names on our flight jackets, or how we speak or braid our hair or anything that shows our culture, and they forget all that. They just see a pack of rabid dogs.
Navarre used to respect us, to look at us like we were valuable. And then once we asked for not just a seat at their table, but for a table of our own, they decided we weren’t worth the dirt our houses were built on, and that everything we touched was tainted. They torched my mother’s rose garden and shattered every window in the house the day they arrested my father, just because they could.
So I know it sounds pathetic, or bratty, or whatever other adjectives you want to use, but being able to wear high heels and makeup and a pretty dress once a year is important to me, even if it’s for a holiday celebrating the death of so many people I loved, because it’s the only time that I get to feel like the girl I used to be, who didn’t have to fight for her life every day, who had parents that loved her more than anything in the world, and who was looked at like a person, not a fugitive or a liability or a wild animal.”
“It’s not pathetic,” he says softly. “I know I will never truly understand, but I get it. And for whatever it’s worth, you look perfect.”
“Thank you,” you whisper.
He starts another sentence that’s interrupted by the crackle of fireworks exploding into the air, startling both of you. He laughs, a sound you’ve hardly ever heard over the last year, but you like it.
You drape the silk back around your shoulders to fight the chill of the night air and pat the cold stone next to you, inviting him to sit. He accepts, perching on the other end of the bench and looking up at the night sky, keeping a respectful distance between you as the show continues, a few minutes of comfortable quiet.
With one last fizzling red firework, the display ends, and you hear applause from the other side of the courtyard, where most of the quadrant is gathered.
“Dain,” you say quietly, throwing him off balance, “I wanted to apologize earlier, but…”
“What for?” he asks, that cute little confused look on his face, head tilted and brows pinched. It would make you smile if you weren’t about to rip the bandage clean off, to end whatever this is before it can even start. 
You choose your words delicately. “Tauri may not have realized who I am, but your father certainly did, and judging by the way he left things with you, he was clearly upset by it. If that’s going to have consequences for you, that he found you talking to me…”
“Oh, he’s always been like that,” he dismisses. “He’s never been one for any kind of affection. I’ve learned not to take it personally.”
It all makes sense now, why Dain is… like that, why he never touches you, why you’re always just Cadet Callwell to him and never anything else, why he’s so strict and by the book; the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.
But from the two minutes you’d spent with the Colonel, you can tell that Dain is twice the man he’ll ever be; not cold and uncaring, not prejudiced or cruel… he might even have room for someone like you in his heart.
You shouldn’t get your hopes up about that.
“Still… I’m sorry,” you say softly. “If he gets mad at you about it, say the word and I’ll keep my distance, or ask to be reassigned. I don’t want to make things tense between you.”
“It’s fine,” he reassures. “I’m sorry he made you uncomfortable. He tends to have that effect on people. It’s part of the reason I didn’t have many friends growing up— the other kids were scared of him.” 
He smiles, but you can tell there’s a tender wound underneath. “And I wanted to say it earlier, too, but thank you. For helping me not look like a total idiot in front of the king, and for showing me a new perspective.”
You smile — not the fake one he’d seen you give Tauri, but a real smile, one that makes your eyes sparkle like the stars. “Of course.” 
“Your friends are probably looking for you,” he says quietly, and you startle as you realize he’s right, that you’d completely forgotten about finding them, too focused on impressing the King, and then you hadn’t wanted to abandon Dain after that conversation… It’s not like you wanted to spend time with him or anything. You definitely wouldn’t choose him over your friends, right?
You rise from the bench, smoothing a hand over your skirt. “Goodnight.”
“Goodnight,” he replies, giving you one last look, soaking up the sight of you in that dress before you walk away and things go back to normal between you: regular uniforms tomorrow morning, and your usual rivalry and bickering at formation, with your friends constantly watching the pair of you and scrutinizing his every move.
If you hadn’t each inherited the wars of your fathers, maybe then this could work — but then you would never have met. 
He doesn’t know if that would be better or worse.
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xzaddyzanakinx · 10 months
Padawan pt. 1
Padawan Anakin x Padawan F Reader
Warnings: fighting (sabers), Muay Thai, underage drinking, masturbation
Info: Padawan Ani is painfully awkward, confused and sad. Poor guy. Reader nickname is Bunny.
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“Anakin.” You called, smiling softly.
“This one getting the best of you?” You asked teasingly “me too, everytime I try it.”
Anakin's head snapped up at the sound of a feminine voice, his eyes widened in surprise as he saw you standing there. He took in your appearance; covered in dust and sweat, your normally neat appearance had taken on a wild look.
He took not of your eyes filling with amusement as you leaned against the wall, arms crossed over your chest. He couldn't help but notice how different you looked in the revealing top that clung tightly to your curves, accentuating your figure.
"Bunny! What are you doing here?" Anakin asked, quickly getting to his feet and wiping off the sweat on his forehead before straightening his robes.
His brow furrowed in realization that he had called you by your nickname, something he hadn’t done in a long time.
As you locked eyes, he felt a strange mix of relief and unease wash over him; relief because seeing someone familiar calmed him slightly, and unease because there was something about your presence that tickled those old feelings deep inside him. Ignoring it, he cleared his throat nervously.
"Uh, anyway.” He grumbled.
“I was returning from the gardens… Muay Thai practice. Alone again of course.” You sighed.
You smiled softly, none of the other Jedi used martial arts, but you had found it an important skill to incorporate into your daily lightsaber training.
“I felt your presence and thought I’d say hello, I sensed your annoyance.” You giggled shyly.
Anakin raised an eyebrow in surprise before a grin spread across his face. "Wow, you really are observant."
He chuckled lightly, taking a few steps closer but kept a distance between you as a custom required of Jedi.
"Well, thanks. I apologize for being such a mess right now; this damn simulation... it always gets the best of me."
He rolled his eyes playfully, reaching out his hand towards you with a hopeful expression.
"Could you... help me with something? Just for practice?" His voice held a hint of desperation mixed with determination, praying you’d agree.
“Yes of course!” You agreed, pushing off the wall and accepting his hand, feeling a strange energy between you that you both chose to ignore.
