#'this is all hc tho u have no evidence ur insane' bro look at s4 this man shld be falling apart w so much ptsd but hes just like uhh
nyxi-pixie · 2 years
the concept of vecna gets me miggling so many maggles bc here u have some loser dude who never had any friends who is just privy to all these other loser kids' deepest darkest secrets and hes clearly hoping for gold w this heavily traumatised kid that he zooms into the hell dimension.
hes like aw yeah this kids gonna have some dark shit up in there. but all it is, is will going 'wow mikes so pretty cant believe all those people were right abt me bein a fruit salad aw shucks D:' (im so sorry william this is not to make light of ur issues with internalised homophobia and self hatred weve all been there)
but still like. hes been thru Mega Trauma and vecna has been INSIDE HIS BRAIN rooting around through his cerebral cortex and its all abt this dude who is Just Some Guy
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