#'if it's blood you want i've got plenty of it / you're gonna love it / bleed out' insane
protoctist · 2 years
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M*A*S*H, "Fallen Idol" / Bleed Out - the Mountain Goats
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beansandsprouts · 1 year
Dean Winchester x fem reader
Chapter 2
Chapter 1
Next chapter
Summary: When a hunt starts to get tough, you call in Mary for help. Dean tags along, interested in meeting this hunter his mom won't stop talking about.
Warnings: violence, blood, cursing
Sidenote: crocottas are monsters that appear human and are said to lure their victims into the woods by mimicking the voices of their loved ones so that they can consume their soul.
You'd been investigating this case the last two days. The first day you figured out it was a crocotta. The second day you figured out it was actually two.
After just barely making it out of the forest, you made your way back to your motel room and bandaged your wounds. You'd tripped while trying to escape in the dark and had a nasty scrape on your forearm, and there was a nasty bite on your neck. They'd almost gotten you, you were lucky to be able to fight them off.
You sighed, you would not be able to do this alone. You were a good hunter. A great one even. But even you couldn't take on two crocottas without help.
You turned on your phone and scrolled through your short list of contacts before finding the one you wanted.
The phone rang three times before she picked up.
"Hey y/n."
"Hey Mary, I'm having some trouble on a case and could use yours and Bobby's help."
"Yeah sure! Fill me in."
"Two crocottas."
"Two? You're sure?"
"Considering they both tried to eat my soul, yes I'm sure."
"Bobby's out on a case with a different hunter, so I'll have to bring one of my sons."
"Bring whoever you want. We could use plenty of hands on this one."
"You got it. Text me where you are and we'll leave as soon as we can."
"You're a lifesaver Mary, thank you."
A few hours later and there was a knock on your door. You opened it to be greeted by Mary and two men standing behind her.
"Mary! Thank you so much for coming!" You said as you moved in for a hug. Mary hugged you tightly before you stepped aside to let them in.
"These are my boys, the tall one is Sam and the other is Dean."
"Nice to meet you." You smiled at them, looking them up and down.
Sam's long hair was tucked behind his ears and he offered you a kind smile.
Deans chiseled jaw and nice build certainly caught your eye. He was definitely your type. However, you didn't really think it was a great idea to try and hook up with your friends son.
"So, two crocottas?" Dean asked.
"They usually hunt on their own. Strange to have two in one spot, let alone to have them work together."
"You're telling me," you responded, "I've never seen anything like it."
"Alright, we've got our gear, ready to go?"
"Dean she's injured we should wait until tomorrow." Sam argued.
"No no it's fine. I'm ready to go."
"Honey are you sure? We can wait." Mary murmured to you.
"Yes, I'm good. I want those fuckers dead." You grinned.
The four of you practically fell into the motel room when you'd gotten back. The fight with the two wendigos had been brutal, and everyone had injuries. You pulled out your first aid kit, first tending to yours and Mary's wounds before turning to Dean while she helped Sam.
"Nah I'm ok." He said trying to wave you off.
"Dude, just let me see your arm. You definitely need stitches, that thing cut you pretty good."
"Listen to her Dean." Mary scolded.
Dean sighed and peeled off his flannel, leaving him in a black short sleeve, which you rolled up over his shoulder. You were right, it had cut him pretty good. Three jagged slashes adorned his bicep, though they weren't bleeding anymore.
You wet a cloth to clean up the blood around the area, then disinfected the wounds. Dean hissed in response.
"Sorry. The stitches are gonna hurt too." You muttered.
"Just get it over with."
You carefully stitched up his wounds, ensuring that they wouldn't come undone unless he really exerted himself.
Dean took this opportunity to really get a look at you. You had a small cut on your cheek, probably from running into a branch or a bush. Your eyes were focused, glued to his arm. He looked at the way your jaw curved and the way the strands of hair that'd come out of your ponytail framed your face. You were beautiful, he thought.
You'd been very sweet and encouraging since he'd met you, joking around in the car on the drive to the forest edge. You'd even teased Sam a bit. You had watched their backs out there, and had actually saved his ass. Seeing the difference between the kind and caring you right now and the bloodthirsty ruthless you he'd seen taking down those crocottas gave him whiplash. It was like you were a completely different person.
"Done!" You sat back and admired your handiwork, giving Dean a smile.
"Anytime." You said as you began packing your stuff up.
"So...where you off to next?" Sam asked.
"Not sure yet," you replied, "I'll probably stay here a few more days until I find another case and then hit the road."