Anakin led you to the center of the training area, motioning for you to stand in front of him.
"Just act like one of those droid targets you see around here," he instructed, moving his lightsaber along the outline of your body slowly and deliberately.
He began by starting at the feet and worked his way upwards, stopping briefly on your thighs, waist, chest, and finally positioning the blade's edge against your neck.
"Now, try to dodge me.” His voice was steady but firm, almost commanding, trying to focus solely on the task at hand rather than the fact that it was actually you standing there.
“Gotcha.” You nodded happily. “Lightsaber for me or no?”
Anakin grinned, handing you a lightsaber hilt-first.
"It's just a training weapon," he said reassuringly, trying not to look at it in your smaller, more delicate hands. He could help but notice how small you were compared to him. Yet something about this situation calmed him down slightly, maybe because it wasn't Obi-Wan standing there anymore?
"Remember, try to dodge and counterattack when you feel ready." His brow furrowed in concentration as he prepared himself mentally for what was to come. As much as part of him wished for you to fail miserably to prove his superiority, another part hoped you would surprise him with agility and skill.
“Do I have your permission to use… non-traditional fighting forms?” You grinned slyly. “After all, you never know what you’ll encounter on the battle field.”
Anakin paused for a second, considering the request. He knew using non-traditional forms wasn't something Jedi should typically resort to but desperate times called for desperate measures.
“Alright,” He finally agreed reluctantly. "But remember, I won't hold back if you start crossing lines."
He took a step back, ready for whatever she had in mind.
This was going to be interesting…
“I expect your best work.” You teased.
You waited for him, watching his upper body as he swung in slicing motions toward your chest. You ducked, landing on your knee and swiping his feet out from under him. Anakin's eyes widened in surprise as he lost his footing, panicking for a fraction of a second before landing on his back. But instead of hurting him, you simply held the practice saber against his chest.
"H-how did you do that?" He panted heavily, heart racing faster than usual.
This newfound physical contact with a girl was too much for him to handle right now; it only served to further inflame those old feelings he tried so hard to suppress. His face flushed from much more than the physical strength he’d exerted.
“Watch my feet and waist. Not my head and saber.” You replied simply, shrugging. “It’s easier to anticipate your opponents next move that way.”
Standing up and offering him your hand, you pulled him up, and started an offensive attack once he was ready.
You lunged forward, using a one handed stabbing motion at his waist. He used a two handed downward stroke to block it, leaving his side exposed. You quickly struck him in the side with your hand, and spun out of reach before he could hit your arm.
Anakin, caught off guard by the speed and agility, barely managed to block the strike aimed at his waist. He grunted in pain as you landed a solid blow on his ribcage, sending a searing jolt through him that left him winded. Staggering backwards, he tried not to show how much it hurt as his vision began to blur around the edges.
"That... fucking hurts!" He growled out, holding his side with one hand while keeping the other stead on his lightsaber's hilt.
Despite his words, a small part of him couldn't help but admire your skill and determination. Maybe there was something to learn from this after all?
“Like I said. Non-Traditional.”You laughed.
Anakin shook his head, trying to regain some composure.
“Are you okay? I didn’t mean to hit you that hard.” You asked genuinely.
"I'm fine," he lied through gritted teeth, taking a few deep breaths to steady himself. "Your move."
His eyes narrowed as he prepared himself for another attack, this time focusing on your movements more closely. He didn't want to let you catch him off guard again like that. You talked while moving, using traditional saber techniques that he could easily parry. Luring him into rebuilding false confidence.
“I trained in Muay Thai, martial arts.” Our lightsabers cracked against each other. “Remember?”
“I use my saber like an extension on my arm.”
He grunted in response to your words, nodding as though he did remember this fact about you.
“When you’re fighting in the ring, you never use two hands like you do when you hold your saber. I strike with one and block with the other.” You grinned, watching his face falter as he reevaluated the way he held his saber.
“People automatically assume my saber is my offense. But it’s not, it’s my way of blocking an attack.” Your voice low as Anakin approached.
Anakin tried to mimic your movements, using his lightsaber in a similar manner. He found it challenging but also liberating; he hadn't practiced this style before and it felt... fresh. The clash of your blades resonated loudly in the otherwise silent training room as you engaged in an intense dance of strikes and blocks.
After several minutes of grueling combat, sweat pouring down both of you, Anakin stumbled backwards, raising his hands in surrender. He panted heavily, leaning against the wall for support. "You are damn good."
His chest rose and fell rapidly as he attempted to catch his breath.
“I can teach you.” You offered genuinely, “if you want?”
Anakin's eyes widened in surprise at the offer, considering it carefully. He nodded hesitantly, "Alright... maybe that would help me..." His voice trailed off as he realized what he had just agreed to.
"Umm.. thanks," he managed to choke out, unable to tear his eyes away from your lithe form moving gracefully around the training area. "We should probably clean up now though..."
“Yeah of course.” You started cleaning up, talking to fill the uncomfortable silence as you worked.
“Discuss it with Obi-Wan and I’ll make sure it’s alright with Plo-Koon. I wouldn’t want them to be upset.” You said matter of factly. “Our masters are in charge of our training, but it’s always beneficial to learn from each other.”
"I'll talk to Obi-Wan about it later," he assured, trying to sound more confident than he felt.
"Uhh... umm..." He cleared his throat uncomfortably, not knowing what else to say. This was definitely new territory for him—training with a fellow padawan instead of just observing or being observed.
“Hmm?” You mumbled at his stuttering.
“I-I’m. Thanks for helping.” He muttered, “I’m gonna go grab something to eat.”
“Alright. Let’s get out of here. I’m hungry too.” You grabbed him by the corner of his robe and tugged him behind you.
Anakin followed, still processing the intense workout you had just shared. His heart rate was finally starting to return to normal, and his headache subsided slightly as adrenaline wore off.
"Sure," he agreed, trying to mask the lingering traces of exhaustion in his voice. You headed towards the 5th level cafeteria, walking side by side without an air of awkwardness that you hadn’t felt with him before.
“That was kind of fun I think.” he said finally, clearing his throat awkwardly.
“Yeah?” You smiled. “it was fun.”
