#'haha we're a company making fun of this person who was a child when they legally had to work with us!'
centeris2 · 3 months
sometimes I'm minding my own business brushing my teeth and I think about that whole Raptor "name change" thing at the Spring Event and how weird it all was.
Not just from a game standpoint of throwing in a character for a single quest without doing anything other than a cut scene of him walking in and declaring his name is different now, without changing his name above his character model.
I mean the whole meta reason behind it: to apparently make fun of Jojo Siwa?
Like SSE assumed their entire player base was in on this "joke" and followed what one celebrity did, which is bizarre and not a good plan, as there was no in game build up or follow up, so it makes no sense in game.
But also like....? Really? It's like SSE wants to distance themselves and point and laugh about their partnership. But she was a minor, she didn't have a choice, Nickelodeon decided to pair SSE with Jojo instead of their horse show. She's been a child star since she was what, 10? So much of her life has been owned by other people, watched by millions. And now she's old enough to have more control in her choices and defining herself, and a former company she had no choice in partnering with decides to make her into the butt of a joke because of it.
IDK. Didn't really feel like a woman-empowering move. Sure, you may not like someone, but then don't acknowledge them? It would have cost SSE $0 to not make fun of her and never reference her again
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boxingcleverrr · 3 years
I would love to engage in your AMA Bc I’m very curious but I don’t know what to ask. So if you’re wanting and willing to talk about your experience, please take the ask as a catch-all for whatever you’d like
Oh hey can do! Especially as I've given the shorthand version in person a few times.
A very important fact is that my parents were not meant to succeed as a couple. They were both abused children of divorce who got pregnant after dating 3 months in the early 70s. My mother had already been divorced twice before she was 24. You can imagine how that made a girl feel, at that time, and how the redeeming love of Christ looked in those Spirit In The Sky days.
They got Saved in the Jesus Freak era, and for a while it was cool! Those tv evangelicals ppl make fun of now really did have an effect in that, my parents found healing after losing their second child shortly after birth. They became closer. They really saw each other. I can hate Jerry Falwell's guts while at the same time thanking him for keeping my folks together, cause they had me later, haha.
Then their first three kids got older, the school system locally in their area on NH was shitty, so they started homeschooling! They had some good friends in the area with the same ideals, so they would all get together and have schoolhouse days. This was the early 80s now, and they were just all meeting together for church in like, bible reading and singing some hymns, because there were also no non-denominational churches in the area.
But generally they were living normally. My older brothers and cousins amassed a fleet of original Star Wars toys, Care Bears, etc. We don't have them now.
In the mid-80s, right around when my mom was pregnant with me, more families joined their group. As they grew, they realized they needed to name what they were, so, A Brethren Church. At the same time, they took on this dude who was...mm. He was Ivy League, and as such used that to leverage himself, over a few years, as the church leader.
It was very much like the frog being slowly boiled. Over YEARS, he introduce doctrine that restricted the flock. Satanic Panic hit hard, and all those toys either got trashed or hidden. Christmas had become too commercialized, so we shouldn't celebrate it at all. Taking any pleasure at all in food was a sin. Peer Grouping, meaning ANY collection of young people (so sunday school, youth groups, etc) was a sin because something something "you'll only learn to be foolish in the company of fools". If you wanted to spend time with your friend, your parents had to invite their whole family over.
Whiiiiich leads right into, you want to date? SLUT! If you're interested in someone, again, you will get to know them via whole family visits, mainly. If you get engaged, then MAYBE you can spend time alone together. MAYBE.
Again, this all happened SLOWLY. By the time I was 9 and my sister was 18, the teaching came down strongly suggesting that MAYBE if they REALLY CARED, parents could lock in a match for their daughters as young as 14. Just, you know, to ensure nothing threatened God's Pure Plan.
This was a week after "Sports are Sinful" and two weeks after another "Enjoying Food Is Bad" teaching.
My dad told us "Say goodbye to anyone you'll miss, we're not coming back next week."