"Well, if you wanted, you could come stay with us." He offered.
"We've got plenty of room in the bunker, and I'm sure it'd be nice to have a home base. A bed to call your own." Mary piped up.
"And we could use skill like yours on the regular."
"I don't know, I'm more of a lone wolf type of girl." You chuckled.
"That's fine, we're not asking you to go with us on every hunt. Just come join us so we can ask you for help if needed." Sam explained.
You hesitated. Sure, it would be nice to actually have your own room. A place you could call home. A safe place you could go to. But at the same time, you hadn't relied on anyone in years. Not to mention, you really weren't going to be around for a whole lot longer.
"Please, y/n?" Mary whispered.
You looked up at her.
"I worry about you. You're on your own, no one to rely on. It's less likely for something to happen if you come stay with us."
You sighed. She wasn't going to let up on this, and she'd gotten her boys in on it too. And from what you'd heard, they were more stubborn than she was.
"Fine. I'll go."
Mary's face lit up and she pulled you into a hug. Sam grinned and Dean looked pleased.
Maybe it wouldn't be so bad.
You'd chosen a room at random, not realizing yours was right next to Dean's. You put your stuff away, you didn't have much so it didn't take very long. Then went and showered before joining the others in the main room.
"There you are," Mary said as you walked in, "I want you to meet Castiel and Jack."
"The angel and the nephilim." You said, looking between the gruff man and the bright blond boy. They both eyed you curiously.
"Mary talks about you all a lot." You shrugged.
"Well it's nice to meet you. She talks about you a lot too." Jack said.
"She does?" You blinked.
"All the damn time," Dean chuckled, "You'd think she's your mother."
You laughed and sat down at the table, taking a sip of the beer Dean passed to you.
"It's a nice place. How the hell did ya find it?"
"Long story. Used to belong to this group called the Men of Letters. Pretty useful stuff in here. Has all the lore you could ask for." Sam explained.
"Cool." You nodded.
"So how'd you get into hunting?" Jack asked.
"Yeah I was wondering," Sam said, "Mom talks about you a lot but she never mentioned how you got into this life."
"Ah...yeah. Well about 8 years back a werewolf broke into my parent's house and killed them. He was one of a long string of deaths in town so obviously some hunters came to investigate. Long story short they gave me the talk and took me in and taught me everything they knew. They were killed during a case a few years ago."
"I'm sorry, that's a tough way to get into it."
You shrugged, "It's alright. Keeps me sane honestly. I don't think I could just go around living a normal life knowing that there's things out there like that killing people."
"I get that." Sam murmured.
The table went quiet. You bit the inside of your cheek before standing.
"I think I'm gonna go to bed. Thank you guys for having me out here. Night."
A chorus of goodnights sounded in the room and you walked off to yours. You cuddled up in bed and waited to fall asleep. Not too long later you heard the door of the room next to yours shut.
Maybe it would be nice having actually friends. If they were anything like Mary, you'd definitely treasure them.
Shoot me a dm if you want to be tagged for updates!
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murderousxcoffee · 2 years
Amoricide [Dead by Daylight Dark Soulmate AU - Trickster/Survivor!OC]
Amoricide     The act of killing your soulmate Chapter 3: Crush Chapter 1 Chapter 2
Warnings: Blood, but that's about it
Shoutout to @vincent-sinclair-deserved-better for giving me the dopamine hit to go 'fuck it' and post this after having it finished for longer than I want to say.
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Her mark was bleeding again. Sunshine grimaced, lifting her arm off the desk. Blood smeared on her skin and the old metal surface. She snatched a rag from the floor and wiped the desk off. The mark would take more effort. But with the music going, two more songs before her entrance, she had plenty of time.
Sunshine tossed the headset on the desk and rolled her chair towards the shelves on the opposite wall. She stopped herself with her foot, reached up for the bandages on the middle shelf, then rolled back to her desk with all her laptops and all her creations.
Running a radio station in the Realm wasn't all that easy. The first challenge was getting the place up and running. The second challenge was keeping it, and herself, safe from Killers and hostile Survivors.
The third challenge was finding music to play on the damn thing. Used to be she'd scavenge on her own, finding the technology that may still have musical gems hidden on it. Now she got other Survivors to do it, trading with them through the door, changing her voice so no one would recognize her.
It would be a shame for them to realize the truth, that DJ Sunshine was just boring, useless little Cortez.
As the music ended, she smiled into the microphone.