After arriving in the crowded cafe you grabbed a plate and piled on some food, getting a tall glass of ice water as well, and heading toward a table in the corner with Anakin in tow.
Anakin followed closely behind, making sure his own plate held enough food to seem normal for a moment. Once he sat down, he took a small bite of his meal before putting it down on the table and crossed his arms again.
"So... what's up? You never just talk to me without wanting something," He said with a slight tone of suspicion mixed in.
“Well it’s been a long time, that’s all.” You said quietly, masking the hurt from his cold tone.
Anakin studied you carefully, unsure of what to make of her sudden re-interest in him. "Well... yeah, it has been," he admitted reluctantly, choosing not to push on the matter.
"So, how are things with you?" He figured asking about your life would keep the conversation away from himself and prevent any awkward silences.
“It’s been pretty normal. I just got back from Christophsis on a mission.” You sighed. “that task was a waste of time in my opinion.”
“Plo-Koon kept us there for far longer than necessary.” You whispered, not wanting anyone to overhear.
Anakin's eyes widened in surprise. "Oh, really?" He took a sip of his water before setting it down on the table.
"Well, at least you're back now," He said hastily trying to keep the conversation flowing. "So, uh... anything interesting happen while you were away?"
“No, that’s just it. Nothing happened. We were there for a whole week and not a single thing occurred worth noting. I’m not sure why we even went.”
Anakin nodded, having shared similar experiences on his missions. "Same here," he admitted, reaching for another mouthful of his food before placing it down again. "But I guess that's just how things go sometimes, huh?"
“Yeah I guess.” You smiled softly. Thinking about my next choice of words carefully.
“Anakin? You know it has been a really long time since we’ve talked. I feel like… we used to be pretty good friends right?” You asked, head tilted.
“Did I do something to make you upset all those months ago?”
Anakin froze mid-bite, his hand still halfway to his mouth. His eyes widened in surprise as he processed the question, a mix of shock and confusion clouds his usually intense gaze.
"Wh-what are you talking about?" He managed to stutter out, setting down the half-eaten food on his plate.
"We weren’t friends," he muttered defensively, feeling irritated by the memory you seemed to be dredging up. "We were just... acquaintances."
The word sounded so false in his own ears, but it was better than admitting they once had shared a bond stronger than mere friendship.
“R-right.” You nodded, soft smile faltering.
“I guess I worded that incorrectly… what I meant was: we used to see each other more often, and I wondered if I had done something to upset you. You’ve hardly looked at me since that assignment we had together a few months ago.” You tried again, talking quickly to get it all out before he could stop you.
Anakin let out a frustrated growl, running his hands through his hair in frustration.
"No, it's not that," he snapped harshly, slamming his fist on the table.
"I... I don't know what's wrong with me lately! I just... I guess I've been dealing with a lot of stuff." He paused for a moment, considering the question more carefully.
"Look, it's none of your business anyway, okay?" He pushed his plate away, feeling exposed and vulnerable sitting there with you watching his every move.
Ani,” You started to reach out, hoping to calm him and then thought better of it.
“You’re right. I’m sorry.” You nodded.
Anakin glare for a moment before reluctantly softening his tone. "Fine," he muttered, picking up his food and starting to eat again.
He sighed heavily, rubbing the back of his neck with one hand. "And then there's this stupid feeling that won't go away whenever we..."
He stopped mid-sentence, realizing what he had almost confessed. Quickly changing the subject, "So, uh, how's your new droid companion treating you?"
His voice sounded forced, but it was better than admiting his true feelings.
“Um. She’s good, I need to do some repairs though.” You answered quietly. Trying to hide your confusion. What had he started to say?
"Oh yeah? What model is she?" Pretending he hadn't paid much attention to your new droid companion since you’d stopped speaking all that time ago.
“She’s a BD-1. The hydraulics in her left leg aren’t working properly. I call her Betty.”
Well, I'll go check it out then." Anakin said confidently as he walked towards the workshop.
He used his keen senses to navigate through the dusty corridors of the old facility until he finally found the source of the clanging sound. There he saw your little BD-1 droid named Betty struggling with its leg lifted off the ground due to lack of pressure from the damaged hydraulic system. Carefully, he approached the disabled machine and knelt beside it, examining the problem closely.
After several moments of analysis, he determined that a simple replacement part would fix the issue. Pulling out some tools from his utility belt, he went back to his workbench where he rummaged through various compartments until he found what he needed. Returning to the area where Betty was trapped, he began working diligently on repairing her malfunctioning parts.
As he focused intently on fixing the robot companion, something seemed different about him now; almost calmer than usual. Maybe this task provided enough distraction from whatever was plaguing him.
You watched him work on the droid in silence, trying not to smile when Betty kept beeping in protest at Anakin’s tools.
After several minutes of persistent work, Anakin finally inserted a new part into place and flipped a switch. There was a click, followed by a reactivation hum from Betty's systems. Slowly, she lowered herself back onto all fours and spun around in delight, testing her newly repaired leg with quick movements.
"All fixed," Anakin announced with satisfaction, wiping his hands on his pants.
"You can thank me later." He turned to walk away but stopped short when he felt a gentle tug on his arm.
Turning his head, he found himself face-to-face with you standing behind him, your eyes filled with gratitude and something else...something that made his stomach twist uncomfortably.
“Or I could thank you now.” You smiled.
“So, thank you Anakin. I really appreciate it.” You looked at him hopeful that maybe he would start to warm up to you again.
“I had fun today. I’m excited to do it again tomorrow.” You grinned.
"It's fine, Bunny.” He sighed.
“Look, I apologize for acting like that earlier. You didn't deserve that." Rubbing his hands over his eyes before taking a deep breath to calm down.
Turning back towards the door, he forced himself to smile weakly. "Well, we still have some time left today; maybe we could explore a bit of city together?"
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Pausing for a moment as they stepped out into the busy streets, he reached out and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder.
“Let’s go out for a drink?” You asked slyly, knowing we were both too young to do so.
Anakin chuckled softly, a rare genuine laugh escaping his usually stoic countenance. "Alright, one drink," he agreed, not wanting to disappoint.
