#'we won't need to sedate her since she's so calm and good-natured' you know nothing.
beaft · 1 year
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took queen puddles to the vet today and watched her exert her power over not one, but two adult medical professionals, both of whom instantly devolved into cooing and baby talk upon seeing her. "hey sweetie, what's the matter with you? are you sick? you're too cute to be sick! oh, look at those big eyes!" while she purred and licked their hands. deceptive little harlot.
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dnarez · 3 years
In Need Of Help
Pro hero Shinso is in need of more evidence to get a crazy man that has been eating pieces of people, he would do anything for some help.
[This is a gift for my followers in all platforms, forgiving me so much views, kudos, votes and followers in all my accounts, I'm very thankful for everything, so here's a little something]
His heels clicking on the pavement and a nearby bar was the only things that were making noise on that, cold and dark night.
Shinso knew that he shouldn't be there, even if now he was a licensed Pro Hero, he needed this, only one more information, one last victim, one small proof, and the case would be over.
That damn monster that lurks around every hour of the day would be behind bars, but for that to happen, for the victims to be able to sleep without a care in the world, he needed to do this, he needed to be here.
Here, in the middle of nowhere, with no backup, and cross dressing.
Someone, a monster, had been eating people, but only bits of them, the Thing would cut a piece of the victims body, sometimes a few pieces, normally from the legs or the arms. It didn't matter if you were woman or man, the Thing loved juicy and savory meat. By what the victims told him, they would be sedated on the area and cut open, the 911 would be called by their own cellphone, and a voice would ask for help, they probably used a voice modifier.
The Thing was described as a big and scary humanoid lizard, with golden scales all over their body, by the looks of it, the Thing was a male, but Shinso thought otherwise, he thought about what the victims said that happened before the attacks, sometimes a person would call for help, others were tapped on their shoulder, some were asked directions or the time, and others were asked if they wanted to have some "fun". But from all those times a female voice was permanent, the police said that it could be the work of two people, but that seemed very unlikely, since every single one of those victims said that it was only one voice, only one monster.
And now Shinso was walking around dressed as a woman, going through the almost empty streets, since most of their victims were female, he decided to make himself an easier bait.
'From 999 victims more than 80% were women, I hope this works'
By using a tight fit sweater like dress, some leggings, a wig and some make up Shinso looked just like any other women going home late at night
'I can't be too confident' he curved his body around the purse, looking down to the ground and trying to walk fast through the dark streets.
When walking by the bar some drunk men whistled and grabbed his arm "Come on sweetie we can have some fun with each other, why don't you look at me?"
The smell of cheap beer was sickening, but Shinso couldn't drop the act and punch that man's face, so he started to struggle against the drunk, with a choker that modified his voice to of a female, he said "LET ME GO!" The high pitched voice echoed throughout the empty street.
The drunk man pulled him closer, since Shinso was using heels he lost his balance and couldn't pull his arm from the man's grasp, who started to grope his ass "Ooooh! What a nice ass! You must go to the gym, come on~ I just want to have some fun with you baby"
"I said-!"
Suddenly the grip on his ass and arm was released, a humanoid dragon with golden scales, horns coming from their hair and was 5 meters tall held the drunk by his neck.
Shinso looked shocked at their size.
"The lady told you to let her go" the sweet and feminine voice didn't fit that thing.
The drunk was put on the floor, she glared at him "get out of here before I change my mind" he run back to the bar.
Shinso was still in shock looking at her "Y-you..."
The humanoid picked up his purse and gave it back to him.
"Y-you-... I-I-I..." Shinso sighs and calm himself down "thank you!" He smiled at her, and see she smiles back.
"Do you need help? This place is always a dessert at this hour, I can take you to your home"
'Bingo!' Hitoshi has to hold himself to not smile in victory "I don't want to bother you!" He says with a sickly sweet voice, and looks away playing that he's a shy girl.
"It won't be a bother, two women waking around is better than one alone, I know my way around here pretty well, why don't you tell me where you live so that I can take you there."
He nods and tells a hotel address.
"Oh! I'm also staying there! What floor you are in?" The tip of her tail is sawing lightly
"3rd floor"
She gasps and puts her hand on her chest "Me too! Let's go! You must be tired!"
He nods and smiles.
They walk side by side, but then she huffs and looks at the sky "I can take you there faster if we fly, I'm too lazy to walk" she picks him up with her tail around his waist and puts him on her shoulders.
"W-wait!" But she doesn't listens, and her size gets bigger, now she's 11 m.
