#'oh yeah this happened thirty seven hours ago sorry i forgot to mention it until now'
prongsno · 7 years
fangirlinghufflepuff replied to your post “How do people imagine the Mulciber attack with Mary went about? What...”
Saw the people talking about the Marauders finding her, and I really like that idea. But I've always imagined it was Lily and Remus who found her while doing their rounds together.
yes!!! lily takes her to the hospital wing, remus continues on and goes back to the common room and sirius is like forty minutes later ‘so, how was rounds?’
and remus is like ‘it was okay, found a couple snogging on the third floor. oh and we found mary macdonald, she’d been cursed by mulciber so lily took her to the hospital wing’
and sirius just spits out like idek tea (can you drink tea in the common room? I SHOULD HOPE SO) and is like ‘WHAT? YOU TELL ME THIS NOW?’ and drags remus and james with him to the hospital wing
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1-800-hellraiser · 3 years
Underfell!Sans x Female!Reader
Hello! I'm back with an Underfell Sans oneshot! I'm an absolute S I M P for this man. Anyways, PLEASE READ THE DISCLAIMER BEFORE THE ONESHOT!!! Underfell is NOT my Au, it belongs to @VictheUnderfella. Undertale is made by Toby Fox, Sans and Underfell!Sans aren't my characters! The reader will use She/Her pronouns (sorry dudes and nb pals). Have fun reading :)
This oneshot contains mentions of verbal and physical abuse, mentions of the aftermath of abuse, smoking, and swearing! If you are triggered by/ uncomfortable with reading about these topics, I suggest you don't read this oneshot. If you're not triggered by/ uncomfortable with reading about these topics, you can proceed forwards. 
     I also made a reader insert, your character is not a human. The character can be found here. I will write this in a way where it includes everyone, I just made the ref sheet so I can at least have something to go off of in terms of outfit/makeup/species of monster.
I Wanna Be Yours
Word count: 3,936
Song: I Wanna Be Yours - Arctic Monkeys
"Secrets I have held in my heart are harder to hide than I thought. Maybe I just wanna be yours. I wanna be yours."
      Flick. Your lighter lights with a simple motion of your thumb. You hold the lit cigarette to your dark colored lips and take a puff. You developed the nasty habit of smoking when you first became a part of the Royal Guard. Being a Guardswomen is tough, considering you actually had a kid fall down into the underground a day ago. You never thought it would happen to be honest, maybe you can finally get out of this hell hole and away from the insufferable assholes that inhabit it. Except for Sans. Sans has been your only escape, your safe haven. You met him through his brother, Papyrus. When you first became a Royal Guardswomen, you met Papyrus and Sans. After having a somewhat awkward conversation with the smaller skeleton, you both hit it off instantly. You two actually share a sentry station near the Ruins.
      Both of you share puns and stories with one another. Stories about the good, the bad, and sometimes, the ugly. Sans isn't the most trusting person. It took you a while for him to open up to you about his past. About a year and a half to be exact. Once he told you a bit about his past, you felt so bad for him. Even though he doesn't want pity, you can't help but feel bad. His brother is a very verbally and physically abusive person, especially when things don't go his way. Papyrus usually takes his anger out on someone, and that someone is usually Sans. You want to take him away from this situation. You want him to live an abuse-free life. You want him to be happy. As soon as you leave the underground, you want to take him away with you, if he lets you, of course. But for now, you just have to be there for him when he needs you to be. 
      "Ay Y/n, you okay?" Sans says, waving his skeletal hand in front of your face. "Uh, yeah, I'm good, I just kinda zoned out." You mumble, taking another drag of your cigarette. Sans looks at you skeptically before returning back to what he was doing. Suddenly Sans turns to you "Ya wanna go to Grillby's?" He asks. "Yeah, I got nothin' else to do." You respond. He takes your hand and teleports into the small diner. You two take a seat at your usual spot at the bar. "I'll take my usual," Sans says to Grillby, you order your f/f. You and Sans just chill and talk while enjoying your meals. After cackling at Sans' story of Papyrus somehow getting his head stuck in a bucket, he goes quiet. You ask him what's wrong. "Can I ask you somethin' Bud?" He asks. "Shoot at me." You reply. "What would you do if you lost the person you love most?" He questions, you're a bit stunned at the serious question. 
     "I think I'd go crazy. I don't think I could live without the person I love most. Why do you ask?" You question the edgy-looking skeleton. "No reason, I'm just curious 's all." He says, shrugging. You nodd skeptically, you knew he was going to say something else, but then decided against it.  After your meal, you realize it's actually pretty late. About six pm, to be exact, both of your sentry shifts ended two hours ago. "Shit! I gotta go, Papyrus is going to crucify me if I'm not back by six. Same time tomorrow, Dollface?" You chuckle, "Same time everyday, Sans," You retort. "I wish he meant to call me Dollface." Wow, that thought came out of nowhere. A blush spreads across your p/f/c (pastel favorite color) cheeks. You and Sans always call each other pet names, platonically, of course. Sighing, you begin walking to your apartment. There was a small apartment complex behind Grillby's that you live in. You used to live in Waterfall, but moved to Snowdin once you got paired with Sans to your sentry station. Even though sentry can change in an instant, you and Sans mostly stay in Snowdin. 
       Arriving at your apartment, you fish your keys out of your pants pocket. You open the door and sigh a sigh of content. After chucking off your boots near the door, you trudge to your bedroom and change into a pair of black sweatpants and a baggy blue shirt that says "Big Dick Is Back In Town" on it in Times New Roman font. You turn out the lights and collapse on your bed. Within seconds, you're fast asleep. At seven thirty am your alarm rings in your ear. You proceed with your morning routine, you shower, do your hair, put on some makeup, and get dressed. When you go to get dressed, you realise something. "Fuck I forgot to wash my work clothes yesterday!" You groan. You literally have four of the same pairs of pants and shirts you wear for work. You sigh exasperatedly, you have to wear the same ones you did yesterday again. Grabbing your phone, you set a reminder to wash your work clothes tonight at six thirty.
      After that, you put on your boots and leave your apartment. Taking a few shortcuts, you arrive at your shared sentry station, cigarette in between your clawed fingers. You sigh, Sans isn't even at the station yet. Anxiously, you wait at the station. About ten minutes later, Sans finally appears at the station, panting and shaking. "Are you okay?" You ask, concerned. "Does it look like I'm fuckin' okay to ya'?" He snaps back. Shocked, you stay silent. You know he doesn't mean to snap at you when he's mad, it's best to give him some space for a bit. You excuse yourself from the station, saying you forgot your phone at your apartment. "Make it quick, I don't want Papyrus to catch you." He says, your breath hitches. Oh, so that's what happened this morning. "I'll be careful, I promise." You reassure, taking a shortcut through the woods to Grillby's. You go in, and order Sans' usual and your f/f to go. As soon as you get the food you leave for the station again. You pop out the same way you entered, right behind the station.
     "I'm back." You announce, setting the plastic bag containing food in the front of the sentry station. "Where'd that come from?!" "Uh...Grillby's?" You say, "No-I mean-" sans sighs "I thought you had to go grab your phone from your apartment." He says, you chuckle. "Yeah, I lied. I thought you needed a little pick-me-up, considering the way you came to the station this morning." You explain, tail swishing a bit behind you at the uncomfortable subject. "Oh, well, thank you. I appreciate it, Doll." He says in a sincere manner. You love when he's soft with you when no one is around. In the Underground, it's considered "weak" to show genuine emotion outside of your home. You wish it wasn't like that, but sadly, this is the reality you have to live in for now. For now, you can only be there for Sans when he needs to show his emotions. He can't even show emotions in his own home, Papyrus will be a dick and judge him for it. It's not fair at all. 
       "Ya alright, Y/n?" Sans asks, pulling out of your thoughts. "Hm? Oh yeah." You respond, now realising how angry you must look. "Yeah, you looked pissed. Is somethin' up?" He asks, you sigh. You knew you'd have to bring this up eventually. "I'm just, so angry at your brother." "Why?" You look down at Sans. "Sans, he treats you like utter garbage! Why do you keep going back to him?" You sigh out exasperatedly. "Because I care about him, even if he doesn't care about me." He says sadly. Your e/c eyes widen. You get it now. He's the only one he has left that's his family. "Sans, I'm sorry. I know Papyrus is your brother, I'm just worried. All the scars he leaves you with. What if he damages you permanently?" You explain, biting on your black claw. Another habit you obtained from joining the Royal Guard. You look at Sans for an answer, you see a gentle red blush spread across his face. "I appreciate you caring Bud, I really do. But I can handle it myself." He says, looking you in the eyes. His red pinpricks aligning with your e/c irises. You sigh and avert your gaze down.
     "Okay, if you say so. But if anything ever happens, call me, I'll let you stay with me, okay?" You say, giving Sans your number, witten down on a tiny slip of paper. He says he will. The rest of the day goes off without a hitch. You and Sans finish your shift (on time this time) and part ways until tomorrow. You almost kick your boots off at the door before your phone starts going off. You quickly pull it out of your pants pocket, you sigh in relief. It's just the alarm you set for your laundry. You take your bin full of laundry to the basement of the complex and throw your clothes in one of the cleaner looking machines. As you put your laundry bin down next to the washer, your phone starts to go off. You check and Sans is trying to call you. You immediately answer the call. "Hey dude, what's up?" You say into the speaker. "Y-y/n, could I come over?" You hear his raspy, pained voice through the receiver.
      "Yes, of course! Do you need any help? You sound hurt?" You say panicked. "No Dollface, I got it." He says, you do not accept that. "Too bad. I'm coming over anyway." Before he could protest, you hang up the phone and speed out of your apartment complex. Thankfully, Sans' house isn't that far. After a short, speedwalk, you're staring down his front door. You rasp on the wooden door, waiting for a response. You were going to knock again, Sans opens the door, you let out a small gasp. Sans looks terrible, he was covered in his own blood. "Come on, you're staying with me tonight," you say, taking his boney hand. As soon as you start walking, you notice he also has a limp. If Papyrus were some random ass monster and not Sans' brother, you'd be covered in dust by now. You have a very motherly instinct, but only for Sans. You've never felt this way about somebody else before, you have no idea why either. 