You made your way through the bustling streets, blending in with the crowd of various species and ages until you found yourselves in a dimly lit cantina filled with melodious music and smoky atmosphere.
Finding an empty booth, you settled down, ordering two glasses of iced blue milk for you both. As you sipped on your drinks, conversation flowed naturally, topics ranging from favorite foods to random acquaintances met during missions. For once, time seemed to slow down, and the weight of your respective troubles seemed lighter than usual.
Throughout the evening, Anakin couldn't help but be drawn to your radiant smile and laughter; he loved that you had a contagious energy that was hard to resist. Despite his best efforts to maintain distance, he found himself leaning closer, subconsciously seeking more contact.
Your eyes suddenly lit up at the sound of familiar notes being strummed on the guitar.
“C’mon! Please come dance.” You asked excitedly. “please? I love this song I don’t wanna go by myself.”
Anakin hesitated for a moment before reluctantly standing up from the booth.
“Fine," he muttered, following her onto the dance floor.
As you moved in sync to the rhythmic beat of the music, bodies brushed against each other repeatedly, sparking new waves of desire within him. Despite his best efforts to control himself, he found it increasingly difficult to resist your charms.
You moved with such grace and confidence that he almost forgot about everything else around them; just enjoying the simple pleasure of moving with her was addictive. The alcohol from your drinks slowly loosened your inhibitions further, making it harder for him to stop himself from pulling you closer.
See?” You aughed. “it’s not so bad.”
You drank in the electric atmosphere, clinging to Anakin while you danced. Happy and laughing as you saw him finally relax, finally having fun.
Despite his better judgment, Anakin found himself enjoying the dance, losing track of time and space. Bodies pressed against each other intimately, faces mere inches apart. The intoxicating scent of your perfume filled his nostrils, making it impossible for him to remember why he had ever wanted to push you away.
Breathing heavily, he finally pulled away from your embrace, his heart racing faster than before.
"This... isn't appropriate," he managed to croak out, trying to sound stern but failing spectacularly. "We can't..."
Maybe not in here.” You breathed out, looking at his flushed cheeks. “but no one will know out there.”
You nodded toward the back exit where there was an alley way.
Anakin hesitated for a moment longer before relenting, unable to resist temptation.
"Okay... fine," he muttered reluctantly, following you out of the cantina and into the dimly lit alleyway.
As you stepped outside, the cool night air hit you like a cold shower, making him shiver slightly. With renewed determination, he tried to pull away from your grasp, but he stopped— your body radiating warmth against his icy exterior.
"Bunny, please..." He pleaded weakly, attempting to reason with himself as much as with you.
“Do you really want to go your whole life without knowing what it’s like to kiss someone?” You asked quietly, almost pleading with him.
“I don’t.” You said firmly.
Anakin closed his eyes, feeling torn between his duty as a Jedi and the primal desire burning within him. With a deep breath, he lowered his head slowly, lips brushing against yours softly. At first it was tentative, hesitant, but soon enough, the kiss became more passionate, tongues intertwining in a dance of forbidden desires. Bodies pressed harder against each other, fueling the fire burning inside both of you.
Your hands roamed freely, tracing each others' forms without shame or hesitation. Despite knowing better than to succumb to these base urges, he couldn't resist the pull towards you.
Anakin boldly pushed you against the brick wall. You let your hands find purchase in his hair, gently tugging on his locks while your tongue hungrily explored his mouth. You felt yourself shudder at an unfamiliar feeling.
Anakin groaned into the kiss, his hand reaching down to cup your ass cheek, squeezing it possessively. His other hand reached up to grab your waist, pulling you closer still. The sensation of your bodies pressed against each other was driving him wild with desire.
Breaking the intense kiss for a moment, he panted heavily, "Bunny... I—" He couldn't finish the sentence; all coherent thought had flown out the window.
His hands traced slow circles on your bare stomach before sliding upward towards your pert breasts, kneading them roughly . They were small in comparison to his hands fitting perfectly in his palms, nipples hardened and erect from their shared heat.
“Ani- I… I want,” You blushed, involuntarily groaning as he thumbed over your nipple, rolling your core against his hardened cock through layers of clothes.
“Take me home, please.” You whispered into his neck, sucking softly on the tender skin below his ear.
Anakin's heart raced, his mind a chaotic maelstrom of lust and confusion. He knew this was wrong, against everything he believed in—but the pull towards you was too strong to resist. With renewed determination, he broke the kiss, breathing heavily.
"We can't... we shouldn't..." He swallowed thickly before taking hold of your hand again, releasing it reluctantly.
"Come on," he managed to croak out, half-dragging you back inside the cantina. Once you were safely seated, away from prying eyes, he finally pulled away and took a deep breath. "This wasn't supposed to happen."
You felt like crying, everything was feeling was so intense.
“I’m sorry. It’s my fault.” You nodded, my eyebrows furrowed. You stood up, ready to leave.
“I’m so sorry Anakin. I should’ve- I mean…” Your eyes watering. “I’m gonna- I’ll just go back to the Temple.”
You turned away, pushing through the crowd and wiping at hot tears.
Anakin followed, desperately trying to catch up with you.
"Bunny wait! I'm sorry!" He yelled out, but you didn't turn around or slow down.
With each step he took, the pain in his chest grew worse until all he could feel was emptiness inside him. When he finally reached his quarters, Anakin burst through the door and slammed it shut behind him. Jogging through the living space he shared with his master.
He sat down on the edge of his bed, head in his hands as he scrubbed his eyes with the heels of his palms. Staring over at the empty space where you should be beside him.
A shuffled at his bedroom door caught his attention, suddenly he was face to face with Obi-Wan.
“Anakin? What’s happened?” He asked softly, walking over to place a comforting hand on the back of his neck.
Anakin's eyes widened in surprise at the unexpected intrusion, quickly composing himself. "Uh... Master Kenobi," he managed to croak out, clearing his throat awkwardly.
"I was... just... uh..." He gestured vaguely towards the door.
"Well, um... I actually need to talk to you about something." Taking a deep breath, he forced himself to continue.
"B-Bunny and I... we kinda... crossed some lines today."
Obi-Wan raised an eyebrow, leaning against the doorframe casually. "I see."