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reinahwanggg · 4 years
SuperDad 》 Kim Taehyung
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♡pairing: taehyung x oc ♡
♡word count: 1,962 words ♡
♡warnings: it's honestly too cute, taehee is a sweetheart, this isn't a warning but just an adherence to everyone the OC is a person of color, i'll probably make a part two to go about all the details of how taehyung and taehee handled the 48 hours without alyssa, OH and taehee cried seeing his mom leave, just about it. mentions of taehyung not being around as much as he wants to. mentions of what seems to be separation anxiety. ♡
♡genre: established relationship, dad au, idol!tae, fluff, taehee is a cutie you just wanna keep, Inspiration from the return of superman ♡
♡summary: taehyung's back from tour and ready to spend the next two days, with his son, taehee. without his mother there, of course because it's show protocol. ♡
♡a/n: i got inspired by the many dad aus i see and read, like omg they are honestly so cute. also got inspired by reading a fic/ one-shot of jaehyun being on the return of superman with his wife and child and that was the C U T E S T. hope you guys enjoy, also, i added gifs as dividers because i did this on my phone and this is kinda long. credits to all the owners of each gif used ♡
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the camera pans in on a sort of empty living room, a wolf gray sofa sat in front of the equivalently colored wall, a small black squared table is there beside it, and along it is a picture that is covered by a cute emoticon.
littered around the vast space are various cream colored tents, with camera lenses peaking out, various fingers and hands holding them. the camera then passes over to the television, sat on a small drawer, that has glass doors, littered with many DVDs and vinyls, and the seemingly 75" television is off, unsurprisingly.
it then shows the kitchen, monochromatic colors is the aesthetic it seems, as a modern black gas stove is there, with the gray smart refrigerator alongside the counter that separates the two appliances. there is a four slot toaster and a kettle on the aforementioned counter, and a little magnetic knife strips which held all the knives, tongs and spatulas that are often used. the cabinets are a brilliant pearl color, various cute stickers decorate it, some looking old and torn and others looked like they just came out the pack.
it then shows the lounge room and a bedroom respectively, before a dark room comes into view. the emcees had already asked if there was a new superman for the show, and wondered who the new family was. they adored the little height chart on the door casing, and the little furniture and things here and there. they even tried to figure out what the shelf of things were, since it was covered with another cute emoticon.
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back in the room, a little head peaks up at the sound of the doorbell ringing, looking left and right, probably trying to figure out what century it was. then the phone rang and the little human grabs the cellular device in their hands, knuckle sliding it over, and it amazes the emcees.
in the cutest voice the little human could muster, they answer the phone.
"good morning, hello?" the little guy answers in english, and the emcees are practically digging all of this up.
the voice then answers, but the words is silenced. it then shows as the hair of the tiny human bounces, the phone is dropped, footfalls are quiet, yet swift, and the door to the room opens. the tiny human can be slightly seen, and they run out, before running back to close the door.
various camera angles appear, for how fast the little one is running past everything, and the human passes the living room area, taking a left, and then a right and stands in front of the door, then he moves to the little crate beside it and sits patiently. after a few seconds, it opens, and a tall man enters the apartment with a few suitcases and a duffle bag, another cute emoticon doing it's job as it hides the man's face.
the human is practically bouncing on the crate at this point, his round, yet sharp eyes creasing up, his tiny white teeth on display as his arms frail around. the man rests down his luggage, before pretending he can't see the smaller male, and looks around for said human being.