       Once you and Sans reach your apartment, you bring him to your bathroom and seat him on the toilet (lid closed, of course). Grabbing your medical kit and some alcohol, you return to the bathroom and sit on the edge of your tub. "Could you take your sweater off? It'll be easier to clean your wounds." You ask, Sans slowly takes off his crimson red sweater. Suddenly, your bathroom gets really warm. You gasp at Sans' three cracked ribs, a bunch of cuts all over the others. You look up at him with concern written across your p/f/c face. "I don't want to talk about it right now." Sans mumbles, looking down. You take Sans' cheek bones in your hands, you tilt his head up to look at you. "That's okay, I'm just worried about you. You really don't deserve this Sans." You say, pulling your hands away from his face. You pour some alcohol on the washcloth and press it to one of the cuts on his ribs. He curses under his breath as you continue to clean him up. You'll have to call Alphys later about Sans' ribs, see what she can do about them. 
      "Alright Sans, just chill on my couch for right now. Uh, I gotta go real quick, I'll be right back," you say awkwardly, he gives you a thumbs up. Unlocking your door, you head down to switch your laundry. Once you come back up, you notice Sans wasn't sitting on the couch anymore. You panic and begin looking around your apartment, you stop in the entrance of your tiny kitchen, Sans was making something. "Sans, what are you doing?" You ask, he jumps a bit, then winces. "I'm making us dinner?" Sans says, the room starts to get warm again. "Sans, you don't have to do that. You should sit down and relax." You encourage, he shakes his head at your proposition. "Nah Dollface, this is the least I can do for you." He says, continuing to cook a mysterious food. You come up behind Sans, "Sans please, I appreciate the gesture, but you have three broken ribs, you need to sit down and chill out." Sans sighs "Fineeeeeee." He whines, you chuckle at him. "What were you gonna make anyway?" "Nothin much, just some Spaghetti and meatballs." "Okay, gotcha." You say, taking over the kitchen to make dinner. 
      Wiping your forehead of sweat, you finished cooking dinner. You walk into the living room, and set his and your plate on the coffee table in front of the couch. You sit next to him and start eating. "Holy fuck Doll, this shit's amazing!" Sans exclaims, shoving more pasta into his mouth. You chuckle and thank him, as you keep eating. After you both are finished eating you run down to the basement one more time to grab your laundry and return to your apartment. On your way. Back to tour apartment however, you notice that Sans has been calling you 'Doll' and 'Dollface' a lot more than he used to. You shrug it off as him being thankful for your hospitality. You return to your apartment for the last time with your laundry basket in your hands. "I'll be right back, I just gotta put away my laundry." You say, Sans looks over the back of the couch at you and gives you a nod of understanding. You quickly fold your clothes so Sans doesn't have to wait awkwardly on your couch. As soon as you're done, you put the basket in your closet and leave. When you return to your living room, you discover Sans asleep on the couch.
      A small smile forms on your face as you go get him a blanket. After that, you change into a red tye-dye pair of sweatpants and a tank top. Soon after you lay down, you drift into a deep slumber. A few hours later, you are ripped from your sleep by a scream. You pull off your blanket and run to the living room. "Sans?!" You say worriedly and panicked. You see him tossing and turning on the couch, he's having a nightmare. Sans has told you about these haunting nightmares before, it usually happens after a bad day with Papyrus. Not really knowing how to deal with this situation, you sit on the edge of the couch and try to reach for him. As soon as your hand makes contact with his shoulder, he pulls away and curls up into a tiny ball. "Sans, it's just me." You say gently, scooting a bit closer to his trembling and sobbing form. You try to comfort him again, and he doesn't pull away this time. You pull him a bit closer to you. He rests his head on your chest and clenches his arms around you. You massage his skull with your fingertips and whisper sweet nothings to him. 
       After a while of comforting him, he falls asleep again. So you lay on the couch, Sans' head resting on top of you, blanket draped over your two sleeping bodies. After a few minutes, you fall back to sleep. You awake to one of Mettaton's shows. You were never interested in the performer robot that much, but this episode was a (what looks to be) a well made CGI human defusing a bunch of bombs. After a while, you forget about Sans laying on your chest, until he wakes up and jumps off of you like a startled cat. "Jesus! Just scare the shit outta me why don't ya?" You say, sarcasm lacing your tone. "Ah, sorry 'bout that Doll." "You're fine Sans." You chuckle. Looking up at Sans, you notice a light red blush across his cheekbones. Your heart skips a beat as you look at him, then you get up not wanting to make this any more awkward than it already is. Opening the fridge, you look for something to eat. You have eggs, bacon, and pancake mix in one of your cupboards, you take out all the ingredients you need for breakfast and start cooking. Sans insists on helping, but you tell him he needs to to relax because of his broken ribs.
      After a half hour, breakfast is completely done. You fix you and Sans a plate and bring it to the couch. Sans looks very fixated on Mettaton's show. This was a rerun of a previous show. You set the breakfast down in front him, he immediately begins choking down food. "Holy shit Sans! Slow down your going to choke." You scold. "But we're gonna be late to work if we don't." He explains, scarfing down his meal. You give him a confused look. "Work? We're not going to work today, we have to call Alphys over to see what she can do about your ribs." You say, you can feel Sans look at you like you had just told him you had a death wish. "I can't, Papyrus would freak out-" "Papyrus can suck my dick!" You cut him off out of anger. "Your health is WAY more important to me than what Papyrus might do." You snap, Sans sits in shock. You've never snapped at him like that before. Looking at his face, you realise what you just did. "Sans I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap at you like that, I just got to frustrated." You explain, Sans' face softens at your words. "Nah it's okay, I completely understand where you're coming from." Sans sighs, and rubs the back of his neck anxiously.
      To defuse the thick tension, you tell Sans you have to call Alphys and you'll be back shortly. You shuffle awkwardly to your room to make the call. Pressing the contact "Weeb Lord'' with a picture you took off of Alphys' social media (it's a picture of a trash can with several red sparkly filters over it) and press the call button. "Yo Alphys" "What is it Y/n?" She says annoyedly. "So, I need you to come over to look at Sans' ribs." You say, "What? Why?" "Papyrus and him got into it yesterday and he's staying with me for a while." You explain, Alphys makes a noise of understanding from the receiver. "Alright, I'll be over in 10." She says, you can hear her shuffling around. "'Ight see you when you get here." You end, hanging up the phone, not really wanting to go back out and just awkwardly sit with Sans, you decide to have a smoke. Grabbing you cigarettes and lighter, you begin to head out of your apartment. "Where are ya going?" Sans asks, still staring at the T.v. "I'm just going to have a smoke, I'll be back soon." You reassure yourself as you leave the apartment. Maybe taking a smoke wasn't such a good idea. It's cold as balls outside, you shiver as you take drags of your cigarette. 
     After you're done, you are about to go inside, but a certain nerdy lizard shows up. She follows you up to your apartment and in through the front door. "Ay look what the cat dragged in." Sans teases, Alphys glares at him. "Nah I'm just joking with ya, how've you been?" "Okay, yourself?" She asks back, Sans shrugs. "Eh, could be better." "Yeah, I heard. Would you mind taking your sweater off for me?" She asks, he reluctantly takes off his sweater again. Alphys studies the three cracked ribs for a second. "Hmmm. I think the best I can do for you is to wrap you up. Other than that, there's nothing I can do." She explains, beginning to wrap Sans' ribs. "You'll have to not go to work for a few days, take it easy. No lifting, no fast movements, nothing." She drones on. "Your best option is to stay with Y/n for now so they can help you heal properly." She states, finishing up wrapping Sans' ribs.
      You let out a relieved breath you didn't even know you were holding. You had hoped that Alphys would tell him to stay with you, Papyrus would probably just hurt him more in all honesty. "I'm going to give you some morphine to help ease the pain a bit." She says, handing Sans an orange pill bottle. "Take two when you wake up, and when you go to bed, if you notice the pain going away, then only take one per day." She explains. You and Sans both nod. "Thank you, Dr. Alphys." you say, Alphys nods. She takes her tote bag full of medical equipment, bids you and Sans goodbye, then leaves. You sigh, and sit next to Sans on the couch. You begin to think, why do you feel so nervous around him all of a sudden. Your heart skips a beat whenever he calls you "Doll" or "Dollface", his laugh gives you butterflies, you want him to talk to you forever, just listening to his New York accent makes you want to kiss him. You can't take hiding your feelings from him anymore, you have an undying love for Sans. 
       "S-sans, I gotta tell you something." You stutter out, Sans turns to you. "Yeah, what is it Dollface?" He asks, your heart beats faster and faster every passing second. "I think I wanna be yours, Sans." You manage to get out. As soon as those words leave your mouth, you regret everything. "Y/n, I...I think I wanna be yours too." Sans mumbles, scooching a bit closer to you. You move closer and closer to each other until your thighs are squished together. Sans cups your cheek with his hand, you place one hand on his shoulder and the other behind him. Sans sets his other hand on your thigh, you lean in and give him a smooch on his sharp teeth. You pull away before Sans' hand moves from your cheek to the back of your neck, pulling you into a more passionate kiss. The passionate kiss turns into a makeout session. Both of your mouths moving in sync, tongues sliding over each other, soft moans come from both of your mouths.
       After a minute of missing, you two pull away, a string of clear and translucent red saliva connecting to your mouths. "Oh my god....that was amazing." You pant, leaning back into the couch. Sans nods his head in agreement. "I'm so glad you confessed to me, Sweetheart. I've had feelings for you since we were stationed at our sentry station together." Sans explains, your heart skips a beat at your new nickname. You blush. "I'm so glad I met you." You say, leaning your head on his shoulder. "Same here Doll." Sans responds, leaning his skull on your head. You're both finally safe and happy.
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 5 years
Love Her (Part 1)
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Summary: When the reader and her younger brother and sister are moved to a new foster home after discovering some news about their father, she is convinced their new foster dad is only interested in adopting her sister. But he has a few secrets of his own he’ll have to work through as the reader starts to learn what family really means...
Pairing: Doctor!Dean x foster daughter!reader
Word Count: 2,600ish
Warnings: language, mentions of death
“Over my dead body,” you scoffed, crossing your arms as you sat back in your seat in her office. Paula stared at you and you gave it right back. “I’m serious.”
“A man is interested in adopting Rae, Y/N. He will foster-”
“We have a dad in case you forgot,” you said.