He crossed his arms, studying Anakin closely. "And what exactly does that entail?"
Anakin sighed heavily, rubbing his temples. "Well, we danced... and then well-“
He paused, struggling to find words. "We... kissed."
His cheeks burned crimson at the admission. "I... I don't know what came over me. She... she... I mean, it was just... wrong. I apologize."
"Master Kenobi, I—I don't want you to tell anyone about this. Please, I beg of you. It won't happen again." His voice cracked slightly, betraying the turmoil inside him.
“Anakin.” Obi-Wan sighed. “Is she telling her Master?”
“I don’t know… she ran off crying.” Anakin answered, on the verge of breaking out in sobs. “I assume she came back here.”
"I'll handle it myself. Please, I swear it won't happen again." His eyes pleaded with the older Jedi for understanding.
"I... I just need some time alone to clear my mind." With renewed determination, he walked Obi-Wan toward his door and shut him out.
Anakin paced his small room, hands clenched into fists. He knew he should be overwhelmed with guilt and shame but all he could think about was the taste of her lips on his, the feel of her body pressed against his. How did she make everything feel so right?
The clock ticked loudly in the silence, reminding him that time wasn't on his side. With a frustrated growl, he threw himself onto his bed, covering his face with his forearms.
"Why? Why does she have this effect on me?" He muttered to himself, feeling utterly lost.
Anakin's mind was a torrent of conflicting emotions—shame, guilt, desire, and confusion. He couldn't shake the image of your plump ass in his hand, those perfect breasts pressed against his chest. His cock twitched violently, growing harder beneath his robes.
In frustration, he stood up and began to pace again, cursing under his breath. Finally, unable to resist anymore, he stripped off his clothes, exposing his muscular frame to the cool breeze coming through the open window. Moving his hand towards his throbbing member, he closed his eyes, envisioning your soft lips wrapped around him.
With a groan, he began to stroke himself slowly, moaning softly as visions of your curves while you were dancing flashed in his mind's eye. Each thrust of his hips matched the rhythm of his strokes, his muscles tightening in anticipation of release.
Anakin's breath hitched as warmth spread through his core, faster than he could handle. With a strangled cry, he came all over the floor, spurting hot semen everywhere. Breathing heavily, he collapsed onto the cool tile floor, spent and drained.
Whimpering softly, he curled up in a ball, face pressed against the tiles, trying to compose himself. He hadn't cum that quickly in months and certainly never touched himself while thinking of you. Amazement mixed with shame washed over him like waves crashing onshore, leaving him feeling both dirtied and empty inside.
Anakin remained on the floor, panting heavily, trying to calm down his racing heart. Slowly, he stood up and cleaned himself as best he could with a nearby towel, shivering slightly in the cool breeze. He had never felt so exposed or vulnerable in his whole life.
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As you slumped to the ground in your own quarters, you couldn’t help but wonder what Anakin was doing. Was he back? Should you go find him? Was he going to tell the council?
You decided it was best to stay in your room. You went to shower and wash away the night’s mistakes. But no matter how hard you scrubbed, you only felt worse.
Finally giving up on washing away the feeling of his skin against yours, you dressed in a night gown. Completing your bedtime rituals as slowly as possible. Pacing the floor snd hoping to the maker that Anakin wouldn’t ruin everything.
As you laid in bed, rest evaded you. Your mind was so loud you couldn’t sleep. You couldn’t even be still, mind racing, body still tingling.
Your thoughts kept drifting to him, the feeling of him pressed against you. Finding yourself wondering what he looked like beneath his robes. What his cock would feel like… and soon enough you found yourself slipping your hands beneath your panties. Pleasuring yourself to the thought of him, praying that he wouldn’t ever find out you were doing this. The Force works in mysterious ways, thinking of someone like this, especially another Force user, could prove disastrous.
You couldn’t stop, couldn’t help yourself, you had to get some release. Softly gasping and moaning his name as you fingered your wet cunt, every second closer to orgasm, the less you regretted your choice.
As your eyes fluttered closed, your memory became reality as you saw Anakin, standing with his hand against the wall. Much like he had been when he was kissing you, only this time he was naked, his hard cock in his hand.
You moaned lowly as you felt a sudden pull of energy, your orgasm washing over you without warning. You laid there breathing heavily, confused and wanting more. Never had you finished so quickly, it was as if it had been stolen away from you, fast enough that if you blinked you’d have missed it.
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tobitofunction · 1 year
The Pact of Fire and Ice Part 2
part 1 part 3 part4 part 5 part 6 part 7
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"My Lady it might be too hot-","I like it hot, thank you," you said cutting off the maid as you stepped into the bath, "You have beautiful hair my lady, it glistens like snow when hit by light," she said while grabbing a sponge,"Thank you" you smiled at her relaxing in the hot water as the maids cleaned your body.
Cregan was back in his studies when Sarah knocked on the door and walked in before Cregan could say come in,"How was it?" she said eagerly," She liked the Godswood but found the Crypt of Winterfell creepy" he said making Sarah scoff,"Wow, how romantic taking your fiancé to place where your ancestors are buried, your lucky your decent looking as if you weren't she would have taken her dragon back to Kingslanding" Cregan scoffed and rolled his eyes,"Might have preferred that making Sarah lift a brow,"Oh?!" she said,"Why so?","I had two wives already both dead within years of me marrying them, I'm cursed sister and that girl will suffer the consequences, I shouldn't have agreed to this marriage" he said pinching the bridge of his nose, making Sarah roll his eyes,"You aren't cursed dummy, you're a Stark, start acting like it" she said punching his shoulder,"You just assaulted the Lord of Winterfell, you know that can lead to your loosing your hand" Cregan playfully threatened,"Well the Lord of Winterfell is acting like a baby" Cregan shook his head with a laugh,"Do you think I made the right decision?" Sarah nodded,"Yes brother, I truly believe you do. I had a dream once it was off a large wolf, a dire wolf in the woods walking towards a smaller white wolf, they had pups, some in the colour of the father and some in the colour of the mother" she said making Cregan smile softly,"Well let's hope your dream comes true" he said stroking her cheek,"Is she kind to you?","From the small interactions we had, yes she was"," Good, as you be joining us for dinner" he said before leaving the room.
