“Young men are so unhappy and its why theyre turning to fascism and being incels : (” as a generally unhappy young man I am gonna keep on saying these guys are just jerks who became incels because they were jerks
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greyknighterotica · 4 years
I had this ex
I don’t talk a lot about my exes because I think dating me was already unfortunate enough for them. i also like to respect their privacy and humanity and think a lot of performers ‘forget the person’ in their routine.
But today I’m the hero, 2020 really, I’m the validated hero, and this is my heroic story with my ex. You’ll see why it’s relevant soon.
Like most of my long term exes, she wasn’t American.
American women aren’t willing to talk to you about America. If you talk about a problem with American women as a man, in a courtship process, you get a lot of bullshit in return. A lot of them think you’re just trying to score goodboy points and so they totally disregard you even if they like you because you ‘dont’ really mean it.’
But let’s get past that barrier and say you and I were on a date and we talked about serious shit and you believed me and I believed it. So what? at the end of the date, you still just want to make more money, have a nicer house with a better school district. You’ll still just think all my ravings about how if we move school districts we’re hurting the one we’re in, that there’s no way to actually help students learn with our choices, only to help our own kids, and only to hurt other American kids to do it.
“Hurt other kids that seems--” Yeah, well, funding is dependent on where you live in America. That’s how it works. And to even go into these processes is to get the most inane questions about, well, why don’t you fix it then?
Same reason nobody else fixed it. Nobody can. The system is old, and parts of it are constitutionally mandated, so nobody touches the parts that are attached to that, and here we are, our current system of ever increasing inequity, no matter what you do.
Which lead to a single reaction from every single American woman I ever dated saying the exact same thing, big smile, light in their eyes, isn’t this so charming and funny:
Guess we better make more money then
And that’s that. Time to move on. Because there is no fixing it and money will save your kids, so save your kids, maybe they might say you should run for office if you care so much. And that’s the end of that.
Non America women, they tend to have different views
This one, that I loved very much, didn’t.
She was so enamored with America that even beliving it was a pretty nasty place, she just couldn’t see what it was, and when we talked about living together, maybe more, she couldn’t understand why I always pressed her home country.
One of these conversations took place while she was unemployed and hadn’t looked for a job in six weeks, but wasn’t worried, because she was going in for new jobs training from the government, who had been giving her 85% of her salary, enough to make all her bills and then some.
Once, she adamantly defended the idea that 14.00 an hour was enough to live in the PNW, alone. The next day, she complained about having to spend the equivilent of 3 USD getting her skin laser treated by a professional dermatologist after a few doctor’s appointment.
When I tried to tell her about the money, about living on the street, about how hard it is to find a job if you lose it, about how the economy grows rapidly and then shrinks and people are left, that the homeless are not crazy that the jailed are largely just poor and can be forced to do landscaping for free because that’s the way that people like it----it’s a rant. It’s a diatribe.
But it’s true.
And I guess, unless you’ve lived fighting against it, you can’t see it? Or just refuse to? Or justify it? Or somehow you can put it out your head when  you get fast food? I don’t know. I’m not sure what the difference between me and the average American is.
But I can tell you that I’m tired of it. That it makes no sense to fight against it.
yeah, kids, I think about checking out a lot these days because you’re asking me to hang in there for your better, not mine.
There is no better for my people.
My people, the alone and kicked down and absolutely powerless to do anything in the system can’t fight back.
Look at this place, devoted to me, and I can’t even get my message out.
Fight back?
The best way we have to do so is to slit our wrists so they we die in one bite, instead of a twenty thousand American-sized bites called days.
Taking our labor and efforts away from you IS how we fight back in this system, since you won’t let us fight back any other way, since you wont’ even listen to us in our own spaces and places when we say what is happening.
Choosing death instead of having it be forced on you is resistance.
And as the “Deaths of Despair” keep ticking up, know that you’re seeing fellow resistance fighters.
The most fucked up thing about this? If you know someone who committed suicide or ODed recently, you probably are mad at ME for saying it.
That’s how strong the mind control in America is.
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