"Hello world! You're listening to WNTTY, the Fog. I'm your Sunshine! Let's talk."
And she talked, and she talked, and she talked. She talked like someone was listening, even though there was no proof of that.
"Thanks to your help, I've added several thousand new songs to my collection! Great work, all of you! Unfortunately a lot of them are not in English, so I have no idea what they're saying or who is singing them. I'll be playing batches of these now and then. If you recognize the language, song, or singer, leave a note at the station door, or text me at--"
She talked and talked and talked.
"Shout-out to the weirdo who sent me a dick pic, by the way. You're a real piece of shit, and I'm not gonna save you from the hook if we're in a Trial together. Asshole."
She talked. Talked. Talked.
"So here's your question of the day: is love real? Romantic love. Obviously you can love your family or your cat, but is that feeling you get with that one person an actual, separate kind of love? I think a lot of our emphasis on it is just marketing taking advantage of loneliness and a desire for sex. But hey, I've never been in love, what would I know?"
Talking, talking, talking. And as she talked, everything felt alright.
"Anyway! That's my thirty minutes up! We're back to two hours of sweet, sweet tunes. Let's start with early millennium America, jump on over to the British Invasion of the 60s, take a detour to Germany and South Africa, and finish up with the Korean Wave. I have no idea what half of these songs are talking about, but they're fun to listen to, so into the mix they go. Enjoy!"
Button presses, a flip of the switch, and there it was, Toxic by Britney Spears traveling through the airwaves. Sunshine exhaled and took off her headset, leaning back in her chair. There was something so satisfying about this job… And exhausting, too. She'd never been a people person, always insecure, but it was easier to work with them from the safety of her radio station. It was almost like she could be her true self.
The mark had soaked through the bandages. Sunshine raised her arm to look at it again. How was it that it could bleed for hours and she didn't feel sick at all? It never bled before she came to this place. Maybe the Entity had something to do about it.
Right. She stood from her chair and stretched. Bandage her arm again, check the perimeter, then… she glanced at one laptop in particular. She'd work on her secret project. The idea of it made her smile.
There were reasons to keep going, even in a place like this.
It'd just been lying in the middle of the street. He'd stopped, looking down at it, tilted his head to the side. An old radio, outdated by over thirty years, without a single dent or smear of dirt on it. 
A cute antique. Trickster took it with him, and if anyone cared, no one complained.
He wasn't much for old technology, but he could tell this was meant for Americans by how ugly it was. For such an influential country, they had hideous toys. But it worked. Somehow, the thing worked. Didn't make a sound, but at least it turned on. Trickster screwed around with it, fiddling with the knobs, and he smiled.
Music burst through. Trickster jerked back. He backed away from the table, part of him glad no one could see his surprise. Music - bullshit. How was that possible? He hadn't heard music on anything but his phone since…
The song stopped, and a voice came over the line.
"I'm your Sunshine!"
Trickster blinked, and listened.
He sat down, and listened. And listened. And listened.
"So I can't do any research on these guys, since there's no Internet here, but I'm really enjoying their sound. Like, I'll play it again when I take a break, so check it out - you hear the violin or something in the background? You wouldn't think about it but I think it adds a lot to the song, and the whole, y'know, theme of it."
Finally, he thought. Someone else gets it.
"I've really been thinking about making my own stuff, cause of this job. I mean, I don't really have anything better to do, aside from… die a lot."
How did a Survivor do this? He laced his hands under his chin, listening. Listening.
"I'll be honest, I can't play any instruments. I don't know anything about major or minor keys, that kind of stuff, but I've always really liked music. Music can keep you alive, you know? Well, not in this place but, I think you get me, right?"
"I do," he mumbled.
He listened. 
He enjoyed.
The station host left as quickly as she came on, leaving music in her wake. Trickster reached to turn it off… but didn't. She mentioned the Korean Wave… would she play one of his songs?
Damn it, he thought. Now I have to keep it on.
So he did. And when he hunted down his so called soulmate days later, it was one of the songs Sunshine played he was humming.
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The Mountain Goats' "Bleed Out" is arguably about the Disco Elysium tribunal.
