#'i always thought i might be bad' honestly yusuke probably thinks he IS bad but kuwa contrasting him might make him feel it all over again
skrunksthatwunk · 4 months
ok i know everyone says "love like you is soooo xyz shipcore" but i need you to know it's kuwameshicore to me. song's got yusuke written all over it arright. in case you don't have the lyrics memorized like i do here they are
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#it's too mushy for him but like.. the beats are all there yknow#kuwa thinks the world of him and it helps him love himself enough to live (see the wake scene but also like. in general)#while keiko's been there all along i think it's kuwabara that really serves as a bridge into more friendships (maybe botan? debatable)#the wondering when im coming back/shaken by how long it took is pretty self explanatory. guy keeps dying on him#'i always thought i might be bad' honestly yusuke probably thinks he IS bad but kuwa contrasting him might make him feel it all over again#sometimes. not bc kuwa's doing anything wrong just like.. oh yeah im TOTALLY right about that sucking thing bc here's another example#and obviously they're very different in approaches to virtue and honor (perceived goodness)#yyh#kuwameshi#and i think yusuke deep down feels he owes kuwabara a lot. he's saved his life multiple times and kept him company#he understands a lotta things in a way keiko can't and pushes him to be better in his own way. there's a debt there#so the 'if i could begin to do something that does right by you' bit feels like a sentiment he'd have at some point#like. why'd he save eikichi if not that yanno. stuff like that#idk. again it's a bit Too mushy for him but the fact that a lotta the beats align so well...#maybe this is just the quiet tender sentiments deeeeeeep deep in yusuke's heart. idk post over#anyway if you haven't listened to this before I'd recommend it it's just a gorgeous piece to me. mwah
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overobsessedfanboy23 · 10 months
My Opinions on Every GX Ship
There is an absolute fuck ton of ships from this show since it has a big cast and is one of the older shows and there are some characters I absolutely will not ship with anyone. So I’m going to be excluding some ships, including some potentially popular ones, to avoid repeating myself. Even after excluding quite a few however, there are a ton of ships so keep that in mind before you click read more. The ships I’ll be excluding are as follows:
-Any Asuka ship. I’m pretty dead set on her being ace/aro.
-Any teacher/student or just adult/minor ship. I don’t think I need to explain this one.
-Any Supreme King ship. Because I just can’t get into that. The Supreme King in my mind is Judai after having a severe mental breakdown, he’s not his own character.
-Any ships with a huge age gap. (Ie: most Rei ships)
-Any ships involving manga or Tag Force only characters because I’ve never read the manga or played Tag Force. I’ve only seen the anime.
-Any incestual ship. I’m just not giving them the time of day this time.
-Any beastiality ships. Because those exist apparently.
-Most Amon ships because my reasoning for disliking most of them is just “x character deserves better than this canon abuser.” so any ships where that is my only thing to say about it are disqualified for the sake of avoiding repeating myself.
I might also drop some lesser known or lesser talked about ships if I have nothing to say about them. Also, as usual, I am not attacking any shippers when I diss the ships in question. You are perfectly valid to ship any of these pairings for any reason as long as you’re not hurting anyone. So now, let's begin.
Absquatulateshipping (Franz x Pegasus)
Franz is the guy who stole Ra in that episode and he’s one of Pegasus’s employees so there would be a power imbalance. Plus that Ra episode was one of my least favourites so I can’t get into this one.
Acceptanceshipping (Saiou x Misawa)
Yeah, this one’s understandable. Power imbalance out the wazoo, of course, since for the bulk of these two knowing about each other, Misawa was a brainwashed member of Saiou’s cult but as an intentionally problematic ship, it’s valid.
Achievedshipping (Jim Cook x Ryo)
I can't really see the connection here. Nothing against it though.
Afflictionshipping (Ryo x Yusuke x Judai)
I really like both of them with Ryo but Judai doesn’t interact enough with or have an interesting enough dynamic with Yusuke for me to care for that combination specifically. Not a bad trio though.
Afraidshipping (Judai x Iwamaru)
Iwamaru is such a minor character I had to look up who he is so he clearly didn’t leave an impression on me. So I can’t really justify shipping Judai with him over his far more appealing ships.
Aiboushipping (Judai x Winged Kuriboh)
Okay, this is the first ship I have to say I actively dislike. Winged Kuriboh comes off way more like a pet to Judai than a romantic partner so this ship disgusts me.
Aidshipping (Judai x Johan x Edo)
I love all three of these characters and Judai’s bonds with them are pretty well established and interesting. Edo and Johan didn’t directly meet face to face in the series but they could post canon and I imagine they’d get along. Hell, they’d probably hit it off well since they both have deep connections with their decks. So this ship gets my seal of approval. Can’t believe I never thought of it before now honestly. I like it a lot.
Alloyshipping (Jim Cook x Edo)
I don’t recall these two ever meeting (Jim was dead before Edo’s involvement in the Supreme King arc) and I’m not really sure what they would have to talk about. So I don’t really care for it but I’m not against it.
Altershipping (Kenzan x Sorano)
Another minor character who only appears briefly in season 4 but he and Kenzan were implied to have been good friends so I understand it.
Amuletshipping (Fubuki x Judai x Sara)
Sara’s a one off character so this connection always seemed really flimsy to me so I could never get behind it. Maybe if Sara had appeared again and we saw what her connection with Fubuki was I could understand that pair but I cannot get behind her and Judai whatsoever since I headcanon Judai as gay.
Angelshipping (Manjome x Sho)
I think these two are a classic case of “these two fighting over girls was secretly just them trying to impress each other.” Or at least that would be more fun. So I enjoy this ship in that context. It’s not quite a favourite though.
Anikishipping (Judai x Sho)
I have only ever and can only ever see these two as brotherly since Sho canonically calls him “big bro.” So I can’t get into this at all.
Annoyingshipping (Manjome x Ojama Yellow)
Oh my god, this ship was beta Aiball all this time-
Except I love Ai and don’t like the Ojamas. I don’t hate them, they’re just… there for me. Also, the Ojamas all call Manjome “big bro” like Sho and Kenzan do to Judai so I see this as a more familial relationship. In fact, Manjome seeing the Ojamas as annoying little brother figures almost certainly feels implied to me.
Antidisestablishmentarianismshipping (Judai x Motegi)
Motegi seemed stoned the entire time he was on screen so a ship involving him having a crackhead ship name makes sense. Can’t say I care for the ship though since he’s so minor.
Antiheroshipping (Ryo x Edo x Judai)
Don’t really care for Ryo/Edo for reasons I’ll get to. As for the Judai ships, they could work. I can maybe like this as a vee but as a throuple, it’s not my thing at all.
Antiqueshipping (Chronos x Camula)
Nope. This one’s just creepy and not in an interesting way. Shoutout to this duel for being the first time Chronos was ever shown as something other than a nuisance though.
Aoishipping (Ryo x Fubuki x Manjome)
I don’t think I’ve ever considered Ryo/Manjome. I think from Fubuki’s point of view, this would work out really well since he’s close to both Ryo and Manjome, and they’d both bring different energies to the table in his relationships with them. So it’s a fun idea.
Attentionshipping (Hell Kaiser Ryo x Misawa)
Not sure why this is specifically Hell Kaiser. All the others were just Ryo and I don’t think these two ever duelled before or after Ryo’s transformation but okay. This doesn’t seem like it’s shipped at all and I agree. Not my thing.
Attractionshipping (Judai x Johan x Sho)
Again, I see Sho’s dynamic with Judai as purely brotherly so I can’t get behind this. Even if I didn’t though, Sho seems like he’d be too insecure to consider a poly relationship. That's not Sho slander by the way, poly relationships just aren't for everyone.
Australiashipping (Jim Cook x Hayato)
Okay, this one’s just funny. They’ve never met and the basis for the ship is really flimsy but it’s funny so it gets a pass. I hope these two meet and bond over… Australian things. Like… dying in the 30+ degree heat every summer.
Backboneshipping (Kenzan x Manjome x Misawa)
I don’t really see the connection between these three. So it’s a nah.
Beastshipping (Fubuki x Kenzan)
Again, don’t see the connection.
Bickershipping (Kenzan x Manjome)
I can’t find anything on this ship, surprising for a two person ship between two major characters but oh well. It doesn’t particularly appeal to me anyways.
Bluntshipping (Ryo x Manjome x Misawa)
This just looks like a random assortment of characters from Judai’s friend group or his friend group adjacent to me. So it doesn’t really appeal to me.
Bondshipping (Johan x Yubel)
Okay so… I have some fanfics which can be considered to be an unofficial series where Judai is dating and travelling with both Johan and Yubel, leading to them inevitably interacting a bit. It’s mostly just in support of Judai but in the most recent addition to this unofficial series, Johan and Yubel have an admittedly fun dynamic and Judai is very chill with the idea of them being together, even teasing the idea.
So while the canon backing for this is awful and doesn’t work for me, I already have a narrative in which I can see it working: Judai dating both of them and Yubel going from begrudgingly tolerating Johan to having feelings for him. It’s not an idea I’ve written outside of Judai teasing it but it’s certainly an idea I’ve considered. So uh… I’ll get back to you on this one if I ever write that fanfic. For now, I’m conflicted on this ship.
Boreshipping (Jim Cook x Manjome)
Okay I would have no opinion on this ship except for the fact that one of its only posts on Tumblr is COMPLETELY UNHINGED and made me laugh in the most guilt ridden horrified way you can possibly imagine. So now Jim being one of bi disaster Manjome’s many victims has been seared into my brain.
Brothershipping (Judai x Kenzan x Sho)
BOTH of them call Judai “big bro” (which is really funny in Kenzan’s case since at first glance, you can easily mistake him as older than Judai since he’s way taller and buffer) so this is a big nope from me.
Bulletshipping (Judai x Tania)
I have no idea how old Tania is supposed to be. I assumed she was supposed to be an adult woman and that her having feelings for high school boys was creepy but people in the fandom… don’t acknowledge that? Or maybe assumed she was actually around their age and just not in school because… different culture? So… no idea what’s going on there.
Potential age gap aside though, this ship doesn’t work at all because Judai is so absurdly disinterested and immune to her flirting that it’s part of how he beat her. So this ship is a no.
Buryshipping (Yusuke x Honest)
Honest’s protectiveness of Yusuke came off as more parental than anything else. So I really can’t see this one.
Bushshipping (Jim Cook x Yusuke)
Damn Yusuke ships don’t get jackshit in this fandom. Jim didn’t appear in season 4, the only season Yusuke’s in, so they haven’t ever met, but I could see this as a new post canon bond that Yusuke seeks out as to have someone in his life that he can start over with who won’t judge him for his past. It’s a decent idea. I'm just not sure how it would work in practice.
Canvasshipping (Saiou x Hayato)
These two never met and I don’t really know how they’d interact so… not my thing.
Challengeshipping (Judai x Ryo x Manjome)
So… Judai with his two rivals. Manjome would be the dumbass of this dynamic, no question there and Judai and Ryo would take turns being the enabler and the one keeping the other two from getting themselves killed. …Yeah I can see it.
Changeshipping (Hell Kaiser x Ryo)
This is just Ryo with himself so… I’m all for advocating for self love but I kinda feel like this isn’t what the term means.
Chrysocollashipping (Ryo x Fubuki x Johan)
I enjoy both Ryo ships. I'm not sure how Fubuki and Johan would get along but I'm sure they could at least be friends for Ryo's sake. This is a functional and potentially cute one.
Claimshipping (Sho x Yubel) & Clawshipping (Kenzan x Yubel)
Yubel, I’d prefer if you didn’t get involved with Judai’s adopted brothers. That’s kinda weird. Big no on these ships.
Clearshipping (Judai x Johan x Yusuke)
Well, I’ve started shipping a polyship after a two on one duel between the trio in which the two set the one, who’s a confused angry lackey to a bigger villain, on the right path again before. Doing it again would be nothing new. I prefer other ships for Judai/Johan and Yusuke though so I don’t actively ship this.
Clustershipping (Fubuki x Sho)
This one feels a little too random for me to get into.
Coachshipping (Chronos x Daitokuji x Emi Ayukawa)
All three of these are teachers who I’d guess are around the same age. Seems like a pretty random selection of the teachers though so I’m not into it.
Coatshipping (Manjome x Yusuke)
The other YGO ships this name is used for stick out to me a lot more. This one is just… not my thing on its own.
Colosseumshipping (Dark Johan x Johan)
…this is either Johan x himself or Johan x Yubel in a weird paint so… uh…
Cometshipping (Jim Cook x O’Brien x Judai)
My darkest secret as a GX fan is that I have just… never cared for O’Brien. I don’t even have a good reason, he just doesn’t interest me as much as the other GX characters. So I can get behind both of the Jim ships in this throuple but O’Brien/Judai just… doesn’t work for me, especially since O’Brien ran like hell from him when he became the Supreme King.
Comfortshipping (Yusuke x Johan)
Kind of just my thoughts on the throuple again. However, it’s slightly less appealing because of the missing Judai. Judai makes everything better in my eyes.
Companionshipping (Judai x Orgene)
I prefer to ship Judai with more major characters. Plus this prince guy was almost definitely a seasoned adult right? Surely? *cries about Yugioh ages again*
Comparisonshipping (Mitsuru x Ryo)
According to Junko and Momoe, Mitsuru duels on Ryo’s level so that’s likely where this came from. Still, I hate tennis guy more than I can possibly express so I despise this ship.
Competeshipping (Principal Samejima x Ichinose)
Two competing principals? Yeah this is a funny crackship.
Competitorshipping (Judai x Manjome x Johan)
This one is good and cute and nice because Judai does indeed have two hands, and those hands can hold his cringe-fail rival and sweet boy spiritual companion. I like both of those ships so putting them together is great.
Complexshipping (Edo x Echo)
I mean Edo did care more about Echo than the person she actually loved did so that’s something I guess. It's a bit too flimsy for me though.
Contendshipping (Judai x Ryo x Misawa)
Don’t really care for Misawa with Ryo and I’ll get to the Judai pairings on their own eventually. All I have to say now is: there are better throuples.
Consolationshipping (Ichinose x Tome)
Uuuuuh. No.
Contactshipping (Judai x Neos)
Couldn’t blame Judai for wanting that cake honestly. Fun crackship.
Convertshipping (Saiou x Manjoume x Misawa)
Saiou shipping his brainwashed minions... Yeah, no that's just gross.
Copyshipping (Judai x Kagurazaka)
Okay, this was such a minor and/or forgettable duel that I forgot this character existed. GX has a lot of one offs, give me a break. And this one off wasn’t one I liked so I’m not into this one.
Cosplayshipping (Tome x Dark Magician Girl)
I really don’t get everyone’s crush on Dark Magician Girl. Never have. With how common it is, I see where this came from but it’s not my thing.
Cowboyshipping (Jim Cook x Johan)
Well I know where that ship name came from. They both see animals as their family (Karen in Jim’s case and the Crystal Beasts in Johan’s case) so they could bond over that I suppose. Oh and their mutual love of Judai. So I can get behind this.
Crystallizeshipping (Kenzan x Johan)
Random pair that I’m not into.
Crystalshipping (Johan x Sho)
“Stop dating my brother and date me!”
That’s pretty much the only way I can see this going down. And I love Spiritship and Judai a little too much to be okay with that.
Darkshipping (Hell Kaiser x Darkness)
…Yep. Hell Kaiser is such an edgelord that I can 100% see this. Just as a crackship but I can see it regardless.
Dealtshipping (Amon x Yubel)
Okay, this one’s funny so I’m including it. Amon was so terrible and abusive that even Yubel called him out on his bullshit and I find that simultaneously hilarious and badass. Yubel could put Amon in his place and I’d be all for it.
Defeatshipping (Judai x Osamu)
Another minor character but he and Judai were at least friends as kids. Ya know. Prior to Yubel putting him in a coma. Come to think of it, I wonder how a reunion post canon between them would go…
Okay, I’m gonna put a pin in this because I actually kinda want to write that. Not as a ship but just as a scenario it provides a lot of introspective potential.
Defuseshipping (Misawa x Yubel)
Pretty sure Misawa wouldn’t even consider them so no.
Destinyshipping (Saiou x Edo)
No. Saiou’s too old for him, I saw this as more brotherly.
Devilshipping (Light of Destruction x Saiou)
Like Darkness x Ryo, this one just… makes sense in a cracky way so I’m totally down.
Dingoshipping (Saiou x Jim Cook)
Too random for me.
Disastershipping (Darkness x Yubel)
No. Darkness forcibly stole Yubel from Judai and tried to make them hurt him. Bad. Mean. Give them back.
Distasteshipping (Manjome x Hayato)
I can’t remember these two interacting or picture a fun dynamic for them so this doesn’t appeal to me.
Distraughtshipping (Edo x Yubel)
I suppose in a context where Judai is dating both of them this could work, kinda like the Johan/Yubel. Plus this ship wouldn’t have the… negative history that Johan/Yubel does. So in a very niche scenario, this could work, although I’ll admit Johan/Yubel interests me more.
Divulgeshipping (Hayato x Yubel)
Way too random.
Dojoshipping (Hell Kaiser x Makoto)
No, this guy would just be bad for Ryo.
Drearyshipping (Ryo x Yusuke x Manjoume)
How many edgelords does it take to confess? None, they all just insult each other when trying to flirt.
This one’s hilarious so I’m down for it.
Durabilityshipping (Kenzan x Misawa x Judai)
Can’t remember Kenzan and Misawa’s interactions at all and Judai’s relationship with Kenzan doesn't come off as shippy to me. Not my thing.
Duskshipping (Darkness x Ryo x Fubuki)
Arc V’s Duskshipping is better but… again, it just… it just makes sense and I almost hate that it does.
Egoshipping (Edo x Manjome)
I see this one a lot and I assume it mostly comes from the season 4 episodes where Manjome is his employee. So… There's too much of a power imbalance between these two for me to get into it canonically honestly. Now, Manjome did get a ton of sponsorship offers that he could easily take and thus no longer be Edo’s employee so I think in a post canon situation, this… might(?) be fine. It’s just that the majority of their screen time together in the actual show is them being an employee and a boss so I can’t personally get behind it.
Eliteshipping (Ryo x Fubuki x Yusuke)
This one is great because they can confide in each other over their gifted kid burnout and varying experiences with Darkness. So I love it. I love the individual pairs (though I do have a favourite) and I wish we’d seen it on-screen as a trio more because what little we did get is so great.
Emasculateshipping (Chronos x Napoleon)
I mean I kinda got the vibe that these two are exes for some reason. So I guess I like it?
Employshipping (Pegasus x Samejima x Chronos)
A little too random for me.