“He will foster her for the time being. You know how this works,” she said.
“What about Ryan? What about her fucking twin, hm?” you shot back.
“Language,” said Paula.
“They are almost five years old. They are twins and you want to rip them apart? Rip us apart?” you said.
“You are fifteen, almost sixteen. You understand the likelihood of your biological father regaining full custody,” she said.
“So you’re going to auction us off like cattle in the meantime? Sure, give the kids a new dad, different dads. Who gives a shit?” you said, glaring at her.
“I do, Y/N. I have kept you three together from the time you entered foster care five years ago,” she said. “My job is to look after the best interest of the child. This man will be able to do that for Rae, much more so than your other foster homes have.”
“Let me guess. He’s some rich guy,” you said.
“He’s a doctor.”
“Shocker,” you said as you stood up. “The second you come down to our house and try to take her away from Ry and me, you’re gonna have problems.”
“You can’t take her,” you said as the door opened, the receptionist standing there with a man.
“Your three o’ clock is here, Paula,” she said. 
“One more minute,” she said. The receptionist pulled the door shut and you took a deep breath, Paula standing up. “Y/N. We always try to keep the family together if we can. You know that.”
“Then why are you splitting us up? Dad gets out soon. A few more months and then he’s out on probation. It was an accident. They’re gonna give him probation,” you said. She sighed and walked around the desk, resting her hands on your arms.
“Y/N...there’s been some developments over the past few months,” she said. “Your father gave up custody-”
“No,” you said. “He wouldn’t.”
“He decided to give up custody two months ago. It’s in process. He’s become violent and committed a few crimes on the inside. He’s admitted to doing a few things. His sentencing is changing. He likely won’t be leaving prison. Not for a very long time, if ever,” she said.
“Excuse me?” you said.
“Y/N. I asked you to stop down after school so I could tell you. I know you’ve been waiting years for your dad to get out but I’m so sorry, sweetie. It’s not going to happen. Not anytime soon,” she said.
“So you’re telling me that in addition to the fact someone is trying to take Rae away from us, dad’s not getting out of prison and apparently he’s no longer my dad?” you said.
“We do what’s in the best interest of the child. In the long run, this is better for all three of you,” she said. You scoffed and shrugged away.
“Rae and Ryan are going to get split up and I’m...like you said, I’m almost sixteen. My shot of being adopted is zero. So basically I’m going to be in foster care until I age out, the twins will get new and different families and we’re all fucked,” you said.
“Forget it,” you said. “You’ll do whatever you want anyways.”
You left her office quickly and bumped into the man outside, a pair of scrubs on him. Of course he was the freaking doctor that was taking Rae away.
“Asshole,” you said, bumping his arm as you went.
“Y/N,” said Paula as you stormed down the hall. “Y/N!”
“Leave us alone.”
The Next Day
You couldn’t help but be extra clingy with Rae since you left the office. You didn’t want her to go. She could drive you insane sometimes but you loved her more than the world. It would upset Ryan if she left and you’d have to be strong for him and you were just plain tired of doing that all the time. 
You were playing dolls when the doorbell rang and you saw Rob, your current foster dad, give you a long look.
“What?” you said.
“Just try and behave for once,” he said as he got up from his chair and went to the door.
“I do behave, jerk,” you mumbled. He returned after a moment with Paula, Rae’s moving duffel and backpack being set down. You wrapped your arms around your sister and brother, giving Paula a glare.
“She’s not ready to go?” asked Paula.
“No,” you said. Paula sighed and glanced at Rob.
“Did you not tell her?” she asked.
“I thought you were going to,” he said.
“We’re going to discuss this, Rob. Y/N, go pack your bags and Ryan’s,” she said.
“No,” you said.
“Well you guys are going with Rae to her new home so unless you-” she said as you broke into a smile. “Yeah. I figured you’d like that. Pack up your stuff.”
You gave the twins both a hug before you were off and heading for the bedroom you shared with them. Rae’s part of the dresser was already empty and you’d packed up your own and Ryan’s things often enough that it didn’t take long.
You were fully aware that this doctor guy had intentions of adopting Rae but maybe he’d be interested in Ryan too once he met him. There was still a chance they’d end up staying together and that was more than enough for today. Your odds...you knew your odds but at least the twins might have had a chance to be okay.
“Whoa,” said Ryan as Paula parked in the driveway of your new foster home an hour later. “Their house is so big!”
“Your new foster dad is a doctor, Ryan. He’s single,” she said and you raised an eyebrow. The guy was probably a workaholic and a nanny would be watching the kids. Or maybe that’s why you had gotten to come along, so you could watch them for him.
“Y/N,” said Paula when you started to frown. “You were excited not twenty minutes ago.”
“I was excited for…” you said, nodding backwards at the twins. “Pretty sure this guy isn’t going to be dad of the year though.”
“Give him a chance. You three are his first fosters,” she said. You sighed and got out of the car, Paula following after. “Y/N. Please give him a chance. This guy is looking to adopt. It’s not just another way station.”
“He’s looking to adopt a little kid, not me,” you said. She didn’t say anything and you knew you were right. You sighed and opened the back door for Rae, handing her the pink backpack she owned, Paula helping Ryan on the other side. You slung your own over your shoulder and grabbed your duffel from the trunk, Ryan’s on top of yours while Paula got the other one. The kids ran up the front path with Paula and rang the doorbell as you trudged behind, standing at the back.
“Hi,” said the man when he opened the door, a nervous smile on his face. You hadn’t paid him much attention in Paula’s office but he was probably only mid or late thirties if you had to guess. “I’m Dean. Come on in.”
“You guys know the drill,” said Paula, ushering them inside, Dean holding open the door for you as you stepped into a foyer. It was a nice house, way nicer than anything you’d stayed in before. But being a doctor you figured this guy was knocking down a pretty decent sized salary. “Guys, this is Dean Winchester and he’s going to be taking care of you for quite a while we hope. Dean, this is Rae, her twin Ryan and this is Y/N.”
“Hi!” said the twins. Dean gave them a smile and looked at you, swallowing when you just stared back at him. 
“Why don’t we find your new rooms?” asked Paula. Dean took the lead and you followed them upstairs, Ryan and Rae each getting their own rooms with a bathroom in the hallway to share. You headed towards the other bedroom up there but Dean chuckled.
“Oh, your room is downstairs,” he said. “I’ll show you.”
You looked back at Paula and she waved you to go with him. Back down on the first floor, he showed you a small hallway and opened the door.
“It was the guest suite but there’s a bigger bedroom, closet, your own bathroom. I thought you might like the privacy from the little kids,” he said.
“Why?” you asked.
“Paula mentioned you’ve always had to share a room with them. I thought you might like it. You’re free to take the bedroom upstairs if you’d like that better. This one is a bit nicer is all,” he said.
“It’s fine,” you said, dumping the duffel and your backpack on the bed. “So I heard you want to adopt my sister.”
“I was interested in it,” he said. “I hadn’t realized there were other kids in the family at the time though.”
“So now you don’t want to?” you asked, crossing your arms.
“I didn’t say that. I’m sorry if I offended you in some way but I’m not sure what I did to-”
“Are you some kind of weirdo? Or workaholic?” you asked.
“Excuse me?”
“I’ve met my share of foster dads and you’re different. So what is it. You work too much and couldn’t find a girl? Are you just super weird? You’re like, old enough to have found someone and made your own kids at this point,” you said.
“I’m thirty seven and life doesn’t happen on a schedule,” he said, his face a little harder than before. “I’m simply at a point where I don’t want to have to wait for the right person in order to have a family.”
“I see you avoided the workaholic question,” you said.
“I’m a pediatrician. I work in a family practice. 8-4:30, five days a week. That is all. I have some flexibility so I’ll take you guys to school and pick you up,” he said. You hummed and rolled your eyes, Dean lifting his chin. “If you have a problem with me, I’d rather we address it now.”
“I have a problem with you stealing my siblings away from me,” you said.
“Stealing your siblings? I’m sorry but I have no idea what you’re talking about,” he said.
“You wanted to adopt a child, Rae, right? Maybe you’ll reconsider Ryan too since they’re twins and all but me? I know how this ends up,” you said.
“You do, do you,” he said, crossing his arms in return.
“Yeah, I do. I don’t care if you end up adopting them,” you said, stepping in front of him and getting in his face. “They are my siblings, no matter what.”
“Kid. I don’t know what you think I’m going to do but all I am going to do is be a foster dad to them and to you,” he said. 
“Save the bullshit,” you said. “I’m not a little kid, Dean.”
“No, you’re not. But you’re wrong about me,” he said. “It would have been far simpler to just take Rae in. But I’m not someone who’s going to breakup a family. Ever. So maybe I didn’t expect you but that doesn’t mean you’re not going to be welcomed here.”
“I’m sure you mean that too,” you said. “But I know given everything that happened with my dad, Rae and Ryan, they’re getting adopted, whether it’s by you or someone else. I know what happens to me so why don’t you leave me the fuck alone.”
“I do know what happens to you,” he said. “You have a permanent home now. Someday I hope you realize that.”
“I thought I said to leave me alone,” you shot back.
“I think you’ve been alone enough in your life,” he said. “Good luck getting me to stop caring.”
“Challenge accepted,” you said. “Now leave.”
“Y/N, oh and look!” said Ryan, showing you the playroom again that night, Rae still running around in circles in there before jumping on the big stuffed animal bear and giggling.
“Hey guys, you like the playroom?” asked Dean when he poked his head in the room, both of them nodding their heads. “Maybe this weekend we can pick out a few toys? I heard two someone’s are turning five soon...”
“Yeah!” they both said. You rolled your eyes when you back was to him.
“Alright. We’ll check it out then. I think it’s getting to be bedtime for you two though,” he said. They whined and looked at you.
“Come on. Put on your pajamas and then we’ll do story time,” you said, ushering them back towards the door. You walked past Dean and followed Rae into her room, quickly getting her changed, grabbing a book from the shelf and following her into Ryan’s room. Dean followed quietly and hung out by the door while you spent the next ten or so minutes reading over their shoulders to them. Rae started to lean on you and you shut the book, giving Ryan a hug goodnight before you carried her back into her room. You sighed after you pulled her door shut, Dean back out in the hallway area. You gave him a glance before heading downstairs and making a beeline for your room.
