#'what could you possibly have to say about this' nothing im just lookng at the logbook again HGFDHDF
bravevolunteer · 1 year
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"michael's canon drawings this" what about michael's canon HANDWRITING
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in-madhouses · 5 years
i dont mean to bother you but can you link me to the epilogue of your fic ‘they’ll hang us in the louvre” i absolutely have adored reading and im happy i stumbled across your blogs and fics and i cant wait to read more!
HELLO! NO BOTHER AT ALL. Life has just gotten in the way a little and I’ve been absolutely trash about updating. But here’s the epilogue for louvre for those who are actually still out there reading things I post  😭😭😭
“So what can you tell us about the Marauders film coming out in a couple of weeks?” The excited host asks with a little glint in his eye, as though he’s asking something he already knows the answer to.
“I.. I can tell you what I don’t know, which is everything,” Aahna deflects instead with a bit of a blush staining her cheeks.
Niall forces to keep a straight face at the sight of her on the screen, slightly squirmish but totally acing it.
Despite being high key in the interview spotlight (on and off) for well over two years by now, he can never get over the fact that Aahna confident to the point of arrogance Deakins doesn’t do very well with interviews.
For all intents and purposes, she does just fine. She carries her confidence like a shield and her charm simply radiates onto the screen. But after being intimately acquainted with her and her idiosyncrasies for a better part of a year, her slight awkwardness is evident. Especially when it’s on red couches and with interviewers that she binge watches on a regular.
“You have to know something!” Graham presses on.
“They didn’t exactly… I mean, at this point I know more about how nuclear reactors work than I do about the Marauders movie,” Aahna says casually.
“Are you saying you haven’t watched it or that you’re surprisingly well educated about nuclear reactors?”
“Both?” She laughs.
And Niall knows she’s not lying, she’d looked it up the week before and spent her night explaining to him it how it worked in detail.
The flamboyant host presses on, “Do you even know if you’re in it at all?”
“I don’t… I… I’m not sure,” she stutters a little before chuckling.
The petite host all but practically screeches at that, “You’re not sure?”
“Is it because they don’t trust you to keep things off social media?”
“Pretty much,” Aahna nods, her grin wide and bashful at the same time, “I wasn’t exactly given a script. Everyone on the principal cast knew what was going on, they literally jumped straight into filming after the last season but I was only given the scenes that I was in, and mid-way through production, so I could be a ghost, a memory, a spell-induced hallucination, I’m possibly not even in the movie at all.”
Niall smiles to no one in particular, somewhat proud how well she’s fending despite the multitude of complicated factors surrounding the interview;
a) the possibility of letting too much about the movie slip and therefore violating her NDA, his NDA, and everyone’s NDA basically because she only knows as much as she knows because they’d told her,
b) the possibility of not talking about the movie enough which would cause the audience to be less excited about the boys being on the show in the following week,
c) the fact that she’s not actually on The Graham Norton Show to promote the Marauders movie but the new season of her own show, and of course,
d) the possibility of deflecting everything far too much and then having to maneuver questions about their relationship status which was a newly hot topic of much speculation.
Despite them not even trying to be sneaky about things after the completion of Marauders: The Final Chapter, the internet stayed unsuspectingly calm.
Apart from that one grainy low quality images of them having dinner surfacing on a fan blog, they’ve actually managed to evade the full force of rumours and speculation with Aahna busy with season two of her show and Niall preoccupied piecing together the parts for his own expansion of title from just ‘actor’ to ‘actor slash screenwriter slash director.’
It only unexpectedly comes to a head when Aahna tweets one of the March Madness bracket charts comparing the fictional men on television by replacing every name with Remus Lupin.
Twitter, as it does, promptly loses its shit over it.