Encoreshipping (Kenzan x Edo)
A little too random. What would these two even talk about? Judai? Is that all they share?
Endlesssshipping (Judai x Edo x Mizuchi)
Pretty sure Mizuchi’s too old for them so no.
Edit: So apparently Mizuchi is actually younger than Saiou. I wrote this bit when I thought she was older. God I hate YGO ages. Still don't like the ship though.
Endshipping (Judai x Yusuke)
Judai did help him return to the light so it’s… an understandable ship. Not as good as any of the gifted kid trio with Yusuke for me though.
Endureshipping (Saiou x O’Brien)
Too random for me. Plus I don’t really care for either of them.
Entrapshipping (Saiou x Misawa x Judai)
This seems more like something Judai would look at as a bystander and go “...why Misawa? Why?” Can’t get behind it.
Eucalyptusshipping (Yusuke x Hayato)
They never met and I can’t picture a dynamic so no.
Evolveshipping (Judai x Kenzan)
Gonna be disqualifying any other ships that include some combination of Judai/Kenzan or Judai/Sho and put it to rest here and now: I don’t like either of those ships because Kenzan and Sho refer to Judai as though he’s a brother to them.
Facultyshipping (Chronos x Daitokuji x Samejima)
I kind of feel like no one really liked Daitokuji? Or maybe that was just the students. Either way, Chronos is too good for either of these guys.
Fataleshipping (Tania x Camula)
…Okay this one’s kind of fun actually. Badass lesbians who can and will commit murder together.
Finalshipping (Hell Kaiser x Yubel)
I… I don’t know. I did joke about a Ryo/Yubel/Judai/Johan OT4 but… more for every other pairing in the ship than this one. I don’t know, I can’t really give an opinion on this one right now I guess.
Firewallshipping (O’Brien x Judai)
I’m surprised this wasn’t Yusaku and Ryoken’s ship name honestly. Anyways, what I said in the Jim/O’Brien/Judai section stands. Can’t get into this ship due to my disinterest in O’Brien.
Foodshipping (Judai x Hayato)
Like it platonically, can’t see it romantically though.
Foolshipping (Saiou x Judai)
Arc V’s Foolshipping was funnier. This one’s really not my thing because I honestly just don't like Saiou much. I find him mostly boring and I don't see anything between him and Judai. 
Fopshipping (Fubuki x Manjome x Edo)
I will discuss/have discussed the Manjome parts of this ship so for now I’ll just say that I have no idea how Fubuki and Edo would interact but I hope it’s funny.
Forgottenshipping (Misawa x Hayato)
…okay the ship name sold me on this. The two most forgotten major boys in GX as a pairing: they can bond over constantly feeling ignored. Perfection. Screw it, it’s my OTP for both characters now.
Formalshipping (Ryo x Hayato)
I mean… I could see this starting out with Hayato asking Ryo to tutor him or something and through it, they grow close. It could work. Not particularly my thing but could work.
Fossilshipping (Jim Cook x Kenzan)
These two can bond over dinosaurs and their fossils and stuff. That would be pretty cute actually. I’d like it more platonically but it could be a fun ship.
Frozenshipping (Saiou x Fubuki)
Victim of the light of destruction x victim of darkness? I could see that working after season 2 actually.
Furryshipping (Johan x Hayato)
Very unfortunate ship name. I can’t get into this one.
Fusionshipping (Ryo x Judai)
I like that Judai loses to Ryo. I like how Judai reveals Ryo’s biggest flaw: his belief that he’s already achieved perfection and can’t improve. Ryo also cares quite a bit about Judai, choosing to duel him as his graduation duel and later dedicating his final words to Judai rather than his own brother. They’re also two very opposing personalities that can play off each other well and they both suffered traumatic losses in season 2. I grew to really love this ship during my recent GX rewatch, it might be my third favourite GX ship overall. It’s just really cute to me.
Geniusshipping (Misawa x Ryo)
Not my thing.
Glareshipping (Ryo x Junko)
I think Junko may have had a crush on him? It wouldn’t surprise me. I can’t see Ryo requiting that though.
Gloryshipping (Ryo x Fubuki x Edo)
I kind of feel like any rapport these characters may have would fall apart when Fubuki finds out that Edo indirectly lead to Ryo having his downfall. So I’m not into this one.
Glowshipping (O’Brien x Johan)
Not my thing. Johan has more interesting ships.
Goblinshipping (Kohara x Ohara)
For one off characters, I actually really like these two and their rapport with each other. I don’t know if I particularly ship it romantically, but I can certainly see it
Grassshipping (Yusuke x Sho)
This just feels way too random for me. What would they even talk about? Touching grass?
Greyshipping (Darkness x Saiou)
Okay, this one’s just hilarious. When I said I like ships with opposing personalities, I didn’t exactly mean THIS opposing, but I enjoy it nonetheless.
Groupieshipping (Junko x Momoe)
Yeah sure whatever.
Guardshipping (O’Brien x Kenzan)
Not my thing.
Habitshipping (Fubuki x Judai x Manjome)
Fubuki and Manjome would be the dumbasses of this relationship, you cannot convince me otherwise. I know you all think of Judai as a dumbass, and he certainly can be hyperactive and reckless but Fubuki and Manjome, especially when they are together, share exactly one brain cell that only produces a non simping or duelling related thought once in a blue moon. Judai is the only one preventing them from jumping off a cliff. That being said, all three of them are dumbasses. Yes. Judai is just the designated driver when the other two go off and get drunk at a party. So I enjoy this dynamic.
Hangmanshipping (Saiou x Manjome x Judai)
Yet another dynamic I feel like Judai would just look at with concern based on the events of season 2. Very not my thing.
Harmshipping (Saiou x Yubel)
There’s two directions this could go: either they meet pre-Judai and Saiou realises that Yubel is sick with light of destruction disease and they team up against Judai. Or they meet post Judai and Yubel roasts Saiou. Either way, it’s funny and I approve.
Hasteshipping (Fubuki x Manjome x Misawa)
Fubuki and Manjome have a pretty established relationship in canon but I don’t really see Misawa adding to that? So not particularly my thing.
Hazeshipping (Darkness x Ryo x Judai)
Can’t really see this one since Judai straight up murdered Darkness.
Heroshipping (Edo x Judai)
Well Judai canonically called him cute and also they both use hero decks. They’ve got history and something to bond over and a competitive streak between them and even one-sided attraction, however fleeting or offhand it was for Judai. I can get behind this.
Hornetshipping (Misawa x Manjome)
These two feel like they’re only in the same friend group, or friend group adjacent, because of Judai. Their duel ended up getting Manjome kicked out of a the school for a while, I don’t feel like Manjome thinks of him all that fondly.
Hustleshipping (Chronos x Titan)
Titan was just a one off though he and Chronos had that one funny scene where Titan prevents him from seeing his back… it makes sense in context. Not my thing since he’s just a one off though.
Idolshipping (Ryo x Fubuki)
This one’s pretty fun. They’ve got very opposing personalities and lots of history and interactions in canon to back it up so I’m pretty on board with them as a ship even if it’s not my go-to.
Impassiveshipping (O’Brien x Ryo)
I can’t remember these two even interacting and they seem like they’d be way too stoic with each other. Not my thing.
Infernoshipping (Darkness x Fubuki)
This canonically has the narrative of being something toxic that Fubuki is struggling to pull away from and is repeatedly relapsing into so that’s really the only way I could see this as a ship? So definitely not something to romanticise. Yikes.
Influenceshipping (Saiou x Misawa x Edo)
Saiou’s a little too old for Edo in my mind and I don’t care for Misawa with either of them so I can’t get into this.
Insecurityshipping (Chronos x Napoleon x Kabayama)
More of the teachers. I’m not sure what mister Ra Yellow would add to this dynamic in all honesty so I guess I’m just neutral to this?
Jarshipping (Cobra x Yubel)
Can't really see this one since Yubel murdered him the second they could.
Jewelshipping (Manjome x Johan)
Little ray of sunshine Johan with emo boy Manjome I can definitely see, especially alongside Rival and Spirit. So this is a good one.
Joyfulshipping (Fubuki x Judai x Johan)
That’s a very fitting name since all three of these characters fall under the “saddest people smile the brightest” category. I love Judai/Johan. I can kind of see Judai/Fubuki and don’t know how Johan and Fubuki would interact. They could get along for Judai’s sake though.
Judgementshipping (Gravekeeper’s Leader x Sara)
Hard no. He holds way too much power over her and abuses that power by slapping her across the face. Bad.
Jurassicshipping (Kenzan x Sho)
Another one I got into during my rewatch. It’s a fun one, especially post-canon where they no longer have Judai to fight over and can realise “oh wait, you’re kind of cool actually.” Or even better: they liked each other the whole time and were garbage at expressing it. Great ship and stuff.
Keyshipping (Saiou x Judai x Edo)
Did I do this one already? I’m not sure. Don’t really care for either of them with Saiou though. Do love Judai/Edo but Saiou doesn’t add much to the dynamic for me.
Kiiroshipping (Kenzan x Misawa x Sho)
So… the three Ra Yellows of season 3? They were roommates and thus probably saw each other a lot that season before Misawa ran off. So… I can see where it comes from. Not sure what Misawa would add to the dynamic though.
Killshipping (Ryo x Johan x Yubel)
Part of my OT4. I think I’ve mostly covered my thoughts on these dynamics though, apart from Ryo/Johan which I’ll get to.
Koalashipping (Hayato x Sho)
These two seem more like brothers honestly.
Lateshipping (Yusuke x Yubel)
I mean I guess if Judai were with both of them I could see this making some sense. Otherwise it just feels too random.
Leftshipping (Darkness x Ryo)
This is just normal Ryo so it’s not a funny meme in my head, it’s just kind of sad.
Lithographshipping (Samejima x Pegasus)
They’re both garbage humans so I can totally understand this and get behind it.
Literateshipping (Fubuki x Jim Cook)
Another pair that I don’t think interacted in any substantial way So I can’t really see what dynamic they would have.
Lustfulshipping (Fubuki x Yubel)
This name and its implications are funny so it gets a thumbs up from me. I don’t think I need to explain why.
Majesticshipping (Ryo x Manjome)
I am… entirely unsure of this ship. I can’t remember any of their canon interactions so I have no idea how they’d interact. On the otter hand though, I’m not openly opposed to it. So… it's a maybe I guess?
Maskshipping (Fubuki x Yusuke)
YES. This is my favourite pairing for both of these characters honestly. Fubuki’s undying faith in him, coupled with his upbeat personality to contrast Yusuke’s reserved pessimism makes for such a fun dynamic. I love them so very much.
Meltshipping (O’Brien x Edo)
Well… they could bond over having dead parent trauma I guess. Not sure what else to grasp onto with this though so it’s not my thing.
Messengershipping (Saiou x Yusuke)
They are both former villains but I don’t really like Saiou so this isn’t my thing.
Mirroredshipping (Edo x Mizuchi)
Not my thing.
Mockshipping (Edo x Misawa)
Not my thing. Edo canonically thinks pretty poorly of Misawa honestly.
Nightshipping (Darkness x Camula)
Yes! What better partner for a vampire who feels safest in the darkness than Darkness himself! I have no complaints, this ship makes perfect sense.
Nihilityshipping (Darkness x Judai x Yubel)
No. Give Yubel back. They want to go back to Judai. DO NOT SEPARATE THEM.
Nocturnalshipping (Darkness x Fubuki x Manjome)
Really wish this was called Darkstormshipping since it’s Darkness x Stormshipping but oh well. The only way I can picture this is an AU where Manjome was also taken over by darkness and he and Fubuki go crazy together which sounds pretty fun. I’m down.
Northshipping (Edogara x Manjoume)
This is the gang leader guy at the North academy that Manjome beat. Honestly I don’t think Manjome has even spared this guy a passing thought since he returned back to Duel Academy so this one’s a nah.
Obeliskshipping (Chronos x Emi Ayukawa)
Not my thing.
Obsidianshipping (Fubuki x Manjome x Johan)
Not sure what Johan would add to this dynamic? But I do love him and I love Stormshipping so I can kinda see it.
Ojamashipping (Ojama Black x Ojama Green x Ojama Yellow)
They’re brothers so no.
Orangeshipping/Tutorshipping (Misawa x Judai)
Same ship, it just goes by two names apparently. Honestly Tutorshipping is better since it sticks out more. As for the ship itself, Misawa’s unique dialogue in Duel Links when Judai beats him is… pretty gay. I can see Misawa liking him easily, his dedication to beating Judai can certainly be read that way and I do enjoy a good rival ship. I like this one, just not as much as Judai’s other ships.
Orichalcumshipping (Jim Cook x O’Brien)
I can easily see this one after everything they went through together in season 3. They’re from different schools (I think) so it would likely be a long distance relationship and as someone in a long distance relationship, I relate pretty strongly. I dig this one.
Outbackshipping (O’Brien x Hayato)
Not as good as either of them with Jim. Could be fun in a polyship maybe though so I won’t dismiss this one entirely.
Outcastshipping (Yusuke x Edo)
Well… they’ve got the outcast thing in common, it’s right there in the name, and they were also both underlings to a greater evil. They could bond over that I suppose. Yusuke is prolly a bit old for him though so not my thing.
Peepershipping (Jim Cook x Yubel)
…why is it called that?
Why is that the ship name?
I’m concerned.
Anyways, I don’t ship it because I can’t picture a dynamic between them.
Personnelshipping (Samejima x Chronos x Tome)
So… the principal and his wife with that one cringe fail teacher. Nah.
Playshipping (Saiou x Gin)
This is the guy Saiou viciously punished for disobedience whom we never saw again… yeah can’t really ship it personally.
Portalshipping (Ryo x Judai x Johan)
Yes, I’m so very down for this one. Judai and Johan should absolutely induct big scary Kaiser Ryo into their relationship and attempt to fluster the crap out of him as he sits there more confused than flustered. That would be great.
Possessshipping (Judai x Johan x Yubel)
I have… sort of written this one. Multiple times, I’ve written Judai dating both Judai and Johan in a polyamorous situation but I haven’t written Johan/Yubel in a non-platonic context. So I love this as a vee and potentially like it as a throuple, though I wouldn’t know for sure. I like it in theory, but I'm not sure about it in practice. For now at least.
Primaryshipping (Judai x Manjome x Misawa)
One student of each dorm in a polyship sounds great not gonna lie. Destroy the elitism bullshit!
Principalshipping (Samejima x Chronos x Napoleon)
Huh. These three were all principal at one point weren’t they? Disapprove because Chronos gets character development later that makes him too good for these guys.
Prizeshipping (Samejima x Tome)
These two are canonically married aren’t they? Well you know what? They’re annoying so fuck this ship. /hj
Professorshipping (Chronos x Daitokuji x Kabayama)
Sure. The leaders of each dorm colour joining together in harmony and putting an end to Duel Academia’s elitism would be ideal. I ship it.
Proposalshipping (Abidos x Judai)
For a one off character and pairing, this is actually pretty cute and fun. I like how Judai calls him “your majesty” the whole time yet simultaneously treats him way more casually than you probably should treat a royal. And yet that’s exactly what Abidos ended up needing and liking. It’s cute, I love their duel and it’s a fun idea. I just admittedly prefer other ships.
Proshipping (Ryo x Edo)
I considered Ryo/Edo really briefly when first watching GX but uh… there’s a lot of unaddressed baggage between them and they’re a little far apart in age and places in life so it never really stuck with me.
Proveshipping (Edo x Hayato)
They both have daddy issues but it’s completely different breeds of daddy issues so I’m not sure how this would work.
Purpleshipping (Daitokuji x Chronos)
Chronos hates cats and Daitokuji is clearly a cat person with a cat so this definitely wouldn’t work out. Could be funny though.
Pyriteshipping (Ryo x Edo x Johan)
All three of these characters I ship more with Judai than with each other. That said, while Ryo/Edo is kind of a weird one for me, I can see both of the Johan ships here so it’s still a decent combination. I’d take it.
Quipshipping (Manjome x Kenzan x Sho)
The way I picture this is Manjome munching popcorn while Kenzan and Sho fight. Sounds pretty dysfunctional but also funny so I’m down for it.
Quizshipping (Judai x Tsugio)
I think I know exactly who that character is without looking it up just based on the ship name. But just to be sure.
*One Opera search later*
Yup. This was a one off duel but a really fun memorable one for a guy like me who loves game shows. Not my go to but I’m glad it exists and that it has this name.
Reapershipping (Juudai x Tachibana)
Another one off character, and one I don’t remember so I have no interest in this ship.
Rebirthshipping (Amnael x Daitokuji)
This is just Daitokuji with himself so nope.
Refinementshipping (Jim Cook x Misawa)
I don’t see the connection.
Reflectionshipping (Mizuchi x Mirror Mizuchi)
Again with the selfcest. No thanks.
Reflectorshipping (Darkness x Fubuki x Judai)
Ah yes. Judai murdered their lover. May the Darkness demon rest in pieces.
Can’t get into this ship in any genuine way, but at least it’s funny.
Repayshipping (Judai x Manjome x Yubel)
For Judai, I imagine this would work out just fine but it really does depend on Manjome and Yubel getting along and Manjome… is definitely one to hold a grudge. So I’m not sure about that. Could still work though.
Researchshipping (Yusuke x Misawa)
They’ve never met and I can’t really see a situation where they would. Not my thing.
Retconshipping (Darkness x Yusuke)
This would definitely explain some things about season 4. /jjj
Not my thing though.
Retireshipping (Edo x Manjome x Judai)
Pre season 4 or maybe even post canon, this is a fun combination of Judai and two of his rivals. Considering season 4 though, Edo is Manjome’s boss which I’ve mentioned is uncomfortable. Like I said earlier, if Manjome quit and took one of those other offers, it might be fine. So I’m mixed on this one.
Reunionshipping (Supreme King x Yubel)
Gonna actually be interpreting this as Judai and Yubel’s past lives. I don’t know if that’s actually what it is but a lot of these ship names don’t seem to be used nowadays and I’m using them more for organisation purposes at this point. Plus I just want to talk about Judai and Yubel’s past lives. We don’t know much about them, as we only see the one flashback but in that flashback, Yubel is willing to endure a horrific looking process and take on the form of a monster just to protect Judai. Meanwhile, Judai didn’t want them to hurt themself to protect him but after the fact, vows to love them forever. That’s just the right amount of touching and tragic for me and I really wish we saw more of these past lives. Maybe if the whole season had Judai having flashbacks to this past life and that scene in the season 3 finale was actually just the reveal that the person he was seeing the whole time was Yubel? I think that would’ve solved the problem people have of that decision of Judai’s being rushed. I never had a problem with it personally but this would have been better I admit. Anyways, I dig this ship.