Every time they knock me down I rise to my feet Every time I take a bullet They find a medic To patch me up real neat
You only have to run the numbers to know Sooner or later everybody's gotta go Bleed out I'm gonna bleed out
I'm gonna bleed out I'm gonna bleed out There won't be anyone waiting to rush me to safety I'm gonna let the long night take me Bleed out I'm gonna bleed out
Every bender needs a black out Every gauge deserves a top line Every story needs a child Who believes the brave hero's gonna be just fine
You just have to check the papers to see Some of these children end up just like me Bleed out I'm gonna bleed out
I'm gonna bleed out I'm gonna bleed out I'm gonna make a gigantic mess But it meant something important I guess Bleed out I'm gonna bleed out
Somewhere beyond imagination Somewhere beneath the final delta Washed up on the banks of a river at the high of the storm Everybody's seeking shelter
Gonna dive right in I can't swim Bleed out I'm gonna bleed out
I'm gonna bleed out I'm gonna bleed out There's gonna be a big spot where I once lay And there won't even be a spot one day Bleed out I'm gonna bleed out
There was a chance we'd make it through this It's safe to say now that we've missed it And I won't ever lose hope and I haven't lost hope I'm just realistic
I will go down punching, but I will go down And my corner men will bring me back around Bleed out I'm gonna bleed out
The blood is pooling underneath me Flowing freely from my mouth You wanna call a medic now Knock yourself out You can tell' em when they get here you tried But the smallest hole was several inches wide Bleed out I'm gonna bleed out
I'm gonna head into the darkness I'm gonna head into the light I will surrender to the slow lurching tide Drift off into the night There won't be any words of wisdom from me Just a lake of blood for the whole world to see Bleed out I'm gonna bleed out
I'm gonna bleed out I'm gonna bleed out I'm gonna tell my friends they'll all go to hell And wish my enemies well Bleed out I'm gonna bleed out I'm gonna bleed out I'm gonna bleed out If its blood you want I've got plenty of it You're gonna love it Bleed out I'm gonna bleed out
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If it's blood you want, I've got plenty of it You're gonna love it Bleed out, I'm gonna bleed out
Bleed Out by the Mountain Goats
Well, if you want my blood I'll make so much blood That you're gonna fucking drown
Bloodeater by Devi McCallion
So give them blood, blood, gallons of the stuff Give them all that they can drink and it will never be enough So give them blood, blood, blood Grab a glass because there's going to be a flood
Blood by My Chemical Romance
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braddersbangerz · 4 years
jackham 3, 43
3. “You’re not hurting me, you’re not heavy. I’ve got you, love.”
43. “God, I love your face.”
"Idiot," Jack snaps frantically. "You bloody idiot."
Graham groans in response. He rolls onto his back and presses a hand to his stomach. He pulls it away to reveal red slicked fingers. "That's not good."
"No, it fucking isn't," Jack retorts. "Why, Graham?"
Graham flicks his eyes to Jack's concerned face. "Didn't want you-"
"I heal," Jack interjects as he kneels down. "You don't," He states. "Need to get you back to the TARDIS before you bleed out."
"Well, not bleed out," Jack rubs the back of his neck. "You're stabbed, but you've been stabbed in a lucky place."
"Oh," Graham murmurs. "I'll try harder next time."
Jack snaps his head to Graham's face. "Don't joke like that."
Graham stares back. "Sorry."
"Look, let's just get you back, shall we?" Jack sighs.
"Yeah, that would be-" Graham sucks in a sharp breath, cutting his sentence short when Jack jostles him. "What are-"
"Carrying you," Jack grunts out through clenched teeth. "I've seen my fair share of wounds like that," He frowns. "Had a fair few myself."
"I didn't know he would stab me," Graham mumbles. "I'm getting blood on you."
"I've had plenty of blood on me before," Jack replies if only to keep the man talking. "Now, I wish I didn't have yours on me."
"Doc's gonna be mad."
"Let me deal with the Doctor, Graham," Jack reassures with a gentle smile. "She won't be mad at you for getting hurt."
"Not worried 'bout her being mad," Graham corrects, voice slipping somewhat. "Worried 'bout what she'll do."
"How far?"
"Is the TARDIS?"
"Yeah," Graham clarifies. "Want to know."
"Not far, mate," Jack answers with confidence. "Honestly, you have a knack for getting hurt."
"Maybe," Graham agrees before frowning and focusing his eyes back onto Jack's face. "Heavy."
"Eh?" Jack glances down, puzzled. "What do you mean?"
"I'm heavy," Graham explains. "You'll ache in the morning if you carry me all the way."
Jack rolls his eyes, and he slaps on a smile, forcing himself to be brave for Graham. "You're not hurting me; you're not heavy,"
"Well, I'm not light," Graham mumbles. "Heavy for you."
 "Hey," Jack looks down once more. "I've got you, love, just let me carry you."
