#'oh look they got a new blog so they can circumvent blocks'
benilos · 1 year
Mkay to me it looks like someones tryna start shit so imma just put this here.
Me making this new blog was not an invitation for ppl to start shit. Take my name out of yalls mouth and do not involve in weird drama you want to start. Im not going to have a Drac/Cecil part 2 with Rea/Bee. I left the server 2 years ago for the way they spoke to people and because they involved their selves too much in the proship v antiship stuff and it made me uncomfortable. It has nothing to do with me being uncomfortable with them calling a fucking strapon "she." Thats doofy as fuck.
I have not sent them any fucking anons, and yall need to stop fucking asking them about me. Leave them both alone, and leave me alone. You guys are super weird, stirring up drama that is years old. I have had them comfortably blocked since I left the server, I dont know Icarus, and I do not care about those two getting hate anons. Im not their friend, so I do not want to be involved. This is fucking weird.
Literally, my first day with a new blog and yall pull this? Go tf away, stop bothering other ppl cuz you wanna use me as a scapegoat. I may not be comfortable around Rea and Bee, but frankly I am sorry to them for the way yall are fucking acting. Leave them both alone, and stop sending me screenshots of their blogs its weird.
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rpbetter · 3 years
Those callout blogs are a nuisance. All of those screen shots were taken out of context and all the "harassment" is just people talking about that person on their own blogs, after blocking them AND being blocked, and still being stalked and having the finger pointed at them by that person who is calling it harassment, despite circumventing blocks which is totally in their own power not to do. Why keep hate reading people after a two-way block? Then suicide bait and say those blogs made them get that far? I wouldn't be surprised if the callout blogs were run by the same person or someone close to them. Long story short- you are awesome, you did nothing wrong, and thank you for doing what you do. There is a reason these callouts have almost no notes on them, it is because people know what's up. I think that's a silver lining!
Yeah, Anon, that is...all very much what my take on this is. Some of us have been around, we know what this looks like, and there's been plenty of evidence I've found of harassment from the callout crew. If those few screenshots in my callout (achievement unlocked!) are "harassment" oh...oh, honey. No, taking issue with your behavior in a firm way isn't harassment, neither is multiple people trying to patiently, kindly help you out of your own damn mess. All that got myself and at least one other mun I saw doing so was posted up on the callout blog, so...from where is this harassment coming, exactly? lol amazing. Cognitive dissonance, on sale all week!
I will absolutely say, like I did on their childish ass reblogs, I'm very much not supportive of anon hate and other such behaviors. I do think some of those messages could have been worded better, but did they have to be? No. You post something inflammatory, you don't just expect to get ass pats of support for your bad behavior. They all use incredibly baiting, hostile language that is a problem when the OP of the rules does it, but their posts meant to be publicly consumed aren't supposed to trigger unwanted reactions. I don't feel, as someone on the spectrum, which is exactly why I tried to speak to Raven, I'm expecting anything extraordinary out of another working adult to know that this is pretty basic behavior. You act hatefully, people tend to react hatefully, you don't fix it by crying and being more hateful.
- AGAIN am in no way supporting anything legitimately unnecessary that was sent to Raven. I don't believe there is an excuse for that, outside of maybe...if she posted crush videos or something, then, yes, by all means, go anon hate away on people hurting real animals or children or the elderly lol but here? In the RPC? No, no, no. Never okay. I'm just saying, sometimes, we do get what we put out. We should be mindful of what we're selling if we don't want those goods returned to us. Like the OP of those rules said, "Look, I'm hateful, I was being intentionally hateful, it's fine." You know? -
No one else on tumblr is ND and might have some issues being too reactionary, no one can come across that shit independently of any of these muns they seem to want to sell as being some kind of evil RP clique and feel personally offended. Nope! Just their friend! Only one with permission.
And yeah, I definitely suspect that, at best, it's a handful of muns with too similar personal problems acting out justice and power they cannot achieve offline. Life is hard, being a young adult is hard, you are hyper-aware of being unable to immediately effect lasting change in your world, and it's kind of an unfortunate hallmark of the internet anymore that you see this being taken out in things like the RPC. It's still not necessary or acceptable, but maybe by explaining it, someone out there can recognize those feelings in themselves and not act on it. Point is, it's really common. Not the first time I've seen it on tumblr, would not be at all shocked.
