#'hey do you want a light' 'yeah alr' 'well sucks to be you then byeee' so i think vir made the right choice
networksupported · 2 years
@clickonmedotexe // X
Cas, for perhaps the first time ever in his life, chooses to remain silent.
He doesn't act like he hasn't heard it- no, he makes no attempt to hide his instinctive shudder or the fact he curls up just a little tighter, knowing there was no way to turn his back to this entity (or hallucinated entity, or entity pretending to be another entity, or whatever it may be) -attempting to simply just shield himself from as much of it as possible- but he doesn't dignify it with any kind of verbal response.
After all, what was the point?
It wasn't really Vir. It couldn't really be Vir. Vir was long-gone, long since transposed into a man Cas had spent most of his life hating and most of his death trying desperately to avoid thinking about.
(He'd long since learned that the ones he thought about were the ones he ended up hallucinating, and dealing with Rex at the best of times was just...an impossible task.
Not that this was any better, of course.)
Maybe if he just ignored it, it would leave. Maybe if he could convince himself it wasn't there, then it wouldn't be. Maybe his praying would finally be answered at some point, right?
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