Revealshipping (Edo x Sho)
Don’t see the connection here.
Rhymeshipping (Manjome x Junko)
I honestly always mix up Asuka’s two friends whose only interest is making sure GX doesn’t pass the bechdel test. I think Junko had a crush on Manjome though? If she did, then sure this ship makes sense.
Rivalshipping (Manjome x Judai)
Yeah, I like this one. Always enjoyed their dynamic after Manjome joined Slifer Red. It’s a fun one, though I’ll admit I prefer Fusion, Spirit, and Soul.
Rockyshipping (Jim Cook x Judai x Johan)
I love this one. These three are all the same breed of dork and canonically hit it off well so I’m very supportive of them as a throuple. It’s silly and cute and sweet.
Ruinshipping (Darkness x Light of Destruction)
I agree. These two should stop fighting and just kiss. For the good of the universe of course.
Sacrificeshipping (Amon x Echo)
This is a plotpoint: Echo repeatedly says how much she loves him, it’s pretty much her whole motivation, and Amon at the very least claims he loves her, because sacrificing a person he loves was the requirement to control Exodia. That being said, they are also very much intended to be an abusive relationship. Amon is intended to be selfishly using Echo’s love to benefit himself. It’s twisted and horrible and exactly why I like Amon as a villain: he’s irredeemably selfish and borderline sociopathic and all of that leads to a very interesting villain to root against. I think the way he plays off and contrasts with Yubel in their duel is especially fascinating and makes Yubel almost seem sympathetic by comparison, which is definitely important to set up. So I like this pairing’s inclusion in GX. I think it makes the story and Amon’s character stronger because of the fact that it is a toxic relationship. I would never genuinely ship it but I’m glad it was included in the series.
Sakoshipping (Winged Kuriboh x Ojama Yellow)
No thanks. Winged Kuriboh deserves better.
Saviourshipping (Jim Cook x Judai)
I agree. They hit it off well and Jim was even willing to sacrifice himself in an attempt to bring Judai back from the darkness that had consumed his heart, something he couldn’t do but O’Brien followed through with. I prefer it platonically but I can see it romantically.
Scepticalshipping (Manjome x Yubel)
Can’t see this working out on its own. Manjome would definitely hold too much of a grudge against Yubel to even consider this.
Seasonshipping (Yusuke x Edo x Johan)
This seems a little… random but I’m not against it. I love all three characters so seeing them interact would be nice.
Sempaishipping (Judai x Sorano)
I see more of a connection between Sorano and Kenzan though I’m not super into either with him being so minor.
Serveshipping (Saiou x Manjome x Edo)
Power imbalances everywhere with this one. Yikes no.
Sevenshipping (Darkness x Amnael x Don Zaloog x Titan x Abidos x Taniya x Camilla)
So basically the Seven Stars, with Darkness instead of Fubuki, all in a polycule? That’s funny as a crackship but definitely wouldn’t work out.
Severshipping (Fubuki x Yusuke x Judai)
Love Yusuke/Fubuki, as I mentioned, and I adore Judai though him with them are admittedly some of Judai’s weaker ships. I could still get into it though. Decent ship.
Shadowshipping (Ryo x Yusuke)
They were implied to be friends before canon and while we never got to see them interact in modern day, I can still see this ship. Having not read or seen any fanwork of them, the way I picture their potential dynamic is Yusuke’s sensitivity bringing out Ryo’s softer side which sounds really cute. I dig.
Shakeshipping (Fubuki x Misawa)
Not sure these two ever interacted? Though it’s definitely possible with how many episodes there are. Still don’t really see it though.
Shallowshipping (Fubuki x Momoe)
It would not surprise me if Momoe liked Fubuki. Her… best friend’s brother.
…I’m surprised that PMV doesn’t exist with either of Asuka’s friends with Fubuki. Don’t care for this ship though.
Shockshipping (Makoto x Sho)
No, Makoto damn near killed Sho’s brother a second time.
Showbizshipping (Fubuki x Edo)
Because Edo is a pro duellist and Fubuki has the attitude of a pro duellist? Yeah, I can actually see this one. Fubuki would be overly theatrical and get on Edo’s nerves which would be funny.
Shunshipping (Manjome x Misawa x Edo)
Can’t believe Arc V stole a name from a GX ship. Smh. /j
Manjome has duelled both of them but I still can’t really see this one.
Sidekickshipping (Kenzan x Hayato)
They’ve never met and just sort of fulfil similar roles in Judai’s friend group. At least that’s how I felt about it. It very much felt like Kenzan was replacing Hayato. Not my thing.
Singularshipping (O’Brien x Misawa)
They do both have calculating personalities but that’s about the only connection I can see. Plus I prefer ships with opposing personalities so this isn’t really my thing.
Smoochshipping (Sho x Dark Magician Girl)
This is the worst pairing that I have been presented with in this list, apart from the ones I disqualified. It’s fine when he’s got a one-sided crush but making it seem like he has a chance with this spirit he can’t even see feels like pure Dark Magician Girl fanservice which I have always found kind of creepy.
Snootyshipping (Ryo x Manjome x Edo)
They are all indeed snooty bitches. I know I have my problems with Manjome/Edo, but I’m actually down for this snooty throuple.
Soldiershipping (O’Brien x Jim Cook x Kenzan)
I like O’Brien/Jim but I don’t see what Kenzan even has to do with either of them?
Soulshipping (Yubel x Judai)
I may just be the biggest defender of this pairing and plot point on the planet. It’s definitely canon from Yubel’s end in the sub and at first, yeah, it seems extremely fucked up. Yubel seems almost delusional for the vast majority of season 3. The moment where it’s shown that they were in love in their past lives however made it click for me. Suddenly everything made sense to me and Yubel’s actions, which were also at least somewhat influenced by the Light of Destruction, were put into a different, more understandable light. It made sense to me. Reincarnation is something I genuinely believe in. This wasn’t some fantasy justification for Judai suddenly returning Yubel’s love, it felt real and genuine. Of course Judai has feelings for Yubel after memories of his past life returned to him: he isn’t just learning something he had no knowledge of. The way I saw it, all of those feelings and experiences from his past life were rushing back and hitting him all at once in that scene so it made perfect sense to me that he would choose to fuse their souls together. Yubel sacrificed something for him in their past lives and Judai loved them so much that he wanted to do the same to help them. Yubel was being tormented by the light of destruction. The strength of Judai’s feelings as expressed by his past life convinces me that he would absolutely want to put an end to Yubel’s torment, no matter what happened to him, just as Yubel did in their past lives. I get that to some people it feels rushed, I really do, and more could have been done to build it up without giving away this twist. However, the narrative gave me just enough for me to believe that Judai and Yubel’s love was genuine and powerful. It’s a beautiful scene to me. It shows love in its most powerful, most painful form and shows Judai’s growth excellently. I love this pairing and I always will, no matter what anyone says.
Spectrumshipping (Fubuki x Johan)
This one’s alright. I can’t remember them interacting on any level but I can still see it working out.
Spinshipping (Saiou x Johan)
I don’t like Saiou much in general so I don’t see any appeal of this ship.
Spiritshipping (Johan x Judai)
My… either second favourite or tied for favourite ship in GX. I have less of a personal connection to Spirit than I do Soul (though that being said the Spirit/Soul fic I wrote was what made me realise I’m polyamorous) but Spirit does have more moments between the two characters. They’re really about even for me. I love Judai and Johan’s interactions and bond in season 3 and 4. They’re very cute and sweet and get along really well. I love them.
Spotlightshipping (Fubuki x Judai x Edo)
Take what I said about Fubuki/Edo and add Judai. I love Judai. He makes everything he’s in a million times better so he makes this ship better too.
Squealshipping (Fubuki x Junko)
Same as Fubuki/Momoe. Wouldn’t care for it but it wouldn’t surprise me or even upset me.
Staffshipping (Daitokuji x Emi)
Don’t see the appeal.
Startershipping (Winged Kuriboh x Ruby Carbuncle)
Enemies to loves 100k slow burn startershipping fic when? This sounds so damn funny. I’m down.
Stormshipping (Fubuki x Manjome)
Honestly the first time I saw that episode where Fubuki gives Manjome advice on how to seduce Asuka or whatever, I remember saying out loud, “I think I’d rather ship these two.”
And to this day, I still do. It’s cute, they spend a lot of time together and seem like at the very least good friends. The “master” thing is a little weird but it’s funny so it gets a pass.
Strengthshipping (Saiou x Kenzan)
Saiou with the one guy who couldn’t be brainwashed into joining his cult? That would be kinda funny.
Stridentshipping (Kenzan x Ryo)
Don’t see this one since Ryo had already graduated by the time Kenzan was introduced.
Sturdyshipping (Kenzan x Misawa x Tania)
But. But why though? No.
Superiorshipping (Edo x Johan)
Yeah sure why not? There’s potential with this dynamic, partially through Judai, but also their connections with their cards.
Sweetshipping (Sho x Momoe)
I feel like this one is a big no for me since one of their only interactions is in the episode where Momoe, Junko, and Asuka all accuse him of being a pervert for an honestly justifiable reason. So nope.
Swoonshipping (Edo x Momoe)
It wouldn’t surprise me if she called him cute, Judai called Edo cute after all. It’s not enough basis for a ship for me though.
Tchotchkeshipping (Trueman x Pegasus)
Well they are both villains. Former villain in Pegasus’s case though and they have entirely different motives so I can’t really see this one.
Teachershipping (Samejima x Chronos)
I get where this comes from but I’m too far into my “hating the principal as a meme” joke to get into this, especially since Chronos improves overtime and principal guy just gets worse. Also, principal guy is his boss so there’s a clear power imbalance.
Tealshipping (Ryo x Johan)
This one I actually got into kinda recently. I don’t remember how, I think it was just from seeing posts of it on Tumblr randomly and thinking it was cute. Because it is. It’s big stoic emo Ryo thinking the dorky sweet creature that is Johan is cute. Opposites attract ships are cute to me dang it.
Tempshipping (Chronos x Daitokuji x Napoleon)
Daitokuji was very dead by the time Napoleon first appeared in the show so I can’t really see this one.
Tennisshipping (Mitsuru x Judai)
I hate Mitsuru’s guts though I admit it would’ve been both funny and horrifying if he pulled an Alito after his duel with Judai and jumped ship from crushing on Asuka to crushing on Judai.
Tetranshipping (Judai x Gin)
“For a white, you’re a pretty interesting guy.” That’s the only thing I remember and not gonna lie, it’s a pretty solid foundation. If only Gin hadn’t fuckin died.
Thirdshipping (Martin x Rei)
I like this one. Their interactions in canon are minimal but enough to convince me that they’re friends. They’re both so much younger than everyone else at the school (or at least I assumed that was the case with Martin) so I think it’s sweet that they have each other. Also they were friends in my trans Rei fanfic and I can’t help it.
Thoughtfulshipping (Misawa x Sho)
Sho kinda bullies him in season 2 which is what makes him eventually turn to the Society of Light so I can’t see this one at all.
Thundershipping (Manjoume White Thunder x Manjoume)
Manjome: *sees his brainwashed self*
Also Manjome: God I am so hot.
Yeah, that sounds like the cringe-fail Manjome I know. Still don’t like the ship though :P
Thwartshipping (Darkness x Saiou x Judai)
The harsh darkness and light of destruction fighting over the gentle darkness boy. That sure is something. Not my thing but funny.
Tigershipping (Misawa x Tania)
Oh jeez here we go. Never thought I’d tell this story.
The first time I watched GX and saw Misawa adamantly refusing the idea of romantic love, my first reaction was to headcanon him as aromantic. So… you can imagine my disappointment when he started randomly falling for Tania the more she flirted with him. Now, obviously, headcanons like that for me aren’t that serious, especially the aromantic ones. I headcanoned both GX Ryo and Zexal Rio as ace/aro for a while before going back on the aromantic part, likely because I’m not aro myself. Believe me, my problem with this ship isn’t a short-lived headcanon being debunked: it’s the fact that the first time I saw GX, I assumed she was way older than him. She looks like she’s in her 30s and Misawa is irrefutably a minor. Tania is a huge creep if she actually is that old. The fandom seems to disagree with me on that though and assume Tania is younger since this is a fairly popular ship. And I don’t think Tania’s age is ever mentioned so if that’s how you interpret it, that’s fine. I just can’t agree.
Toastshipping (Misawa x Johan)
I could kind of see it? I don’t remember them interacting but Johan can get along with just about anyone so most of his ships feel probable in my mind.
Toppleshipping (O’Brien x Yusuke)
Can’t see this one after all the shit Trueman, Yusuke’s… comrade(?) did to O’Brien.
Topshipping (Ryo x Fubuki x Judai)
…why is it called that? Whatever, I like all these individual ships so slapping them together sounds good to me. I dig it and stuff.
Traitorshipping (Saiou x Manjome)
Oh jeez the power imbalance with this one is horrendous. It could never feasibly be a healthy relationship. So I can't get into it.
Tremorshipping (Saiou x Sho)
This also sounds rather imbalanced, though maybe not quite as drastically depending on how you look at it? Still don’t like it.
Triangleshipping (Pegasus x Chronos x Napoleon)
Shoulda called it Threewayshipping /j
Not my thing though.
Truemanshipping (Trueman x Trueman Clones)
Okay I know I said no selfcest shipping but uh… it’s fine as a crack ship. This is a crack ship that I can get behind because it’s funny.
Twilightshipping (Judai x Dark Magician Girl)
Absolutely not. I hate shipping Dark Magician Girl, yes that includes Mana, with anyone.
Twitchshipping (Darkness x Judai)
Nope, that’s just a demon Judai killed.
Undeadshipping (Abidos x Camula)
Hey Abidos was at least somewhat kind-hearted. Camula though was just pure evil. So I don’t see how this would work.
Unfathomableshipping (Ryo x Fubuki x Sara)
Well that’s an incredibly accurate ship name because where the hell did this come from? That one-off line? That implied nothing about Ryo so this is just confusing.
Unmaskshipping (Judai x Ohara x Kohara)
I like Kohara and Ohara but more so with each other than with Judai. Judai has much stronger relationships with others that are more fun to ship. Not a bad ship, I just have other preferences is all.
Vanillashipping (Saiou x Ryo)
…I’m really really really really sorry, I truly am but I have to say it:
These two seem like anything BUT vanilla.
…and unfortunately, out of every Saiou ship, that means it has the most appeal to me, even if just in a stupid memey way.
Vertigoshipping (Fubuki x Junko x Momoe)
Shipping Asuka’s two female friends with her brother. Sure what could possibly go wrong?
Volcanoshipping (Darkness x O’Brien)
No. After how badly Darkness’s lackey screwed with O’Brien in their duel, this is a hard no.
Voltageshipping (Jinzo x Judai)
No, Judai deserves better than someone who tried to kill him.
Wallabyshipping (Jim Cook x Sho)
Nah, not my thing.
Waxshipping (O’Brien x Fubuki)
Don’t really see the connection here?
Wingshipping (Avian x Burstinatrix)
I mean admittedly, I would see this one if not for the Rei introduction episode where Avian and Sparkman berate themselves for falling for a girl.
Woeshipping (Fubuki x Yusuke x Manjome)
Yusuke having two cringe fail boyfriends who cringe fail date each other and him is pretty peak not gonna lie. I love it.
Yellowshipping (Kenzan x Misawa)
Honestly outside of sharing a dorm, they really don’t have anything in common? So this ship doesn’t particularly interest me.
Zooshipping (Fubuki x Judai)
Still really wanna know the story behind this ship name. We’re ending with a good ship in my eyes though. I like this one.
And now since I covered quite a few ships, here are my top 5 favourites:
#5 Jurassicshipping
#4 Fusionshipping
#3 Maskshipping & Stormshipping
#2 Spiritshipping
#1 Soulshipping
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martritzvonmercie · 1 year
HERE IS MY UP-TO-DATE P5R CHARACTER RANKING bc i think it will be funny if i post this now and then come back when i am later in the game and see that my opinions were severely bad and wrong. also i am doing phantom thieves only (but know shiho would be second if she were in the ranking)
(DISCLAIMER: you cannot get mad at me for my opinion on people who have not showed up yet okay. i have been avoiding spoilers and i know nothing about them so i just know what has happened IN THE GAME SO FAR. also very long post i went off about some people sorry about that)
1. ANN TAKAMAKI - MY GIRL OF ALL TIME. what can i say, i love myself a silly blonde girl. i think my favorite thing about ann is how she’s portrayed as both strong and emotional - she is consistently shown to be resilient, capable, and tough, but she also deals with her emotions in the same way that a teenage girl in her position would. it makes me happy to see that bc not a lot of characters get that right and i hate seeing emotional girls always being the pathetic ones. also i know she’s not canonically sapphic but she does feel very deliberately sapphic to me if that makes sense. having it be canon would be nice, but in a way, the fact that her and shiho have a very sapphic relationship without it being called that reflects what being young and confused about sexuality is like. it’s very common among teenage lesbians, and i know it probably wasn’t the devs’ intention to accurately portray sexuality confusion, but they did a good job of it on accident regardless. anyways i love and adore ann i am hugging her hugging her hugging her and pressing her lips to shiho's as if they're barbies
2. haru okumura - OKAY LOOK. LOOK. i know she hasn't shown up... i know she hasn't said anything besides that one time i saw her in the hallway and she talked about plants to a random teacher for 10 seconds... I KNOW BUT BUT SHE'S SO SKRUNKLY LOOK AT HER. she is so soft looking so silly looking i want to hug her so much. i am reserving this second place spot for her, if it turns out i don't like her as much as i thought then that's fine but nobody knows Girl Of All Time Vibes better than me and she has them
3. yusuke kitagawa - YUSUKE MY BEST FRIEND YUSUKE. I LOVE AND ADORE HIM SOSOSOSOSOSO MUCH... i honestly didn't expect to like yusuke when he first showed up but as soon as he spoke i was like. oh. Oh This Guy. LIKE HE'S SO SILLY he makes me giggle with how he's just so like. WEIRD. but i genuinely don't see how people find him creepy - the fact that he doesn't have any harmful intentions is very clear and he's just a guy who fumbles every social interaction he's ever in and i want to be his best friend for it I LOVE HIM.