I do not even know what to say about the potential suicide-baiting, an opinion you're absolutely entitled to. Since I did not see this transpire in action and do not know that meme mun, I don't feel like it's appropriate for me on this blog to imply they weren't serious. I don't want anyone out there to feel like their own statements aren't serious, you know? I will say, given forever of past observances, it is a bit convenient to the victimization she was peddling. Doesn't mean it couldn't be both...and I would really like to say, as a reminder to everyone: if you see a blog mentioning self-harm of any kind, whether you have a reason to believe they are being dramatic or not, report them. If they weren't serious, that's a really terrible thing they just did in using something like that. If they were serious, even someone you can't stand deserves this kind of help.
But yeah, anyways! I'm certain I'll continue to be vaguely bothered in reblogs and get some amazing anons for it lol so thank you! It's appreciated! As are all of the other messages, publicly or privately addressed. They mean a lot, as they always have! Because it means a lot to provide you all with the genuine positivity of being seen, to get to address ways of helping the community, and speak to all of you!
My whole point in this blog was to support the RPC being a better place for everyone by tackling the issues that made me a bit salty, in the many ways that we can do that together, but the interactions here have made me feel so much more hope about the RPC! Most of you really aren't about callouts or harassment, or even things like leaning on aesthetics at cost to accessibility. Most of you just want to be allowed to enjoy the hobby your own way, need to be seen every now and then. Some of you might need some new ideas, or to feel excited about writing again, and getting to watch that happening is great.
You're all awesome, thank you, so much!
And since this drama is the main topic of this blog right now lol...reminder to everyone: if you're going through a hard time and someone in the RPC is making it hard for you to enjoy your escapism? That's on them. Not you. If you did do anything you feel is wrong, apologize to the person you hurt, accept their response either way, and grow as a person. Block the bad anons, block the callout blogs, stay off blogs that are drama sources, and enjoy what you're here to do, RP.
And hey, if you feel like you need to vent or could use some advice, I'm not going to judge you. The words "freaky shit" will never leave my mouth. If you need a pickmeup, need to feel like you're not the only one who feels this way, search the #anonymous or #answered tag. You're definitely not alone, and chances are, I support you if you're trying your best - which looks different for all of us.
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Alex and MC are having a moment😳😳😳 MC has them pulled close by the collar of their shirt and she asks them to leave marks along her neck. Alex happily obliges, and eventually make their way down-
God, I love how thirsty this request is; it makes me feel I’m not the only thirsty person on this blog lol. Anyway, I’d be happy to write this for you, anon--thank you for requesting and I hope you enjoy it!
“I want you to mark me.”
The abrupt request paints Alex’s lips with her breath, sweet and intoxicating in every aspect imaginable. MC was blushing, her fingers locked around Alex’s collar, their face only inches away in distance. The demigod smirked one of their impeccably dashing smirks. “Oh? Bold today, aren’t we?” They keened smoothly, their head cocked to the side studiously. MC had an incredulous bubble of authority lodged in her ambitions, so contrasting when beside her sweet, understanding after-work attitude; especially when it came to spending the rest of her day with Alex. I’m telling you, the stress I get from work is beginning to become my aphrodisiac, she twinkled secretively. 
“Says the silver-tongued, demigod.” MC quips as her unoccupied hand slides around Alex’s waist sensually slow. Her lips were sewn into a devilish smirk. Alex returns the expression eagerly, their eyes alight with mischief. “Still, this is a new look for you,” a pause sifts through their words as MC reels them even closer to her body, “a seriously good look on you.” The last fragment of the sentence is delivered with a timid pink dusting their face. Apparently possessive gestures such as this were a high never explored for them. “I want you to mark me, Alex.” MC’s demand is unremitting as she coaxes the demigod onto her. She makes sure to direct Alex’s attention to her neck, hidden behind the ruffled, unstable wall of collar circumventing her shirt. Alex recognizes the suggestive lure right away and hums thoughtfully, the look in their eyes deepening. “How so? Just say the word and you know I’ll obey.”
MC’s smirk fattens impishly. “Obey, huh? Can I expect you to grovel and beg if I ordered you to?” She teased, the fingers draped around Alex’s waist feathering their hip playfully. The tension between them was staggering, the two of them lost in a perilous stupor, one that’d result in some articles of clothing being ripped clean off limbs. With a quirk of their eyebrow, the demigod grins. “Not unless you rid me of my clothes first,” Alex denounces wantonly, “today I just so happen to be wearing my best suit and I’d rather not send it to the trash so soon.”