With too much easiness you, the dragon humanoid, fly up in the air, over the city.
He holds tight to your horns, wait... the victims told them that it was a lizard looking person, the Thing could distort their voice, he just-... he got the wrong person, as you glide through the sky his wig fly away, he shrieks, panicking.
You laugh at him "You should have used that weird hair glue man"
"Y-you knew!?" He looks at you surprised.
"Of course! Your natural body odor can't be hidden by a mere cheap perfume"
Shinso blushes heavily. "I'm sorry I confused you with the cannibal that is running around eating people" he looks down at your scales and is impressed by their glow.
"You're not the first cutie, now why don't you tell me your name?"
Hitoshi covers his face with one hand. "You can call me MindJack, it's my hero name"
You nod and shook yourself "hold on, I'm gonna dive!" He holds tightly on your horns as you nose dive till you were next enough from the building you transform to a smaller dragon when you land on the roof. "You can let go now"
He releases you and step back, but falls on his ass since he was using heels.
"Hey... your cute!" You get close to his face, close enough that he can feel your breath.
Blushing heavily he gets up and nods to her "Thank you but I-" he notices he's necklace activated and turns it off "Thank you, but I have to go" your face lights up when you hear his voice "I really need some evidence on that guy".
"I can help you then" you state simply
"What!? NO! You are a civilian, how can you help me?" Hitoshi crosses his arms
"Because, my dear pro hero, you are trying to capture my good for nothing brother" you start pacing around him, about 2 m of distance.
"How do I know that you're saying the truth?" Shinso squint his eyes at you "you could very well be lying"
You nod, stopping in front of him "I can show you where he puts the meat that he doesn't eat"
"I thought he ate all of it"
You shook your head "He likes to put it away, like a prize, know what I'm saying?"
Shinso nods "let's go to the police station and-"
You flare up at that, now a pose extremely intimidating, with your wings open and tail waving around, nervous. "I think the fuck not! You are going to find that place alone if you want the police involved!"
"NO! Please! That monster is already in his 999 victim!"
She squints at him "no police, and no other pro heroes, I'm not found of that type"
He nods quickly, this is the only lead they got in the last 4 years, but something has been bugging him "Where is he right now? He didn't eat no one the last 2 weeks."
"He's waiting, he wants the people to be less aware at night, it is his last victim, he wants a whole person this time"
Hitoshi gulps "Where is he?"
"Don't know" you shrug "but since people are back at the streets at night he will be back in-" you stop and look at the moon, figuring out the time "in a few hours, maybe 5 or 6"
That put the pro hero on edge "what will he do when he gets back?"
You think for a bit and goes back to pacing around him "probably sleep, call me, and when the night falls he will go out and take his 1000 victim" you stop by his side this time "but I can help you~"
Shinso stops and things about it for a bit, if what she's saying is true then someone will be eaten alive that same shitty day. "And how exactly are you going to help me?"
"That's easy! I will put something for him to sleep on his morning juicy, he will sleep, I tie him up, and give him to you, with also his address so that you can take all the evidence necessary"
"You can't put someone to sleep and delivery it to me!"
"Yes I can, I will be his 'last victim' and say that I thought he would kill me, so you will just tell the cops that you came and rescued me from him, TCHARAM! What do you think about that?"
Hitoshi stops in his tracks, the cold midnight air on his skin makes him shiver from cold. "But what do you want in return? It's impossible that you are doing this just because you want to help, if you wanted to help you would have at the beginning of his attacks"
You nod at him and stops by his side, enveloping him with a wing, looking him up and down "You are right, I want something- no... I want someone, I want to have some fun... with you" you gently grab him by his chin "It's cold, let's go inside, so I can get my payment" you put your hand on his ass and nudge him to the roof door.
"W-wait! I didn't agree to this!" You stop and look at him amused.
"Oh! So you have another choice? That's news to me, since you didn't have enough option to not dress up as a woman" you gently hold the hem of his dress with a finger.
Hitoshi trembles, now realizing that you are right, if he wants your much-needed help he will... have to sell his body. "B-but I never-!" Shinso blushes, hard.
You laugh mocking him"You are a virgin!? How old are you? 25? 24? That's gold! Well... for me" when you pass the door and start going down the stairs with a hand on his lower back, you also take that time to transform in to your human form, with only small horns, a thin tail and small wings visible.
You look like a succubus to him, but the normal clothing doesn't match the lustful look on your eyes.