“Y/N. You don’t have to go to bed,” he said. “It’s only a little after eight.”
“I know,” you said, opening the door.
“Can we talk?” he asked. 
“About?” you said, turning around to face him.
“Anything? You haven’t spoken a word since Paula left,” he said.
“I don’t really want to talk to you, Dean,” you said. You saw him move but you stepped inside the room and shut the door in his face. 
“Y/N,” he said, knocking on the door. “Can I come in?”
“No,” you said.
“...Don’t forget to set your alarm for school,” he said quietly.
“I got it,” you said, walking into your bedroom and laying down. You stared at the ceiling for a while before taking a quick shower and changing into your pajamas. You climbed into bed and reached to turn off the light, spotting a piece of paper on the ground by the door. 
You got up and went over to pick it up, sighing when you read it.
I know you don’t like me but if you ever want to talk, I’m here. 
“Yeah. Sure you are.”
A/N: Read Part 2 here!
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hpdabbles · 5 years
Kindness and Remorse Part 4
“Harry, did you finish your homework?” Dudley asks while placing a plate of white eggs and extra crispy bacon- just the way Harry likes them- before his cousin. His parents have yet to wake, but that would change in half an hour or so. They always wake at seven-thirty, jump in the shower, come down for breakfast and then rush everyone into the car so they could drop off the boys at school and get to work.
Petunia takes a little longer to put on her make-up and iron out the wrinkles in Vernon’s suit jacket and her business skirt.
“Yes Ley, I did,” Harry said rolling his eyes fondly. He patted the star theme backpack near his feet.  “I even put it in my bag and everything.”
“You mock my worry but I remember someone forgot his math packet in his room the day it was due not too long ago. Which was half the class grade.”  He’s still sleeping in the smallest room and the cupboard is only used for storage now. As it should be
“You’re forgetful once and you never live it down.” 
“Ha ha. Eat up. Mother and Father will be down soon.” 
Harry grin at him before digging into his food, taking his time but not without taking a glance at the clock. Dudley knew he did it every morning just to assure himself that he had time to actually enjoy his meal. 
Not that he had to worry. The youngest Dursley always woke before anyone in the house, exactly one hour before his parents and thirty minutes before his cousin. 
This is enough time to make sure Harry has a balanced breakfast and make sure his cousin could do any homework he’s not been able to complete. His parents still tried to sabotage his grades, so the kids had to get creative to not allow him to fall behind. 
Thanks to this system, the pair of cousins were one of the best in their class. Not the top but definitely in the top ten at the least.  
It’s the only reason Dudley could force himself out of bed at six-thirty every school morning when he had never been a morning person in any of his lifetimes.  
“Can we have chocolate chip drop scones tomorrow?” Harry asked around his egg. 
“Sure. Mother has an event coming up soon so she won’t mind something sweet. Don’t talk with your mouth full.”
“What did I just say?”
Harry giggles but mines zipping his mouth closed after stuffing a forkful of eggs into it. 
Dudley is glad he was able to convince his mother to join the Neighborhood Council two years ago. It took longer then he liked for Petunia to see the light but it got her out of the house and helped her husband make powerful connections. It also finally let her use that degree of business that she let rot away the first life-time.
Yes, it was only four times out of the week- longer closer to holidays or special events- and the pay wasn’t something to survive on but it gave her a purpose. Vernon was especially proud of her whenever she spearheaded events, always bragging that his wife was the perfect woman to anyone that was close enough.
She takes so much pride in her work and was actually good at it which surprised him greatly. If there was one thing Petunia liked more then winning the Homeowner's Garden Award it was organizing it. 
Not to mention the charity events she put together. Oh, but how she glowed under the praise she earns at the number of successes she was brought in for those events.  
It also meant she wasn’t around the house yelling at Harry all the time. For those four days, Monday to Thursday, she would have the neighbor Ms. Figg watch the boys as she didn’t get home until seven pm at the same time her husband did.
 Dudley was able to convince the adults to have her babysit them in his house, claiming the cats made him feel funny- which was true.  Something about her animals made his skin stand on end and even become somewhat itchy. His parents had taken him to a doctor but oddly enough he had not developed allergies.
Ms. Figg’s cats were the only ones he was effected by and he learned to avoid them as best he could. Thanks to the redness upon his skin he’s parents haven’t pushed for him spending too much time over the fence. By proxy neither did Harry.
Since his parents both worked, Dudley took it upon himself to start helping around the house without being prompted. This not only earns his parent’s adoration but also lessens the workload on Harry. 
They couldn’t expect him to clean something Dudley had already done so himself. Now the chores were evenly split between them, and when his parents weren’t around, he asked Harry to switch duties per week. This way no one was stuck doing the hard ones all the time. 
After all, it is better to ask for forgiveness than permission. Not that he liked cleaning the loo but someone had to do it, even if it was only biweekly his turn.
One chore he refused to trade however was cooking. Dudley didn’t care that he was the same physical age, Harry was much too young to be near the stove. He was too young when he was four and he’s still too young at age ten. 
He had to throw fits every once in a while but over time the kitchen became his domain. Dudley cooked breakfast, lunch, and dinners, spending too many hours before the telly watching those cooking channels with a notebook and pen. At least he can say his food was actually tasty. 
Life skills, his name is Dudley Dursleys, and he is owning you now.
His passion for the culinary arts was part making-sure-they-don’t-starve-my-cousin and part Hey-this-is-actually-fun. Harry has been his very happy guinea pig.
He’s going to miss the little guy. 
Only a few months left. Dudley thinks while turning the egg meant for his father in the pan Soon Harry will be getting his letter and he’ll be off to Hogwarts, where someone else will make sure he’s eating. 
Trying not to let the thought bring him down, the time-traveler takes a deep breath through his nose. Mentally chanting It’s fine. It’s fine. It’s fine. He prepares his own plate after making sure his parents’ were done. He joins Harry at the table and stares at him.
The last four years have been better for his cousin. He’s still tiny but thankfully not overly so. Maybe a few inches shorter then Dudley now instead of the head height difference of before. The clothes they wear are almost the same size, with Dudley’s build being a bit bigger compared to Harry’s naturally lean body. 
Over the years Dudley took notice of Harry’s preference in clothing making sure to buy them before “getting bored” of the shirts or jeans after one wear or two. It was the closest he could get Harry to new clothes. The backpack Harry used was one he saw him staring at in the store and bullied his father into buying, then a week later bullied his mother into buying the plain black one he used. 
Dudley thinks Harry caught on to this years ago but his cousin has yet to say anything about it. Sometimes, he forgets just how clever and aware of his surroundings Harry really is.  
His glasses, on the other hand, were a problem Dudley couldn’t get fixed without getting into a screaming match with his parents. Which he did. But it had no effect. 
He tries as much as he can but some things he can’t make better. His cousin already knows his Aunt and Uncle don’t love him despite the amount of affection and care they shower onto their son. 
He claims it doesn’t bother him, but that leaves mental scars. 
It’s still emotional abuse.
“What?” Harry asks raising a brow.  “Why are you staring at me like that?”
“No reason,” Dudley says blinking his eyes dry.
“I think there is. You don’t just stare at someone like that for no reason.” Harry glances around before lowering his voice into a near whisper  “Did I do something, you know, weird again?”
Dudley tries for a smile. He lowers his own voice, not wanting his parents to hear him even if he knows their alarm clocks haven’t gone off yet.  “No. You didn’t do any accidental magic. I think that only happens when your emotions are out of control, or you focus hard enough. And don’t call it weird. It’s not. It’s a gift.” 
“I don’t know Ley.” Harry waves his fork a little, having developed the habit of speaking with his hands after seeing Dudley do the same over the years. “This doesn’t feel like a gift when I make papers flout every time I hum or when I end up on the roof trying to play a game of tag with Piers.”
“It’s just that you don’t know how to control it yet. Trust me, it’s perfectly normal.”
“Oh yeah? Name one person who can do what I can.” Harry challenges him. 
Fumbling for names and then realizing he’s not supposed to know these people yet, the de-age male scrambles to save his cousin’s feelings. “Um, well maybe we don’t know they can do it, but there has to be-”
“You see! I’m a freak!” 
“Don’t say that! You are not a freak! You’re just doing magic, and it’s by accident. You can’t help it.” 
Harry bites his lower lip, glaring into his plate before he deflates.  “I just wish I didn’t have magic. We don’t even know if it is magic, maybe it’s something sinister.”
“It’s not,” Dudley says firmly. “It’s magic. I know it.”
“How can you be so sure? You read it in one of your books?” 
Harry eyes him a little longer before shrugging his shoulder. While doing so there is a hum in the air right before Dudley’s eggs explode into his face.  
A startled gasp rings through the room seconds after the food splats onto his skin. “Ley, I’m so so sorry. I’m so stupid. I didn’t mean-I swear I didn’t think it would- I’m sorry!”
Laughing Dudley waves away his worries wiping his face with a napkin. “Oh don’t worry. Josh used to do this all the time.”
“Who’s Josh?”
“You said Josh threw food into your face. Who is he? Is he bullying you?” Harry looks downright murderous at the mere notion that anyone would dare. It’s quite touching.
Harry has taken to being his defender against their school mates and while doing so earn their scorn all over again. Piers is the only other little boy he’s on friendly terms with. Sadly they were more acquaintances than friends since Piers did not want to gain the other kid's disproval for being too nice to Harry and his lame nerdy cousin. 
Since coming back to the past Dudley had gone from ruling the playground to being the kids’ favorite target instead. He doesn’t mind it too much, after all the insults they think sting is more adorable then painful and he finds that being the outsider gives him more time to read. He’s too mature for their taste, too odd with his boredom of games, love of the library, perfect manners, and chubby body.
He’s not fat, but he’s not thin either. To the kids in his classroom, the difference means nothing. 
School is a nightmare but this is mostly due to him being bored and if there is one thing he can’t wait for when Harry leaves for Hogwarts it finally being able to show his “bright” mind. Hopefully allowing him to finish his education quicker before he goes completely mad.
There are only so many “How many apples do you have if you give five away in groups of two” a man can take.
“Don’t worry about it, Harry. Really, I’m fine.” He says smiling widely. His cousin doesn’t look mollified, opening his mouth to no doubt demand more information on  Josh.