Laughing, MC brushes a feather soft kiss to Alex’s lips, so faint their head spun. “Well you can rest assured, Alex, because I’d much rather see you plead naked.” One of Alex’s hands cards through MC’s brunette hair, catching in the tiny knot caused by the bun she ties her hair up in. Their eyes wander the pale flood of skin from her face, down to her throat and lingering there. It was like Alex was stepping away a canvas they were painting on, checking how it all looked and where they should begin next. MC stares into their eyes with need, passing on a silent request. They relent, brushing aside the collar to expose her skin. Alex pauses for moment. “Please,” MC murmurs, the flush in her cheeks reinvigorated once more. Satisfied with her response, Alex presses their lips against her neck gingerly, their warmth seeping into her skin. 
MC uses a hand to cradle the back of the demigod’s head, encouraging them onward. They suckle her flesh into their mouth, first softly then more aggressively to paint a darker splotch. A pleased sigh rings from her lips when they break away only to refocus on a new patch of skin. Their path of sensual havoc continues further along MC’s body, her clothes disposed each time a sheen of fabric blocked their route. Alex was diligent in their task, summoning a series of reddish-purple stepping stones along a river of pale silk. They kissed the swell of MC’s breasts and bruised the suppleness with prowess. Alex worshiped the stuttering surface of her stomach, speckling marks anywhere their mouth could reach.
When the demigod came to the only article of clothing strung on her body, they were kneeling before her. She struggled to stay standing under Alex’s expertise. With a chipper hey peeled away her underwear tantalizingly slow. The soft chill of the room swept through heated regions, ones that made MC shiver and cling to Alex harder, the better portion of her hands embedded in their hair. “Alex, please...!” Her bright eyes shined down on the demigod, catching their wicked eye and the smirk they catapulted her way. “Now who’s the one begging?” The sovereignty of their position seemed obvious by appearance, but by more heavier scrutiny, the power was all in Alex on their knees. They had a vice-like grip on her despite barely touching her at all.
“Who’s the one on their knees right now?” A feeble comeback to a cocky demigod but somehow it works. Alex shrugs, a chuckle cascading from their grin. “Touché.” Then their mouth proceeded to redefine pleasure as it joined her right where she needed. MC almost buckled right then and there but Alex was there to prevent her fall, still prodding her to bliss. Silver-tongued seemed like an understatement with the way Alex used it, demonstrating their impeccable skills. She could only grip their black hair in fistfuls and relish in the paradise Alex presented her. They were slow in tasting her, acquainting with her tang, even though they’d done it hundreds of times before. By the time she was teetering on the brink of euphoria, Alex swore she stained their tongue with her sweetness. MC fell apart quickly, her knees wobbly as she fought to remain standing. The demigod kept their eyes open, admiring the expression her face was set in as she trembled. Once the tempestuous high was resolved, just a distant purr of thunder in her body, MC pulled Alex to their feet.
She kisses them hard as a reward for their hard work. Flattered, Alex returns the kiss and cradles MC close in their arms, smiling cheekily against her when she hissed at their clothes against her nude form.”Your turn,” she rasps. The demigod withdraws to look MC in the eyes. There’s teasing twinkle to their already mischievous air. “I’m sorry, but for professional reasons, I’ll have to pass.” MC doesn’t try to hide the disappointment haunting her tone as she responds. “What? But what about-?!” Her question is interjected by a soft fingertip to her mouth. Alex’s eyes gleamed. “You’ve got a pretty swanky wardrobe, don’t you? Your sense of style can cover those up easily. Mine isn’t.”
MC was shocked into utter silence for a solid few seconds before a bubble of questions rupture that quietness. “What? First of all, who the hell uses the term ‘swanky’ nowadays and why does it have to be when describing my wardrobe? Second, are you seriously using your job as a pass out of this? That’s an unfair move to make after you did this,” MC irately gestures to the purple spots tattooing her body, “to me--don’t forget that we work at the same place, pal.” Alex blinks then bursts into laughter, their shoulders shaking softly. The sight had butterflies swarming MC’s stomach in seconds.”Don’t be so blunt, my heart might actually crack at the hands of your brutal criticism.” Alex teases, the last couple words highlighted by their melodramatic tone. With another chuckle, the demigod moves away from MC and starts walking... in the opposite direction.