Fixed the chart for you 🙃 @BBCOne
Wow what were even doing before you came along? @itsAahna
Sleeping on Remus Lupin, clearly @BBCOne
can @itsAahna and @NiallOfficial just get together already i want peace 😭
OTPOTPOTPOTPOTP #drowningindeniall
I WILL REVOLT #wandsattheready #drowningindeniall @MaraudersMovie
I mean we all know #jily is endgame in the movie but i want to see @itsAahna and @NiallOfficial IRL #drowningindeniall
If this doesn’t change your opinion on the “friendship” between @itsAahna and @NiallOfficial nothing will.
Can we say we called it first? @itsAahna and @NiallOfficial
@MaraudersMovie exclusive. The cast weigh in on the new fave will they won’t they couple and THAT tweet >> bit.ly/Jh8e3rd4
Niall was back in Ireland when it happens, but his Twitter blows up with fans asking if they really are dating. Oddly, none of the guys or any of the Marauders’ cast members pester him about it. Probably because they think that Aahna’s contractually obligated to keep the conversation on the upcoming Marauders movie, but keeping their sexual relationship turned actual relationship a secret for months on end is surprisingly easy when your friends aren’t being complete nosy fucks.
The only person who truly suspected anything had Caroline, and even then, she’d only thought they were having hate sex to fix all their problems. (Not like she was wrong.) But when they decided to come clean when they wrapped filming with a round of drinks, they find out that there’d been a betting pool going on in regards to their relationship instead.
“I had a tenner riding on this,” Louis says, swaying a little after his umpteenth shot, “I still can’t believe the two of you didn’t get together before the movie wrapped!”
Niall and Aahna share a look at that, but before either of them can let the cat out of the bag, Louis then goes off on how no one but Harry expected them all to become friends and how this lead to them all losing money to Harry and they telepathically decide against telling their friends. (Seems only fair, since their friends were all proving to be complete pricks.)
Which only brings things to their current conundrum of having to promote a movie whilst making use of their fan favourite characters’ practically non-existent romance while some fans were emotionally invested in the actors’ very secret but very real romance.
He smiles at the thought. Because he likes to tell people that he was in love once, back in Ireland. But he didn’t really fall in love, fall in love. Not really. It was more of a familiarity. Like one day something that was there all along that just… became love. And it’s entirely the opposite of what happened with Aahna. Before he was even fully aware of what was happening, she was just… all over his life. Everywhere. Like someone poured her over every inch of him and she just seeped into the very fabric of his life and he can’t wash her out no matter how much bleach he used.
The on screen conversation shifts to the other guests for a bit focusing on the projects they qere involved in, but when the host with the big red couch says he has some tweets to pull out circling back to her, Niall could see the subtle signs of panic creep in on her face.
“Lips were obviously sealed quite tightly when you got cast for the backdoor pilot on Marauders, but an incident got leaked to the press didn’t it?”
“Wait, is this the video?” Aahna asks realisation dawned upon her.
“These were the tweets following that video that most people seem to have forgotten about.”
“Something that you won’t let happen, obviously,” Aahna comments good humouredly, mentally bracing herself for whatever the Graham Norton team has managed to dig up on the interwebs.
“Obviously,” the host announces as they move their attention to the screen on set, “Now these tweets are, I believe, the immediate aftermath of the video hitting the internet.”
4 yrs on a top rated tv show only to end up sharing scentime with someone who got famous lookng gd in thr underwear
that’s not me throwing shade at modesl that’s me throwing shade at @itsAahna
it’s really not my fault that @itsAahna finds memorising lines harder than slupring tequila off her girlfriend’s belly button
are YOU slurping tequila off of your girlfriend’s belly button right now? @NiallOfficial
lol kidding (what girlfriend) 😂 @NiallOfficial
at least i’m not about to send in a sex tape to @DailyMirror to distract people from how i cant act atall
if you wanted to make a sex tape all you had to do was ask @NiallOfficial
“And this went on for like a whole hour at 3 in the morning,” Graham titters excitedly as he continues scrolling through the seemingly endless barrage of tweets.
“They do say that the best relationships start from heated online arguments,” Aahna shrugs, a smile dangling coyly on the edge of her lips.