Opening the door to your bedroom and pushing him in with you was easy.
He sits on the bed and take off his heels as he watches you walking around. "How is this going to go?" Shinso feels small, like when people called him a villain in his youth.
Hitoshi was thinking of how he's an idiot for not taking his capture weapon with him, and even if he did, he realizes that it would be useless right now, but having it would be some kind of comfort.
You see him lost in thoughts, fumbling with his fingers, he's so cute! Even if he's tall for a man, he's small to you, as you walk around the room and go to the bathroom to get the bath ready, you hear soft steps walking to you.
"Don't you want something else?" When you look at him, he doesn't meet your eyes, he looks even smaller right now, hugging himself, in clear discomfort.
"I'm a doctor, I don't need money, I don't want fame or exposure, nor do I want anything that you may have... well, besides your body" you chuckle and start stripping.
Hitoshi blushes and closes his eyes. "I-I can find you someone better, maybe another pro hero, I was a classmate with some of the top 10 heroes, maybe yo-"
"Don't want it" you say like it was obvious "I don't like heroes in general, you are the first one that I feel attracted to" you walk to him and get smaller, now you're just a little taller than him, his sight is directly at your breast, but sadly he's eyes are closed. "Do you need help, or you can take your clothes off yourself?"
Shinso shivers from just thinking about her passing her hands over his body "I can do it!" He tries to keep his voice strong.
"So go on" you sit at the border of the big bathtub "give me a nice show will you?"
He looks at your naked form still blushing and then looks at the bathtub "aren't we just going to fuck? Why do I have to take a bath?"
"You are too feminine right now, don't get me wrong I love a woman in my bed, but right now I'm hungry for some masculine men at my feet and losing control" you put something on the water and mix it with your hand.
Taking a shaky breath he starts to get undressed. Shinso is disgusted at himself, selling his body to a random woman who says she is the attacker's sister, but... he has no other lead to that Thing, this is the last hope. So Hitoshi takes a deep breath and start to taking the dress off, he never thought that this would be his first time... he wanted to be with a lover or at least a friend that took pity on him, not this... in a run down hotel, with a stranger that says they have a lead. Being a hero sure sucks.
"Hmmmm, what a nice body!" He looks at your back and sees your thin tail make a heart shape "now the pants and underwear at the same time"
With a shuddering breath he takes them off, covering his dick with his hands feeling exposed under your eyes.
"Now come here, I want to feel you"
He obeys now in front of you, as you stay sat on the bath border.
You take his hands in yours and smile "we can stop this at any moment, you can go on without losing your virginity to me" Shinso sighs relieved and smiles down at you "but of course, I won't tell you anything or help you an all" his smile drops and a frown takes place, he shook his head, and you lick your lips at that. "Now let's start to clean you, the fun will begin soon enough"
You hold his hand and get inside the bathtub, pulling him with you as you sit down.
Shinso stays a little far from you, but you're still holding his hand.
Taking deep breaths and relaxing was good and all, but you wanted more, so you pulled him closer and kissed him.
The hero did not pull back, and instead kissed you back, that made you eager, as you licked his bottom lip asking for entrance, Shinso started having doubts, so he didn't open his mouth, well. Until he felt you grabbing his balls and massaging it, gasping in surprise was enough for you to start a full tongue kiss.
He grows and whimpers against your mouth, he turns you on so much! Maybe you should keep him, but let's see if at the end he will be your good boy or a damn pro hero.
He's dick start to get hard from you massaging his balls, and the kiss is getting louder from all the saliva, that may also be turning him on, it's the first time someone else touches him there.
Your tongue is bigger and longer than an average one, is also pointy and very flexible, so it's easy to wrap yours around his one, and you suck it, at that he moans, you separate the kiss to let him breath, and the face he makes is incredible, making you extremely turned on, damn this man is going to be your end.
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"So cute, so sweet!" You day, and he gasps air and hold your hand when you squeeze his balls lightly.
"Please... that's enough... I should go and- AAAAHG!" he shouts surprised by the feeling of something on his nipple, but your arms didn't move, one was behind his shoulder holding his neck from behind, and the other fondling with his balls, so what-
Looking down he saw the tip of your tail, it was a straight tip, no heart or anything, just like a snake's tail, it was doing circles on his nipple, with just enough pressure to turn him on.
"You are so sensitive! Do you pinch your nipples when you masturbate?"
"What!? No- AAAAAHG!" his hips jerks, you had suddenly licked his nipple.