"dad!" the small boy shouts, and the emoticon is finally off of the male's face as he smiles, the signature boxy grin his fans has come to love is on display as he picks up the little rascal, and whisper shouts a little "taehee!" just as enthusiastically as the child had to his father.
the emcees are shocked, like genuinely, you could hear it in the way they go "waaaaaa. it's bts' v!" and it switches again, showing the superstar, alongside his glowing son, and a pregnant lady beside him.
the lady is a mixture of slim and thick, her thighs all packed and gracious as it presses on the seat and shows beneath the fabric of her dress. said dress is long, with a flowy skirt and a sort of baggy top, black as the base with various flowers, colored rose pink and sky blue, along the skirt, past the waist, and some on the top. the belly she sports is a big one, and she look like she was ready to pop in no time. her hair was dark brown and kinky, with golden brown tips as the curl pattern shows perfectly, resting on her back. her light brown eyes get lost behind her lids as she smiles, her nose is scrunched up, smile lines along the eyes and her lips is outstretched, the craters in her face deepens, the dimples popping out perfectly, and the little boy shows his own.
her caramel skin glows, just like her aura is, and the boy glows equally with his honey toned skin as well, as he sits on his father's lap, both of them rubbing her stomach.
"hello everyone, i'm Kim Taehyung, aka V from BTS and this is my family."
Q: How old is your kid?
"He's two and a half years old, but if we're gonna get technical, he's 30 months."
Q: How long have you two been married?
"Four years. We've been together for five, and got married a year into the relationship because i couldn't resist her in the slightest."
"Lol, likewise."
"I told you stop saying LoL out loud lyssa. it's outdated by now."
"iT's oUtDaTeD bY nOw. i do what i want tae."
the questions and the bantering went on for another minute and a half, taehee getting in on it to, and him and his mother verbally gangs on taehyung, causing him to pout.
"we were actually kind of hesitant to be on the show. for many reasons, obviously, but mainly because we weren't sure if we wanted taehee, taesung and taeri in the public eye as yet. or at all. i wanted to show them on my own time, wanted to wait until they were old enough to understand this world to decide whether or not they wanted to be known as our children. after a while, and with the help of my hyungs, jiminie and kookie, we decided to take part in it anyways. we hope you guys take care of us."
Q: Woah, you guys are having twins?
"Haha, yes. we found out during the gender reveal that the doctor forgot to tell us we were having two babies. good thing we planned to always buy double the clothes and necessities for whenever i get pregnant. i say that because this little beast is unpredictable."
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the video then switches back to the house, with taehee and taehyung sitting on the couch, the television on, with them watching a show, taehee swaying from side to side with the music, taehyung singing along quietly, and they watch the show until lyssa exits from the room and pecks both of their foreheads, before going straight to the jù,kitchen.
she tells alexa to play an older song by her husband's group, and the intro plays as soon as the show finishes, taehee immediately running into the kitchen to help and sing along to the song. meanwhile, taehyung is in the living room, his phone in front of his face as he smiles softly, both him and the person he's seemingly on the call with is silent as they listen to the two on their seemingly daily routine.
"you want to help make the pancakes dylan?" lyssa asks in english to her son, and he peeps an excited 'yes mama' over the voice of hoseok and his rap for hold me tight.
she smiles at him, and they make the pancakes from scratch, him calling out the ingredients in english, and she helps him in pronounciation and correcting his mistakes with a chuckle and a smile. while the pancakes are frying, she kindly asks taehyung to go to the store at the end of the corner to get some hershey's cookie n creme chocolate bars and a jar of dill pickles for her cravings.
she makes sure they all eat, before getting ready and going to head out for the allocated forty eight hours set. taehee follows her like a little duckling as she slightly waddles through the living room, with a purse on her shoulder, and she shoves the car keys in the bag, before turning around and ruffling his hair.
"be a good boy for mama, okay? you get to spend two whole days with papa and your uncles! isn't that fun?" taehee does seem happy, but you can tell, deep behind his nod, he is secretly praying that alyssa doesn't go. that she stays with both of them for the two days, just like old times, but she had let him watch the show, and he knows that's not the case. when she turns to leave, taehee grabs the hem of her dress, and she turns around, meeting his sharp cognac eyes, and it looks like he was trying his best not to cry.
"oh, dee, c'mere," she starts, lifting him up in her arms as the tears finally fall. she knew her taehee as a strong boy, but there are times where he can't help, but cry. dad was always to the company or on tour for as long as taehee knew him, so he built a special relationship with his mom. he knew he promised her to be strong, and to be a big boy, for when she was going to leave, but he hopes, that two days doesn't turn into a long time, like dad sometimes does.
