#'what if moon develops the virus in this make-believe scenario?'
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itsahotminuteinbetween · 1 year ago
gues swhich idiot stayed up all night to write out a diverged fic idea
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madcatdaderpydrawer-blog · 3 years ago
Do you realize just how chaotic the combined redemption/role reversal and scrapped au is?? Because I don’t think you get how chaotic of a combination that is.
To put it simply, without their sibling there the infected sibling would act much different. A year is not long enough to get over the loss of someone you’ve known for your whole life, and that rare state of desperately trying to handle their brothers absence in a healthy way, trying to adapt to running the daycare alone and grieving make things a lot more messy.
A big example of this would be infected Moon. With Sun gone, the daycare would end up closed after his violent behavior has shown to be an issue, and he would end up all alone. In contrast to how he normally is, being cranky and controlling but serious and relatively in control of himself, he is an absolute fucking mess. Moon already wouldn’t be fairing well without his brother, and the infection just turns those things even worse. 
-He killed/maimed basically anyone who entered the daycare at one point because he couldn’t stop himself. Literally. 
-The only reason he hasn’t been scrapped yet is because no one can get in the daycare without being put in the hospital.
-He gave up cleaning the daycare because whenever he has a fit it always gets destroyed again anyways. It’s basically in shambles.
-His body is in shambles as well, possibly even worse. He’s been grieving Sun already, but keep in mind that on top of that his depression was spiked greatly by the virus resulting in severe masochism/sadism issues. And as you can imagine, when no one is around to hurt, he ends up damaging himself far more then he ever did before. The fact that he’s still functioning after a month alone and infected with all these factors considered is a miracle. 
-The sedation program stops him from being enraged 24/7, but he’s not really calm either. His anger is more of a thinly vieled silent rage.
-Literally the only reason he stopped this violent downward spiral is because he found Scrapped Sun. He had someone to take care of and so he basically decided that he needed to be around for at least long enough to get Sun back to normal. Sun meanwhile is oblivious to Moons.. condition, mostly because he can’t see. If he could he would definitely recognize something is up, but either way he’s too much of a nervous wreck to do much about it anyways. He was just relieved to hear his brothers voice again. 
-Sun gets panicked really easily, so he luckily stopped some of his more chaotic hobbies. He doesn’t have the heart to hurt Sun in the state he’s in, but Sun gets panicky whenever he gets hurt so he tries to avoid that too. Sun found out when he felt the scratches on Moons arms and started flipping out. He wouldn’t calm down until Moon let him wrap them up (very clumsily, he is blind after all).
Now this scenario is not as likely as the role reversal au scrapped moon one is, as I 100% believe it would be the default because Moon would definitely get scrapped long before Sun would. It’s still equally as chaotic though.
-Infected Sun is lowkey manic, he is not dealing well with being alone.
-The daycare is disturbingly clean because Suns cleaning habits have hiked up to 100 now that the daycare is closed and he has nothing to do.
-He has nothing to spend his energy on and that ends in him developing some rather dangerous past times. As long as it distracts him from his lonliness and grief he doesn’t care what it is.
-He destroyed a lot of staff bots during this process of self discovery.
-He also became somewhat of a.. mechanical mad scientist? He uses the parts from the staff bots to make machines with varying dangerousness, as well as personal upgrades because he needs to do anything to occupy his hyperactive mind. Which ends up with him being badly injured because the machines either don’t work or are flat out dangerous.
-Again the only reason he stopped doing this was because he found Scrapped Moon. Moon can see, but he still wouldn’t know that something was wrong with Sun. He thought that his eyes were changed by the staff because hey, as weird of a choice as pale yellow eyes are fazbear has made weirder design choices! He’s just happy to be able to hang out in the daycare again. Sun was relieved to have someone to take care of even if Scrapped Moon gives him a heart attack regularly with his monkey antics. 
-Sun has a minor heart attack whenever Moon scales the play structure and hovers near him to make sure he can catch him if he falls (which he has, many times. No matter how prepared he is for it to happen it still causes him to let out a very shrill scream of fear.)
- Moon definitely noticed that something was off about his behavior, but thought it was from the fact that well his brother was assumed dead for like a year. Sun wasn’t made to be able to function alone, so him being a bit unhinged wasn’t that much of a surprise. He did try and stop Sun from making any dangerous inventions though, and it worked for the most part. Sun was too nervous that Moon would end up hurting himself on some of his machines so he started to kid proof them, which normally would annoy Moon since he isn’t a kid but honestly just made Moon feel relieved since it meant Sun was less likely to hurt himself with one of his crazy creations. 