4. ryuji sakamoto - I LOVE RYUJI HE'S SUCH A GUY TO ME i love him being best friends with ann and i love his stupid comments he is so funny fr
5. morgana - EVERYONE'S SO MEAN TO MY SILLY KITTY GUY... usually mascot characters like him are super annoying but i fuckin LOVE morgana he's so funny and adorable. i wanna cuddle him THE KITTY EVER
6. kasumi yoshizawa - she's really cute and sweet! the fact that i don't have anything besides that to say about her is why she isn't higher on the list lol
7. akira kurusu - he's a Guy. i like him as a protag, he has dialogue options that don't make me wanna rip my hair out and he had the emotional intelligence to comfort ann without making me want to be like "YOU'RE FUMBLING THIS FR SHUT UP STOP TALKING LET ME TALK TO HER" so i like him. however he's just a guy that exists to me
8. futaba sakura - she's cute! but being a woman in stem is like. every girl i know irl is Like That so she doesn't feel very blorbo to me when she's just An Average Girl In My Comp Sci Class, yk? i might be more interested in her when i actually come across her tho
9. goro akechi - i don't care about him at all i want what he has tho (knows sae niijima personally)
10. makoto niijima - SORRY SORRYSORRYSORRY SORRY. i know this is anti-feminist of me and considering she's so well-liked i am sure i will change my mind on this based on later stuff in the game. but MAN. her attitude is absolutely rancid in the pre-second palace scenes........ LIKE i'm not even mad at her for selling out the phantom thieves bc i get that she's been blackmailed but she said something to akira about how she "didn't know if ann being a victim of kamoshida was all there was to it" naming ANN SPECIFICALLY and not akira or ryuji and like. GIRL WHAT ARE YOU IMPLYING THERE WHY ARE YOU SINGLING OUT ANN i do not like the implications there they're Yucky!!! you can do what you have to do without being nasty to ann and mean Okay Thanks.
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voicesagainstliars · 2 years
Any of y'all play D&D in what little down time you get between Palace/Akuma busting? If so what builds?
Futaba: Always wanted to DM. I would, if I had people to play it with... wait.
She and a few other Phantom Thieves get huge grins on their faces.
Kim: Always wanted to play, but the number stuff gives me a headache...
Nino: I hear you on that...
Shiho: Me, Ann and Ryuji used to play with Sakamoto-san. After we drifted apart, though... man, I miss Niskafee.
Ann: Speak for yourself. I don't want to return to my girl Yarm...
Marc: Do you, uh... feel comfortable telling me why not...?
Ann, after looking at the requisite Thieves: ... because Yarm escaped from sex traffickers and joined the party for refuge.
Juleka and Shiho cringe.
Ryuji: What's sorta funny is that Yarm and Koyooki, my character, had a romantic subplot going on with Ma as the DM. I think she was hoping we'd date or something...
He suddenly flinches.
Ryuji: I-I swear she doesn't mind you being with Shiho, o-or gay as shit, or...
Ann: Nonono, it's fine! ... to be honest, I'm honestly revisiting some of that...
Juleka: Really? The most sexuality-confident lesbian on the team?
Ann: This confidence is a recent development... and I'm still sure I'm gray-asexual. I just think I might be biromantic but really prefer g-girls...
Makoto places her hand on Ann's shoulder as tears begin to appear on the blonde's face.
Makoto: You're still valid, you know. Just because you might have got it... wrong in the past? Was that an okay way to phrase it?
Ann: ... I dunno, but I get what you mean...
Makoto: That's good, at least... the point is, it doesn't make you any less valid. You get to decide this stuff for yourself - nobody else.
Ann: ... wow, I'm super lame. I can't even follow my own advice.
Akira: Wait, when did this happen? ... if you don't want to tell us, that's chill.
Ann, after a nod from Makoto: Around the time me and Makoto called it even. The day after Makoto became Queen and all...
As everyone begins talking to Ann, wishing her good luck on figuring that out, a thought occurs to Ryuji.
Ryuji, to himself: Is there some other guy who Ann's attracted to? ... oh, it could be Akira! Ooh, that's tough on her. I like being his one and only, even if 'm poly. Nino and Yuuki are less likely, but I could see it. Probably not Luka... maybe it's Kim?
He shakes his head.
Ryuji: Okay, definitively not Kim. Nathaniel ain't likely, either. I hope it's not Marc or Yusuke, 'cuz that sure as hell ain't gonna be reciprocated. Damn it, who the hell is it?
He takes a few breaths to calm down.
Ryuji: Eh, I can ask her about it later... I guess bein' her wingman ain't too bad for me.
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atopearth · 3 years
Brothers Conflict (Passion Pink) Part 6 - Asahina Yusuke Route
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Yusuke covering Ema and helping her out on the crowded train was so cute~ Honestly, Yusuke isn't my type but he's so silly and kind that I might like him more than I expect to though hahaha. Lmao at Yusuke blushing at the idea of having matching dolphin straps with Ema as a souvenir from the aquarium. It's so cute how Yusuke tries so hard to hide that they live together (at school) but doesn't want to hurt Ema's feelings haha. I guess Yusuke is like a dog considering how honest he is with his thoughts and emotions, and he's such a happy guy lol. It was so cute how worried Yusuke was when Ema hurt her foot and he carried her hahaha. I love how honestly he loves Ema's food and said that he would eat it even if his stomach explodes hahaha. I think it's really sweet how he always looks forward to her food and happily eats all of it. I think it's really endearing to hear him enjoy her food so much. I kinda like how different Ema is when it comes to wanting to go to Yusuke's room compared to the other guys, she'll literally just go and be like let's play this new game I bought hahaha. I guess that's how it is when you're closer in age and have known each other for a while already haha. It's actually really wholesome how she can just ask to stay over because she watched a scary movie and is too scared to sleep by herself hahahah, I love how chill they are with each other. Anyway, Yusuke's sleeping look is super cuteee~
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HAHAHA, I love how Yusuke said he would like beat her up or literally send her flying if she came to school when she had a cold😂😂 He's so considerate in his own silly way. I really like how Yusuke always does his best to protect Ema, and I love how he told her (when she was asleep) that he was really happy that she relied on him, and that as long as she relied on him he would continue to do his best to protect her. Lmao when Yusuke hugged Ema in his sleep and she slapped him awake🤣 The funniest thing was when she was telling him she wasn't Wataru and was Ema, and he was like, must be a dream then so I'm not letting go😂 I actually like how selfish Ema sounded when she was hurt after realising that her dad probably wasn't her real dad and argued with Yusuke saying he wouldn't understand. I think it's nice to see how "childish" Ema can be in this route with Yusuke because they're "closer". I'm glad Yusuke shouted at her and said doesn't she think of them as their real family? Especially when he and his brothers and everyone already think of her as family. It made my heart hurt a bit to hear Yusuke tell her not to say something so sad, especially since it probably hurt him🥺 Lmao when she teased him later repeating his corny/romantic words🤣 
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Aww I really liked how Ema helped him study! I totally suck at maths so trying to understand it with my limited Japanese was even more impossible lmao but it was nice that Yusuke understood it hahaha. Too bad Sasakura appearing kinda "ruined" things since Yusuke is trying to hide the fact that they're living together (for a good reason). Lmaoo at Ema saying it was very Yusuke-like to like watching comedies because he doesn't need to use his brain😂 It was so funny when he got mad and then she distracted him successfully with popcorn hahaha. Omgg, Ema said she would want to be the manager of the basketball club to cheer Yusuke on if he joined it, that's so cuteee. She even started thinking about how she would be able to do the jobs of washing uniforms and cheering for the team etc hahaha, it would be cool to see Yusuke a part of a team, but I do think that Yusuke likes to play for fun more than as an athlete like Subaru. I agree with Ema, Yusuke was really cool when he shielded her from some guy bumping into her at the park, I can understand why Yusuke would want to go to the guy and teach him a lesson about manners, but honestly not worth it tbh.
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Aww, I love how Yusuke got mad at Ema for waiting for him to finish his supplementary examination out in the cold on Christmas Eve!! She must have been freezing! But he told her to give him her hand as they went to the cafe later as thanks for studying with him, so I guess it's worth it hahahaha. It's so cute seeing them share a parfait together~ I love how Yusuke always gets mad when she does things like this, but he's always too soft towards her, so he tries his best to make her happy by showing he cares in other ways. He's bad with words and rough, but always so kind and I think it's so cute because Ema understands him without him needing to always make it clear, but when he does try his best to express his thoughts and feelings, it's so adorable and it makes me like him even more seeing how hard he tries to tell her what he's thinking when she doesn't understand haha. It's nice to hear Yusuke mention his father because I just realised that no one talks about their father! Especially the older ones who would have known more about him haha. Anyway, it's nice to hear the story of how all the brothers before Yusuke had a smooth childbirth but it was dangerous for him, so his father bought a charm for safe childbirth delivery for Miwa. Afterwards, Miwa gave it to Yusuke to now protect him since they believe that the charm protected him, which is pretty sweet, because he still carries it to this day! It really shows how much he cherishes it for the memories of his father and Miwa. It's so sad to see Yusuke avoid Ema because of the rumours of them dating at school😭 It's his silly way of "protecting" her since he doesn't want people to talk about her blah blah, but seeing her cry because of it makes me so sad, since being avoided really hurts😭 I'm glad Sasakura is a nice guy even though Ema rejected him. It was expected that Yusuke would get into a fight with Sasakura after seeing Ema cry and then get heated up lol, he's too rash, but I'm glad Ema made sure to make him apologise to Sasakura the next day. It was nice to hear him say that he promises he will because he won't do anything that will make her sad anymore🥲🥲 I loved how she also got to communicate to him that she's okay with the rumours and that what hurts her more is Yusuke avoiding her. I love Maho-chan (Ema's friend), not only is she super supportive of her love in every route, but here she helps dispel the rumours by telling people the truth and telling Yusuke off for making Ema sad.
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Lmaooo at Yusuke needing to take a minute to breathe in and out when Ema gave him Valentines' chocolates😂 Aww, I like his White Day present to her, he noticed a character she likes from her notebooks and gave her stationery for that character~ It's so funny how Yusuke revealed how he noticed Ema from when they first started schools by knowing she changed her hairstyle since then hahaha, it's so cuteee. Anyway, Minakami's existence is annoying and unnecessary, and I really didn't need her in this ending honestly, like omggg she harassed Ema for like a week or two every single day??? She's very bothered and I can't believe Ema was able to endure that, but I know she's too nice to tell Yusuke but AHHH. And Fuuto was probably busy with work and didn't want to blurt it out since Ema said no, but I'm glad he finally told Yusuke. Like, honestly though, I'm surprised Yusuke never noticed something was wrong, but I guess he's bashing himself on the inside right now for being so close to the one he likes and not even noticing that, especially when he said he would never let her cry and would protect her. I'm glad Yusuke got everyone (Minakami, Fuuto and Ema) up on the rooftop to tell them that he likes Ema and that he won't forgive anyone who hurts her. Considering how shy Yusuke is most of the time, his confession was really sweet and corny hahaha, but very heartwarming🥲 Omgg, when he got into the same university as Ema, and she was like we'll be together for another 4 years, but Yusuke was like, no, we'll be together forever and basically proposed to her, I was like whoaaa Yusuke!! Niceee hahaha! Lmaooo, I love the epilogue where Ema teases Yusuke that if he doesn't study for his exams now and only thinks about playing, he's going to end up having to repeat the year, and then if that happens, whilst he's trying his hardest to graduate, she would be a working adult in a company and might even fall in love with her wonderful boss😂😂 I love how he surprised her with a kiss after that though~~ they might not get to go on a date until after exams but a kiss is still fine!😊😊
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Overall, Yusuke really is the classic school romance I never thought I needed. I love Yusuke and Ema's relationship alot because I feel like you really get to see another side to Ema in this route. Since the guys before this were all older than her, I feel like she never got to really show how spoiled or childish she can be or even just how fun she can be with her teasing with someone around her age and that's her classmate. She's still as kind and cute as ever with how understanding she can be, but I guess the relationship was just very "balanced" here because they would help each other out and grow together as two people experiencing the same things at the same time. I really enjoyed seeing how soft Yusuke was towards Ema, and how even though he's really silly and can be really rough with his words, you can tell how much he loves Ema and how he tries his best to communicate with her. Whenever Yusuke is embarrassed but still tries his best to tell her what he thinks and feels, I'm always smiling at how cute he is hahaha. Otherwise, the Minakami stuff and I guess the drama of the route was handled pretty haphazardly with how it all just happens near the end and was quite unnecessary since I feel like, Yusuke really just needed to be resolute and determined enough to tell Ema his feelings, and it didn't need to have the "jealous rival" thing to make that happen. But anyway, all good because Yusuke is so sincere that even if he may be an idiot, he really tries his best to make up for it and really loves Ema, and I guess that's what matters most. I definitely still loved him and his route very much, because it was just soo cuteee!
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What about an Akechi/Joker role swap AU where Akechi is still the detective prince and Joker is still the Shujin delinquent, but the major difference is that Morgana never lost his memories and found Akechi before he approached Shido with his metaverse assassination plot?
Like, imagine Akechi, bitter and jaded, who has just awakened Loki and felt the terrifying and thrilling rush of the berserk power. He's formed a plan to get back at his piece of shit father, even managed to set up a meeting, which he had to set up months in advance, and on the day he's going to present Shido with info on the metaverse, he winds up arriving a few minutes late, because even though he intended to be early, he was accosted by a talking cat (he's been in the metaverse, so he can hear him) on the way over, and in the whole wtf-ery of the moment, lost track of time. Shido, being Shido, refuses to see him and will not reschedule because he doesn't like having his time wasted.
Pissed off, Akechi leaves to find Morgana still waiting for him outside. So he doesn't look like an idiot yelling at a cat on the street, he brings Morgana back to his shitty apartment, where Morgana explains why he had found Akechi and whats up. He doesn't know about Yaldobaoth taking Igor's place, he just knows there's two champions, and Akechi was the one he found first, so he must be Igor's chosen champion. (It is my theory that it doesn't actually matter who was Igor's and Yaldobaoth's champions, it was more about the choices they each made and where they ended up.) 
Akechi has no interest in saving the world, but he knows that if he wants to get back at Shido, he needs to become someone of consequence, so he agrees to undergo Morgana's training, since Morgana clearly knows more about the metaverse than he does, and he can use it to solve cold cases, earning him a place as the Detective Prince. He changes a few hearts, to pacify Morgana, too. It takes a couple years, but during his senior year in high school, he makes it, earning himself the cooperation of the police and the spotlight of the public eye. He's getting so close to making Shido notice him that he can practically taste it. Also, what’s this ‘velvet room’ he keeps dreaming about?
Then Morgana finds Kamoshida’s palace and is like ‘heyo, you thought changing hearts in the metaverse was cool, check this shit out’ and Akechi is admittedly intrigued , so he takes a look. He sees the inside of Kamoshida’s heart and is appropriately disgusted and says to Morgana, ‘hey we should totally kill this guy’s shadow.’ Morgana’s like ‘why is your first suggestion always murder, we don’t know what would happen if we killed his shadow, Igor wasn’t very clear about that bit, we should try stealing the treasure instead’ and Morgana has been useful (and it’s been really nice to have the company these past two years, though he won’t admit that) so Akechi agrees ‘fine, we’ll steal the treasure, but if that doesn’t work, then I’m killing his shadow.’
And that’s when Ryuji and Ann make an appearance (’ohmigawd, goro, be more careful with that damn app, i s2g.’) Ryuji’s mom apparently thinks Akechi is pretty neat and watches all his interviews, so Ryuji knows who he is and is delighted to find out that the lame-ass detective his mom has talked about is actually a grumpy badass in the metaverse, with this shadow that has some kind of insane power, and hey, he helped them bring down Kamoshida (alive,) so maybe he is actually pretty cool, even though sometimes he spaces out and talks about evil twins and some longed-nose dude. He decides then and there that he’s going to be Akechi’s best friend, since he apparently has none, and Ann is all too happy to join in for the ride, and all of Goro’s protests have fallen on deaf ears, and they know about the whole detective prince thing being a facade, so he might as well indulge them for now. 
The ‘Phantom Thieves’ (a name that makes Goro want to roll his eyes whenever he hears it, and why is everyone calling him ‘leader?’) gain fame and change hearts, gaining new members such as this weird-ass artist dude who fights with ice, and oh, god, one Nijima is bad enough, don’t tell me there’s two! and she uses nukes, wtf?!
Around this time, he also meets Shujin’s delinquent, enigmatic transfer student whose talk of hope and justice never quite seem to reflect in his stormy grey eyes, and he and Goro are clearly birds of a feather in a way, he can tell, there’s just something about him, and he thinks this guy might actually be his best friend, but don’t tell Ryuji that, he’d never hear the end of it.
Akechi learns the truth behind Akira’s arrest and Shido’s involvement and he is disgusted to find that he genuinely wants to help this guy, and he can’t do that if Shido’s dead, maybe he doesn’t want his revenge as badly as he thought??? Oh, ew, I have feelings that aren’t anger and it’s all my friends’ fault, I can’t just leave them and go off to get revenge, they’d literally die without me, those lovable idiots. Also, when Ryuji saw his home, he pretty much insisted he stay with him instead, and Ryuji’s mom reminds him of the good times he had with his own mother, and he honestly doesn’t think he has the strength to disappoint her like that. So, he decides to change Shido’s heart, but he knows that there’s no way that this little group of miscreants is strong enough to take on the fucked up bullshit that he’s seen in Shido’s heart, so let’s hit pause on that for now.
Shido had Wakaba killed via completely non-supernatural ways and stole her research, same as before, so Futaba still has a palace. He found out Akira worked at Leblanc a while ago and started dropping by, and then somehow Ryuji found out about it, and now all the Phantom Thieves know, so much for a peaceful place to get away, but he actually doesn’t mind that much, and Akira lets Akechi keep an eye on the shop when there are no customers so he can go out and do errands and Boss doesn’t mind, so they’ve ended up hanging out there as a group from time to time and talking Phantom Thief business, so Futaba knows who they are, and asks for their help.
Okumura’s palace pretty much goes the same, Okumura dies somehow, are we responsible, why does murder actually make me feel kinda bad, stupid friends and their stupid good influence. 
Goro attends the Shujin student fair as guest speaker, whoa, the class president being friends with Akechi does have its perks, doesn’t it? Akira finds them all there together and approaches them, tells them he saw them go into the metaverse, awakened his own persona, and saw a guy in a black mask kill Okumura’s shadow, hey why don’t I join you, you probably need all the help you can get, who’s heart are we stealing next, how about Sae, she knows my probabtion officer and has been giving me hell, plus I already checked, she definitely has a palace.
They agree, and oh, hey, Akira can hear Morgana talk now, but WAIT A MINUTE?! Didn’t he hear Morgana talk before when he told Goro that Leblanc didn’t sell sushi, even though Goro hadn’t asked for any?