Looking at the clock, he claps his hands before his cousins can insist. “Mother and Father will be up in ten minutes. Hush up, and eat your food.”
After a beat of silence, his cousin does as he’s told though he seems displeased. This means that Harry will be glue to his side for the rest of the day in hopes of seeing Josh and stoping him from bullying Dudley.
I’m really going to miss you, you little angel. Duddley thinks fondly. I’m going to miss you so much. 
An alarm clock goes off over their heads. Another day has officially begun.
“Popkins, darling, can you make Mama a cup of coffee?” Petunia calls down the stairs her voice laced with drowsiness. 
“Yes, Mother.” He yells back just as Harry finishes off his plate. The two clear the table, sticking the dishes into the sink, and Dudley pours his mother her coffee. He eyes the pile he needs to wash after school today, sighing to see that the dishes have somehow doubled since the last time he looked.
His mother pads down the stairs in her bathrobe, the shower starting to go as his father gets ready. This means he’ll be down in ten since he got to the washroom first. 
“Good morning Popkins!” Petunia says with a bright smile, rushing towards him with a hug and kiss. Dudley side steps the full hug, turning it into an awkward one-handed embarrassed. He can’t dodge her kiss sadly.
“Morning Mother. Your food is ready.”
“Thank you, love. It looks so tasty!” 
Harry slips into the background, throwing a look of envy at them before disappearing into the living room. Dudley bites back a grimace. 
These are one of the mental scars he’s worried about. What if Harry and he end up like Mother and Auntie Lily? Friends in their youth but turn bitter by jealousy, and their relationship broken beyond repair well into their lives. 
He can’t do anything about it. He can only hope. 
Dudley tries his best to ignore the lead sitting in the pit of his stomach as he places the plates on the table for his parents. He grabs his black backpack, and follows Harry into the living room, switching the telly on for some morning cartoons before school.
Harry offers him a smile when he stops on his favorite channel.
The school year ends more rapidly then he thought possible. Before he realizes it sumer break is upon him. He eyes the calander staring at his birthday knowing that around this time Harry will be reciveing his letter. He doens’t know what to do with himself.
Over the years he prepared for the day Harry would go join his world again. It’s harder, however, then it was for when Daisy left. Maybe it was because, for her, he had to accept it as it was happening while Harry has an actual date. 
Or maybe it’s because with Daisy she arrived in peace times. Harry would not only be joining the wizardly world, but he will also be joining a war. It kills him to think he’s going to allow the boy to walk into a battlefield without being about to do anything.
Hell, Dudley can’t even warn him about anything. He’s not part of that world. He never will be.
Dudley didn’t know anything about the Second Wizarding War. The Harry of the future never spoke of his school days, his friends just as tight-lipped about it. Most of them didn’t like him enough to have a conversation.
George Weasley couldn’t even stand being in the same room as he. Once the older man had cornered him to hiss. “I was old enough to remember and understand what you put him through. Don’t think I’ll ever forget the day my brothers and I had to rescue him from your house, even if Harry does.”
George then spat at him leaving Dudley stun in the corner of the party wondering if he could gather his kids and run like he wanted to. He didn’t blame him. Instead, he thought it was nice Harry had in-laws who cared so much for him.
This memory does nothing to make him feel better about the war Harry would soon be apart of. Heavens it felt like he was sending his child to the front lines. 
There were books based on these years of course but Dudley only had to open to the first page to realize they were rubbish.
The author had thought Harry was raised fighting dragons, rushing on some daring adventures with lavished mansions and wealth ever since defeating the Dark Lord the first time. It had made him sick.
Wizards and Witches read books of Harry having the best life a young wizard could only dream of having, his fame sky-rocking with each and every ridiculous fantasy in his book series while his cousin was starved and abuse. 
How could he then, trust those books on the retelling of Harry’s Hogwarts days? I mean fighting a troll, finding the Chambers of secrets and sleeping with the entire Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff Quidditch teams all before he was seventeen? Honestly who came up with such dumb ideas. Did the writers just pulled out papers from a hat, and slapped the name Harry Potter onto it to make it about his cousin? 
“Ley, we’re going to the zoo for your birthday tomorrow! Aren’t you excited?” Harry appears at his door, clad in his pajamas startling the blond from his mental ranting.
Harry is all but jumping in place, obviously won’t be able to sleep tonight until much later. He always comes to wish Dudley a good night before bed however so here he is. 
“I’m very excited.” Dudley tries.
“You don’t sound it. What’s wrong?”
“...I had a nightmare.” He settles lamely unable to explain the anxiety coursing through his body. Suddenly his bed shakes and flies into the ceiling with a swirl of silver sparkles. 
“Son!? What was that!?” Vernon screams from down the hall.
“Nothing Father, I just was jumping on my bed!” He calls back “Everything’s fine!”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes! Really don’t get up. Everything fine!”
“I’m sorry,” Harry whispers looking pained at the disrupted bedding. Luckily Dudley’s bed frame seems to be intact. “I don’t know why but it’s been getting worse lately.”
This is true. Lately, Harry’s magic has been acting up more than he thought was normal. Just today he somehow managed to burst three-light bolts, have one of Ms. Figg’s inflate like a balloon luckily out of her sight, and had their dinner exploded. 
Dudley had no idea why either. Neither Daisy or Josh was like this.
“It’s okay Harry.” He reassures not liking the way his cousin is curling his fingers into his shirt. “This is just a reaction to your emotions. Just try to stay calm alright? Nothing bad happened. Everything is fine.”
“If you say so. I’m still sorry. I don’t mean to.”
“I know. I promise. It’s okay.”
There is a long pause while the boys put the bed back as best they can neither sure how to point out that Harry’s magic is getting stronger and stronger with each passing day.
 “Want to sleep in here with me? I don’t want to be alone after my nightmare anyway.” Dudley asks once everything is settle again.
Bright green eyes still look unsure but his cousin nods. They have been sharing a bed for years now as Harry couldn’t crawl into his uncle and aunts bed after a nightmare, Dudley took it upon himself to be the one he could turn to during the darkest of nights.
They wake up before his parents meaning the adults are none the wiser. Just as they weren’t aware of all of the accident magic going on in their home. Both agreeing the adults wouldn’t understand. 
After Harry crawls under the blankets and the lights go off. Dudley can only hope they can keep the accidental magic a secret for a few more weeks more. Just until Harry can get the proper help he needs with his magic and he won’t have so many outbursts.  
“Goodnight Harry.”
“Goodnight Ley.”
Dudley doesn’t even remember the zoo too much, other than Harry hissing at the snakes -honestly why?- and the fact that all the glass of the reptile house faded away causing mayhem of terror as everything got out, it was a dull event. 
No, what really shocked and terrified him, was the day Harry’s Hogwarts acceptance letter arrived in the post. Dudley always got the mail once he finishes cooking breakfast so he was the first one to see the letter.
Along with another copy address to him.
“Well, Fuck me.” 
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Phones and Panic (Jason Todd X Fem!Reader)
Requested: Yupp Request:  Hello! Can I request a Jason Todd x reader where the reader forgets her phone at home and goes out to do something meanwhile Jason is freaking out because she doesn’t answer her phone A/N: Thanks for the request! I honestly hope you like it. Word count: 1645 Warning(s): Sex mentioned, Cursing Tagged: @jason-todd-rh
[You wanna be tagged in my next piece? Just shoot me a message or ask!]
 At first, you thought your day would be uneventful.
That was until your friend suddenly showed up on your doorstep, basically kidnapping you for a lady’s night out. But it wasn’t the fancy kind. It started with messy food, movies, more food and ended with her leaving you behind to hook up with a taxi-driver.
Sometimes you asked yourself how you ended up with so many crazy people in your life. But who were you to judge? You dated a self-proclaimed “outlaw”. How much crazier could it get?
You had only noticed that you didn’t have your phone with you when your friend was gone, and you couldn’t call a cab, so you decided to walk home. It had been a long and busy day and you appreciated the evening breeze.
Gotham, as scary as it could be, sometimes even seemed to be somewhat peaceful.
You stopped on a quick Starbucks run before you walked down the street, watching the sunset as you saw a flash of red and black drop down next to you, scaring the living shit out of you.
“The Hell, Tim?!” you said as Red Robin raised his hands in defense.
“Are you okay?” he asked sheepishly.
“Yeah, you just scared me.”
“No, I mean... are you okay? In general?” Of course, the answer was obvious, you were alive and okay, but the question confused you nonetheless.
“Yeah? … Why?” you asked.
“Because Jason is currently raising hell as if you’ve been kidnapped and tortured collectively by the whole Gotham underground.” He said matter-of-factly and started typing something on his weird wrist-watch-thingy.
You stopped in the middle of taking a sip of your drink.
“Yeah… He said you haven’t answered your phone all day and you were ‘nowhere to be found’. Bruce put him in time out because he threatened to shoot something up.” He looked at the position of the setting sun to guess how long ago this was. Thirty minutes? An hour? Maybe? What day was it?
“But he’s probably left the cave by now.”
“What? Then why are you so calm?? What the- Tim, could you please tell him that I’m okay and on the way home?”
“Already done.” He said and looked at your drink and you took an educated guess at where his next stop would be.
“Here” you handed him the spare coffee that was meant for your boyfriend, but Jason probably didn’t need the energy boost anymore. You both started walking towards your apartment as you knew that he would’ve followed you home anyways.
It seemed to be one of these weird rules in this family to make sure everybody got home safe.
“Wait, how many people are looking for me right now? Or… you know, were looking for me until now?” you asked, afraid of the answer as the teen just stared ahead for a moment.
“Dick, the Outlaws, Steph, and Cass.” He said. “And Alfred is in the cave monitoring.”
“And Bruce?” you asked, more interested to know who would search for you in case you were really in danger. Besides the fact that your boyfriend is apparently having a meltdown right now.
“He’s busy.”
“And the demon spawn has no soul, so he refused to.”
“And we all knew that Jason was just over-reacting.”
“And yet here you are.”
His hand went up to scratch the back of his head. “To be honest I was just on a coffee run.”
You nodded, understandingly.
“Did he reply? “ you asked after a few seconds of silence. You honestly missed your phone by now.
“Just a bunch of gibberish.” He looked at his wrist and took a sip of the coffee.
“He’s probably mad.” You said and Red Robin nodded.