“Where are you going?” MC calls after them. Alex casts a brief, and very impish, glance over their shoulder at their naked girlfriend, standing in the middle of the their living room.
“That left me feeling a little hungry so I’m going to get eat a snack real fast.”
MC groans, her eyebrows pinching together. Is that their lame way of saying ‘you might as well get dressed, I’m not going to risk my position at H.E.R.A for your fulfillment’?
Whatever the answer, she knew the demigod was up to their classic tricks again.
Thanks for requesting, anon, I sincerely loved quenching your thirst (hopefully) with this Alex Cyprin fic!
If you want to request something, here are the Guidelines, here’s Who I Write For, and here is where you can Request me.
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musingsofonehuman · 4 years
I didn’t want to write about Epic and Apple, I didn’t, but it just made me so angry I had to write something.
Very briefly, for those that haven’t heard, Epic introduced cheaper microtransactions (mtx) within Fortnite to circumvent the 30% cut that Apple take, they introduced these new mtx across all platforms, including iOS, and Apple weren’t happy about it, so they removed Fortnite from the iOS store. In response, Epic filed a lawsuit, not seeking any damages but seeking to change the “anti-competitive restrictions” and posted a video similar to Apple’s 1984 video against IBM. Fortnite has also been taken off the Google Play Store and Epic are also suing them, however this seems to be a battle against Epic and Apple, so let’s just focus on those two.
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I hate this, just this whole situation overall, it just stinks of money, because that’s all this so about in the end, it’s about money, Epic aren’t happy that they’re not getting enough money from Apple and so are trying to change it, and while they are “fighting to change restrictions”, the real game here is Epic want a piece of mobile, they even state it in their own lawsuit.
But for Apple’s illegal restraints, Epic would provide a competing app store on iOS devices, which would allow iOS users to download apps in an innovative, curated store and would provide users the choice to use Epic’s or another third-party’s in-app payment processing tool.
The Epic Games Mobile Store, that’s the end goal, Epic are not only seeking to take away from Apple’s cut from Fortnite, they’re also seeking to take away Apple’s cut altogether. Tim Sweeney, founder of Epic Games, even stated it in a tweet.
Truly, Apple has no right to take any percent of any company’s revenue just because they made the phone people use to access the stuff.
Don’t get me wrong, I can understand why Epic are furious, it is annoying that Apple lock down their phones and tablets and then charge 30% just for the privilege of putting an app on their devices, as well as abiding by their rules. I use Apple devices, and I’m annoyed that I won’t be able to access xCloud streaming through them, so much so that I might switch to Android. And yet, isn’t this the same with all tech companies? Don’t all tech companies charge to put things on their platform? Look at that statement from Tim Sweeney again, that statement could easily read:
Truly, Epic has no right to take any percent of any company’s revenue just because they made the software people use to access the stuff.
Yes, Twitter is not the best place to have a discussion, and that statement is overly simplified, but the point still stands. Every tech company charges to be on their platform, Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo all do the same, why aren’t they being targeted? I wear a Fitbit, that doesn’t mean I have the right to put whatever I want on that Fitbit. Epic are no different, they pay for exclusives on their platform, with suggestions that they don’t want games on their platform if they’re not exclusive, and they take a cut of every sale, a smaller cut, but it’s still a cut. This isn’t just an Apple or Google problem, it’s a problem across the entire tech industry, it’s how the tech industry has been built, if Epic truly cared about “anti-competitive restrictions”, they would open up their platform and go after the entire industry, but no, the real aim here is to get Epic on mobile and take a piece of the mobile pie.
Besides, how is this any different from PCs? “Smartphones are everywhere, they’re universal”. Yeah, and so are PCs, and yet companies try to lock that platform down every day with their software, just because it’s a universal platform doesn’t stop companies from trying to gain dominance. It’s all a bit ridiculous, but that’s not the main point I wanna talk about, I wanna talk about the video Epic put out.
The video in question is a parody of Apple’s 1984 Super Bowl commercial, where they showcased themselves as underdogs against IBM, fighting against the oppressive system by throwing a sledgehammer through a giant screen, telling people that 1984 wouldn’t be like “1984”, the George Orwell novel. Epic’s take on it is pretty much the same, only done in Fortnite, but at the end, there’s a quote.