They hack Akira’s phone, learn that Shido (Akechi recognizes that voice) will have thugs waiting to capture them when they leave the palace. They plan around it, pull the metaverse switch and manage to sneak a heavily drugged Akechi out of the warehouse Shido stashed him in by traveling through the metaverse. Shido’s lackey’s have written a fake suicide letter from the leader of the Phantom thieves, and the chief of police, under Shido’s orders, delivers a statement confirming its authenticity, and look the plan succeeded. All they need to do know is take down Shido.
Things are going great, until they get to the engine room, where Joker, having realized what happened, is waiting for them. Joker, who lost everything after he transferred, who discovered the metaverse completely alone, who didn’t mean to kill that guy’s shadow, but he attacked him first, and Shido had somehow known, had been keeping an eye on him, had him convicted for a crime that he didn’t commit in the hopes that he would break because he needed an agent in the metaverse, and so far he’s had no luck. Joker, who had nothing left to lose and had accepted the only hand that had reached out for him.
They fight, and when it looks like things are going badly for Joker, he pulls out... a second persona?!?! At least, it looks like a persona, but something about it is off. it looks familiar somehow. And then Akira asks if they knew it was possible to fuse personas and Akechi realizes what he’s looking at. These aren’t the clean executions that Caroline and Justine perform, these are personas that have been ripped apart and haphazardly thrown back together with no thought to form or elegance, look, there’s a Yaksini’s arm, and that bit right there clearly used to belong to a Rangda, and I think that piece might have belonged to a Seiryu, and Akechi should stop listing personas now because Ann thinks she’s going to be sick.
They keep fighting. Joker can’t understand the difference in power between them. After all, aren’t they the same? Unloved, unwanted, soldiers pitted against each other by some bullshit higher power?
When Joker shoots the bulkhead door closed and Futaba reports that she’s lost Joker’s reading, Akechi vows then and there that he’s going to kill Shido after all. And he almost does. He stands there, with his gun pressed to the head of the shadow of his father, his friends can’t blame him, and even Morgana knows better than to try and stop him. But he doesn’t. He remembers Akira’s madness there at the end, and wonders what he would have become of him if it weren’t for Ryuji, who somewhere along the way, he’d realized he’d stopped tolerating and started actually liking. Ann, who shared his woes about being in the public eye and swapped tips with him about how to handle the press. Yusuke, who, although he was still completely bizarre to him, appreciated the beauty in life and didn’t tease Goro for his taste in Grandpa clothes. Makoto, who knew the importance of hard work and who, between herself and her sister, had caused Goro to pick up some healthier coping mechanisms. Futaba, who made fun of him for his food blog, but liked the same nerd bullshit that he did and would bombard him with memes until his day somehow became a little less shittier. Haru, who dreamed of starting her own business and actually cared about Goro’s opinions, and could threaten someone with a smile in a way that even Goro was jealous of. And Morganna, who had reminded him what it was like to not be lonely, and demanded more sushi than he could afford, but always made sure Goro ate his fill, instead of getting so focused on his work that he forgot.
Akechi guesses that he must have turned soft somewhere during the past several months, but after seeing what happened to Akira, he can’t help but be grateful, knowing with certainty that if things had turned out differently, that would have been him. Hey, Morgana, you know that world-saving bs you talked about two years ago? Let’s leave this piece of shit here to rot and focus our attention on that instead.
And you guys know the rest.
Or, at least, that’s how I thought it would go. Feel free to share your thoughts. :)
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mypunkpansexualtwin · 3 years
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Pegoryu week 2021 is here and I have two whole entries that are gonna be done on time! The rest will happen, I promise, they'll just be late.
Anyways! the fic is under the cut and the link is in the reblogs as per usual. Hope y'all enjoy!
“Man, y’know you don’t hafta let Ann bully you like that, right?” Ryuji whispered over to Akira and reached for the flower poking out of his hair. To his surprise, Aki actually batted his hand away with a huff and tucked the thing a little more tightly behind his ear.
“First off, I do have to let Ann bully me. And then I bully back. That’s just what our friendship is,” he explained, not bothering to lower his voice while the girls were off getting more drinks. Not that it woulda made much difference, he was a pretty quiet guy even when he was being obnoxious. Usually. Ryuji cringed as Aki noisily sipped the meltwater from the bottom of his glass and held up a second finger. “Second, I like flowers, thank you very much. And thirdly,” almost against his will, Ryuji’s eyes tracked the swipe of Akira’s tongue across his lower lip as it shifted the straw from one corner of his mouth to the other before he continued, “red’s my color.” Ryuji swallowed.
“Y-yeah. D’you gotta chew your straw like that, dude? It’s kinda... gross.” Gross. That was the word he was trying to hold onto in his brain with both damn hands. Gross. It was gross, dammit. The straw chewing and the obnoxious slurping were habits that usually grated on his brain worse than a Metaverse confusion-and-psychic-attack double whammy. Today, though? Today he barely noticed it, he was too distracted. Maybe it was the heat or the jet lag, or the fact that seeing all these American girls with bikinis and curves that made Ann look downright bland by comparison meant that his brain had glued itself into the gutter. The fact that he almost never saw Akira with his glasses off sure as hell wasn’t helping either, considering the damn things had to be for everyone else’s sake. Under the scruffy nerd look Akira Kurusu was as much of a damn pretty-boy as Yusuke Kitagawa or that asshole Akechi with those effin’ eyes. That was an objective fact that even a guy as straight as Ryuji could see. Hell, if it weren’t for the glasses he’d probably be Shujin’s favorite bad boy--regardless of which way any of the students swung--instead of Ryuji’s fellow delinquent outcast. This wasn’t news to him, but for some damn reason something was different today.
Today, some goddamn wire got crossed in Ryuji’s brain and he kinda wanted to beat its ass. Today, he’d lost track of how many times he’d caught himself staring at those stupidly long eyelashes that any of Ann’s coworkers would kill to have, and the way they cast soft shadows over those perfectly smooth cheeks. Or the way Akira’s usually dark grey eyes looked almost silver in the sunlight. Or how they’d crinkle just a little at the corners when he smiled that soft little hint of a smile that already did weird, mushy things to Ryuji’s guts on a normal day. Or the way his lips were just a little fuller than either of the girls’ were but just as soft-looking. Ryuji wondered if maybe he used some kind of lip balm or something, but one without any color. If it didn’t have any color, would it at least have a flavor--
Ryuji had decided to blame it on that damn flower. Akira stared at him, a little confused, the straw still resting on his lower lip as he breathed out a quiet, “huh?” Then he glanced down at his mostly empty drink and then frowned sheepishly as the realization hit him. “Oh! Sorry, I know that drives you crazy.” Oh right, Ryuji had asked a question and had already forgotten. Akira set the glass on the table next to where Ann had given up and dropped the other hibiscus she’d been hellbent on putting in Ryuji’s hair. He had enough time to grimace at the sad, mangled end of the straw--and the thoughts his traitorous, overcooked brain conjured up about where it had just been--before Aki reached out, swiped the other flower, and tucked it next to the other behind his ear.
If Yusuke were there (because that was what Ryuji needed, more clueless pretty-boys punching holes in his sanity), he’d have his hands up in that finger-frame thing he always did when he was planning out a painting in his brain. The artist would be ready and raring to try and turn Akira into his latest masterpiece... that he’d end up bitching about not being good enough to capture right a week later. That wouldn’t be Yusuke’s fault though, Akira was just weird like that; in every picture of him he just looked like Some Dude, like a background character in his own life, Guy With Glasses #3 or something. But right now, right in front of Ryuji he looked… compelling, or some shit like that. Pretty as a damn painting that you couldn’t help but stare at for a while and contemplate your life, ‘cause that was easier than tryin’ to understand what was in front of you.
“Seriously, Aki?” Ryuji sighed at the second blossom now peeking out of Akira’s unruly frizz. He shoulda kept his damn mouth shut, let Akira keep chewing on his damn straw and drive him crazy in the annoying way and not… whatever this was. It had to be the heat. Ryuji was secretly dying of heatstroke, that had to be it.
“Red. Is. My. Color.” Akira crossed his arms and pouted, and Ryuji had to bite back a laugh at how his best friend had puffed out his cheeks while he sulked. Cute, but a safe kind of cute. Like back at the buffet, in that open kind of way that made Ryuji wonder what Akira had been like as a little kid. That looked like his opening to get things back on track, back to something resembling their usual dynamic.
Ryuji cracked a grin and flicked the bottle that everyone had passed around earlier. “Yeah? That why you didn’t put any sunscreen on, you gonna be the first guy to pull off havin’ a sunburn?” Akira deflated slightly, then snatched the bottle off the table and-- Oh goddammit.
That had backfired spectacularly. Genius move, Sakamoto. You can’t quit ogling your best friend like some kinda weirdo, why don’t you convince him to oil himself up! That’ll help! Effin’ brilliant. Ryuji hastily turned around in his chair and fixed his eyes on the shoreline. He occupied himself with trying to guess how quickly he could sprint to the ocean, and for once he hoped that the water would be cold cold. The girls walking by, all dressed in bikinis that’d look small on skinny little Futaba and were probably held onto those insane curves with more wishful thinking than fabric, might as well have been invisible to him. Since he had apparently pissed off god or something, all he could think about was Akira, very intentionally just outside the edge of his vision, slathering his chest in sunscreen. His incredibly flat chest; if he’d at least had enough bulk on him to have pecs or something, that might have taken some of the sting out of his stupid brain fixating on his leader instead of any of the women who looked like they’d walked straight out of his dreams. Ryuji was gonna set those stupid flowers on fire when he got his hands on them.
He swallowed around a mouth that had gone dry and tried to break the awkward silence that had settled over them. At least, Ryuji sure as hell felt awkward, Akira was usually fine with a little quiet and didn’t seem bothered at the moment. Still, Ryuji had to do something before he went crazy. “Man, I thought Ann was impressive, but compared to these foreign ladies… eh.” Akira snorted somewhere behind him.
“I’m sure she appreciates the break from being leered at,” he deadpanned. “Do you not have anything better to do than check people out?”
Ryuji’s stomach dropped a little as he whipped back around to shoot Akira a dirty look. Sure, he’d felt pretty obvious, but he hadn’t actually been obvious about staring-- Wait. Aki meant the girls. False alarm, no need to panic. “Man, shut up. And don’t even try to tell me you don’t agree. Like, these ladies are massive, the girls back home don’t even compare!” Ryuji snapped. Someone had to be appreciating all these beach babes, otherwise what even was the point of staying out when it was so damn hot?
Akira actually paused and glanced over at Ryuji with a weird look on his face before he sighed and shook his head. “I’m not really interested, honestly.”
“Man, I am gonna rip that tongue outta your head!” Ryuji exclaimed. Seriously, all those lovely ladies going unappreciated had to be some kind of crime. An international one. It was probably too much to hope Ann or Makoto would be taking up the slack, wherever the hell they were. It was apparently definitely too much to hope that Akira would let that comment pass; even if he was quiet, the guy almost always needed the last word.
This time, it was muttered irritably under his breath. “Yeah why don’t you come take it, then?”
“What?!” Ryuji didn’t even bother turning around, he just broke down laughing. “What the hell does that even mean, dude?”
“You heard me,” Akira sounded serious, except for where the last word turned wobbly at the end. And then he dissolved into his own fit of laughter, snorting once before he continued, “I don’t even know, man. I just kinda blurted it out.” The two of them cracked up a little longer, glad to be back to something a little closer to normal--and Ryuji didn’t think Akira’s laugh was cute, it was quiet and dorky and weird, definitely not cute--before Aki caught his breath and then stretched. And sucked in a sharp breath through his teeth.
“You alright, man?” He may not have been able to see Akira’s face with the two of them sitting facing in opposite directions, but Ryuji still caught how his leader had winced when he tried to raise his arm over his head.
Akira nodded. “Slept weird on the plane.” He rolled his shoulder again, then tossed the sunscreen to Ryuji. “At the risk of putting you in tongue-ripping range, can I ask you to get my back?” Ryuji was already up and moving his chair behind Akira, always eager to help his best friend.
“Sure thing, dude.” He had the bottle open and hovering over his hand before his brain caught up to him. Wait. Shit. Bad idea, bad bad idea! If he’d gotten all weird about Akira doing this for himself, how was Ryuji gonna survive getting his own hands involved, especially now that he was thinking about it? But he’d already agreed and if he backed out now, Akira would ask why. He sure as shit wasn’t gonna explain that.
“Earth to Ryuji?” Akira turned his head to peek back at him and… Welp. Apparently this was just Ryuji’s life now. The image of Akira looking over one bare shoulder with those damn eyes just barely visible past the flower petals, his face a little bit pink from the sun overhead, and his lips all flushed and swollen--because, oh right, when Akira didn’t have something to chew on, he’d worry at his lips instead--was seared into Ryuji’s brain. Straight or not, that picture just lived in his head now. And apparently so did about half of his blood, mostly in his face. And the other half… Again, he wondered again how cold the water was. Act natural, Sakamoto.
“Uh, sorry dude. Bottle was stopped up, I got it now!” He laughed nervously as the bottle squirted into his palm with a loud ‘pbblblblt’. Definitely no awkwardness here, no sir. Just a totally normal assist with sunscreen between bros. He was fine. He definitely wasn’t red enough in the face to look sunburnt. Deep breath. He was cool.
...God, he was gonna throw those stupid hibiscuses into the ocean. Hell, from this angle, he could probably grab them and slam them into one of the mostly-empty drinks before Akira could stop him. And Aki wouldn’t want to put them back in his hair after they were all covered in sugar water, right? It was a flawless plan. Ryuji was a damn genius.
He was just gonna finish putting on the sunscreen first, ‘cause he was courteous like that. No sense in letting Akira get a weirdly shaped sunburn because he chased Ryuji down for a couple of damn flowers. That was definitely the only reason he was still rubbing his hands down (and down and down) Akira’s back. Smooth and pale and soft, but surprisingly well muscled underneath, Akira’d been holding out on him while they were training. And those damn dimples on his lower back. Had he been wearing his trunks that low a minute ago? Ugh. Ryuji would definitely be going for a swim after this. He winced as he ran his hands back up over Akira’s shoulders.
“Shit, Aki, I think I found that knot in your neck. No wonder you couldn’t do this yourself,” he muttered and dug his thumb gently into the muscle. Akira sucked in another breath through his teeth, but tipped his head forward and let Ryuji work. The damn thing was probably about the size of a ping pong ball, and Ryuji couldn’t help but feel a little guilty every time Akira tensed up or hissed under his breath when Ryuji dug in a little too hard. And a lot guilty at the temptation to just bury his hands in his bro’s hair. But finally, after the longest two minutes of his life, the knot released and Akira…
Akira fucking groaned.
Ryuji was done. He reached out, snagged both of those stupid red flowers--and a little bit of Akira’s apparently insanely soft hair, oops--and stood up to walk away, ignoring his friend’s protests. The ocean could have both of the damn things, and Ryuji right along with them. He was done. Unfortunately Ann and Makoto had chosen that exact moment to return with fresh drinks, cutting off his escape route. Effin’ great.
“Aaannnnnn, Makotoooooo,” Akira whined as he draped himself dramatically over Ryuji’s shoulders, halfheartedly reaching out to try and reclaim the hibiscuses. “Ryuji deflowered meeee--” Makoto’s face fell into the most unimpressed look any of them had ever seen from her, Ann snorted loud enough that it sounded painful, Ryuji about jumped out of his skin with an indignant yelp that probably could have been heard back in Tokyo, and Akira continued whining undeterred, “--make him give it baaaack.”
Ann had doubled over cackling, and didn’t seem to care that she’d just sloshed about a quarter of one of their drinks onto the sand when she did. “I- I don’t- *snrk* I don’t think it w-works like tha-ha-ha-ha-at!” She managed despite howling with laughter so strong that it looked like she was gonna fall over. Makoto had set her two drinks down long enough to drop into one of the empty chairs and bury her face in her hands with a long, drawn out sigh.
“Why are you two like this?” She glanced up long enough to shoot that tired, unimpressed look up at Akira and Ryuji.
“Hey, don’t look at me!” Ryuji all but shouted as he shrugged Akira off of him and started stomping down towards the water, flowers still crushed in one fist. “This is all on him this time!”
God, Hawaii was off to one hell of a start.
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foryoumyheroes · 4 years
Kuroo’s S/O is a Phantom Thief
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[Persona 5 x Haikyuu!!]
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A/N: asdfgh I’m sorry Haikyuu has just been taking over every corner of my mind. This is so self-indulgent, this is my own version of emergency requests because today was a sad day and I didn’t do so well on my quiz.😔 It’s been a while since I’ve refreshed a lot of my memory on P5 BUT IM STILL OBSESSED WITH IT , so apologies if I get anything wrong! This also uses Akira as the Protag’s name. 
Warnings: This uses they/them pronouns as usual, but if you are familiar with P5 canon, it does hint that Kuroo’s S/O is afab because of how Kamoshida is and how he acts :// Also, especially if you aren’t familiar with P5, hints of harassment, violence, and sexual assault might come up until the bullet point “Now that the context is over.” There’s nothing explicit, but you guys deserve that warning! 
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Here’s some ✨backstory✨: 
He was probably just an huge fan of Kamoshida, your school’s volleyball coach and former Olympic medalist, growing up. So much so that he almost went to Shujin but ultimately decided on Nekoma in the end. 
That’s probably how the two of you met. You were on your school’s vball team and your schools were having practice matches with one another. His eyes probably went 👁️👁️ while his brain went brrr when he first saw you and you spiked a ball in his face because he was too busy staring at you and your form to notice the ball come flying at his nose at 5000 mph. Like oh my god are you an angel. Your form is so fluid yet strong and your jumps take you so high--BAM!  
You two ended up trading contact info as you took him to the nurse’s office and ✨the rest is history✨
Used to fangirl over Kamoshida every time he came to pick you up at your school and got you to introduce him. He got an autograph and hung it up in his room. 
That being said he does think it’s kind of strange that Shunjin Academy has such a weak volleyball team. He’s like asdfghj he feels so bad for saying it, but some of your teammates get knocked back from a single receive and you get bruises all over? At first he thinks it’s because Kamoshida legitimately tries to work you guys to the bone and then as years go by you get more solemn and quiet about your team.  
You do that stubborn Y/N Main Character Thing™ where you keep everything to yourself because you don't want to worry anyone and it drives Kuroo insane. 
He’s the type that tries to take care of the people that he values (as seen when he nags/checks up on Kenma) and seeing you physically hurt or emotionally closed off would honestly affect him personally. He wants to help and he wants you to confide in him, but all he can do is nag you about taking care of yourself the moment you see him because you’re becoming more distant. 