“Shouldn’t be so surprising considering its Jason we’re talking about.”
And with that you both fell into silence.
A few minutes later you stood in front of your apartment door, alone, keys in hand and ready to unlock the door when it swung open and a strong hand pulled you in, the door slamming shut behind you. Your back leaned against the closed door but not because of balance but purely out of lack of space as your boyfriend, Jason Todd, hovered above you in all his fully-geared-up-but-helmetless glory.
His hands caged you in and you eyed him like a deer caught in headlights.
About a hundred different emotions washed over his face from obvious worry to anger and frustration until he finally sighed and gave way to the most prominent emotion – Relief.
You simply stared at him as he hung his head, trying to get over the initial shock from the multiple heart and panic attacks you made him go through.
On the first look you could understand why people thought he was intimidating but right now he just looked like a sad puppy whose owner has just left and locked the door.
Slowly you lifted your cup, pointing the straw at his direction as an offering of peace accompanied by a hesitant smile on your part.
He lifted his head, the frown back at his face, as he practically glared through you.
You lowered the cup again out of eyesight.
Another second of silence passed.
"You are so grounded.” He finally spoke and even though his expression was as stoic as ever, the tension has been finally cut and you couldn’t help but smile in relief.
He wanted to yell, to rant and to tell you exactly how goddamn stupid your stupid actions on this stupid day where but he couldn’t. Not when you were safe at home. Not with your scared expression so fresh on his mind and especially not when you looked so damn innocent, standing there.
“I’m sorry.” You finally offered.
Despite the now lighter atmosphere, you couldn’t even start to imagine what he thought had happened to you. You knew he had witnessed horrible things in his life and probably even on this day and you never wanted to be part of any of these scenarios.
But at the end of the day, it was just a forgotten phone.
Suddenly, with a single sigh, he looked as if he had just lost seven years of his lifespan before he rested his forehead on your shoulder, defeated.
You defeated Red Hood.
“Hey.” You said softly, placing your free hand on his hair as you slowly started to run your fingers through it. “I’m sorry I worried you.” You said, lifting your cup again as an offering and you felt him take a sip through the straw.
Ha. You knew it.
“Tori made a surprise visit and we went to the movies. She was so hectic that I completely forgot to take my phone with me.” You tried to explain. You hoped that knowing how your day actually looked like would replace whatever images he had already constructed in his head.
“You are still grounded.” He said and you rolled your eyes.
“And how was your day?” you tried to steer the conversation away from the topic while you still stood caged against the door. Not that you minded that much.
“Oh, the usual. A few rapists broke out, a human trafficking ring settled in fucking Gotham and the woman I love was suddenly fucking gone.” He said bitterly and you knew he wouldn’t let you live that down anytime soon.
“The woman you love, huh? As in present tense?”
He pushed himself off the door to glare at you again as you immediately missed running your fingers through his hair.
“Watch it. You are on thin fucking ice right now.”
“Jason.” You said, ignoring the fact that he had just stolen you Starbucks cup as you continued to talk. “Look, I made a mistake and it was stupid. I should’ve known better.”
“Damn right, you should have!”
“All I am asking for is a chance to make it up to you.” You said, your voice hung in the air with a hint of… seduction? You couldn’t help the effect he had on you, standing so close. And truth be told, you wanted to replace his angst with something more... nice.
Jason squinted at your words. “I don’t know, (Y/N).” he said, taking a sip before continuing, his face still only inches away from yours. “You really did a number on me.”
“And I’m fully repentant.” you said.
“So, what are you suggesting?” he asked and you knew that he had already forgiven you.
“Make-up sex?” you answered, and his expression didn’t change.
This genuinely surprised you.
“I’m not your whore.” He said and it took every ounce of willpower for you not to laugh.
“I never said that.” You said, biting your bottom lip to keep yourself from giggling.
“I really don’t like your tone here.”
“Okay.” You said. “What are you suggesting then?” you asked and he looked pleased with this question.
“Make-up sex.” He answered.
“That’s exactly what I said.”
“Yeah. But I didn’t like the way you said it.”
You both stared at each other for a moment and you wondered how you possessed the willpower to not kiss him with his face so close to yours.
“So… Are we going to… you know?” you slowly said before he grabbed you and threw you casually over his shoulder like a very delicate duffel bag.
“Really?” you sighed, shaking your head with a smile and you only heard him chuckle and put down the drink before he carried you through the living room.
“Gotta make sure you don’t disappear again.”
“I won’t. I already said I’m fully repentant.” You said as you heard his guns hit the floor and the sound left you tingling in excitement before he threw you on the bed, kicking the bedroom door close behind him.
“We’re gonna see how true that is.”
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karamelsecretsanta · 7 years
Mending Broken Hearts
Dear @chelseaellie,
First of all, I want to wish a glorious holiday to you and yours. I hope that you're blessed with love and health, and that all your wishes come true. I know that we don't know each other but I'm happy to have the opportunity now. I am looking forward to chatting with you.
I want to give you a great Karamel story. You don't know this, but I tend to over-extend myself in my writing (just ask my friends; they will tell you how true this is). So whatever I plan to write always ends up being 3, 4, 10 times longer than I thought it was going to be. Your gift isn't the exception, so I decided to give you today the first of 3 chapters. Otherwise, I'd have had to rush in with the story and the last thing I wanted is giving you a poor-executed job. You deserve much better than that.
I'll update the other 2 in the coming days, so I got time to perfect them. I hope you don't mind waiting a few days for the happy ending. I promise you, you'll get one despite the angsty beginning.
Before you, and everyone else, start reading, I think it's important you know that this fic is canon divergent, where everything up to season 3 has happened except the winter finale. Instead of Reign waking up and wreaking havoc, this is what happens.
I hope you like it. Happy reading and Merry Christmas!
From: your secret Santa, Mare ( @green-arrows-of-karamel)
Rating: Teen and up
Warnings: N/A
Synopsis: A mysterious woman traps Kara and Mon-El in a frozen planet.
AN: Thank you @laurabelle2930 for being such a wonderful Beta!
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1 - This Is Our Thing
The world doesn't stop spinning until Kara hits the hard, cold floor. The momentum makes her roll on it several times in an entangle of limbs until she's laid flat on her back with a heavy body on top of her. She looks up and finds Mon-El looking back at her. Worry crinkles his brow.
"Are you okay?" he asks slightly short of breath.
Kara is taken aback by how good it feels having him again nestled between her legs, their bodies touching intimately. For a second, she lets in the memory of those countless times they were naked in the same position. Inevitably, her skin tingles, remembering Mon-El kissing and tasting her feverish skin while they made love. The intense longing for him she has restrained the last seven months comes back with a vengeance. Heat pools in her belly and desire rushes through her like a lava river.
Her body is ready to welcome him back, and her heart is bursting with love for him. But then she remembers that he's a married man. He has a lovely wife and he has moved on. For much she wants to reproach him for that, how can she? Seven years is a long time. Honestly, she's glad that he's happy, even if that hurts her to the deepest level.
Kara can't blame Imra for falling for Mon-El either. He's charming and adorable, confident and funny, he's brave and has a big, beautiful heart. That's without mentioning how handsome he is, with his athletic body, his gorgeous blue eyes and his pointed chin. For the love of Rao, the beard makes him look so sexy. Without a doubt, Mon-El is a great catch.
Kara only wishes he was still her catch.
Aroused but disheartened, Kara blurts out, "Yes, I'm fine. I'm fine."
Mon-el stares at her in a way very similar he used to before. Certainly, he hadn't looked at her like that since he came back. Kara squirms under him because she has never been able to resist his puppy eyes. If they don't pull apart now, Kara will do something she's going to regret as soon as she's done, like kissing him senseless.
"Um… er, Mon-El, could you… can you get off of me?"
"What?" he blinks as he's waking up from a trance. "Oh, yeah. Sure, sorry."
His moves are jerky and hasty as if he's caught between the need to move fast and stay still at the same time. As soon as he is off, Kara misses his body heat and notices how cold the air is. Goosebumps spread on her skin and the chilly wind makes her shiver. As she gets on her feet while ignoring Mon-El's gallant offer to help her, Kara looks around. All that she can see is a peaceful snowy forest. White snow is everywhere. Above them, the sky is somber with menacing clouds, announcing that a storm is coming.
"Where are we?" Mon-El asks.
"I'm guessing in the same place to where all those couples have been disappearing."
When Kara returned home from Earth-1 after Barry and Iris' eventful wedding, Winn and J'onn informed her that a series of inexplicable disappearances were occurring in National City. The first case passed under the radar because the police thought it was nothing more than a jealous ex, taking vengeance on a former spouse. However, the pattern was evident after the fourth case in less than thirty-six hours.
The lack of evidence frustrates both the police and the DEO. Even if the reason for kidnapping those people is still unknown, the common denominator among all cases is that the missing people are couples who have broken up recently. Nobody knew how the couples were vanishing, leaving no trace whatsoever, until Winn detected a great amount of tachyons particles in each disappearing spot. Therefore, they're dealing with an interdimensional being.
Then, the unthinkable happens. Kara doubts that anyone at the DEO expected that this being was brave enough to attack in their premises. Yet, it did. It happened when Mon-El stopped Kara to apologize on the behalf of his wife for upsetting Kara earlier.
Kara didn't want to talk about that. Talking to Mon-El, just looking at him, is just too painful for her.
"And just for the record, Mon-El, I really am trying to be okay with this, but…" she said to him, wanting to end their conversation. "This is… this is worse than the worst thing I could possibly imagine. And that's you looking at me with no love in your eyes. So please, just… please."
Kara turned around and started climbing the stairs when a chubby, beautiful lady materialized out of the thin air on the landing.
"Oh, puh-lease!" the newcomer scoffed, rolling her eyes, "Now I understand what my cousin told me about you two. I didn't want to do this to you on Christmas' eve, but you don't leave another choice."
"Who are you?" Kara demanded
Rushing to her side, Mon-El asked, "what do you want? Why are you here?"
"It doesn't matter who I am. What matter is fixing…." the unknown woman waved her hand in their direction, "this."
Before either Kara or Mon-El could utter a single word, the lady snapped her fingers, opening an inter-dimensional breach. A heartbeat later, both Kara and Mon-El were sucked into it and transported to where they are now. Trapped in an unknown place and without a way to return home.