Epic Games has defied the App Store Monopoly. In retaliation, Apple is blocking Fortnite from a billion devices. Join the fight to stop 2020 from becoming “1984”. #FreeFortnite
This is disgusting, Epic is essentially using the audience of Fortnite to help them win a corporate battle, most of this audience consists of young children who can be easily influenced, which is what Epic are probably betting on. This is sickening, we all remember what happened during GamerGate, and still happens to this day, death threats, rape threats, attacks on people for no good reason, all because “gamers are angry” and “don’t want politics in their games”. Now, Epic is looking to use that same audience to help bring Apple down, which for the record, won’t make any difference, Apple are far too big to fall to a bunch of “gamers” complaining about Fortnite, this is purely a publicity stunt. However, I would like to move away from Epic and Apple for a bit and talk about self expression.
Self expression is when you express yourself as an individual, be it through music, dance, art, fashion or any other creative form, it’s something I’m currently going through, it’s why I started this blog, I find it’s a good way to express myself, I’ve still got a way to go, and it’s taken me a long time, but I am slowly finding myself as an individual, and I think we all should be. Self expression is what makes us human, we are all individuals with our own way of thinking, our own behaviours, our own passions, and we should be allowed to express those, that’s what makes us individuals. Why should we listen to other people or companies about what we should do, how we should behave, what we should wear, we should be allowed to make out own free choices. Obviously, practice self expression within the rules of the law, don’t go rob a bank or murder someone because of self expression, that’s not cool, I’m talking about wearing the clothes you want to wear, listening to the music you want to listen to, being who you want to be.
I hate when influential people have names for their communities, like Lady Gaga’s “little monsters” or Taylor Swift’s “swifties”. The problem is if you start calling yourself one of those names, it becomes part of your identity, it becomes part of who you are. Let’s say someone insults Taylor Swift and they say “Oh Taylor Swift is rubbish, she doesn’t make good music and doesn’t dress right”. As a “swiftie”, you feel personally attacked, because part of your identity is being attacked, and so you retaliate in response. Why? Why do you feel the need to retaliate? Why do you feel the need to give yourself a tag or identify with someone else?
You can enjoy someone’s music, you can say you like someone’s music, but you don’t have to identify as one of their fans if you don’t want to, but then someone might say in response “Oh, you don’t love her music? Are you not a true swiftie?” You don’t need to be a “swiftie” in the first place, just enjoy the music and the artist, it’s the same with any influential person, enjoy what they do, don’t identify with them though, if you wanna do that, if you’re happy to identify as a fan then fine, I’m not gonna stop you, but ask yourself, is this truly making you happy? Or are you simply identifying yourself with this brand because you haven’t found your own identity yet? It’s ok if you haven’t, it took me years to find mine, and it will probably change over my lifetime, but that’s ok, because that’s what makes us human, we evolve and change over time, our priorities become different and so do our passions, it’s ok to change if you’re not happy with who you are.
I also understand the argument against this, people will tell me “Well that’s pretty selfish, looking out for yourself but not looking out for others, so you don’t care about others then? You only care about yourself. Are you just a selfish person then? Is that it?”. I get it, I get the argument, but I’d like to pose this question in response. How can you criticise other people when you can’t criticise yourself? How can you judge others when you can’t judge yourself? If you can’t love yourself, how can you love others? Yes, it’s a selfish way of looking at things, but you have to put yourself first, because in the end, you have to learn to be comfortable with who you are. You can’t just ditch your body, this isn’t a game where you can go into the character creator and change who you are, you are who you are, you need to accept that, it won’t be easy and it will take time, but if you can learn to love who you are as an individual, you can learn to love others are they are. Learning self expression can help with that, just try it sometime, please.
To wrap all of this back into the Epic/Apple situation, you can play Fortnite, you can enjoy Fortnite, but don’t feel like you have to defend it, don’t let it define who you are, you are an individual who can make their own decisions, if you want to weigh in on all this, then fine, but these are giant corporations which have more than enough money to throw at all of this, this is a corporate battle all about money, don’t let anyone else tell you otherwise. Now, go practice some self expression, step away for a bit and think about who you want to be, about what makes you happy, just try it, please.
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