"Don't lie to me~♡ they wouldn't be this sensitive if you never touched them" taking his nipple in your mouth and sucking it has Shinso growling.
"YES! I do pinch my nipples when I masturbate!"
You hum with his nipple in mouth making him whimper at the vibration, he moves his hand to try and alleviate himself a little, but your hand that was on his balls is faster, grabbing his dick and jerking it with enthusiasm.
That has Hitoshi on cloud nine, with the tail now wrapping around his balls and moving Itself without stopping, your mouth sucking and licking his nipple, one hand on the back of his neck caressing him, and the other masturbating him. It was too much, Hitoshi never felt like this, it was overwhelming the amount of pleasure he was feeling, all of this brought him to the edge quickly.
"I-I'm... I'm gonna! Ah! Ah! More! Just a little more!" He close his eyes but as soon as the sensation came from the orgasm, it went away he shouts, throwing his head back frustrated and opens his eyes, desperately pumping his own dick trying to cum, but you stop him and kiss his knuckles.
He looks at you, with an open mouth and relaxed slutty eyes trying to focus on you. "Please... please let me cum!"
You chuckled at that and kissed his lips "sorry MindJack, but only good boys can cum, pro heroes can't, and since you told me your pro hero name and not your real one, I can't let you cum" you pout at the idea of your new toy not cumming "I will give you a prize if you tell me your name" wrapping your hand around his dick and pumping it slowly.
But reason was louder inside Hitoshi's mind, it didn't let him tell his name, it would be too dangerous for him, so he shook his head.
You sighed disappointed but nodded "it's okay, you're here to make me feel good, so I will let that one thing slip, but if you ever change your mind just tell me"
He took in a deep breath and nodded, getting ready for your next move.
You sit in between his legs an open them, looking directly at his butt hole you tilt your head to the side "Have you ever stick something in your ass?"
At that he blushes hard and shook his head "No-! I-I never put anything there"
"Well... now you will" you wink at him and submerge in the water, with his dick in hand you put your tongue on his asshole, he's hips jerk in surprise, so you use your other hand to keep them from moving.
The sensation was weird and uncomfortable, he could feel you tongue slithering inside his asshole, the unwelcomed sensation made his dick start to go soft, but you jerk him off, so that he would relax on your tongue, and focus on something else.
Shinso looked at you underwater and was surprised by how little the bubbles got out of your nose, maybe your quirk had something to do with that? The jerking of his dick got faster, making him focus totally on that, as a result you went deeper with your tongue on his inside, and by moving around he could feel like you were searching something, but his dazzled mind could only focus on your hand that was holding his hips now going up and pinching his nipple, he grows at that and whimpers as you press your nails on it from time to time.
The warm feeling on his lower stomach came back, the built-up coming a little faster this time around, but it skyrocketed as you hit his prostate, making him moan loudly with a surprised yep.
"I'M... GONNA CUM!" Even if you were underwater you heard him, you already knew that he was at the edge of an incredible orgasm, since his walls were trembling around your tongue, his dick pulsating in your hand and his hips moving, trying to get more of you inside him.
When his eyes started to turn to inside his head, mouth lightly open with gasps and whimpers, he was almost there, just a little bit, just a little bit, just a- "NO!" He sobs as you stop everything at once and sit up on the tub.
He's sobbing like crazy, trembling all over from another orgasm being ripped from him, this one was so big too, he could feel that it would be one of the bests in all his life.
You purr at him and pets his head softly, kiss his cheek and the tip of his nose, hugging him from the side, he hides his face at the crook of your neck and his sobs stop after a while.
Shinso sighs, trembling in disgust from how well he responds to your touches, your hands feels so good running through his hair and his body, your cat like purr comforts him to no end, everything about you feels so welcoming... 'what the fuck is happening to me?'
After washing his face from the makeup and cleaning your own body he sits at your feet while you sit on the chair in front of your computer, without bothering to put clothes on or tell him to dress himself, it won't be needed.
"Right now I need to check some emails, so you'll go down on me if you do a good job I can get you some early evidence" you finish drying your body and spread your legs to him and start reading emails.
Hitoshi saw enough porn in his life that he knows what to do, pulling himself closer to her pussy and opening his mouth was an incredible view to you.
Starting with shy cat licks, you sigh in comfort and pets his head, going tight back to typing.
With a little more confidence that you gave him through the head pats he starts to savor you, his tongue licks for longer each time, and he feels the little button against it.