-Despite Moons pissy cat behavior, Sun can’t stay mad at him. Whenever he gets angry at him it dies out almost immediately when he looks at him and sees his little feral brother sitting there staring at him. It’s like a puppy, you just can’t stay mad at a puppy.
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alvinsoffie · 4 years ago
December 1,
Theme: Each World AIDS Day focuses on a specific theme,  
This years theme is  “ Global Solidarity: Shared Responsibility.  ”
A look back at recent themes gives an interesting perspective:
2020    Global solidarity, shared responsibility
2019    Communities make the difference
2018    Know your status
2017    My health, my right
2016    Hands up for HIV prevention
Personal awareness and responsibilty, coupled with Community support is a reasonable paradigm for moving the HIV/AIDS agenda forward. Embracing this can go a far way to achieve the Goals for eliminating HIV
"  World AIDS Day remains as relevant today as it’s always been, reminding people and governments that HIV has not gone away. There is still a critical need for increased funding for the AIDS response, to increase awareness of the impact of HIV on people’s lives, a need to end stigma and discrimination and to improve the quality of life of people living with HIV."  
I am quoting directly from UNAIDS here.
A useful way to compare The two pandemics:  The 40 year old HIV/AIDS pandemic is the stately annual  journey around the sun.   COVID 19  is the 28 day cycle of the moon around the earth.  It's busy and frenzied. Because it shares the same stigmas, the same governments the same communities; the same inequities: we get a quicker look at the cycle of events. Some countries are already on their third wave, their third cycle or go round of COVID 19. And lessons are being learned at this heightened pace.
This crisis, This frenzied pace has become  a wake-up call, an opportunity to do things differently—better, and together. In many respects, the defeat of AIDS as a public health threat could depend on how the world responds to COVID-19.
Inasmuch as  COVID 19  has overshadowed the AIDS pandemic. we  DO note that some important lessons are being learned and that with care we can utilize  aspects of the COVID 19 response to improve HIV response and awareness.
Since you have invited a religous, I believe that you are expecting some insight from a Christian or Biblical perspective, and if this is so, I wouldn't want to disappoint you.
I did some homework, a little research,  and came away shocked!   In a sense  upset on learning that Stigma is the main deterent and source of frustration for battling and overcoming the effects of the AIDS epidemic.
As I looked at the seven types of stigma identified across a range of psychosocial situations, I came to realize that Stigma and its associates, prejudice and discrimination, are deeply ingrained responses that are applied outside of logic and wisdom, and where it surfaces can surprise you.
For the record the seven types of Stigma are:
All of these manifestation  of Stigma are being  experienced in real time in this COVID 19 pandemic. Lets not forget that persons were beaten for sneezing, an involuntary act. Fear and paranoia brings out the worst in us. Where they find common ground, the excesses are very dangerous.
To return to the global AIDS response;  At a time when 'untraceable equals untransmittable is a reality already, It is strange that there is no obvious reintegration mechanism for the persons who can overcome the virus. Right HERE, such a mechanism or protocol could provide a rallying point against the stigma PLHIV face. It becomes a powerful incentive to reach for; a goal to achieve. This is one crucial difference with COVID 19, Governments want us to get back to work so there are tests and procedures for reintegration for those who have caught and overcome the virus. The reintegration is SPONSORED because it is deemed vital.
The HIV scenario still has gender bias and sexuality and dominance issues that drive the stigma and after 40 years they remain well entrenched globally.
What does scripture have to offer here. Both Old and New Testaments recognize a variety of diseases that initially demand isolation and removal  from communal life. Numbers 12 points to a situation where Miriam the sister of Moses was punished with a skin disease and was out of the camp in isolation for 10 days. Even here there was a clear return to community. She wasn't cast into outer darkness with weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth!  Israel camped and waited  for her. Just a biblical reminder that it always help to have a celebrity or power person build empathy for your cause.
The reintegration mechanism was well defined. The priests were trained and were the ones assigned the inspection of the suffering person. Once satisfied of their rehabilitation, they offered the necessary sacrifice and were fully reintegrated into family and community.
In the Gospels where Jesus was remarkably open to transformative action on peoples behalf, his advise to cured lepers, to
" show yourself to the priests ...  
" Offer the sacrifices Moses commanded"
leverages this generations old schema for returning the  renewed back to community. Jesus did not subvert the process: he co-opted the process for the validation that it offered. The process is Critical! In real life more than a few persons doing well on their regime fall away and do not return for medication and help. The validation process is aborted by some triggered fear and more than a few will end up dead; losing their lives.
   A lesson here is that education doesnt always defeat prejudice. In fact it can provide seemingly plausible justification for discrimination.  This is why discrete access to health care for PLHIV is a necessity. Thank God for JASL.
