#'rayllum's gotten all the clips-' & i'd have sympathy for this take if people didn't bitch about it Every Time
raayllum · 3 months
anyway so much of fandom is about emotional regulation and letting other people be happy. someone else's fave character gets a clip or promo poster or plot point or whatever? if it's promo, there's plenty of slices of pie and a lot of reasons why certain things are released over other things (spoilers, popularity, marketing ease, intrigue, etc). it's not a competition, it's not a personal slight. if you treat it like the former, you'll be deeply bitter and unpleasant; if you treat it like the latter, you're putting way too much importance and belief that a children's tv show promo marketing schedule should revolve around you and nobody else's (like executive) preferences, which is an interesting take, to say the least
furthermore: you think if this thing might not happen this season, or you'll be devastated if it does happen, because you got attached to a character or plot beat the story seemingly isn't? you're frustrated with waiting? it's tough luck but the story isn't here to service your particular wants, needs, and preferences; neither is the broader fandom. know and find your appropriate spaces to vent or complain (i.e. not the official fan server dear lord). things will happen as they happen. being aware of the story contract you signed onto and being respectful of it is important if you don't wanna be an ass. fandom entitlement always reeks and pushes other people (like me) away from making the very stuff you'd like to see and read, and you'll just end up with even less than you already have, not more
if you're not invested in all of, or the main aspects of, a show in equal calibre, you can't help that, and you can't help where your hyperfixation or preferences fall. but you do have a responsibility to understand how to stay in your lane(s) and not rain on other people's parades just because they Like All The Things and are accordingly excited/grateful for whatever they're getting, thanks
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