After a while, he thinks that it’s his fault because his parents’ history still affects him. 
Then one day it comes crashing down when you come crying your eyes out to him that you’ve been kicked off the volleyball team because you fought back against Kamoshida and ran off and Kuroo sees red. He’s shaking with anger. 
He’s a scorpio so of course all of his emotions are at full force when he hears you crying loudly on the couch after Kamoshida’s attempt and he’s split between wanting to commit murder on your former coach and comforting you. 
You tell him everything: how Kamoshida abuses the team, how he always molests the girls, how he started out nice to you because of your skills but recently everything escalated and Kuroo’s heart just drops. 
He says, “We need to tell the authorities!! Your principal!!” and that just makes you cry harder because no one would believe you and that your principal is already covering for Kamoshida. 
Kuroo honestly thinks that he failed you because he didn’t do anything earlier. He was expecting something, but never took the first steps and he legitimately ties to make up for it by hovering over you the next few weeks. 
That night he immediately rips up his Kamoshida autograph and throws it in the shredder. 
He moves practice to an hour later to have time to pick you up and take you to Nekoma, he takes you straight to your home every night, and spends his weekends and free time with you. This was routine for several months until tournaments turn up and he has to regretfully spend time away from you.  
Legitimately almost beat up Mishima because he was spreading rumors about you but you held your 188 cm cat back. 
[One day he walks to Shujin and to your classroom because you weren’t at the gates waiting for him strangely? You turn around and he sees you with three other people which puts him on edge because after Kamoshida people in your school avoided you like the plague. 
You just turn when you hear him open the door and you actually smile at him genuinely. 
“Hey, Tetsu, this is Ann and Ryuji -- they’re victims of Kamoshida too. And this is Akira, the new kid. They’re my new friends.”]
Then you spend more time away from him while he busies himself with upcoming competitions and he swears that something’s up, but you’ve promised to be honest with him now and he’s too busy with the Nekoma team to really press it out of you. He’s going to “accidentally” hit  Kamoshida’s face the next time he sees him on the court. 
And then Kamoshida voluntarily publicly admits to his crimes, resigns, and goes to jail and while he thinks it’s strange he celebrates with you. 
Afterwards, Kuroo swears that you’re a new person. Not changed, but definitely different, and he doesn’t complain because you’re smiling again, and you feel more confident and free. As long as you’re happy and your abuser is behind bars, then he’s happy. 
Now that the context is over. 
He doesn’t think much of the Phantom Thieves. He just jokes around whenever people talk about them because he thinks that it’s things out of a fairy tale. Refuses to believe their existence for the longest time while Lev is like :oooo BUT THEY ARE REAL SENPAI!! 
You even try to lay low by agreeing with him that they don’t exist. 
Kuroo: why are kids nowadays talking about these edgy power rangers. 
He feels very bittersweet when you get your new friends. In one hand, he tried very hard to have you get along with his team because in Shujin he knows that you struggled with making friends, but after you made your new friends -- which he’s happy for, he really is!! -- he can’t help but feel like you’re disappearing off the grid? 
Like you’re a lot happier now, and he’s glad that your new friends are able to bring you this freedom, but you’re becoming more busy and he’s :((( 
He suspects that something’s up though. One day he jokingly punches you in the arm and HIS FIST HURT. He thinks that you’ve been going to the gym without him and you could’ve been spotting each other this entire time. 
He gets jealous of Akira the most. Like sure, you get along with the others really well and Ryuji makes you laugh and Yusuke is pretty, you said, but you gush about your team leader the most since he’s the most skilled and Kuroo inwardly feels :/// at the sound of you praising another guy.
You’ve been dropping a lot of dates to fight in the Metaverse and Palaces and so he feels very neglected. He’s mf’ing needy!! He needs attention! 
You guys were already long distance and you’ve made it work so far, but as the Phantom Thieves became more popular as time went on, you spent more time with your friends. He misses you, but he doesn’t want to be seen as the possessive, clingy bf so he keeps his opinions to himself, especially since these were your first real friends in a while. 
Your first big fight happened when you texted him that you were busy at a study group with your friends, but he just so happened to be in the Sangenjaya district for karaoke with the owl and cat teams and as they’re walking home he sees you emerge from the bathhouse with Akira laughing your asses off. 
[”Hey, Kuroo, isn’t that [Name?],” one of his teammates say, pointing across the street at you with Akira. He gulps first and Kenma’s eyes worryingly flash to Kuroo before falling on your figure. Isn’t it suspicious that you were in a bathhouse with another guy after you said you were busy? 
“Guess you weren’t stressing over your physics exam, huh?” a voice suddenly says, beside you.
You guys ended up fighting all night, but it was getting late so per your rules that you established when you first started dating, you both said sorry to each other and went to bed. Yet, the doubt never leaves. 
Honestly, after a while he does think that you might be a better match for Akira because you both lived in the same area, went to the same school, and were both terrorized by the same person. “Birds of a feather” and all that. He loves you but just wants what’s best for you 😢
He’s smart but...yeah. I’m gonna refrain from further comment. It’s that scorpio brain. He would never get that you’re a Phantom Thief until you clearly tell him. 
It either comes out when you guys are fighting again and your relationship is on the line, or you either forgot another date with him and he walks into Leblanc to see you talking with your friends. 
He tries to take your conversation outside, but you guys were discussing really urgent and couldn’t go with him, and then you guys start arguing in front of your friends and that’s ;;; awkward as hell. When it starts to escalate either you end up letting it slip that you’re a Phantom Thief or Ryuji. 
You can practically see the !!!! on top of everyone’s heads when it comes out. 
Everyone scrambles to talk over each other to cover it up but the damage was already done 😔
[Futaba: we can knock him out and pretend that he dreamed up the entire thing!! 
Everyone: Futaba, no 
Futaba yes.]
When it finally sinks in he’s embarrassed af ;;; like the entire time he was doing the provoking act on Akira and for what??? 
Then he feels relieved. He thought that you were bored of your relationship and that’s why you’ve been busier and distancing yourself.
Kuroo: thank god [Name] has just been fighting crime this entire time instead of wanting to leave me. 😊😊 (but if you did want to leave he would’ve let you go he’s not toxic!!)
Your friends were iffy about him at first, but he does prove himself to be a reliable person! They think y’all r so lovey-dovey it’s gross. 
Ryuji: every time he steps into the room for [Name] I feel 10x more single.
If he hears other students of Nekoma try to talk trash about the Phantom Thieves, he’ll legit puff out his chest, walk up to them and go, “HAAAH? WHAT DID YOU SAY?? SAY THAT TO MY FACE.”  
When you try to explain Palaces and Mementos he legit tries to argue with you 🙃🙃
Kuroo: BUT THAT DOESNT MAKE S E N S E WHERE’S THE SCIENCE BEHIND THIS. There has to be an explanation make it make sense!! 
Damn he thought you were hot before now he thinks that you’re a literal GOD ON EARTH. 
[You: [beats up a multi-millionaire in a Palace]. 
Kuroo: [tears up] real hot girl shit.]
Does your homework for you when you’re too tired after fighting Shadows all day. 
He loves Morgana the most out of all your friends!! Because... he’s a not cat. Like c’mon. 
In all truth, he’s so supportive of you!! Yeah, he was kinda disappointed that you didn’t tell him sooner, especially since he was there for you when it first started, but he truly understands your reasoning and why you kept it to yourself. He’s worried every time he knows that you’re going to fight Shadows, but can’t help but feel the sense of pride every time you come back to him. 
Kuroo wants to gloat to his team that he has such a badass S/O so much, but every time he praises you he has to cut so many details out so he just sounds like a crazy person. 
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blackhakumen · 4 years
Mini Fanfic #529: Shadow, The Ultimate, Precious Lifeform (SBBU)
9:45 a.m. at the Smash Mansion's Living Room.........
Ann/Haru: Awwwwwwwwwww!!~ So Preciooouussssss!!~
Makoto: (Smiles Softly) That was very sweet of you for what you did for the children last night, Shadow-san.
Futuba: (Smiles Brightly) I know, right?! It was one the best Goodnight Kisses Mona and I ever had!
Morgana: (Smiles Softly) Yeah. I'm honestly kind of glad Futuba talked me into going up to the halls with her.
Ryuji: (Chuckles Lightly) Ah dude! Compared to Ren-Ren over here, you really are the ultimate big brother.
Ren: Aside from that blatantly inaccurate nickname, Ryuji kind of have a point here. (Gives Shadow a Playful Smirk) As a fellow big bro myself, I would like to invite you to the Official " Cool Big Brothers Club" Population.......Just me.
Shadow: (Rolled his Eyes While Blushing in Embarrassment) Appreciate the invitation, Joker......
Sonic: (Place his Arm Around Shadow's Shoulder While Giving him a Playful Smirk) Look on the bright side, faker, at the very least, no one would think of you as an edgelord anymore. Just another softy with a heart of gold.
Shadow: (Glares at Rouge, Who is Sitting Next to Him) I blame you for this.......
Rouge: (Smirks Playfully Towards Shadow While Enjoying her Mug of Coffee) Oh don't be like that now, Shadow. You know just as much as I do that deep down, you're a huge sweetheart.
Futuba: That's right! You maybe a Edgelord to everyone else in the world....(Hugs Shadow from Behind) But you'll be our Ultimate Precious Sweetheart of a Hedgehog!
Shadow: Kind of tired of being called that really......
Yusuke: (Raised an Eyebrow in a Bit if Confusion) "A Precious Sweetheart"?
Shadow: No. It's being called "Edgelord". The more I hear people keep calling me that, the more I feel like the way they used that name as an actual insult to me. It almost feel like being called one in the first place, is the only thing I am to everyone...... Including you guys....
Ann: (Eyes Widened in a Bit of Shock) Seriously?
Haru: (Frowns Sadly) Oh, sweetheart.....We never think of you like that all at.
Makoto: She's right, Shadow-san. We know that you are far more than what everyone else think you are.
Shadow: You.... really mean that?
Ryuji: (Gives Shadow a Reassuring Smile) Yeah, man. I mean....You and your crew always fought for the what all of you believed in.
Morgana: You would always go to extreme and risk your lives to complete a mission and save those who are in harm's way.
Ren: (Smiles Softly) Even when the world itself would always give you a hard time, you never once thought about giving up on them. Even now.
Futuba: (Smiles Brightly) You're basically already a hero!!.....An anti hero, but still a hero!!
Shadow: (Couldn't Really Believe What He us Hearing)......You all really think that highly of me, do you?
Sonic: (Smiles Brightly) Of course we do, man. You're practically an inspiration to everyone at this point. (Gives Shadow a Thumbs Up) That alone shows how way past cool you really are.
Rouge: (Gently Place Her Hands onto Shadow's Cheeks) I already told you, didn't I? (Gives Shadow a Sincere Smile) We love you just the way you are, Shadow. That will never change.
Shadow: (Almost Speechless) W-Wow.....I-I-I....(Starts Blushing)....Had no idea all of you would think of me that way.......
Futuba: ('GASPS') You guys!!! Are you seeing this?!! (Smiles Brightly and Points at Shadow's Blush) He's blushing!!!~
Ann: (Eyes Widened in Surprise) Oh my god, Futuba, you're right!!! (Immediately Starts Gushing Over Shadow) It's sooooooo cuuuuuute!!!~
Haru: And precious!~ Please don't forget about precious!!~
Makoto: (Giggles Softly) Goodness. You really do look adorable, Shadow-san.
Rouge: (Shrugged While Smirking Playfully Again) What can I say, ladies? (Playfully Pinches Shadow's Cheek) This hedgehog here might be the most precious Ultimate Lifeform in the entire universe~ Isn't that right, Shadow?~
Shadow: ('Groans in Embarrassment')
Morgana: (Pat on Shadow's Back Reassuringly) Cheer up, Shadow. Being labeled as cute and adorable isn't too bad......Though, I'm gonna be honest....It's better you than me though.......
Haru: Mommy's gonna pinch your cute little cheeks soon, Mona-Chan!~ Don't you worry!
Futuba: I'mma pinch those cheeks too by the way!!!
Morgana: (Eyes Widened Before Sighing) Should've kept my mouth shut........
Yusuke: (Starts Staring at a Overly Embarrassed Hedgehog) Hmm...A Flustered Ultimate Lifeform.....Now that does sound fascinating already....
Ren: (Smirks a bit Evilly) Bet it makes you wanna make a painting of the whole thing, huh Yusuke?
Yusuke: (Pulls out his Sketch Book Out of Nowhere with a Somewhat Determined Look) Precisely.
Ryuji: (Burst out Laughing) Aha man!! That poor hedgehog gonna have a painting of him being cute and shit! This already too priceless!!
Sonic: (Starts Snickering) I'll do you one better.....(Turns to the Stairs) MOM! DAD! SHADOW IS OUT HERE BEING CUTE AND ADORABLE AGAIN!!!!!
Mario: (From Upstairs) TELL SHADOW WE LOVE HIM!!!
Sonic: WILL DO!!!! (Turns Back to the Gain with a Smirk on his Face) Look alive, folks. We're gonna make ourselves a Photo Album today.
Ryuji: ('Heh' 'Heh') (Gives Sonic a Fist Bump) Nice.
Shadow: I hate all of you with an immense passion right now......
Futuba: (Gives Shadow a Sad Puppy Dog Face) No you don't!!
Ann/Haru: (Give Shadow Sad Puppy Dog Eyes Too) You love us!!
Shadow: ('Sighs in Defeat') Okay, fine. I do love you people......
Futuba/Ann/Haru: (Smiles Brightly Again) Yay!~
Rouge: (Gives Shadow a Small Kiss on the Forehead While Still Pinching his Cheek) We love you too, Shadow. A lot more than you probably never realized
Shadow: ('Hmph') (Looks Away While Blushing a Little) Whatever........... (So.....This is what it feels like being with a group of people you considered as family......Hmph. This.....(Smiles a Little) Actually feels nice.....I like it. A lot.)
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twilightknight17 · 4 years
So I was zoning out during work this morning thinking about how they made a big deal about deviations to Mementos floors being a thing that could happen, but I’ve literally only gotten two the entire game. That one time when they told me about them, I got a whole dark floor full of Treasure demons. And I got a dark floor one other time. I thought it was weird, because I didn’t visit Mementos a lot, but when I was there, I was there for long periods of time. It feels like something that should have happened more often.
I now regret every thought in my head about that subject.
So we’re heading back into Maruki’s Palace to try to route the Treasure, which... I don’t know. I’m not getting the impression that he has a specific Treasure. The whole thing with his fiancee was the instigating event, but...this is clearly not a normal Palace.
Ten Thieves is so many Thieves.
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So she wasn’t Ribbon or Midnight. XD I like Violet, but at the same time, it feels like it doesn’t match her overall aesthetic. It fits her, but not how she looks, which means the Thief gear really needs an update.
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Being Goro is suffering.
Sumire gets an actual, proper awakening, with actual blood! I knew there was something fishy about there not being any the first time around. I really, really wish her outfit had changed, though. Give her something unique to represent herself as her own person. Not Kasumi, and not Joker’s aesthetic. But okay, fine, be the only person whose gloves don’t match their core element.
Time to shove my whole team into a safe room!
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...while I appreciate you not making a scene and understand why you have mixed feelings, I’d also just like to remind you that you were the one who said, “It doesn’t matter where you start over.” He’s...trying, Futaba.
Meanwhile, on the other side of the room...
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I guess not being at each other’s throats is as much as I can ask.
So I gasped out loud like an excited dork when I realized that one of the personas you can fuse now in the Velvet Room was Hastur (and it was also something I had to fight in the Palace). I should have figured that if Biyarki was around, the thing it serves wouldn’t be too far behind. Shame Hastur wasn’t the final boss, but I still think this is the first time he’s shown up since Innocent Sin, and even there he was like a weirdly-hidden secret. I’m honestly just nerding out. XDDD
The warehouse areas were fun to climb around in, and the monitoring room was about as unsettling as anything else so far. I do think it’s funny that everything is so sleek and sci-fi and whatnot and then...ceiling fan.
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Anyway, we can’t get any further in the Palace here, so it’s off to Mementos. Another day, because god forbid we just go today. But that means I’m finally free from plot prison and all my friends want to talk to me again. I might have enough time to rank up Haru. I probably won’t have time for Shinya, but if I have an extra two days somewhere...
I feel so bad for Sumire.
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Makoto has finally directly acknowledged that she plowed in head-first and was kind of stupid.
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It would have been funny if her third-tier persona was just Anat riding Johanna, but the new bike is cool, too.
I’ve got four third-tier personas, rank 7 of Sumire, and rank 8 of Haru, but I’ve also got two Mementos requests, so I guess it’s time to go investigate.
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...oh dear.
Apparently the Depths no longer exist. Iweleth opens directly into the Grail’s chamber. Which he’s filled with giant security cameras. What is he even looking at?
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A whole new area has formed, going up instead of down. I wonder if it’s going to connect back into the Palace. It’s like he looked at Mementos and was like, “I’m going to make a better Mementos. With tentacle monsters and the color white.”
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And what requests we have! A mother threatening to kill herself and her kid out of grief and depression, and a teenage boy that wants us to kill him so he won’t hurt his sister again. How dare I assume that utopia means less severe Mementos requests!
(In hindsight, there was one request a long time ago where we just talked down the person. It was the only time we’ve done that. You’d think we’d talk down the kid trying to commit suicide by phantom thief, but nope. He was fucking Yoshitsune and it was a nightmare.)
Please appreciate that I almost launched my phone across the room trying to get a picture of this Showtime activation dialogue before it disappeared. XDDD
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So I’m pushing forward through Da’at looking for the next rest area so I can stop for the night, it’s probably two floors away, and my thoughts from this morning manifest to destroy me as we head up the escalator and Futaba announces, “Joker, this floor is dangerous! We need to get out of here as fast as possible!”
Okay, cool. It must be a deviation where all the enemies are the powered-up red-aura kind. I’ll just be ready to floor it around them and it’ll be---
...what’s that noise?
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Watch out for the what?
So I haven’t seen the reaper yet. I’m pretty speedy in Mementos. And apparently there’s a deviation floor where he’s just there from the start. Stalking you around as you open treasure chests and scream and drive like a maniac. He almost cornered me in a dead end and if this was remotely realistic I’d have crashed the bus swerving around him. X’D
Thank goodness the safe floor was in fact two floors up.
Went to run around in the Den and spend more coins, and...
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Iwai’s shop is...where, Akira?