You were sitting in your room staring into the fire when the door opened,"Lord Stark sends another dress" Jace said,"I didn't know you became a maid" you teased as he rolled his eyes," I took it off her, I wanted to talk more in private. Now let put the dress on you" you took the dress and walked behind a wall and took of the robe you wore,"So what do you want to discuss?", "Mother won't be able to make it the wedding," he said, you stopped for a second before stepping into the dress, "As I expected, we are at war after all" you said,"Help me lace it up" you said stepping from behind the wall, "Still, I know you wanted her to be here" he said pulling at the laces,"You can show disappointment, it's not a foreign feeling for you" he smiled placing his hand on your waist after he finished lacing you up," Mother promised to have a great wedding fest for you once the war is one" Jace smiled,"Lord Stark has a great taste in dresses," Jace said as he looked you up and down, it was another red dress, with a deep neckline and long-flowy sleeves. There was delicate embroidery of frosty white on the bodice and edges of the sleeves, and the fabric was so fine that it almost shimmered in the light,"It was probably his late wives again" you muttered,"Those dresses must mean a lot to him but he gives them away so easily, why is that?","Maybe because you can bring new life into them" Jace shrugged,"Let's get dinner sister".
Cregan was sitting in the dining hall with Sarah at his side when you and Jace walked in. Cregan licked his lips seeing you in the dress,"You look stunning my Princess" he said as you sat down beside him,"Thank you, is it another one of your late wives' dresses?","I made it for her so she could wear it after she gave birth during summer, as it's her favourite season. I'm glad it found itself another wearer, my second wife didn't like feminine dresses but I'm glad you're wearing it, I can't imagine anyone else for it, it suits you well, like it was made for you" Cregan said, he wasn't lying when he said it. Arra was a beautiful woman who loved wearing the prettiest gowns Winterfell could offer so he gladly commissioned a dress for her which he thought she would look stunning in but seeing you in it now, he can't imagine Arra in it. The red suited your skin tone making you glow, embroidery of the dress matched the shine of your silver hair perfectly. Your cheeks darkened at the comment, "Thank you, my Lord, I love it, I never saw such a beautiful dress before not even in Westeros","I'm glad to hear that. Let's start dining" he said as servants began filling the table with different types of food,"Everything you see here Princess as freshly hunted between yesterday and today before your arrival" Cregan said with a hint of proudness,"I can taste that my Lord" you said sipping on the wine, unlike the food the wine wasn't as tasty as in Westeros but you didn't say anything but Cregan seemed to notice the change in your face,"The wine might not be great as in King's landing but I say we make up with the food", you smiled,"But I assume storing wine is easy here? We should bring wine from home to keep here" you said but Jace nudged you in her ribs, "What?", "Winterfell is now your home sister, but when you visit you are free to take as much wine as you desire" he said, you licked your lips, quickly remembering why you were and that once you married Jace be off leaving you alone, in a new so-called home completely different from the place where you grew up. Sarah smiled sadly at your realisation, she could feel the sadness inside of you,"Cregan don't you want to introduce Princess y/n to your dire wolf?" you lifted your head,"A dire wolf?" you said making Sarah nod happily,"She's a big dark brown wolf, Cregan bonded with her around the same time he became Lord of Winterfell" Sarah continued happily,"Is the Dire wolf to you what our dragon's are to us?" you asked Cregan directly,"Yes, my dire wolf and I have a special bond she will and has protected me during vital moments just like I know your dragon would" he said,"I would love to met her than" Cregan stayed quite for a moment before nodding.
Cregan led you back outside,"Her name is Winter, she came to in the winter of my father's death. She doesn't like the inside of the Castle so she stays in the Wolfwoods or even the Godswoods" he said stepping into the woods, he took one of his gloves off before placing to of his finger in his mouth and whistled, you waited for a couple of minutes before a dark mass came from in between the snow-covered leaves. She was a big, you only heard stories about Dire wolves and their massive sizes but seeing one now in person blew away your explantations, she was as big like 3 or 4 dogs combined, her fur was thick and spotted with snow, her eyes looked intelligent which reminded you of your dragon Tyraxes. Winter slowly moved towards Cregan who kneeled a little bit to be more on her level,"Hello my girl" he said softly rubbing her neck, his hand disappearing in her fur,"This is Princess Y/N, my future wife" he said before turning to,"Come" he said, you moved to she-wolf slowly, cautions as you didn't know how she could react your presence. Cregan gently took your hand and placed on her fur, it was soft which surprised you, even with the thickness of her fur could feel the beating of the wolves heart, you smiled,"She's beautiful"," Winter, seems to like you, she usually takes a while to warm up to people" he said looking up at you from his crouched position, which gave the opportunity to look directly into his eyes making you see his grey eyes, grey like a storm but a beautiful storm, It's only fair to introduce you to my dragon now". Cregan tensed,"Are you sure? A dragon and a wolf are different", you chuckled,"I thought so to but seeing the two of you together made me realise that we are one and the same, like you said Winter will protect you from danger but she was fine with me, so I can the same about Tyraxes" you grabbed his hand, it was so large compared to you, rough and warm, thoughts entered your head which made your cheeks darken so you quickly let go of his hand,"Let's go"
Tyraxes shook the snow off her and she let out a growl,"She doesn't like cold, we need to find a place for her to live, where she be comfortable" you said patting her neck. You noticed the lack of replay and turned to see him far away from you, staring at the beast in front of him, who had noticed him as well, "This is Cregan, we are set to be married, we be staying here forever" you said leaning your forehead against her neck, feeling her warmth. You then turned around and held out your hand for Cregan, he slowly walked over to you not taking his eyes off Tyraxes, you placed his hand on her neck,"He's not going to hurt us, he's safe" you said. Cregan sighed and smiled softly, feeling the hot rough leathery skin underneath his palm, it was such a unique feeling that he couldn't describe, he looked into Tryaxe's eyes, like you noticed with Winter Cregan noticed the intelligence in her eyes,"She seems to like you" you smiled,"That's good, we both seemed to be liked by the others bonded animal" he said slowly removing his hand from Tyraxe's,"Maybe one day I can take you out on a flight"
Days went by, you were doing some stitching in your room when Sarah walked in,"Sorry for disturbing but I came with some news....my brother..Lord Stark wants to have the wedding soon, as he riding soon to Kings landing" you nodded and put aside your work and patted the place next to you,"Why did you call Cregan by Lord and not brother?","I'm a bastard Princess, I'm not a true-born Stark so I need to reframe myself and remember my place" you gently took her hand and gave it a squeeze,"bastard or not you share blood which makes siblings, you probably heard about the rumours about me and my brothers. I won't let that reframe me from getting what belongs to me or my brother. Call Cregab brother around me, he seems to care for you a lot" Sarah smiled at you,"Going back to the wedding, it be in the tradition of the old gods. I be talking you through it, as it is a bit different than the ones you are used too, but also Cregan has set up a meeting between you and one of the most talented seamstresses in Winterfell" Sarah smiled.
