likeastars · 2 months
Re-listening to Hamilton as I get older is truly An Experience because I will literally be listening to the most angelic, perfectly composed and masterfully executed performance of either wonderful background vocals or the most talented actor and then THE MOST RATTY ASS, PATHETIC, FARTED OUT OF HIS ASS VOICE WILL GO AleXAnDeR hamILtON and I'm expected to not burst out laughing
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loverlele · 4 years
I’m A Believer
Spencer Reid x Female Reader
Warnings: some bad language, that's about it for this one
A/N: It’s currently nearly 1am, I can't sleep and I am bored as hell. I’ve had an idea for a Spencer Reid one shot for the last few days, so I thought now would be the best time to give it a crack. It’s based on an idea I had when listening to I’m A Believer by Smash Mouth. I haven't written properly for a while so it’s not super long and please bare with me. Anyways, enough of the waffling, enjoy :)
Word count: 1480
It’s not often we get cases that end in a good way, especially not this good. It took us two days to catch the unsub, his victims were still alive and he surrendered without much argument. It was almost as if he knew he wouldn't succeed in going through with his plans and decided letting himself get caught was easier. Definitely not something we see everyday. Hell, it's not something we see at all here. So when Emily said she wanted to listen to some music on the ride home, nobody objected. Even Spencer, which I was surprised at. Everyone was in high spirits, something that didn't happen too often on the job. But when it did happen, nobody took these moments for granted. 
The feeling of content was soon taken away as I felt a pen hit the back of my head. My head whipped up, making eye contact with Derek instantly. “What?! That wasn't me, it was JJ!” he proclaimed, hands up defensively. “I know it was you Derek, you are the only one who likes to throw things at other people’s heads” I said, not being able to hide the smile from my face. I love that out of all the things we could be arguing about right now it’s Derek being the man child he is and throwing pens at people’s heads to get their attention. “But JJ-”
“But JJ nothing, go back to listening to One Direction and leave me in peace. Besides there's better ways to get a girls attention. I think you’re losing some of your game Morgan” I said, throwing his pen back at him. I don't think he was expecting me to lob the pen at the force I did because it flew through the air and bounced off his forehead. 
A gasp could be heard over the song. “Did Spencer just say ‘who’ to One Direction? Do you live under a rock?” Emily exclaims. I look over at the man sat next to me, his eyebrows furrowed. I gently out my hand over his arm “Em, be nice” I say lightly running my fingers up and down his arm, eyes still focused on the scene in front of me, “He’s too busy wrapping himself up in books and knowledge to focus on anything else.” JJ’s giggle carried itself throughout the plane. Damn you JJ, I thought. If anyone was going to catch onto the slight double meaning in that sentence it was her. I mean I wasn't exactly hiding the fact I had a fat crush on Spence, it doesn't take a profiler to figure that one out. He might have 3 PHD’s and B.A.’s, but that man is oblivious as fuck to what's right under his nose.
“My game’s not weak” Derek huffed, “As for the pen, just wait. I'll get you back for that one missy.”
“Good luck with that one boo” I say, leaning into Spencer’s shoulder slightly. I feel him freeze up for a couple of seconds before slowly relaxing, “everyone knows I'm better at paybacks, just ask the doc how I got him back for stealing my fries the other week.” I don’t need to be looking at Spencer to know his cheeks have gone red.
“S-she waited behind a door for me to come in and then sprayed a whole can of whipped cream onto me. I was sticky for hours!”
“Not for the first time, eh pretty boy?” Derek smirked, completely ignoring any of the other parts of the sentence.
“Shut up,” he mumbled, no longer wanting to be a part of this conversation. He started wriggling round a bit, trying to reach something, so I sat up slightly. He pulled his phone out from his pocket, placing it on the table before getting comfy again. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder, pulling me closer to him. I couldn't help a small smile sneak onto my lips at the gesture. “You softy” I muttered, getting myself comfy again. I hear a quiet scoff from JJ’s area, but chose to ignore it, not feeling in the mood to talk about my feelings in front of the rest of the team.
We all sat in a comfortable silence for a few minutes, finishing up out notes, when the backing track to my favourite song comes on. I quickly hit up, suddenly hit with a wave of energy as my eyes search rapidly for Emily. Spencer softly laughs from besides me, sitting up more himself - yet keeping the distance between us two at a bare minimum. Keeping eye contact with Em, we both start singing along at the top of our voices
I thought love was only true in fairy tales Meant for someone else but not for me Love was out to get me That's the way it seemed Disappointment haunted all of my dreams
I hear JJ and Derek join in just before the chorus
Then I saw her face, now I'm a believer Not a trace, of doubt in my mind
Subconsciously, I start leaning backwards into Spencer as I sing the next bit. An action I thought went unnoticed by the rest of the team, however that was stupid to think so because they pick up every little detail. I mean, it’s their bloody job to do so
I'm in love, and I'm a believer I couldn't leave her if I tried
As I was singing with the rest of the BAU team (including Rossi, but not Hotch, nope he was just sat there basking in the happiness and laughing at our pitchy voices) I was unaware that my subconscious movement had made something click in Spencer’s head. If anyone was paying close attention to the doctor’s face they’d be able to see the clogs in his brain turning and a lightbulb turn on in his brain. They’d be able to see the admiration he held for the girl to his right. They’d be able to see just how much she meant to him. They’d be able to see just how deep in thought he was that he didn't even realise the screeching had turned into laughing. But nobody was paying attention to the fluffy headed man in the corner until I shut around, slightly out of breath.
“Spence... is everything okay?” I ask in a low voice, trying not to grab anyone else’s attention. Little did I know that whilst there was laughing and chatting in the background, the other agents’ attention was on us. His head slowly moved up, his eyes making contact with mine. “Spence, what is-”
“How long?”
“How long what?”
“How long have you felt this way about me?” His voice wavering slightly. I could see the anxiety in this eyes when he asked that, silently hoping he hadn't read the signs wrong. I slowly sit back in my seat and grab his hand gently, entwining our hands together. Both of us too wrapped up in our bubble to realise the music had been turned down and we not had 10 eyes watching our every move. Fiddling with his fingers slightly I try to find the right string of words that don't sound like rubbish.
“Do you remember the day where I came into the office absolutely soaked because I decided that day, for the first time since doing this job, that I’d take the bus and walk the rest of the day?” He just nods his head, his other hand coming to lay on top of our intwined hands, “that day you asked me if I had a spare change of clothes and when I told you no, you offered me your spare change and told me to get into something warm.
When I got back into the office, you were sat near my desk holding a muffin, a hot chocolate and some anti-sickness medication. You said to me, ‘it’s not much but I hope it’s made today slightly easier to deal with.’ Even in the following weeks when I was sick you made sure I was okay. You always had any medication I might need close to you, and you insisted on coming with me to work everyday so that didn't happen again.
I have no idea if I’d fallen for you before that week, but that was when knew I’d fallen hard. it’s okay if you don't feel the same way, I understand and I get that. Just please don’t-”
In that moment, it was as if we were the only two people alive. He pulled me into a tight hug, pressing his lips to my forehead before burying his face in my neck. His arms wrapped around my torso, my body fitting snuggly under his.
It was as if two missing pieces of a puzzle were reunited. Like they'd found their way back home. Back home to each other...
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