I’ve got Shido’s statue and Yald’s statue around to bait Goro into commenting on them, and it finally paid off. XD He hates the big gold lion.
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Yusuke says that he’s probably being a bit narrow-minded, and Goro shrugs him off with, “You probably felt the same about Madarame.”
Yusuke says that he understands that Madarame was not always a terrible person. Something distorted him into what he became. Goro doesn’t care that Shido was probably the same.
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Which, all things considered.......fair.
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PQ2 - The P4 cast
As someone reading can tell I got back into PQ2. I played up to Junessic Land initially, then Three Houses came out and I got distracted by it, then Code Vein came out and I got distracted by it, but now I’m back on PQ2 and into the third area.
So I have some experience now with the P4 cast in this game so far and, as I have literally no other knowledge on P4, wanted to comment on it.
I’ve enjoyed them so far for the most part and they seem quite friendly and cooperative. I’ve heard before many say the group has a lot of ‘beat on the guys’ in their dynamic in their own game so I don’t know if this is downplayed just in PQ2′s better writing, or if what I was told was being overdramatised.
So this is my thoughts on them in order:
Yu: Sadly, as with Joker, I just struggle to connect with a self-insert protagonist. Even here, where Yu is a bit more of a character because the player exclusively controls Joker, Yu feels...kinda boring compared to his friends. He’s soft-spoken, calm under all situations, competent at almost everything, like a lot of depictions of Joker it simply isn’t something that attracts me or entertains me. What I will say, though, is he’s very kind to all his friends and I appreciate that. He is supportive of all of them, and never really insults or teased them, which is nice.
Chie: She is hilarious and loveable, but she isn’t among my favourites like Naoto, Yukiko and Yosuke. Chie is fun, lots of fun, and I think she works well to add levity to scenes and interactions, but compared to the three I consider best, she seems a bit more one-note and pigeon-holed. At least so far, as always this is just with the knowledge of PQ2 up to the third dungeon. I had heard she bullies Yosuke a lot but, at least so far in this, I haven’t really felt she was harsh or badgering or unfair to him. Certainly at times she’s a bit teasing but, again, I don’t know if maybe PQ2 just has improved writing in general on this, like how the PTs are less bullying to Ryuji in this game as well.
Kanji: Kanji is like Chie for me in that I enjoy his character, think he’s likeable and well-rounded but...he feels a little more underdeveloped compared to Yukiko, Naoto and Yosuke. Now, again, this could just be PQ2 not giving him his full due, or that there are Special Tickets still to come developing him more. For example IIRC Kanji has appeared, by far, the least on any Special Tickets to this point, appearing only on the Ryuji one. 
Teddie: Teddie is for me a character who like Kanji and Chie feels a little more one note but I have to admit that whilst Chie and Kanji are still, respectively, humorous and engaging, Teddie can feel a little annoying at times. Only at times though. I do, however, like the way he isn’t afraid to express his emotions for his friends. He is, by far, the most vocal of the P4 group in his concern and affection for any of the other members and that is very touching. For that alone he’s rather cute, and I enjoy that there’s a party member at last who isn’t shy to hug his friends. I’ve been told he has a lot of ‘pervert’ tropes in the main game but this isn’t so prevalent here. Beyond noting that a female character is pretty here or there, or expressing attraction to them, he doesn’t do much else. I don’t know, though, if PQ2 maybe just downplayed all the tendencies of such characters in this game and, if it did, I’m grateful for it as it makes them far more likeable and palatable.
Naoto: Along with Yosuke and Yukiko, Naoto is my favourite of the P4 crew so far. I enjoy her commentary on most missions, she’s competent but at the same time she’s not arrogant and constantly deriding of other people for not being up to her level. This is a big problem I have with certain moments for characters like Morgana, Futaba and Akechi where, at points, they can come across like jerks to anyone they consider not up to their intellectual levels. Naoto is intelligent, gives useful input, but also never comes across as if she’s telling everyone who isn’t as smart as her they’re dumb. I do wish she and Akechi had more interaction. Beyond their special ticket together they seem not to talk much which is a pity since I imagine there is a wealth of scenes you could do with a pair like that. 
Yosuke: Has the most explicit character arc of the P4 cast since it’s mirrored in Yosukesaurus and, at the end, Yosuke just outright states his character arc from his game to us. This automatically helps him feel a little less one-note since we get presented straight away with an analysis of his own character. He also expresses a combination of cockiness with a guilt at having been found later, having an entire event in which he expresses he feels he let the team down because he was without them so long. From this what we get is that Yosuke is cocky, definitely a show-off, but also very aware, almost too aware, of his place within a group. Which fits into his stated issue of having always felt the need to conform to appease a group and the P4 cast finally being a place he can be true to himself. Indeed; a theme for the P4 cast seems to be that they all hid their true feelings and then only when they came together ceased pretending to be different to how they were. I do like how this contrasts them from the P5 cast. Ryuji and Yosuke are both ‘partner’ characters but they are very different. Ryuji wears his heart painfully on his sleeve, to the point that even when an entire school ostracized him and made a pariah of him he just became more obstinate in his ways. Yosuke, by contrast, explains he was a methodic conformer exactly because he feared ever being in conflict with the majority. It’s nice cause it clearly differentiates the characters with similar roles. Like with Teddie again, also, I must add that I had heard a lot about Yosuke’s ‘pervert’ tendencies, but this seems to be enormously toned down in this game and neither Chie or Yukiko honestly seem unfairly harsh on him most of the time.
Yukiko: Probably my favourite of the P4 cast so far, but that might just be because I’ve enjoyed her interactions with Yusuke and Haru enormously. Yukiko also has a situation where she’s someone who hid her true feelings but, whereas with Yosuke it comes across as if he still to an extent flits between his old insecurities and his newfound comfort with his friends, Yukiko mostly comes across purely as if she has dropped her façade and her somewhat kooky, prankster-ish, attitude is her true self. I love and adore her friendship with Yusuke in their combined event and think the two make an amazing pair, platonically or romantically, they feed of each other’s energies and sort of ‘synch’ in their eccentricities wonderfully. Yusuke and Yukiko’s event together is probably still my favourite so far.
Rise: I feel Rise just hasn’t been given much attention yet, sadly. Of all of the P4 cast she’s the one I have the least feeling for. She’s not annoying or bad, but her character, her arc, feelings, motivations, just feel unexplored. She also hasn’t had many development moments to her, so she comes across as one-note and has relatively few speaking lines that aren’t just her providing information as a Navigator. She seems cute, sure, but even that, I’m surprised at how little her idol status is used for character interactions. Ryuji is known as a fan of the Idol Rise, yet he’s not had a single conversation with her beyond mundane pleasantries, Futaba too comes across as a fan yet the two navigators rarely seem to speak beyond navigator duties. Maybe more will come, and it isn’t as if I dislike Rise, but so far I just feel she’s been given the least actual character content of the P4 cast in the game. 
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Spider-Man: Fake Red Chapters 1-3 Thoughts
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Well this is new, in more ways than one.
 I don’t think I’ve ever posted thoughts on a manga before, Spider-Man or otherwise.
I’ve read precious little of the medium so I’m not overly familiar with a lot of it’s tropes and mannerisms, thus my post here is coming at it from a mostly Western perspective. For instance I can’t honestly say if the art is good or bad or mediocre. It seemed fine to me. Apart from one action scene I could always tell what was going on and even in the action scene in question I simply might not have been experienced enough reading right to left to follow it all.
And of course we need to account for stuff being lost in translation. I am uncertain if the intention was truly to have as many F-bombs in this manga as wound up being there.
The highly serialized nature of manga can make doing posts like this difficult as you are so often seeing a tiny slice of the story. Truth be told I’m not sure if I will be doing more posts like this in the future at all, though I do intend to keep up with this manga when I get the chance, but it’s lower on the reading list after current 616 stuff.
Anyway how about the story.
The story is interesting.
Basically rather than being about Peter Parker it’s about this teenager called Yuu. He got into a good school but struggles to keep up with the work and also has no friends, as such he skips school at times to hang out at a bouldering gym where he can practice climbing which makes him feel like Spider-Man. One day after refraining from helping a fellow student getting beaten up in an alley he finds a discarded Spider-Man costume and upon examining it at home learns it is the real Spider-Man’s costume complete with web-shooters.
Whilst wearing it in public one time citizens mistake him for the real thing and direct him towards a burning building where he helps save a young boy. Later on after seeing a classmate called Emma (whom he has a crush on) perform a particularly difficult climb at his gym (and crashing hard when talking to her) Yuu again dons the costume when Emma is kidnapped by a group of criminals. He barely survives and the next day at school Emma notices Yuu has cuts on his arm just like Spider-Man did.
Whilst all this is going on Yuu is wondering where Spider-Man has gone and Mary Jane is doing the same about Peter Parker. Her worries are alleviated after getting a phone call from a mysterious individual who seems to be pretending to Peter whilst watching the real McCoy on a video screen. Peter is in fact wandering the sewers as Venom!
I found the story pretty interesting as an AU goes. A lot of that has to do with seeing a Japanese spin on Spider-Man but one that isn’t really reinventing the wheel for the character.
Spider-Man of course has a history of Japanese interpretations. The most famous is the 1970s TV version (referred to as Supaidāman) who beyond the suit and powers bore little resemblance to the canon character. But there was also Spider-Man from the Mangaverse (a 2000s imprint that tried to capitalize on the anime and manga boom of the early-mid 2000s) and even an older 1970s Spider-Man manga which I hear was pretty bad.
I’m only vaguely familiar with all three I must admit, but from what little I know what makes Spidey Fake Red stand out is that it is not attempting to portray the world of Spider-Man from Spider-Man’s own POV and reinventing who he is as a result.
Instead by having the protagonist be an original character (with certain vague similarities to early days 616 Spider-Man) the author Yusuke Osawa can present for us a version of Spider-Man that cuts closer to the 616 version whilst still allowing himself the freedom of embellishing the story however he wants.
In a sense Fake Red is more about the broad idea of Spider-Man as opposed to specific nuances of Peter Parker but it still uses those elements to add some sparkle and intrigue to the story.
This makes a lot of sense as, and maybe I’m wrong on this, the primary audience for this manga is Japanese people and their access to translated Spider-Man comic stories I imagine isn’t that great. I mean even in America and other primarily English speaking territories we don’t have legal access to the majority of Spider-Man issues, whether they be in trade or digital format. So I’d guess the average person likely to check out this comic in Japan probably doesn’t have just general knowledge about stuff like One More Day or Superior Spider-Man.
Jump back to the 1970s though and that state of affairs would be even worse. No internet, probably no translated Marvel comics at all and with Spidey being less than 20 years old and not yet the icon he is today you can see why the original manga and TV show opted to make something mostly different from the canon to essentially introduce the character to Japanese audiences.
In 2019 though that’s not the case. Thanks chiefly to the movies Spidey is a global icon to the degree that everyone has SOME knowledge about his lore even if it is via osmosis alone.
That’s the smart thing about how the manga plays with Spider-Man lore, it has some subtle winks to deeper lore for fans but mostly it uses stuff that just about everyone knows.
Peter Parker, Aunt May, her house, Mary Jane, Jameson, the Bugle, Venom. There is even a reference to the Life Foundation and the first shot seems to be evoking the famous Spider-Man 3 image of Spidey crying on the church.
All that stuff is either present in the majority of Spider-Man media, present in recent Spidey media (the Life Foundation was in Venom 2018) or present in famous enough Spidey media. The latter would be the Spider-Man 3 reference and not for nothing but Spider-Man 3 both broke box office records and had it’s premiere in Japan so maybe it was something Japanese audiences could be relied upon to remember well enough.
In a sense by being about the idea of being Spider-Man this manga is sort of similar to Into the Spider-Verse but still very, very distinct. Yuu lacks powers, Peter Parker isn’t dead but rather missing and is set up as at least one of the major antagonists of the story.
It’s all quite different and very interesting to most AUs...and it bears mentioning much more interesting than Abramazing Spider-Man has been thus far.
I think what’s most compelling to me is that we’re seeing in a sense a typical Spider-Man status quo but with the focus shifted onto a stranger. This isn’t reinventing Spider-Man as having a giant robot or as a kind of douchebag or as a sort of ninja. Spider-Man is mostly Spider-Man, he might not live in New York (it’s unclear where this is set) and the city might generally love him (which is a situation more to make Yuu’s journey dramatic) but it’s really not a million miles away from current Spidey or 1970s Spidey or Raimi movie Spidey even.
As such the drama I think lies less in just enjoying the insanity of something so far away from canon Spider-Man or seeing how the canon will be reinterpreted and more in the tension of knowing what Yuu is going to go up against.
And I don’t just mean Venom, because there is that mysterious guy impersonating Peter. I suspect it’s Mysterio, not just because he was in FFH but also because a street sign referenced ASM 13 which was his first appearance. And this would fit in with his abilities and M.O.
So yeah this was fun and I’d recommend checking it out.
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vulpcsglaciei · 5 years
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⊰ send a heart for a specific kiss! ⊱
@kindcstguardian​ && futaba said:  Send 💔 for a interrupted kiss.
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        lately something seemed OFF. there were certain things that yusuke couldn’t understand, mostly feelings. the ones that he usually SUPPRESSED as he never really felt strong emotions for something that wasn’t directed to art. however, when even his mind was focused on something, or rather someone, he knew that something was definitely WRONG. it was simply because he didn’t notice it earlier, but upon checking his own sketchbook he finally understood what might being going on. it was that little and annoying yet cute gremlin---
         he found out that he had being sketching futaba a lot, his mind directs towards her, thinking if she is okay, what she is doing, if they are going to see each other. even focusing in school was HARD, something that yusuke never had an issue with it before. so yeah, that was supposedly what was called a... crush? yikes. why futaba from all people?! he wondered, but didn’t question it for real. they would spend a lot of time together, and he felt like futaba was able to FULLY understand them, as well as he did with her. after all, he immediately felt the need to help her and being there for her. occasionally he would hold her hand with the EXCUSE that she could get lost, even though he knows that her PANIC is not as bad as before, but it was still there and that was the perfect way to disguise WHATEVER he was feeling ( that he didn’t realize until now ).
         moving forward to the present, there she was. yusuke fully emerged into his thoughts, trying to tie the pieces together and understand himself. he felt COMFORTABLE around her and it was only normal, correct? in all honestly, he had no IDEA of what he felt as it was TRULY the first time he experimented this feeling. and it was her own VOICE the one that took him out of his thoughts. arguing again, huh? he forgot what they were talking about, finding himself deeply staring at her. yeah, he had to admit she was ANNOYINGLY cute. her voice, the way her eyes lit up whenever she talked about something she liked. everything about her was cute, even when she would argue with him puffing up her cheeks and pouting, the only thing that he wanted to do was to pull her closer and NEVER let her go. and that was exactly what he did...
          pulling her into a hug, first testing. a surprised futaba was what he expected as he wasn’t exactly paying attention, and he though beforehand that she could COMPLAIN about it, but he only thought about his next move. kissing her cheek, second testing. no negative response, probably she was surprised. probably she was trying to digest the situation or maybe she is just FROZEN. he doesn’t know, but she is not moving. “can i...?” he tried asking, but deep inside he knows that it’s useless. a BOLD move coming from him, impulsive as always, a rush of passion moving his body and taking control over it. and decisively, what he was YEARNING for so long; his lips softly pressed against hers, a soft and quick peck that was basically a third testing. but he couldn’t help himself, and even if his cheeks were a mixed shade of pink and red, his ears felt hot and his heart was basically beating out of his chest, he found himself not being able to stop. pulling her closer than before giving her a LINGERING kiss, softly, carefully, shyly moving his lips. and he was trying to INTENSIFY it as only god knew how MUCH he was wanting to do this.
          yet, it seemed like today wasn’t yusuke’s LUCKY day, as an ‘ahem’ could be listened at the back of the room. that voice... familiar, deep---- SOJIRO.
          ‘am i interrupting something?’
          well, boss. clearly you are. the artist thought, but he actually VALUATED his own life, so he startled, pushing futaba aside and DYING of embarrassment. sojiro wasn’t supposed to find them, and what even is he going to tell him?! his face was probably as red as before, and he didn’t even realize that he REFLEXIVELY was holding futaba’s hand ( who was probably so embarrassed wishing for the earth to swallow her alive ). yusuke bowed in front of sojiro, and for real he was so embarrassed that he could KNEEL and BEG for forgiveness.
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         “i-i can explain!” he didn’t even know WHAT to say. this was a situation that OBVIOUSLY he never foresaw. but hey--- at least he finally kissed the girl of his dreams.
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yyh-revival · 6 years
Alot of people draw parallels between Kurama and Kurapika, Hiei and Killua, Yusuke and Gon, Kuwabara and Leorio But no one comments on how Karasu is this weird hybrid of Ilumi and Hisoka. ( Also Sensui and Chrollo)
Wish I could help you there, but I only saw I think two seasons? Maybe one season. *shrugs* I could never get into Hunter x Hunter. I have a few theories for why, I think, but it’s all super subjective. One of my friends is the exact opposite, obsessed with HxH and unable to enjoy Yu Yu Hakusho.
If you are a fan of HxH, I strongly advise you don’t read this. These are my personal opinions on why I cannot stand the show, not a detailed analysis of the show itself or objective view of its merit. Will be under cut.
Also I am sleep deprived and potentially tipsy so this will likely not be coherent. *finger guns*
Anyway, for me, HxH always felt… too on the nose? Too Naruto-like, in a way? Here, meet Gon, he’s a super nice and friendly dude, but oh no, he has a tragic past because his dad is missing… And now he wants to be just like his dad, who is missing, so why is he emulating a dude he doesn’t know? And here, meet Killua, he’s a psychopath and he’s like 10. Instead of getting this kid a therapist the older characters around him are going to encourage him to go kill people. Oh yes, these children are also murderers. Meet Kurapika, the Kurama of the group, who is also a bishie, is low-key scary, intelligent, caring, and also has a tragic past! Yay… And Leorio… I confess I don’t know shit about him. But he probably has a tragic past.
Okay, I am probably being too harsh on this show. I know it’s beloved by many people. But the constant pushing of “tragic!! So sad!!” and “child murder! Yay!” Is just not my cup of tea. 
YYH did this way better, in my opinion. The tragedy is there, but it’s layered on slowly. Hiei, who arguably has one of the most tragic childhoods a shonen character ever experienced, doesn’t actually tell us what happened to him until the show is almost over. We get to learn who he is, what makes him tick, we get to love him, ponder about his past, get invested. Then we are given the sad. But HxH is like Naruto in the fact that it just shoves it into our face, as if to say, “hey, this character had a bad childhood, you should feel sorry for them and love them.” I just hate that. 