   The Label Avoidance Stigma is the most insiduous of the seven. It is the one that keeps the infected person from seeking help. in your community or elsewhere. They know full well that bush have ears and if you are seen in Mocho or Portland or Mandiville at a clinic the rumour mill will grind and your issues will be publicised. They keep quiet and die quieter still. I have seen it up close and it hurts my heart every time I am faced with it.  Let me say it again;  Thank God for JASL  
Sadly, you are as likely to hear a pastor or preacher condemn the sick and declare God's judgment rather than provide access to care and counselling and in hospitals one has to deal with health professionals whose personal biases become stumbling blocks to personal healthcare services..some share unethically, the details of their patients, furthering stigma and discrimination  ...   very well documented.
If the church would follow Its Lord's instructions. If it would extend itself to speak for the voiceless
Someone came to Jesus for healing and the discussion began:  'Lord, If you choose you can make me whole'.  Jesus said,  'I DO Choose!'  If our churches would follow Jesus and choose to facilitate health and wholeness, a lot could change.
Church could stand with or stand up for  the sick especially PLHIV/AIDS.  it could do a lot to counter stigma, to counter the whispered inuendos that is Stigma by Association. Stigma by Association is the one that kills community support for the needy. It is the one that ties you to the presumed sexual preferences and activities of the persons you are inclined to help.  
Churches could build support for members and persons who are HIV positive, but who would dare share their status with the brothers or sisters in church. Very few keep secrets, fewer still, exhibit compassion. We need radical Christianity of the leave all and follow Jesus variety.
Returning to the bigger stage,  the theme Global solidarity, shared responsibility invites us to revisit our relationships and the activities they engender. Global solidarity invites us to explore the Global response and align ourselves with projects and activities that we are able to support. There are a plethora of them and myriad best practices scenarios waiting for our implementation.
One important feature of World Aids Day is the memorialization of the dead. Given the early stigma and circumstances of dying,  many persons have not been properly remembered and closure is still eluding some families who have lost loved ones to  HIV/AIDS.
The opportunity to come out and name them and remember them is hugely therapeutic. This is something that the Church does well.   Catholicism provides a liturgy on All Saints Day, November 1 for the memorialization of our dead. We do it systematically and we know the benefits of it. We light the votive candle, we pray for those we love, and we ask God in his Love and Mercy to deal kindly with them.
There is a ministry here for churches. There is a place where we can quietly exercise the gift of presence as in grief counselling and just be there for those who need us. There is a place for a prophetic voice that can stop the slander and inuendo by its forthright affirmation of the Person living with HIV as a full and complete human being, bearing the image of GOD.  
Even in death, the stigma continues and the cause of death for the death certificate can be problematic for family members.  To remove Stigma is to open up the resources freely and fully for those who need it. This day must come sooner rather than later.  these are difficult times, make no mistake. But we can make a difference if we try a little bit harder.
 Shared Responsibility brings us back to Genesis and Cain's question  ' Am I my brother'e keeper?' Yes!  Yes we are.  God requires an answer of each of us. We are social creatures We need each other for Fulness of living.  We will need to develop more programs that bring real benefits to people living witH HIV
My word of encouragement for PLHIV/AIDS is simple:  Keep the faith. HIV is no longer a death sentence. Serious progress has been made and you can access a good life right here, right now. Your Life is precious! Dont throw it away! Do NOT let pride or shame rob you of health and family, joy and accomplishments. Still dream...  Most things are still possible if you believe and persevere.
Do the right things for yourself. There is now legal recourse to some forms of discrimination. Fight your battle for your life and find support for your cause along the way.  Life is Precious.... DON'T give up! Fight Fight   Fight!
With discipline and determination, the way things are going,  you might actually outlive some of your detractors.
Here I want to quote and close with Minister of State in the Ministry of Health and Wellness, Juliet Cuthbert-Flynn,
“Whether as funding partners, technical informants for policy design and programme implementation, or as medical workers serving people living with HIV and AIDS at the community level, we need to have all hands on deck." the Observer November  20
I endorse All hands on Deck! The world can  and must do better regarding the AIDS pandemic. We must remove the strictures and structures that maintain stigma and discrimination in all its forms.
I endorse all hands on deck and hope to see church and state join together to do the right thing for signicant numbers of our citzens who need our help
I endorse All hands on deck to design and build reintegration protocols and mechanisms for those on the margins right now. they dont need to be there!
I endorse all hands on deck if these hands are tender loving hands, desiring to nurture and to care for those in need.   We have had enough of the finger pointing sleight of hand deception > I'm just saying:
I endorse all hands on deck in the response from governments, NGOs and  Communities  acting globally and locally.  It is my hope that solidarity will facilitate the crafting of an accelerated response with a view to end Living with HIV/AIDS soon.
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