"This is our thing, it seems," Mon-El mutters.
Mon-El opens his arms and twirls around, signaling the obvious. "You and me… stranded on a strange planet. Something tells me that we're not on Earth anymore."
Yes, she picked that up too. Her first clue is the light, which is off, and Kara can't point out why. The dark clouds above Kara and Mon-El hid well all that it is beyond in the sky. That is besides the fact that it is day here when the sun had already set in National City. "We have to find the missing people and a way to get out of here."
Mon-El couldn't agree more. This is bad; really, really bad… and not for the obvious reasons. It's not good having people missing and being in a strange place, but what worries Mon-El the most is being alone with Kara. He has no excuses or distractions to stay away from her here. Right now, all he wants to do is prove how wrong she is.
When she told him that she didn't see the love for her in his eyes, his heart broke. Mon-El guesses he should be glad that his acting is convincing enough for her thinking like that, but the reality is it pains him that Kara is not seeing past his deceit.
For seven long years, he never forgot her. His love for her is as strong as ever.
She won't be happy when she finds out his marriage with Imra is fake. He only hopes that Kara can forgive him once she knows his reasons for the lying and secrets. He hates himself for hurting her, but he wouldn't be doing this if he didn't believe that it is the right choice. It's critical for the plan to help Supergirl saving the world from Reign.
To do that, though, they need to go back to Earth first.
Mon-El stopped being the coward he was in the Slavers' Moon eight years ago. This time he is more than willing to help everyone who's trapped in this place. "Which direction we should take? Left… right?" he asks Kara as he glances around for some evidence of a road or a nearby settlement. All he can see is trees and snow. The forest is eerily quiet, as if they are the only living thing there.
"Let me get to a vantage point."
Kara takes off to the sky, intending to see past the forest. She elevates herself in the air for a few seconds before losing altitude abruptly. With luck, she manages to land safely on the ground, just not as gracefully as she normally does.
"Kara! You okay?"
"Seriously? A red sun again?!" she growls, looking up at the sky.
He doesn't comment on her complaint. Mon-El knows Kara doesn't like feeling weak and he can't blame her, especially due to what she went through recently on Earth-1. He's not amused of losing his powers either. Years of experience battling the evil in the future taught Mon-El exactly how dangerous the universe can be. What neither of them needs right now is to be stranded in a planet revolving around a red sun. "Did you see anything?"
"Nothing more than trees and snow. That's all there is in every direction."
"So what we do now? Where do we go?"
"Let's go left. We might find people along the way."
Mon-El follows Kara in silence and tries to ignore the cold. Both walk on, focusing on their surroundings trying to pick up any sign of movement. Snow starts falling no long after they begin their hike through the wood. At first, it's only a handful of snowflakes in the air but then the storm hits them hard. The blizzard makes the temperature drops fast, and Mon-El worries about how long they can stay out in the open before hypothermia kills them. Neither Kara or he are dressed properly for this weather, which is harsher than the ones either of them has experienced before on Earth and their home planets. She's visibly shaking and so is he.
"We need… to find a shelter… or we're gonna freeze… to death," Mon-El pants, trying to control his tremors.
"I- If we find p-people, we'll find sh-shelter."
Mon-El grinds his teeth in frustration, Kara can be so stubborn sometimes. She's so cold that her teeth are chattering nonstop. He grabs her arm gently to stop her. "If we turn into Popsicles, we can't help anyone, Kara. Besides, the night is coming and the visibility is getting worse; we don't know where we are or where we're going. We could be walking in circles, for all we know."
Unable to stop himself, Mon-El cups Kara's cheeks, which are reddened by the cold. His hands are freezing too, but he hopes he's giving her the little warmth he has left. Their eyes connect and time stops. The look Kara gives him with her beautiful eyes has always been his downfall. And this time isn't the exception. Mon-El gets lost in her stare. He noticed how her blue comets soften, watching him.
For a second, it feels like they are back in the dream world, where Mon-El visited Kara the last seven month while he was still in hypersleep. Kara believes those encounters to be mere dreams, a fabrication of her mind, but in reality, they were an effort of Mon-El —with the help of Imra's telepathic ability— to be with Kara. He missed her so much.
Mon-El senses that Kara's mind goes to the same place as his, and that makes her lower the guard on her emotions. Taking advantage of that, he begs, leaning his head down until their foreheads are touching, "Please, Kara. Let's let the storm pass before we continue. Please."
He sees the reluctance in her eyes, but her common sense kicks in. "Okay, you're right."
"Let's walk this path," Mon-El suggests as he wraps his arm around her shoulders, helping her to maintain every ounce of body heat. He feels her tensing up and thinks she will pull away. When she doesn't, he breathes in relief. "The forest is dense this way and the trees will provide us some protection against the wind."
Their progress is slow and difficult, which put their survival at risk . Each step is a herculean effort but they don't stop, even when is evident that both are losing their impetus. They're thirsty and hungry but, most of all, cold and wet. When Mon-El almost lost his hope, they find a small and weather-scarred hut in the middle of the forest.
"Oh, thank Rao!"
The place is abandoned and deteriorated, but it gives them the needed refuge until the storm is over. Lucky, indeed, they are. Inside they find logs to burn in the fireplace.
"Are you sure you can do it?" Mon-El asks Kara when she suggests using her heat vision to start the fire.
"Yes, I think so."
"Our powers…"
"They're weakened, but not completely gone. It doesn't feel that way, at least."
Kara is right, and although it takes much longer than usual, she's capable to ignite the fire. For when they have a good flame, outside is pitch black. The storm rages on and the clouds prevent the starlight from coming through.
Now that the temperature in the room is rising, Mon-El removes his wet clothes, the jeans jacket and striped Henley, to place them near the fire and get them dry.
"What are you doing?!"
Mon-El cringes inwardly as his hands pause unbuckling his belt. He knows that tone, which always means that he's in trouble. He doesn't think that will do any good, but he chooses to play dumb and states the obvious, "Um, I'm undressing."
"To dry my clothes near the fire… you know, it's easier to recover the body heat when you're dry. You should undress too." Mon-El fights the smile forming on his lips, suspecting why Kara is so uncomfortable with the idea of Mon-El without clothes. And he can relate. It's not going to be easy watching her in all her naked glory and not being able to touch her.
"No, I'm fine like this."
"Oh, come on, Kara! It's not that we haven't seen each other naked before. And if what worries you is getting mind-blown by just seeing my impressive anatomy again, I'll leave my boxers on," he doesn't hold his cocky smile anymore. "Or are you afraid that neither of us can resist the temptation?"
Kara makes disgusted guttural sounds at his arrogant declaration. "Oh, how I hate when you are like this. I see some things never change. Being an egocentric macho has never suited you, Mon-El, and certainly, it doesn't do now."
On the outside, Mon-El keeps his arrogant façade as he takes his pants off. Meanwhile, on the inside, he breathes in relief. His plan to make the situation easier for her worked to perfection. At this point, he rather making her mad and letting her focus on something else than watching the painful longing in her eyes, or feeling the desperate love pouring from her every pore.
The challenge doesn't go unanswered either, and Kara gets undressed too.
Mon-El refrains from suggesting to sleep next to each other, making skin contact. That would keep them warmer, but Kara would kick him in his tender parts, just for saying so. She wants to stay away from him, and she makes that perfectly clear when for the rest of the night, Kara gives him a silent treatment and avoids looking at him.  Across the room, he can't take his eyes off her and imagine how different their situation would be if instead of being stranded on a frozen planet they were on a cozy cabin somewhere on Earth for a holiday getaway.
They could be spooning in bed, comfy and warm under heavy blankets, or maybe making love in front the fire. Mon-El's dying to do just that right now. He would be in heaven if he could spend the entire night worshiping Kara's body with kisses and caresses, showing her how deep is his love for her.
Unfortunately, you can't always get what you want. Sighing, Mon-El settles with guarding Kara's sleep until exhaustion beats him too. A long day awaits them tomorrow.. They need to find the way back home. The sooner they return to Earth, the better. There are villains to defeat, a world to save… but when are things  that easy?
A surprise is waiting for them in the morning.
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paniccord-ff · 7 years
35. Part 2
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Placing Royalty’ doll on top of her bed, I woke up early and cleaned her room up so when she comes she will see a clean bedroom. I know she is not staying over, I can only wish that happened but that is on me. I had to get a bitch pregnant, dumbass is me as always. Smiling as I walked backwards out of the room, her room is set. The living room is set for her, I am just going to tell that Santa came early for her. Looking at my watch, another hour until my baby girl is here. Closing the bedroom door, Rylee is still asleep so I might make some breakfast or just wait because what if Royalty hasn’t ate. Jogging down the steps, Rylee and I cleaned the whole house but we didn’t do Royalty’ room. Rylee can clean, I was tired after the tree. She taught me how to use a washing machine, I forgot now anyways but she made me listen. Sliding the door open to the back yard, I won’t let my dog’s out yet because that will be a nasty surprise for Rylee and I have to pre-warn her about the dog’s. Sighing out as I stepped outside, the sun is shining, the birds are chirping and I am about to have my daughter. God is good and I am excited for the blessing.
If only these people knew they are actually playing the real Chris Brown online, biting on my bottom lip playing call of Duty, I be playing these little kids and they be cussing me out. One day I will show them it’s me, they won’t be talking shit then “oh fuck” my player got shot from behind, that is game over for me. Placing the game controller to the side of me, that is shit. Shaking my head, picking my phone up from the side of me. The phone screen lit up, she said ten and it’s ten thirty. Let me call that fat bitch, unlocking my phone. Tapping Phone and then her name, pressing my phone to my ear. Royalty could be playing up like she always does “hello” Nia’ stupid voice, the bitch “hey, where y’all at? I am waiting for her?” scratching the back of my head “uh yeah, she is coming. She is getting ready” letting out an oh “cool, the gate is open drive up. Bye” disconnecting the call.