"Love?" Graham smirks. "Pet name."
"Could go back to idiot-"
"No," Graham leans his head against Jack's arm. "Love is good," He whispers as he continues to stare at Jack's face. His head is illuminated by the fading sun, and Graham can't help but find himself enthralled by it. "God," He begins. "I love your face."
"What?" Jack blinks. His legs go to stop, but he forces them to carry on walking towards the blue box coming into view. "You love my face?"
"Not just your face," Graham slurs, eyes now closing. "There are other parts I like."
"Oh, shut up," Graham snorts before groaning. "I don't recommend this by the way."
"You're lucky-"
"Don't feel lucky."
"Well, you are," Jack confirms. "As I said, I've seen wounds like these, any further to the left and you'd be losing more blood, any further to the right and you'd be-" He trails away, mouth unwilling to say the words. "Look, we're at the TARDIS now, we'll get some of that gel you love-"
"Tingling gel," Graham replies dumbly. "Reckon the Doc has it 'cos of me."
"That could be it," Jack snorts as he shoulder, barges his way into the TARDIS. "Wouldn't surprise me if she did."
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Scummy GC
Charlie: hope you two are having a very merry sober holiday 😘 Ronnie: just say f u its shorter like Joe: yeah cheers mate 👍 Bronson: I'm gonna go with Feliz navidad bitches 'cause I'm multicultured and it's a bop 🕺🎵 Bea: Always said that about you, babe, bringing the much needed culture, Charlie bringing the class Charlie: she gets it! nothing but genuine festive feelings here kids Bronson: She's a smart girl, always said that about her 🤓🧠 Ronnie: yeah getting knocked up by freckles is well smart Bronson: Don't be bitter 'cause you're barren Karen Ronnie: 🖕 got enough kids to look after here cheers Bea: Stopped you making the big separate claims per kid so isn't an advisable career move for you, no Bronson: 😂 Joe: alright don't need a headache coming at me from this direction as well Ronnie: trouble in paradise? shocker Bea: Turning up and seeing otherwise would be too 💔 I suppose Bea: no need to act like we don't all know the actual problem Ronnie: that my invitation yeah? speaking for mummy dearest now you're playing at being one, that's proper sweet Bea: Just 'cause you're waiting for it to be written in blood Ronnie: or sweat or tears like Ronnie: I'm easy Charlie: this is exactly what I was after Charlie: creating that family christmas vibe, thanks ladies Ronnie: we all know you've got a boner for my ma and stepdaddy Charles the only thing that's shocking is you ain't there with that lot Charlie: shocking in what world Ronnie: the one where you're a step away from wrapping yourself up and getting on their front step baby Charlie: obviously there'd be no greater gift for you than to sulk all alone 'til dear joseph gets back Charlie: but I'm skint 😘 Bronson: Go on and keep pretending I ain't here, it's cool Charlie: OBVS you'll be coming too because you don't 💘 her as much as you love milfy, right ron? Bronson: I mean... 😉 Ronnie: only your backstory is a match for the princess' if we're going for the pity adoption though babe Ronnie: unlucky B boy Ronnie: we're in the cold this year and every Bea: and here's me thinking I'd missed this year's obligatory sob-story film Bea: tah for the recap Ronnie: gotta give you everything you want 💋 Bronson: 🤶💉 Bronson: You're alright, she had a dose of the clap last year Bea: I'm set, oddly enough Bea: and thanks, Bronson Bronson: Have I earned MY seat at the table? 🤞 Joe: crack that joke to my brother and you'd find out, like 😏 Bronson: Reckon I could take him, no offense Charlie: hot Bea: 🙄 Bronson: 🤢 Charlie: 😂 Bea: That all then? Bea: Merry Christmas etc Bronson: 😂 Bronson: Sounds like a Ma, doesn't she? Bronson: Busy busy 🐝 Ronnie: love you too 👑❤🖕 Bea: Obviously Bronson: It's been fun lads! 