You looked at yourself in the mirror, the dress was truly beautiful a long white gown with lace dragon motives decorated all over it, long bell-sleeved with a fur lining. A black cape which had your house symbol embroidered all over it, you took a deep breath and dried your sweaty hands on your dress,"Don't be nervous, you know your Husband now, it's not a privilege a lot of women have" Jace said appearing at the door," Baela, has that privilege and she has the privilege of being close to her home and family, you be gone after this and I be alone, a dragon alone between wolves" Jace sighed and walked towards you, he placed his hands on your hips and pulled you closer to him,"You are always welcome in Dragonstone, dragons are resilient and if our ancestors can adapt from their life in Old Valyria to a life in Westeros, so can you sister" he kissed you cheek,"You already to show the markings of a great king already" you smiled leaning your forehead against his,"Let's go".
Cregan was waiting by the Godswood in front of heart tree, Cregan looked around and saw his sister and the heads of the biggest houses in the north, all holding torches lighting up the way for his bride and her brother. Cregan then looked beside him and saw his closest friend Lord Cerwyn, as Cregan's father was dead he asked his friend to officiate the wedding. Cerwyn patted Cregan on the shoulder and nodded towards you and Jace making Cregan take a breath, you looked stunning, like a nymph he would hear in stories when he was young.
Jace continued to led you the heart tree before stopping to gave your hand a squeeze and hand you over Crewyn. "Who comes before the Old Gods this night?" he asked,"Y/N, of the House Targaryen, comes here to be wed. A woman grown, trueborn and noble. She comes to beg the blessing of the Gods. Who comes to claim her?" Jace said folding his hands behind his back, Cregan then stepped closer,"Cregan, of House Stark, Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North. Who gives her?" you took a breath, not really enjoying this, you felt like an object, but it had to be done,"Jacaery's, of the House Targaryen, her older brother and heir to the Iron Throne" Cerwyn looked between the two men before focusing back on you, he gave your hand a squeeze noticing your wandering mind,"Princess Y/N Targaryen, will you take this man?" he asked, you looked at Cregan before looking at Jace who gave you a nod,"I take this man" you said softly, Cerwyn than placed your hand into Cregan who led you towards the heart tree before kneeling before it, he closed his eyes and began to mumble, he was praying. You licked your lips before closing your eyes. After a while you felt your hand being squeezed Cregan was looking at you, a soft smile playing on his lip which just needed to be reciprocated. Both of you stood up and Sarah walked over with a cloak in her arms, it was light grey and had the Stark symbol embroidered on it, Sarah handed it to her brother who let go of your hand to take the cloak from her, her than unclasped your cloak, carefully removing it from your shoulder before handing it to Sarah, he than replaced it with Stark cloak, it felt heavier. As Cregan finished clipping on your cloak he pressed a kiss on your forehead,"My Wife, I will protect and honour as long as I shall life" he said making you shiver,"I shall do same...my husband" you said looking up at him
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lovekz · 1 year
the rizzler
syn : ran brings his brother to get his hair done. big mistake
warnings : horrible rizz, ran is rindou’s #1 hater, could be seen as chubby reader, ran and rindou act like the true brothers they are, cringey ig
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“rin!” ran called loudly, dashing up the stairs to his brother’s room.
rindou was in his room with his headphones on, playing his video game with his brand new controller.
he often tunes ran out from his shenanigans because he just can’t stand him sometimes.
also because ran broke his last one by body slamming him into the floor one night.
so ran does the only thing he could to to gain his little brother’s attention.
jump on him and throw all his weight into him.
“ran go away!” rindou groaned, trying to push the elder off him.
but of course, ran is heavier despite his lanky body.
ran giggles, resting more of his weight on top of him with a grin.
rindou shoves him off successfully after giving him a purple nurple, resuming his game.
ran plucks one of the headphones out of his ear just so rindou could hear him.
“I have a hair appointment at 7 and I don’t wanna go alone.” ran sighed, draping himself over the end of rindous bed frame.
ran’s hair grew longer than he could handle by himself, so he began going to the hair salon to get it done.
rindou suggested he cut it, but ran complained that ‘he wasn’t ready to make new memories’
ran doesn’t know Rindou will cut it himself before he turns 25.
“so ask kakucho or mitsuya.” rindou grumbled, squinting his eyes to focus.
ran glared at his brother, before letting out a loud and obnoxious sigh.
“if only I had a brother to go spend time with me while I get my hair done.” ran exclaimed, looking at rindou with a frown.
and ran doesn’t miss the little ‘if only’ that leaves his brother’s mouth as he plays the game.
so he had no choice.
“wow rin! thanks for saying you’ll come! be ready by 6:30 sharp!” ran exclaimed, dashing out the room before rindou could refuse.
ran drags his brother into the shop, a big grin on his face.
rindou is wearing wide leg grey sweats and his black hoodie, a disappointed scowl on his face.
he could’ve been at home upping his character level but no.
ran wanted to be annoying today.
“I’m here with a special guest!” ran called out, walking to the back of the room.
there’s shuffling when they get to the seats, and someone pops up from the back door.
“finally! your 10 minutes late ran.” you complained, fixing your apron.
rindou looked up at the feminine voice, locking eyes with you.
you were gorgeous.
the way you stood, your eyes, your teasing smile, and your nose fit just right.
god knew what he was doing when he created you.
