#'we've all gone crazy mourning all day and mourning all night'
black-and-yellow · 3 years
How long will Aizawa be mad at Hizashi for being a villain?
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That's gonna be a little while.
I wouldn't say mad, just cautious. Aizawa is smart. He knows it's better to forgive and forget. His friend has learned his lesson. But he keeps him on strict watch. He makes sure Eri is safe, mostly. And the rest of the students. He's a bit of a prison warden. One wrong move and he gets a strict lecture. But he is glad to have his friend back, for the most part. As Ifyougoillfollow said, 'they barely got the guy back and [Aizawa's] already sick of him'.
Eri is just looking at the pictures there, by the way. The book's all in English. Cool Uncle Yamada reads it to her every night. Aizawa watches. Aizawa likes the story too.
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Dia De Los Muertos
Day of the dead, is a holiday celebrated in Mexico and various other parts of Latin America. It's to celebrate those you've lost, but rather then do it in a solemn manner you're to remember the good times and positive memories associated with those who've passed.
Usually, an altar known as An "Ofrenda" is set up, with pictures of the deceased. Along with various food and drink and candles. The food and drink was usually whatever the deceased enjoyed in life, but the famous "Pan de Muerto" is almost universally included aswell.
And along with all this, Fiestas are celebrated by all that participate! Sometimes it is done in a funeral or just at your own home. Depending on how you'd like to do it.
On their first year of being in Chaldea, Rex and Quetz didn't really have anyone to mourn over for the holiday, so they didn't celebrate. But these days, after they've been going through the lostbelts... that has changed significantly.
Rex: Mi Corazon! The Ofrenda's ready!
Quetz: oh let me see! Oh yeah, that looks good!
The Ofrenda was set up with flowers, candles, food and photos of various people. In the center was the biggest photo: one of both Caster Da Vinci and Dr. Romani. Along with that photo, was pictures of some of the friends that were lost during the lostbelts, such as Paxti, Gerda and others they've met.
Rex: do you think they're happy with the decisions we've made? Do you think they'd be proud?
Quetz: ...si, I think so!
Rex and Quetz were dressed up a bit formally for the events. Quetz was in a beautiful black dress, while Rex was in what was somewhat comparable to a mariachi outfit, minus the hat. Both had white face-paint with colorful accenta all over! In traditional Catrin and Catrina makeup, meant to look like skulls!
Quetz: well, I think it's time to get this started!
Rex: sounds good!
A decent amount of the day was spent generally partying, recalling fond memories of the departed and having a good time all around!
Rex: so, Mi Corazon?
Quetz: hmm? Qu es, Mi amor?
Rex: I've heard that during this time of year, the dead... "visit" the land of the living... do you think it'll actually happen? Normally I'd think it was silly but.... considering how crazy things have gotten ever since I came here.... it doesn't feel too impossible...
Quetz: honestly Mi amor? I'm not too sure, but it definitely seems like a possibility we should consider!
Rex: si! Sounds good!
After a while it had gotten late, and the festivities had to stop for the day, but would continue the next day as Day of the dead goes on from Oct 31st to Nov 2nd.
That night, Quetz and Rex slept together, with the Ofrenda not too far away. Suddenly while asleep, Rex felt warmth.... and it also felt like many lights were on all of a sudden. Rex stood up in bed, somewhat tired, since it was late.
Rex: what the hell.... what's going on?
When Rex looked up, he couldn't believe what he saw! The room looked decorated for a wonderful fiesta! Beautiful lights all over, food and drink nearby and, it looked as tho all of the deceased from the Ofrenda pictures were there! Tho, they looked more like Calaveras then they originally looked like. It was like the Ofrenda came to life for a huge party!
Rex couldn't believe what he was seeing, so much so, he rubbed his eyes to make sure he wasn't hallucinating or dreaming.
But when he opened them again....
It was all gone, no candles, no food, but there was still one person there.
A tall dark, looming figure. Clad in what looked to be a dark red suit, dark enough to look black in the right conditions. Black skull like facepaint on his face, without any colorful accents. A skull like design on his necktie. The figure was huge, and stared on at Rex, with abnormally large eyes that were dark like the void, but with yellow circles around the blackness, similar to that of an Owl.
Rex: ....who the hell are you...?!
???: I am... the King of Xibalba.... Mictlantecuhtli.... lord of the dead....
The figure spoke in a deep and bone-chilling voice. Every word sent shivers down your spine, and all gave off an extremely threatening aura about them.
Rex: Mictlantecuhtli? You look... different... from when I saw you at the wedding.... what are you doing here anyways? I'd ask if you wanted to join the party, but given the uh... entrance... I think it's safe to assume that's not it.
Mictlan: *hmph* least you are not a Fool!
Rex: ok, seriously what the fuck do you want?!
Mictlan: but it does relate to the holiday... somewhat. This time of year is of the few I, and my subordinates can leave our realm... without unnecessary amounts of effort.
Rex: ok.....
Mictlan: what you're.... irritating wife is doing, with.... you... is wrong! And annoying.
Rex: ....what do you mean? Don't tell me you of all people are annoyed at her marrying a human! Would be pretty hypocritical of you!
Mictlan: hmph! Like that matters. No, it's her insisting on having you become another God like the rest of us!
Rex: still sounds like hypocrisy condideri-
Mictlan: She Died, first! And we have not gained a new God amongst our ranks for millennia... and for good reason...!
Rex: what would that be?
Mictlan: like a foolish human such as yourself should know....
Rex: so what! You just come here to insult me, and be vaguely threatening?! And that's all?!
Mictlan: Do not question me again, boy!
Rex: I've seen far worse then you!
Mictlan: you are lucky I cannot do anything to you right now....
Then it seemed as tho he was going to leave the room, but them turned to say one last thing.
Mictlan: and it is foolish to hope to be visited by the dead who've been erased entirely from existence..... there's not even a place they can come from.....
Rex: why yo-
But then Rex awakens....
Rex: a dream.... that explains why Mi corazon didn't wake up....
Quetz: mi amor? Is something wrong?
Rex looked up to see Quetz already up and getting ready.
Rex: .....a bad dream.... we can talk about it later...
Quetz: ok then....
A/N: so yeah... here's the Day of the Dead fic! Dunno how good this turned out honestly.... but hope you all enjoyed it!
@hizentadahiro @haskamadoneanythingwrong @hasbbdoneanythingwrong @hasspartacusdoneanythingwrong @havetheavengersdoneanythingwrong @exmeowstic @chaldeamage-neo @renmeo @witch-of-chaldea @writer-and-artist27 @professorcharisma @xviicprc
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adarafaelbarba · 4 years
I would have LOVED to be able to witness Raúl as Che! So here’s:
Evita with Rafael Barba for @rosiesramblings​ ‘s Musical Bingo 🇦🇷
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Argentina has gone to town Over the death of an actress called Eva Peron We've all gone crazy Mourning all day and mourning all night Falling over ourselves to get all of the misery right
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