#'eddie is the moon because bats and silver' this and 'chrissy is the sun because blonde and gold' that
rose-n-gunses · 4 months
Hellcheer are the moon and sun btw just not in the ways you might think
🌙 Chrissy is the moon, actually, a part of her always concealed to everyone but the sun, waxing and waning with the seasons - some days she's fully there and some days she's the smallest version of herself and some days she's not there at all (but she always comes back). She's glowing and beautiful and everyone loves her for it but it's another entity's light she's reflecting (she's still learning how to shine on her own). People love her for her calm nature but forget that she also has the strength to create tides that can destroy you with a single wave.
☀️ Eddie is the sun, burning hot and bright and loud. People frequently find him hard to handle for long periods of time (or at all) and generally desire some degree of separation. He has his ups and downs but he's always there, and people silently fear the distant implosion they feel is inevitable. He's intense and relentless, yes, but people also lose sight of the fact that he's also nurturing and warm. When he's mellowed out he's thoughtful and caring. He inspires and gives light and life to those that truly appreciate him, brings excitement and energy to his surroundings.
(So it's a good thing that Chrissy's favorite season is summer and Eddie's always been a night owl)
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