#'so why am i typing like i'm talking to an audience?' you nonexistent person may ask
ghostmeep · 5 years
Aaaaaaaaa okay another quick [I apparently don’t understand the meaning of quick] commentary post about chapter 367, this time with screenshots, because there is s o much to unpack he r e [I though I was done, but haHA guESS NoT]
Spoilesrsrs ahea d [this is just me gushing over Furudate and Kageyama [with a bit of Yama, Tsukki, and Suga] and how i am kinda okay with the reason Karasuno lost because it makes sense to me, and just more gushing in general awoeinaowien] 
First, that colour sprea  d 
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Beautiful as always, but ju s t damn can I take a moment to appreciate it fully? 
The quote at the top too. It’s basically saying the same thing as the chapter title (’our spring is over’) but it’s less final than the chapter title. Saying it this way, at the start of the chapter, when the chapter title isn’t known yet - it still gives the sense of hope. ‘This same spring will never come again’ so we gotta win now because it won’t come again it’s just another motivation for them to WIN. Coupled with the image itself? With everyone (minus Hinata) pushing forward full with determination????? YoU ARE STILL ANTICIPATING KARASUNO TO WIN
And okay, just a small insert here - because you all should be warned that Kageyama is favourite and I’m 100000% biased in everything I say because of it.
BuT KageyaMA IN fRonT. I have to admit, my biased self was really kinda hoping for Kageyama to lead Karasuno to victory. THoUGh ofc that isn’t what Haikyuu!! Is about - you don’t just win (or lose) because of one person. but because of how reliable he seemed ALL thROuGHoUT nationals and during ch 366 esp, i was really kinda hoping Karasuno would win because Kageyama would be able to fully draw out ALL of his spikers’ potential (as he has been striving to be able to do) [though I think he still got close!!!! With his teamwork with Tsukishima making leaps and bounds, and being able to send a quick to Yamaguchi as soon as he stepped on the court] 
BuT ANYWAYS I digress [from what? dunno, there really isn’t a point to this post]
Oh wait, actually one more gush about Kageyama
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CAn we talk about how smooTHLY Yamaguchi stepped onto the court????????????? BABY CROW IS ALL GROWN UP He’s officially over the intimidation of stepping onto the court - even when now it was more than just to serve!! So much so that it wasn’t highlighted at all!! SO PROUD!!! Can you imagine just how much more he’ll be able to grow in the comings years??? [Though now I suppose we don’t have to imagine aowienaowien we’ll get to see it in canon]
Ah also, I said this in my previous post, but since that post was 100% a mess since it was just me word vomiting onto tumblr [not that this is that much different--] I want to say again, that even though I am biased to Kageyama, and I wanted him to be able to bring Karasuno to victory, I understand why he couldn’t [besides the fact that no one person can do it alone moral] 
But Kageyama’s jump serve is still, give or take, less than a year old 
It’s been in the making for less than a year, it’s not at its peak yet. The fact that he was able to make national veterans like Kamomedai struggle as much as he did is amazing. 
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They weren’t aiming for a perfect receive off of Kageyama’s serve. Nozawa, who is a third year in this powerhouse school - who has probably had plenty of practice receiving powerful serves - was just aiming to ‘get a hand on it’ 
But, Nozawa is a third year in a powerhouse school with plenty of experience. He was able to ‘get a hand on’ Kageyama’s still developing serve. So it makes sense that Kageyama’s serve wasn’t enough to give Karasuno the win
ANd it makes sense why Karasuno lost
I would have been slightly upset if Karasuno lost just because Hinata wasn’t able to play, but I don’t think that is what Furudate-sensei was trying to show us. 
It wasn’t even just the fact that Tsukishima got a muscle strain and had to be pulled from the match either.
It’s been said again and again in canon, actually. It’s the same as Kageyama’s serve - Karasuno, in general, are still developing. Yes, the fact that they are always changing and coming up with new things helped them get this far, but it’s also true that because almost all of their new attacks that have been getting them points - are still not perfected yet. 