And Gon… that friendly optimism is just… weird? He feels 2-d to me, not like a real child. Whereas the imperfect Yusuke acts exactly as you’d expect a child in his position to act. He has daddy issues because he never had a father. He has issues with authority because his mother was awful and he never felt safe or comforted by the adults around him. He gravitates towards male role models and at the same time rejects them. He respects only one authority, Genkai, because she is the first adult who taught him what he found useful. His kindness, his empathy, all that is earned. When Yusuke tells Genkai he cares about her, when he cries over her death, we believe it and we feel it, because we saw what he was like when he didn’t care, when he didn’t have an adult to turn to. It’s like a child that had been neglected all his life who was suddenly thrust into a foster home or an orphanage where one cranky lady is done with life, so she’s honest and raw and doesn’t throw platitudes into his face, and he respects that. He gravitates to it the same way 9th grade students do to the teacher who uses swear words in class and isn’t afraid to show the Romeo and Juliet movie that has the *gasp* boobie in it. His relationship with Genkai is realistic and earned, and genuine like crazy, and when he mourns her, the first and only adult he respected, loved, and felt safe with, we all mourn with him…
But Gon? I don’t know. He just put me off from the start. He doesn’t seem to have a reason for being so damn friendly. He doesn’t seem to act like a normal human being at all. He’s just this weird 2-d cartoon that tries to kill with kindness and be just like his missing dad instead of, ya know, doing the realistic thing and having a complicated relationship with him. Like, Yusuke doesn’t hate Atsuko. But he sure does blame her for lots of things. I can interject my own childhood here, because my feelings toward family are also complicated. I know the “missing parent” thing really well because my parents lived in a different county for half of my childhood, and I can tell you, while I understood why they did it, and loved them, and appreciated with all my heart the sacrifices they made… I still did, and still do, blame them for robbing me of a normal childhood. Of robbing me of a relationship with them. Of robbing me of that mother-daughter best friend dynamic, of being able to tell them all my secrets and feel like they’re part of my life and not just distant parental figures I respect and love the way the religious love and respect their gods. And Yusuke is the same. His relationships with all the adults in his life, even some of the other kids, are complicated and layered and realistic. He knows his mother had a raw dealing having him at what, 15? But he also blames her for not doing more… Hiei, how does he feel, knowing that his mother died, instead of leaving the Glacier Village during her pregnancy or right after birth to go look for him? How does he feel knowing she stayed there, and died there? It wasn’t her fault. She was heartbroken, she was exhausted from giving birth, and she was weak and scared and alone… it’s even implied she committed suicide. And if she did, don’t you think Hiei might still feel complicated about it? Don’t you think he might feel like she should have been stronger, for him, for this small child that didn’t deserve his fate? She should have lived and left the village and searched for him! She should have looked even if she knew he was dead, if nothing else then to bury him! That’s the sort of thoughts I bet once ran through his mind…
But Gon? Nothing. Just… love for mom and idealizing dad. It’s boring, unrealistic, and I hate it.
Killua, my friend’s favorite shonen character (if not favorite anime character) of all time is literally one of my least favorite, and the only character I might have liked, Kurapika, was clearly ripping off of Kurama, whip and all included. So I just could never finish the show.
As for the Karasu question, technically, he came first, so those other characters are based on him. But from what I did actually see of Hisoka… he’s like an evil pedo (right?? I heard something like that??) clown. That’s what he is. How is he threatening? This isn’t even a rhetorical question. Creepy, maybe. But I’d just feel slightly uneased by him and then call the police if he came near me. If Karasu had his eyes on me like he did on Kurama, I’d probably shit my pants, let’s be real. 
Karasu was a sadist. He was thrilled by the “intimacy between murderer and victim.” And the scariest shit of all? You can sorta understand him. When you murder someone, you are the only person in the world to see what happens to them. You have complete control over that person. You are their god, deciding if they are worthy of life or death. It’s an urge you can theorize about, can talk about, can even understand to a degree. But Hisoka? He uh, wears clown clothes and chases Gon? Or something? He makes scary faces? Karasu doesn’t have to even show his face to be terrifying. He just has to talk about his hobbies and his beliefs. Hell, the moment she shows up you feel something is up. I saw Hisoka like, at least 10 times and I still don’t know shit bout him. Karasu had like, 3-4 speaking scenes and they all made him fucking scarier with each one. I felt like each scene with Hisoka added absolutely zero to the show. Not to mention how fucking slow it was…
I feel like having a character target your young protagonist and make creepy faces at them is just lazy. Dude is, and I know Naruto came after, but that’s the show I saw first and actually know a thing or two about (till whenever shippuden started). So dude is just like Orochimaru. Now I was never scared of that guy, I just thought he was a total creeper. To me, there were way scarier moments. Hell, even Gaara’s brother, when he like, trapped a guy inside a puppet and then blood dripped out? Was that him? Anyway, that moment was way freakier than anything Orochimaru did. Karasu’s like 3 scenes were way more psychologically scary than all of Orochimaru’s scenes put together. And I got the same vibe from Hisoka as Orochimaru. The, he’s creepy and these kids should definitely find an adult asap, and not “holy fuck that’s a mass kidnapper/rapist/torturer/murderer and holy hell I am fascinated and also terrified and holy shit Kurama run run run!” 
*shrugs* Karasu is honestly probably the scariest villain in YYH, too. Only because he enjoys torture and murder, and he explains why. And the explanation makes fucking sense and its so terrifying that I can’t
and he also doesn’t look like a clown. That’s a major plus. I’m not and never will be scared of clowns. Like… its a clown. Its colorful and does weird shit. How is that scary? No, demonic looking motherfuckers with long ass ink black hair and eyes that glow purple with glee at the thought of ripping blood curling screams out of someone in front of a giant ass audience, and lamenting that they wish they could fucking keep him and I dont know fucking fuck his corpse is that what he meant cause holy fuck!??! 
Anyway, Karasu gives me nightmares and I love him and I don’t care for HxH and I need sleep and love you all very much please don’t hate me for disliking this show I really did give it like, three separate chances. *shrugs*
- Mod Lola
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no-mo-rules · 7 years
38. “Why can’t you appreciate my sense of humor?” prompt for yusuke?
You’re not so sure this is a good idea anymore.
A gently crumpled piece of paper sits on your lap,overturned, folded, unfolded, and then re-folded again. On it is the title‘couple strengthening exercises’ and several points beneath are listed andcrossed out: go to a place you’ve never been before, cook something together, say something nice, and finally (one of the only points that is yet to be crossedout) give them something to improve on.
Yusuke has the same piece of paper in front of him.
“Surely there must be something you think I could improvein,” he says, and sure, you can thinkof some points, but you know what he’s like with criticism; you don’t want tospend the next couple of days on an adventure to improve the shortcoming youpoint out. He can be quite a perfectionist, after all, and he holds a lot ofstake in your relationship. Nothing less than perfect will suffice.
“Hm, nope. Nothing’s coming to mind.”
Yusuke sighs and brings a finger to his chin.
“When I proposed this exercise, you seemed veryenthusiastic. May I remind you these couple strengthening activities are animportant part of cultivating our healthy relationship? It would be a shame togive up before we’re finished with them.”
You nod, because you appreciate that he’s taking yourrelationship so seriously, it’s just –
“A lot of relationships that end prematurely do so becauseof a failure to communicate. I wouldn’t want our relationship to end in thesame way,” he explains. It feels a little touching, because you realise theonly reason he’s going to such lengths in the first place is because he cares somuch about you.
With a drawn-out sigh, you give in.
“Well, maybe you could appreciate my sense of humour alittle more?”
There’s a pause, and Yusuke returns to being deep inthought.
“I – I see. I think I might need you to elaborate,” he says,after thinking about it. You resign yourself to spending the next couple ofdays reassuring Yusuke that ‘it’s not a big deal’ and that he ‘you were just exaggerating’.
“Well, a lot of the time you just don’t laugh when I wantyou to. Sometimes I feel like you don’t even realise I’m joking.”
He’s thinking again.
“I see. That is entirely possible,” he mumbles. “Perhapsbefore you make a joke, you should make some sort of loud noise? That way, I’llknow to laugh at the end.”
You laugh.
“Not sure that would work, Yusuke.”
Out of the corner of your eye, you see him fiddling with thesheet of paper nervously. It makes you feel bad, because you know for a fact he’staking this a hundred times more seriously than you could ever hope to.
“Is there anything else you could suggest? I’m willing totry any of your ideas as long as they have a chance of removing obstacles fromour relationship.”
“Don’t worry about it Yusuke, it’s not a big deal.”
His face scrunches in a way that looks no less anxious thanhis hands.
“But if there’s something to improve, surely we should beginwork on it? It seems unfair to ask you to overlook such a flaw for the courseof our relationship.”
“Honestly, it’s really not that important. I’ve come toaccept that some jokes are just harder for you to pick up on.”
Suddenly, he shuffles forward and grasps your hand in-betweenboth of his.
“It is important,” he says resolutely. Determination flaresin his eyes in a way that’s equally as endearing as it is overwhelming andintimidating. “I refuse to overlook anything that has a chance of puttingdistance between the two of us.”
If you had to pick an emotion to describe the way he’s holdingonto your hand, it would probably edge around ‘frantic’ and ‘desperate.’ It’srare that Yusuke doesn’t shower your conversations with sincerity when theytrail off like this, but it always manages to surprise you. He’s got the futurein mind when it comes to you, that much is clear. Still, you can’t help but laugh.
He recoils from you a little like he’s not sure what’shappening, but you pull him back. You use your other hand to clasp his own, andlean into him to give him a kiss that he returns gladly, if not withoutconfusion.
“Don’t be stupid. As if I’d ever leave you over something asstupid as that,” you say, honestly.
He’s inclined to believe you.
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atopearth · 3 years
Brothers Conflict (Passion Pink) Part 2 - Asahina Kaname Route
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Okay, I'm not the most interested in Kaname since he feels like such a pervert lmao, but we'll see I guess loll. LOL I hate it when Kaname makes everything become so sexual, but I really like his voice so I'm confused😭 It's so cute how Ema is becoming more snarky with her responses to Kaname because he's so over the top with what he says lol. I love how Ukyo is the one who scolds Tsubaki and Kaname for troubling Ema with their incessant flirting, like geez to them lol! I love how Ukyo told Kaname to like get away from her forever😂😂 Anyway, I think I'm already kinda warming up to Kaname, just because on the dates, he's not so "crazy" about her and acts normal lol, but still really loving and sweet. I liked how he held her hand when she got a bit cold after the dolphin show, he probably knew she would be uncomfortable if he hugged her, so he did that at least and I think that was quite considerate of him considering how he usually acts haha. Lmao when the right option was to say that she wants to be like Kaname (kind and attentive), it was kinda cute how he laughed and thought she was cute for saying that hahaha.
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Aww I love the zoo one where Ema doesn't go check out Tsubaki and Azusa filming because it's a day out with Kaname and she wants to properly spend time with him because of that. Lmao when Ema got turned off on going on the rollercoaster after Kaname said it would be wonderful to hold her hand and kiss her when it gets to the highest part on the ride lolll. Well, he didn't explicitly say her but he might as well have😂 Aww, even though I thought Ema was really reckless to overdo it looking for Wataru in the rain, but I think alike Kaname, it was really nice to see that she cares so much for the brothers that she was so obstinate about finding him before caring about herself. I would have loved to see Kaname hug her~~ I agree with Kaname though, there's something about listening to the waves at night, seeing the sky and the ocean kinda merge together, and you start to think about how vast everything is and how small other things are. It really helps to calm you down, but I guess at the same time it can be unsettling though haha. Kaname is such a sweet talker to say that he would save her before she would even get scared or cry hahaha. I definitely love the more serious Kaname, there's something really mature and alluring about him when he's not joking around haha. LOL when he went over to the water and tripped over seaweed😂😂 It was so cute how he pulled her into the water too for laughing at him. OMG I DIDN'T EXPECT THAT!! I knew he was going to be corny and say that love is mightier than the pen and the sword but I honestly didn't think he would kiss her so suddenly!!! The CG is so beautiful btw. Something I wish Masaomi's route had was something like a kiss CG though, that would have been so nice, they were just so polite with each other all the time, it was kinda sad we never got to see anything more romantic, it was still cute though of course but yeah~ I'm really enjoying Kaname's route now.
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Okay, I died when Ema fed Kaname her Bento when they went to the park, like omggg that's so cute. Honestly though for Ema, regardless of whether she likes Kaname or not, I think it's a bit hard to act normal with him after he kissed her like that on the family holiday lol. Omggg, Kaname was pretty pushy, but honestly him asking if he could kiss her again and stuff was pretty hot lolll! Especially when he licked or kissed her ear or something loll omg. He's moving wayy too fast for Ema's innocent mind haha. But at least even though he's pushy, he's never really forced her to do anything, and the drive to the night view was something she was okay with going to with Kaname. But she did trust him to not overdo it and he did push her past her boundaries a bit so yeah...it was hot but also I felt bad for Ema. Okay, Kaname apologised to her, that's good. I guess her avoiding him and Iori telling Kaname how down she seemed helped him realise he might have gone a bit too far lol. Omgg when drunk Subaru pushed Ema down though, like it was hot, but I felt so bad for her because she was scared, I think Azusa comforting her after he saw them though was what made my heart melt. He's so sweet, I love Azusa😭 Anyway, ever since I checked Kaname's VA and realised that it's Suwabe Junichi (VA for Archer from Fate/stay night), I was like, no wonder why I love his voice!! Hahaha, and yes, now I like Kaname even more loll. I'm so glad Ukyo was there to hit Kaname at the cultural festival, lmao at the things he says sometimes, like seriously, super inappropriate lol. But lmao at Kaname announcing to her classmate that he's Ema's boyfriend loll.
Honey in cafe au lait?? Is that a thing??🤔 Anyway, I usually hate it when the guy is jealous and possessive, but honestly when Kaname got jealous and mad, I couldn't help but feel a bit happy because it was kinda..cute? Hahaha. On the other hand, Azusa being a bit "mad" that Kaname took Ema away was cute too, I love him loll. It's kinda interesting how Ema always thinks Kaname is playing around with her and isn't serious at all, but then she does stuff like stay over in his room hahaha, anyway, it's cute how he always says good morning to her~ When Ema asked if they could sleep together (since she couldn't sleep), I knew Kaname would find it difficult to hold himself back, but dangg, the kisses🥰🥰🥲 Awww Kaname let her use his arm as a pillow, that's actually really cute. Anyway lmao I find it hilarious that Juli the squirrel is calling her pitiful for spending Christmas Eve playing games hahahah. It's kinda cute how hardcore Ema is when it comes to games though lol. Lmaoo at Yusuke and Tsubaki's new year's wishes, they're so silly😂 It was kinda interesting to see both Ema and Kaname bury the kitten, mainly because it was nice to hear that the idea of the dead's souls/hearts returning to the side of those who think about them is a nice way to view death? Honestly though, I really want to like Kaname but his "romantic scenes" have been irking me quite a bit, especially the last one sleepover CG(?), like I really like how hot he sounds and I alwaysss get enraptured by his voice but seriously, he needs to stop lol. Like, if Ema was more receptive to his advances, I think I wouldn't be as uncomfortable but she's always telling him no and to stop it, but he just continues and says afterwards that he held himself back already. Like excuse me dude, if you held yourself back, you wouldn't be practically forcing yourself on Ema and touching her without her permission especially when she says no. Like seriously, he's the adult here! Anyway, yeah I feel like the only time I liked him was around the kiss scene lol. On the other hand, I find it interesting that Ema still thinks Kaname is just playing around with her when he's kissed her and stuff. To be fair though, he's always teasing her and he's never seriously told her his feelings in a way that she would understand as not playing with her so I'd say it's more his fault, especially since she's younger and more naive, and she considers him her brother so...
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Very Kaname-like to give Ema perfume for White Day and then tell her to only use it when she goes out with him haha. HAHAHA, I just realised I missed out on a funny zoo date where Kaname asks Ema what animal she thinks he would prefer compared to Juli, and she said it probably doesn't really matter to him because he likes human girls the most😂😂 I mean, it's nice that Ema finally realised her feelings when she saw Kaname with another girl and Tsubaki and Yusuke said he always does that and is never serious about any girl, but it was pretty random and sudden tbh lol. I feel like it could have been done better especially since most of Kaname and Ema's recent scenes have just been him "attacking" her lol. I'm glad that Tsubaki who is usually as playful as Kaname is, is now shouting at Kaname telling him to stop playing around with her if he isn't serious, because really, if she doesn't understand and think so, there's no point if he thinks he is serious. Oh wow, did Kaname just break his phone to prove that he's serious about her and won't talk to other people? Lol! Whaaat! Kaname quit being a monk and went to his mother's company?? Honestly though, I'm rather suspicious of this monk thing, like was he actually a host all along? Lol, I mean, we never actually got to see him do anything related to his work this whole entire route lol. Anyway, the kyodai/brother ending is really weird considering the flow of events and how Kaname kissed her and stuff for alllll those months, like that doesn't make sense!! Lol anyway doesn't matter. Btw, Kaname in the epilogue(?) is sooo hot in a suit, and omggg at Ukyo discovering their relationship in the worst way especially with how Kaname says stuff lol. Otherwise, the CG was niceeee 🥰
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Overall, I loveee Suwabe Junichi's voice and I really think he made Kaname a better character than he actually was lmao. Honestly, I really enjoyed the beginning of this route and I really thought I'd love their relationship because of how forward Kaname is, but I think from the middle onwards, I lost a lot of interest because of how clunky the flow of events were, and the events themselves were rather disappointing I guess. Most of the events that happened after the kiss was mostly just Kaname "teasing" Ema and a lot of them were more uncomfortable than sexy even though his voice really made me love and hate it lolll. My heart was confused haha. Kaname does a lot of things that are a bit over for me especially since Ema isn't very receptive towards it and tells him to stop but he really doesn't and touches her quiteeee a bit, so yeah I didn't like it all that much, but at the same time I could never really understand Ema either? Lol. Like, she seemed so confused throughout the route about Kaname and I feel like she only liked him because I "chose" him through the dialogue options than because she really liked him lol. I think a lot of it was just awkward, especially her revelation that she likes him, like lady, you saw him with Hikaru before too lol, but anyway their "confession" of love to each other was also pretty underwhelming considering how frustrating their relationship was throughout the route lol. Otherwise, I loved Kaname's voice and if you ignore how much he touches Ema and says so many inappropriate crap, he's actually pretty sweet and loving. I definitely prefer Masaomi overall though haha.
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