"now what did we discuss dee?"
"th-that i w-was gonna be a b-big boy. th-that i w-was gonna stay w-with dad un-until mama g-gets back."
"right, we did agree to that, but you look like you wanna come with me. do you want to come with me, or are you gonna make me proud and spend time with papa? he misses you, you know. every day, he calls, sometimes when you're asleep and he always tells me how he can't wait to come home and have you by his side. do you wanna let papa down? let mama down? let your uncles down? or are we gonna be a big boy and be on our best behavior to make mama, papa and uncles proud?"
"i'm gonna be a big boy. i'll stay with dad and we'll have so much f-fun mama, you'll want to come back."
"i'm sure of it dee. now, papa is in the room waiting for snuggles. you know how to work the phone, so call me whenever. okay?"
"okay mama. i love you lots!"
"i love you more than lots!"
"i love you more than your lots! have fun mama, but not too much fun or i'll be mad at you."
alyssa gasps, pouting a bit, before smiling once taehee plants a big fat kiss on her cheek and smush them together like she does to him. they smile at each other, before she rests him down, and she waves at him until she is nowhere to be seen, exiting the door and off to go about her day. taehee rushes inside the room, knocking on the door, before opening it in at the sound of 'come in' and smiles at his dad, running and climbing up the bed to lay beside his dad as he talks to uncle jin.
"oh, it's little tae! how's it going buddy?" jin asks, from the other side of the phone, and taehee smiles, the dimples making another appearance, before answering his uncle. taehyung looks at his son, eyes glimmering with pure love, as he thinks that he can finally spend time with his son.
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starliightxo · 3 years
JAPAN INTERVIEW - Amelia Collins
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what’s your star sign? (I'm gonna skip these cause irdk for my next gens)
what’s your favourite holiday? New year's!
what colour are your eyes? Hazel
if i went on to your spotify right now, your most played song would be what? Airplanes by myself & Maverick
do you read much? Does music count?
where did you grow up? All over the place really. Mainly VS when I started high school but during vacations and the younger years, it was LA
when it comes to siblings; are you oldest, middle, youngest or only child? only child
what were you like in high school? I think I was a louder personality back in school. I think most would say I was the school sl*t but there's so much more to someone than their promiscuity. I was the girl who threw a lot of your parties but at school I kept myself to myself more.
if you could be any magical creature, what would you be? A Phoenix cause they're just super cool
where is your happy place? The studio
can you tell us about a hobby you have that has NOTHING to do with your career? It kinda has nothing to do with my career and kinda does at the same time but the guys from the band are teaching me to play guitar. I'll never be on their level or good enough to perform or record it but it's so fun jamming with them and learning more about their side.
which academy do you attend? Diamond Bridge
do you have a routine that gets you in the right frame of mind for work? Warming up with the band is my favourite thing. Messing around while they tune the instruments and make fun of my vocal warm ups. Just genuinely being silly with them and then all of a sudden something will switch and we'll be in full on inspiration and work mode
can you give us some insight into your next big project? We're (Paramore) are writing a lot at the moment so the next release will probably be something super new that we haven't even finished yet but definitely from us rather than a solo or colab project like Airplanes.
if you weren’t at a talent academy, what occupation would you be working towards? I really wanted my own business kinda like my mum and my grandparents before her, but not a club. Close family friends had their own record company so maybe something like that. I definitely would have loved to have had my own recording studio though.
are you a ‘work hard, play hard’ or a ‘work hard, sleep hard’ type? Weirdly both? But more work hard, play hard.