“yeah, my brother’s a ipad kid. said he couldn’t come without a sandwich and his ipad.” ran chuckled, nudging him.
you laugh at ran’s little joke, though it wasn’t that funny.
but rindou would replay that joke again and again just to hear your breath taking laugh.
he’s gotta get your number by the end of the night.
“well hi. I’m ran’s stylist. you must be rindou?” you introduced yourself, holding your hand out.
ran has spoken about him? he knows it probably isn’t good, but he’ll shoot his goddamn shot.
he repeats your name slowly in his head, flashing you a smile.
“that’s me. nice to meet you, I love your name. I got you a sandwich as an apology for being late.” rindou replies, giving your hand a light squeeze.
you say a polite thank you and get started on ran’s hair, detangling before beginning to wash.
while you wash his hair, rindou watches from the side.
‘those must be heavy.’ rindou thought to himself, tilting his head.
he imagines you at home with some bad back pain, no help from a strong, flexible man with big strong hands.
“does your back hurt?” rindou questions before he can rethink it again.
you stay silent for a bit, thinking to yourself while you scrub Ran’s scalp.
“uhm.. no not really. I try not to bend too much when I comb through the hair.” you explain, completely oblivious.
rindou sees that you didn't understand or see what he was gesturing towards, so chuckles to himself.
ran understands what was happening, so he shoots rindou a look to tell him stop.
but he was the one that wanted rindou to come, so rindou was going to do whatever he wants.
“I didn’t mean that. I meant your breasts, not to be disrespectful.” rindou says politely, looking at you with doe eyes.
you laugh at that, and rindou’s heart flutters.
one more laugh and he might just have to use the bathroom for a bit.
“sometimes, after a hard day at my jobs.” you respond, not offended at all.
ran’s giving him that look again, and rindou ignores it.
he nods at you, stretching his limbs and leaning back into the seat.
“well I’m really good with my hands, you can let me know if you ever need a massage anywhere.” rindou winks.
ran puts his hand over his face, immediately wanting to send rindou home.
you roll your eyes playfully, and decide not to respond to him.
when you comb out ran’s hair and set him under the dryer with leave in conditioner, you begin eating the sandwich ran mentioned.
rindou kept shifting his eyes over to you, trying to ‘lure you in’ with his body language.
“something you have to say rindou?” you questioned, putting your sandwich down with a sigh.
rindou shakes his head, resting a arm on the armrest of the chair.
“all my pickup lines have been taken. how about you?” rindou asked, tilting his head.
you stifle a laugh, squeezing your eyes shut.
ran begins to play a voice line from spongebob.
“no rindou. I’m not. I'm very much single.” you reply, taking another bite of your sandwich.
he so wants you to moan his name right now.
but rindou doesn’t dare to ask you for that, he simply nods his head and takes a bite of his own sandwich.
he goes to speak, but you stand up and walk over to ran as the dryer dings loudly.
damn ran being annoying and an attention seeker.
ran watches as you walk over to him, lifting the lid off the dryer and gesturing over to the wash station.
you rinse out the conditioner quickly, and take him over to your station.
“how come you’re single?” Rindou questioned, getting closer and sitting in the seat beside ran.
you pause in your movements of combing Ran’s hair, thinking about it lightly.
for a second, you realize you pause so you continue to run the comb through his scalp.
rindou waits for your answer, watching as you contemplate on what to say to it.
“I like my peace. too much toxicity in men right now.” you shrugged, before turning on the blow dryer.
ran was grateful you did, because if he heard rindou say anything more he would have to beat him with his wet hair.
the dryer stays on for a few minutes to dry ran’s hair, before it shuts off all together.
you began combing again and greasing it a little bit.
“you like music?” rindou asks out of the blue, leaning back into the comfortable seat.
you nod shortly, getting your straightener comb and beginning to run it through his hair.
the comb makes a small buzzing noise, filling the silence easily.
“last night I made a playlist of all the hottest singles. sadly you weren’t there.” rindou sighed in annoyance, tossing his hands over his eyes.
you don’t respond, but a loud ‘thump’ resonates through the salon.
the buzzing stops, and rindou peaks his eye open.
ran was standing up out of the seat, glaring at his brother with the cape still around him.
you were snickering to yourself, facing away.
rindou glares back at ran, removing his hands from his face altogether.
“go wait in the car, you sack of shit.” ran said, completely annoyed with all his little brother’s pickup lines.
rindou scoffed and stood up, grabbing his things and beginning to walk to the door.
he didn’t wanna fight his brother in front of you, let alone in a hair salon that you work in.
rindou turned around to flash you a big smile.
“well honey, all my pick up lines are out. but I’ll pick you up at 8 tomorrow! dress nice!” rindou called, before dashing out of the salon before ran could throw the hairspray at him.
you giggled to yourself, kinda glad ran had came with his brother.
by time ran finished, rindou was slouched in the seat scrolling through his phone.
he was half asleep with the doors unlocked.
ran got into the driver’s seat, slamming the door to wake him up.
rindou barely flinched, looking over at his older brother with a scowl.
“what the fuck was that in there? since when were you into girls?” ran scoffed, starting the car.
“since forever? what the hell?” rindou replied, sitting up and getting offended immediately.
ran mocks him, before muttering something under his breath.
rindou flips him off, turning to look out of the window as he daydreams about you.
it doesn’t take long to get home, making rindou immediately hop out the car and make his way inside.
he goes upstairs, strips himself of his clothing, and gets right back onto the game.
he makes sure his door is locked so ran can’t barge in again and disturb him.
rindou just hopes ran doesn’t decide to break it down again.
in the middle of his game, rindou gets a text.
he looks down at his phone, squinting in confusion.
[10:47pm] unknown : still up for giving me that massage rin? my back is killing me [10:47pm] unknown : and I can’t do tmrw at 8. maybe breakfast at mine tmrw morning?
rindou’s eyes widened, as he stood up and dropped his brand new controller.
“I got the fucking girl!”
ran heard him from downstairs, immediately making him regret giving you rindou’s number.
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