🙌🍾 Bea: Have to see you some time in the new year, yeah? Bronson: Text me and just me, like Bea: Will do ❤ Charlie: Bit rude when I've not seen you for longer but okay Ronnie: he means leave me out your text chain, yeah? Ronnie: can do Ronnie: don't fuck with stepford wives Charlie: you can dream, babe Charlie: 'tis the season Bea: If I thought I could trust you around pool chemicals Bea: still wouldn't hire you as my poolboy 💔 Ronnie: is it christmas without some casual racism? nah Bea: If I was being racist, I'd have gone with Bron Bronson: Always the bridesmaid Bronson: Thanks though Bea: Exactly, you're welcome Bronson: 🎁🎁🎄🎁🎁 Bea: actual gifts to come Bronson: I posted yours meaning you'll have it by July maybe Bea: 😂 Bea: hopefully they post it right back then Bronson: 🤞 Joe: have a good one 🎄 Joe: back asap Ronnie: be more of a walking greeting card mckenna Joe: think they're usually a lot more flowery than that Joe: but sweet of you to say anyway Ronnie: not how I write 'em but only got so much blood, yeah? Joe: I won't watch the post then Joe: noted Ronnie: don't Ronnie: disappointing you is 🎅s job like Joe: you'd never Ronnie: you wish Ronnie: there's enough loved up couples at your table baby Joe: don't I know it Bea: Could you do this privately Bea: don't need the notifications Ronnie: not coming for your incest 👑 relax Ronnie: you can still be the people's princess Bea: not taking your 🩸ties Bea: deal with it Ronnie: 💔 Bea: you cry more than my kids, honestly Ronnie: give 'em time Ronnie: don't know they're born yet Ronnie: plenty left to fuck 'em up and over Charlie: This is why you aren't being asked to be godmother Charlie: terrible speech, come on now Ronnie: nah it's 'cause you're the biggest fairy she knows Charlie: babe 💘 Charlie: that's more like it Ronnie: 💋 Joe: please don't put the idea of a christening out there Ronnie: gotta save 'em from hell somehow mckenna Ronnie: they'll already be living it Joe: don't start Ronnie: don't tell me what to fucking do like I'm your missus Bronson: Come and get your medicine, Grandma, maybe you'll calm down Ronnie: you either Ronnie: ain't too big to get sorted out Bea: Bless Bronson: NOW it feels like Christmas Bea: and all before the Queen's speech Bea: which obviously, we don't have to endure Bronson: Could be a record Bronson: The festive feels are definitely higher than last year Bea: don't act like you remember 😏 Bronson: Shhh Charlie: You ungrateful brat Charlie: I always do the best christmas Bronson: Calm down, dear, I'm trying to make Bea feel like she's missing out so she'll rush back to save Christmas Charlie: 💡🤓 Charlie: I'll 🤫 Bronson: I'm a smart boy, you should all be saying it about me, like Bronson: I'll pretend to leave so you can have a practice Bea: You're both idiots Bea: but you're both sweet too Bronson: We love you 💞 Charlie: yeah, thanks for letting me hit that before you got wifed, babe Charlie: remember it always 😘 Ronnie: and you pussies want me to shut the fuck up Ronnie: fitz you're the gayest it's hardly a 5 star review Ronnie: bet she wishes she could forget, like Charlie: how dare you erase me Charlie: RUDE Ronnie: you're still here and queer babe Ronnie: can't get rid Charlie: unlucky Ronnie: that's me Ronnie: stuck with yous Charlie: Yeah, yeah and our hearts bleed Charlie: seriously, get some more 🍾 in your glass immediately Ronnie: can be arranged twat 🖕👊💔🩸 Charlie: don't threaten me with a good time Charlie: already having so much fun Ronnie: it's not a threat baby it's a guarantee Ronnie: sit on the 🍾 and shut the fuck up, yeah? Charlie: I'm sorry, shoulda complimented you too Charlie: I remember you were there, don't worry Ronnie: fuck off Ronnie: always was, hand and dick holding for you Ronnie: you ain't got enough sweet talk Bronson: 🤢 Bea: I agree Joe: same Bronson: You two are the real married couple Bronson: You're making the kids uncomfortable mum and dad Joe: get a room and a 💍 charles Ronnie: ain't getting one of you, Joseph Joe: not asking to be your third Ronnie: gutted like Charlie: Spring wedding? Charlie: 🌷 🌹 🥀 🌺 🌸 🌼 🌻 Bronson: Bagsie Best Man Bea: Just don't clash with my christening Bronson: I won't let that happen, I've got you Bea: 💕 Bea: worry about them, no one would show Bea: 👑 Charlie: 😱😱😱 Bronson: 😂 Charlie: 👜🌄 Charlie: you ain't pregnant now, sweetheart Bea: don't all rush to defend my honour at once Bronson: I've just decked him IRL Bronson: keeping it Christmassy Joe: fa-la-la-la-la la-la-la-la Ronnie: you two wanna get a room after that love tap Bea: 💚👹
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