Hearing Rylee sneeze, she is awake. Jumping off the couch, she is so lazy and we slept at the same time but then again, I don’t know what sleeping is “hey sleepy head” she still looks tired “morning” wrapping my arms around Rylee’ shoulders, pressing a kiss to the side of her head “you still look tired” Rylee stifled out a yawn “a little but I am awake, where is Roro?” moving my arms from around Rylee “that is what I am saying, I called and she said Royalty is getting ready still but that was an hour ago” Rylee turned around with the glass of water in hand “right, so it’s about eleven thirty and she is not here. What is she even doing” I shrugged, I don’t know what to tell Rylee “I guess I get to get dressed before Roro comes. You not ate?” Rylee has noticed I have not touched anything in the kitchen “no, I was waiting for Royalty, she might be hungry” Rylee pouted at me “that is so cute but she is late so Roro might have ate. I will make you something or do you just want cereal?” rubbing the back of my neck “I think I will have some cereal” I am a little hungry now.
I am getting very annoyed now, dropping my spoon in the bowl “what time did you wake up?” Rylee can see the annoyance on my face “about seven, I don’t know. But she is getting me mad. It’s going to be the afternoon and she is not here, this is my day with my daughter and it’s not even a full day and she is ruining it” pushing my seat out from the table “Chris, let me phone her. Please do not argue” Rylee is concerned about the wrong shit, I am about to go to her house. Grabbing my phone from the side “but she is ruining everything, I have been waiting” pressing the phone to my ear “hi” hearing her other daughter’s voice “let me speak to your mom” I am going to be nice about this, it’s Christmas so let’s be nice. Rylee walked by me to the kitchen, I can hear Nia’ voice in the background so she better fucking hurry up and give me my daughter.
I don’t have a filter right now because she has taken that long to come to the phone, Nia has officially got me all the way fucked up “yes?” Nia finally came to the phone “are you being real right now? Where is my daughter? I am coming to that house, I want my child Nia” the phone line went silent, you know what gets me. I can’t hear my daughter in the background either “we are in Houston” she said, my face softened and my heart sank. Moving the phone away from my ear and looking at my phone in disbelief “wait, hold up” placing my phone to my ear “you are in Houston with my daughter? You just told me she is coming? What games are you playing?” I said, I don’t want to shout or anything “I wanted to see my mom, it’s convenient for me to just have her because I am celebrating it in Houston. You wouldn’t accept that so I took her” this cannot be real life right now “you took my daughter to Houston for Christmas!? You fucking kidnapped my daughter, the fuck you speaking about. This is Christmas and you took her, Nia I will fuck you up give me my fucking daughter now!” she disconnected the phone on me.
Placing my hand over my mouth “she took my daughter Rylee, she fucking took her!” I don’t know what to do “I am so sorry Chris” I am stuck, I feel powerless “Nia is a snake, she is a snake. She wanted that extra money from me, I didn’t give it and she got me back” I am shaking right now, nothing is about to calm me down “I need a blunt” walking outside to the back yard, Nia for real got me fucked up. I am so angry and hurt, I legit do not know what to do because I am stuck. The fuck do I do, this has to be some joke. Maybe my mom has Roro and this was all to upset me for nothing, please be true.
This blunt is not calming me down at all, I am so riled up. I know there is one thing that bitch checks and lives on and that is Instagram, I will air her ass out. Nobody knew this bitch until I made her famous, tapping on the camera and turning it around to me. Smoking some more of the blunt, pressing record, blowing the smoke out “so I was awake early today” pacing my back yard “for Royalty that is, it is my day to have her which was fine. It’s cool, I am sat here waiting for my daughter and then her” I paused shaking my head, I want to say bitch but I won’t. Swallowing hard “she told me she took my daughter to Houston when we agreed today, you know this. You took my daughter, you kidnapped my daughter Nia. I am coming for that ass! You left the city when you know in court we agreed you would stay put unless we agreed, how the fuck you going to take my daughter!” I pointed at the camera stopping the recording, that was me being calm as fuck no lie but I am so angry.
Rylee is so quiet, I don’t think she knows what to say to me. I feel like flying to Houston, rubbing the side of my face while calling Mark to see what I can do, there is nothing I can do and this is what hurts me the most. I have no say on my daughter but I can surely drag her ass in the court “Christopher” Mark said “Merry Christmas son” shaking my head “Mark, Nia took my daughter. She in Houston, she said I would have her today and she took her, she fucking took my daughter!” Mark sighed out “Chris, I am so sorry to hear. There is nothing I can do right now and you know this, legally there is nothing we can do till after Christmas. You both should be sharing holidays equally and as we can see she hasn’t, please Chris do not lash out” disconnecting the call “fuck!” pacing the room, I am so angry.
I am sat here thinking, I am in my own thoughts right now. I have been so excited about this day, I was so happy and then this “your mom is here Chris” Rylee said, jumping up off the couch “hey baby” my mom said all smiles, looking around her and seeing the main person I am wanting not around “do you know this?” I said, my mom’ smile faded “know what?” she stopped walking “my daughter, can you see her here? She is in Houston” my mom can be a snake sometimes too “uh no, I didn’t” I call bullshit “call her, tell her I want my daughter. I will get the private jet to get her” my mom stared at me not saying a word “now!” I shouted, my mom flinched “why don’t you fucking listen, I will cut you off so quick. Let me find out you know this shit, I am not joking with you” I am dying to punch something “mention my tablets and I will escort you out of this house” my mom didn’t say a word and got her phone out, turning around walking around the couch.
Crossing my arms across my chest staring at my mom, I am trying to catch my mom out on this because she knows everything “I am sorry Nia, you know Chris doesn’t mean it when threatening you. He loves her so much, aww is that her in the background” clenching my jaw, to know my daughter can be heard hurts me because I didn’t hear that “I understand Nia, that is fine because he is having her for the tour” glaring at my mom in anger, what is she saying fine too when I am not fine with any of it. Snatching the phone from my mom “you got me fucked up Nia, I don’t fucking care if I am taking her on tour, this is Christmas you fat bitch that is my child. You fucking with the wrong nigga Nia, I will get my daughter from you. We know you dealing on the low with that drug dealer you stupid whore. You ain’t in Houston for your mom, you there for that nigga! On my momma, I am coming for you bitch, you started this Nia” Rylee shook her head “stop it Chris, seriously” Rylee pleaded with me “you hear that Royalty, this is your dad. Piece of shit father of yours” Nia spat “remember Chris, the court will be on my side. You can do what you want!” she shouted back “that was back when I wasn’t stable, bitch I got you. You took my daughter from me, you promised. I was so out of my mind when I slept with you, money making bitch!” she wants war I will give it to her “this is your father Royalty!! This is dad!” Nia shouted, tightening my grip on the phone with my hand “bitch!” throwing the phone to the wall.
“Get out of my house mom, just go. I don’t want to hear anything from you, you a snake too!” digging into my pocket “take the money for your phone” throwing money at my mom “get out!” Rylee grabbed my arms “stop it now, please stop this. Joyce, he is just angry. Please do not take it to heart” Rylee stood In front of me “oh he means well Rylee, you just haven’t seen this side to him at all. It’s fine son” my mom turned away from me “you came in my home knowing damn well where my daughter was, you are just like her” Rylee put her hand over my mouth “stop please” I know Rylee doesn’t know how to handle me like this “I know where my grandchild is at all times but do you Chris? I don’t know what voodoo Rylee has on you but the real Chris is this. Nia only allowed you more access because I said Rylee is great, she will look after Royalty but not you! Never you Chris” my mom said before walking off, staring at my mom as she closed the door, that shit hurt.
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I am in total shock right now, from seeing this escalate in the morning. I mean I have seen Chris angry but this kind of angry is hurt anger, it hurts to see him like this. Watching this and Nia being in the wrong but yet Chris is being made to look like the bad one, how has this even happen. Picking up the broken phone from the floor, Christmas seems to be somewhat ruined but I am supporting my man. I have not stopped him from letting his anger out or said he is wrong, I just don’t want him in trouble. Placing the broken phone on the table, everything seems so stacked against Chris and I did think Nia was ok but she sure showed me her true colours and I feel so bad. Chris won’t have Royalty for the tour now, I know he won’t after all that. Nobody understands Chris, why is nobody outraged for him like I am. I can’t even do anything because that’s his daughter.
I am not scared of Chris, I know he is angry but I am not scared of him “Chris” stepping outside to the back yard, Chris is just staring ahead of him “Chris” moving around him, Chris hasn’t moved or flinched that I am here “listen to me, I want you to take the video down. Not because of her but because I want you to be the better person. We can help build a case on this, she took her and you’re right. I know people are making it seem like it’s fine but it’s not, what about the fathers. I am so sorry because I know how excited you have been about today, it hurts me to know you are hurting” my voice broke “I am sorry Chris” Chris blinked several times looking down at me, tears forming at his eyes “I know” I said before Chris hugged me and cried out.
Chris got me crying too, his heart is so heavy and I feel it “it’s deleted now” he won’t stop crying, wiping his cheek with my hand “ok, good. We will fight this, maybe we need to play dirty but she will wish she never did this Chris” Chris sobbed out again, placing his head on my shoulder “you waited all that time for this, I am sorry Chris. Royalty is too young to understand, she adores you Chris. You are her stupid butt. Nia is wrong for that” Chris sniffled moving his head back “she shouted at her, before I threw the phone I swear I heard Royalty crying. Shit is never fair, my mom just fucked me over. Everyone in life does it to me and then make me out to be the crazy one, I am angry but that is because y’all are fakes” shaking my head “I understand and I saw it, Chris we will show her. I promise you that you got me now, you have stability and we will have Royalty. She will be the one crying, you need to play dirty on this. She is using your money to take her away from you, let’s just start there” I am so angry for him, he was so excited about this and awake in early hours for this.
Lazily placing my arm over Chris’ chest as he laid his head on my lap “I guess there was no reason for you to be here, sorry I took you away from your family” Chris said, pulling a face at him “shut up, I am happy to be here with you. I am just hurting for you” feeling my eyes tearing up “why?” he questioned “because I feel like people are always around to hurt you, just to see it all play out. You are the victim in this but everyone made you out to be the bad guy, it hurt to see your mom like this. I just hurt for you because is this what it’s always been like for you” now he got me crying “I would have my homies here for entertainment so I would get over it but then talk to Mijo, I didn’t know feelings until I met you. I am grateful for you” smiling a little at Chris “you got me, just please do not lash out and say anything else. We about to get her, stop the payments and then we will see who’s crying. Stop the payments to Nia, she is not holding her end of the deal ok?” Chris nodded, the bitch think she can hurt my man like that and then take his money, I think the fuck not.
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