Niall’s heart skips a whole beat at that.
But luckily, no one on the red couch seemed to have given it as much thought and they glide by the whole topic unsuspectingly.
“I mean, at one point you weren’t even typing words!” The host exclaims, still scrolling through tweets.
“No, you have to say it really fast, it’s… it’s a joke on the Irish accent, I was making fun of his accent,” Aahna admits, looking a little pink in the cheeks in embarrassment and nerves.
She then does an (in his opinion, piss poor) impression of his Irish accent.
Niall can’t help it though, his smile is still so wide, he’s at risk of his face splitting in half.
“You might as well have insulted potatoes,” Graham responds, rather aghast at her impersonation.
“Or Guinness, the Irishman is rather fond of his Guinness,” Ines chimes in.
The rest of the interview goes on with attention bouncing back and forth between the guests and before he notices it, the musical guest comes on and the credits are rolling. He does his best to pretend to be upset when she breezes into his apartment like it’s hers the next day (although to be honest, it’s all hers really; his apartment, his mind, his soul, his heart).
“That’s your best impersonation of me?” He tuts, faking being insulted so hard he wonders how he was ever employed as an actor.
She, in turn, does a very poor job of not smiling as she sets down boxes of takeaway in his kitchen, “Seeing as that was the dumbest I’ve ever looked on telly, I think it was pretty on.”
He grins, “You were great.”
“I can see why you need glasses,” she raises a brow at his direction.
Niall merely shakes his head at that. It’s a quarter past four and the gang should be at his place in about an hour because everyone unanimously decided that he needed to host a party to celebrate his script selling and the studio wanting him to direct and she’s doing the dishes because ‘only losers eat out of takeaway boxes at a party’ and he can’t stop staring.
She looks up and finds him sort of looking at her weird.
You, he thinks, I’m looking at you. I’m always looking at you.
“You know this is probably what Sierra meant,” he points out, a little breathless over absolutely nothing, “About distractions.”
She links her hands behind his neck, feigning ignorance, “No idea what you mean.”
And then he’s kissing her against the overflowing sink and she’s laughing, and he thinks it tastes better than anything in his whole atmosphere.
And honestly, Niall is pretty sure he could live off of that feeling for the rest of his life.
I don’t mean to alarm anyone but I think @itsAahna and @NiallOfficial are legitimately dating.
BETRAYAL!! DECEPTION!! OUTRAGE!! @itsAahna @NiallOfficial
Pics or it didn’t happen @Harry_Styles
DELETE. NOW. @Harry_Styles
#DROWNINGINDENIALL @itsAahna @NiallOfficial
Stop yelling or I s2g I’m coming over there and choking you @Louis_Tomlinson
Kinky. I take it @NiallOfficial likes it rough?
@Louis_Tomlinson keep your kinks to yourself. yes this is me kinkshaming you
There are children on the interwebs!! @Louis_Tomlinson @NiallOfficial
Kinkshaming is my kink @NiallOfficial 😉
Kids, kinkshaming is bad
jokes on you kinkshaming kinkshames is my kink @Louis_Tomlinson
Caaaaan we bring it back to the betrayal bit @NiallOfficial
Yes. In case you’re all wondering, the @MaraudersMovie cast has a betting pool on @itsAahna and @NiallOfficial
And I want my money back @Harry_Styles
Et tu @C_Davies? Et tu??
None of that 👆 was a ‘yes, we’re dating’ @C_Davies
I’m blocking all of yous. @Harry_Styles @Louis_Tomlinson @LeeyumPain @C_Davies @AinsWills
Yes, we’re dating 🙃
BLOCKEDDDD @NiallOfficial 😡😡😡
@zaynmalik retweeted @AinsWils
BETRAYAL!! DECEPTION!! OUTRAGE!! @itsAahna @NiallOfficial
Okay internet (and former friends) You win this one.
I want my tenner back @Harry_Styles
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