Your cellphone starts ringing making him stop his ministrations, but you gently nudge his cheek "don't stop, and be careful with your teeth" you answer your phone, and he goes back to liking you, now you were wetter than before, maybe you like the risk of being caught.
Shinso sucks lightly on your clit and sees you smiling at him with adoration "Yeah I refused her... I know, but I can refuse someone whenever I want" you sigh relived when he starts to get the hang of it. "Not my problem, I told you that I don't like heroes, and I also told you that even if it was an emergency I wouldn't attend them.... that was because I didn't knew he was a hero... that one was a vigilante... of course they are differeEEENT!" you look at him shocked, Hitoshi put his tongue inside you and was purposely rubbing his nose on your clit "hmmmmm... yeah sorry, I almost tripped...no no I'm- mmmmmmmmh! I'm fine... yeah? Well... then sue me, I don't care" you hung up the call and patted your thighs "hands where I can see MindJack"
Shinso puts his hand on top of your thighs, and you can feel pre-cum on one hand and a bit of it also on the tip of his other hand "Oh! So you did like my tongue on your back door!" You interlace your fingers with his hair and lightly pull on it making him groan, the vibrations hit you just right "ooooh~! Right there baby... such a good little hero, getting me nice and wet so that I can eat your cock with my pussy" that has Shinso moaning against you, you moan back at him and goes back to answering emails, but still gasping and moaning from time to time.
By the looks of it he's getting more clumsy and desperate by now, he starts to eating you aggressively, and it starts to turn you off, so you pull him away from your pussy "enough, you can't make me cum with your mouth, but don't worry, since this is your first time it's normal to not get it right hero"
Hitoshi sighs and calm his breathing, he grab both your thighs and look up at you with such a deplorable face that has your inside heating up.
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"Hmmmmm~♡ what do you want my little hero?" You put your thumb in his mouth, and he sucks on it "want to have something wrapped around your dick like there's no tomorrow? Tell me what you want, and I will give it to you" you close your laptop and focus on him, Hitoshi trembles under your eyes.
"I want to lose my virginity... please" he says with your finger in his mouth.
You chuckle at his face "How adorable, you never asked my name and still want to fuck me, how dirty of you, does it turn you on not knowing my name?" You put your feet on his dick and start to rub him.
"Name... I want to know your name, I want to cum saying your name"
Your smile grow darker "then tell me yours" Shinso stops all his thinking again, looking at her surprised, he shakes his head, you huff and nod "Okay, okay, well... right now you can call me doctor, or doc, when you tell me your name I will tell you mine" you get up from the chair and goes through your purse "lay down on the bed, let's get started, you can sleep here, tomorrow we will do all that hero stuff"
Hitoshi goes and sit on the bed with his back to the headboard, both hands on his thigh, his dick pulsating with an almost purple head, and and pulsating against his stomach.
You come back with a butt plug and lubricant, you open his legs and lick your lips at the sight "this one is small so don't worry too much" you spread the lubricant on his dick and then down to his asshole "I'm glad that I put aphrodisiac in the water, you needed to relax"
"You did what!?" When you were about to fit your finger inside he tensed the muscle, making it impossible for you to enter
You huff "I just wanted you to relax, don't worry I didn't put enough to make you unconscious or unable to say no, you can still get up and go out, I will even call and pay for the cab" you sit back and point to the door.
"But I need your help!"
"That's a shame, because I just want your body, I don't actually want to help, but I will if I can get what I want, now decide, will you go, or can I keep going?" You point to the door and then at his genitals.
Hitoshi looks in despair at you, his big and strong arms and legs, or his pro hero training, even his experience, nothing was usable here, even if he used his quirk, it wouldn't work, since he can't make her write the culprit's name. Hitoshi Shinso, the student of UA, the pupil of Eraser head, MindJack, the pro hero that helps the top 10 heroes under the table, is unable to help himself, and unable to not need your help.
You see that he noticed all this in a few minutes, that powerful man under you, makes you wet enough to make your slick come down to your inner thighs.
"Please... keep going" Hitoshi says in defeat, and you gladly oblige, you put your mouth around his tip and lightly suck on it, the pro hero groans, the feeling being out of this world, now relaxed and focusing on your mouth you put two lubricated fingers on his asshole, and slowly going more and more in, until only your knuckles are outside it.
The feeling of your fingers now moving around was groundbreakingly good, you were so sweet with him, even if this was supposed to pleasure you, maybe you like to be in control? That's possible-!!! Hitoshi yelp loudly by how surprised he is, you took him all inside your mouth, and he isn't small! And you just deep throated him, your wet and warm cave has him trembling from head to toe, while moaning loudly, not being able to hold back his moans.