Karasuno is still new, half their starters are 1st years, and all of that, paired with the fact that they just got a really bad break with the line up (facing a the second seeded school, then the next day facing with their rivaled school in a long rally heavy match, then facing Kamomedai on the same day?? OOF) All of that is the reason Karasuno lost. It wasn’t just because Hinata was taken out.
I FULLY expect Kageyama giving Tsukishima setting tipS
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Because it’s true that the setter isn’t the only one who sets the ball, it can’t always return to the setter perfectly after all. I WANT KAGEYAMA TO GIVE TSUKISHIMA SETTING TIPS AWOIEANWOEIN
Not that Tsukishima isn’t doing an amazing job without them [seTTING IS DIFFICULT] but still
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Tsukishima PLEASE
You really are just like Hinata. You really can’t deny it at this point aowienAOIWENAWE
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I mean seriously, loOK AT THAT FACE
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Anddddddddddd Suga-san being as cool as always awoienaowien
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It hurts, because he is correct. In this situation Yamaguchi was 100% the right choice [too bad it ended before Yamaguchi could really shine] 
And it hurts, because Suga won’t regret his words here even with their loss.
Speaking of their loss;;;;;;;;
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Everyone’s expressions awoeinaowiena and the third years, being the main focus, because this title is about them, it’s all of Karasuno’s ended spring, but it was their lAST spring. 
But look at their faces.
I really appreciate Furudate-sensei’s choice here. They aren’t gritting their teeth or expressing frustration or sadness in any way [yet] Because of their stoic expressions, it really drives it all home. Our Spring is Over. Just a fact being stated. It’s just....so final.
I’ve seen some people hope that there is a foul that will be called next chapter, but I can’t see that happening. The only foul that would help Karasuno right now is if Hoshiumi hit the net, but there is no indication that he was even close to doing so, and it would feellllllll kinda cheap to take away the finality in this chapter like that. 
So, Karasuno’s spring is over. 
But I have to admit, as much as this is painful, and as much as I’ve been obsessed over this loss for days now, I am still excited for what is to come????
I want to see the third years expressing that they’ve had no regrets with their team. That they are proud of their underclassmen and looking forward to what they’ll do next year
I want to see everyone seeing the third years off during graduation.
I want to see Ennoshita being CAPTAIN
I want to see the current first years being SENPAI 
like can you imagine Kageyama walking on eggshells around them at first because lets face it he was not the kindest senpai in middle school anD HE’S CHANGED AND HE WANTS TO TRY AND DO BETTER [but then Hinata does something stupid and he ends up yelling in front of them anyways] BuT new first years still SUPER impressed with Kageyama’s toss aoweinOAWIEAWE I WANT a baby setter to go up to Kageyama and ask him for help and tiPS and Kageyama giViNG them in his dumb clumsy way 
I want Tsukishima to act cold and cruel but the first years still being impressed with him and he just doesn’t know how to compute. He’s not used to anyone but Yamaguchi being so impressed with him. 
HinATA would just be like Tanaka and Noya probably awoeinaoWENAWe but it would be so cute because he would still completely get all excited and call Tanaka and Noya senpai all the time when he’s impressed with them s o aoweinawei 
I want Yamaguchi to get all the lo v e he desERVES and a baby new first year to go up to him and say ‘i was never really good at volleyball and was never a regular but i saw you play as the pitch server and i got inspired thinking maybe i can do that too’
ANd I know that we won’t be getting all [or even any] of that but i’m still hyped alright aoweinaowen
But seriously, I want to see what kind of first years Karasuno will get [and mmaYBE hoPEfuLLY it’ll be a decent amount? Not like ten because fact of the matter is is that they DIDN’T win, but three or so would be cool.] 
I want to see Karasuno FINALLY getting the gold that they deserve after seeing this loss that they had to face. 
I would even want to see the current first years be third years, if Furudate-sensei takes us that far. JuSttttttttt sooo many opportunities from here on out??? 
Basically, i’m just 100% stuck in volleyball hell.
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