what’s your proudest moment in your career so far? It might sound minor but every time I'm backstage listening to the intro of our set, seconds from walking in stage is the best moment ever. Every time. Also any moment I get recognised by a fan as Amelia from Paramore rather than Aemlia; Gisele the famous actress' daughter
do you remember where you were when you realised you were accepted into your academy? I was in the Dean's office at Diamond Bridge because he told me face to face
did you get rejected from any academies? do you care anymore? I don't care, I ended up exactly where I wanted to be
what is your DREAM achievement? Out doing my mum's music career
finish the sentence: “when it comes to my career, my goal is to make sure that...” I'm enjoying myself as much as possible
are you single or taken? Taken
what’s your snapchat score? I don't use snapchat
read us your last received text... omg it's so boring. I just got an "alright" from my boyfriend while we made plans
would you ever date a fan? People are people lmao
how could somebody go about getting your attention? Be creative and avoid cliches
have you ever stalked an exes socials? No
have you ever stalked an exes new partners socials? No
which song best describes your last crush or relationship? Idk I like come & get it
have you ever used tinder? Yeah but not for relationships haha
who on tour would you most like to see naked? My boyfriend but to make it a more interesting answer then Aurora
who’s the most annoying person on tour? Jay
which person on tour would you NOT let your hypothetical son or daughter date? Maverick
what’s the grossest thing you’ve ever done? It's definitely a person but I won't name them
have you ever peed in the shower? If you say no then you're lying
who is one person on tour that you trust more than anything? Jay
what kind of drunk are you? Extravagantly all over the place
if you could spend a day inside one movie, which would it be and why? Something full of action
if you could have any piece of music play whenever you entered a room, what would it be? The next episode - Snoop Dogg
everybody has ONE word tattooed on their head that most describes who they are, what does yours say? Mess
if i came round your house for a dinner date, what would you cook me? The ultimate burger
do you have any guilty pleasures or weaknesses? One direction 😬
say a word that you HATE the sound of... princess
what is one country you have no desire to visit that other people do? Probably home lol I'm over London
if you could rename yourself, what would your name now be? I wouldn't, amelia means too much in my family.
if these were your famous last words, what would you say? Fuck this.
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erismerald · 5 years
MY NEW ROAD - Chapter 1
» Older Daniel Diaz x reader 
» Warnings: mature, romance, blood, gang                                             
Chapter 2
» So i was hoping i could read something about daniel diaz, at the end of 5 ep, and as i was sick of waiting,  so i decided to write a long short about older daniel diaz, so let's go :)
And there I was, in this moment  i was terrified, I could I feel my blood coming out of my belly, it hurts a lot... I couldn't breathe, or think, to be honest I didn't know what to do... Who is he? Why is he here? For a few seconds i felt my body being lifted up.
" Y/N ? Oh please wake up... ahhh SEAN!!!!"
I recognized this voice, but I just let my eyes close, I felt my body fall asleep.
So HI!! My name is y/n, im 17 and right now I'm living on my own in Mexico, more property in puerto lobos.
I'm a very simple girl, I grew up in LA with my grandparents, I never met my parents, and during my life, my grandparents never told me about their daughter, they just told me that she had abandoned me when I was Little, and as for my father, they didn't know who she was, so I never really cared about that.
I've been living here for about six weeks,I study in a small americam school, near here. I'm loving living here I never thought, that a dream I had since I was little would come true so soon, I decided to live here, because I love Mexican culture and not to mention that living by the beach never tires anyone, and I still have the privilege of seeing the sunset disappear into the waves...
Since I was a child I was very shy and I don't know how to express myself to others anht this is the reason why I've not be able to make friends in this new school yet, I feel ashamed when they look at me or try to talk to me, it's complicated, however, I've always managed to make some friends in LA, people I talk to almost every single day.
it's already 7 am i think i should be preparing for school but i think laziness has won ahaha, I got up and tried to take as little time as possible, I don't want to be late again or Ms. Lopez will kick me out of her class again.
I was new to that school and it wasn't the first time I was late, which I can say I love sleeping, but I have to work harder to make sure that doesn't happen, and I'm going to start right now haha.
I tried to take as little time as possible, of course that for me it's kind of impossible, because, I still had to take a shower before going, but I think at least I won't be late this time, I look at the clock and OMG is already 7:50 and the classes start at 8:00, ahhhhh how will I get to school in 10... Afff so much effort for nothing, well at least I can still get to the beginning of the first class.