"I-I'm gonna cum! Please let me cum! Please!" He says with tears in his eyes yet to fall.
But again you stop taking him out of your mouth, when he's at the edge almost cumming, Hitoshi sobs, his hands that was holding his own thighs are trembling as he holds himself back.
"Sorry, I need your name if you want to come" with your finger spreading his asshole, you kiss his tip again, it was pulsating with an almost purple head and pre-cum coming out of it.
"I won't give you my nAME!" you not only put the lubricated butt plug inside him, but also turned on the little vibrator, by the small switch that your tail was holding out of his reach.
"I already told you that it's fine, that you just won't cum" you get up and squad on top off him, lining his dick at your lower lips, and start to rub his tip on your clit, that makes you shiver and breathe heavily, thinking about what will happen next.
"Wait! A condom! I don't know if you are clean, and I also am too young to be a father!" He holds your hips up, not letting you keep going.
You sigh and get up, going to your purse and coming back with a paper and shows it to him. "What it says right here?" You point at a specific part and put the paper very close to his face, so he can't read the rest
"STDs negative, AIDS negative and other sickness that I don't know the name off, all of them negative..." you make a ball with the paper and trows it at the trash can, and you got it right... maybe that's a signal, that you will succeed this time.
"But what if- hummn!" You press on the butt plug and chuckles at him trying to hold back his moan
"It's a safe day, and I'm on the pill" you pet his face and goes on top of him again "now lay down and let your doctor give you your medicine"
He gulps and lays down, you fluff his pillow under him and smiles, his face blushing from how much care you have on your eyes, there is something more, like the cat that got the cream, but he isn't sure, that look vanish, being replaced by a lustful look.
You again line you two, and when you sit on him, taking every inch you both moan in sync.
"Oh my god!" You think that this hero is the cutest, he does the best facial reactions you have ever seen, it's quite addictive, but when you start to move, Oh! The face he makes is the best one.
"Don't stop- please! I'm gonna cum!" He throws his head back but groans in frustration from you not only stopping the movement, but also stopping the vibrator.
"Your name?" You ask again, putting a hand on his chest and caressing his nipple with your thumb.
His conscience was screaming at him, but his body was screaming for release.
You see his body twitching under you, the feeling of his dick inside you was deliciously pulsating, you wig your hips "Come oooon~ tell me! Tell meee~" you give small jumps and wiggle your hips.
He groans at the feeling, his whole body begging for release, "Hitoshi! My name is Hitoshi Shinso!!"
You smile at him and starts to move, "Hitoshi-kun! Cum inside me! Please! Please! Please!" At that he snaps and hold your hips up, as he fucks into you.
"Name!? Please! Please doctor!" You turn on the vibrator, and he moans loudly like a woman.
"Y/n call me, Y/n-sama, since I'm older than you, you need to uUuuUuUse~ aaaahn~♡, Hitoshi-kun! Give me more! Please!"
He moans back to you, seeing you on top of him, your breasts bouncing, was extremely arousing, but looking closely, your horns starts growing with your wings and size, your dragon scales are back but only in a few places.
You are meeting his trusts half way, your pleasure is building up, when suddenly it skyrockets, you look down at him and sees that his hand went up to your back, he's holding on your wings and pulling it from time to time, which makes you desperate, moving up and down you lost the patience when you started going over the edge.
"Toshi! I'm gonna cum!" your tail flicks the vibration to the max and drops the switch, coming to press and nudge your little button.
It was too much for him, the vibrations from behind hitting his prostate, your gummy walls squiring him so tight, the way your body moves with his, and the way you call, for his name is so sweet that he couldn't hold back even if he wanted, so he came inside you, his hot cum was the trigger for you too.
Waking up on the next day was a nightmare, his body was exhausted and his mind slower than normal, so after a few minutes Shinso sat up on the empty bed and looked around.
Your things weren't on the room anymore, some masculine clothes were on top of a chair with a note.
Hitoshi took a while to notice, but he was surprised when he did, not only was his body clean, it was just tired, and not sore, even a little relaxed, after reading the letter it made sense, and he sighs while holding back a smile.
'Hope you liked your post-sex massage, pro-heroes need their bodies on the daily, also...
It would be bad if we couldn't take my brother down, lets me up again today, yes?'
XoXo L/n Y/n
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