On the way to school, I saw him again... I think his name is Daniel, he's from my class but I never talked to him before, and to be honest, I never had the courage to talk to him, well... not only with him, I think with everyone in general, so far I haven't made any friends, except the lady from the apartment next door, and we only talk on Sundays, because we have the same way when we go to church.
  I think I've been looking at him too long... why do I say that? He's looking at me right now. I can't deny it he's beautiful... he's so mysterious, but from what I've seen of him, at school he's very fun, reserved, but fun.
I felt him staring at me, which made me completely ashamed, and my only option for not having to talk to him was to hit him and not, to look at him as I passed by, even with my back to him his gaze managed to make me feel a huge chill, but it's a good thing that I'm already arriving at school.
For real I didn't know what to tell him anyways.
When i arrived at school i came across Ms.Lopez on the way. And I think it was at this moment that I realized I was completely fucked up, I tried to go unnoticed, but without success.
And when I turned back I only saw her ferocious gaze directed at me.
"Miss l/n shouldn't be in class already. Preferably sitting at your desk waiting for me." - she looked at me with a deadly look on her face
"oh I finally find you y/n, thx for waiting for me, and here you have your Spanish book that you lent me." He looked at me and winked at me, so that I could continue with the theater.
"O-of course I do, Daniel, there's nothing to be thankful for" he stands next to me and takes my hand. And he gave me the book, I felt my heart go off a thousand an hour...When I lifted my face I saw his eyes glued on me, why did he protect me?
"Is that why you were late?" She looked at me and then at Daniel, I felt the anger in her eyes
"yes i decided to wait for daniel" i smiled at her, and i felt daniel put himself behind me
"Vamos, no te enojes con ella, maestra. Sólo fue esta vez (Come on, don't get mad at her, teacher. It was just this time .)" Daniel grabbed my shoulders and spoke, I saw Ms. Lopez calm her eyes and take a deep breath.
"Hum being so, i let you pass your delay this time you two have 5 minutes to introduce you in my class, and miss L/N thank the boy Daniel for helping her " his voice was calm now but his words were cold.
She continued on her way to the classroom, and I hear Daniel laughed
"You're welcome!" daniel said as my body moved, his voice was now hoarse, I sounded hypnotized by the voice of him.
"T-thank you for helping me." I tried to be short and quick in my answer. I was so nervous and idk why.
"let's go to class before Ms. Lopez decides to murder us, because we're late" daniel just went on her way but stopped 3 steps ahead of me.
"will have to pull you?" he laughs softly and throws a half smile, my heart, jumped a beat when i saw that smile.
"Y-yes" I just followed him.... When we arrived in the room each one sat in his seat, but for some reason, Daniel kept looking at me and it made me nervous for the rest of the time.
During the rest of the day, everything went as usual, except for the failed attempt by me to escape Daniel's gaze, I  don't know what he was looking for in me, but I think I managed to make him lose interest for a while. I think.
When I finally rang the exit bell, I was the first to leave for the first time, I didn't want to know anything else, I just wanted to get home and enjoy being alone.
When I walked through the school gate, I took a deep breath and tried to rearrange my ideas, how can something as simple as talking to a person make me so nervous?
I'll speed up the walk and look at the sky and then at the sea at the end of the street to calm myself down. I didn't understand what was going on this day but I just asked it to end quickly. Yeah, to tell you the truth, I've never had a boy look at me for so long, am I getting a crush on him? AHHHHH well  I hope not.
When I was almost at home, I felt a chill on my back and soon I could be able to realized what was happening....
"Are you trying to avoid me?" Not that voice, not again.
I turned slowly and there he was, did he follow me? When I looked at him I felt my face boiling with shame.
"Did the Cat eat your tongue?" he looked at me and laughed, and began to approach me.
I tried to ignore to not have to answer, I really suffered from many anxiety problems and did not know what to do in these situations.
"okay i got you, you don't want to talk to me don't worry" he looked at the floor and his cheerful expression went to sadness
"well see you tomorrow at school" when he was going to turn around and continue on his way i screamed
He turned to me and smiled... OH God that smile was so sweet
"I thought you weren't gonna answer ahaha."
"I'm not ignoring you, or avoiding you...I'm just too shy to talk" I couldn't face his eyes so I just looked at the ground.
"Are you sure? I didn't want to get into it with Ms Lopez, but I knew if I didn't, she'd kick you out of her class" when I looked up I came across the most beautiful smile I'd ever seen.
It made me blush, involuntarily, I didn't know what to say.
"thank you...and it's okay, I'd be kicked out if it wasn't for you too, so thank you for helping me."
"You're welcome, I've always seen you being very shy with everyone and you don't seem to be the kind of person who would be late on purpose, well, I won't take up your time. See you tomorrow"
he said with a perverse smile on his face
"Oh and if tomorrow you want company for the school I can wait here for you".
I didn't have time to say anything else I just agreed and entered the building.
When I got home I lay on the couch, looking at the ceiling, trying to see what had happened, I didn't notice it, but I felt my body tired and ended up falling asleep.
"Daniel... Something about him attracted me...'
I opened my eyes very slowly, I looked at the window and it was already dark, I picked up my phone and turned it on, I had 5 unanswered calls from my grandmother, this was strange she didn't call me so often
I dialed her number and called...
"y/n honey is you?"
"yes Grandma, what's going on?  I'm sorry I was so tired that I fell asleep and didn't hear you call".
Without telling me anything else she felt like she was crying, but what happened to make my grandmother cry she hardly ever does, and when I say that she doesn't, it's because it's rare.
"Honey, I have something to tell you... Your mother is looking for you," those words left me unanswered, my mother?
Couldn't be, my mother abandoned me 16 years ago, for me she died... I started crying, that person who abandoned me 16 years ago, now its looking for me why? I had so many questions in my mind, I couldn't talk to anybody, I just need some time.
"honey are there? Y/n?" My grandmother called me...
"I'm sorry Grandma, I need to think a little, I'll call you later."
"darling no-" i hung up on her, i don't like to do this but i need time to process
I got up, grabbed my jacket and went out towards the beachWhen I got there I sat down on the sand, and watched the sea, and the waves coming at me, I didn't want to believe that my mother was looking for me, if she hadn't wanted me in 16 years, she wouldn't want me now.... Now I did not even want her back
At that moment I felt that I was not alone there, I turned around and saw a group of people coming towards me.
I got up quickly and tried to get out of there, but it was too late.
Fear sometimes makes us irrational, and at this moment I did not know what to do, I did not know how to react, I was scared, I felt one of the men grabbing me by the arms, and attached me to his body
"hey you, don't move so much kittens, let's talk"
The second man spoke and stood in front of me, and grabbed my face forcing me to look at him.
"so you're the Diaz little princess aren't you?" I wasn't noticing anything, I just tried to get away but without success, I wonder what would happen to me...
I tried to fight and I tried to let go, but unfortunately I only did worse, he pressed himself behind my back and won't let me go.
"Let's teach that boy a lesson, that's what he and his brother will pay to judge us dumb."
One of them pulled a knife out of his waist and approached me...
I started screaming, and crying madly, I was now completely scared.
At that very moment, I felt the blade pierce my skin... I didn't know what to do, I just tried to struggle
But when I turned my head, there he was, out of nowhere, the people around me were thrown away, I felt my body fall into the sand...
And there I was, in this moment  i was terrified, I could I feel my blood coming out of my belly, it hurts a lot... I couldn't breathe, or think, to be honest I didn't know what to do... Who is he? Why is he here? For a few seconds i felt my body being lifted up.
" Y/N ? Oh please wake up... ahhh SEAN!!!!"
I recognized this voice, but I just let my eyes close, I felt my body fall asleep...
But to be honest I felt my body warm, from this moment on, it just got dark.
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